Functional Description: 3D/2D Modelling Suite For Integral Water Solutions
Functional Description: 3D/2D Modelling Suite For Integral Water Solutions
Functional Description: 3D/2D Modelling Suite For Integral Water Solutions
Functional Description
Functional Specifications
Version: 2.20
SVN Revision: 52614
October 1, 2017
Delft3D, Functional Specifications
List of Figures v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Areas of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Delft3D framework overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Hydrodynamic module 3
2.1 Module description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Applications areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Coupling with other modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5 Ecological module 15
5.1 Module description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Coupling with other modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7 Wave module 19
7.1 Module description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.2 Application areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.3 Coupling with other modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8 Morphodynamic module 21
8.1 Module description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8.2 Numerical aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
8.3 Application areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
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10 Hardware configuration 33
References 35
iv Deltares
List of Figures
List of Figures
1.1 System architecture of Delft3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
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1 Introduction
Deltares has developed a unique, fully integrated modelling framework for a multi-disciplinary
approach and 3D computations for coastal, river, lake and estuarine areas. It can carry out
numerical modelling of flows, sediment transport, waves, water quality, morphological devel-
opments and ecology. It has been designed for experts and non-experts alike. The Delft3D
framework is composed of several modules, grouped around a mutual interface, while being
capable to interact with one another.
Delft3D can switch between the 2D vertically averaged and 3D mode simply by changing the
number of layers. This feature enables to set up and investigate the model behaviour in 2D
mode before going into full 3D simulations.
flows due to tide, wind, density gradients and wave induced currents;
propagation of directionally spreaded short waves over uneven bathymetries, including
wave-current interaction;
advection and dispersion of effluents;
online morphodynamic computations (local scour, short time and length scales);
sediment transport of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment;
water quality phenomena including ecological modelling, the prediction of heavy metal
concentrations, interaction with organic and inorganic suspended sediment, interaction
between the water and bottom phase (such as sediment oxygen demand), algae blooms;
particle tracking, including oil spill and dredging plume modelling;
initial and/or dynamic (time varying) 2D-morphological changes, including the effects of
waves on sediment stirring and bed-load transport.
Overall Menu
All features are embedded in Graphical User Interface suitable for Linux or the MS Windows.
An application (model) can be completely defined, inspected and analysed through a menu-
driven, user-friendly, graphical interface.
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Delft3D, Functional Specifications
Delft3D-FLOW and MOR 2D and 3D hydrodynamic, salinity, temperature, transport and online
sediment transport and morphology
Delft3D-WAVE short wave propagation (using SWAN)
D-Water Quality general water quality
Delft3D-SED cohesive and non-cohesive sediment transport
Delft3D-ECO complex eutrophication and ecological modelling
D-Waq PART particle tracking, oil spill modelling
1.3 Utilities
The following utility programs are available for pre-processing and post-processing:
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2 Hydrodynamic module
The hydrodynamic module, Delft3D-FLOW, is a multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation
program that calculates non-steady flow and transport phenomena resulting from tidal and
meteorological forcing on a curvilinear, boundary-fitted grid. In 3D simulations, the hydrody-
namic module applies the so-called sigma co-ordinate transformation in the vertical, which
results in a smooth representation of the bottom topography. It also results in a high comput-
ing efficiency because of the constant number of vertical layers over the whole computational
two co-ordinate systems, i.e. Cartesian and spherical, in the horizontal directions
two grid systems in the vertical direction; the boundary fitted sigma grid and the horizontal
layer Z-grid
domain decomposition both in the horizontal and vertical direction
tide generating forces (only in combination with spherical grids);
simulation of drying and flooding of inter-tidal flats (moving boundaries);
density gradients due to a non-uniform temperature and salinity concentration distribution
(density driven flows);
for 2D horizontal large eddy simulations the horizontal exchange coefficients due to circu-
lations on a sub-grid scale (Smagorinsky concept);
turbulence model to account for the vertical turbulent viscosity and diffusivity based on the
eddy viscosity concept;
selection from four turbulence closure models: k-ε, k-L, algebraic and constant coefficient;
shear stresses exerted by the turbulent flow on the bottom based on a Chézy, Manning or
White-Colebrook formulation;
enhancement of the bottom stresses due to waves;
automatic conversion of the 2D bottom-stress coefficient into a 3D coefficient;
wind stresses on the water surface modelled by a quadratic friction law;
space varying wind and barometric pressure (specified on the flow grid or on a coarser
meteo grid), including the hydrostatic pressure correction at open boundaries (optional);
simulation of the thermal discharge, effluent discharge and the intake of cooling water at
any location and any depth in the computational field (advection-diffusion module);
the effect of the heat flux through the free surface;
online analysis of model parameters in terms of Fourier amplitudes and phases enabling
the generation of co-tidal maps;
drogue tracks;
advection-diffusion of substances with a first order decay rate;
online simulation of the transport of sediment (silt or sand) including formulations for ero-
sion and deposition and feedback to the flow by the baroclinic pressure term, the turbu-
lence closure model and the bed changes;
the influence of spiral motion in the flow (i.e. in river bends). This phenomenon is espe-
cially important when sedimentation and erosion studies are performed;
modelling of obstacles like 2D spillways, weirs, 3D gates, porous plates and floating struc-
wave-current interaction, taking into account the distribution over the vertical;
many options for boundary conditions, such as water level, velocity, discharge and weakly
reflective conditions;
several options to define boundary conditions, such as time series, harmonic and astro-
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nomical constituents;
option for linear decay of conservative substances
online visualisation of model parameters enabling the production of animations.
