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Forquality aflife

Wageningen URlibrary
P.O.Box 9100
Chris Brils
Paulien van de Ende 6700 HAWageningen
Bertken de Leede the Netherlands
Peter Paap

First English edition 1994

English translation by Sara van Otterloo

Editor: Lidy v\allace




3.1 Trees and the soil / 11
3.2 Trees and crops 12
3.3 Trees and animals 14
3.4 Multipurpose trees 14
3.5 Economic opportunities for agroforestry 15
3.6 The farmer as a member of society 17


4.1 Introduction 18
4.2 Management of trees 18
4.3 The rotation 25
4.4 The management plan 25

5.1 Introduction 27
5.2 Living fences 28
5.3 Shelterbelts 32
5.4 Alley cropping 38
5.5 Improved fallow 42
5.6 Home gardens 49

6.1 The farmer's role in agroforestry 54
6.2 Agroforestry development 55
6.3 Points to remember 59



Agroforestry is the practice of cultivating annual crops in combination w i t h trees

and sometimes livestock as well. During the past f e w decades interest in
agroforestry practices has increased substantially. This is reflected in rising concern
about deforestation and degradation of the environment. The accompanying
decrease in land productivity and farm yields is becoming unacceptable, particularly
in tropical areas.
The role of trees and forests in maintaining stability" in ecosystems has come to
the forefront in the search for solutions to environmental degradation. This,
combined w i t h the potential of trees as a source of many basic needs, has made it
a priority, in recent years, of scientists and planners to look for ways to integrate
trees and forestry into agricultural systems.
Agroforestry itself is not a new practice. Farmers have always incorporated trees in
their farming systems, in many ways all over the world. However, in the so-called
Western w o r l d , w i t h the onset of rapid technological advances, trees became a
neglected factor in agriculture. Monocropping", combined w i t h widespread use of
artificial fertilizers and pesticides seemed to be the only way to go. To some extent
tropical areas have followed these practices as well, w i t h disastrous results: soil
erosion" and degradation, declining yields and desertification' are widespread signs
of unequal development. In the West production has at times broken all previous
records, but the cost has been high in terms of chemical pollution of water, soil
and air.
Recently agroforestry has been hailed as offering potential solutions to land use
problems of tropical regions. However, much research and interdisciplinary work
remains to be done in this field. One of the main problems is the immense
ecological, social and agricultural complexity at the local and regional level. This
means that tailor-made solutions are needed rather than sweeping general
guidelines. Increasingly, such information is becoming available, but often not
always to small-scale farmers, and intermediaries acting on their behalf.
AGROMISA has received many questions about agroforestry from all over the
world. The amount and content of these questions indicate that there is a pressing
need for practical information on this subject. This is the main reason for writing
this Agrodok. Here w e give an overview of principles, as well as possibilities and
restrictions of agroforestry. It should be seen against the background of a search
for solutions of land-use problems along the Low External Input for a Sustainable
Agriculture (LEISA) school of thought (Reijntjes et al., 1992).
This Agrodok is intended as a guide, offering a variety of options for improved land
use. It should not, however, be treated as a prescriptive book. Practices cannot
simply be copied, but must be adapted to local circumstances. The book aims to
illustrate the diversity of agroforestry practices which occur under different
conditions. Ideas from both h u m i d ' and arid' tropical areas are offered, w h i c h need
adjusting to the local situation.
The information given is this Agrodok is based on a review of literature and
discussions w i t h specialists fro m the Agricultural University of Wageningen.
In the following chapter the history and concept of agroforestry are described,
together w i t h a classification of agroforestry practices. In chapter 3 the role of
trees in tropical farming systems is discussed. The scope and limitations of
agroforestry land use are compared w i t h other types of land use. Successful
application of agroforestry practices depends largely on how the different
components (trees, crops, animals) of the system are managed. These aspects w i t h
be discussed in chapter 4 . The focus of this chapter will be the management of the
tree component in relation to the other components. The allocation of production
factors (land, labour, capital and time) and some specific technical management
practices in relation to agroforestry are reviewed. In chapter 5 several agroforestry
practices are described in detail. Finally, in chapter 6 some aspects of extension
work in agroforestry practices with small farmers are reviewed.

The late 1 9 7 0 ' s saw an increased interest in agroforestry, culminating in the

establishment of the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in
Nairobi, Kenya in 1 9 7 8 . The year before a booklet appeared entitled "Trees, Food
and People" (Bene et al.1977) It amounted to a call for more interdisciplinary work,
especially between foresters and agriculturalists. Food production and tree
management became recognized as closely related practices, as indeed they always
have been.
Trees have always played an important role in mankind's survival. Originally
hunting and gathering was carried out in forested areas, which provided not only
shelter but f o o d , such as game, fruits and seeds. Early agriculturalists also made
use of forests w i t h the practice of shifting or slash and burn agriculture, which is
carried out to this day in a f e w areas. A plot is cleared by burning the lush
vegetation, transforming it into natural fertilizer for staple crops. After a f e w years
yields decline, inducing a shift to new primary forest, where the process is
repeated. The original plot is then left to grow over again, apart perhaps from a f e w
planted perennial' trees, that can be harvested periodically for many years to come.
In areas where population pressure increased beyond the limits of the system the
fallow" period would have to be shortened, from what was often 100 years to a
mere 5 or 6 years, for example in parts of West Africa. This is too short a period to
allow regeneration of soil, and continued use of the system leads to deforestation,
erosion and, at times, desertification.
Settled permanent agriculture lead to intensified use of land, often accompanied by
developments in irrigation. Over the past 100 years extreme specialization has
taken place in agriculture as practised in the Western world. An increase in
scientific research led to the separation of agricultural practices in to different and
often isolated scientific disciplines. With increasing realisation of the world
environmental crisis and the worsening food situation in developing countries more
integrated outlooks have begun to emerge in the last decades. One of these is
agroforestry, which creates space for the precarious ecological balance
encountered in so many tropical areas. There it is often a very thin layer of topsoil,
combined w i t h merciless sunshine and leaching' torrential rains which prevail. In
these conditions it is only logical that trees should be integrated into agricultural
practices. Systems need to be develop which not only lead to increased agricultural
output, but at the same time conserve natural resources.
The following is a definition of agroforestry now agreed on by growing numbers of
interested scientists and policy-makers:

"Agroforestry refers to land use systems in which woody perennials (trees, shrubs,
palms, bamboos etc.) are grown on the same piece of land with herbaceous plants
and/or animals, either in a spatial arrangement or in time sequence and in which
there are both ecological and economic interactions between the tree and non-tree
components." (Beets, 1989)

It is well understood that this agroforestry is a new name for one of the oldest
forms of human land-use practices. Recent studies build not only on modern
theoretical insights, but also on analysis of traditional practices.
Until n o w the main task of ICRAF has been to collect data in support of the idea
that trees are beneficial for the ecology and economy of rural people in developing
countries. Information is disseminated through publications, including the quarterly
journal "Agroforestry Today".

One of the challenges in the debate concerning the application of agroforestry

systems is its very diversity. The three major components, crops, trees and
animals, can be grouped in various ways. ICRAF distinguishes four major systems:

agrosilviculture systems: trees and crops

silvopastoral systems: trees and livestock
agrosilvipastoral systems: trees, crops and livestock
other systems: (eg. aquaforestry combines fish production w i t h trees,
apiculture bees w i t h trees, sericulture silk production w i t h trees.)

Many more subsystems and specific practices can be derived from the above. The
farmer can place emphasis on the service or the production capability of the tree
component. Services offered by trees include soil and undergrowth" protection,
wind speed reduction, moderation of climatic extremities through the creation of a
stable micro-climate" and improvement in soil fertility. The range of products
available from trees includes fruit, nuts, building material and livestock fodder.
Depending on the farmer's needs a different practice will be chosen. The
arrangement in components can differ in the following ways:
time: rotational systems, partial overlap or simultaneous cropping
space: random mixtures, rows and strips, either in alleys or as boundaries.

We will discuss these variations in further depth in the following chapters.

Figure 7:Land use and Agroforestry systems. Source: Combe, 1982

I -Agriculture
II -Forestry
Ill-Animal husbandry
IV -Agropastoralism
V -Silvopastoralism
VI -Agrosilviculture

An agroforestry system, generally speaking, combines at least two of the following

components: trees, crops and animals in an optimal fashion. The components
influence each other and the wider environment. The interactions can be beneficial
within the system or create competition for space, water, light and nutrients". The
latter should be avoided in agroforestry. Figure 2. shows some of the interactions
that occur between components of an agroforestry system, either directly or
indirectly by processes in the soil or wider environment.

Figure 2: Complex system of influences between components in an agroforestry

system. Adapted from: Naire & Seedharan, 1986

Trees play both ecological as well as economic roles in afarming system. Below
we list some of the physical properties of trees, followed by a number of
socioeconomic considerations relating to trees.
Trees are the source of awide variety of potential benefits as well as providing
products including edible fruits and pods, animal fodder, building materials, honey,
latex and resin. Trees and their products can also be harmful in certain
circumstances. Where appropriate, warnings are given in this book.

3.1 Trees and the soil

Wind and water erosion occurs in many areas w h e n the soil is not properly
protected. Heavy rainfall can completely wash away the fertile top layer. Tree
c r o w n s ' provide adequate protection by reducing the speed w i t h which raindrops
hit the soil. The litter" layer and undergrowth beneath a tree is also beneficial to
soil fertility. When tree crowns reach a height of 10 metres or more, a layer of
undergrowth is necessary because rain which collects on the c r o w n and falls in
large drops can cause splash erosion". A small amount of erosion may occur
through stemflow*.
Trees can play an important role in erosion control, especially in hilly areas. Root
anchoring* trees help prevent shallow landslides. On slopes trees can be planted in
rows following the contour lines*. These rows should contain abundant
undergrowth and litter. Eroded material from higher up will accumulate in the rows,
eventually leading to the formation of natural terraces.
Apart from being effective against erosion, the deep root systems of trees are
important for soil fertility. Trees tend to take up nutrients from the deeper layers of
the soil. A considerable amount of nutrients is stored in the biomass* of trees,
which in time will become available to other species. However, if both the foliage"
and the w o o d are harvested at the same time from a particular tree, this effect will
greatly be reduced.
Deep rooted trees can penetrate compact and hard soil layers. This increases the
porosity thus improving the water holding and infiltration capacity", as well as the
aeration" of the soil.
Some trees have the capacity to make nitrogen (= N) available in the soil. This
important nutrient is taken from the air and, w i t h the help of bacteria", and fixed in
nodules on the roots of leguminous trees. Examples of these N-fixing trees include
certain species of Leucaena. Gliricidia. Ervthrina. Prosopis and Alnus.
Another minor fertilizing effect comes from the fact that trees may collect dust
particles, brought to the area by the w i n d . Washed off by rain the will become
available to the agroforestry system.
Both the crowns and residues of trees protect the soil from extreme temperatures.
The process of decomposition of organic matter will therefore hardly ever be
interrupted. Evaporation* of water from the soil is also prevented by the shade from
direct sunlight w h i c h trees provide.

To sum up:
adding t w i g s and leaves as mulch* on the crop fields reduces evaporation and
increases moisture retention in the topsoil;
a mulch layer reduces weed g r o w t h ;
a mulch layer adds nutrients and organic matter to the topsoil;
decomposition of leaf litter supplies the topsoil w i t h nutrients for the

trees are able to take up nutrients from deeper soil levels and bring them
into the nutrient cycle of crops;
more organic matter in the top soil increases earthworm and microbiological
activity; this promotes the recycling of nutrients;
the nutrient nitrogen is better retained by using nitrogen fixing* species of trees
than by adding fertilizer;
rows of trees moderate the temperature of the soil and air, so that less
extremes of temperature occur;
planting rows of trees may help to control erosion on slopes;
on slopes a mulch layer reduces run-off* and erosion of water.

Adverse effects of planting trees include apossible increase in soil salinity' and
acidity*. Increased salinity is caused by high transpiration' and excessive uptake of
water from deeper soil layers. Salt will be deposited on top of the soil, which is
sometimes visible as crusts. This occurs mainly in arid and semi-arid' regions, or in
coastal zones of humid areas.
An increase in acidity of the soil occurs, when tree residues release acid
substances. Toxic substances are released into the soil, which may lead to crop
failure. Some Eucalyptus species have this effect.

3.2 Trees and crops

When trees and crops are grown together on the same piece of land there will be
interactions between the two components, which may have positive or negative
results. The protective influence of trees forms abeneficial element in the micro-
climate. Trees incorporated in agroforestry systems will moderate climatic
characteristics such as wind speed,temperature, humidity and, light intensity.
Trees store water in their crowns, which increases the availability of water to
plants in the undergrowth. The root system of trees increases the water retention
and infiltration* capacity of the soil. These factors all contribute to creating a
beneficial environment for plant growth.

