BFGXR - Inquisition
BFGXR - Inquisition
BFGXR - Inquisition
Revised Edition
Plaxor, Afterimagedan, The Specialist Games Community
For all its imposing bulk and the abject fear mere
mention of this ship brings, each one is little more than a
gigantic transport vessel and high-security prison, albeit
fitted with a heavily augmented and carefully-tuned
Gellar Field to shroud the beacon-bright imprint so many
psykers in such close vicinity would have upon the warp
during a Blackship’s transit. Additionally, such vessels
always embark a large contingent of Untouchables, those
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS cursed with the Pariah gene that appear as psychic nulls
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 5 6+ Prow / 5+ 5 to the warp, along with a mission of Adepta Sororitas
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC to keep order aboard the ship and to serve as a final
line of defense against enemy boarders. Because of
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Left the enormous bounty such a cargo would represent to
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Right Chaos or the Dark Eldar, Blackships mount weapons
Dorsal Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right comparable to front-line warships, and it is rare that a
Blackship ever plies the void without being under heavy
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front escort.
Special Rules: Inquisition Blackships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, a Blackship comes with an extra re-roll that can be
used just like any normal fleet re-roll. This re-roll does not affect the amount of re-rolls a fleet commander may take.
Gellar Field: The ship is sheathed in an especially powerful Gellar Field to shield the presence of its cargo of untrained psykers from the ravages of the warp. If the ship suffers
a Shields Collapsed critical hit, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Gellar Field is also damaged and must be repaired before the ship departs the table or disengages, or the ship counts
as being destroyed! The Gellar Field is repaired exactly like other critical damage, though this does not repair the Shields Collapsed critical.
Special Objective: These vessels are as carefully protected by Imperial forces as they are prized by the Emperor’s enemies, and it is not uncommon that they in and of
themselves will be the object of a battle. If this vessel is destroyed, it grants an additional 200 victory points to the destroyer. If the Blackship survives neither crippled nor
disengaged, it grants the Inquisition player 200 victory points. If a Convoy scenario is chosen and the defending fleet list includes an Inquisition Blackship, it may be used as
the game’s objective, counting as eight transports for purposes of deciding escorting forces (its point cost still counts towards the defender’s allowed total, however).
Special Refits: An Inquisitorial Cruiser may replace its dorsal bombardment cannon with a lance battery (Range 45cm, Strength 2, Left / Front / Right) and/or replace its
launch bays with a torpedo salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 6, Front) for no change in cost. Inquisitorial Cruisers armed with torpedoes may fire ordinary or boarding torpedoes,
and may serve as Exterminator vessels without requiring any further refits. Furthermore, when in position to exterminate a planet, Inquisitorial Cruisers with torpedoes will
succeed on a roll of 3+ instead of the usual 4+.
Ruler of the Black Skies
Fors Clavigera
Mea Virtus
Argent Sceptre
Righteous Dawn
Imperator Gloriam
Special Rules: Grey Knights strike cruisers are fabricated exclusively for the Inquisition by Mars itself. They add a further
+1D6cm to their speed when on All Ahead Full special orders. In addition, they benefit from all the bonuses and penalties
applied to Grey Knights vessels as described on page 6. "Y ou are Astartes indeed, and that will never alter.
But you are a Death Guard no longer. You are a
ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped
Replace Launch Bays: Up to half of the Grey Knights strike cruisers in a fleet may replace their prow launch bays with either amid the grey. And I have need of such a man."
a torpedo salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 3, Front) or a bombardment cannon (Range 30cm, Firepower 3, Front) for no change in
-Malcador the Sigilite,
cost, in any mix desired. Any strike cruiser with torpedoes may be armed with short-burn torpedoes and/or barrage bombs for
+15 points each.
to Battle-Captain Garro
L ike most Chapters, Grey Knights maintain a sizeable number of Gladius frigates throughout their fleet. Unlike most Chapters, however, the Gladius
serves a crucial role as a fast, reliable transport for individual squads of Grey Knights. While it cannot carry more than a relative handful of Astartes
warriors - a hindrance for typical Space Marine operations - the Grey Knights often require (or can spare) only a single combat squad for any given
mission. The Gladius gives the Grey Knights Chapter the ability to quickly and quietly deploy squads across the galaxy, allowing them a small measure
of flexibility against the ceaseless advance of Chaos. That the Gladius is so common amongst Space Marine fleets is all the better, as this means many
Grey Knights squads may move freely without drawing attention that larger Grey Knights vessels often attract.
M uch like other chapters, the Hunter class destroyer provides valuable fire support to the Grey Knights fleet. However, due to the Inquisition’s less
than savory relationship with the Dark Angels Chapter, it took many years for these vessels to become readily available to the Grey Knights.
Nevertheless, the Hunter still sees fairly regular use among Inquisition fleets, often supporting squadrons of Imperial Navy Cobras requisitioned by the
Ordo Malleus for patrol routes in Chaos-tainted sectors.
Special Rules: All of the vessels on this page follow the rules for Grey Knights ships as described on page 6. In all other respects they are identical to those found in the Space
Marine fleet list and are reprinted here simply for convenience.