To simulate a model defined on a curvilinear grid system, an orthogonal grid must be provided.
To generate such a grid the program RGFGRID is provided, though the grid can be generated
by any grid generator program as long as the grid is delivered in the prescribed (ASCII) file
format. The generation of a curvilinear grid is an important and somewhat complex task.
Along with the main model parameters, the grid will ultimately determine the accuracy of the
final model results.
To prepare the bottom topography or other grid-related data, such as a non-constant initial
condition file, the program QUICKIN is provided. This program interpolates the scattered,
digitised chart data to depth-values at the grid points in the model. Many powerful interactive
processing options to further adjust the topography are supported, e.g. manual adjustment
of the values at individual points, selection of the domain of influence, group adjustments,
and smoothing. The output of this program (ASCII-file) can be imported into other Delft3D
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Hydrodynamic module
In case the open boundaries of a (detailed) Delft3D-FLOW model are located within the model
domain of a coarser Delft3D-FLOW model, the coarse model can generate the boundary
conditions of the detailed, nested model. The offline generation of boundary conditions is
done by Delft3D-NESTHD.
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3 Water quality module
Dissolved Oxygen Oxygen Demand
Chloride BOD COD Water
Phytoplankton Grazers Heavy Metals
1 2 3 4 5
Nutrients C N P Si C N P Si
As Cd Cr Cu Hg
NO 3 NH 4 PO 4 Si Inorganic Matter Ni Pb V Zn
Tracers Organic Matter Organic Matter IM1 IM2 IM3
(particulate) (dissolved)
Organic micro-
1 2 3 4 5 Adsorbed PO 4
Atr BaP Diu Flu
Coli Bacteria
E.Coli FColi TColi
CO 2 Alkalinity
Sediment Oxygen Organic Matter Micro- Inorganic Matter
Demand (particulate) phytobenthos Heavy Metals
C N P Si C N P Si Organic micro-
Figure 3.1: General overview of substances included in D-Water Quality. Substances are
organised in functional groups indicated by a grey header, except for some
substances that form a group of their own. Major processes between sub-
stances are indicated by arrows; note that many links are omitted
To proceed one step in time (t + ∆t), D-Water Quality solves equation 3.1 (a simplified
representation of the advection-diffusion-reaction equation) for each computational cell and
for each state variable.
∆M ∆M ∆M
Mit+∆t = Mit + ∆t × + ∆t × + ∆t × (3.1)
∆t Tr ∆t P ∆t S
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5 changes by sources (e.g. waste loads, river discharges): ∆t S
The basic principles of D-Water Quality are the same whether you have one state variable
and only two computational cells, or you have several tens of state variables and thousands
of computational cells. The only difference is the number of times that D-Water Quality has to
solve equation 3.1. D-Water Quality is capable of describing any combination of constituents
and is not limited with respect to the number and complexity of the water quality processes.
Water quality processes are described by linear or non-linear functions of selected state vari-
ables and model parameters. Many process formulations are available in the form of a library,
which smoothly interfaces with the water quality module. The library contains over 50 wa-
ter quality process routines covering 140 standard substances. A graphical user interface
within the WAQ module enables you to select any combination of substances and associated
water quality processes. Also, for less experienced users pre-defined sets are available to
jump-start the water quality modelling.
The transporting medium is characterised by its spatial and time dependent content (mass) of
the modelled constituents. Some are transportable; some are non-transportable. An example
of the latter is the bottom sediment in a surface water model. The concentration of the trans-
portable constituents is computed by dividing the mass by the water volume. The mass is the
state variable and the model is mass conserving by definition.
Waste disposals are specified either as mass units per time unit or as a combination of waste
flow and concentration. They represent either point sources (urban, industrial, rivers) or dif-
fuse sources (run-off, atmospheric deposition). The case of recirculating flows, as with cooling
water studies, is also taken care of: the water that was let in, will have the same quality at the
The hydrodynamic characteristics of the transporting medium are expressed in terms of the
volume and the flux of the transporting medium ("flow"). The combination of water volumes
and flows must be consistent, i.e. an increase of the water volume must be balanced by a dif-
ference between inflow and outflow. D-Water Quality repeats hydrodynamic characteristics to
extend to simulation times beyond the available hydrodynamic simulation time. Also, D-Water
Quality can combine several hydrodynamic simulations into a single water quality simulation.