Crops may also benefit from tree residues deposited on the ground or mixed in the
soil. Trees are able to take up nutrients from deeper soil layers, that otherwise
would not be available to the herbaceous plants. Figure 3 shows the difference
between a system containing only trees (forest), asystem composed only of
agricultural crops and an agroforestry system with an efficient nutrient cycle.
The presence of trees may also have negative effects on underlying vegetation.
Tree crowns block out a large part of the sunlight, and the shallow roots of trees
compete with crops and pasture for water and nutrients.
Trees occupy space, which otherwise could be used for other plants.

Figure 3: Nutrient relations, showing advantages of agroforestry systems (C)above
forestry systems (A) and agricultural systems (B).Source: Reijntjes et al., 1992

(Common) Forest (Common) Agricultural (Ideal) Agroforestry

ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem

Addition by throughfall Little or no plant cycling Trees of desirable forms and

Large canopy volume Low litter fall root systems w i t h appro-
Litter fall priate management

Favourable Nutrients in Fertilizer input

microclimate unintercepted rainfall Large export compensated
Large export of nutrients by turnover within the
system and efficient use
Litter fall, pruning, lopping

Little erosion run-off Severe erosion run-off Little erosion run-off


Release by root decay Surface accumulation of Complementary sharing of

Mycorrhizal roots nutrients
association Release by root decay
Uptake by deep roots Uptake from deeper layers

Light leaching Heavy leaching, Light leaching

especially during no-crop

Release by weathering Release by weathering Release by weathering

Little loss (output) Heavy loss (output) from Little loss (output) from the
from the system the system system

Another adverse factor is the characteristic some trees have of producing certain
toxic substances in their roots or foliage. This can inhibit the establishment or
g r o w t h of herbaceous vegetation.
The micro-climate created by trees is usually humid, which stimulates the g r o w t h
of bacteria and fungus*. This may damage herbaceous vegetation (or even the
trees themselves). Furthermore, trees can be hosts for organisms (animals, insects
or diseases), that can be harmful to the crops. On the other hand, trees may also
be hosts for organisms that prevent pest infestation.

There is an increased chance of mechanical damage by trees growing on a farm

plot. Parts of trees, such as branches, fruit or foliage, may fall from the tree
through w i n d , lightning, heavy rainfall or death. If these fall on the herbaceous
vegetation, they can cause serious damage. Damage may also occur while
harvesting the trees for fruit, fuelwood, or timber. Large raindrops that fall fro m the
leaves of trees can damage not only the soil, but also crops.

3.3 Trees and animals

The micro-climate w h i c h trees create is beneficial to the animals that roam beneath
the tree c r o w n s . It takes cattle less energy to keep their heat-balance at the right
level, w h i c h may lead, for example, to an increase in milk production. Animals can
browse on trees and shrubs, and so supplement their usual diet. However, foliage
and fruits of some trees may contain substances which are toxic to certain
animals. Contact w i t h toxic liquids on the bark or broken parts of trees can cause
skin diseases or blindness.
As mentioned above, trees can also be hosts to pests, including animal diseases.
Falling branches or large fruits as well as thorny or pointed branches might all harm

In choosing tree species the positive as well as negative factors should be

considered and weighed up against each other. This will be discussed further below
(See Chapters 4 and 5).

3.4 Multipurpose trees

Some species of trees and shrubs provide more than one product or service. These
are called multipurpose trees or MPTs. They can satisfy a variety of subsistence
needs as well as providing products which can generate cash income. Products
include f o o d , fruits, nuts, fuelwood , fodder, medicines, fibres, latex and constructi-
on material. MPTs are important in view of the need for risk spreading t h a t farmers
often experience.
For example, jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is grown in many countries for its
fruit, either for home consumption or for the market. In periods of severe drought

the leaves are often used for fodder. Other non-fruit products such as f u e l w o o d ,
tannin and oils from the tree may yield additional farm income.
The variety of uses of one tree or shrub can reduce the risk of total crop failure due
to pest infestation or climatic stress. Leucaena leucocephala, for instance, widely
used for fodder production and for soil improvement, may be seriously affected by
the leucaena psyllid, causing considerable damage to the foliage crop. However,
farmers will still be able to harvest the uninfected wood for use as fuelwood or
timber for home consumption or the market.
These examples also illustrate the possibilities for farmers to bear in mind
concerning the short-term as well as long-term goals to consider when using MPTs.
Apart f r o m the productive benefits of MPTs, there is often a social meaning
attached to trees. Their surroundings may be used as meeting places for religious
activities or community gatherings. Aesthetic values are also sometimes considered
by small farmers.
No matter w h a t services and products are expected from MPTs, proper
management will determine eventual success. In the next chapter w e discuss
management aspects. First w e consider some socioeconomic factors of integrating
trees into a farming system.

3.5 Economic opportunities for agroforestry

Upon introduction of agroforestry, economic benefits can be expected not only in

the form of more cash income. Higher production may cover domestic needs w h i c h
can also lead to more cash savings. That is w h y agroforestry can be feasible in
both a market situation as well as for farmers operating at subsistence level.
However, w h e n very low level subsistence farming is being done, introducing
agroforestry should not lead to any drop in yields of the usual crops. It may be
advisable to start w i t h a small amount of fast growing MPTs. In order to prevent
competition for nutrients, sunlight and water, trees should be planted at the edge
of the field. In this way crop yield will not be affected too much, and benefits from
the trees can be expected within a couple of years. Some processing can be carried
out in the household, for example charcoal production, either for the market or for
home consumption. For many small scale farmers achieving food security for the
household is their main aim. Studies have shown that introducing tree crops,
w h i c h , for example, only produce fuelwood, will not be sufficient to induce farmers
to plant trees.

Where food security is assured, an agroforestry system can react favourably to

more attention. Intensification in this way can be an answer to growing pressure
on land. On the other hand, where off-farm employment is undertaken, it is also
possible to derive benefits from agroforestry when much less labour is available.
Almost always agroforestry will bring about an improved balance between the

production factors land, labour and capital. Farmers themselves will economize on
these factors according to their needs: e.g. by adopting less exhaustive cultivation
practices leading to a restoration of soil fertility; using time saving practices. The
latter can be seen in weeding, since tree growth usually provides more shade,
leading to less undergrowth. More plant diversity in the farming system is usually
favourable in order to spread risk.

Starting agroforestry on afarm usually means introducing trees. As we have seen

trees have certain characteristics which differ from those of annual crops. The slow
growth and the hardiness of some of the products create new difficulties but also
open up wider opportunities. New market opportunities may open up to the farmer,
who can start watching the demand for fuelwood and construction material, both
of which are products that can be stored easily. Even fruits of some species can be
left hanging on the tree until the price is favourable. Inthe case of fodder from
foliage the harvest season can be extended to the whole year.

To choose appropriate tree species the farmer needs to have some knowledge of
market demand. But even apromising tree will take several years to become
productive. Planting material and sometimes fertilizer must first be purchased.
Suitable local tree seeds or saplings* may be freely available through neighbours or
from the wild. To sustain production organic fertilizers from the farm itself such as
animal-dung and crop residues might suffice. To begin with fast-growing MPTs
could be chosen, with scope for use in the near future, maybe to be replaced
during following rotations by other profitable tree species. Even so, the first few
years can lead to an economic bottleneck. It might be advisable to look into the
possibility of receiving agrant, subsidy or low-interest loan from local or
governmental credit agencies.

3.6 The farmer as a member of society

Before spending time and effort on agroforestry it should be clear whether the
farmer will be entitled to use all products at all times from the planted trees. An
investigation into ownership of land and other legal matters is necessary in
advance. If possible agreements should be made for the long-term use of trees on
rented or community land. Mechanisms must exist to ensure that these agreements
are carried out.
In traditional societies titles to trees can be rather complicated. The following
different rights can exist:
-the right to inherit or o w n trees
-the right to plant trees
-the right to use trees
-the right to dispose of trees

The farming population is divided socially by lines of descent, age, gender and
religion. These factors govern not only access to land and trees, but also possibly
to capital and to labour. Not all members of a household are considered fit to carry
out each task. When making a labour calendar for the farm, each individual should
be listed separately w i t h his or her tasks.
When introducing agroforestry, new activities arise besides the usual tending of
agricultural crops. A new rotation" scheme will have to be devised. Agricultural and
tree management activities will have to be adapted to one another.

Peaks in labour demand occur at the beginning of the rainy season, when crops
have to be s o w n and trees planted. However, most of the tree management
activities can be carried out during the lean labour period. By choosing species
selectively the spread of labour demand can be favourably influenced.

Looking at agroforestry from the angle of sustainability", benefits are high w h e n

land is scarce and of a marginal nature: e.g. when the soil has a low fertility and/or
is sensitive to erosion. Monocropping is not advisable on such lands. Agroforestry
can be used as a system that seeks to combine positive effects. It is not an instant
recipe for success. Good planting material, soil conservation measures and
fertilizing remain necessary. Management practices may become more complicated.
However, w i t h regard to sustainable land use, food security and risk avoidance,
agroforestry has a lot to offer.


4.1 Introduction

Management on farms is about the structuring of farming activities in time and

space. The farmer wants to achieve the best possible production by combining the
inputs of land, labour and capital within the constraints of the local socio-economic
situation. When a farmer decides to integrate trees into the farming system a
whole n ew set of activities will have to be undertaken. The farmer might require
some more knowledge on trees and tree-based activities. It is always useful to see
w h a t other farmers have done or to consult w i t h local extension agents. Regarding
books and manuals on various tree species and management practices see our
book list at the end of this Agrodok.

4.2 Management of trees

To grow trees successfully the following activities are necessary:

-procuring and planting of stock

-protection of seedlings
-tending of trees

and in case of productive trees:

-processing and marketing

The choice of species and site is the first step. Trees take a long time t o g r o w and
are not easy to be removed once established. All interactions and possible
functions need to be anticipated in a realistic manner.

- Stock and site

To choose a tree it is important to consider:

- the ecological adaptation of the species

- the extent to w h i c h it fulfils the farmer's objectives
- the tending requirements

Very often local species are both well adapted to the environment, as well as
k n o w n to fulfil certain functions. Always check however if the conditions the tree
requires coincide more or less w i t h the local situation. It might be that there is

some experience in the region with introducing exotics". These can also render
good results in some cases.
Certain trees are adaptable to a wide range of conditions: e.g. some Acacia species
have a deep root system and are drought-resistant. They are often used to combat
wind erosion. Leucaena is a nitrogen-fixer and, with its light crown, often used in
combination with annual crops.
Before choosing atree species considered carefully whether tending requirements
will fit in the overall labour timetable of the members of the household.(See 4.2.3)

Seeds, seedlings or cuttings* may be collected from the farm itself, other farmers
or from a nearby patch of forest. If collecting from the wild it may be possible to
help promote natural regeneration of certain useful species by clearing weeds from
around the stem or applying fertilizer to remaining trees. A local nursery or forestry
agency might be asource where seedlings can be purchased. The farmer could also
consider establishing a nursery on his own farm.

Before planting the site has to be weeded. Some digging might be necessary, and
in sloping areas ridges can be constructed (see 3.1). Small water catchment basins
may be constructed in a sort of chessboard pattern (see Figure 4) with atree in
each downslope point. The site can best be prepared just before the first rains are

Plan of microcatch-
ments, showing
direction of slope
and positioning of
treepits. (A: Treepit,
B: Slope)

Cross section of a
length can vary from
2 m to 50 m,
depending on
terrain, soil, rainfall,
species, etc.. (A: 15-
20cm, B:30-40cm
Figure 4: Microcatchments in a chessboard pattern. Source:
Weber & Stoney, 1986

- Planting of trees
Seeds, seedlings or cuttings each require a different method of planting.

Figure 5: Position of seeds in planting holes. Depth of hole

varies depending on the type of seed. A usual depth for
bigger seeds is twice the width of the seed

For seeds small planting holes or f u r r o w s ' should be dug first. Big seeds such as
coconut need a separate hole, while smaller seeds such as eucalyptus are s o wn
together in one hole. After sowing the seeds should be covered w i t h a layer of soil
one seed thick (figure 5).

Seedlings should be placed in planting holes as shown in figure 6. Before

transplanting* the seedlings a patch of 1 x 1 metre should be cleared in w h i c h
planting holes of about 4 0 x 4 0 cm should be dug. These can be up to 1 metre


Figure 6: Position of seedlings in planting holes

Establishment of trees by cuttings requires opening up a furrow (line planting) or

digging small holes of about 10 cm deep. Cuttings are taken from the mother tree,
leaves are removed and the stalk is cut at an appropriate length w i t h a blunt angle
at the b o t t o m end (see figure 7). They can either be planted in the planting hole
or, if the soil is soft, be pierced directly into the soil.

• I•
V i

v.' /
• )

I ' ft

A: Cutting to be planted in a planting hole B: Cutting to be pierced directly into the ground

Figure 7: Sharpening of cuttings at basal end

Fertilizer in the form of animal dung, compost', green manure" or chemical fertilizer,
when available, may be applied in the planting holes or on the soil immediately
after planting.
Protective fences need to be placed around the seedlings or the site against
browsing" and trampling animals. Without good barriers planting could fail or tree

g r o w t h may be inhibited.


