BFGXR - Inquisition

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Original Game Design and Development

Andy Chambers, Gavin Thorpe, Jervis Johnson

Revised Edition
Plaxor, Afterimagedan, The Specialist Games Community

Artwork & Graphics Special Thanks

John Blanche, Richard Wright, Alex Boyd, Nate Montes, Bob Henderson, Ray Bell, Pete Haines,
Wayne England, Des Hanley, Neil Hodgson, Gary ‘Slim’ Parsons, Roger Gerrish, Jes Goodwin, Rick Priestly,
Nuala Kennedy, Paul Smith, John Wigley, Talima Fox John Carter, Che Webster & Richard Hodgekinson

Roy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz, Fred Martinson, W.S. Scott Boyd,

Miniatures, Models, & Painting Robert C.M. Passovoy, Aaron Dickey, Sam Stewart,
Tim Adcock, Dave Andrews, Owen Branham, Mark Jones, Stephen Cundiff, Colin Young, Dex Sy, Brandon Pooley,
Chris Smart, Dave Thomas, Matt Parkes, Keith Robertson, Wesley Herndon, Florian Piening, John Lambshead,
Martin Footitt, Stuart Thomas, Richard Baker, Neil Green Matt Sprang & The 40k Specialist Games Community
The Battlefleet Gothic: Expanded Revised Edition
What is BFG:XR?
The Battlefleet Gothic: Expanded Revised Edition is an updated, visually remastered version of Plaxor and
Afterimagedan’s well known Battlefleet Gothic: Revised project. The aim of BFG:XR is to build and maintain
a complete, unified rule set that is both easy for new players to learn and deep enough for veterans to enjoy.
Note that this project was formerly known as the BFG 2015 Project, and some documents may still bear that
name or refer to it in the text.

How are these rules made?

The BFG:XR edition is a combination / update of the classic BFG v1.5 Rulebook, the unofficial FAQ 2010
Compendium, and the BFG:R faction fleet lists. I have carefully transcribed these documents into new, fully
edited and reformatted documents that attempt to preserve the style and character of the classic BFG rules.

Who is responsible for BFG:XR?

BFG:XR is a personal project of one user, Xca|iber (that’s me), and is not directly endorsed by Games Workshop,
Plaxor, Afterimagedan, or any other BFG authority. The contents of these documents, such as text, artwork,
symbols, and so forth are the property of their respective creators - I have only made relatively small changes
to the formatting and rules where necessary to improve readability and clarity.

I found a typo or mistake, what should I do?

Any questions, concerns, or comments about the BFG:XR project may be submitted online at the Specialist
Arms Forums, under the Battlefleet Gothic heading. You may also reach the author (me) directly by email at


Far underneath the bedrock of Antarctica three Ordos Majoris in its own right, each one tasked
on Holy Terra exists the citadel of an with a specific area of concern in defense of the God-
organization that acts as the secret police Emperor and his Imperium.
of the Imperium of Man; hunting down
any and all threats to the stability of the
God-Emperor’s realm. The most shadowy THE ORDO HERETICUS:
and mysterious of the Emperor’s organizations, it is THE THREAT WITHIN
responsible for defending against perils of heresy, Rather than serve merely as the internal investigators
possession, alien dominance and rebellion. It is they who of the Inquisition itself, the Ordo Hereticus was made
stand between all mankind and the phantoms of fear and responsible for protecting the Imperium from itself
terror lurking in the darkness between the stars. and guarding its future so that never again would it
be threatened by those entrusted with its protection.
THE ORDOS MAJORIS Hereticus Inquisitors are the most feared members of the
From beginnings shrouded in mystery and dating back Inquisition, as their focus is on mankind itself against the
to the Horus Heresy, it is believed that the Inquisition witch, the heretic and the mutant, and they are pitiless
coalesced into the beginnings of its current form by the with those who fail the Emperor. The arrival of an Ordo
beginning of M32, 800 years after the Heresy, although Hereticus Inquisitor on a world is met with fear and
its essential components and apparatus, such as the awe, as no one but the Inquisitor himself knows where
League of Blackships and the “Witch Hunters” of the his attentions will fall. As part of this mandate, it is to
Sisters of Silence were active before the Heresy began. this Ordo falls responsibility for investigating the psyker
While it is believed the Ordos were riven with various taint, and it is in this capacity that they arouse the most
factions almost since its inception, as a whole it existed fear and suspicion.
as a single unified organization charged with examining
and hunting down all the myriad threats to the Imperium, The dread starships that make up the fleet of the League
from the corruption caused by Chaos, heretics, mutants of Blackships are under the express jurisdiction of
and rebels, to assaults from vicious alien species like the the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, but the very nature
Tyranids, Orks or Dark Eldar, with only the Ordo Malleus of a Blackship’s mission makes strict oversight by
existing as a separate entity to police the Inquisition the Inquisition a necessity. As these titanic barges
itself. Though not expounded upon even among other ply the atramentous void on routes between heavily
Inquisitors not so initiated, its other, secret purpose was populated worlds and Holy Terra seeking out psykers
dealing with the threat of Chaos to the Imperium as a for examination, it is common for Inquisitors of the
whole and in particular to those within the Inquisition Ordo Hereticus to travel on board, as this gives them S o great has been the calamitousness of these times, and such
the inveterate malice of the heretics, that there has been
that may be drawn to it for whatever purpose, whether the opportunity to investigate a planet’s potential for nothing ever so clear in our statement of faith, nothing so surely
malign or with the best of intentions. psychically-based corruption. To this end they are also settled, which they, at the instigation of the enemy of the human
captained by senior Inquisitorial agents and embarked race, have not defiled by some sort of error. For which cause the
holy Inquisition hath made it Its especial care to condemn and
It was only after the Age of Apostasy brought about by a ship-based defense force of Inquisitorial Storm
anathematize the principal errors of the heretics of our time, and
by High Lord Goge Vandire and his Reign of Blood Troopers or Sisters of Battle. Those few found strong-
to deliver and teach the true and Imperial doctrine; even as It has
early in M36 that significant changes came about to the willed and sane enough to undergo the rigorous training
condemned, anathematized, and decreed.
Inquisition. The Ordo Malleus was rent in two under a and indoctrination required to become a Sanctioned
-Declaration of Inquisitorial Mandate
powerful new mandate, becoming one of what became Psyker or Astropath are selected, with a number of these

