Common Ict Tools Used in Teachersc2b4 Daily Work
Common Ict Tools Used in Teachersc2b4 Daily Work
Common Ict Tools Used in Teachersc2b4 Daily Work
2AgePro deliverable 2.2 ”Common ICT tools used in teachers´ daily work: Current state
2AgePro project has been funded by the European Commission. Responsibility for the
content of this document lies with the consortium and not with the European Commission or
its agencies and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained in this document.
About the Consortium
The Consortium Generational Change in the Teaching Profession (acronym 2AgePro) is a
multilateral Grundtvig project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme under the
European Commission. The partners are from the Czech Republic (Charles University in
Prague), Finland (the University of Oulu, which is also the Consortium leader), Germany
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München), the Netherlands (Universiteit Utrecht) and
Sweden (Umeå University).
The aim of this two year project (it runs from December 2008 to November 2010) is to create
collaboration models for interaction between senior and junior teachers in the compulsory
school. The models will motivate teachers to remain in their profession and give them
opportunities to develop their professional skills as well as to share their competence and
knowledge with each other.
The URL for the 2AgePro Consortium’s web site is:
With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for
any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
How to cite
An example of how to cite this report:
The 2AgePro Consortium. (2009). Common ICT tools used in teachers’ daily work: Current
state description. Oulu, Finland: University of Oulu, Learning and Research Services.
the basic ICT infrastructure is good in all partner countries. The amount of computers
and software is also rising continuously.
the schools’ resources and possibilities to further develop things are limited and
always depend on the willingness and possibilities of Governments and local school
authorities to support these development initiatives.
social communication tools are not popular, or at least not commonly used, among
teachers. If they are used, they are used mainly during free time and not for teaching
In the 2AgePro project, there are two terms in particular that needs to be discussed and
defined: junior and senior teachers. In this early phase of the 2AgePro project, these terms
are defined as follows (the exact definitions may change during the project’s lifespan).
ICT-tools used by teachers in the Czech Republic as part of their
By Miroslava Černochová
Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
The Czech Government approach to importance of ICT in education during the last ten years
has been changing depending up which political parties governed. It was the establishment
of the Ministry of Informatics in 2003 that after all showed us that the Czech Government
began to become aware that ICT are very important for a society development.
Unfortunately, the Ministry of Informatics existed only four years. From 2003 to 2007 the
Ministry of Informatics was a central organ of the state administration for information
technologies and postal services with the aim to coordinate public digital administration
development (e-Government) and to support computer literacy of citizens.
From 2001 to 2006 the Ministry of Education coordinated the Governmental Information
Policy for Education 1 (GIPE) that was over in 2007 by the unqualified decision of the Ministry
of Education and later the Czech Government. Consequently, the Czech schools nowadays
have to deal with their ICT development themselves. There are several supporting activities
organized by regional authorities in some counties in this regard schools differ in ICT
development and strategies.
What about computer literacy of citizens, local authorities, administrative regions, public
institutions, private companies or educational institutions offer to citizens, especially to
seniors courses to train them to be able to communicate with ICT to offices and bureaus.
The present-day government under the control of OECD and EU has again to dedicate a
great attention to a concept of information society development. In 2007 the Czech
Government constituted the Governmental Council 2 for Information Society and developed
the Strategies for “Information Society” Services Development 3 (Topolánek, 2008).
Sometimes it is titled in English as The National Strategy for ICT in Education.
Rada vlády pro informační společnost.
Strategie pro rozvoj služeb informační společnosti.
The experiences from schools show there is a new demand to support schools in their ICT
development. There should be a centralised, goal-directed and state guaranteeing support to
integrate ICT in teaching practice in schools to keep competitive strength of pupils and
students. Therefore, the Czech Government decided to prepare a new strategy for ICT
development in schools for 2009-2013 (MŠMT, 2008).
There are big differences among citizens in accessibility to ICT, a computer and Internet and
in skills to work with computers. The main difficulties are with seniors, especially with
pensioners. Some administrative regions make an effort to help to seniors: they offer
services or organise training courses. Some seniors have been supported from their families
and younger relatives who train them to work with computers and the Internet and very often
help them to equip by a computer to install SW and to arrange the Internet access.
ICT facilities in households in the Czech Republic have been step by step progressively
improving thanks to a price-cutting of computer technologies, SW and services of the Internet
In the Czech Republic the most important technology for citizens replace a mobile telephone.
The research from 2005 (Sak & Saková, 2006) identified that mobile-phones had the biggest
importance for the Czechs (Figure 1). The success of mobile phones is given by a fact that
mobiles are a flexible technology integrated a lot of very useful and popular functions of other
technologies. In a scale of importance of ICT for the Czechs mobiles are followed by a PC
and the Internet (Sak & Saková, 2006). In the Figure 2 you can see how many people by age
owned a PC. In 2005 it was about 70% of young people in age 19 to 23 who owned mostly a
computer (Sak & Saková, 2006).
A research from 2005 was mapping how people assess a level of their computer literacy:
A computer literacy level depends in the Czech Republic on age and education of Czech
citizens (Figure 3) (Sak & Saková, 2006). About 75% of young generation has professional
or advanced computer literacy. Younger people, higher level of computer literacy. By a
research (MI ČR, 2005) we could see, that in the Czech Republic the better users of
computer technologies in 2005 were males in age younger than 35, graduated at least in
Secondary schools living in municipalities with more than 20 000 inhabitants.