A: Using thorny branches B: Using flexible twigs C: Using timber

Figure 8: Ways of protecting young seedlings. Source: Rocheleau et al., 1988

Local g r o w t h conditions (rainfall, soil quality, temperature) determine, together w i t h

the required functions and expected interactions, the optimum plant density. One
general rule is that the drier and poorer the soil, the larger the spacing between
trees should be. However circumstances vary to such an extent that the farmer
should try to assess the possibilities by looking at other farms in the area, maybe
by learning from o w n small-scale experiments, and by reading on the subject. It is
impossible to give clear-cut advice on plant density without detailed knowledge of
local conditions.
A higher tree density will give more shade. Depending on the kind of vegetation
growing under the tree crowns, and on the shape and size of the tree crowns,
shade can result in a higher or lower production of the undergrowth vegetation.
Apart from spacing at initial planting, tree density can be influenced by tending the
trees in order t o reduce the shading capacity of the trees. It should be k n o w n
beforehand whether the tree species is suitable for tending practices, such as
regular trimming".

- Tending of trees
If the s t a n d ' of trees appears too dense, thinning can be carried out. This is the
removal of a whole tree, in order t o :

concentrate g r o w t h in the best trees;

provide sufficient light in the understorey' vegetation (crops, herbs, grasses,
prevent pests and diseases;
make the terrain more accessible to people and livestock.

The thinned trees can be used as fuelwood, poles or mulch, while leaves of certain
trees are eaten by cattle and can be given as fodder.

Several tending and pruning activities are possible during g r o w t h , giving either a
continuous harvest or forcing the tree to grow in a convenient manner.
For example, if the aim is to produce thick, long stems for construction w o o d the
lower branches or t w i g s can be cut to achieve a better stem f o r m. This is called
pruning" or lopping". The cut branches and twigs can also be used as f u e l w o o d ,
fodder or mulch.
To harvest fuelwood or fodder more often, the tree can also be coppiced* (see
figure 9). This is the cutting back of a tree to a low level (below 1.3 metre) in order
to let shoots" develop from the stump. Pollarding' or bushing* is cutting a tree at a
higher level above ground (above 1.3 metre). This can best be done if a species is
not suitable for coppicing or w h e n the young sprouts have to be protected against
browsing by cattle.
It depends on the species whether it needs lopping, and whether it is suitable for
pollarding or coppicing.

After harvesting the tree for timber, it might be useful to uproot the rest of the
tree. This is sometimes done in order to avoid root competition, to provide space
for crops and/or new trees, or to facilitate soil tillage*. On the other hand, root
residues can provide nutrients for the soil.

Only lower branches are cut

Thetree is cut at the base of

themain stem, after which
new growth starts from
stump sprouts


All branches arecut at a

height of appr. 2m above the

Smallerbranches are trimmed

j to stimulate new shoot

Figure 9: Harvesting methods in which the tree is left standing, providing leaf
material and small branches. Source: Weber & Stoney, 1986

4.3 The rotation

An important aspect of management in agroforestry is the rotation in place and

time of the trees, vegetation and livestock. The rotation cycle of trees is the period
from sowing or planting until the harvest, after which a new rotation starts.
Optimal rotation occurs when yield is maximized. This will be different for each
species of tree and crop. Cattle can be allowed to graze on certain patches of land
for a certain amount of time, after which the vegetation can be allowed to
regenerate. Crop residues or tree foliage that result from an activity in the rotation
of crops and trees can be introduced into the rotation of livestock grazing as extra
fodder. All the different rotations should be integrated in such a way that the total
production of the system is optimised.

In order t o achieve the best overall production, a system of exploitation should be

designed. Besides the different rotations, the specific moments of change should
be marked.
When will crops have to be replaced by other crops or trees?
When will trees have to disappear to make place for more demanding and
profitable trees or crops?
When do crops need to be sown and when is it necessary to start growing
planting stock?
When is fertilization or soil tillage necessary?
When do cattle need extra fodder from cut leaves?

This timing depends heavily on the factors that influence production, especially on
the nature of the soil (see Chapter 3). The exploitation system will also need to
change during the course of the seasons. Soil quality and micro-climate will change
during the cultivation period of trees and/or crops and because of the presence of
animals. This requires changes in the composition of the components.
Introduction of new species, fertilizer or a period of fallow, can be necessary or
desirable in order to increase soil fertility.

Furthermore, the local socio-economic conditions will influence tree rotation. For
example w h e n fruit production of a certain tree is diminishing, but the w o o d quality
is still good, a farmer may decide to leave the tree in the field for some more years,
so he or she can sell it whenever the price for timber is high.

4.4 The management plan

Once agroforestry has been introduced on a farm, activities will often become more
diverse and complex after some time has elapsed. A management plan can be a
good method for dividing total labour evenly over all activities in the year. Farmers
are already used to working with some kind of plan in their mind. When

introducing trees in the farming system long term planning is necessary. Therefore,
it might be worthwhile writing down a plan. Possible contents of a management
plan are:

short description of trees and crops to be grown;

system of exploitation with rotations and possible replacements in time;
need for inputs (fertilizer, planting stock, etc.) and time of application;
labour, capital and possibly extra land requirements;
activities and changes in time, spreading of labour according to demand during
the year;
budgeting expected costs and benefits in time, with possibilities for loan
expected profits and use of these on the farm;
everything else a farmer may find of importance to write down for future use.

Such a management plan can be useful when applying for grants or loans; an
institution may ask for a management plan when deciding in what kind of farm
they wish to invest their money.


5.1 Introduction

In this chapter w e give examples of how to apply the theory of the previous
chapters in practice. In this booklet only five agroforestry practices are described in
depth, although farmers all over the world use a variety of subsystems and
practices. The examples were chosen, because we believe that they offer the
most possibilities.
Some of the practices ( fences) are techniques that can be integrated
relatively easily into an existing farming system. Other practices such as home
gardens are complex systems w i t h an internal dynamic of their o w n .
The practices described begin w i t h the relatively easy, and progress to the more
complex. For the latter some preconditions are often necessary, and some practical
experience of agroforestry is advisable.
The sequence in which the practices are dealt with is as follows:

5.2 Living fences

5.3 Alley cropping
5.4 Shelterbelts
5.5 Improved fallow
5.6 Home gardens

Please note that the practices presented are not meant to be used as blueprints.
The different practices originate from particular tropical areas w i t h specific climate,
soil conditions, etc, where they have been applied successfully, in some cases for a
very long time.
If a farmer does not have much experience w i t h agroforestry, it is often best to
start simply w i t h easy practices, on a small scale. In this way the farmer is able to
experiment and find the best solution, while the risk involved is minimal. If the
introduced practice works well, a farmer can expand and diversify the practice if

Each section of this chapter is written to stand on its o w n and deal w i t h some or
all of the following aspects:

general background
structure and characteristics
occurrence and preconditions
benefits and constraints

socio-economic aspects
concluding remarks

5.2 Living fences

General background
Living fences are lines of trees or shrubs planted on farm boundaries or on the
borders of farmyards, pasture plots, or animal enclosures. Sometimes they are also
used around agricultural fields.

In section A of the fence,

border line trees are combined
with live fencing shrubs


Figure 10: Sketch of an example of aliving fence. Source: Weber & Stoney, 1986

Accounts of living fences can be found in early literature, particularly in

contributions by botanists who noticed that certain species were propagated by
large cuttings which were used to establish fences or hedges'. In areas where
wood for fenceposts is becoming scarce, and where posts from other materials,
such as cement or iron, are too expensive, living fences are becoming more and
more popular.

Characteristics and interactions

Living fences serve mainly as field boundaries, to keep animals on the farm and off
adjacent crop fields or farm areas. They can be made of single or multiple densely
planted rows. Alternatively one row of living fenceposts can be planted, widely
spaced, with wire, sticks or dead branches between the trees. Both kinds are made
of permanent lines of shrubs or trees, that are regularly pollarded and trimmed.
Live fence posts are generally made with vigorously sprouting species. Legumes"
may be used (e.g. Ervthrina SDP. and Gliricidia senium), as well as fig, cactus and

It is important that living fences grow rapidly, at least during the first f e w years
until they are tall and thick enough to withstand browsing livestock and to serve
their barrier function . This implies the selection of fast growing species,
propagation' from large cuttings and careful maintenance, including weeding and
watering if necessary. During this early period, living fences may need protection,
particularly fro m hungry animals.

Within the living fences, timber and fruit producing tree species can be planted.
These trees can diversify the output of the fences.

There will be various interactions between the different components of a living
fence practice. For instance, the trees provide a micro-climate with a higher
humidity and more shade in which pasture will grow better. Legumes used in the
fences can improve the soil by fixing nitrogen. Pruned material acts as mulch to
cover the soil, protecting it from too much sun and excessive evaporation. The
fences provide shade for animals. The foliage of the living fences can also be eaten
by animals. Legumes are especially valued as they usually have a high protein
Trees compete w i t h crops and pasture for light, water and nutrients. They can act
as refuge for pests and diseases. Another disadvantage is that animals may
damage the living fences by eating the bark, rubbing with their horns or ripping off
branches. Moreover, animals tend to walk close to the fences thereby compacting
the soil, causing damage to the root system of the living fence.

The most important component in the living fence practice is the animal compo-
nent: the main reason for establishing living fences and the primary motive in
management of the fences is to control livestock movement.

Occurrence and preconditions

Living fences can be found from sea level to a height of about 3 0 0 0 metres and
from very humid to semi-arid and arid regions. Many different tree and shrub
species are used for living fences, depending on the ecological zone, the availability
of stock and the specific needs of farmers.
Certain conditions impede the use of living fences. In some areas, the period of
drought is too long to allow the use of living fences; in swampy areas the soil
humidity may be too high to enable g r o w t h. In most cases, w i t h the right choice of
species and correct management, many of these problems can be overcome.
As one of the main uses of living fences is to prevent cattle wandering, the
practice is usually carried out in combination w i t h animal husbandry.

The t w o general types of living fences have a slightly different management.
There are three stages of management: establishment, maintenance and harvest-

Establishment: The dense fences are usually propagated by stem cuttings or

suckers'. Open up the soil in straight lines to a depth of 1 5 - 2 0 cm and plant stem
cuttings at the onset of the rains. These cuttings should have a diameter of 3 - 5
cm and a height of at least 1 metre. Plant cuttings in holes made w i t h a hoe or
stick in the lines of broken soil - a type of sunken planting. Space the cuttings at
close intervals, but not less than 15 cm apart.

For the widely spaced fences, a stabilization fence can be established first, made
from wooden posts and some wire material, or thorny branches. The distance
between the wooden posts and lines can vary (between wooden posts: 1 - 10 m; 1
- 6 lines of wire), as can the amount of stakes* planted in between the wooden
posts. Usually stakes of about 2 metres in length are pruned from an old fence, but
some species are s o w n fro m seed. The live fence posts are planted at a depth of
about 10 cm and are of such a height, that the animals cannot reach the foliage.
They are either planted in a hole, or pierced into the ground in an upright position.
Maintenance and harvesting: Maintenance and harvesting cannot always be
separated. Pruning is necessary, but also provides useful products.
Large livestock, such as cattle, can cause considerable damage to the living fence
species and live fenceposts have to be renewed from time to time. Pruned bran-
ches from the old fence can be planted in the same fence, to ensure its durability
and to make the fence more dense.

Pruning of the fence is indispensable in order to keep it in good shape. The

operation is usually carried out once a year and involves a series of practices that
vary according to the purpose, the uses of the pruned material and the personal
preferences and experiences of the pruner. Native farmers in Latin America often
prune according t o moon phase (waning moon is usually preferred), w h i c h also
applies to the planting of stakes. Budowski (1987) offers the following advice as a
summary of pruning objectives:

Selection of stakes for new plantings: from the pruned trees, stakes can be
selected upon length, thickness, straightness, etc. Vigorously growing species can
be used, so they can be harvested fairly quickly, sometimes within 2 years.
Obviously, g r o w th of a specific shoot depends on the species, rainfall, soil conditi-
ons and other factors. The amount of stakes that can be harvested from mother
trees differs per species.

Filling in old fences: For this purpose, stakes of asmaller diameter than for new
fences are often used. As the old fences are already established, the new stakes
that are planted with them need less protection. Filling in is a way to create a
dense fence, especially when planting stock is scarce. However, it is possible that
other species than the original fence species may have to be planted in the fence,
as the original fence species may not have the right characteristics for a dense

Harvesting fuelwood: Often, the best fuelwood comes from older branches
where a good amount of hardwood has been produced. Hence pruning stakes is
often combined with harvesting for fuelwood, when side branches, tops and
crooked branches are cut and arranged in bundles.

Harvesting for fodder: The use of shrubs and trees as animal fodder probably
goes back as far as when animals were first domesticated. Usually it is a relatively
small proportion of all food intake, even though leaves can contain a considerable
amount of protein. Pruned edible material can be thrown into the pasture, so that
the livestock can find it, or it can be cut and carried to feeding places, like stables.