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 1

eventually coming into the services of the Inquisition Imperium they identified. Armed with the best human However, at times the Ordo Xenos can truly bring the
itself. Far more are found unfit for whatever reason, and and alien technology available, extremely knowledgeable hammer of the Emperor down on the foul alien, a prime
these are taken from their homes and worlds whether about their foe, and filled with hatred for non-human example of which was seen during the Damocles Gulf
willing or not, bound for Holy Terra and the soul-binding species, the Ordo Xenos can respond to any alien threat. Crusade in which an Ordo Xenos-headed Imperial Navy
that draws away their life force to feed the ravening maw Their tactics vary depending on the situation and level of battle group penetrated deep into Tau space, although
of the Astronomicon, the artifact upon which the entire alien taint revealed. Where the threat is subtle, they will progression slowed to a halt when they reached Dal’yth,
Imperium depends for its very survival. use guile and stealth, wielding their power as if it was a one of the core sept worlds of the Tau Empire. It is worth
scalpel used to cut out a cancer. noting that, with the arrival of Hive Fleet Behemoth, the
The members of the Ordo Hereticus also monitor the Damocles Crusade was forced to withdraw from their
Wars of Faith inspired by the Ecclesiarchy, to ensure they The Ordo Xenos is well known for either being siege of Dal’yth to attend to other matters.
remain within the objectives assigned by the Ecclesiarch extremely ponderous or extremely quick to act. A major
and the other High Lords of Terra. They ensure that example of their slowness to act was when the Tau first When the alien menace is great, the Inquisitor can
the teachings preached by priests of the Imperial Cult made contact with Imperial planetary governors on the enlist the aid of entire regiments of Imperial Guard and
remain true to the spirit of the Emperor’s will. They eastern fringe of the galaxy, and these aliens’ technology the special contingent of Space Marines drawn from
regulate the wealth and territory claimed by members was allowed to penetrate all the way to Holy Terra itself. every existing Chapter who are specifically attached
of the Ecclesiarchy, to prevent higher members of the to the Ordo Xenos and are known as the Deathwatch.
institution from gaining more power than is appropriate. The Deathwatch are squads made up of elite Space
Recognizing that no one was infallible and even a High Marines from all of the Space Marine Chapters. All
Lord could turn away from the Emperor’s Light, the Deathwatch members wear black power armor except
Ordo Hereticus is also called upon to monitor other for one shoulder plate which bears the colors of their
Imperial organisations for internal threats, including the original Chapter (so as not to dishonor their power
Adeptus Arbites, the Space Marines, and even the other armor’s Machine Spirit) and the other is emblazoned
Ordos of the Inquisition itself. Only the Emperor himself with the Icon of the Deathwatch. Certain Chapters make
is beyond the gimlet gaze of their jurisdiction. Vandire’s for great Xenohunters, like the Ultramarines with their
“Brides of the Emperor” became the Adepta Sororitas, experience against Tyranids, or the Crimson Fists with
in keeping with the letter of the law (if not its intent) their experience against Orks. Deathwatch teams may
set down by Sabastian Thor’s Decree Passive stating the specialize in defending or attacking any known alien
Ecclesiarchy would not maintain an organization of “men race, including the Tau, Tyranids, Necrons, Orks or
under arms.” Their mandate and goals in this manner are even Eldar; it depends upon the experience of the team.
congruent to that of the Ecclesiarchy, and as a check When a Battle-Brother leaves the Deathwatch after his
against the Priesthood’s ability to subvert the Imperium’s term of service to return to his original Chapter, he gains
delicate political balance, it was natural that the Adepta the honor of keeping his armored left arm plate with the
Sororitas would become its Chamber Militant. symbol of the Deathwatch.


The beginnings of the Ordo Xenos harken back to a time Originally formed to serve in the role now undertaken
at the very beginning of the Emperor’s Great Crusade in large part by the Ordo Hereticus, it traces its roots to
when the threat posed by the myriad races populating the Horus Heresy. It is the specific task of the Inquisitors
the greater galaxy had to be ascertained to mitigate
their ability to interfere with the Imperium’s rapid early
expansion. It was not until after the Horus Heresy that this
Y ou ask why we must cleanse the xenos. I will tell
you. The filth of the alien and the witch must
be exterminated to preserve the purity of the Human
and their acolytes of the Ordo Malleus to destroy the
physical manifestation of Chaos, Daemons, in the
physical universe as well as any other agents of Chaos
function was integrated into the then-nascent Inquisition, race, lest we degenerate into abomination. who threaten the Imperium’s worlds. The Ordo Malleus
where its mandate continued to be the investigation and concerns itself with the daemonic threat that faces
study of alien races to eliminate any alien threat to the -Excerpt from the Conclave of Vera the Imperium and for thousands of years has waged a

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 2

covert war for humanity’s continued survival against daemons and how to fight them, only the Grey Knights
the insidious forces of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. are privy to the darkest, deepest secrets that the Ordo
Besides being the Daemonhunters of the Imperium, they Malleus possesses on these creatures and how to defeat
yet remain a secretive inner order of the Inquisition, them. Despite this immense and terrible burden, in the
controlled by a council of 169 Masters, whose authority Space Marines’ long history the Grey Knights hold the
extends even to the Master of the Inquisition. The Ordo’s highest honor of all: Not one Grey Knight has ever turned
organization is divided into Chambers, each controlled to Chaos or betrayed the Emperor.
by an Inquisitor Lord called a Proctor. The number of
Inquisitors in Chamber can vary from a few score to
hundreds. They maintain at their disposal Inquisitorial THE ORDOS MINORIS
Storm Troopers, tasked with security of their primary The three Ordos Majoris serve distinct roles within
redoubt on Holy Terra as well as the Inquisitions string of the Inquisition, but they are not mutually exclusive. It
Fortresses scattered throughout the galaxy, some hidden, is not unheard of for an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and his
some extremely well-known and the object of numerous Deathwatch Space Marines kill-team to assist one from
dark legends. the Ordo Hereticus that discovered a group of mutants
have collaborated with foul aliens to bolster their
While their Inquisitional Storm Troopers serve as a weaponry. Inquisitorial Storm Troopers are at times
highly trained and heavily armed ready security force for charged to complement the protection and security
the Inquisition as a whole, the Chamber Militant detailed force of the infamous Blackships, accompanying an
specifically to the Ordo Malleus are the Grey Knights. Ordo Malleus Inquisitor aboard as she makes her purity
Their founding is unique of all the Space Marine legions, checks for the taint of Chaos on worlds along its route.
and like everything else about them, much of their past An Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor and his retinue may
is shrouded in secrecy. Some say their gene-seed is not investigate a well-placed government official suspected
based on a Primarch but from the Emperor of Mankind of collusion with dark forces drawing Chaos demons
himself, while others postulate that they are created against a deployed Grey Knights squad. The Inquisition’s
from a cocktail of the eight loyalist Space Marines from shrouded history is replete with such examples.
the Traitor Legions rumored to have been among those
One unbreakable shield against presented to the Emperor by Malcador the Sigilite as For recurring threats or missions of grave import, a
the coming darkness part of the Inquisition’s founding. Unlike other Space number of minor Ordos were created, such as the Ordo
Marines Chapters, they are permanently attached to Sicarius, tasked with investigating and controlling the
+++ the Ordo Malleus. While their Fortress Monastery Officio Assassinorum, and the Ordo Sepulturum, one
One last blade, forged in lies buried deep underneath the frigid wastes of Titan, of the smallest of the Ordos Minoris. Formed during
Saturn’s moon in the system of Holy Terra, their duties the 13th Black Crusade, their particular focus is the
defiance of fate take them throughout the Emperor’s Realm. The Grey relatively new threat presented to the Imperium by the
+++ Knights maintain small, secret redoubts throughout emergence of the Nurgle-spawned Zombie Plague. There
the galaxy, and it can be many decades, if ever, before are a number of other such minor Ordos, some so deeply
Let them be my legacy to the secretive they are known only by their members and the
a Grey Knight returns to that hallowed place where he
galaxy I conquered first donned his aegis helm and took up his nemesis Inquisitor Lords that lead them. Individuals and even
+++ force halberd. Of all Space Marines Chapters, they are groups of Inquisitors may be of differing and in some
the only one made up entirely of psykers. Only they are cases even conflicting philosophies and factions with
And my final gift to the species indoctrinated in the knowledge of the dark secrets of names such as the Thorians or the Istvaanists, and these
I failed Chaos - they alone completely know of and understand allegiances as often as not cross the already ill-defined
the existence of demons and of their appearance in the lines between Ordos. Because of this and the enormous
-Inscribed upon the real universe, and they alone are best equipped to battle authority each Inquisitor wields, such collaboration and
and defeat mankind’s most terrible enemy. While other interdependency is the only manner an organization
Arcus Daemonica
Chapters and Imperium forces have some knowledge of beholden to no-one is able to police itself.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 3



When selecting an Inquisitor to lead your fleet, he or she
must be assigned to one of the following Ordos. Note
that a ship may not purchase or benefit from the rules or
upgrades of more than one different Ordo. In any case
where a ship would be affected by the bonuses of two or
more Ordos, it must use those corresponding to the Ordo
of the highest-leadership Inquisitor aboard.