“In the Czech Republic people with only basic education or non-qualified have the lowest
level of computer literacy. People with specialised professions – for example lawyers (67%),
university teachers (57%), policemen, firemen and soldiers (52%) or public servants (45%) –
have at least advanced level of computer literacy. About 58% people have access to a
computer and 50% adults have access to the Internet or e-mail. About 84% people have
access to mobile phones, 13% people to notebook. People use a computer mainly for
searching information on the Internet (76%), for self-study (63%), for music or films (61%)
and in job (53%). About 31% people do shopping on the Internet and about 26% people use
e-bank services“ (MI ČR, 2005).
Figure 1 Czech citizens´ ICT ownership in 2005 (Sak & Saková, 2006).
Figure 2. PC ownership among citizens by ages in the Czech Republic in 1994-2005 (Sak &
Saková, 2006).
Figure 3 ICT literacy of people in age at least 15 in the Czech Republic in 2005 by ages,
by gender, by education, by a locality (MI ČR, 2005).
And what we know about the Czech Primary and Secondary school teachers´ computer
literacy in 2005? Their computer literacy was better than of artists, shop assistants, qualified
or non-qualified workers or farmers.
Figure 4. Computer literacy by profession in the Czech Republic in 2005 (MI ČR, 2005).
At the present, the Czech Government starts with its Strategy for service development for
information society (Topolánek, 2008, p.3) with the aim to facilitate citizens to have a chance
to use user-friendly, safely and credibly electronic communication to public administration on
all levels and in a most manner as it could be possible. The strategy is based on three
principles (Topolánek, 2008, p.4):
The first phase of the GIPE proceeded in 2001–2003. Its main goal was a centralised
delivery of computers into schools (25 000 pieces) based on outsourcing. The Government
thought that it could be the best way how to equip schools and to pay continuously only for
services, but for a mistake in the contract there was no possibility to modify the structure of
services by later needs of schools or changes of technology prices (MŠMT, 2008). The first
phase of the GIPE was very expensive.
In the second phase of the GIPE (2004-2006) schools paid for computers and hardware and
SW, access to the Internet, educational sources and for ICT teacher training courses by
school plans and needs (MŠMT, 2008). There were more than 700 training centres that
offered to teachers a modular system of ICT courses. A modular system offered courses of
different levels: introductory courses (how to start to work with computer and Internet),
courses for advanced ICT users and a set of courses to support teachers to apply computers
in different subjects and to create teaching and study materials including how to design e-
learning courses in Moodle. Most of 75% teachers did the introductory courses; about 50%
advanced courses and courses how to apply ICT in teaching and learning (see Figure 5).
In a frame of the GIPE, a lot of schools put in practice own educational projects with ICT,
most of them achieved a high quality success (MŠMT, 2008). In December 2006 the GIPE
was unexpectedly over by the new government. Nowadays the ICT development of schools
is depending on headmaster’s ability to get a financial support and on local authority effort to
support schools in ICT technologies.
Státní informační politika ve vzdělávání.
Figure 5. Teachers and ICT teacher training organised in a frame of the GIPE SIPVZ (by
the Czech School Supervisors, ČŠI, 2008).
By the data published by the Czech Statistical Office (MŠMT, 2007) we can see that the ICT
infrastructure in schools in 2006 was relatively on a good standard. Most of schools were
equipped by the ICT technology thanks to a budget in a period of the Governmental
Informatics Policy in Education (GIPE). ICT are mostly installed in schools in computer
classroom or laboratories (MŠMT, 2007). Some schools started to install a few computers in
classrooms that are not specialised to ICT lessons or Informatics. A situation in Czech
schools is similar as a situation in another countries – “On average, today 9 pupils share a
computer in schools in the EU – or in other words, 100 pupils share 11.3 computers” (Korte &
Husing, 2006).
Figure 6. Numbers of computers in basic and Secondary schools in 2006 in the Czech
Republic (by MŠMT, 2007).
Figure 7. Numbers of computers in basic and Secondary schools installed in 2004-
2006 in different places of schools (by MŠMT, 2007).
What is a situation with ICT in Czech schools in comparison with schools in the EU25. Let us
to use for this case data published in EC (2006), OECD (2007), and EC (2005) (see Table 1,
2, 3):
Table 1. ICT infrastructure in Czech schools (data from EC, 2006).