Controlling shape and size: Living fences, like normal trees, produce flowers
and fruits. Many species are naturally deciduous* or lose their leaves during the dry
season. Pruning may change this by avoiding flowering and fruiting as well as by
delaying loss of leaves. If a longer life cycle is induced for some branches
completion of the natural cycle seems to be unavoidable. But combinations are
possible: e.g. the best 2 or 3 branches may be left for stakes and the rest can be
periodically pruned.

Well established living fences may be difficult and expensive to remove so siting
should be considered carefully before planting.

Socio-economic aspects
If planted on a boundary, a living fence will affect more than one land user, so it is
important that all land owners and users should agree on its establishment.
Rocheleau et ai. (1988) stress the important broader implications of installing a
living fence in any area with multiple land users: 'Beyond the farmer's practical
problem of crop damage by animals threatens the larger question of privatization of
land. The protection of gardens, small irrigation schemes, cropland and small
fodder plots often deprives someone else of access to land. Traditionally, such
plots may have served as important common or free grazing areas, especially
during the driest part of the year. While fencing land along an available water
source may be an important new development for crop production, the same fence
may block access to water for other people's animals. Such changes can cause
severe disruption of traditional grazing patterns. For these reasons, all users, not

just owners, of an area should be involved in the decision to introduce a living
fence. This will help to ensure an optimum balance between costs and benefits.

In regions where the fences occur widely, the richer farmers may regard
establishment of live fences as a sign of poverty and therefore only use wooden
fences. Occasionally, living fences are not established close to farmyards, because
they take away the view over the farm area. Some farmers take pride in their
knowledge about the application of living fences, some even earn their income as
official 'fence pruner'.

Concluding remarks
With adecreasing supply of naturally resistant wooden posts and the high costs of
artificially treated material, living fences are becoming more common. If one adds
the other secondary products that can be derived, this appears to be a very
effective way of improving the quality of life of low-income farmers. However, it
should be borne in mind that living fences often require more maintenance than
wooden fences and that competition may arise between the living fence and the

5.3 Shelterbelts

General background
A shelterbelt is a wind barrier of living trees and shrubs maintained in order to
protect farm fields from adverse effects of wind-speed like wind erosion and
moisture loss. A windbreak is defined as a wind barrier more specifically used for
the protection of farms, small gardens or orchards'. As there is no consistent
agreement on the use of the above mentioned term, we will use the term
shelterbelt, referring to all types of living wind barriers whose main objective is to
reduce wind-speed, resulting in the protection of agricultural lands, people, animals
and infrastructure.

Shelterbelts can influence the micro-climate around any particular farmstead,

orchard, agricultural or grazing land. Their use is by no means restricted to the arid
and semi-arid areas. Shelterbelts can be found all over the world under all climatic
conditions, yet the reasons for establishing shelterbelts will differ from place to
place. Shelterbelts may be used to provide protection for livestock and rangelands",
for agricultural fields, or to support sand dune stabilization.

Shelterbelts are a common feature in arid and semi-arid areas. Big systems of
shelterbelts can be found inthe USA, the former USSR, China and Australia.
In tropical countries the knowledge of shelterbelt establishment and management is
growing. During the last decennia shelterbelt studies have been carried out in

several tropical countries including Niger, India, Burkina Faso, and Nicaragua. These
have lead to an increasing use of shelterbelts in those countries.

The best results from shelterbelts can be seen in areas where:

- high wind-speeds are present;

- there are prevailing winds for long periods;
- the soil is dry for many months;
- loose structured soils occur.

Shelterbelts usually consist of multistorey* strips of trees, shrubs and/or grasses
planted in one or more rows (See Figure 11). Trees and shrubs should preferably be
evergreens or else be in full foliage during the main periods of high w i n d. Grasses
and herbaceous plants are sometimes planted at the base of the trees and shrubs
to prevent the wind from scouring away the surrounding soil. As their main
function is to protect agricultural lands against the hazards of wind and wind-
speed, shelterbelts are placed on the upwind side of the land to be protected. They
are most effective w h e n the shelterbelt is situated perpendicular (at right angles to)
to the prevailing wind direction. If wind direction changes throughout the year,
a chessboard pattern is the best possible way to plant shelterbelts. To protect large
areas, several barriers can be created as part of an overall system eg. a series of
parallel shelterbelts. Wind speed is reduced on both sides of shelterbelts. On the
leeward* side up to 20-25 times the height of the barrier is protected. On the
w i n d w a r d " side up to 4 times the height of the barrier will be protected. A careful
combination will provide perfect protection between t w o shelterbelts (see Figures
12 and 13).


fr-^l l j-J

•WshMA»»^NA^7viwAv«iUMM4tVwlw/»i( *AUANA,\AMXAA»^A.;

-M <- ->• <-

/ ; WÄrjtf direction 2: Distance 3-4m

Figure 11: Sketch example of a shelterbelt. Source: Weber & Stoney, 1988

Figure 12: Good design for a shelterbelt. Source: Rochelau et al., 1988

Good design:
Shelterbelts must be semi-permeable to the wind to slow it down. (Prevailing
Turbulence stays high above the trees. Dramatically reduced windspeeds.
(Protected cropland)

Besides t he prevailing w i n d direction, topography" and property lines will influence

the exact position of shelterbelts.

Shelterbelts can be planted at intervals up to 20 -25 times the height of the full-
grown belt. The exact distances, however, will vary according to the climate, soil
conditions and the tree species used. The shelterbelts should be as narrow as is
practicable, while containing sufficient tree rows for the required density at all
heights. Single row shelterbelts have no safety factor and they are likely to develop
gaps. Gaps in rows should be avoided as much as possible, because wind is
funnelled through them at a higher speed, resulting in more wind erosion. To avoid
this, paths through shelterbelts should be placed at an oblique angle and not a right
angle to the rows of trees.

Spacing between individual tree rows is not a critical factor if several rows are
planted. It will depend on the g r o w t h habits of the trees, the kind of equipment
used for maintenance work and the planned activities such as irrigation, thinning
and management. In practice the distance between rows is generally 3-4 metres.
Spacing between trees within the rows, on the other hand, affects the
permeability" of the belts. Shelterbelts should not be too dense, otherwise the wind
8is totally blocked and this will create turbulence* over the crops, resulting in
damage to the crops, as shown in figure 13.

'\{\]{ /> (. rtArr(7rJ\x>c/£>W:fr O^

Figure 13: Bad design for a shelterbelt. Source: Rochelau et al., 1988

Bad design:
The shelterbelt must not be too dense: if the wind is blocked completely, it will
cause turbulence over crops.
Dense shelterbelts create strong air currents that damage crops and promote
soil erosion

The spacing within the row depends on the g r o w t h habits of the trees and the kind
of management work planned as trees start to grow together. If no thinning is
planned, the recommended spacing in the row for fast growing species is generally
1,5 to 3 metres. In general a shelterbelt will cover about 5% of the total field area;
ranging from 2 to 10 % of the cropping field being used for a shelterbelt.

Ecological interactions
The main objective of planting shelterbelts is to reduce the wind-speed, thus
achieving better conditions in which plants, animals and man can live and produce.

Properly designed and located shelterbelts can provide protection in a variety of
ways by changing (micro-) climatic conditions:

Top soil particles are more protected from blowing away as w i n d speed is
Physical damage to crops, pastures and/or livestock is reduced.
The temperature of soil and air behind the shelterbelts is modified.
Wind is a major cause of moisture loss. More water will be available for crops
where wind is reduced.
Spreading leaf litter material onto the fields will fertilize the soil.
In arid and semi-arid areas high speed winds may carry large clouds of
fine dust, leading to crop damage and desertification. Shelterbelts may prevent
soil movement and serve to stabilize sand dunes.

All these effects can improve the condition of the land behind the shelterbelts. This
could lead to a more sustainable or even increased crop production. Figure .. shows
the influence of a shelterbelt on windspeed, evaporation, crop yield etc. compared
w i t h a system w i t h no shelterbelt.
There are also some disadvantages to shelterbelts. First of all there is the loss of
land for agricultural production as trees are planted in the fields. Furthermore there
may also be a decrease in crop yields near the shelterbelts due to shading or root
competition for water and nutrients. Trees also may be a potential host for pests
and diseases w h i c h might infect the agricultural crops, or even the trees
themselves. The latter could result in the (temporary) destruction of the
shelterbelts. A mix of tree species reduces this risk. The ecological advantages
generally outweigh the disadvantages of shelterbelts, as has been shown in many

Shelterbelt management should above all be oriented towards the long-term
maintenance of the shelterbelt. Additional management practices could also pay
attention to the tree products.
Management depends on the desired composition of the shelterbelts, of tree
species used, agricultural crops, and facilitation of the cultivation activities, both
for agricultural as well as for tree crops. Methods of management might be
pruning, coppicing, pollarding, thinning or renewal of trees or complete tree rows.
Some reasons for intervention in tree shape or composition would be t o :
- facilitate cultivation activities;
- change ecological conditions;
- correct tree g r o w t h and/or structure of the shelterbelt;
- prevent suppression of more desirable species;
- replace dead or diseased trees;
- avoid wide-spreading branches;

- prevent competition w i t h neighbouring trees.

While windbreaks can be established by direct seeding, it is best to use seedlings

or cuttings whenever possible, at least for the upper-storey trees. Where browsing
damage by wild or domestic animals is a problem, farmers may establish an outer
fence of densely spaced cuttings of unpalatable' or thorny species. Temporary
thorn or woven fences may also be used. In general, trees w i t h narrow, vertical
growth are ideal for windbreaks to minimize the land removed from crop
production. Since the shape of a windbreak changes as trees grow, it is usually
necessary to mix several species with different growth rates, shapes and sizes in
three or more rows. Some fast growing species should be used to establish the
desired effect as quickly as possible. Certain Eucalyptus. Cassia, Prosopis,
Leucaena and Casuarina species are often planted for this reason. Coppicing of
these fast growing trees is also a commonly used management technique for
shelterbelt maintenance: repeated coppicing results in a continuously renewing
shelterbelt, made up of several tree layers, varying in height.
Many fast growing species do not live as long as slower-growing trees. Fast- and
slowgrowing species should be mixed to provide protection against diseases or
insects that can easily infest and destroy single-species stands.

Socio-economic aspects
The establishment and management of shelterbelts can be introduced anywhere.
However, it might not be feasible for farmers to establish shelterbelts on their o w n ,
if neighbouring farmers do not join in these activities. The most successful results
will be derived w h e n a large area is brought under an extensive shelterbelt system.
In this way many farmers will benefit from the system. However, good agreements
should be made about the exact placing of the shelterbelts, land tenure" conditions,
costs and benefits, and the establishment and maintenance of shelterbelts.

When introducing shelterbelts it is important to ensure that they do not offend,

alienate or violate local traditions, nor disturb human and animal movements.

As the shelterbelt will require the sacrifice of arable land, it is important be certain
that long-term and short-term benefits will outweigh the loss of possible
agricultural crops.

5.4 Alley cropping

General background
Alley cropping is also known as hedgerow intercropping. It is an agrosilvicultural
practice in w h i c h rows of w o o d y plants are grown w i t h annual crops planted in
alleys in between .


A: 8m B: 2m

Figure 14: Sketch of an example of alley cropping. Source: Burley & Wood, 1991

The main purpose of alley cropping is to maintain or increase crop yields by

improvement of the soil and micro-climate through cycling of nutrients, mulching
and weed control. Useful products may also be obtained from the trees and, on
sloping land, the rows of trees may help to control erosion.

Alley cropping is an alternative to shifting cultivation with a bush fallow period.

The trees and shrubs g r o w n in the hedgerow have the same function of recycling
nutrients, suppressing weeds and controlling erosion on sloping areas as those in
the bush fallow. The alley cropping technique as it exists nowadays was developed
in Nigeria around 1 9 8 0 by B.T. Kang and G.F. Wilson. They saw it as a
combination of traditional and modern technologies. It has been successfully
introduced in other parts of Africa and in countries like the Philippines, Indonesia,
Sri lanka. The practice is relatively new in dryland Africa. Trials have been small
scale and have had different results.

Alley cropping is mostly used in humid and subhumid* lowland tropical areas, on
fragile soils. Alley cropping usually works best where people feel a need to
intensify crop production but face soil fertility problems. This may occur in
crowded, densely populated areas, or wherever farmers wish (or are forced) to

increase production on a limited piece of land, and thus need to shorten the fallow
period. Alley cropping can be practised successfully on marginal lands where, even
w i t h low population pressure, the soil is becoming degraded.

In alley cropping the components are arranged in zonal patterns. Alley cropping
mostly consists of t w o storeys: the annual crops and the trees. The position and
spacing of the different components depend on the crop and tree species, climate,
slope, soil conditions and the space required by the people and tillage equipment
(see figure 15).