• The Ordo Hereticus: Inquisitors of this Ordo are

experts in rooting out sedition and heresy within the
Imperium. Their chief weapons are surprise and fear.

• The Ordo Xenos: Inquisiors of this Ordo are tasked

with the study, capture, and elimination of Xenos
threats to the Imperium.

• The Ordo Malleus: Inquisitors of this Ordo work

tirelessly to seek out and eradicate the malevolent
"W e are at War with forces too terrible to comprehend. We cannot afford mercy for any of its victims too
weak to take the correct course. Mercy destroys us; it weakens us and saps our resolve. Put aside all such
thoughts. They are not worthy of Inquisitors in the service of Our Emperor. Praise His name for in our resolve
influence of Chaos. we only reflect his purpose of will."
-Inquisitor Enoch, Book of Exorcisms
In a campaign, if an Inquisitor is chosen as the fleet’s
commander, he or she will use the standard Imperial Inquisitorial Retinues Thunderhawks
promotions table. However, due to the immense power In many cases, an Inquisitor may be accompanied by the Due to the importance of the Inquisition’s mission, most
and authority of the Inquisition, a campaign fleet led by equivalent of an entire regiment of soldiers or specialists. vessels in the service of the Ordos Majoris employ the
an Inquisitor may re-roll the dice to see if an appeal is These retinues are sworn to protect the Inquisition, and ubiquitous Thunderhawk attack vehicle - the same used
granted. Note that this re-roll may not be used to change will fight to the bitter end in order to fulfill their duty. by the Space Marines for their ship-to-ship and surface
the result of an appeal (such as refits, etc.).
assaults. They follow the same rules as those found in the
Any ship embarking an Inquisitorial Retinue has a +2 BFG:XR Space Marines fleet document, but only gain a
crew damage bonus, and adds +1 to its result when bonus to their hit-and-run attacks if launched from a ship
"Y ou are not free whose liberty is won by the
rigor of other, more righteous souls. You
are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic,
conducting a hit-and-run raid. Furthermore, enemy hit-
and-run attacks against such a vessel must subtract 1
that actually has such a bonus. In addition, Inquisition
ships may never launch Thunderhawk Annihilators, even
you suck the honorable man dry and offer nothing from their roll. These bonuses do not stack with any other when included in a fleet list which has access to them.
similar bonuses (such as for Space Marine crews), but
in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who
will apply to any ordnance launched. Ordo-Specific Upgrades
have done nothing to earn it, your time has come.
This time you will stand alone and fight for In addition to those shown here, the next page details the
yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in Storm Trooper Strike Force unique upgrades available to each Ordo. Note that Space
A ship with this upgrade may roll twice and pick the Marine vessels cannot benefit from any embarked Honor
the currency of honest toil and human blood."
highest score for its boarding action results. This may not Guard and/or Space Marine Terminators if they are given
-Inquisitor Czevak be combined with any crew damage bonus, but you may an equivalent Inquisition upgrade, such as a Celestian
choose which bonus to apply if both are available. Strike Team or squad of Grey Knight Paladins.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 4



A fleet led by an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor may A fleet led by an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor may purchase A fleet led by an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor may
purchase the following upgrades as described in the the following upgrades as described in the Inquisition purchase the following upgrades as described in the
Inquisition fleet lists: fleet lists: Inquisition fleet lists:

Battle Sisters Detachment Deathwatch Kill-Team Grey Knight Interceptors

This upgrade gives the ship a +1 crew damage bonus. This upgrade counts as an extra teleport attack that This upgrade counts as an extra teleport attack that
This bonus may not be combined with any other crew can be made once per turn, in addition to the ship’s can be made once per turn, in addition to the ship’s
damage bonus, (such as bonuses from Inquisitorial regular teleport attack. When using a Deathwatch regular teleport attack. A vessel with Grey Knight
Retinues or Space Marines). kill-team, roll two dice and pick the result to apply. Purifiers, Paladins, or any other additional teleport
attacks cannot benefit from this upgrade.
Celestian Strike Team In addition, all hit-and-run attacks from the embarked
This upgrade counts as an extra teleport attack that ship add +1 to their result (this bonus does not stack Grey Knight Purifiers
can be made once per turn, in addition to the ship’s with the bonus from Deathwatch Terminators, but is This upgrade counts as an extra teleport attack that
regular teleport attack. When using a Celestian Strike added to any other bonus the ship would normally can be made once per turn, in addition to the ship’s
Team, roll two dice and pick the result to apply. receive, such as for Space Marine vessels and other regular teleport attack. When using Grey Knight
elite crews). Purifiers, roll two dice and pick the result to apply.
Inferno Torpedoes
A ship armed with inferno torpedoes cannot fire any Deathwatch Terminators Grey Knight Paladins
other types of torpedo, even if it would normally be This upgrade provides the embarked ship with two This upgrade provides the embarked ship with two
able to do so. Inferno torpedoes follow the same rules extra teleport attacks that may be used once per turn extra teleport attacks that may be used once per turn
as melta torpedoes, but may be fired any number of in addition to the ship’s normal teleport attack. in addition to the ship’s normal teleport attack.
times throughout the battle. However, as the vessel
must stock substantially more warheads, a critical hit In addition, all teleport attacks from the embarked In addition, all teleport attacks from the embarked
to the location of its torpedo launcher inflicts an extra ship add +1 to their result (this is in addition to any ship add +1 to their result (this is in addition to any
D6 Fire criticals instead of the usual D3 as would be other bonus it would normally receive, such as for other bonus it would normally receive, such as for
normal for melta torpedoes. Space Marine vessels and other elite crews). Space Marine vessels and so on).

