HLM-SS Catalogue PDF

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@x omnes “ a Sea ae aS y oe oo Bot =eao |e |e > oe eee a hq —— 5 fe) anes apee-t—rsry | — teste a Sor | tee | ee I x a BNC 2NO EX 75015. ‘am. 8 core Ex : Ga Pid Cains aval row power cute VF). 5 : Sas cetaesaNantar aa aioe a aaa oe y meme —|— He} — aera | Ben —|— ieee | tees —|— ae ‘og —| tet TRS S| — en 1 —trnet 1 — free a g | ‘2NC EX, 175064 ‘3m 4 core Ex H sence | ie | te poe’ cre Sn) eee — 1S eS roams Shes MA we ceo Ea Paria eae ae oem meme —\— fs —| — her |e a a TRS Set — ets sett oo a Gold Plated Contacts availabe for low power circuits (5V. 5mA). ‘Add GC to Part Numbor 0.9. 175101-6C ES IMSS Sping Lever 20 (oat BORO T7818 “sis —| — 175163. SNC ANO “sie [175168 —] 17166 ANC. 175167 75158 175160 TNCNOSiap_| 175160. 175164 75162 ING INO. EX | ses ‘Sn tome Ex 2NC EX 568 ‘3nd owe Ex BNC 2No EX | 75165 Sm. Sere ex Gold Platod Contacts availabe for low power circuits (SV. 5mA). ‘Add GC to Part Number e.g, 175151-6C ote ES oats es www.ldemsafety.com 148 Roller Plunger HLM-SS-RP HUM-RP HUM-SRL Features: Heavy Dut Die Castor Stainless Ste! 316 Bosies Industy Standard Mounting to EN 50081 Positive opening NC safety contac to IEC 6947-54 Choice of actuator heads Linear and Rotary igh Mechanical Life 000,000 eyes HLM Die Cast Housing P87 HLNSS Staness Stel IPE9K Aplications: IDEM Safety Lint switches are designed to be mounted for positon sonsing of moving applications eg. guard doo, converyrs, machine beds, elevators Thy are avalabe wit near plungers, roar levers cro plungers and etre slow or snap acon contacts Contact blocks provide positively operated Safety contacts to IEC 6084754 wi Explosion proof versions. (Quick Comect in we rom sith HLM-SS-SRL oma ABE zat atom an ‘ute Cit wile NC 1NO 2Nc2NO Biase eas rae Operation eth Operation ofthe switches is active ya sing actuation of heaving objeto cause defection ofthe such plunges orives. For safely applcatons its impotant hal the moving object dos nat pass completly verte Sitch actuals so to ether cause damage tothe actuator callow to returns origina poston A Technical Speciation Pin Plunger id HLM-PP HLM-SS-PP Spring Lever + HLM-SL HLM-SS-SL Preied Explosion Poot ® fxd IC T6 (20

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