Î "*H*" •H<-

A: 30-60cm B: 1-5m

Figure 15: Design of an alley cropping plot. Source: Rochelau et al., 1988

It is best to position the rows in an east - west direction, so that plants on both
sides receive full sunlight during the day. Spacing depends on tree species, climate,
soil quality etc. The spacing usually ranges from 4 to 8 metres between rows and
from 0.25 to 2 metres between the trees or shrubs in the rows. Closer spacing is
possible in humid areas, and wider spacing in sub-humid or semi-arid regions.

On slopes the rows of trees should always be planted following the contour lines
(i.e. at the same height). If this means they are not planted in an east - west
direction, the trees should be trimmed regularly to prevent excessive shading of the

Some w o o d y species are more suited for combining with crops than others. An
ideal alley cropping tree or shrub should have several characteristics:

a light, open c r o w n that lets through sunlight;

be able to resprout quickly after pruning, coppicing or pollarding;
it should be capable of producing poles, w o o d , food, fodder, medicinal and
other products;
good leaf litter, w h i c h makes nutrients available at appropriate times in the crop

a deep taproot" system;
f e w shallow lateral roots", or these roots should be easy to 'prune' by
ploughing along the hedgerow, without damaging the trees;
the ability to fix nitrogen;
be adapted to the specific limitations of the site, such as saline or acid soils,
drought, flooding, heavy winds, insect pests or other hazards.

The criteria listed here can only serve as a guide for species selection at particular
sites. In some cases, it may be necessary to combine t w o or more species in the
hedgerow to provide the products and benefits desired. For example, combining
t w o species w i t h different leaf decomposition rates. Where nitrogen is required for
crop production, nitrogen fixing trees might be planted. In order to reduce the
chance of pests and diseases it is important to maintain species diversity. Always
check first whether local tree species are available.

The alley cropping practice can be beneficial for trees and crops if they do not
compete for water or nutrients. If water is a limiting factor or the soil productivity
very low, special attention should be given to management, so that there will be no
competition between the components. Shading and competition for water and
nutrients is mostly overcome by regular coppicing and choosing tree species w i t h a
deep root system (instead of a shallow one). Note here that the use of fast growing
species (e.g. Eucalyptus) can cause great damage to crops, as they generally need
large amounts of water.

Management practices for alley cropping vary widely according to specific

locations. The hedgerows may be established by direct seeding or by planting
seedlings or cuttings. During establishment, they may require protection from
browsing animals, trampling or pests. The young trees will benefit f r o m weeding,
fertilizing and other management activities the farmer carries out for the crops. This
will encourage the g r o w t h of the hedgerows so that later they will require little
additional attention.
The w o o d y plants are cut regularly and leaves and twigs are used as mulch on the
cropped alleys.

For Leucaena crops, management is as follows: once established, the trees or

shrubs are usually left to grow for 6 to 18 months before the first cutting. This first
cutting should be late enough to allow the trees/shrubs sufficient root develop-
ment, and in time to avoid shading of the annual crops. In sub-humid or semi-arid
areas this is within 6 to 12 months. In drier areas it can be delayed till 12 to 18
months after planting.

The type (coppicing, pruning, pollarding, lopping) and frequency of the cuttings
depends on the crop and hedgerow species, the importance and type of products,
non-timber products and services from the trees and the amount and timing of
labour available. A n example is coppicing the hedgerow plants at 30 to 6 0 c m ,
followed by regular lopping at the same height. This can take place fro m once a
month during the cropping season, to once a year around the beginning of the
cropping season. Mulch from tree leaves is usually applied just after land
preparation or crop sowing (see figure 16).

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•> • f -

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IV • " - - - » — * ~* -

x. S r iv-i'-^$

Figure 16: Alley cropping management cycle. Source: Weber & Stoney, 1986

I: Trees are planted in lines

II: Crops are harvested
III:When shade begins to interfere with crops, trees are coppiced or pollarded
IV: Branches are placed between the rows. Leaves will fall to the ground. Branches
and twigs can also be used as fuel wood, for construction and other purposes
V: Trees meanwhile begin to resprout
VI: Cycle is repeated

It is possible to let goats browse on regrowth during the dry season one year, then
the next year coppice the hedgerow regrowth for mulch in the following cropping

Benefits and constraints of alley cropping

The main benefit of the alley cropping practice will be an improvement of the soil
and micro-climate condition. Because of the fact that fallow and crop period are
combined, there is a longer cropping period and higher land use intensity. Crop
production will remain at least the same as previously, but in an ideal situation
production will rise, using less external inputs.

By using tree species with a good productive capacity, additional products like
poles, w o o d , fruits, nuts, fodder, and medicines may be obtained.
As it usually takes some years before the planted trees produce the desired
benefits, farmers should have ownership of the cropping field, or at least have the
right to use the products. Without this, farmers are not likely to be willing to start
tree cultivation on their land, especially as alley cropping needs some capital
investment. During the first f e w years, when farmers may need to buy seeds or
saplings and some essential equipment, investments are high.
Another problem w i t h alley cropping is the considerable demand it makes on labour
and management. The planting and pruning schedules have to be fairly strict for
this practice to give good results.

Farmers w i t h only a limited piece of land, those with degrading soil fertility and
those w h o feel economic pressure to increase their agricultural production are often
eager to practice alley cropping.

5.5 Improved fallow

General background
Improved fallow is the replacement or enhancement of natural fallow vegetation by
the introduction of selected trees or shrubs.
When crop rotation is alternated w i t h a fallow period, the soil can rest and recover
its fertility during the fallow period. The purpose of improved fallow can be to
shorten the fallow period or increase the yield of subsequent crops.

Under population pressure and land competition agricultural practices are

intensified. Intensification can be carried out in various ways: by using fertilizers,
growing high yielding varieties or using one piece of land more intensively. In areas
where shifting cultivation was the main form of agriculture, the result of increasing
pressure on the land has often been a shortening of the fallow period. In order to
avoid over-exploitation of the soil, improved fallow can be a way of using the
fallow lands more intensively w i t h o u t damaging the soil.

Figure 17: Sketch example of an improved fallow. Sesbania sesban as a rotational
woodland. Source: Rochelau et al., 1988

The aim of improved fallow is to correct the drawbacks of shortening the natural
fallow period by introducing multi-purpose species and related management
The functions of trees in the fallow period are to restore nutrients to the soil, to
suppress weeds, pests and diseases and to provide essential basic needs such as
food, medicines and fodder.
Improved fallow can be classified as an agrosilvicultural system, although
sometimes animals can also be introduced in the fallow period.

Structure and characteristics

Trees can enrich the fallow in an economic or biological way. The fallow period
can thus contribute to more income, by providing tree products, or help maintain
the same (or even better) soil quality by shortening fallow periods.
In most cases the objective will be to combine of economic and biological
In this practice the cropping period usually alternates w i t h the tree-growing period,
but it is possible to leave useful trees standing in between the crops. This can
become alley cropping, or a technique involving dispersed trees (see figure 18).

Improved fallow can involve a single or mixed-species stand w i t h a variety of low
shrubs or ground cover or a mixed species stand that resembles dense natural
regrowth. In the latter situation there are usually more than t w o layers present.
The higher layer consists of tree species; a lower layer consists of shrubs and
smaller trees; w i t h an understorey of herbal and woody species and grasses. A
multi-layered structure is important as it can reduce erosion caused by rain and
w i n d . A mixed-species stand can provide the farmer with many different products
throughout the year.

A single-species stand contains one tree species, often combined with some low
shrubs, crops or grasses. After the establishment of the tree species, natural
regrowth can occur between the planted trees (see figure 18).

/ Thefarmland is left over for fallow ^..szg?..•./••<$?••

// The following rainy season tree and legume /]

cover crops are planted to produce a dense

III Trees and natural vegetationb also installs

itself. Selective cutting for poles and
fuelwood can take place

IV The soil recovers and the land is ready to be

farmed again. Treelines are marked, and trees
between the lines are harvested

V Theland is cleared and replanted, being farmed

on an alley-cropping system, or simply with
trees and shrubs on the contour
The timber trees in the alleys can be left to grow tall, only being pruned to reduce

Figure 18: Improving fallows with trees and continuing with an alley-cropping
system. Source: Rochelau et al., 1988

The plant density within an improved fallow depends on the purpose of the fallow.
If the planted species in the fallow are intended to be developed for another
agroforestry practice in the future, the species choice and plant density should
follow the guidelines of that particular practice (eg. if a farmer wants to introduce
alley cropping after the fallow period). If the species has to remain in the crop field,
it should be compatible w i t h the crops.
It is possible to combine improved fallow with animals. Under the canopy of trees,
cattle can graze on the grasses, herbs and shrubs. The manure will help restore soil

Choice of species
If a farmer wants to obtain more economic benefits from the fallow field, he/she
should look for species which provide products which can be sold.
In a biologically improved fallow, the vegetation should yield higher levels of
nitrogen and accumulate more organic matter than the natural fallow it replaces.
The planted fallow should therefore not in any way impede future plant g r o w t h or
that enhance soil erosion.
Multipurpose trees such as Leucaena spp.. Acacia spp. can fulfil both ecological
and economic functions.

Ecological interactions
In an improved fallow the interactions between the soil and the vegetation are very
important. A deep root system, a lot of organic matter, nitrogen-fixation and good
canopy closure" are among the reasons for choosing a species. Quick growing
species, combined w i t h plenty of understorey vegetation, are desirable to prevent
erosion in the first years that the land lies fallow.
Improved fallow consists often of nitrogen fixing species, which also provide good
fodder for cattle and game. Fruit and other trees can be attractive to wild animals,
which can cause damage to the vegetation or result in a decreased yield for the
farmer. On the other hand, game might be attractive to a farmer as it is brought
within easy reach for hunting.

Occurrence and preconditions

The system of the cultivation of crops alternated w i t h fallow periods has been in
existence for a very long time. From all tropical parts of the world there are
examples k n o w n of people w h o were or are still using this system. It is mainly
found in the humid and sub-humid lowland areas, where slash-and-burn practices,
or shifting cultivation, are applied.

Improved fallow can be established in a variety of ways and at various stages of
the fallow. Establishment can be either through natural regeneration or introduced
trees (planned fallow) or through planting of trees during or at the end of the


Year 1: Planting, harvest,

second crop, fallow

Year 2


Year 3: Canopy closes


Year 4: Weeds shaded out, [ ) *-> J ' ^ J * (^

clearing of trees

ilUBlL tak ,4jU~. I ^30- ggf

Year 5: Planting, harvest,

second crop, fallow

^uffijvt ^

Figure 19: Example of a planted fallow system using Leucaena leucocephala in the
Philippines. Source: Vergara et al., 1987

annual crop production period (planted fallow). In figure 19 some methods of
establishing trees in an improved fallow are shown.
After a field has been cleared or harvested, one can sow or plant desired speciesat
the beginning of the following rainy season. In areas w i t h a more evenly spread
rainfall, one can sow or plant the desired species directly after harvesting the
crops. This can be advisable in areas with very intensive, erosive rains. It is
important to try to keep the soil continuously covered with vegetation in order to
prevent soil erosion.
One alternative for poorer fallow fields is to introduce tall seedlings and cuttings,
after a f e w years of spontaneous establishment of vegetation have elapsed. When
a rather dense bush has established itself, one can cut selectively and replant the
open spaces w i t h more desirable species.
It is also possible to establish a rotation of species within the fallow period, but this
requires more labour and tending activities as new species have to be planted and
cared for. If a piece of land can be kept fallow for 20 or 3 0 years a succession of
species will occur w h i c h can be manipulated by the farmers. For example: a farmer
plants some fruit trees and manioc after abandoning the field. After 2-4 years,
manioc does not yield enough to allow even a minimum of labour input. The farmer
does not replant manioc and this is gradually replaced by natural regrowth or other
planted species. Within 10-15 years many shrubs, trees and grasses grow
spontaneously or after planting. The products of this fallow will change over time,
allowing productive use of fallow land for 20-30 years.
(Which techniques and species are most suitable will depend on the kind of soil,
the value of the natural fallow vegetation, the conditions of the land (slope,
exposure to the sun etc.) and the duration of the fallow).

Improved fallow often requires protection from the browsing, grazing and trampling
of domestic and wild animals. Most nitrogen-fixing trees are attractive to cattle and
game. Many fields need protection during the cultivation of crops and this can be
continued w h e n the field lies fallow. Living fences, consisting of for example
thorny species, should already be established during the cropping period. Once an
improved fallow has been established and protected, little maintenance is needed.

Socio-economic aspects
The amount of labour and capital required depends on the desired species. Fallow
requires most labour and capital when it is being established. One important con-
straint is the time of the highest labour necessity (planting and weeding) for the
fallow. This might coincide w i t h the busiest time in agricultural activities: the so-
wing/planting period. On the other hand, once a fallow vegetation is established,
many useful products can be obtained, without much demand on labour. It can also
be a source of food and income during the off-season. The introduction of certain
species in a fallow and the construction of a fence may require some capital, but
the costs can be minimized by using local seeds, seedlings and fencing materials.