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 5

"W e have arrived, and it is now that we perform
our charge. In fealty to the God Emperor, our
undying lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne,
The common man might think of all Inquisitors as radical
individuals, but in the context of their philosophies, the 1
Long Range Sensors: The vessel adds +1 to its
base leadership (max Ld10).
word takes on a much more frightening connotation.
I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Targeting Matrix: The vessel counts all targets as
Tyhpon Primaris. I hereby sign the death warrant of an A Radical Inquisitor is not bound by the dogma of closing when using the gunnery table within 30cm
conventional Imperial thought, making such agents both 2
entire world, and consign a million souls to oblivion. and ignores right-shift modifiers for shooting at
May Imperial justice account in all balance. The dangerous and unpredictable. At best, they are pragmatic; ranges greater than 30cm.
Emperor protects." at worst, they are little more than heretics, lost in the lies Advanced Shielding: The vessel increases the
-Final transmission before the and false promises of inhuman powers they arrogantly 3
strength of its shields by +1.
destruction of Typhon Primaris presume to command.
Ship Defense Grid: The vessel increases the
In the field, it is not uncommon for such Inquisitors strength of its turrets by +1.
GREY KNIGHTS to shun the ranks of their allies and employ outsiders, Advanced Drive Technology: The vessel adds
The Grey Knights - Adeptus Astartes Chapter 666, and sometimes aliens or even daemons, to accomplish a 5 +5cm to its speed as well as +1D6cm when on All
perceived greater good. Indeed the phrase ‘the ends Ahead Full special orders.
Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus, are the first and
last line of defense against the unspeakable evil that lurks justify the means’ often precedes their most dubious 6
Gravitic Thrusters: The vessel doubles the maxi-
within the Warp. For thousands of years, they have stood actions. And yet to their credit, many radicals throughout mum rate of its normal turn.
between Mankind and the Daemon, sacrificing their lives the Ordos Majoris have enjoyed a high degree of success
However, collusion with xenos scum is heretical to the
in the endless battle for humanity’s soul. against the enemies of the Imperium.
members of the Deathwatch; as such, no Deathwatch
The following options may be chosen for any fleet led by upgrades may be purchased for the fleet if any xenos
They are the Emperor’s final boon, an army of unfaltering
an Inquisitor of the appropriate Ordo: ships or experimental upgrades are included.
and incorruptible warriors born of forgotten science.
They are the Grey Knights—the only true defense against Ordo Malleus
Ordo Hereticus
the Daemons of Chaos.
One Battleship or Inquisitorial Cruiser in the fleet may be The fleet may include up to three Chaos ships from those
designated as a Purgator vessel, which will always count listed in the Battlefleet Obscura Reserve Fleet (pg. 30
Special Rules of the BFG:XR Imperial Navy fleet document). These
as an Exterminator in the relevant scenarios. In addition,
The Grey Knights are fearsome warriors even among
any ‘Fire’ critical hit inflicted on an enemy by a Purgator vessels are free of the “Strange Happenings” special rule
other Space Marines; they gain all the normal bonuses
vessel deals double the normal amount of damage each only as long as the Inquisitor’s ship remains in play.
applied to Space Marine vessels, such as for leadership,
time the enemy fails to extinguish it.
boarding, and so forth (see BFG:XR Space Marines). In In addition, any capital ship in the fleet may embark
addition, they may re-roll their boarding action results, However, as radicals of the Ordo Hereticus are intensely daemonhosts for no extra cost. Daemonhosts provide a
but the second result stands, even if it is worse. paranoid, every ship and squadron in a fleet containing +D3 crew damage bonus, but prevent the ship from using
a Purgator vessel operates at -2 Ld unless it embarks an any special orders except Brace for Impact.
Grey Knights vessels also mount Hexagrammatic Wards Inquisitor, Elite Captain, or Battle Sisters Detachment.
that protect them from the influence of Chaos. They Note that the Grey Knights will not risk fighting alongside
ignore all leadership penalties caused by Marks of Chaos Ordo Xenos Chaos ships or daemons for any reason; as such, no Grey
and Daemonships. Furthermore, any ship involved in a The fleet may include one of the following: any Demiurg Knights vessels or upgrades may be purchased for the
boarding action with a Grey Knights ship cannot benefit capital ship, any Corsair Eldar cruiser, or any Tau cruiser, fleet if any Chaos ships or daemonhosts are included.
from any Mark of Chaos effect until the action is resolved. at the cost given in the appropriate fleet list. The chosen
(This includes the +1 hit from the Mark of Nurgle). vessel counts against the fleet’s reserves and is subject to

Lastly, Grey Knights ships may not launch Thunderhawk

the normal rules for reserves and allies.
"O ne cannot consider the fate of a single man, nor
ten, nor a hundred, nor a thousand. Billions will
Annihilators, even when included in a fleet that normally In addition, before each battle, a vessel upon which an live or die by our actions here, and we have not the
has access to them. In all other respects, the Grey Knights Ordo Xenos Inquisitor is embarked may roll once against luxury to count the cost."
vessels use the same rules for Thunderhawks as regular the table shown to the right. Alternatively, one refit may -Inquisitor Kryptman
Space Marine ships. be selected from the table for +15 points.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 6


INQUISITION BLACKSHIP...................................................... 300 Points

B lackships are typically incredibly ancient vessels,
and it is a rare sight to see one of these foreboding
starships enter a planetary system. Even rarer is to have
one of these built to replace inevitable losses incurred by
the very nature of their mission, as vital to the Imperium
as it is fraught with danger. Due to the exacting standards
and particular specifications required to construct a
Blackship, usually this is undertaken nowhere else but
at the shipyards of Mars itself, though records indicate
a small number were constructed at Kar Durniash and
Cypra Mundi.

For all its imposing bulk and the abject fear mere
mention of this ship brings, each one is little more than a
gigantic transport vessel and high-security prison, albeit
fitted with a heavily augmented and carefully-tuned
Gellar Field to shroud the beacon-bright imprint so many
psykers in such close vicinity would have upon the warp
during a Blackship’s transit. Additionally, such vessels
always embark a large contingent of Untouchables, those
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS cursed with the Pariah gene that appear as psychic nulls
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 5 6+ Prow / 5+ 5 to the warp, along with a mission of Adepta Sororitas
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC to keep order aboard the ship and to serve as a final
line of defense against enemy boarders. Because of
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Left the enormous bounty such a cargo would represent to
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Right Chaos or the Dark Eldar, Blackships mount weapons
Dorsal Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right comparable to front-line warships, and it is rare that a
Blackship ever plies the void without being under heavy
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front escort.

Special Rules: Inquisition Blackships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, a Blackship comes with an extra re-roll that can be
used just like any normal fleet re-roll. This re-roll does not affect the amount of re-rolls a fleet commander may take.

Gellar Field: The ship is sheathed in an especially powerful Gellar Field to shield the presence of its cargo of untrained psykers from the ravages of the warp. If the ship suffers
a Shields Collapsed critical hit, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Gellar Field is also damaged and must be repaired before the ship departs the table or disengages, or the ship counts
as being destroyed! The Gellar Field is repaired exactly like other critical damage, though this does not repair the Shields Collapsed critical.

Special Objective: These vessels are as carefully protected by Imperial forces as they are prized by the Emperor’s enemies, and it is not uncommon that they in and of
themselves will be the object of a battle. If this vessel is destroyed, it grants an additional 200 victory points to the destroyer. If the Blackship survives neither crippled nor
disengaged, it grants the Inquisition player 200 victory points. If a Convoy scenario is chosen and the defending fleet list includes an Inquisition Blackship, it may be used as
the game’s objective, counting as eight transports for purposes of deciding escorting forces (its point cost still counts towards the defender’s allowed total, however).

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 7


INQUISITORIAL CRUISER........................................................ 250 Points

F or all the vast power and authority wielded by an
Inquisitor, such august personages will typically rely
on guile and subtlety to accomplish their missions. It is
most common for them to travel in relative obscurity,
relying on little more than the services of a Rogue Trader
or passage aboard a passing merchantman to ferry them
between worlds. However, when addressing issues of
particular urgency, an Inquisitor has the ability to call
upon any warship of the Imperial Navy or the Adeptus
Astartes, or even the might of an entire fleet or Space
Marines Chapter if necessary.
Inquisitorial Cruiser Umbrarius Inquis On occasion Inquisitors will utilize one of their own
organization’s specially-constructed warships. The
Inquisition can summon vast resources, and its seat on
Terra enables the relatively few vessels they actually
possess to call upon all the technological advances and
fabrication methods available to the shipwrights and
fleets of Mars itself. While a few standard patterns are
used by the Inquisition, they are just as often purpose-
constructed and optimized for a particular requirement.
Inquisitors and their retinues must be prepared for any
contingency, and these ships are faster, better armed and
Inquisitorial Cruiser Imperator Illuminatio better protected than warships typically utilized by the
Imperial Navy.

