A Maturity Model For Assessing Industry 4.0 Readiness and Maturity of Manufacturing Enterprises

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A Maturity Model for Assessing Industry 4.0 Readiness and Maturity of

Manufacturing Enterprises

Article  in  Procedia CIRP · December 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.07.040


409 10,613

3 authors:

Andreas Schumacher Selim Erol

TU Wien Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt


Wilfried Sihn
TU Wien


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Procedia CIRP 52 (2016) 161 – 166

Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable & Virtual Production

A maturity model for assessing Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity of

manufacturing enterprises
Andreas Schumachera,b*, Selim Erolb, Wilfried Sihna,b
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH, Theresianumgasse 7, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Vienna University of Technology, Institut of Management Science, Theresianumgasse 7, 1040 Vienna, Austria

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-1-58801-33046; fax: +43-1-58801-33094; E-mail address: andreas.schumacher@fraunhofer.at


Manufacturing enterprises are currently facing substantial challenges with regard to disruptive concepts such as the Internet of Things, Cyber
Physical Systems or Cloud-based Manufacturing – also referred to as Industry 4.0. Subsequently, increasing complexity on all firm levels
creates uncertainty about respective organizational and technological capabilities and adequate strategies to develop them. In this paper we
propose an empirically grounded novel model and its implementation to assess the Industry 4.0 maturity of industrial enterprises in the domain
of discrete manufacturing. Our main goal was to extend the dominating technology focus of recently developed models by including
organizational aspects. Overall we defined 9 dimensions and assigned 62 items to them for assessing Industry 4.0 maturity. The dimensions
“Products”, “Customers”, “Operations” and “Technology” have been created to assess the basic enablers. Additionally, the dimensions
“Strategy”, “Leadership”, Governance, “Culture” and “People” allow for including organizational aspects into the assessment. Afterwards, the
model has been transformed into a practical tool and tested in several companies whereby one case is presented in the paper. First validations of
the model’s structure and content show that the model is transparent and easy to use and proved its applicability in real production

2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier B.V.is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable & Virtual Production Conference.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable & Virtual Production Conference 2016
Keywords: Industry 4.0; Maturity Model; Strategic Management; Change Management

1. Introduction seen on the organizational-economic level, e.g. Lean

Management, on the manufacturing technology level, e.g.
Manufacturing companies around the world are facing Laser technology, additive manufacturing, robotics [2] on the
substantial challenges due to recent environmental, societal, material level, e.g. semi-conductors, nano materials, carbon
economic and technological developments. To meet these fibres, thin-films, biomaterials [3], on the information
challenges manufacturing companies of the future will need technology level, e.g. RFID, embedded systems. All these
capabilities for managing their whole value-chain in an agile advances have led to significant but isolated gains in process
and responsive manner. Companies will need virtual and efficiency and product quality.
physical structures that allow for close cooperation and rapid Hence, for decades to come both academics and
adaption along the whole lifecycle from innovation to practitioners envision significant efficiency gains mainly
production and distribution [1]. through consequent digital integration and intelligentization
Current state-of-the-art in production technology can be [4] of manufacturing processes [5]. Accordingly, integration
described as mainly driven by increasing efficiency regarding will need to take place on horizontal level (across all
manufacturing processes. However, this focus of advances in participants in the entire value-chain) and on vertical level
manufacturing efficiency takes place on the individual firm (across all layers of automation). Fully integrated and
rather than on the whole supply chain. Advances can also be networked factories, machines and products then will be able

2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable & Virtual Production Conference 2016
162 Andreas Schumacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 52 (2016) 161 – 166