Benefits and constraints
The main aims of improved fallow are to improve ecological and economic
sustainability and stability.
Some benefits of improved fallow are:

The time required for soil enrichment can be shortened. N-fixing multi-purpose
trees are especially suitable for biologically improved fallow.
A good canopy closure and fast growing species can suppress weeds and
minimise erosion.
A wide variety of species and a multi-storey' fallow can reduce pests, weeds
and diseases.
Competition for water and nutrients w i t h the main crop is not a limiting factor
in the choice of tree species.
The large variety of species make fallow fields into interesting gene pools.
Useful species from the fallow period can be introduced in the next cropping
period as w o o d y vegetation, which can provide useful products and minimize
negative ecological interactions.
It is not expensive and does not require much labour except during the
establishment phase.

Some constraints of improved fallow are:

The planting of seedlings and tree cuttings has to be done in the same period
as the seeding/planting of crops. Labour can be a limiting factor in this period
and it may be difficult to plant the trees in time.
It is important to protect the fallow against animal damage (browsing, grazing
and trampling). Therefore fencing may be necessary but this requires time,
labour and sometimes capital.
The introduction of soil enriching species does not mean that soil improvement
will take place in a very short time. The fallow period can be shortened, but a
good fallow always takes at least 8-10 years. Improved fallow does not mean
that one can use the fallow after 4 years again for crop cultivation. This would
result in a degraded soil fertility and structure, and in lower yields.

- Concluding remarks
Improved fallow can be useful in humid and (semi)-humid lowland areas where
shifting cultivation is practised. In areas w i t h a high population pressure, the most
important aim of the improved fallow is to shorten the fallow period while
enhancing and restoring the soil qualities. In areas w i t h sufficient land for the
farmers, improved fallow can supply an extra source of income or products to the
farmers. One constraint, however, can be the labour requirements at the time of
planting or s o w i n g . Once established, an improved fallow does not require much

Which species are planted will depend on the land pressure and aims of the farmer.
When planting mainly soil enriching species, one should realise that the minimum
fallow period can be shortened from 15-25 years to about 8-10 years. If this
minimum period is further shortened, it can result in soil degradation, lower yield
and eventually in an infertile soil.

5.6 Home Gardens

General background of the practice

A home garden is an agroforestry practice in which mixed cropping of perennials
w i t h annual crops occurs, often in combination w i t h animals. It can therefore be
called an agrosilvipastoral system.
In most cases the home garden should provide for a supplementary and continuous
f l o w of products. They often are of great significance to smaller farms because of
the buffering capacity" they offer w h e n yields are low.


Figure 20: Sketch example of a home garden. Source: Geilfus, 1987

Home gardens are common in much of the humid tropics. The practice is widely
carried out in Southeast Asia, but it also occurs in certain areas of Africa and South
America. Willis referred to home gardens in 1914 as "wild jungle-like mixtures of
fruit trees, bamboos, vegetables, etc."

Home gardens are characterised by intensive use of multipurpose tree (MPT)

species, shrubs, food crops and animals on the same piece of land at the same
time. They have a very complex and layered vertical structure. High densities of
both forest and horticultural trees occur alongside crops and shrubs. Home gardens
are situated near the house on the farm. Home gardens can be established in the
local natural forest as well as on previously bare ground, if the conditions at the
site allow this.

A specific local kind of home garden practice is often the product of an age-old
evolutionary response to increasing population pressure and reduced land
availability. Interacting species are carefully chosen. Sometimes the gardens show
similarities w i t h the natural tropical forest: the same ecological processes will
The home garden is very much a traditional practice. It has been developed and
adapted by local farmers over a long period of time, w i t h o ut help from
governmental or foreign organisations.

Research nowadays focuses on improving traditional practices and on testing new

practices in areas where home gardens have not been practised before.

Characteristics of the practice

The structure and species composition of a home garden can be very complex and
diverse. Figure 2 0 gives a schematic view of this. It is very hard to distinguish
different layers, but for the sake of better understanding, the structure will be ex-
plained by separating it into layers. The structure depends on light penetration
(canopy closure), soil moisture and fertility. This is especially important for the
numbers and kinds of species in the lower layers.
The upper-storey is formed by MPT species that produce timber, f u e l w o o d , fruit,
fodder, shade, etc. This layer is usually about 20 metres high. Fruit trees are often
used, for example Artocarpus. Manqifera and Tamarindus. which produce fruit,
fodder, fuel and timber. Sometimes a f e w trees grow above this layer, reaching a
height of 3 0 or 4 0 metres. These are mostly trees that produce high quality timber
or resins, and palms such as coconut.

The middle-storey consists of small trees and shrubs that tolerate some amount of
shade. This layer typically includes coffee, tea, banana, papaya and other types of
fruits and spices.

The under-storey consists of plants like beans, pulses, root crops, grasses,
legumes, etc. up to approximately 1,5 m high. The produce can be used for human
consumption or as fodder. More light demanding species in the understorey can be
grown in open spaces in the home garden.

In order to ensure a continuous f l o w of all products in the home garden, it is of

great importance to keep the distribution of layers constant. When harvesting from
a layer, always make sure there are enough plants to replace the harvested ones in
time. The distribution of patches, especially the open spots, is often important in
relation to the regeneration
of species.
The spatial arrangement of plants is not only determined by physical and ecological
requirements. It is also influenced by social factors and practical considerations.

For example, special valuable plants and crops used in daily cooking are often
planted right in front of the house. Plants with high nutrient requirements are often
found near animal latrines or where crop residues have been dumped.

In most cases animals are kept in the home garden. The animals can browse there
and rest in the shade. Cattle, like buffaloes, are mostly kept for dairy products and
land cultivation. Sheep, goats, chickens and fish are kept for household
consumption. Products from animals or the animals themselves can of course also
be sold on the market.

Animals are useful on the farm, but if too many animals have access to the home
garden, this can have an adverse effect on the harvest of trees and crops. To some
extent young plants can be protected by fencing or other means.

Agro-ecological distribution and requirements

A general prerequisite seems to be that the amount of rainfall should be fairly high
and more or less equally distributed over the year. A dry period should preferably
not be longer than a couple of months.

In some areas however home gardens are cultivated under semi-arid conditions.
This is possible as long as the soil can maintain a certain minimum moisture
content. These home gardens show less species diversity. They are also far less
varied in structure than their humid equivalents.

Benefits and constraints of the practice

Some of the benefits of home gardens are the following:

production is very diverse and continuous; risk is minimised and there is a daily
f l o w of products such as food, fuel, fodder, fruit, spices and w o o d for
the protective function of home gardens is very high; soil protection, water
retention and pleasant micro-climate for humans, animals and some plants;
the use of labour from the farm is very efficient due to proximity of the garden
to the house; also the walking distances in the garden from job to job are short;
valuable crops or animals in need of protection can be given extra care by the
farm family (especially at night) because of the short distance from the house;
home gardens ensure a pleasant living environment; shade, windsheiter and
provision of privacy; they can also satisfy aesthetic values and open patches
often serve as family or village gathering places.

A specific constraint encountered in practising home gardens is that, because of

the high diversity of ecological niches', a home garden can provide a habitat for

species that can become pests or introduce diseases, like snakes, insects and fun-
Management aspects of the practice
A home garden is often only a tiny part of the complete farm. The home garden is
special in that it provides daily produce.
A home garden can be viewed as a low cost production system w i t h a constant
and relatively high production. This can be of great importance on farms that
depend, next to the home garden, on one sole crop like rice. The fluctuating
income out of the selling of rice and the risk of crop failure can be buffered by the
continuous additional output from the home garden.

The amount of labour spent on activities in the home garden largely depends on the
functions the garden has to fulfil. In general it can be said that the home garden on
a farm needs about one to t w o hours of labour a day. This is very variable however
and depends on farm and family size.

One special characteristic of the work in home gardens is that much of it can be
done by members of the family who stay at home and do not work on the fields
further away. So, in this way the work in the home garden can be done by the
elderly or less healthy members of the family. The work in the shade of the home
gardens in general seems to be less intensive (except for such activities as tree
felling), while the house is very nearby.

In home gardens species are allowed to regenerate themselves. The plants

therefore can establish themselves in the most suitable ecological niche. This is not
always the right amount or in the desired spot in the home garden. However, these
can often be transplanted if necessary.

Another possibility to achieve increased or more diversified production is to

introduce new species in an existing home garden. These new species can fulfil
functions not already provided by the home garden. The new species must fit into
the established ecosystem of the home garden.

The home garden is a closed and linked ecosysterfi, in which nutrients are stored in
the b i o m a s s *. When harvesting, only the useful parts of the trees and crops should
be taken. All of the residues should, if possible, be left in the garden to be used as
organic fertilizer.

Animals that graze or browse in the home garden also leave their dung in the
garden. It is better to collect the bigger droppings and spread the animal manure
evenly near plants.

There will always be a flow of blomass in the form of products out of the garden.
To avoid degradation it is often advisable to use animal dung or other means of
fertilization f r om the surroundings near the home garden in order to keep the
nutrient status of the garden at a constant level.

In some cases it might be necessary to buy chemical fertilizers. Careful application

is advisable, since the productivity of desired species may decrease w i t h too much

Extra cash income can be generated through fish ponds or bee-keeping in the home
garden. For bee-keeping a home garden with many flowering plants is needed,
together w i t h a tree canopy that lets through enough light, at least in some places.
For fish ponds a very humid climate and a good running water system in the home
garden is needed. It is then possible to make a lot of little ponds w i t h high yields.
Fish is very rich in proteins and is often a desired product on local markets.

Other socio-economic aspects of home gardens

In many areas home gardens have a high social value. Although the gardens are
privately o w n e d , they are often open to access for people to bathe in one of the
ponds or to meet in an open space. The gardens of neighbouring farmers often
border each other and mostly there are pathways to ensure public access.

Valuable trees and crops can be planted near the farm as already mentioned above.
This makes a home garden a relatively safe place to grow valuable crops.

A home garden is often also a status symbol. The higher the species diversity and
the bigger the open meeting space, the higher the value of the garden as a status


In this chapter w e discuss some aspects of the dissemination of agroforestry

practices among members of a rural community. These are derived from the
process of Participatory Technology Development* (PTD) w h i c h is based on a
collection of field trials and methods. PTD is widely applied by development
workers w h o support farmers w h o wish to establish Low External Input and
Sustainable Agriculture systems (LEISA'-systems). The agroforestry practices
w h i c h are described in this booklet are all intended to be LEISA systems.
One of the main elements of the PTD-process is that the farmer is always the
central person w h o should be involved in all steps. For further reading w e refer to
the book: Farming for the Future (Reijntjes et. al., 1992).

Agroforestry practices are suited to a wide range of land and climatic conditions.
However, only w i t h clear involvement of the farmer, will agroforestry systems and
their management be worthwhile (see Chapter 4).
Before giving some information on h ow to disseminate knowledge about agrofo-
restry among the target group, a remark should be made about the term 'farmer'.
In most tropical rural areas different tasks within the farming system are carried out
by different members of the household or the community. The whole range of
tasks together should be seen as the farming system, and all people participating
have to be taken into account when talking about ' t h e ' farmer. In the past many
mistakes have been made by not involving all people w h o may perform important
tasks withi n the farming system. As a result, many projects have failed, especially
w h e n wome n were overlooked. Women are often responsible for vital activities
within the farming-system. So when the word 'farmer' is used, we refer to all the
people w h o participate actively in the system. Farmers can also be divided into dif-
férent user groups, according to socio-economic and religious variables such as the
amount of land possessed, agricultural practices, religious beliefs concerning trees,
etc. Different agroforestry practices will be suited to different user groups.

6.1 The farmer's role in agroforestry

The objectives of farmers and scientists concerning agroforestry practices do not

always coincide w i t h each other. Scientists often seem to think in terms of
productivity and ecological and economic sustainability (long-term objectives) w h e n
talking about agroforestry. Of course, these objectives are very important for
farmers, but farmers also need to secure the continuity of their farming system and
to fulfil their immediate 'felt-needs' such as food production (short-term objecti-
ves). Another important factor is the farmers' recognition of themselves as special-
ists in a certain farming technique, for example animal husbandry.

If agroforestry is perceived as a good alternative for the actual farming system, it is
essential to link this to the problems and needs of farmers and to the knowledge
that farmers have about agroforestry.
Usually, considerable knowledge already exists in the farming community about
agroforestry (or tree use on farm land) and often several agroforestry practices are
already carried out in some form. Farmers often experiment w i t h agroforestry
practices and innovate on their o w n account.
They may adapt their farming systems so that these will fulfil both their short- and
long-term objectives while not exceeding the capacity of the land, nor the
possibilities offered by the farm context (tree tenure, credit facilities, labour, time
But for whatever reason, the process of adaptation to the changing environment
may not be fast enough. Information about new ways of using the land in a more
sustainable and ecologically sound manner may not be available to the farmer. In
this case, information has to be passed on to the farmers about such new forms of
land use.
The assumption is that farming people have much wisdom regarding agroforestry,
but that practices could be improved by integrating local knowledge with scientific
knowledge. It is important that farmers and scientists work together, w h e n it is
decided to begin a new agroforestry practice or adapt an existing one. Scientists
should be aware of the knowledge and needs farmers already have and use this
knowledge as a starting point for activities. This ensures that the needs and wishes
of the farmers will be taken into account; that the applied technique will be
understood by the farmers; and that farmers will continue applying (and adapting)
the practices. In the next section the process of developing an appropriate
agroforestry practice will be explained in a f e w simple steps.