Note: The changes to this fleet list are significantly more [Change] Clarified that Thunderhawks launched from non- Given the huge clout of the Inquisition, it is hard to believe that
extensive than anywhere else in the BFG:XR project. This is due, space marine ships do not get the +1 bonus to their H&R attack, an Inquisitor could be refused a request for vortex torpedoes
in part, to personal bias (GKs are my favored army) and also due as they are not space marines. Ships that have a bonus to H&Rs (although they are still only one salvo per game).
to what I felt were numerous ambiguities and complicated cross- from some other source (like a retinue) will provide that bonus
[Addition] Grey Knights ships can take Short-Burn Torpedoes
faction interactions that have existed in the Inquisition rules to their Thunderhawks, however. Furthermore, Inquisition ships
and/or Barrage Bombs for +5 points per point of torpedo
since the 2010 compendium. Nevertheless, I have endeavored cannot launch Thunderhawk Annihilators.
to maintain the balance and function of the BFG: R edition as
[Change] Clarified that SM ships cannot benefit from both
much as possible. [Addition] There is now a standalone Grey Knights fleet.
Honor Guard and the Inquisition teleport attack upgrades (and
[Addition] Inquisitors in a campaign can re-roll whether an vice versa). Likewise for Terminators. This prevents any one This fleet list is similar to the SM dominion fleet, but it cannot
appeal is granted. ship from stacking a gratuitous amount of teleport attacks. take as many ships and has its own inquisition detachments (and
it cannot take ships from the normal inquisition list).
[Change] Separated the Ordo boarding and H&R bonuses from [Addition] [Change] Moved the special reserves rules (xenos
the actual Ordo choice, as this ended up being redundant in ships, chaos ships, etc) to a new section for “radical inquisitors”. • The fleet can be led by either a Grand Master of the Fleet or
Space Marine lists. Radicals have some extra options but can’t take the normal an Inquisitor Lord. A GMotF comes with a re-roll for free, and
upgrades for their Ordo (i.e. Deathwatch, GKs, etc). Brought has a higher attack rating, but the Inquisitor Lord has access
• The cost of Inquisitors has been reduced by 25 points to bring back the Ordo Xenos experimental upgrades for this purpose to more ships.
them in line with other fleet commander options. (at an increased cost), and added a few additional options for
• Purifiers are rarer than SM honor guard; they can only be on
• The Ordo bonuses are now chosen as the retinue upgrade for the other Ordos (Hereticus Pugator vessels and daemonhosts).
ships with a Brother-Captain. Other ships can take regular GK
25 points, giving +2 boarding, +1 H&R, -1 enemy H&R. [Change] Inquisition secondary commanders have been interceptors instead.
Now, taking an inquisitor does not force a player to waste points replaced by a generic “Elite Captain,” as they all used identical
• Grey Knight Venerable Battle Barges use the same rules as
when commanding a Space Marine fleet. rules.
SM ones, but are +45 points instead of +35 points due to
[Addition] If an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor + Retinue are on a [Change] Inquisitorial Cruisers can take a retinue (as described having GK special rules.
Space Marine ship, it counts as a Grey Knights vessel. above). This replaces the confusing Ordo choice they had in
• The fleet is limited to 0-1 BB and 0-6 strike cruisers instead of
previous editions.
This allows a fluffy GK player limited access to some of the 0-3 and 0-10 as in the SM list, since Grey Knights cannot field
[Addition] Included a “Using the Inquisition” section to the as many capital ships at one time.
unique Space Marine things (that aren’t in the new GK list) like
Fortress-Monasteries (if you wanted to represent Broadsword fleet list to clarify that it is not a standalone fleet, and that it
• The fleet can take Inquisitorial Cruisers and/or IN escorts if
Station, for example). bypasses the usual Reserve/Allies rules (which would prevent
led by an inquisitor. Other SM escorts are taken normally, but
Inquisitors from being placed on IN ships, and so forth).
they use GK special rules.
[Addition] Some new upgrades added. Hereticus can mount
unlimited-ammo melta torpedoes on an Inquisitor or Elite [Change] Grey Knights vessels in an Inquisition list have been
• Opponents of a GK fleet get D3 ships upgraded with the ‘12’
Captain’s ship, but they deal D6 damage if critically hit instead returned to the old 2010 rules of 1 GKBB total and 1 GKSC per result on the Forces of Chaos campaign table. This makes it a
500 points. Players wanting a pure GK fleet should use the new bit harder on the GK player on account of having quite a few
of D3. Malleus now have Grey Knight Interceptors, a cheap +1
fleet list (see below). bonuses over normal SM.
teleport attack that does not stack with anything else; available
only in the GK fleet list. [Change] Players now roll for one secret ploys sub-plot per Ordo • GK fleets cannot take or provide any reserves.
represented in their fleet, instead of just one total. I just thought
[Addition] Brought back hexagrammatic wards for Grey
this was a kind of fun and flavorful thing since inquisitors often
Knights. This was missing from the BFG: R version and was (I
deceive and squabble with one another.
assume) an oversight. Its effect has been updated to protect GK
ships from leadership penalties, and turn off Marks of Chaos [Addition] Inquisition Fleet Commanders can take vortex
during boarding actions with GK vessels (including the Mark torpedoes for their ship (assuming it has torpedo tubes) for +50
of Nurgle’s +1 hit) points. Last Updated: April 3, 2017 11:29 PM