RRR Rabbit Care Info 2021
RRR Rabbit Care Info 2021
RRR Rabbit Care Info 2021
We work to socialize all of our bunnies before they leave our barn to
give them the opportunity to become gentle, affectionate pets and
show animals. We handle them, turn them over on their backs, check
their teeth and nails, and practice posing. They have also been exposed
to the sights and sounds of other animals and people.
On your bunny’s first day home, let him/her get used to their new
environment. After that, you should handle your bunny all the time so
he/she stays a sweet, social bunny!
If you look for bunny advice on the internet, you will find a WIDE
variety of conflicting information. For example, rabbit rescue
organizations like the House Rabbit Society does things very
differently from people who show and breed rabbits; and even among
the breeders, people do things a little differently. Between me and my
Mom, we’ve been raising rabbits for over 20 years in a lot of different
ways and we believe there is no right way. You need to choose the way
that is best for you and your family. This handbook is our guide with
information on how we raise our bunnies.
We keep our bunnies in wire cages with resting mats and a wooden
house that they can hide in, sit on top of, and chew. Wire keeps the
rabbit’s underside and feet much cleaner and more sanitary, and also
allows for better ventilation. The other advantage to wire cages is that
they are much easier to clean as the bunny’s waste drops into the pan
below, which you can easily pull out to clean and put fresh litter (pine
shavings or stall pellets) in.
There are a couple of larger vendors that are at most rabbit shows and
you can also order online from. KW Cages: https://www.kwcages.com/ and Bass
Equipment: https://www.bassequipment.com/SCResult/Rabbit-Cages-232
Anytime you go to a vet, it’s very important to see a rabbit savvy vet!
The House Rabbit Society keeps a list of rabbit vets per state: