Internship Resume
Internship Resume
Internship Resume
3745 Sagamore Drive
Greensboro, NC 27410 ; 336-577-7124
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), Greensboro, North Carolina
M. Ed. in Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education, May 2021
Professional Experience
The University of North Carolina in Greensboro (UNCG) (current)
Graduate Assistant for the Ronald McNair Program
Assist in recruitment of prospective McNair students by creating informational flyers and
providing informational sessions to prospective applicants; while working with the UNCG-McNair Staff to support the
McNair application process
Produce UNCG-McNair monthly newsletter, Spartan Liftoff
Advise the UNCG- McNair Society of Scholars student organization and created a mentor program
Leadership Experience
Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, N.C. (Fall 2015-Spring 2018)
Legacy Leader
Led and advised ten new freshmen throughout their academic career; all ten students were recognized on the 2016-2018
Dean’s list.
Networked with all ten students and provided sufficient materials for them to be successful professional; helped two of these
students receive internships within their perspective majors.
Provided guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling to all ten students.