For example, a representative neap tide and a representative spring tide hydrodynamic simu-
lation can be combined to create a complete spring-neap cycle.
As part of Delft3D, the coupling module can derive a set of consistent hydrodynamic flows
automatically from Delft3D-FLOW, but the methods involved can be applied equally well to
third-party hydrodynamic models outside Delft3D.
In many cases, the water quality processes in the model are determined by meteorological
conditions, by other (modelled or non-modelled) constituents or by other (modelled or non-
modelled) processes. Examples are wind, water temperature, acidity (pH), primary production
and the benthic release of nutrients. These entities are referred to as "forcing functions".
Water quality process formulations are often of an empirical or semi-empirical nature and
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Water quality module
contain "model parameters" which are subject to tuning or calibration. Because of this, D-
Water Quality allows complete freedom in selecting the set of water quality processes and the
relevant forcing functions and model parameters may vary between individual applications. It
therefore provides flexible input facilities for constants, spatially varying parameters, functions
of time and functions of space and time.
The transport of substances in surface and ground water is commonly represented by the
so-called advection diffusion equation. Advection is determined by the velocity field and dis-
persion by the dispersion coefficient. These basic transport processes operate on all trans-
portable substances in the same way. D-Water Quality offers the possibility to model other
transport phenomena as well which may differ between individual substances. Examples are
the gravity induced settling of particles and the autonomous motion of fish. These additional
transport processes must be expressed as an extra, substance dependant velocity or disper-
sion coefficient.
Water quality processes are incorporated in the advection diffusion equation by adding an
additional source in the mass balance (equation 3.1). Examples of water quality processes
exchange of substances with the atmosphere (oxygen, volatile organic substances, tem-
adsorption and desorption of toxicants and ortho-phosphorous;
deposition of particles and adsorbed substances to the bed;
re-suspension of particles and adsorbed substances from the bed;
mortality of bacteria;
biochemical reactions like the decay of BOD and nitrification;
growth of algae (primary production);
predation (e.g. zooplankton on phytoplankton).
Special attention is paid to the treatment of the interaction with the bottom:
all suspended sediment is modelled as cohesive sediment that can be transported with
the water flow just like a dissolved substance;
all particulate inorganic matter can be represented by three size fractions or components;
all particulate organic matter is represented by separate components, namely detritus
carbon, other organic carbon, diatoms, non-diatom algae (Green), adsorbed phosphorus
and organic carbon from loads;
the bottom sediment is modelled via two separate layers. Each layer is considered homo-
geneous (well mixed). The different layers can have different compositions. The density
of a layer is variable depending on the sediment layer composition, which is also variable.
The porosity within a given layer is constant (user-defined).
a third (deeper) layer exists (but is not explicitly modelled) which can supply sediment for
upward sediment transport ’digging’;
sedimentation and resuspension are modelled using the Krone-Partheniades approach
(see the description of the sediment transport module Delft3D-SED).
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Delft3D, Functional Specifications
The processes always require input in the form of rate constants and/or simulation results
from other substances. The input could come from:
The pre-processor will report the origin of the input for each process. If information for a
process is missing, so that the process cannot be evaluated, it will detail what information is
actually required in addition.
As a special type of output, mass balances can be generated. These can be used to analyse
the fate of substances (e.g. nutrients or heavy metals) or to quantify the contribution of waste
loads or certain processes to the ambient concentration of a substance.
The grid aggregation tool D-Waq DIDO can be used to fit the grid resolution to the specific
needs of the application. D-Waq DIDO allows regular and irregular aggregation (in the hori-
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Water quality module
zontal) and will reduce the number of computational elements and therefore computation time.
D-Waq DIDO is frequently used to reduce the grid resolution in areas far away from the area
of interest, while keeping the area of interest at the highest possible resolution.
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4 Sediment transport module
The sediment transport module, Delft3D-SED, can be applied to model the transport of cohe-
sive and non-cohesive sediments, i.e. to study the spreading of dredged materials, to study
sedimentation/erosion patterns, to carry out water quality and ecology studies where sediment
is the dominant factor.
It is in fact a sub-module of the water quality module, that is all processes contained in the
sediment transport module are also present in the water quality module. For a detailed de-
scription of the general aspects we refer to the description of the water quality module.
sedimentation takes place when the bottom shear stress drops below a critical value;
there is no correlation between the sediment components (i.e. each of the particulate
fractions can settle independently);
sedimentation always results in an increase of sediment in the uppermost sediment layer;
the total shear stress is the linear sum of the shear stresses caused by water velocity and
wind effects. Effects of shipping and fisheries can also be included.