Czech EU25
Total number of computers per 100 pupils by school type (total) 9,3 11,3
Total number of internet computers per 100 pupils by school type (total) 8,2 9,9
Percentage of schools which use computers for educational purposes by 99,6 98,7
school type (total)
Percentage of schools which have more than 5 computers per 100 pupils 87,2 81,6
by school type (total)
Percentage of teachers who have used computers in class in the last 12 78,3 74,3
months in Europe
computer labs and school libraries in Europe in 2006
in classrooms 48 61
in computer labs 91 81
in school libraries 20 33
Percentage of schools having their own home page or web site (total) 74,8 63
Percentage of schools having a school e-mail address for the majority 83,6 65,2
(more than 50%) of teachers (total)
Percentage of schools having a school e-mail address for the majority 45,4 23,5
(more than 50%) of pupils
Percentage of teachers – competence of teachers for using ICT 69,4 68,4
Percentage of teachers who have ever used a computer, either 99,8 98,6
for work or outside work
Czech EU25
Lower Secondary schools 67,1 68,9
Educational Portal
At the present, there is not yet a complex educational portal for teachers, that could provide
all teachers all need and in a high quality teaching materials and educational resources
needed for teacher profession and teaching. A lack of the portal with a LOR and
methodological materials for teaching practice in schools became evident for example in the
EU FP7 Project CALIBRATE when the Czech Ministry of education could not provide to joint
a Czech portal to portals of other partners and the Czech teachers had to work with objects
of other countries that were interesting from a didactic point of view, but they didn’t
correspond to requirements of Czech curriculum and they were not understandable for
students for being in foreign languages (in Hungarian, Flemish, etc.). Nowadays, the portal
DUM 5 (Digital teaching materials) developed by the Research Institute of Education in
Prague and financed by the Ministry of Education and the EU offers learning objects and the
whole Methodical portal ( focuses on the complex support for teachers.
Program 5: Monitoring.
Program 6: Control Quality – to develop a tutorial team of advisors, collaboration with experts.
Digitální učební materiály (
Figure 9 Areas and activities in which Czech teachers use ICT in schools (by the
Czech School Supervisors in ČSI, 2008).
In a comparison with countries of the EU or of the OECD in Czech schools we have been
achieving only average or subnormal learning outcomes in areas related to information
literacy of students.
Nevertheless, some Czech teachers were involved into the EU project CALIBRATE aimed to
support collaborative use and exchange of learning resources in schools. It brought together
eight Ministries of Education including six from new member states and involved 17 partners
in all. Teachers had a chance to use and assess common tools for sharing and creation
digital learning objects in LeMill.
Czech teachers are also very active in eTwinning projects. More than five years they
organise educational projects in collaboration with colleagues from other EU countries.
Several years ago, the Czech Informatics teachers decided to establish a union of
informatics teachers and ICT coordinators in schools (Jednota školských informatiků – JŠI)
with the aim to discuss together about problems how to integrate ICT in schools, to share
ideas, opinions and experiences from teaching with ICT, to help together how to install HW
or SW. The union communicates with the Ministry of Education to present ICT teachers´
ideas and visions about ICT development of schools. The Ministry of Education invites
members of the Union to negotiate proposals related to ICT development of schools, to ICT
education, to implementation ICT into school curriculum or to final graduation exams on
Secondary schools.
From 1996 some Czech teachers are involved into the international teachers’ community
MIRANDA that discuss a lot questions about ICT in education, research activities in different
countries and in international projects about ICT in learning and teacher profession. Czech
teachers can share ideas with MIRANDA members from different countries. Stephen
Heppell, Niki Davis, Avril Lovelace are very well known MIRANDA members.
The Czech schools differ very much in ICT tools and experiences in educational applications
of ICT. On Secondary schools Moodle is very popular.
EC. (2006). Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools 2006. Final Report
from Head Teachers and Classroom Teachers Survey in 27 European Countries. EC, August
JŠI. Union of Informatics Teachers.
Korte, W.B.,& Husing, T. (2006). Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools
2006: Results from Head Teacher and A Classroom Teacher Surveys in 27 European
Korte, W.B.,& Husing, T. (2007). Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools
2006: Results from Head Teacher and A Classroom Teacher Surveys in 27 European
Countries. eLearning Papers, vol. 2 no. 1. ISSN 1887-1542.
MŠMT. (2006). Indikátory vybavení škol počítači a konektivitou k Internetu v roce 2006.
Topolánek, M. (2008). Strategie rozvoje služeb pro „informační společnost“. Vize. ČR jako
jedna z pěti nejlepších zemí EU v úrovni rozvoje e-Governmentu. 2008.
ICT-tools used by teachers in Finland as part of their work
Correspondence: Mikko Ojala, Learning and Research Services, University of Oulu, P.O.
Box 7910, FIN-90014 University of Oulu, Finland. Email:
Even if generally everything is fine, there are still some geographical differences. Especially
in northern and eastern Finland connections are not as good as they should be. Also, the
speed of broadband connections could be better, at the moment 28% of connections are
2MB or faster. Mobile broadband connections are more and more popular and they are
developed also for rural areas. In 2006, 63% of Finns have used internet for banking and
29% have bought something from online shop (Tilastokeskus, 2009; Kansallinen
tietoyhteiskuntastrategia 2007-2015, 2006).
Online banking 50 56 63 66 72
Reading blogs * * 15 26 31
ICT infrastructure in schools
Generally speaking, technical infrastructure is good in Finnish schools. Finnish National
Board of Education has supported the development of technical infrastructure since 1996.
Also, the National board of education has supported both technical and pedagogical
continuing education for teachers. The National Board of Education will continue the
investments in continuing teacher training: In 2009-2011 it gives 10,4 million euros for
continuing teacher training. Part of this training will be focused on teacher´s ICT-skills,
although they will be offering mainly subject related courses. The National Board of
Education has also funded several projects for developing virtual schools. In addition, there
are several resource banks that offer digital learning materials for teachers.
