Availability, Use and Constraints To Use of Electronic Information Resources by Postgraduates Students at The University of Ibadan
Availability, Use and Constraints To Use of Electronic Information Resources by Postgraduates Students at The University of Ibadan
Availability, Use and Constraints To Use of Electronic Information Resources by Postgraduates Students at The University of Ibadan
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology Vol.7, No.4, 51-69 (December, 2017) 51
Article history: Availability, awareness and use of electronic resources provide access
Received 25 April 2017 to authoritative, reliable, accurate and timely access to information. The
Revised 14 September 2017 use of electronic information resources (EIRs) can enable innovation
Accepted 28 October 2017 in teaching and increase timeliness in research of postgraduate students
which will eventual result into encouragement of the expected re-
search-led enquiry in this digital age. The study adopted a descriptive
Keywords: survey design. Samples of 300 of postgraduate students within seven
Electronic Information out 13 Faculties were randomly selected. Data were collected using
Resources, questionnaire designed to elicit response from respondents and data
Use of Electronic Information were analyzed using descriptive statistics methods percentages, mean,
Resources, and standard deviation. Results indicated that internet was ranked most
Postgraduate students, available and used in the university. Low level of usage of electronic
University of Ibadan resources, in particular, full texts data bases is linked to a number of
constraints: Interrupted power supply was ranked highest among other
factors as speed and capacity of computers, retrieval of records with
high recall and low precision, retrieving records relevant to information
need, lack of knowledge of search techniques to retrieve information
effectively, non possession of requisite IT skills and problems accessing
the internet. The study recommended that usage of electronic resources
be made compulsory, intensifying awareness campaigns concerning the
availability, training on use of electronic resources and the problem of
power outage be addressed.
1. Introduction
Till recently, libraries used to furnish the information needs of users by means of their vast
print sources. However, due to the impact of ICTs, this arena is fast changing. The new electronic
era, having Internet in the forefront, is pushing libraries towards the digital environment. This has
led libraries to acquire, organise and provide access to electronic resources required for their users.
It has made it imperative for libraries to have both print and non-print collections. Non-print collections
include CD-ROM/ DVD, online full text electronic journals, databases, and e-books.
The emergence of electronic information resources (EIRs) has greatly transformed information
handling and management in Nigerian university communities. Ani and Ahiauzu, (2008) assert that
electronic information resources have gradually become a major resource in every university community.
Electronic information resources are provided in electronic form, and these include CD-ROM database,
online databases, online journals, OPACs, Internet and other computer-based electronic networks
(Ehikhamenor, 2003; Jagboro, 2003; Shuling, 2007; Tsakonas & Papatheodorou, 2006). Academics
in developing countries are fast embracing the Internet as a source of information for teaching
and research. Some studies have revealed the use of the Internet, email and search engines for
research purposes (Ojedokun & Owolabi, 2003; Oduwole, 2004; Badu & Markwei, 2005).
The growth of information resources has become a global phenomenon, most especially in developed
societies due to technological advancement in information technology (IT). Postgraduate students
in developed countries are getting access to digital information and creating their information
electronically. Academics now have access to global digital information resources, particularly the
Internet for their scholarly communication (Ani & Ahiauzu, 2008). Interestingly, the Internet represents
different things to different people depending on what is being sought. In the academia, it facilitates
the extension of the frontiers of knowledge and constantly enhances the drive to keep abreast of
scholarly publications (Ajegbomogun & Akintola, 2004).
The Internet and the World Wide Web provide scholars with quick and easy access to electronic
information resources located around the globe. Academic staff members now exchange preliminary
drafts of research findings with colleagues and maintain contacts by monitoring electronic bulletin
boards, chat rooms and listserve on subjects of interest. Information users now use the Web to
access remote databases and full-text document resources that were previously only available through
expensive on-site research visits. Researchers use the Web to watch real-time images from remote
research stations and satellites or participate in group discussions and group projects. Mashhadi
and Han (1996), note that the information and communication revolution which resulted in the
advent of the Internet, has been a formidable tool of information exchange which has obliterated
distance and time and accelerated the process of creating a global community of inquiry.