The effects of ’hindered settling’ (i.e. decrease in sedimentation velocity at very high sus-
pended solids concentration) can be included.
the bottom sediments are homogenous within a layer. Therefore, the composition of the
resuspending sediment is the same as that of the bottom sediment;
the resuspension flux is limited based on the available amount of sediment in a sediment
layer for the variable layer option. The resuspension is unlimited if the fixed layer option is
as long as mass is available in the upper sediment layer, resuspension takes place from
that layer only;
resuspension flux is zero if the water depth becomes too small.
Burial is the process in which sediment is transferred downward to an underlying layer. The
sediment layer is assumed to be homogeneous, therefore the composition of the sediment
being buried is the same as that of the (overlying) sediment layer.
Digging is the process in which sediment is transferred upward from an underlying layer. The
sediment layers are homogeneous, therefore the composition of the sediment being trans-
ported upwards is the same as that of the (underlying) sediment layer. A third and deeper
layer allows for an unlimited ’digging’ flux to the second layer. The quality of this third layer
must be defined by you and is not modelled by Delft3D-SED.
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The implementation recognises two options: unlimited supply of sand via the boundaries and
the presence or absence of bedrock.
4.1.3 Limitations
To apply the sediment transport module the following limitations must be observed:
in the sedimentation process, there is no correlation between the cohesive and non-
cohesive components, i.e. between sand and silt; each is treated independently;
the effect of short waves must be taken into account through the hydrodynamic module
or through a localised wave effect estimation (that is, the waves are considered to be in
equilibrium with local circumstances);
Delft3D-SED should only be used for short- or medium-term (days, weeks, months) mod-
elling of erosion and sedimentation process as the changes on bottom topography and
its effects on the flow are neglected. For long-term processes (years), whereby the flow
changes induced by changing bottom topography is significant, the separate morpholog-
ical and sediment module (Delft3D-MOR) should be used. This module has advanced
online coupling capabilities with the hydrodynamic flow and wave modules.
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5 Ecological module
The far-field water quality module D-Water Quality models algae using an approach based
on Monod kinetics and is routinely included in the process library. The Delft3D-ECO module
contains the more sophisticated algae model BLOOM II (Los, 1991, 2009a,b) that is based on
an optimisation technique.
Algae blooms usually consist of various species of phytoplankton belonging to different taxo-
nomic or functional groups such as diatoms, microflagellates and dinoflagellates. They have
different requirements for resources (nutrients; light) and they have different ecological prop-
erties. Some species are considered to be objectionable for various reasons. Among these
are phaeocystis, which causes foam on the beaches and various species of dinoflagellates,
which among others may cause diurethic shell fish poisoning. To deal with these phenomena
it is necessary to distinguish different types of phytoplankton in the algae model.
Delft3D-ECO is based upon the principle of competition between different species, or groups
of species. The basic variables of this module are called types. A type represents the physi-
ological state of a species under strong conditions of limitation. Usually a distinction is made
between three different types: an N-type for nitrogen limitation, a P-type for phosphorus limi-
tation and an E-type for light energy limitation. Usually for each (group of) species the three
different types are modelled.
The solution algorithm of the model considers all potentially limiting factors and first selects
the one, which is most likely to become limiting. It then selects the best adapted type for
the prevailing conditions. The suitability of a type (its fitness) is determined by the ratio of
its requirement and its growth rate. This means that a type can become dominant either be-
cause it needs a comparatively small amount of a limiting resource (it is efficient) or because
it grows rapidly (it is opportunistic). Then the algorithm considers the next potentially limiting
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factor and again selects the best adapted phytoplankton type. This procedure is repeated
until it is impossible to select a new pair of a type and limiting factor without violating (i.e.
over-exhausting) some limiting factor. Thus the model seeks the optimum solution consisting
of n types and n limiting factors. The optimal distribution of biomass over the types cannot
always be reached within one time step due to growth and mortality limitations. Special time
dependency constraints are imposed upon all types to take their potential growth and mortal-
ity rates into account. As they represent different stages of the same species, the transition
of one type to another is a rapid process with a characteristic time step in the order of a day.
Transitions between different species is a much slower process as it depends on mortality
and net growth rates. It is interesting that the principle just described, by which each phyto-
plankton type maximises its own benefit, effectively means that the total net production of the
phytoplankton community is maximised.