The amount of computers and software seems to be in order and national investments have
improved technical infrastructure very much. In 2006 90% of schools had broadband access
to internet and 77% of schools had computers in classroom. On average there are about 17
computers per 100 students in Finnish schools. (Korte & Husing, 2007). Every school has
access to computers and internet, but exploitation in everyday teaching has not increased
since year 2000. Basic software, for example office applications, email and web-browsers
are available in most of the Finnish schools.
All 100
Vocational 97
100 Computers
Upper Secondary 100
99 Internet
Lower Secondary 100
Primary 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Although the ICT infrastructure is good in schools, students use ICT more and more at home.
Usage in schools has decreased over 10 percent. Students use internet for communication
and as information source. Teachers use ICT mainly to support their teaching. Technology is
utilized especially in project and problem based learning.
Inequality between small and large schools and municipalities is a fact. Small schools lack
hardware and teachers are mainly left alone in technical problems. Bigger schools have
more structured support systems and better technical possibilities for the use of ICT in
In conclusion, even vast investments haven´t made any significant change to the everyday
life in schools. Piloting new methods and techniques rarely results to long-term effects
(Haaparanta & Tissari, 2008; Kankaanranta & Puhakka, 2008).
Although students are very active in using social communication tools, there aren´t many
tools that teachers use. In addition to school´s internal communication channels (such as
intra- and extranets, discussion areas inside school´s LMS´s) teachers use mainly discussion
areas (for example in for communicating with other teachers. There are
also new networks that have been developed for example around social media in learning
( This network has almost 800 registered members in the beginning
of 2009. One of the newest networks is (, which is
developed from Facebook community for teachers, but it isn´t very active at the moment.
All tools that are in use at the moment are developed for educational purposes. None of the
discussion areas or blogs concentrates on generational change in teacher position. Some
new ideas are arising for example in Smart School –projects.
At the time of writing this report it seems like all development and research has focused
mainly on integrating novice teachers to schools. Senior teachers are practically forgotten.
Teachers´ social communication is mainly between colleagues inside one school, there is no
wider cooperation. Future development should make new possibilities for open and safe
discussion between novice and expert teachers. Small schools need new communication
methods for cooperation. No matter what ICT tools are used, they should enable open
communication and secure environments for teachers.
Haaparanta, H. & Tissari, V. (2008). Tieto- ja viestintäteknologian hyödyntäminen
opetuksessa ja opiskelussa. CICERO Learning – selvitysraportti. Retrieved February 6,
2009, from
Korte, W. B. & Husing, T. (2007). Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European
Schools 2006: Results from Head Teacher and A Classroom Teacher Surveys in 27
European Countries. eLearning Papers, vol. 2 no. 1. ISSN 1887-1542. Retrieved March 18,
2009 from
Tilastokeskus (2008). Number of Internet users up from the year before. Retrieved March 19,
2009 from
European Commission (2006). Use of Computers and the Internet in Schools in Europe
2006. Country Brief: Finland 6/2006. Retrieved March 19. 2009 from
ICT-tools used by teachers in Germany (Bavaria) as part of their
The majority of private households in Germany have at least one personal computer and
internet access. In January 2003, number of computer-users of over 10 year-olds increased
from 64% in 2003 to 78% in January 2008. The degree of utilization also increased in private
households: only 62% of private computer-users used their PC every day or almost every
day in 2003, whereas in 2008 already 75% used their PC regularly. Furthermore, the internet
connection of private households increased drastically: In 2003 only 52% of over-ten-year
olds had internet access, in 2007 rose up to 71%. The number of people that use the internet
privately every day or almost every day increased from 51% in 2003 to 69% in 2008. Looking
at the age of ICT-users: 71 of 100 people have already surfed the internet, with the highest
percentage of 96% (10-24 year-olds), followed by 85% (25-54 year-olds) and 37% (55 years
and older). Germany has also launched a national programme ("Information society 2006")
intending to increase the number of internet users up to 75% of the population (Statistisches
Bundesamt, 2008).
In Germany, the market for households and enterprises is largely broadband. Growth is good
without being exceptional, but half of internet users still have narrowband connection. In
Germany DSL as a tool prevails (Total DSL coverage – as% of total population – is 92%). A
drastic increase is also seen in the access of broadband connection in private households:
from 9% in 2003 to 50% in 2008 (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2008).
Computer and internet access in German schools
Almost all German schools now use computers for teaching and have equipped with internet
access (Table 1). In Bavaria, all schools have computers and internet access
(Bildungsstatistik, 2008). The computer access in schools varies slightly. On the average, 9
pupils share a computer with 100 students (Table 1), ranking below average with respect to
other European schools (Korte & Hüsing, 2007). Primary schools have the lowest
computer/pupil ratio whereas Upper Secondary schools the highest. There is a slight
variation of internet access within the different school systems, whereby the Upper
Secondary schools have 100% internet access and the Lower secondary, Primary and
Vocational schools a little less (99.6, 95.5% and 98.8 respectively) (EU, 2006a).