to act in an intelligent and partly autonomous way that 2. Existing maturity and readiness models in relevant
requires minimal manual interventions [6]. domains
Recent concepts such as the Internet of Things, Industrial
Internet, Cloud-based Manufacturing [7] and Smart In general, the term “maturity” refers to a “state of being
Manufacturing address these requirements in part and are complete, perfect, or ready” [11] and implies some progress in
commonly subsumed by the visionary concept of a Fourth the development of a system. Accordingly, maturing systems
Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) [8]. Industry 4.0 refers to (e.g. biological, organizational or technological) increase their
recent technological advances where the internet and capabilities over time regarding the achievement of some
supporting technologies (e.g. embedded systems) serve as a desirable future state. Maturity can be captured qualitatively
backbone to integrate physical objects, human actors, or quantitatively in a discrete or continuous manner [12].
intelligent machines, production lines and processes across Maturity models are commonly used as an instrument to
organizational boundaries to form a new kind of intelligent, conceptualize and measure maturity of an organization or a
networked and agile value chain. process regarding some specific target state. Labelled
It is obvious that such a far reaching vision will lead to an synonymously are readiness models with the goal to capture
increased complexity of manufacturing processes on the the starting-point and allow for initializing the development
micro and macro level [9]. Especially small- and medium process. We understand the difference between readiness and
sized manufacturing companies are uncertain about the maturity in the matter that readiness assessment takes place
financial effort required for the acquisition of such new before engaging in the maturing process whereas maturity
technology and the overall impact on their business model. assessment aims for capturing the as-it-is state whilst the
Experiences from several strategic orientation workshops maturing process. In the production domain recent readiness
[10] with various companies have shown that companies have and maturity models have been proposed for example in
serious problems to grasp the overall idea of Industry 4.0 and energy and utility management [13], in eco design
particular concepts hereof. On the one hand, they are not able manufacturing [14] or lean manufacturing [15]. With regard
to relate it to their specific domain and their particular to the domain of Industry 4.0 the following models and tools
business strategy. On the other hand, they experience for assessing readiness or maturity have been published:
problems in determining their state-of-development with
regard to the Industry 4.0 vision and therefore fail to identify Table 1. Existing Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity models.
concrete fields of action, programs and projects. To overcome Model Name Institution/ Assessment Approach
growing uncertainty and dissatisfaction in manufacturing Source
companies regarding the idea of Industry 4.0, new methods IMPULS – Industrie VDMA, Assessment in 6 dimension
and tools are needed to provide guidance and support to align 4.0 Readiness (2015) RWTH including 18 items to indicate
Aachen, IW readiness in 5 levels; barriers
business strategies and operations.
Consult 16] for progressing to the next
In this paper we will describe the results of a recent stage are defined as well as
research effort where we developed a maturity model and a advice how to overcome
related tool to systematically assess manufacturing them
companies’ state-of-development in relation to the Industry Empowered and Lanza et al. Assessment of Industry 4.0
4.0 vision. Our maturity model serves both a scientific and a Implementation [17] maturity as a quick check and
practical purpose. The scientific purpose aims at gaining solid Strategy for Industry part of a process model for
4.0 (2016) realization; gap-analyses and
data about the current state of manufacturing companies and
toolbox for overcoming
their Industry 4.0 strategies to extract potential success maturity-barriers are
factors. The practical purpose of this work aims at enabling a intended; no details about
company to rigorously evaluate their own Industry 4.0 items and development
maturity and reflect the fitness of current strategies. process offered
The paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we discuss Industry 4.0 / Digital Pricewater- Online-self assessment in 6
existing maturity or readiness models in the relating domain Operations Self houseCoop dimensions; focus on digital
Assessment (2016) ers [18] maturity in 4 levels;
and derive our research contribution. Followed by section 3
application as consulting tool
where our concepts of organizational maturity are described as fee for assessment is
as well as the framework to develop the Industry 4.0 Maturity required in 3 of the 6
Model. In Section 4 we introduce the resulting model and dimensions; no details about
details about the procedure to assess maturity. In section 5 we items and development
process offered
outline first findings from a preliminary evaluation by
discussing the results of a case study conducted in a
manufacturing company. Finally, in section 6 we conclude The Connected Rockwell Maturity model as part of a
about main findings, limitations of the model and define Enterprise Maturity Automation five-stage approach to realize
Model (2014) [19] Industry 4.0; technology
future research.
focused assessment in 4
dimensions; no details about
items and development
process offered (white paper)
Andreas Schumacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 52 (2016) 161 – 166 163