5.2 Applications
The BLOOM model has been extensively used to model the Southern North Sea and has
been validated for 25 years of data in the Dutch coastal zone. Furthermore the model results
have been validated for a wide range of both freshwater and marine systems. The following
(groups of) algae or macrophyte species have been modelled using the BLOOM module for
salt waters:
Ulva (on the bottom)
Ulva (floating)
For Ulva two life forms are distinguished: Ulva that is rooted in the sediment and Ulva that
floats on the water after it has been cut loose by strong winds or currents. The process of
cutting loose has been incorporated in the model. Up to now 6 types of algae or macrofytes
have been modelled and calibrated. As in BLOOM the properties of the algae are adjusted to
the light climate and nutrient availability, you do not need to adjust the parameters for this by
calibration. The default parameter values obtained by calibration of one model can therefore
be applied in a wide range of other model applications. For this reason, if one needs to
model an area that resembles a water system that has been modelled with BLOOM II before,
choosing the model that has proven successful under those conditions can be particularly
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6 Particle tracking module
The particle tracking module, D-Waq PART, is a 3-dimensional mid-field water quality model. It
estimates a dynamic concentration distribution by following the tracks of thousands of particles
in time. The model is fit for a detailed description of concentration contours of instantaneous
or continuous releases of salt, oil, or other conservative or simple decaying substances. This
section gives a brief introduction to the computer module and its applications.
D-Waq PART can operate in a 2.5DH or 3D mode, in which D-Waq PART is coupled to
a 2-dimensional (one layer) or 3-dimensional (multi-layer) Delft3D-FLOW model. In the 2-
dimensional mode, the flow is extended with an analytical vertical velocity profile for bottom
shear and wind. The module calculates concentrations with a resolution that is higher than
that of the underlying hydrodynamic grid.
the water system: a lake, estuary, harbour or river, possibly with open boundaries to other
water systems. Tidal variations are included;
discharges due to human activities that may be instantaneous and/or continuous;
chemical substances like rhodamine dyes, salt, oil or suspended solids;
wind fields;
settling and erosion of suspended matter;
concentration dependent settling velocity.
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of the current speed results in a similar wind driven transport), whilst in 3D a deflection
angle is included to represent the Coriolis effect of wind induced advection due to waves.
Figure 6.1: Example of a D-Waq PART oil spill simulation
the model may be started from a known initial distribution of oil, e.g. a remote sensing
image of an oil spill.
D-Waq PART can in theory simulate an unlimited number of particles and substances. The
only restriction is the available memory of the hardware. For an application with approximately
400,000 particles and 8 substances, about 64 Mbytes internal (hard core) computer memory
is required. Under these conditions, a computer simulation requires for most applications less
than one hour, and takes most often less than 200 Mbytes of disk space. The requirements
can increase significantly when the numbers of particles and substances increase. Post-
processing is done with the general post-processing program GPP or QUICKPLOT. Graphical
maps can also be generated with advanced methods like point spread functions. Visualisation
is off-line. The coupling between the hydrodynamic module, Delft3D-FLOW, and D-Waq PART
is streamlined, but is off-line.
Note that in all applications the results of a dynamic two- or three-dimensional flow calculation
(including an accurate description of tidal variations), such as from Delft3D-FLOW, have been
coupled with the PART module.
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7 Wave module
To simulate the evolution of random, short-crested wind-generated waves in coastal waters
(which may include estuaries, tidal inlets, barrier islands with tidal flats, channels etc.) the
wave module Delft3D-WAVE can be used. This wave module computes wave propagation,
wave generation by wind, non-linear wave-wave interactions and dissipation, for a given bot-
tom topography, wind field, water level and current field in waters of deep, intermediate and
finite depth.
The SWAN model, which is an acronym for Simulating WAves Nearshore, is a spectral third-
generation wave model (see e.g. Holthuijsen et al. (1993); Ris (1997). The SWAN model is
the successor of the stationary second-generation HISWA model (Holthuijsen et al., 1989)
and has the great advantage, compared to HISWA, that the physics are explicitly represented
with state-of-the-art formulations and that the model is unconditionally stable (fully implicit
schemes). Moreover, the SWAN model can perform computations on a curvilinear grid (better
coupling with the flow-module of Delft3D) and it can - for instance - generate output in terms of
one- and two-dimensional wave spectra. In addition, the wave forces, as computed by SWAN
on the basis of the gradient of the radiation stress tensor (instead of the dissipation rate as
in HISWA), can be used as driving force to compute the wave-induced currents and set-up in
the flow module.
The SWAN model is based on the discrete spectral action balance equation and is fully spec-
tral (in all directions and frequencies). This latter implies that short-crested random wave fields
propagating simultaneously from widely different directions can be accommodated. SWAN
computes the evolution of random, short-crested waves in coastal regions with deep, inter-
mediate and shallow water and ambient currents. The SWAN model accounts for (refractive)
propagation - as the HISWA model - and represents the processes of wave generation by
wind, dissipation due to white-capping, bottom friction and depth-induced wave breaking and
non-linear wave-wave interactions (both quadruplets and triads) explicitly with state-of-the-art
formulations. To avoid excessive computing time and to achieve a robust model in practical
applications, fully implicit propagation schemes have been applied. It should be noted here,
however, that although an efficient numerical technique has been implemented in SWAN the
computing time for a typical wave computation may significantly be larger than that of the
HISWA model. The SWAN model has successfully been validated and verified in laboratory
and (complex) field cases (see e.g. Ris (1997); Ris et al. (1999)). It is noted that the SWAN
model (as the HISWA model) does not account for diffraction effects.