Broadband connection
In Germany, 63% of all schools are equipped with a broadband connection. Quite a large
variation exists between the school systems: only 54% of Primary schools have a broadband
internet connection, the Vocational schools 63% and the lower Secondary schools 72%. The
penetration is highest among Upper Secondary schools, with 82% broadband connection
(Table 1).
There is some variation with regard to broadband access between urban and rural areas:
70% of schools in densely populated areas have broadband access compared to 56% of
schools in thinly populated areas. Those schools with a broadband connection to the internet
are much more likely to have a more sophisticated ICT infrastructure including a school
website, the use of a LAN or the availability of an intranet (EU, 2006a).
Location of computers
Most computers are located in computer labs (average: 85.8%). Approximately 66% of
German schools using computers for teaching use them in classrooms, with the highest
percentage being achieved in Primary schools (80%). Computers are also located in the
school library, but are more or less restricted to Upper Secondary schools
Most teachers use computers for presentation purposes but also let the pupils use them in
class. Only small deviances occur with respect to the subject of teaching. Furthermore, the
computer is seen as a means for preparing lessons among 89% of the teachers. Most of the
teachers using computers in class use them in less than 10% of all lessons (Table2). Only
6% state that they use computers in more than half of their lessons. Vocational school
teachers use computers much more frequently in class than their general education
colleagues (EU, 2006a).
German teachers use a great variety of different material from a multitude of sources for
teaching purposes. Furthermore, they are also very active (88%) in searching for material
themselves in the internet. The higher the school level, the more use of computers –
especially in terms of frequency and intensity – is made by teachers and pupils. Around a
quarter of the teachers using computers in class in Upper Secondary and Vocational schools
use these in more than 25% of their lessons, whereas the figure only reaches 16% in
Primary schools. Looking at table 2, it is evident that there are hardly any differences
according to age of the teachers. The overall pattern is rather similar across all groups (EU,
Source of educational material used in class
In Germany, 90% of all teachers using computers use offline learning materials, such as CD-
ROMs. Approximately 70% of teachers use prefabricated pedagogical material from existing
online sources and material that is made available on the schools’ network and databases
(EU, 2007).
Moreover, teachers use a wide variety of sites to gather information to structure and enhance
their lessons. Many of these sites can also be used by pupils for learning. Table 3 lists some
of the major sites used by teachers in Primary schools in Bavaria (personal communication
Dr. Heran-Dörr, 2009). The data are derived from a study of Primary teachers in Bavaria to
examine how the internet can offer support to specific scientific and general subjects.
Table 3: List of websites for teachers and pupils used by Primary teachers in Bavaria.
Furthermore, hundreds of wiki-platforms are offered in the internet and are used by teachers.
Examples include Wikipedia, MediaWiki, Wiktionary, the original Portland Pattern Repository
wiki, MeatballWiki, CommunityWiki, and Wikisource.
Better technical ICT maintenance and support
Although, the majority of German teachers are more or less satisfied with the technical
access means at their schools: 81% state that their school is well equipped with computers
and 79% express the opinion that their internet connection is fast enough (EU, 2006a), there
seems to be a lack of technical ICT maintenance and support (EC, 2006a).
Bildungsstatistik (2008). Schule und Bildung in Bayern 2008, Zahlen und Fakten. 1 Reihe A
Bildungsstatistik, Heft 50. München: Schriften des Bayerischen Staatsministerium für
Unterricht und Kultus.
EU (2006a). Use for Computers and the Internet in Schools in Europe 2006. Country Brief:
Germany. Available online at (Last retrieved on 20.02.09):
EU (2007b). Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools 2006. Final
Reportfrom Head Teacher and Classroom Teacher Surveys in 27 European Countries.
Brussels: European Commission. Retrieved February 25, 2009, from
Korte, W. B, Hüsing, T. (2007): Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools
2006. Brussels: European Commission.
ICT-tools used by teachers in the Netherlands as part of their work
Figure 1. People (12–75 years) with internet access from home, 2008.
No interest
Nearly six in ten people who do not have internet access do not want it or are not interested
in access. (People who do not have internet access at home are also less likely to use other
modern technologies such as mobile phones). 12 percent think it costs too much. Privacy
considerations and physical handicaps are mentioned by only very few people as reasons for
not having an internet connection at home.
Figure 2. Reasons for not having an internet connection, 2008.
Dutch use of the Internet compared with other countries is largely functional and less for fun,
like viewing video clips, online dating or listening to audio. Functional does mean: searching
for information, the online purchase of products and online payment of bills. 75% of the
Dutch uses the internet mainly to find information. Email is also a very important use. Only
one quarter uses the internet as a social network. Despite reports of leaks in the security,
Internet banking is now widely accepted. New applications appear to be hardly used.
The use of digital tools does also bring risks. The Dutch government wants to stimulate
Dutch citizens who use digital tools to be aware of the possible dangers and able to take
action to avoid material, financial or emotional damage. These are also digital skills.
Current initiatives regarding ICT in the Netherlands
Regarding the digital illiteracy and the risks in using ICT, the focus in the latest national
initiatives regarding ICT in the Netherlands is both on digital skills for all Dutch citizens and
digital safety.