While not specifically Blackships per se, Inquisitors are

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS not above referring to them as such precisely because
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 6+ 2 of the awe and fear the mere mention of such vessels
incur. Inquisitors will typically utilize these ships only as
required for their mission, though some may have such
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Left vessels and their crews detailed to them for extended
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Right periods of time. Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Corteaz
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 6 Left / Front / Right is but one of a number of Inquisitor Lords that have an
Inquisitorial Cruiser permanently available at his or her
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 2 Squadrons -
express disposal.

Special Refits: An Inquisitorial Cruiser may replace its dorsal bombardment cannon with a lance battery (Range 45cm, Strength 2, Left / Front / Right) and/or replace its
launch bays with a torpedo salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 6, Front) for no change in cost. Inquisitorial Cruisers armed with torpedoes may fire ordinary or boarding torpedoes,
and may serve as Exterminator vessels without requiring any further refits. Furthermore, when in position to exterminate a planet, Inquisitorial Cruisers with torpedoes will
succeed on a roll of 3+ instead of the usual 4+.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 8



A battle barge is not technically a class of starship, but rather
it is the name given to any vessel configured to serve as the
backbone of a Space Marine assault fleet. Because of this, it
is theoretically possible for any large capital ship to fulfill this
role, although the battle barges specially designed for the Space
Marines by the Adeptus Mechanicus are the most common
example. However, some older Chapters like the Grey Knights
maintain much more ancient and revered vessels dating back
to a time when the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperial Navy
were more closely united than they are now; indeed, many of
those operated by the Lords of Titan are thousands of years old.
The Grey Knights often rely on these awe-inspiring vessels,
as such ships’ connection to the early days of the Imperium -
and sometimes the Emperor himself - makes them especially
suited to enduring against the ravages of Chaos. To lose such an
artifact, particularly in battle with the Great Enemy, is a tragedy
of incalculable scale.

Choosing a Venerable Battle Barge

A Grey Knights venerable battle barge may be chosen from
any battleship, grand cruiser, battlecruiser, or heavy cruiser
from any Imperial or Chaos fleet list (painted appropriately of
course!). This replaces the fleet’s standard battle barge selection.
The normal cost must be paid for the ship, plus an additional
+45 points for its Grey Knights crew. This vessel represents an
ancient, revered icon or a vessel that has been granted special
dispensation to serve the Ordo Malleus. It is worth 100% victory
points if crippled or 150% victory points if destroyed. A Grey
Knights venerable battle barge benefits from all the usual Space
Marine and Grey Knights special rules, but since it is already
heavily reconfigured to serve as a battle barge, it may not be
given any of the optional refits or upgrades listed in its profile,
except those earned over the course of a campaign.

Launch Bays and Thunderhawks

In order to make room for the much larger Thunderhawk attack
craft used by Space Marine forces, a venerable battle barge
must halve the capacity of its launch bays (rounding up). Due to
the extensive modifications, the vessel’s bays may only launch
Thunderhawks, and may not be used to launch any other form of
attack craft. This is a compulsory refit that applies to all venerable
battle barges equipped with launch bays. Remember that Grey
Knights do not have access to Thunderhawk Annihilators. "W e do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing,
so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath
Titan, so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed,
Prow Torpedoes but the Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until
Any venerable battle barge equipped with a prow weapon may the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That
replace it with a torpedo salvo (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front)
for no change in cost. Any venerable battle barge with torpedoes is our memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won."
may be armed with short-burn torpedoes and/or barrage bombs, -Justicar Alaric
at the cost of +5 points per point of torpedo strength each.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 9


GREY KNIGHTS BATTLE BARGE......................................... 450 Points

A lthough most Space Marine chapters only control
two or three battle barges, the Grey Knights, by
the nature of their edict, must field significantly more.
Indeed, each of the chapter’s eight Brotherhoods may
operate as many as four of their own battle barges in order
to maintain a nigh continuous state of battle-readiness,
should a Chaos incursion be detected. However, the Grey
Knights’ battle barges are largely identical to those of
other chapters in regards to armament and performance.
Like their cousins, many of these vessels seldom return
home to their berths at Broadsword Station, except for
occasional repair and resupply, since they operate as
mobile bases for innumerable Ordo Malleus operations
throughout the dark, corrupted parts of the galaxy.


Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4 Fire of Dawn Bright Sword
Emperor’s Will Redeemer of Souls
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Left
Special Rules: Grey Knights battle barges are ponderous
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Right and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left / Front / Right addition, they benefit from all the bonuses and penalties
applied to Grey Knights vessels as described on page 6. A
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 3 Squadrons - Grey Knights battle barge may be armed with short-burn
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front torpedoes and/or barrage bombs for +30 points each.

"A lready, you exalt me for my

triumphs, when I ask only that
you remember me for my treacheries.
Victory is nothing more than survival;
it carries no weight of honour or worth
beyond what we ascribe to it. If you
wish to grow wise, learn why brothers
betray brothers."
-Grand Master Khyron,
Eighth Brotherhood

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 10


GREY KNIGHTS STRIKE CRUISER....................................... 165 Points

L ike other Space Marine Chapters, the Grey Knights’
primary mode of transportation is the strike cruiser
class of Imperial starship that is exclusive to the Chapters
them to close with more powerful foes and reach their
destination safely, since the Grey Knights must fight more
powerful enemies than the standard Adeptus Astartes
close proximity to Mars, the greatest Forge World in the
Imperium of Man. This provides access to technology,
materials refinement and fabrication techniques that were
of the Adeptus Astartes. However, the Grey Knights’ Chapters. Finally, the landing and drop pod bays are forgotten or are impossible to replicate anywhere else
starships are specially modified in several ways. One enlarged to be able to deploy larger numbers of Marines in the Imperium, which also explains the high quality
is the hexagrammic and antidaemonic wards that are faster. The crews of Grey Knights strike cruisers are all of all Grey Knights equipment. Secondly, these efforts
built into the entire ship from bridge to landing struts strictly mind-wiped to prevent the possible taint of Chaos are made possible by the prodigious resources the Ordo
and every bulkhead in between, similar to those that are corruption, and are given a key word which will kill all Malleus provides the Grey Knights due to their position
placed under the skin of the Grey Knights themselves. the crew members on a Grey Knights strike cruiser and as its Chamber Militant. It is a cruel irony, however, that
These wards lend the ship added protection from the destroy the ship should it fall into the hands of the forces despite the vast and powerful Grey Knights fleet, the
forces of Chaos. Also, the Grey Knights’ strike cruisers of Chaos. The modifications to the Grey Knights’ ships Chapter is still spread dangerously thin. All too often, a
are constructed with significantly more advanced armor are made possible by two factors. The first is their fortress single strike cruiser is all that can be spared - a solitary
than the starships of other Chapters. This is to allow monastery’s location on Titan, a moon of Saturn and in shield to stand alone against the oncoming darkness.