Availability of electronic information sources relates to the provision for and inclusion of the
resources in the collection of the libraries at the disposal of users in academic institutions. In the
words of Roberts (2005) availability of electronic resources provides access to authoritative, reliable,
accurate and timely access to information. In addition to this, the resources can enable innovation
in teaching and increase timeliness in research.
Awareness is part of availability and it indicates the extent to which users have information
and knowledge of electronic resources being subscribed to. When users of a library have adequate
information on the electronic resources being subscribed to they are encouraged to use them. Available
ICT and e-resources must be known to the users. Madukoma, Onuoha and Ikonne (2014) identified
lack of awareness as major contributing factor to non-use of e-resources.
However the use of these resources is likely to be influenced by availability of the resources.
This implies that electronic resources must be made available in several brands to the users in
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International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology Vol.7, No.4, 51-69 (December, 2017) 53
their institutions. Their contents must also be publicized by the library in order to prompt their
use. Some constraints may also affect the use of electronic resources. Consequently, this study
investigated the availability, level of use and constraints to the use of electronic resources by post-
graduate students for academic purposes at the University of Ibadan.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate availability, use and constraints to use of electronic
information resourcesby postgraduate students for academic purposes at the University of Ibadan.
The specific objectives of the study are to:
ⅰ. investigate what kind of electronic information resources are available to postgraduates students
of the university;
ⅱ. investigate the level of usage of electronic information resources by the postgraduate students
for academic purposes;
ⅲ. identify the constraints to electronic information resources utilization by postgraduates students
at the University of Ibadan; and
ⅳ. make recommendations to overcome the identified constraints to electronic information resources
ⅰ. What kinds of electronic information resources are available to postgraduate students of the
University of Ibadan?
ⅱ. What is the level of usage of electronic information resources for academic purposes at the
University of Ibadan?
ⅲ. What are the constraints to electronic information resources utilization by postgraduates’ students
at the University of Ibadan?
2. Literature Review
Supporting research and learning activities becomes a major mission for academic libraries. In
recent years, academic libraries face pressures like diminished budgets, increased patron demands,
and rising costs for book purchases and periodical subscriptions (Ke & Chang, 1999). The thriving
growth of electronic publications is reshaping the nature of collections and the mode of delivering
and accessing information in libraries. The traditional print resources nowadays face challenges
from their electronic counterparts in faster and timely delivery of information as well as in improved
access (Bandyopadhyay & Chu, 1999). Among various resources for learning, staff and students
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54 International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology Vol.7, No.4, 51-69 (December, 2017)
throughout much of the world can retrieve seemingly endless volumes of information from all over
the globe in a short span of time. It appears that the rate of production of electronic materials
has exceeded that of print-based publications (Dalgeish & Hall, 2000).
Electronic resources have affected the functioning of libraries and the information seeking habit
of users (Tenopir, 2003). Resources at today’s library are not only available in print but also
in electronic format. CD-ROM technology has enabled libraries to provide instant, easy, and
convenient access to a substantial amount of relatively current and retrospective information at
a fixed or predictable cost. Due to the availability of CD-ROM databases, libraries have reported
an increase in the use of journal collections, interlibrary loans services, and microfiche collections.
The level of quality of an institution of higher education is determined to a great extent by
that of its library, that is, by the adequacy of its collections of books, journals, other research
materials, and services.
Higher education is changing rapidly with the advent of technology. According to Shuling (2007),
in recent years, electronic information has gradually become a major resource in every university
library. The growth and diversity of electronic resources, especially e-journals, in the past few
years has led many to predict the extinction of the printed journal (Okello-Obura & Magara, 2008).
It has been suggested that a new paradigm is sweeping scholarship (Liew, Foo, & Chennupati,
2000; Harper et al., 2006). Majid and Abazova (1999) argue that technological advancements opened
up new horizons for the creation, storage, access, distribution and presentation of information. In
the global information communications technology (ICT)-dominated world, “place” is much less
important (Ferguson, 2006). “The impact of moving from text-based to resource-based learning
has involved heavier use of library materials and a demand for more and varied media sources”
(Kinengyere, 2007). This makes the provision and use of Electronic Information Systems (EIS)
in academic libraries a critical issue for those working in information and library services (Armstrong
et al., 2001; Elam, 2007). The pace at which information resources are being produced and converted
into an electronic form is greater today than in previous years (Armstrong et al., 2001). In today’s
information age it would seem that library users would not only be eager to take advantage of
the convenience electronic resources have to offer, but would be fully immersed in the new technologies
(Elam, 2007).
Electronic information resources offer today’s students different opportunities compared to their
predecessors. Brophy (1993) details the advantages of networking for the user as being: the information
needed can be delivered from the most appropriate source to the user; the user can re-specify
his or her needs dynamically; the information is obtained when it is wanted, so becomes “just
in time” rather than “just in case”; the user selects only the information needed to answer the
specific question and, finally, the information is only stored should the user wish. Electronic information
can therefore provide a number of advantages over traditional print based sources.
These advantages include the fact that electronic information sources are often faster than consulting
print indexes, especially when searching retrospectively, and they are more straightforward when
wishing to use combinations of keywords. They open up the possibility of searching multiple files
at one time, a feat accomplished more easily than when using printed equivalents. Electronic resources
can be printed and searches saved to be repeated at a later date; they are updated more often
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than printed tools. One main advantage, especially to distance learners or those with limited time
to access the library, is their availability from outside the library by dial-up access.
Li, Foo and Chennupati (2000) argue that while reading an e-journal is not the same as reading
a printed one, many are beginning to acknowledge the possibility that electronic documents (e-docu-
ments) offer users advanced features and novel forms of functionality beyond what is possible
in printed form. Years ago Brophy (1993), noted that the advantages of electronic resources over
print include speed, ease of use, ability to search multiple files at the same time, ability to save,
print and repeat searches, more frequent updating and the ability to access from outside the library
(a particular advantage for the distance learner). According to Dadzie (2005), electronic resources
are invaluable research tools that complement print-based resources in any traditional library. Their
advantages include access to information that might be restricted to the user because of geographical
location or finances, access to current information, and provision of extensive links to additional
resources or related content (Dadzie, 2005). E-resources could be stored electronically thereby saving
space, the risk of lost, theft or damage is lessened and costs significantly reduced.
In recent years, there have been a number of changes in the higher education sector in Nigeria
and in particular, academic institutions. The emergence of electronic information resources has tremen-
dously transformed information - handling and management in Nigerian academic environments,
and University libraries in particular (Ani & Ahiauzu, 2008).
These dramatic changes include the way in which information is provided to the University
Communities. A number of electronic resources initiatives have been put in place in Nigeria to
assist in the development training and use of electronic resources in a number of academic institutions
among who are the Morlenson Center for International Library Programs acting on behalf of MacArthur
Foundation to support some selected grantee university libraries; The Electronic Information for
libraries Network (eiFL.Net) and MTN Foundation. Their fundamental objective has been to create
interfaces with the global knowledge systems.
These initiatives notwithstanding, some inadequacies in the development, provision and utilization
of electronic resources had been identified in a number of academic institutions. A number of
studies have been made with a view to proffering solutions to problems encountered in the development
of electronic information resources. However, little or no efforts have been recorded in the identification
of influence and impact of electronic resources for academic purpose of student in University of
There is a noticeable gap in the literature about student perceptions towards electronic information,
as Brittain noted, “most user studies have looked at the situation through the eyes of the information
professionals, rather than the user” (Bawden, 1990). A number of surveys do exist, in the main
relating to the use of CD-ROM, but are significantly lacking considering the amount of technology
available. The views of users should be a vital form of analysis into the effectiveness of these
sources, as well as enabling the varying needs of students to be met, and monitored. “While user
surveys can never tell the whole story of how patrons are responding to a library service, they
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can provide valuable ideas about what does and does not work” (Faries, 1992). It is only under
these circumstances that effective responses can be made to deal with any possible user reactions,
either positive or negative.
Informed library users know that libraries have resources that are more comprehensive and scholarly
than most Web sites provide. Libraries provide access to scholarly literature that, as a rule, is
not freely available on the Web. Often, it is in college that users become aware of libraries’ resources,
usually while having to write research papers. Assuming that on average most students face the
same number and type of papers and assignments during their college career, it is critical to understand
what makes one student use the library’s electronic resources while another will not think of the
library as a place to find specialized resources for their papers.
Understanding how students navigate this maze of resources is important in helping us to develop
and assess pedagogy designed to instruct our students in library usage. Students are more and more
Web-savvy Kibirige & DePalo (2000) many of them having been brought up around computers
and the Internet. However, they matriculate with a diversity of computer and Web-searching skills
and experience. Students may not have been exposed to library resources, or not be aware of which
resources a library might have, or how to make use of them. It is therefore of interest to us to
try and understand what characteristics will make one student branch out and explore library resources,
while another one might not.
In a study conducted at Makerere University. A look at the Library and Information Science (LIS)
postgraduate students’ responses regarding their attitudes on e-resources, shows an encouragement.
The majority (72%) of LIS postgraduate students strongly feel that the standard of their academic
work would suffer without e-resources. They believe that in order to perform well, they cannot
avoid e-resources. They are divided over the issue of promoting Open Access Journals to help
in fighting plagiarism of people’ work. But the majority disagree with the idea of not subscribing
to paid journals since Open Access Journals exits. They believe that a University is not worth
its name without e-resources and agree that with the advent of e-journals and e-books, CD-ROMS
are becoming unpopular among students (Okello-Obura & Ikoja-Odongo, 2010.)
The outcome of a research conducted by Malekani (2007) at Sokoine National Agricultural
Library (SNAL) to find out student experiences and perceptions towards the Internet in meeting
their learning needs revealed that most students have a positive attitude towards the Internet and
use it for academic purposes. Research also revealed that most students perceive information from
Internet as current and easier to retrieve compared to print resources. However, result showed
that while students prefer the internet, its effective use is hampered by several factors including
low band width, few internet access points, and lack of skills. The study recommends that users
should undergo basic training in Internet searching skills. It is also recommended that information
literacy should be incorporated into the university curriculum. Moreover, there should be a deliberate
effort to create awareness on the availability of electronic information resources, particularly in
the library.
Given technology increased use, it is important to understand how technologically rich environments
are influencing student attitudes toward e-resources access. Many factors influence attitudes. The
introduction of open access journals and other resources for instance is creating another attitudinal
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tendency towards e-resources. Open access is one of the cheapest routes to electronic resources
and over the last few years open access resources have grown and provided an affordable way
to provide access to some journal content (Price, 2009). Supporters of open access argue that,
when academic articles, dissertations and theses are put online and open to all, it helps in fighting
duplication and plagiarism of other people’s intellectual works. Although the open access movement
has brought access to many valuable resources, and provided libraries with an invaluable amount
of resources, many open access projects still face an uncertain future (Price, 2009). Many critics
are not sure that the open access model can survive because some are not considered “financially
viable” or as high quality as traditionally purchased or subscribed content (Robinson, 2006; Shao,
2007; Turk & Bjork, 2008).
Attitudes towards e-resources access could be attributed to problems faced when accessing
e-resources. For instance in a situation where there is inadequate computer technologies to access
e-resources or poor Internet connections, students positive attitudes could be affected. That is why
the problems that affect e-resources access are addressed in higher learning institutions libraries.
The arguments for students using electronic resources are compelling. An adequate knowledge of
computers and retrieval techniques is desirable to search these resources effectively. It is necessary
to establish what computer skills students require to access electronic information resources in libraries.
Amidst all the efforts to access e-resources, postgraduate students face a number of challenges.
These are reported in another paper by the same author.
There have been many studies on users of electronic resources in the professional literature in
the last few years. The surveys of users of electronic resources carried out so far have been summarized
by Bar-Ilan and Fink (2005). They show that:
Electronic resources are widely used in universities. There is a direct relationship between computer
literacy and use of electronic resources. Mostly academics are computer literate; however, they
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need to develop their searching skills (Ansari, 2010). Studies show that journals are the most valued
information communication channel for researchers. Their production dates back to the seventeenth
century, and their importance has not diminished. With the advent of the Internet and electronic
publishing, they have become more easily accessible. Print books may be around for a long time,
but print journals are rapidly being supplanted by e-journals. It is important to study the use of
electronic journals, scholars’ attitudes, and future patterns of use, for library development, and because
of the central role journals play in scientific communication (Kortelainen, 2004).
In an empirical study by Manda and Mukangara (2007) that examined the association between
gender and the use of electronic information resources among postgraduate students at the University
of Dar es salaam, Tanzania of 100 postgraduate. Findings revealed that gender is associated with
the use of electronic information resources and male postgraduate students were more likely to
use electronic information resources than female students. Results further showed that even when
we controlled for attitude toward the use of electronic information resources or training in the
use of e-resources the relationship between gender and electronic information resource use was
maintained. Other variables that were found to have positive association with the use of electronic
information resources included: training in the use of electronic information resources, access to
e-resources, awareness of the availability of resources and year of study.
Shuling (2007) analyzed the use of electronic resources in Shaanxi University of Science and
Technology. The sample consists of 909 respondents of all types of library users. The study found
that nearly 80 percent of respondents knew little about electronic resources. Nearly half the respondents
use both printed and electronic resources, followed by print periodicals.
Ali (2005) highlights the use of electronic information services (EIS) among the users of Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT) library in Delhi, India. Data was collected from three hundred IIT
library users. Results reveal that 95 percent of users have awareness about EIS provided by the
Dadzie (2005) investigated the use of electronic resources by students and faculty of Asheshi
University, Ghana, to determine the level of use, the type of information accessed and the effectiveness
of the library’s communication tools for information research and problems faced in using electronic
resources. Results indicate that 85 percent of respondents used the Internet to access information,
and that respondents mainly accessed information in the library by browsing the shelves.
Rehman and Ramzy (2004) investigated the awareness and use of electronic information resources
among health academics. Results show that libraries are extensively used for research needs, preparation
of lectures, and for obtaining current knowledge. Lack of time is the main reason given for not
using electronic resources (37 percent). Unfamiliarity with computerized searching comes next (22.6
percent). Majid and Abazova (1999) explored the use of electronic information sources revelant
to computer literacy among academic staff of the International Islamic University, Malaysia. Nearly
all respondents considered themselves to have good or very good computer skills. Azubogu and
Madu (2007) observe that academic staff of the Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria, have resorted
to the use of computer and Internet technologies to search for information because the university
library lacks funds to subscribe to scholarly and research journals.
In an exhaustive review of the literature on the subject, Tenopir (2003) analyzed the results
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of over 200 studies of the use of electronic resources in libraries published between 1995 and
2003. The main conclusion of this review is that electronic resources have been rapidly adopted
in academic spheres, though the behaviour varies according to the discipline. Jamali, Nicholas and
Huntington (2005) also reviewed the conclusions of several papers that used log analysis to study
the use and users of electronic journals. These papers gave contradictory conclusions on the volume
of use of subscriptions through Big Deals, but showed a high degree of concentration in the use
of the titles and a clear preference for PDF rather than HTML format. They also provided interesting
information on the behaviour patterns of users and the growing preference for searching to the
detriment of browsing as the main means of accessing information.
The study carried out by Idiodi (2005) reveals that despite the advent of information and communica-
tion technology in Nigerian universities, and automation of library systems, very few users have
the capability to use information technology effectively in the libraries. The researcher concluded
that a high level of computer illiteracy among librarians is one of the major factors militating
against promoting higher level of information literacy of library users.
Kinengyere (2007) examines the effect of information literacy (IL) on the usage of electronic
information resources in academic and research institutions in Uganda. The paper reports that avail-
ability of information does not necessarily mean actual use. The study shows that some of the
available resources have not been utilized at all. This means that users are not aware of the availability
of such resources, they do not know how to access them, or they do not know what the resources
offer. All this calls for continued information literacy programs. IL is very vital in influencing
utilization of information resources. Information professionals are needed to pass on IL skills to
library users, while library users should endeavor to find out what information is available online
for their consumption.