A growing network of the ministry of Economic Affairs, ICT business and civil organizations
started in January 2009 a big national program "Digi Skilled & Digi Conscious". The purpose
of this program is to make it possible for as much as possible Dutch to use ICT in a safe way
and to participate in the Information Society. This program is open for and brings together all
organizations and initiatives who support this purpose.
Besides, there are still local projects to promote access to internet as part of poverty policy
and as a way of tackling social deprivation. A number of municipalities in the Netherlands
make computer facilities available to families of pupils who doesn’t have internet access at
home for socio-economic reasons (OECD, 2006).
The scale of computer facilities has risen by some fifteen times over the last twenty years. At
present, schools in Primary and Secondary education on average have access to one
computer to every seven pupils. With this pupil-computer ratio, the Netherlands occupies a
midrange position internationally, comparable with that of Belgium and Italy.
More computers
The average number of pupils per computer has not changed from that in 2005-2006. The
distribution in the pupil-computer ratio shows that there is an increasing number of schools
which have a pupil-computer ratio of 4-1 or better. This may be an indication that some
schools are aiming to increase the availability of computer applications for educational
The general trend on schools however, is to invest less in increasing the number of
computers and more on quality improvement of the ICT facilities available.
Computers at home
Concerning the availability of computers for pupils in their homes, the Netherlands is
internationally in the upper level. More than 95% of pupils in the Netherlands have a
computer at home. Dutch households are, with regard to computers and Internet access, the
best equipped in the EU. The availability of broadband Internet in Dutch households (62%) is
considerably greater than in the rest of the EU (on average 23%).
Broadband Internet
Almost all computers in Secondary education have Internet access. In Primary education,
this is 87%.
Of all Primary and Secondary schools in the Netherlands, 25% and 41% respectively have a
broadband connection to the Internet. Most Secondary schools which do not yet have
broadband access to the Internet are interested in it, or are planning to install it. About 30%
of the Primary schools are planning to switch to high speed Internet access (TNS-NIPO,
Intern network
Almost all schools in Secondary education have an intern network; in Primary education
about 90%. The access to this network at school is for most users good; from home, the
access is less well regulated.
Digital blackboard
Digital blackboards are very popular. At the end of 2006, 11% of all Primary schools and
42% of all Secondary schools had these blackboards. Of the schools that did not yet have
them, four out of ten intend to acquire one or more in the coming two years.
The number of teachers who, according to ICT management, are moderately or poorly
informed about the possibilities of ICT, has decreased to 19% in Primary education, and to
39% in Secondary education. ICT managers believe that teachers in their schools are well
informed about the possibilities of ICT in education.
Teachers are less confident than are ICT managers in their competency in the use ICT in
teaching. About half of all teachers consider themselves competent in the use of the
computer as a pedagogical aid. Fewer than half of all teachers believe that they derive
additional pedagogical value from ICT at their level of competence in the use of ICT in their
In Secondary education most teachers use ICT to develop tests. Pupils make their tests
however almost always on paper.
Absenteeism is registered complete digitally by a large proportion of teachers in Secondary
education; in Primary education this is much less.
Digital communication
In Primary and Secondary education teachers occasionally use e-mail, the internet or an
electric learning environment (ELE) to communicate with and support pupils. About half of all
teachers in Secondary education can make use of an ELE; one in five teachers does really
make use of it. In Primary education less than 10% of the teacher can make use of an ELE
and half of them really do use it.
Cooperation by teachers
About two-thirds of the teachers in Primary and Secondary education works together in ICT
matters with colleagues of their own school. It is about exchanging ideas en information
about the use of ICT in education. Cooperation in developing knowledge and skills or
cooperation in an ICT project happens much less.
A very small proportion of teachers cooperates with teachers of other schools. They
especially exchange knowledge and ideas.
The foundation stimulates in different ways renewing projects for schools, for instance by
Stimuleringsgelden (promotion funds). Teachers or schools can write grant applications for a
specific ICT project at school. Example: promotion fund for supporting novice teachers in the
use of ICT.
On teacher training the basis has to be laid for the didactical use of ICT in education. The
Kennisnet foundation contributes to this goal – commissioned by the Ministry of Education –
by starting a multi-annual project to stimulate ICT expertise among teacher trainers. Pilot
projects resulted in enthusiastic colleague teachers and more consultation between the
schools and the teacher training about new ways of didactical use of ICT. The program is
now extended to Secondary schools.
National initiative: Innovation program SURFnet/Kennisnet
The SURFnet/Kennisnet Innovation Programme is a collaboration that started in 2004.
Together, SURFnet and Kennisnet aim to facilitate ICT innovation for the education sector,
ranging from Primary education to higher education. They also develop applications which
are available for all schools in the Netherlands (see examples at
However we know that teachers do use digital tools in the communication with colleagues.
The most used tool in Secondary education is email.
Another tool that is especially used by a small proportion of the teachers in Secondary
education is a digital "subject community", to obtain information and exchange experience
about the subjects they are teaching.
Social sites that are used by teachers are for example MySpace and Facebook.
The high costs of educational software (licenses) needs attention. The infrastructure is still
developing, but stays also in the future an important focus:
computers who have to be replaced for technical reasons often are not replaced
shortage of available finances to maintain ICT facilities
external access to internal network
appropriate space available to place computers
access to computer labs in Secondary education.