6.2 Agroforestry development

Agroforestry development involves strengthening local farmers' capacities to

experiment w i t h and innovate agroforestry practices. In a PTD-approach farmers
are encouraged to develop and evaluate their o w n agroforestry techniques on the
basis of the knowledge and value system that exists in the community. The
function of an intermediary or an extension worker in this process of agroforestry
development is that he/she can stimulate people to think and talk critically about
their o w n situation. Sometimes an 'outsider' (or somebody from within the
community w h o has looked across the borders of this community) can raise points
which will not be mentioned by the local people as they perceive it as something
normal w h i c h cannot be changed. On the other hand, an outsider may
misunderstand or misinterpret issues which could evoke adverse reactions from the
local community.

The process of agroforestry development is a creative interaction between local
people and outside or inside facilitators.
In general the following activities are included:
Critical analysis of community-managed changes in the agroecological system;
identification and use of local knowledge concerning agroforestry; experimenting
locally w i t h various agroforestry techniques derived both from indigenous
knowledge as well as from scientists; and improving farmers' experimental
capacities and farmer-to-farmer communication.
These steps not only generate techniques adapted to local conditions, but also
enable the farming community to sustain the process without outside intervention.
It is built upon farmers' knowledge and agricultural and agroforestry practices and
encourages the optimal use of locally available resources.

The process of agroforestry development according to PTD can be divided into six
categories. The sequence of these six bundles of activities is not fixed or linear but
a reiterative process. Depending on h ow the process is going, one should decide
w h a t will be the next step instead of following a fixed order of activities. Rather,
one has to find out w h i c h steps require priority in one's environment (farm or
community), and start w i t h that step. It can even occur that steps are applied
simultaneously. It should always be remembered that one should always go back to
one of the former steps if it is perceived necessary (for instance if the situation in
the community or on the farm has changed).
The categories of activities in PTD are: i) getting started; ii) looking for things to
try; iii) designing experiments; iv) trying things out; v) sharing the results; vi)
keeping up the process.

I Getting started
Although the intermediary in this case is probably already familiar w i t h the local
situation, it is always important to get a clear picture of the environment in which
agroforestry practices will be applied. Group discussions will lead to a mutual
understanding of the situation and will at the same time create a network of people
actively engaged in the changes. The different actors that are to take part in the
agroforestry development should be identified. When making an inventory of
problems and options, it is important to be aware of the different needs and
attitudes of different members of the community.'The possibilities a person may
have to apply agroforestry techniques will differ considerably: wome n might not be
allowed to plant trees; older men, because of a high social status may influence the
decisions of younger persons etc.
Apart from farmers, other interested groups may be included in the process of a-
groforestry development: artisans or traders, official research and development
institutions, commercial companies, non-governmental organisations, governmental
institutions and farmer organisations. Each of these may contribute to the
objectives set by the farming community for agroforestry development. It is up to

the farmers to decide whether or not to use the information obtained from the
other actors. Types of information can be: market situation, legislation, subsidies,
etc. Links between all actors can be established to facilitate the f l o w of
A f e w questions should be asked regarding the agroforestry practices:
w h a t inputs are necessary (e.g. land, labour, capital, knowledge) to develop an
agroforestry practice?
who should provide them?
w h o has the rights to the land where the practice will be carried out or the right
to collect the benefits of the practice?
w h o will collect the benefits in reality?
Neglecting these questions might lead to the development of agroforestry practices
that seem applicable from a theoretical point of view, but will not survive the test
of time, because they are not feasible for the farmers.

II Looking for things to try

This entails gathering information for a detailed analysis of locally felt problems and
identifying promising solutions in order to set up an agenda for experiments.
In this phase the farmers' problems can be assessed using visualisation methods
(showing pictures, drawing pictures, showing slides, drama, role playing), that
allow comparison of the severeness of the problems with each other and place the
problems in a regional context. Some methods which can be used include the use
of visual prompts to make a problem analysis (known in some areas of French
speaking West Africa as GRAAP) or pictures drawn by a local artist based on
discussions. More information on methods to carry out a problem analysis together
w i t h farmers and conduct extension work on agroforestry can be found in the
During the awareness raising process farmers gain an overview of their o w n
situation and problems. The farmers can give priority to problems and then through
discussion see if these might be solved by applying agroforestry practices. Next,
appropriate agroforestry practices for the user groups are roughly defined (which
trees are needed for w h a t purpose). It should be remembered that each farmer will
have his o w n criteria for accepting or rejecting certain agroforestry options. These
criteria should be assessed in order to be able to set priorities. Methods to arrive at
such a set of criteria include pairwise ranking" or matrix ranking', in which farmers
give priority to options mentioned by a researcher: the researcher can point out
which are the most important criteria for the farmers and discuss the options that
he considers applicable w i t h the farmers, so that they can come to a choice (for
more information see Reijntjes et al., 1992).
For these broad options local examples are sought: do agroforestry practices
already occur locally that fit the bill or show resemblance to w h a t is desired? If
these do not exist, new practices may be imported such as the ones that have
been mentioned in this booklet.

III Designing experiments
This involves designing patterns and methods of trying things out w h i c h give
reliable results and can be managed and evaluated by the farmers themselves.
The different agroforestry practices should be discussed within the user group to
see w h a t is the experience of the group or individuals within the group. This can be
done w i t h help of pictures on w h i c h the discussions can focus. If the farmers
decide to experiment w i t h the practices, the extent (how many farmers and which),
scale (what farm area), level of application (private, family or communal) and
criteria for evaluation (when to implement, when to adapt or when to reject the
practice) should be assessed.

IV Trying things out

This step entails carrying out, measuring and assessing the experiments, while
simultaneously building up farmers' experimental skills and strengthening their
capacity to translate experiments into practice.
Getting the farmers to consciously apply the agroforestry practice experiment and
to recount the way in w h i c h they applied the practice can bring faults to light that
can be corrected in future experiments; it enables a good practice to be repeated.
Collecting comparative information about inputs (labour, time and capital) and
yields f r o m cases where agroforestry practices have been applied and others where
they have not can give information on the success of the practice.

V Sharing the results

The diffusion of the results of farmer experimentation can be stimulated by building
up a programme to improve farmer-to-farmer or farmer-to-scientist communication.
When farmers are proud of their achievements, they are more likely to relate these
t o other farmers, or even to scientists. It is necessary to give every farmer a
chance to have a say and make a contribution to the practice. Therefore, sessions
have to be held regularly to give the user groups opportunities to exchange
experiences. One way this can be done is by organising group visits to farms,
where an agroforestry practice has been successfully implemented to see w h a t it
takes to apply the practice. Alternatively group visits could be made to farms that
were unsuccessful in implementing a practice, and so see where the farmers have
gone w r o n g .

VI Keeping up the process

This includes activities that lead to replication of the agroforestry development
process and create favourable conditions for continuation.
For instance, local people that have displayed high motivation for using
agroforestry practices can be trained in extension work concerning these practices.
The choice of people is up to the target group members. They can be sent out to
other villages to look around for new practices and tell about the successes of the
practices applied by the target group.

6.3 Points to remember

After the assessment of the possibilities for using (more) trees in land use,
decisions have to be made either to adopt agroforestry practices or to seek
alternative ways of improving the current land use and land quality. Before
encouraging agroforestry practices, there are certain points that should be borne in

Start simple: Try to link up w i t h the existing knowledge of farmers and start w i t h a
simple activity. This can arouse interest and motivate the initiation of increasingly
complex agroforestry practices.

Different people have different needs: Be aware of the different groups within one
community or withi n one household. It is important to differentiate the target
group and consider the different needs, priorities and possibilities. In this way the
agroforestry practice can be based on the ideas of a whole community. Also all
members can find some of their o w n wishes in it, which will makes participation
w o r t h w h i l e for t h e m .

Make use of local species: Farmers often already have woody perennials on their
farms. It is useful to determine the uses of these trees and to consider whether
they are suitable for other agroforestry practices. The local species are the species
that the farmers are familiar with and they know the possibilities of these trees.
Often, the farmers have already worked with the trees and can be stimulated to
talk about their experiences, so that other farmers may learn. Also the offered
agroforestry practices can be made more understandable by using characteristics of
trees that are already known to the farmers.

Visualize: Many farmers in tropical countries cannot read or write. Visual

presentations are essential to present problems perceived by the farmers and the
agroforestry practices that may relieve these problems. For instance, the
interactions between the tree and other components of the agroforestry system
can be explained by showing a picture of a cow and a crop underneath a tree (see
Chapter 3, Figure 2).

Set the example: Try to find farmers in the neighbourhood, that already apply
agroforestry practices, and ask them to explain about them to groups of interested
farmers. If such ' m o d e l ' farmers are not present in the area, try to apply the
practices on your o w n farm or on a plot that is rented from farmers. This will give
other farmers an example of how to apply the practice. Probably they will start
asking questions and will become interested in the practice. Also they can evaluate
whether they will be able to incorporate this practice in their o w n farming system.

These are just a few points to remember. If you are uncertain about any
information in this book or you need more detailed information: write to Agromisa.
Agromisa has an archive containing articles about the practices that have been


Bene, J.G., Beall, H.W. Côté, (1977) Tree, food and people: land management in
the tropics. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada
Burley, J . , Wilson, N. (1989) Aqroforestrv: potential, current UK expertise and
research needs: a guide to PDA strategy. Oxford: OFI
Combe, J . (1982) Agroforestry techniques in tropical countries: potential and
limitations. In: Aqroforestrv Systems 1:13-27
Commonwealth Science Council (1990) Agroforestry for sustainable production:
economic implications. London: CSC
Dasmann, R.F., Milton, J.P., Freeman, P.H. (1973) Ecological Principles for
economic development. London: s.n.
Denevan, M., Padoch, C. (1987) Swidden-fallow agroforestry in the Peruvian
Amazon. The New York Botanical Garden
FAO (1989) Arid zone forestry: A guide for field technicians. FAO Conservation
Guide, no. 2 0 , FAO, Rome, Italy
FAO (1989) Forestry and food security. FAO Forestry Paper, no. 90, FAO, Rome,
FAO (1978) Forestry for local community development. FAO Forestry Paper, no.7,
FAO, Rome, Italy
FAO (1985) Tree growing by rural people Rome: FAO
Geilfus, F., (1989) El arbol al servicio del agricultor: manual de agroforesterfa para
el desarollo rural. Principios Technicas. Enda-Caribe/ CATIE, Santo Domingo
Kloppenburg, W. (ed.) (1986) Forestry Extension BOS-document 6, Stichting BOS,
Wageningen, Netherlands
MacDicken, K.G., Vergara, N.T. (1990) Agroforestry, classification and
management. Toronto: John Wiley and sons
Reijntjes, C , Haverkort, B., Waters-Bayer, A. (1992) Farming for the Future. An
Introduction to Low-External-Input and Sustainable Agriculture. ILEIA, Leusden,
Rocheleau, D. et al. (1988) Agroforestry in dryland Africa
In: Science and Practice of Agroforestry No.3, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya
Vergara, N.T., Briones, N.P. (1987) Aqroforestrv in the humid tropics Honolulu,
East West Centre
Weber, F.R. and Stoney, C. (1986) Reforestation in arid lands VITA, Arlington,
Wiersum, K.F. (ed) (1988) Viewpoints on aqroforestrv II Wageningen: LUW