The pursuit of electronic resources by libraries was driven by the core values of library science. It
is possible to recognize in Ranganathan’s five laws of library science the motivation that drove libraries
to incorporate electronic resources into services and collections. Paraphrased to better suit electronic
resources, the laws read: resources are for use, every person his or her resource, every resource its
user, save the time of the user, and the library is a growing organism.
Each technological development in library electronic resources during the 20th century was intended
to make access to resources more direct, convenient, and timely for the user. The implementation
of electronic resources made the library a growing organism as libraries adapted processes and
reorganized staff repeatedly to accommodate the changes inherent in the use of constantly changing
Constraints to use of electronic resources on law by law lecturers were identified. These constraints
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60 International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology Vol.7, No.4, 51-69 (December, 2017)
were identified by the respondents and, the law librarians during the interview sessions. These
constraints in ranked order are absence of sufficient training programme; non-availability of desired
electronic resources within the universities. Further, low level of local contents in the electronic
information resources; poor ICT skills on the part of law lecturers lack of time due to tight academic
and job schedule, lack of publicity on the contents of the available electronic resources by the
universities or libraries. Also, unorganised nature and proliferation of electronic resources on law,
Paucity of workstations to access electronic resources in the universities and, Irrelevance of contents
of electronic resources to local academic needs. These findings were in congruence with that of
Radijeng (2007) who, in his study on Demand for Electronic Information at the University of Botswana,
reported technical problem, lack of infrastructure, inadequate computer literacy, limited printers
and printing opportunities, computer phobia, irrelevancy of contents to local needs, economic problems
and, problems associated with electronic resources access. Bhardwaj and Madhusudan (2013) identified
the followings as constraints to use of ER: Lack of proper arrangement of legal information resources,
poor description on legal information sources, lack of online help, poor website design, too many
login requirements, lack of expertise in using the databases, lack of printing provision, and confusing
search screens.
Corroborating the above findings, Malekani (2007), reported similar constraints at Sokoine National
Agricultural Library (SNAL) to find out student experiences and perceptions towards the Internet
in meeting their learning needs, revealed that most students have positive attitude towards the Internet
and use for academic purposes. Its effective use is hampered by several factors including low bandwidth,
few internet access points, and lack of skills.
3. Methodology
The descriptive survey research design was adopted in eliciting information from the students
that formed the subject of the study. The random sampling technique was adopted in selecting
the study population. This is to ensure equal representation of samples at the faculty and departmental
level. The primary sampling units were the 13 faculties with the population of 6,665 postgraduates’
students. Seven conventional faculties (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Basic Medical Sciences,
Education, Science, Social Science and Technology) from the university were selected to a good
representation of the postgraduate students in the university. Convenience and purposive sampling
techniques were adopted to select respondents from two homogeneous departments from each of
the seven conventional faculties. Thus, making a total of 14 departments sampled for the study.
These selected departments were considered to have full representation of all departments, considering
their population in the university. Hence, 333 postgraduate students out of the 2,623 constituted
the sample size. Data used for this study were collected using a test and questionnaire. Descriptive
statistics such as percentages, mean, standard deviation, and correlation analysis were used to analyze
data collected.
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∙ Research question1: What kinds of electronic information resources are available to postgraduate
students of the University of Ibadan?
Table 2 shows kinds of electronic information resources available to postgraduate students for
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∙ Research question 2: What is the level of usage of electronic information resources for academic
purposes at the University of Ibadan?
In order to ascertain the level of usage of electronic information resources respondents were
asked to indicate the full text databases they accessed and used for their academic work from
list e-journals subscribed to and archived by the University of Ibadan for academic purposes. The
following findings were made.
The use of SCIENCEDIRECT by the respondents accounted for 285 (95.0%) and was ranked
highest by the the mean score rating, and was followed by JSTOR accessed and used by 117
(39.0%) respondents. Of all the respondents, less than 100 (33.3%) accessed and used EJOURNALS;
AGORA; African journals online; HINARI; PUBMED central; OARE; BIOMED CENTRAL;
NIGERIAN VIRTUAL LIBRARY respectively in spite of their relevance to the field of study of
the respondents being understudied. INASP PERI was the least accessed and used full text databases
by 4 (1.3%) of the respondents under the study.