Ruler of the Black Skies
Fors Clavigera
Mea Virtus

Argent Sceptre
Righteous Dawn
Imperator Gloriam


Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 2 6+ 2
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Right
Prow Bombardment Cannon 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 2 Squadrons -

Special Rules: Grey Knights strike cruisers are fabricated exclusively for the Inquisition by Mars itself. They add a further
+1D6cm to their speed when on All Ahead Full special orders. In addition, they benefit from all the bonuses and penalties
applied to Grey Knights vessels as described on page 6. "Y ou are Astartes indeed, and that will never alter.
But you are a Death Guard no longer. You are a
ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped
Replace Launch Bays: Up to half of the Grey Knights strike cruisers in a fleet may replace their prow launch bays with either amid the grey. And I have need of such a man."
a torpedo salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 3, Front) or a bombardment cannon (Range 30cm, Firepower 3, Front) for no change in
-Malcador the Sigilite,
cost, in any mix desired. Any strike cruiser with torpedoes may be armed with short-burn torpedoes and/or barrage bombs for
+15 points each.
to Battle-Captain Garro

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 11


GREY KNIGHTS ESCORTS................................................ Points: Varies

T he Nova class frigate is much more numerous among the Grey Knights than any of their other Astartes cousins, due to the Inquisition silencing
any complaints made by the Imperial Navy’s Admiralty. The fact that the Grey Knights fleet is hardly ever seen further helps to alleviate any fears
that this controversial class might inspire among members of the Imperial government. For the Grey Knights, the Nova provides a welcome amount of
firepower on a relatively fast-moving and self-sufficient platform; ideal for supporting assaults into hostile, Chaos-infested territory.

NOVA CLASS FRIGATE...................................................................................................... 45 Points

Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Lance 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right

L ike most Chapters, Grey Knights maintain a sizeable number of Gladius frigates throughout their fleet. Unlike most Chapters, however, the Gladius
serves a crucial role as a fast, reliable transport for individual squads of Grey Knights. While it cannot carry more than a relative handful of Astartes
warriors - a hindrance for typical Space Marine operations - the Grey Knights often require (or can spare) only a single combat squad for any given
mission. The Gladius gives the Grey Knights Chapter the ability to quickly and quietly deploy squads across the galaxy, allowing them a small measure
of flexibility against the ceaseless advance of Chaos. That the Gladius is so common amongst Space Marine fleets is all the better, as this means many
Grey Knights squads may move freely without drawing attention that larger Grey Knights vessels often attract.

GLADIUS CLASS FRIGATE............................................................................................... 40 Points

Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

M uch like other chapters, the Hunter class destroyer provides valuable fire support to the Grey Knights fleet. However, due to the Inquisition’s less
than savory relationship with the Dark Angels Chapter, it took many years for these vessels to become readily available to the Grey Knights.
Nevertheless, the Hunter still sees fairly regular use among Inquisition fleets, often supporting squadrons of Imperial Navy Cobras requisitioned by the
Ordo Malleus for patrol routes in Chaos-tainted sectors.

HUNTER CLASS DESTROYER........................................................................................ 40 Points

Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front

Special Rules: All of the vessels on this page follow the rules for Grey Knights ships as described on page 6. In all other respects they are identical to those found in the Space
Marine fleet list and are reprinted here simply for convenience.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 12



D espite the ability of the Ordo Malleus to more easily
requisition the more advanced Nova class frigates
for the Grey Knights Chapter, their numbers are still
order for Firestorm frigate groups to patrol the edge of
the Eye of Terror. As with all Imperial Navy forces under
the Ordo Malleus, these crews are routinely mind-wiped
limited compared to the more widely produced Firestorm to prevent the influence of Chaos.
class frigates of the Imperial Navy. Moreover, the speed
with which large numbers of Firestorms can be deployed FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
is a valuable advantage against the random nature of Strike Group Augur Maelstrom’s Watch
Chaos incursions. Indeed, many planetary invasions Red Spider Squadron Patrol Group Akkad
have been halted as a result of Firestorm squadrons
intercepting Chaos scout ships as they leave the warp.

The Ordo Malleus especially relies on this advantage near

"S pirit of noxious immateria, be gone from hence, for as the
Emperor of Mankind, manifold be his blessings, watches
over me, so I will not fear the shadow of the Warp..."
Cadia, where they maintain a permanent conscription
-Beginning of the Rite of Banishment
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Special Rules: A Firestorm class rapid strike vessel
uses the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right fleet list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does
Lance 30cm 1 Front not benefit from any Grey Knights special rules.

SWORD CLASS RAPID STRIKE VESSEL............................35 Points

A ll too often, the Ordo Malleus will have an
immediate need for warships to intercept a brewing
Chaos threat, only to find that no Grey Knights vessels
Nevertheless, the Ordo Malleus must invariably mind-
wipe the crews of these vessels in order to prevent the
spread of Chaos taint, limiting their ability to deploy such
or Inquisitorial cruisers are in range to reach the target squadrons as aggressively as they might want.
in time. As a result, there are usually no less than two or
three-dozen Imperial Navy escort squadrons conscripted FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
for Inquisitorial service at any given time. The vast Goliath Squadron Strike Group Fury
majority of these are the ubiquitous Sword class frigates,
whose sturdy frames and reliable weapons batteries are +++AHEAD.FLANK.SPEED+++PREPARE.
capable of holding off much larger Chaos warships. TO.FIRE+++IN.THE.EMPEROR'S.NAME+++


Special Rules: A Sword class rapid strike vessel uses
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy fleet
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does not
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right benefit from any Grey Knights special rules.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 13


FALCHION CLASS RAPID STRIKE VESSEL....................35 Points

T he Falchion class is not usually a highly sought-after
vessel for the Inquisition or Ordo Malleus, on account
of the Sword class being much easier to conscript and
Shield of Cadia Nightwatch Squadron
Patrol Group Justinian Phi Squadron
deploy. However, the defensive nature of the Falchion
means that it is often present in-system during Chaos
incursions, and many will invariably find themselves "I carry with me an Inquisitorial Seal. It is a small, unassuming
object contained in a neat box of Pluvian obsidian. It is a
modest thing. Relatively plain, adorned with a single motif
commandeered to repel the first wave of enemy starships.
and a simple motto. Yet with this little object I can sign the
It is this role, unfortunately, that results in a very short death warrant of an entire world and consign a billion souls to
life-expectancy for Falchion crews in an Inquisition fleet. Oblivion."
-Inquisitor Thraviam Flast, Ordo Malleus
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Special Rules: A Falchion class rapid strike vessel
uses the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right fleet list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 1 Front not benefit from any Grey Knights special rules.

COBRA CLASS RAPID STRIKE VESSEL............................. 30 Points

J ust as in the Gothic Sector, the Cobra class destroyer
is a valuable raiding vessel for the forces of the
Inquisition. The Ordo Malleus in particular conscripts "T he weak will always be led by the strong. Where the strong
see purpose and act, the weak follow; where the strong cry
out against fate, the weak bow their heads and succumb. There
squadrons of these ships for use in rooting out Chaos cults are many who are weak; and many are their temptations. Despise
hiding aboard space stations in asteroid fields or nebulae the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the
near populated worlds. These Cobras are often supported Renegade. Pity them not and scorn their cries of innocence - it is
by a squadron of Grey Knight Hunter destroyers in the better that one hundred innocently fall before the wrath of the
event that boarding actions become necessary. Emperor than one kneels before the Daemon."
-The First Rite of Indoctrinations
Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Special Rules: A Cobra class rapid strike vessel uses
the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy fleet
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does not
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front benefit from any Grey Knights special rules.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 14