I 4.0 Reifegradmodell FH – Assessment of maturity in 3 The experts interviewed (duration of around 60min following
(2015) Oberösterre dimensions including 13 pre-defined open questions) supported our initial assumptions
ich [20] items for maturity indication;
maturity is assessed in 10
regarding the problems when implementing Industry 4.0 in
levels; no details about items practice:
and development process
offered (development process x Companies perceive the concepts of Industry 4.0 as highly
not finished) complex with no strategic guidance offered
x Companies lack a clear idea of Industry 4.0 resulting in
We want to acknowledge that the development of the uncertainty regarding benefits and outcomes
readiness model “IMPULS – Industrie 4.0 Readiness” is x Companies fail to assess their own capabilities in Industry
based on a comprehensive dataset and details about 4.0 which restrains from taking any coordinated measures
dimensions, items and the approach to assessment are offered.
The model is scientifically well grounded and its structure and In a next step we performed extensive systematic literature
results explained in transparent manners. The other research in German and English literature on maturity models
approaches listed in table 1 offer less details regarding the resulting in more than 3400 findings. At the time we carried
development process, structure and assessment-methodology out the literature research we found no similar model that is
and therefore no base for detailed comparison. Other models applicable on the domain of Industry 4.0 has been published.
and tools we found do not offer any details regarding structure However, the comparison of existing models in other domains
and content and are therefore not listed. suggests a design strategy where the basic architecture of
Our Industry 4.0 Maturity Model presented in this work already successfully tested assessment tools serves as a
aims for an extension of existing models and tools through its starting point for designing our new model. We considered 72
strong focus on organizational aspects. Moreover, we aimed works on maturity models for further analyses, as they offer
for transforming the abstract concepts of smart manufacturing relevant frameworks or practically tested assessment tools.
into items that can be measured in real production From these works we derived concepts relevant for the
environments. Finally, we intentionally offer detailed structure of our model, e.g.: the maturity levels (commonly 5
information about the models structure and the assessment levels whereby 1 is the lowest), the dimensions (maturity
procedure to ensure transparency for the enterprises applying assessed in 4 to 16 dimensions), the mode of assessment (self-
our tool. assessment or through external auditor) or the mode of
representation (numerical representation commonly visualized
3. Background and methodology using radar charts). With the help of concept mapping
techniques, we extracted characteristics of existing maturity
With regard to the envisioned Fourth Industrial Revolution, models and evaluated them for their applicability for our
we understand maturity of an industrial enterprise as the state model and domain.
of advancement of internal and external conditions that In phase two of the development procedure the overall
support Industry 4.0’s basic concepts such as the vertical and design of the model, the maturity items as well as maturity
horizontal integration of manufacturing systems and levels and their characteristics were defined. Thereby, we
enterprises as well as the digital integration of engineering used the official recommendations for implementing Industry
across the entire value chain. 4.0 from the German Government [23] as a basis and included
The framework methodology we have used to develop our scientific works, studies and reports as well the experience
model is based on Becker’s step-by-step process for the from our orientation workshops. We defined a total of 62
development of maturity models [21] which has a strong maturity items that are unequally grouped into nine
theoretical foundation in Hevner’s design science approach organizational dimensions.
[22] and offers a rigorous methodology. Following Becker’s Once we completed the development, the third phase
procedure, a multi-methodological development approach was contained transformation of the model into a practically
carried out including a systematic literature research and usable tool and the conceptualization of an adequate media for
review, expert interviews, conceptual modelling and distribution. Finally, we employed the assessment tool in two
validations as well as testing of the new model in the field. industrial enterprises to validate it for real-life application and
We carried out a development procedure that includes collect feedback for further improvements.
three distinct phases. An initial phase to create complete
understanding of the domain of Industry 4.0, a core 4. Industry 4.0 Maturity Model
development phase to design and architect the model’s
structure as well as a practically applicable tool and an In order to facilitate different analyses of Industry 4.0
implementation phase to validate the resulting tool in real life maturity, the proposed model includes a total of 62 maturity
application. The first steps contained the evaluation of domain items which are grouped into nine company dimensions.
complexities and a gap analysis of existing maturity models Table 2 provides an overview on the dimensions together with
applicable to assess Industry 4.0 maturity. Semi-structured some exemplary items to support understanding.
interviews conducted with practitioners and researchers
assisted at determining the underlying problem and the
validation of our research effort as a solution to the problem.
164 Andreas Schumacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 52 (2016) 161 – 166