The SWAN model has been developed at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)
and where it is undergoing further enhancements. It is specified as the new standard for
nearshore wave modelling and coastal protection studies Therefore, Deltares has integrated
the SWAN model into Delft3D and is applying SWAN in its research and consultancy projects.
The SWAN model has been released under public domain.
You can download the source code, documentation and installation guide lines from the
SWAN-website: User support is provided by the Delft University of
Technology. As agreed with the SWAN group Deltares can provide the SWAN version that is
currently supported in Delft3D-WAVE. Upgrades must be downloaded from the SWAN web-
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Delft3D, Functional Specifications
The wave module can optionally be coupled with the other modules of Delft3D. In this way an
efficient and direct coupling is obtained between e.g. the flow module (wave driven currents)
and the sediment transport module (stirring by wave breaking).
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8 Morphodynamic module
The sediment transport module, integrates the effects of waves, currents, sediment transport
on morphological development, related to sediment sizes ranging from silt to gravel. It is
designed to simulate the morphodynamic behaviour of rivers, estuaries and coasts on time-
scales of days to years.
The typical problems to be studied using the morphological module involve complex interac-
tions between waves, currents, sediment transport and bathymetry. To allow such interactions,
the individual modules within Delft3D all interact through a well-defined common interface.
The computational modules within Delft3D are identical to their stand-alone counterparts and
each offer the full range of physical processes. In this way, Deltares combined experience of
over thirty years in computer modelling is built into this system.
At present also the SWAN model is available in the wave module of Delft3D. The SWAN model
is fully spectral (in all directions and frequencies) and computes the evolution of random,
short-crested waves in coastal regions with shallow water and ambient currents. The SWAN
model accounts for (refractive) propagation and represents the processes of wave generation
by wind, dissipation due to white-capping, bottom friction and depth-induced wave breaking
and non-linear wave-wave interactions (both quadruplets and triads) explicitly with state-of-
the-art formulations. It is noted that the SWAN model does not account for diffraction effects.
The hydrodynamic module (Delft3D-FLOW) used by Delft3D-MOR is based on the shallow
water equations, including effects of tides, wind, density currents, waves, and turbulence mod-
els up to k-ε. The module includes a transport solver for salinity, temperature and conserva-
tive substances. The effects of salinity and temperature on the density and on the momentum
balance are taken into account automatically.
The module uses a curvilinear grid in the horizontal plane. The vertical grid sizes are propor-
tional to the local water depth.
Wave effects in the model include radiation stress gradients associated with wave dissipation,
wave-induced mass flux and enhanced bed shear stress, computed by a choice of formula-
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Delft3D, Functional Specifications
Sediment transport
The sediment transport module computes the bed-load and suspended-load sediment trans-
port field over the curvilinear model grid, for a given period of time.
The bed-load transport is computed as a local function of wave and flow properties and the
bed characteristics. The equilibrium suspended load is also computed as a local function
of these parameters. The module then recognises two modes of transport: total transport
(equilibrium) mode, or suspended load mode. In the first, the total transport is simply the
addition of bed-load and equilibrium suspended-load transport. In the second mode, the
entrainment, deposition, advection and diffusion of the suspended sediment is computed by a
transport solver. Here, a quasi-3D approach is followed, where the vertical profiles of sediment
concentration and velocity are given by shape functions.
The bed-load and equilibrium suspended-load transport can be modelled by a range of for-
mulations, among which are Engelund-Hansen, Meyer-Peter-Muller, Bijker, Bailard and Van
Rijn for sand, and a separate formulation for silt transport.
Effects of the bed slope on magnitude and direction of transport, and effects of non-erodible
layers can be taken into account for all formulations.
Bottom change
The bottom update module contains several explicit schemes of Lax-Wendroff type for updat-
ing the bathymetry based on the sediment transport field. Options are available for fixed or
automatic time-stepping, fixed (non-erodible) layers, various boundary conditions, and dredg-
The wave model HISWA operates on rectangular grids, and uses an implicit scheme in propa-
gation direction, combined with a forward marching technique. The wave module takes care of
all transformations and interpolations between these rectangular grids and the curvilinear flow
and transport grid. The wave model SWAN can perform computations directly on a curvilinear
The bottom update model uses an explicit scheme of Lax-Wendroff type. This leads to a
Courant type stability criterion. However, cheap intermediate "continuity correction" steps
keep the computational effort at a reasonable level.