Any Imperial or Space Marine fleet of 750 points or Any Imperial or Space Marine fleet may include one Any capital ship may embark a Deathwatch kill-team
greater may be led by an Inquisitor, who may be taken Inquisitorial Cruiser per three cruisers, which takes for +15 points. In addition, any vessel embarking an
instead of or in addition to the regular fleet commander the place of a grand cruiser for fleet lists that use grand Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Lord may be given a team of
option for the chosen fleet list, and may be assigned to cruisers. The fleet may also include a single Blackship, Deathwatch Terminators for +50 points.
any capital ship. Each Inquisitor must choose one of the which does not count toward or against any other ship
three Ordos listed in the Inquisition special rules. For Ordo Malleus Upgrades
limits in the fleet.
all rules purposes, the term ‘Inquisitor’ refers to both Any capital ship led by an Inquisitor or Elite Captain may
normal Inquisitors and Inquisitor Lords. embark a squad of Grey Knight Purifiers for +10 points.
(0-1) Inquisition Blackship.............................. 300 points
Inquisitorial Cruiser......................................... 250 points In addition, any ship with an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
(0-1) Inquisitor (Ld9)......................................... 50 points
(0-1) Inquisitor Lord (Ld10).............................. 75 points Lord may be given a squad of Grey Knight Paladins for
+50 points. The fleet may also take the following:
Inquisitors may purchase up to two re-rolls, usable for
Squadrons of 2-6 escorts may be taken from the chosen (0-1) Grey Knights Battle Barge...................... 450 points
any ship in the fleet, at the cost shown below:
Imperial or Space Marine fleet list, as normal. Grey Knights Strike Cruiser............................. 165 points
One re-roll.......................................................... 25 points
Two re-rolls........................................................ 50 points USING THE INQUISITION Limit one strike cruiser per 500 points in the fleet (or
The Inquisition does not exclusively maintain its own portion thereof). All Grey Knights vessels are armed with
In addition, an Inquisitor Lord’s vessel may equip its boarding torpedoes at no extra cost.
space fleets. Instead, it will requisition or commandeer
torpedo tubes with vortex torpedoes for +50 points.
fleets from other groups in order to meet the needs of a
particular mission. Thus, this list is designed to join with Radical Inquisitors
INQUISITORIAL RETINUE another fleet list rather than function on its own, counting An Inquisitor may be made a radical by selecting any of
The Inquisition often recruits a wide array of specialists any Inquisition ships and commanders as part of that list the options described on page 6. Note that some options
to assist with dangerous missions. Each Inquisitor and/or for all purposes (rather than as allies or reserves). may restrict a fleet’s choices of ships and upgrades.
Inquisitorial Cruiser may take an Inquisitorial Retinue:
Ordnance and Upgrades Attack Rating
Inquisitorial Retinue*......................................... 25 points Fleets which include an Inquisition Blackship reduce
Any ship with torpedo tubes that embarks an Inquisitor is
armed with boarding torpedoes at no extra cost, and must their attack rating by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Otherwise,
*A Space Marine vessel embarking an Ordo Malleus
replace its attack craft with Thunderhawk Gunships, if they use their normal attack rating.
Inquisitor with an Inquisitorial Retinue is treated as a
Grey Knights ship, using the rules found on page 6. it does not already have them. A ship upgraded this way
reduces its launch bay strength by half (rounding up). Sub-Plots
In addition to any sub-plots rolled normally, a fleet that
SECONDARY COMMANDERS One capital ship per Inquisitor, plus any Blackship or includes an Inquisitor must take a random Secret Ploys
In addition to personal retinues, the Inquisition may call Inquisitorial Cruiser in the fleet, may purchase a Storm sub-plot for each different Ordo represented therein.
upon certain trusted commanders to aid its forces during
Trooper Strike Force for +10 points.
a critical mission. Any fleet led by an Inquisitor may
Reserves and Allies
purchase the following:
Ordo Hereticus Upgrades Any fleet list led by an Inquisitor may take ships from
(0-3) Elite Captains (+1 Ld, Max 9).................. 30 points Any capital ship may embark a Battle Sisters Detachment any Imperial or Space Marine list as reserves, however
for +5 points. Any vessel embarking an Inquisitor or an Space Marine fleets cannot take additional Space Marine
Each elite captain may purchase a single re-roll for +15 Elite Captain may embark a Celestian Strike Team for ships (from any fleet list) as reserves. The fleet may also
points. This re-roll may only be used on their assigned +5 points and/or be equipped with a supply of inferno be joined by a Rogue Trader fleet detachment as normal,
vessel or squadron. torpedoes for +20 points. although no xenos vessels may be included.

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 15



FLEET COMMANDERS 0-3 Inquisitorial Cruisers
If the fleet includes an Inquisitor Lord, it may include up
Ordnance & Upgrades
All Grey Knights vessels with torpedo tubes are equipped
0-1 Fleet Commander
You may include one fleet commander, who must be to three Inquisitorial Cruisers. with boarding torpedoes for no extra cost. In addition, up
assigned to a battle barge or venerable battle barge if to two cruisers in the fleet may replace all of their launch
one is included. If the fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Inquisitorial Cruiser......................................... 250 points bays with mine launchers for +5 points per bay replaced.
fleet commander must be included to lead it.
Any Inquisitorial Cruiser may embark an Inquisitorial Any battle barge or strike cruiser in the fleet may embark
Grand Master of the Fleet (Ld10)...................... 75 points Retinue for +25 points or may be upgraded to count as a Grey Knight Interceptors for +5 points. Any capital ship
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Lord (Ld10)................ 75 points Grey Knights ship for +35 points. led by an Inquisitor Lord, Grand Master of the Fleet, or
Brother-Captain may embark a squad of Grey Knight
Purifiers for +10 points.
A Grand Master of the Fleet comes with one re-roll for
free. You may purchase additional re-rolls for either fleet
The fleet can have any number of escorts, in squadrons Attack Rating
commander at the cost shown below.
of two to six vessels. Due to the Grey Knights’ unique ‘Psychic Communion’
One re-roll.......................................................... 25 points ability, a banisher fleet normally has an attack rating of
Two re-rolls........................................................ 50 points Nova Frigate....................................................... 45 points 3. However, if more than half the fleet consists of non-
Gladius Frigate................................................... 40 points Grey Knights vessels, its attack rating is reduced to 2, as
In addition, the fleet commander’s vessel may embark a Hunter Destroyer................................................ 40 points such vessels must rely on more conventional (and less
squad of Grey Knight Paladins and/or equip its torpedo efficient) forms of communication.
tubes with vortex torpedoes for +50 points each. RAPID STRIKE VESSELS Scenarios
If the fleet includes an Inquisitor Lord, it may include
It is the sacred duty of the Grey Knights to bring Chaos to
SECONDARY COMMANDERS any number of rapid strike vessels in squadrons of two
battle. Thus, a banisher fleet may always choose to be the
0-3 Grey Knight Brother-Captains to six vessels.
attacker when playing against a Chaos fleet. Otherwise,
You may include up to three Grey Knight Brother- choose attackers and defenders normally.
Captains. These may be assigned to any ship or squadron Firestorm Rapid Strike Vessel............................ 35 points
in the fleet. Sword Rapid Strike Vessel................................. 35 points
Falchion Rapid Strike Vessel............................. 35 points Sub-Plots
Cobra Rapid Strike Vessel................................. 30 points In addition to any sub-plots rolled normally, a banisher
Brother-Captain (Ld9)....................................... 30 points
fleet led by an Inquisitor Lord must take a randomly
rolled Secret Ploys sub-plot. Against a Chaos fleet, a
A Brother-Captain may purchase one re-roll for +15
points, usable only for his assigned ship or squadron.
USING A BANISHER FLEET Grey Knights Banisher Fleet may choose to exchange
It is rare indeed for more than one vessel of the Grey any one of its sub-plots for the ‘Vendetta’ or ‘Desperate
Knights to converge on the same target, spread as thinly Mission’ sub-plots, representing the typically critical
CAPITAL SHIPS as they are across the galaxy. However, when the threat nature of the Grey Knights’ call to battle.
0-1 Battle Barge of Chaos is exceptionally dire, a fleet of Grey Knights
You may include a single Grey Knights battle barge or may be called upon to eradicate a corrupted outpost, Reserves and Allies
venerable battle barge if the fleet is worth at least 1000 planet, or even an entire star system. A Grey Knights Banisher fleet cannot be joined by any
points. Remember that a venerable battle barge must add ships from an Inquisitorial Fleet Detachment (as it is
+45 points to its cost because of its Grey Knights crew. To represent this, opponents playing against a banisher already an Inquisition fleet) and will never provide
fleet may nominate D3 of their capital ships to receive a ships to or take ships from any other fleet list as reserves
Grey Knights Venerable Battle Barge..................... Varies blessing of Chaos before start of the battle. Any enemy or allies, including Imperial Navy, Rogue Trader, or
Grey Knights Battle Barge............................... 450 points vessel or ordnance marker within 15cm of a Chaos- Adeptus Mechanicus fleet lists - the risk of corruption is
blessed ship counts as being in contact with +1 blast simply too high. (Rapid strike vessels shown in the fleet
0-6 Strike Cruisers markers. This effect is not cumulative and does not affect list are commandeered by the Inquisition directly and are
Grey Knights Strike Cruiser............................. 165 points shooting, but impairs movement, shields, etc normally. not subject to this restriction).