However last year the amount of teachers who are ICT-skilled have risen, promotion of
expertise in this area is still an important issue.
Teachers and managers both want to use more ICT in the near future to improve the quality
of education. Interesting is that they disagree about what the best approach is to further this
integration of ICT into education.
Financing ICT is, according to management, the most important obstacle for the further
integration of ICT into education.
In Primary education teachers believe that the most important issue is the improvement of
the ICT infrastructure. Teachers think furthermore that a shared vision within the school team
should be high on the agenda. Management believes that, apart from investing in computer
facilities, priority should be given to developing the knowledge and skills of teachers.
Teachers disagree: they do not believe that their knowledge and skills should be given high
In Secondary education teachers think that developing their skills and knowledge has only
low priority. They believe that most attention should be given to adequate ICT facilities.
Managers, however, do not give much priority to extra ICT infrastructure. Most attention, they
believe, should be paid to the knowledge and skills of teachers.
CBS (2008) De digitale economie. Den Haag: CBS.
OECD (2006)
ICT-tools used by teachers in Sweden as part of their work
By Kent Löfgren
Department of Education, Umeå University, Sweden
In Sweden, the responsibility for schools is decentralized to the municipalities (there are
approximately 290 municipalities in the country). This includes the responsibility to provide
continued professional development for the teachers regarding the use of ICT in education,
as well as the responsibility for providing computers in the schools for teachers and pupils.
The Swedish curriculum for the compulsory school system stipulates that the municipalities
and the schools have a responsibility to ensure that the working environments in the school
is organised such that pupils are able to "independently search for and acquire knowledge”
by means of “libraries, computers, and other learning aids” (Lpo94, 1994, section 2.6).
There have been a number of initiatives and campaigns since the middle of the 1980’s and
onwards to improve the use of ICT in Swedish education. These initiatives and campaigns all
have been different from each other in terms of budget, goals and results.
The Knowledge Foundation has sponsored a number of such projects for teachers’
continued professional development in ICT and learning (Riis, 2000, p. 17). The Knowledge
Foundation – an organisation initiated in 1994 by the Swedish Government to help
strengthen Swedish industry and research – is a financer of new projects. Since 1994, it has
invested more than 600 million Euro in over 2,000 projects run by Swedish universities and
The Swedish Ministry of Education has also initiated a number of projects and reforms to
develop the use of ICT in schools, including projects for teachers’ continued professional
development. In the spring of 1998, the Government submitted a report about learning and
ICT and announced comprehensive plans for a national programme for ICT in schools
(Swedish Government Communication, 1997). As a result, a Delegation for ICT in Schools
was set up and the Swedish National Action Programme for ICT in Schools, abbreviated
ITiS, was formed. ITiS was launched and ran between 1999 and 2002. The total
Governmental budget for ITiS was approximately 150 million Euro. The programme was for
teachers on all levels in the Swedish school system, except for pre-school children at the age
of 1–5 (Saúde, Carioca, Siraj-Blatchford et al., 2005), and all Swedish municipalities
participated in the programme. The programme had a number of ambitious goals, including
the following (Kajlert, 2001):
The exact format of these ITiS projects and continued professional development initiatives
varied between the municipalities and schools “depending on the participants’ pre-
knowledge, interest and local pre-conditions” (Kajlert, 2001, p. 112).
In the autumn of 2006, The Knowledge Foundation conducted a survey among 1200
Swedish teachers in the Compulsory School and Upper Secondary School. 100% of the
teachers stated that they had access to computers at work, which they could use for work
related tasks. 45% stated that they had access to their own computer at work, i.e. a
computer that they did not have to share with a colleague (The Knowledge Foundation,
The autumn 2006 study by the Knowledge Foundation also showed that about 50% of the
Swedish teachers in Compulsory School use computers with their pupils, in class, at least
once a week (The Knowledge Foundation, 2006).
Another survey in 2006 about ICT in Swedish schools, conducted by the European
Commission, showed that almost all Swedish Compulsory Schools (89%) had fast
broadband connections to the Internet (European Commission, 2006). The survey also
showed that computers are often used in the classroom, as a tool for learning, in the
Swedish Compulsory Schools. Over 90% of the teachers in the Swedish Compulsory
Schools stated that they had used computers in class sometime during the last 12 months,
with little variation across school types and between urban and rural areas (European
Commission, 2006).
Only very few teachers in Sweden report to have no, or next to no, ICT user experience
(Korte & Hüsing, 2006).
Approximately 70% of the teachers in Compulsory School and Upper Secondary School
communicate with their pupils via e-mail. 60% of them communicate with the parents of the
pupils via e-mail (The Knowledge Foundation, 2006).
Regarding the use of computers at home, approximately 10% of the teachers in Compulsory
School and Upper Secondary School use computers more than ten hours per week.
Approximately 50% use it three to ten hours per week at home, and approximately 40% state
that they use computers less than two hours peer week at home (The Knowledge
Foundation, 2006).