Table 2. Dimensions and maturity items of Industry 4.0 Maturity Model. questionnaire’s representability and the maturity model’s
Dimension Exemplary maturity item accuracy. Responses to the questionnaire then serve as data-
input for the software tool to calculate and represent the
Strategy Implementation I40 roadmap, Available resources for
realization, Adaption of business models, … maturity level.
From the expert interviews we found that not all items seem
Leadership Willingness of leaders, Management competences
and methods, Existence of central coordination for
to have the same importance for developing towards a mature
I40, … enterprise in the sense of Industry 4.0. For example, in the
dimension “Technology” the “existence of modern
Customers Utilization of customer data, Digitalization of
sales/services, Costumer’s Digital media competence,
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)” might
… have a different contribution to Industry 4.0 maturity than the
item “utilization of mobile devices”. Therefore, expert ratings
Products Individualization of products, Digitalization of
products, Product integration into other systems, … where included into the development procedure to find out the
item’s maturity-contribution on the one hand, and to validate
Operations Decentralization of processes, Modelling and
simulation, Interdisciplinary, interdepartmental
the maturity item’s practical meaningfulness on the other
collaboration, … hand.
E-mail based distribution of 123 questionnaires to
Culture Knowledge sharing, Open-innovation and cross
company collaboration, Value of ICT in company, … practitioners and researchers resulted in 23 responses.
Practical importance of each maturity items was rated on a
People ICT competences of employees, openness of
employees to new technology, autonomy of
Likert-scale reaching from “not important” (rating = 1) to
employees, … “very important” (rating = 4). For example, the item
“Existence of modern Information and Communication
Governance Labour regulations for I40, Suitability of
technological standards, Protection of intellectual
Technology (ICT)” was rated with an average importance of
property, … 3.5 out of 4 whereas “utilization of mobile devices” was rated
with 3.2. The overall-average of the 23 ratings for 62 items is
Technology Existence of modern ICT, Utilization of mobile
devices, Utilization of machine-to-machine 3.2 out of 4 which supports the meaningfulness of the model’s
communication, … content.
I40…Industry 4.0, ICT…Information and Comm. Technology
In a next step the maturity level (MD) of each dimension
results from calculating the weighted average of all maturity
The evolution path each item undergoes five maturity levels items (MDIi) within its related dimension. The weighting-
where level 1 describes a complete lack of attributes factor (gDIi) equals the average importance rating from all 23
supporting the concepts of Industry 4.0 and level 5 represents experts for each item. The maturity level is calculated using
the state-of-the-art of required attributes. Measuring, the following Formula:
determining and representing the enterprise’s maturity follows D…Dimension
a three-step procedure (Figure 1) which we integrated in an σ௡௜ୀଵ ‫ܯ‬஽ூ௜ ‫݃ כ‬஽ூ௜ I…Item
easy-to-handle, software-supported tool. ‫ܯ‬஽ ൌ g…Weighting Factor
σ௡௜ୀଵ ݃஽ூ௜ n…Number of Maturity Item
Measurement of Calculation of Representation and
maturing items maturity level in visualization of
in enterprise via
nine dimensions
maturity via maturity
As maturity models tend to fail if they are too complex thus
questionnaire software supported report and radar charts practical not applicable, we adjusted the level of detail and
mode of representation to practical needs of industrial
Fig. 1. Three step procedure to assess Industry4.0 maturity. companies. Therefore, we transformed our model into an
easy-to-use assessment tool that can be used by companies to
Evaluation of maturity through the maturity items within an self-assess their Industry 4.0 maturity. After receiving
enterprise is conducted by using a standardized questionnaire responses to the questionnaire (e.g. questionnaire integrated
consisting of one closed-ended question per item. Each into a webpage), the answers are processed in software
question requires an answer to a Likert-scale reaching from 1- supported manners and the results are automatically
“not distinct” to 5- “very distinct”. For example, for the item calculated and summarized in a compact maturity report
“Implementation of an Industry 4.0 roadmap” in the consisting of eleven pages. The first pages of the report
dimension “Strategy” the question reads as shown in Table 3. contain the maturity dashboard depicting all maturity levels in
nine dimensions at-a-glance, followed by determinations and
Table 3. Exemplary question to measure a maturity item. definitions of the maturity levels and their characteristics.
Finally, the detailed results of the items in the nine
External Question 1 2 3 4 5
dimensions are presented and serve as the bases for strategic
Do you use a road map for the decisions and the definition of specific projects and programs.
planning of Industry 4.0 activities
In order to evaluate the content and structure of our model, as
in your enterprise?
well as for testing practical usability of the assessment tool,
1…Not implemented, 5…Fully implemented we conducted two case studies in industrial enterprises. The
results of one case-study are presented in the next chapter.
It is important to stress that the questionnaire can only be
answered properly, if all respondents have a basic
understanding of the concepts of Industry 4.0. External
consulting or group sessions can therefore increase the
Andreas Schumacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 52 (2016) 161 – 166 165