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 16



Some elements of BFG:R and the original BFG rules have been altered as part of the transcription process for the BFG:XR Project. For the most part, these changes are
simply adjustments to grammar and language, in order to improve clarity or fix (a few) typos. Other changes include a few minor expansions to the existing material or
re-integrations of older rules that were either dropped or not included when the BFG:R documents were produced. These changes are meant only to add flavor or clarity to
the existing rules, and not an attempt to dramatically alter the function or power of any one faction’s fleets. This document generally only lists those changes which constitute
an actual addition or alteration of the rules, not adjustments to language or readability.

Note: The changes to this fleet list are significantly more [Change] Clarified that Thunderhawks launched from non- Given the huge clout of the Inquisition, it is hard to believe that
extensive than anywhere else in the BFG:XR project. This is due, space marine ships do not get the +1 bonus to their H&R attack, an Inquisitor could be refused a request for vortex torpedoes
in part, to personal bias (GKs are my favored army) and also due as they are not space marines. Ships that have a bonus to H&Rs (although they are still only one salvo per game).
to what I felt were numerous ambiguities and complicated cross- from some other source (like a retinue) will provide that bonus
[Addition] Grey Knights ships can take Short-Burn Torpedoes
faction interactions that have existed in the Inquisition rules to their Thunderhawks, however. Furthermore, Inquisition ships
and/or Barrage Bombs for +5 points per point of torpedo
since the 2010 compendium. Nevertheless, I have endeavored cannot launch Thunderhawk Annihilators.
to maintain the balance and function of the BFG: R edition as
[Change] Clarified that SM ships cannot benefit from both
much as possible. [Addition] There is now a standalone Grey Knights fleet.
Honor Guard and the Inquisition teleport attack upgrades (and
[Addition] Inquisitors in a campaign can re-roll whether an vice versa). Likewise for Terminators. This prevents any one This fleet list is similar to the SM dominion fleet, but it cannot
appeal is granted. ship from stacking a gratuitous amount of teleport attacks. take as many ships and has its own inquisition detachments (and
it cannot take ships from the normal inquisition list).
[Change] Separated the Ordo boarding and H&R bonuses from [Addition] [Change] Moved the special reserves rules (xenos
the actual Ordo choice, as this ended up being redundant in ships, chaos ships, etc) to a new section for “radical inquisitors”. • The fleet can be led by either a Grand Master of the Fleet or
Space Marine lists. Radicals have some extra options but can’t take the normal an Inquisitor Lord. A GMotF comes with a re-roll for free, and
upgrades for their Ordo (i.e. Deathwatch, GKs, etc). Brought has a higher attack rating, but the Inquisitor Lord has access
• The cost of Inquisitors has been reduced by 25 points to bring back the Ordo Xenos experimental upgrades for this purpose to more ships.
them in line with other fleet commander options. (at an increased cost), and added a few additional options for
• Purifiers are rarer than SM honor guard; they can only be on
• The Ordo bonuses are now chosen as the retinue upgrade for the other Ordos (Hereticus Pugator vessels and daemonhosts).
ships with a Brother-Captain. Other ships can take regular GK
25 points, giving +2 boarding, +1 H&R, -1 enemy H&R. [Change] Inquisition secondary commanders have been interceptors instead.
Now, taking an inquisitor does not force a player to waste points replaced by a generic “Elite Captain,” as they all used identical
• Grey Knight Venerable Battle Barges use the same rules as
when commanding a Space Marine fleet. rules.
SM ones, but are +45 points instead of +35 points due to
[Addition] If an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor + Retinue are on a [Change] Inquisitorial Cruisers can take a retinue (as described having GK special rules.
Space Marine ship, it counts as a Grey Knights vessel. above). This replaces the confusing Ordo choice they had in
• The fleet is limited to 0-1 BB and 0-6 strike cruisers instead of
previous editions.
This allows a fluffy GK player limited access to some of the 0-3 and 0-10 as in the SM list, since Grey Knights cannot field
[Addition] Included a “Using the Inquisition” section to the as many capital ships at one time.
unique Space Marine things (that aren’t in the new GK list) like
Fortress-Monasteries (if you wanted to represent Broadsword fleet list to clarify that it is not a standalone fleet, and that it
• The fleet can take Inquisitorial Cruisers and/or IN escorts if
Station, for example). bypasses the usual Reserve/Allies rules (which would prevent
led by an inquisitor. Other SM escorts are taken normally, but
Inquisitors from being placed on IN ships, and so forth).
they use GK special rules.
[Addition] Some new upgrades added. Hereticus can mount
unlimited-ammo melta torpedoes on an Inquisitor or Elite [Change] Grey Knights vessels in an Inquisition list have been
• Opponents of a GK fleet get D3 ships upgraded with the ‘12’
Captain’s ship, but they deal D6 damage if critically hit instead returned to the old 2010 rules of 1 GKBB total and 1 GKSC per result on the Forces of Chaos campaign table. This makes it a
500 points. Players wanting a pure GK fleet should use the new bit harder on the GK player on account of having quite a few
of D3. Malleus now have Grey Knight Interceptors, a cheap +1
fleet list (see below). bonuses over normal SM.
teleport attack that does not stack with anything else; available
only in the GK fleet list. [Change] Players now roll for one secret ploys sub-plot per Ordo • GK fleets cannot take or provide any reserves.
represented in their fleet, instead of just one total. I just thought
[Addition] Brought back hexagrammatic wards for Grey
this was a kind of fun and flavorful thing since inquisitors often
Knights. This was missing from the BFG: R version and was (I
deceive and squabble with one another.
assume) an oversight. Its effect has been updated to protect GK
ships from leadership penalties, and turn off Marks of Chaos [Addition] Inquisition Fleet Commanders can take vortex
during boarding actions with GK vessels (including the Mark torpedoes for their ship (assuming it has torpedo tubes) for +50
of Nurgle’s +1 hit) points. Last Updated: April 3, 2017 11:29 PM

Expanded Revised - Inquisition 17

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