989596 98 93
91 92
8682 84 82
71 7675 72
60 60
18 2113 1919
11 11
Figure 1. Swedish Primary and Secondary school teachers’ reasons for using the
Internet while at home. Split by age. Percent. (The Knowledge Foundation, 2006, p. 27).
The data in Figures 1-3 are based on a Swedish survey among 1200 teachers in the autumn
of 2006. Figure 1 shows the nine most common reasons for teachers to use the Internet at
home. Figure 1 also shows that younger teachers are, in almost all areas, more frequent
users of the Internet.
35 35
29 30
13 12
7 6 7
0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1
Figure 2. The amount of hours peer week (h/w) that Swedish Primary and Secondary
school teachers’ use their own computers, while at home, for work that is directly
related to their job as teachers. Split by age. Percent. (The Knowledge Foundation,
2006, p. 29).
Figure 2 shows, for example, that younger teachers use computers at their homes for work-
related tasks more often than older teachers.
A couple of times per week A couple of times per month
A couple of times per term
64 63 64
51 53
24 26
21 21 21
18 18 17
13 15
Figure 3. The six most common job-related tasks that Swedish Primary and Secondary
teachers use computers for, at their schools, and how often they do it. Percent. (The
Knowledge Foundation, 2006, p. 35).
Figure 3 show, for example, that 69% of the Swedish Primary and Secondary teachers use
computers a couple of times per week at their schools to search for information that they
need in their job. (This data is not available split by age.)
37% of the Swedish Primary and Secondary teachers use the Internet in education (in their
classes) a couple of times peer week, 19% use it a couple of times peer month and 43%
does it a couple of times peer term. There are only a very small differences between younger
and older teachers. 39% of the teachers under 35 years of age use the Internet in their
classes a couple of times peer week and the corresponding figure for teachers over 55 years
of age is 37% (The Knowledge Foundation, 2006, p. 40).
Swedish school pupils – especially in the upper-secondary schools – use the Internet more
often than their teachers. Studies have shown that 84% of the upper-secondary school pupils
use the net three hours or more per week, whereas the corresponding number for their
teachers is 47% (The Knowledge Foundation, 2006). There is a risk that this leads to a divide
between pupils and their teachers, at least when it comes to using the Internet.
Most teachers in Sweden see the advantages of ICT use in school, for example for letting
pupils “using ICT for letting pupils do exercises and practise”. Teachers believe that “pupils
are more motivated and attentive”. However, there are teachers who question the
assumption that there is “a pedagogical advantage of computer use in class” and they
believe that it “does not have significant learning benefits for pupils” (Korte & Hüsing, 2006,
p. 1655). There is a risk that these teachers, and their opinions and arguments, are forgotten
or neglected in the general ICT frenzy in Sweden.
In Sweden, important decisions regarding the implementation of ICT in education have been
made by politicians and policymakers. Considerable resources have been provided for
technical equipment and for professional development. However, these investments mean
little if we do not take into consideration that they have to be put into school practice by
teachers. It is therefore important to take notice of the human dimension in the
implementation of new curricula and new ICT initiatives.
Bengtsson, E. (2000). Den tekniska utvecklingen inom IKT-området [The technical
development regarding ICT]. In: U. Riis (Ed.), IT i skolan mellan vision och praktik: En
forskningsöversikt (pp. 39-55). Stockholm: The Swedish National Agency for Education.
Jedeskog, G. (2007). ICT in Swedish Schools 1984 – 2004: How computers work in the
teachers’ world. International journal of media, technology and lifelong learning,
Kajlert, L. (2001). The National Action Programme for ICT in Swedish Schools. Educational
Media International, 38(2&3), 111-118.
Korte, W. B., & Hüsing, T. (2006). Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European
Schools 2006: Results from Head Teacher and A Classroom Teacher Surveys in 27
European Countries. In: A. Méndez-Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J. A. Mesa González & J. Mesa
González (Eds.), Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education (pp. 1652-1657).
Badajoz: Formatex.
Lpo94. (1994). [Curriculum for the Swedish compulsory school system, the pre-school class
and the leisure-time centre]. Stockholm: The Government Offices of Sweden.
Riis, U. (2000). Skolans datorisering under 1980- och 90-talen [The computerisation of the
Swedish schools during the 1980’s and 1990’s]. In: U. Riis (Ed.), IT i skolan mellan vision
och praktik: En forskningsöversikt (pp. 8-18). Stockholm: The Swedish National Agency for
Saúde, S., Carioca, V., Siraj-Blatchford, J., et al. (2005). Kinderet: Developing training for
early childhood educators in information and communications technology (ICT) in Bulgaria,
England, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. International Journal of Early Years Education, 13(3),
Statistics Sweden. (2008). Privatpersoners användning av datorer och Internet 2008 [Use of
computers and the Internet by private persons in Sweden 2008]. Stockholm: Statistics
Swedish Government Communication. (1997). Lärandets verktyg: Ett nationellt program för
IT i skolan [Tools for Learning: A National Programme for ICT in Schools]. Government
Communication 1997/98:176. Stockholm: The Government Offices of Sweden.
The Knowledge Foundation. (2006). IT i skolan: Attityder, tillgång och användning [IT in
Swedish schools: Attitudes, access and use]. Stockholm: The Knowledge Foundation (KK-