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Morphodynamic module
Coastal areas including beaches, channels, sand bars, harbour moles, offshore breakwaters,
groynes and other structures. The coastal areas may be intersected by tidal inlets or rivers;
parts of it may be drying and flooding.
Rivers including bars, river bends (spiral flow effect), bifurcations, non-erodible layers, dredg-
ing operations and having arbitrary cross-sections (with overbank flow). Various structures
may be represented. Special features for 2D river applications are presently being developed
and validated, such as a bottom-vanes and graded-sediment.
Estuarine areas including estuaries, tidal inlets and river deltas influenced by tidal currents,
river discharges and density currents. Sediment can be non-cohesive (sandy) or cohesive
(silt). The areas may include tidal flats, channels and man-made structures, e.g. docks, jetties
and land reclamations.
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9 Pre-processing and post-processing
In this chapter several pre-processing and post-processing programs available in Delft3D are
described in some details. These programs concern visualisation, grid generation, manipula-
tion of grid related data and data analysis and manipulation.
9.1 Visualisation
9.1.1 GPP
The general post-processor (GPP) module of Delft3D allows uniform access to all kinds of
data files to select and visualise simulation results and measurement data. More specifically
the program allows to:
vector plots for flow velocities, bottom shear stress and other vector quantities, with auto-
matic or user-defined scaling of s-axis, y -axis and vector scale;
time history plots, from a single run, from various runs in the same plot or simulation
results in combination with measurement data. Depending on the data files, these can be
typical hydrodynamic quantities, such as water levels, velocity magnitude and direction,
but also water quality parameters like salinity, temperature and E.coli concentration. The
scaling can be determined automatically or set by you;
contour and isoline plots of scalar quantities like the depth, water levels or algae growth
rates. Again you can choose automatic scaling or set the contour classes manually;
vertical profiles for quantities defined on a three-dimensional grid;
geometric plots of the grid itself, tidal flats, land boundaries;
mass balances and limiting factors for displaying the details of water quality models.
Data sets can be plotted in any (sensible) combination, as long as there is a common co-
ordinate system. Layouts may contain more than one viewport, allowing several independent
plots on one page. It is noted that the overview above is by no means complete but it gives a
general idea about the possibilities.
The program has been designed to be general enough to handle different kinds of underlying
geometries and data files of widely varying formats.
The program is capable of producing high quality colour plots. It is also able to produce a plot
file in various standard formats. At the same time a print-out of the results in ASCII format can
be made, enabling the data to be imported in other post-processing programs.
For the use of ArcView and Matlab to visualise and further process Delft3D results, see Sec-
tion 9.9.
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The post-processing program Delft3D-QUICKPLOT allows you to easily plot and animate data
from most output files and some input files of Delft3D and several other software packages of
WL | Delft Hydraulics (such as SOBEK and PHAROS). Furthermore, it supports some simple
ASCII formats such that you can combine model output and measurement data in one plot,
and it is possible to load bitmap data as a backdrop for your 1D or 2D plots.
Typical plots created using Delft3D-QUICKPLOT are 2DH or 2DV plots and time-series plots,
although it also has basic support for 3D plots. Scalar results may be presented using con-
tour lines, contour patches, grid cell based patches, interpolated continuous shades, coloured
marker or value fields. Vector results may be presented as vectors, coloured vectors or nor-
malised vectors or as scalar quantities by selecting a single component (e.g. x-component,
y -component, magnitude, direction) of the vector.
Data sets can be linked to animate single or multiple data sets in a figure. Animation frames
can be stored in various bitmap formats. Data sets can be exported to various in-house or 3rd
party formats.
Figure 9.1: Example QUICKPLOT figure: 3D view of bed level
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Pre-processing and post-processing
Figure 9.2: Example QUICKPLOT figure: Depth-averaged velocity vectors and drying
and flooding
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zoom in locally;
separate a working area from the remainder of the schematisation;
aggregate regularly (e.g. every 2 segments in the one and 3 in the other direction);
aggregate irregularly (by rubber band lines comparable to the bulls hide);
fine tune by point and click on single elements;
select a subset of the hydrodynamic area for water quality modelling;
display information of a selected segment;
save intermediate results on the fly;
resume unfinished work from saved files;
save the final result for water quality simulation.
The final result of DIDO will be used as input to the coupling program between the hydro-
dynamic module Delft3D-FLOW and the water quality module D-Water Quality enabling the
latter to run on a coarser grid using the fine grid hydrodynamic database. Water quality simu-
lations are converted back to the fine grid in post-processing software. This gives spatial plots
with the fine resolution (although aggregated areas will still show equal concentration values).