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The findings of this study revealed that, of the twenty-seven (27) full texts databases subscribed
to, archived and provided access to through username and password by the University Library’s
portal, SCIENCEDIRECT ranked highest with about 95% usage statistics, followed by JSTOR,
E-JOURNALS, AGORA, AJOL, HINARI all falling below 35% usage statistics. The low level
of usage of usage could be linked to lack of awareness about the availability, lack of search techniques
skills by many postgraduate students of the university to access the myriad of e-resources. This
notion is supported by Okello-Obura and Magara (2008) that students are increasingly expected
to use electronic information resources whilst at the university. To make use of the growing range
of electronic resources, students must acquire and practice the skills necessary to exploit them.
Thachill (2008) also asserts that electronic resources and the new models of education have generated
an even greater need for reference and instruction.
∙ Research question 3: What are the constraints to electronic information resources utilization
by postgraduate students at the University of Ibadan?
5. Conclusion
Results indicated that internet and email were ranked most available and used in the university.
Low use of CD-ROM, electronic journals and e-books by postgraduate students at the University
of Ibadan in spite of availability explained the notion that availability of information does not
necessarily mean actual use.
Low level of usage of electronic resources, in particular, full texts data bases was linked to
lack of search techniques skills by many postgraduate students of the university to access the myriad
of e-resources is evident from the findings of the study.
Effective use of electronic information resources by postgraduate students at the University of
Ibadan is being hampered by a number of factors. Interrupted power supply was ranked highest
among other factors as speed and capacity of computers, retrieval of records with high recall and
low precision, retrieving records relevant to information need, lack of knowledge of search techniques
to retrieve information effectively, non possession of requisite IT skills and problems accessing
the internet.
There should be institutional commitment to overcome the identified constraints to use of electronic
information resources by postgraduates students in order remain relevance in today’s world of teaching,
learning and research.
6. Recommendations
ⅰ. Lecturers should insist that postgraduate students use e-resources. Academic staff should promote
electronic resources by providing references for students to locate; this may increase the number
of students acquiring the necessary information retrieval skills. Lecturers are crucial in the
promotion of electronic information resources. Coursework/assignments attached to the use
of electronic resources should be evolved. All postgraduate students should be taught e-records
management to help them in the management of electronic information obtained from e-resources.
This can be an integral part of the course on Information Storage and Retrieval taught to
postgraduate students.
ⅱ. The University internet bandwidth and computer hardware should be upgraded to enhance
speed of download of information. This could be achieved through soliciting external support
and charging e-resources fees to be paid by students.
ⅲ. The University library should intensify their awareness campaigns concerning the availability
of electronic resources. The use of e-mail alert system, text messages and prizes for those who
use a lot of e-resources should be considered by the University Library as methods of promotion.
Phone short message services should be integrated into library e-resources services provision
for awareness services for e-resources.
ⅳ. The problem of power outage, a national issue should be critically addressed through special
budgetary allocation, an institutional commitment to ensure a 24-hour lighting system in order
remain relevance in today’s world teaching, learning and research.
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Adeleke, Dare Samuel is currently the Reference, Marketing & Information Development Librarian
at The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti (FPA), Nigeria. Earlier in his career, he was with University
of Ibadan Archives and Information Services as Ad hoc Project Assistant. He later served with
Pathfinder College, Samonda, Ibadan as the College Librarian. He has one international paper and
five conference papers to his credit. He has served as member of different academic and administrative
committees at FPA. His research areas of interest are Information Literacy, Reference, Information
Development and User Education. He may be contacted at: dareadeleke2@gmail.com
Nwalo, Kenneth Ivo Ngozi is an Associate Professor and immediate past Head of Department at
the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan (U I), Nigeria.
He started his professional career as a Librarian at the Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Nigeria. He has
contributed papers in journal of repute at national and international level. He has been a speaker
in a number of national and international conferences and training workshops. As a Lecturer of
LIS, he has taught courses leading to Master’s in Library and Information Studies and supervised
many Doctorial candidates leading to the awards of Ph.D. He has served as member of different
academic and administrative committees at University of Ibadan. His research areas are Reference,
Cataloguing and Classification. He may be contacted at: kennwalo@gmail.com.