Diabetic Diet

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 Carbohydrates  Carbohydrates
o Brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, millet, o White rice or white flour
or amaranth o Cereals with little whole grains and
o Baked sweet potato lots of sugar
o Whole grain bread o White bread
o French fries
o Fried white-flour tortillas

 Vegetables  Vegetables
o Fresh veggies, eaten raw or lightly o Canned vegetables with lots of
steamed, roasted, or grilled added sodium
o Plain frozen vegetables, lightly o Veggies cooked with lots of added
steamed butter, cheese, or sauce

 Fruits  Fruits
o Fresh fruit (preferably citrus like o Canned fruit with heavy sugar syrup
orange) o Chewy fruit rolls
o Plain frozen fruit or fruit canned o Regular jam, jelly, and preserves
without added sugar o Fruit punch, fruit drinks, fruit juice
o Sugar-free or low-sugar jam or drinks

 Protein (LOW FAT ALWAYS)  Protein

o Plant-based proteins such as o Fried meats (kahit fish)
beans, nuts, seeds, or tofu o Higher-fat cuts of meat, such as ribs
o Fish and seafood o Pork bacon
o Chicken and other poultry (Choose o Regular cheeses
the breast meat if possible.) o Poultry with skin
o Eggs and low-fat dairy

 Dairy (LOW FAT ALWAYS)  Dairy

o 1% or skim milk o Whole milk
o Low-fat yogurt o Regular yogurt

 Fats, Oils, Sweets  Fats, Oils, Sweets

o Nuts, seeds, or avocados (high in o High in TRANS FAT
calories, so keep portions small)
o Salmon, tuna, or mackerel
o Canola, grapeseed, or olive oils

 Drinks  Drinks
o Unflavored water or flavored o Regular sodas
sparkling water o Regular beer, fruity mixed drinks,
o Unsweetened tea with or without a dessert wines
slice of lemon o Sweetened tea
o Light beer, small amounts of wine o Coffee with sugar and cream
o Coffee, black or with added low-fat o Flavored coffees and chocolate
milk and sugar substitute drinks
o Energy drinks

 Snacks  Snacks
o Wheat crackers o Baked goods (kakanin, cookies,
o Vegetable crackers (Luxury brand cakes)
favorite) o Anything that is white (white bread,
o Granola bars white flour, pasta, rice)
o Hummus (with veggies not tortilla) o Artificially flavored
o Yogurt o Added sugar
o Fruits
o Popcorn (No butter, less salt)
o Trail mix
o Peanut butter

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