The main module TIDE/ANALYSIS performs tidal analysis on time-series of water levels or
currents. A variety of features is included, such as:
In a tidal analysis of a time-series of one year with a 10 minutes interval, 100 or more tidal
constituents can be prescribed simultaneously. The constituents are selected from the internal
database that contains 234 constituents that may be important at locations world-wide.
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Pre-processing and post-processing
The module TIDE/FOURIER performs Fourier-analyses on any type of time-series. This fea-
ture can be used to investigate the series of residual levels or velocities which has been
identified during the tidal analysis on remaining tidal components.
Using a set of tidal constants, such as computed in the analysis module, the TIDE/PREDICT
module predicts water levels or tidal currents as a function of time.
The module TIDE/HILOW may provide the production of tide tables with the dates, times and
heights of the High and Low Waters. Using a word-processor or desktop publishing software
package, the basic tide tables can be processed further and combined with other relevant
information like tidal stream data.
Whereas in the regular analysis part of the package you pre-define the constituents that will be
considered, the program also features an option (TIDE/ASCON) to compute the astronomic
arguments and node amplitude factors for all 234 internally defined constituents.
The package is accompanied with a comprehensive User Manual, exemplifying the use of the
program and its scientific backgrounds. A number of examples is added in the form of input
and data files.
1 Using the program Delft3D-NESTHD 1 a list of monitoring stations in the overall model,
needed for the interpolation, will be generated. In addition to this, the program generates
the nest administration, i.e. the link between the boundary support points in the detailed
(or nested) model and the monitoring stations in the overall model.
2 Run the overall model with the list of monitoring stations generated by Delft3D-NESTHD
3 The actual boundary conditions for the nested model are generated by Delft3D-NESTHD
2 using the history file of the overall model and the nest administration.
The procedure of nesting through concentrations between D-Water Quality (or D-Waq PART)
models is performed by the system D-Waq NESTWQ. In this procedure two steps can be
distinguished which are handled by separate subsystems:
1 D-Waq NESTWQ 1, for the determination of nest segments and nest weights in the overall
model. The concentrations at these segments are used by the next subsystem.
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2 D-Waq NESTWQ 2, for the generation of boundary conditions for the boundary segments
in the nested model from the results at the nest segments in the overall model.
exporting a GIS line coverage as land boundary outline and depth data as contained in
ArcInfo/ArcView map layers to a format suitable for RGFGRID and QUICKIN;
importing the model grid and the corresponding depth field as generated by RGFGRID
and QUICKIN, so that they can be presented in a geographical context;
importing the grid-based model results (scalar and vector quantities) with a user interface
quite similar to that of GPP in the ArcView environment for presentation or further analysis
All data files are read directly by this ArcView extension and stored as shape files. There is
no need to convert or process the model result files.
The Delft3D-MATLAB interface allows you to seamlessly integrate the simplicity of simulation
data access by Delft3D-QUICKPLOT with the flexibility of the MATLAB environment developed
by The MathWorks Inc. The combination of these two tools allows you to use the full power of
MATLAB for analysing, processing and visualising the simulation results.
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Pre-processing and post-processing
Figure 9.3: Example QUICKPLOT figure: Depth-averaged velocity vectors and tidal ellips
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10 Hardware configuration
Delft3D and its accompanying programs is supported on the following platforms:
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Booij, N., R. Ris and L. Holthuijsen, 1999. “A third-generation wave model for coastal regions,
Part I, Model description and validation.” Journal of Geophysical Research 104 (C4): 7649–
Holthuijsen, L., N. Booij and T. Herbers, 1989. “A prediction model for stationary, short-crested
waves in shallow water with ambient currents.” Coastal Engineering 13: 23–54.
Holthuijsen, L., N. Booij and R. Ris, 1993. “A spectral wave model for the coastal zone.” In
Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis,
New Orleans, pages 630–641.
Los, F. J., 1991. Mathematical Simulation of algea blooms by the model BLOOM II. Tech.
Rep. T68, WL | Delft Hydraulics, Delft, The Netherlands. Version 2.
Los, F. J., 2009a. Eco-hydrodynamic modelling of primary production in coastal waters and
lakes using BLOOM. Ph.D. thesis, Wageningen University. ISBN 978-90-8585-329-9.
Los, F. J., 2009b. Eco-hydrodynamic modelling of primary production in coastal waters and
lakes using BLOOM. IOS Press Amsterdam. ISBN 978-1-58603-987-5.
Ris, R., N. Booij and L. Holthuijsen, 1999. “A third-generation wave model for coastal regions,
Part II: Verification.” Journal of Geophysical Research 104 (C4): 7649–7666.
Ris, R. C., 1997. Spectral Modelling of Wind Waves in Coastal Areas. Communications on
Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering, report 97-4. Delft University of Technology, Delft,
The Netherlands. Ph.D. thesis.
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