5. Case-study in Industrial Enterprise ‫ܯ‬ଵூଵ (Utilization of an I4.0 roadmap) = 1; ሺ݃ଵூଵ ሻ = 3,2

‫ܯ‬ଵூଶ (Availability of resources) = 3; ሺ݃ଵூଶ ሻ = 3,5
In the following, results obtained from a case-study with an ‫ܯ‬ଵூଷ (Comm. and Docum. of I40-activites) = 1; ሺ݃ଵூଷ ሻ = 3,0
Austrian manufacturing enterprise with around 400 ‫ܯ‬ଵூସ (Suitability of business models) = 4; ሺ݃ଵூସ ሻ = 2,9
employees which designs and manufactures aerospace ‫ܯ‬ଵூହ (Strategy for digital transformation) = 3; ሺ݃ଵூହ ሻ = 3,4
components and test equipment are presented. To ensure ‫ܯ‬ଵூ଺ (Alignment of I40 with comp.-vision) = 4; ሺ݃ଵூସ ሻ = 3,4
accuracy of results, we have chosen an organization that
already is engaged in Industry 4.0 and therefore possesses The relating weighting factors ሺ݃஽ூ௜ ሻ are also presented in the
required basic knowledge and understanding about its basic respective line of the item. Using the formula presented
concepts. earlier, the maturity of the dimension “Strategy” ሺ‫ܯ‬ଵሻ is now
The company received a questionnaire per e-mail to allow calculated resulting in an maturity-level of 2,7 out of 5.
for reflected assessment of their internal situation on their
೔సభ ெభ಺೔ ‫כ‬௚భ಺೔ ଵ‫כ‬ଷǡଵାଷ‫כ‬ଷǡହାଵ‫כ‬ଷǡ଴ାସ‫כ‬ଶǡଽାଷ‫כ‬ଷǡସାସ‫כ‬ଷǡସ
own time. Although self-assessment of the maturity items is a ‫ܯ‬ଵ ൌ ൌ = 2,7
೔సభ ௚భ಺೔ ଷǡଵାଷǡହାଷǡ଴ାଶǡଽାଷǡସାଷǡସ
valid method and easy to conduct, we are aware that most
companies at the time do not possess the required knowledge
The level 2.7 out of 5 is the lowest rating of all nine
about Industry 4.0 to self-assess the maturity of their own
dimensions. It is caused mainly by the missing “utilization of
company. Following the second phase of the assessment
an Industry 4.0 roadmap” as well as missing “communication
procedure (see Figure 1), the response then was inserted into
and documentation of Industry 4.0 activities”.
the software tool to calculate the maturity levels and to create The seemingly high maturity level in the dimension
the maturity report. In Figure 2 the maturity level in nine “Products” (see Figure 2) is justifiable, as the manufactured
dimensions is visualized. A radar chart is used to depict the aerospace components naturally show highly mature
overall result at-a-glance. characteristics in regard to Industry 4.0. For example,
measured maturity items in this dimension were (among
5,0 others) “the possibility to integrate products into other
Technology Leadership
systems”, “the autonomy of products”, the “flexibility of
product characteristics” or “the possibility to digitalize

products”. It is plausible that components for the application

2,6 3,0

in aerospace possess product characteristics that lead to a high
3,7 2,0
Governance Products rating of these maturity items. The high maturity levels in
1,0 other dimensions seem accurate as well, as the chosen
company is considered an early adaptor of the concepts of

Industry 4.0 by several technical journals in Austria.
People Customers To enable assessment in five levels comprehensive knowledge
about the potential of Industry 4.0 regarding all items is
required. Therefore, either the individuals within the company
Culture Operations possess or gain enough knowledge, or an external auditor is
invited to support critical assessment. An effective approach
Figure 2: Radar chart visualizing Industry 4.0 maturity in nine dimensions.
to support reflected assessment of the company’s own
situation is to present advanced industry cases in the
To increase understanding about the model’s systemic, the respective dimension (benchmarking).
assessment and calculation of the dimension Nr. 1 named We collected feedback from the assessed enterprise regarding
“Strategy” is presented in detail. The company self-assessed clarity of the questionnaire, transparency and consistency of
the six contained maturity items with maturities ( ‫ܯ‬஽ூ௜ ) the tool and understandability of the modes of representation
between 1 and 5 (see Figure 3): which was positive throughout. Analysis of the applied
assessment procedure in the research team led to the
identification of necessary improvements and potential further
Utilization of an Industry 4.0
developments which will be discussed in the next section.

Compatibility of Industry 4.0

Availaibility of resources for
6. Conclusion
4,0 3,0
with company strategies Industry 4.0
1,0 The research work presented here aimed for the
development of a maturity model and a related tool for

Communication and
assessing the Industry 4.0 maturity of manufacturing
Existence of strategy for
digital transformation
Documentation of Industry enterprises. The model has been developed using a multi-
4,0 methodological approach including a systematic literature
Suitability of existing
review, conceptual modelling and qualitative and quantitative
business models for Industry methods for empirical validation.
In contrast to other approaches the major contribution of
Figure 3: Detailed results for dimension Strategy. this research effort is the inclusion of various organizational
aspects resulting in a more comprehensive model. However,
166 Andreas Schumacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 52 (2016) 161 – 166

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