acidity: the extent to which soil is acid, alkaline or neutral. This is usually
expressed in the form pH (acidity standard). pH 7 is neutral, less than 7 acid,
more than 7 alkaline. Limestone (an alkaline substance) is often ground and
added to soils to reduce their acidity.
aeration: movement of air though soil.
arid: a climate in w h i c h potential evaporation exceeds rainfall in all months of the
year, so that cropping is possible only with the support of water harvesting or
irrigation; refers here to an area w i t h an average of less than about 2 0 0 m m
annual rainfall.
bacteria: microscopic one-celled organisms, many of which play an important role
in the soil by breaking d o w n organic matter and in animal nutrition by breaking
d o w n cellulose into digestible nutrients.
biomass: the weight of material produced by a living organism or collection of
organisms, plant or animal; here, annual biomass refers to annual plant species
and perennial biomass to perennial plant species. Biomass is expressed in terms
of fresh weight or dry weight.
browsing: the feeding on buds, shoots and leaves of w o o d y g r o w th by livestock or
wild animals. Browse is the material consumed.
buffering capacity: in biological systems, the ability to regulate against sudden
bushing: see pollarding.
canopy closure: the growing together of tree crowns to a dense layer.
compost: organic residues from plants and animals, sometimes mixed w i t h soil,
that are piled, moistened and allowed to decompose. Used to improve soil
fertility w h e n incorporated into the soil, often in small, intensive gardens. See
also mulch, used in a related practice.
contour line: an imaginary line on a field joining all places at the same height above
sea level.
coppicing: cutting the main stem of a species at the base, after which new shoots
develop f r om the stump or roots. Only three to four of the most vigorous
shoots should be allowed to continue to grow to full size; the others should be
cut back to prevent competition for growing space. In subsequent harvests, the
sprouted stems are removed.
c r o w n : the canopy of a tree or other woody plant, which rises above the trunk or
cutting: part of branch, trunk or root of w h i c h roots and leaves can resprout.
deciduous: a plant w h i c h loses all or a part of its leaves at the end of a season's
g r o w t h . The opposite of evergreen.
desertification: process of continued decline in the biological productivity of
arid/semiarid land, resulting in skeletal soil that is difficult to revitalise. Form of
land degradation.
erosion: the process by which the earth is worn away by wind and rain. Erosion is
harmful as it wears away the top layer of soil which is fertile.
evaporation: transition of liquid water to vapour. Usually the water evaporates f r om
the soil or vegetation and can no longer be taken up by vegetation.
exotic/exotic variety: a plant or animal species which has been introduced to an
area outside its natural range. Opposite of indigenous.
fallow: land resting from cropping, which may be grazed, left unused, often
colonized by natural vegetation.
foliage: the mass of leaves on trees or bushes.
fungus: a family of very simple plants, which have no roots, stems or leaves. The
group includes moulds, mildews, rusts, yeasts and mushrooms.
f u r r o w : a long narrow trench in the ground.
green manure: green plant material used as fertilizer. See Agrodok 2 8 , Green
Manuring and other forms of soil improvement.
hedge: a closely planted line of shrubs or small trees, often forming a boundary or
humid: a climate in w h i c h rainfall exceeds potential evaporation during at least 9
months of the year; refers here to tropical areas which receive more than about
1 5 0 0 m m annual rainfall.
infiltration capacity: the ability of the soil to allow water movement within itself.
land tenure: see tenure.
lateral root: root that grows in a horizontal direction.
leaching: the process by which nutrients in the soil are washed d o w n through rain
or irrigation water to a depth at which plant roots can no longer reach t h e m .
After leaching, the nutrients may be carried away by ground water movement.
leeward: the side of an object and its surrounding area that is in the shade of the
legume: member of the family (Leguminosae) of trees, shrubs and herbs (e.g. beans
and peas). On the roots of these plants there are small nodules w h i c h contain
bacteria. These bacteria can fix nitrogen from the air in the soil. Nitrogen in this
form can be absorbed by plants.
litter: uppermost layer of organic material on the soil surface, including leaves,
t w i g s and flowers, freshly fallen or slightly decomposed.
lopping: a form of harvesting in w h i c h only some of the branches are removed.
Usually the lower branches are cut, while the upper part of the crown is
allowed to continue to grow. New branches then resprout along the lower
portion of the stem.
matrix ranking: comparison of opinions of farmers towards certain topics (e.g. the
value of different tree species) by using a matrix to identify preferences.
micro-climate: the temperature, sunlight, humidity and other climatic conditions in a
small localised area, e.g. in a field, in a stand of trees, in the vicinity of a given
plant, or in the topsoil.
monocroppinq: repeated growing of the same sole crop on the same land.
mulch: protective covering of the soil surface by various substances such as green
or dry organic matter, sand or stones applied to prevent evaporation of
moisture, regulate temperature and control weeds.
multi-storev: a vertical arrangement of plants so that they form distinct layers, from
the herbaceous layer to the uppermost tree canopy.
nitrogen fixing: the process by which a plant that has the ability converts nitrogen
in the air into a form which can be used by plants. This process is performed
by another organism that lives within the roots of the plant.
niche: a space in the ecosystem w h i c h , because of the specific local ecological,
physical and/or social characteristics, is suited to a particular plant or animal
species or a particular activity.
nutrient: mineral substances absorbed by the roots of plants for nourishment.
orchard: a stand of trees, usually of a single species, that is managed for fruits,
nuts or seeds.
pairwise ranking: farmers are asked to compare certain species or breeds t w o by
t w o and indicate w h y they prefer (in terms of usefulness) one over the other.
Participatory Technology Development (PTD): the process of combining the
indigenous knowledge and research capacities of the local farming communities
w i t h that of research and development institutions in an interactive way, in
order to identify, generate, test and apply new techniques and practices and to
strengthen the existing experimental and technology management capacities of
farmers. Also referred to as People-centred Technology Development.
perennials: plants that live for longer than one or t w o years.
permeability: allowing the movement of air, water or other material. In soils, refers
to conditions favourable to the movement of water into and through the soil.
pollarding: all of the branches, including the top of the tree, are removed, while the
main trunk is left standing. After the branches are cut, new shoots are allowed
to sprout form the main stem to form a new c r o w n .
propagation: production of plants by grafting, taking cuttings, budding and raising
pruning: the removal of smaller branches and stems to stimulate new shoot
ranaelands: an extensive area of open land on which livestock can graze.
root anchoring: the captivation of otherwise loose soil particles by the root system
of plants.
rotation: repeated cultivation of a succession of crops (as sole or mixed crops),
possibly in combination w i t h fallow, on the same land. One cycle often takes
several years to complete.
run-off: rainfall or other water that flows across the soil surface and does not
infiltrate into the soil.
salinity: mineral salt content of the soil, also influenced by other factors such as
acidity, water content, etc.
sapling: a young tree, no longer a seedling but not yet big enough to be used as a
pole, a f e w metres high at most and about 2.5cm in diameter at chest height.
semi-arid: a climate w i t h average annual rainfall of about 2 0 0 - 9 0 0 m m w i t h high
variability of rainfall.
shoot: a stem; may also refer to new g r o w th of a plant, usually including a stem.
splash erosion: raindrops fall on soil particles which explode, causing small
amounts of soil to splash in all directions.
stability: collective aspect of the characteristics that minimise the negative effects
of abrupt, unexpected change on the farm system.
stand: a community of trees possessing sufficient uniformity - in terms of
composition, constitution, age, spatial arrangement or condition - to be
distinguishable fro m adjacent communities, so forming a silvicultural or
management entity.
s t e m f l o w : water flowing from the leaves and branches, along the stem and onto
the soil w i t h such force, that the top layer may be carried away.
subhumid: in the tropics, a climate w i t h average annual rainfall of roughly 9 0 0 -
sucker: a shoot arising fro m the root of a plant.
sustainabilitv: here refers to management of resources for agriculture to satisfy
changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of the
environment and conserving the natural resources.
taproot: a persistent, and often enlarged, main plant root that grows d o w n w a r d .
tenure: the right to property, granted by custom and/or law, which may include
land, trees and other plants, animals and water.
tillage: cultivation of the soil; open and turn the soil surface.
topography: the physical description of land; changes in elevation due to hills,
valleys and other features.
transpiration: loss of moisture from living organisms to maintain their heat balance.
transplanting: the removal of a plant from its original growing space to plant it in a
desired spot.
trimming: cutting back of tree parts to influence the form of the tree.
turbulence: whirling of w i n d after it has passed an object.
undergrowth: vegetation on the soil surface beneath a stand of trees.
understorev: the lower layer of vegetation, often grasses, shrubs or crops, that
grows under other vegetation.
unpalatable: not being eaten by animals.
w i n d w a r d : the side of an object and its surrounding are that is in the w i n d .


Comittee Inter-Etat pour la Lutte Mr. Sumuel Kofi

Contre la Sécheresse du Sahel (CILSS) Forestry Department
Projects and Programs Division P.O. Box 527
B.P. 7049 Accra
Ouagadougou GHANA
Mr. Robert Jan-Naah Loggah
Chambre D'Agriculture, D'Elevage CCPD, Education Ridge
et Des Forets du Cameroun P.O. Box ER144
B.P. 287 Tamale
Yaounde GHANA
Institute for Applied Research
CARE International Ben Gurion University of the Negev
c/o Mr. M. Anderson P.O. Box 1025
Agroforestry and Environmental Beer Sheva 84110
Protection ISRAEL
B.P. 106
N'Djamena International Council for Research
CHAD in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
P.O. Box 30677
INADES Nairobi
Centre de Documentation KENYA
B.P. 8
Abidjan 08 Kenya Agricultural Institute (KARI)
Forestry Research Centre KENYA
P.O. Box 1034
Addis Abeba Kenya Forestry Research Institute
(Dr. J. Odera, Director)
Forest Products Research Institute P.O. Box 20412
(Ghana Forestry Commission) Nairobi
University KENYA
P.O. Box 63
Kenya Prisons SOS Sahel
Horticulturalist/Nurseries c/o Mr. P. Stormheit
P.O. Box 3 0 1 7 5 Projet de Protection de
Nairobi l'Environnement
KENYA Bankass
B.P. 2 1 1 9
Regional Technical Advisor for Bamako
Agroforestry MALI
CARE International Kenya
P.O. Box 4 3 8 6 4 Ms. Vaughn
Nairobi Development Project Officer
KENYA CARE Mozambique
C.P. 4 6 5 7 Maputo
Kenya Woodfuel Development MOZAMBIQUE
Programme (KWDP)
P.O. Box 5 6 1 2 1 Centre d'Information pour
Nairobi le Développement Rural
KENYA Ministère de l'Agriculture
Tree Seed Programme NIGER
Ministry of Energy and Rural
Development Centre Technique Forestier Tropical
P.O. Box 2 1 5 5 2 (CTFT)
Nairobi B.P. 1 2 0 9 0
KENYA Niamey
Agroforestry Research Network for
Africa (AFRENA) Sahelian Centre
International Council for Research (ICRISAT)
in Agroforestry (ICRAF) (Dr. Rick J. van den Belt)
Dr. J . Maghembe B.P. 1 2 4 0 4
Makoka Agricultural Research Station Niamey
Private Bag 3 NIGER
International Institute for
Forestry Research Institute of Malawi Tropical Agriculture (UTA)
P.O. Box 2 7 0 P.M.B. 532 0
Zomba Ibadan
Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Joint Energy and Envronment Projects
Agricoles (JEEP)
Centre National de Recherches, P.O. Box 1684
Parc Forestier de Hann Jinja
B.P. 2312 UGANDA
SENEGAL Mr. R. Danforth
Department of Forest Biology B.P. 1377
Faculty of Forestry Bangui
Sokoine University of Agriculture ZAIRE
Bos 3009

Tanzania Forestry Research Institute

Silvicultural Research Centre
P.O. Box 95


Agroforestry Seed Information Directorate General Reforestation &

Clearinghouse Project Land Rehabilitation
Agronomist and principal Investigator Floor 13
AICRP on Agroforestry, Agricultural Gedung Manggala Wane Bakti Jin.
College Galot Subroto
Dharwad 5 Jakarta

The Bharatiya Agro Industries Sabah, Malaysia Pusat Penyelidikan

Foundation 'Khadhenu' Hutan
Senepati Bapal Marg (Forest Research Centre)
Pune-411 016 P.O. Box No. 1407
INDIA 90008 Sandakan, Sabah
International Crops Research Institute
for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) DANIDA
Patancheru P.O. Nepal, Community Forestry Training
Andhra Pradesh 502 324 Project
INDIA P.O. Box 107
Hattisar, Naxal
Forest Research Division WAU Ecology Institute
Dept. of Forest Plant Research P.O. Box 77
Babar Mahal Wau
Forest Research Institute
Mr. Raj B. Shresta College
Librarian Laguna 3 7 2 0
Mountain Information Division
P.O. Box 3 2 2 6 ODA-Sri Lanka
Kathmandu Forest Department
NEPAL District Forest Office
2nd Mile Post
Department of Forestry Passara Road
Frangipani Street Badulla
P.O. Box 5 0 5 6 SRI LANKA


REEBRAF Instituto Forestal

c/o J. C. Dubois (President) Huérfanos 554
Brazilian Agroforestry Network Casilla 3 0 8 5
Ipanema Santiago
Caixa Postal 7 0 0 6 0 CHILE
Rio De Janeiro
RJ 2 2 4 2 2 - 9 7 0 Mr. J.J. Angel
BRAZIL Agroforestry Programme
Calle 90 N° 14-26 Of. 501
AS-PTA Santa Fe de Bogota
Consultants in Alternative Agriculture COLOMBIA
Documentation Centre Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina
Rua Bento Lisboa 58-3° Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
Andar. Catete Apdo 4 5 6
Rio de Janeiro La Molina
2 2 2 2 1 - 0 1 1 RJ Lima

Centro Agronómico Tropical de CARE International Nicaragua

Investigation y Ensefianza (CATIE) Ing. F.J. Leyva Barrera (Assistant
Dept. de Recursos Naturales Coordinator)
Turrialba Apartado Postal 5 10
Head of Technical Research Division
Secretary of Education, Culture and Southern Forest Experiment Station
Health Institute of Tropical Forestry
Dept. of Scientific Research P.O. Box AQ
Apartado Postal 2 3 1 Rio Piedras
San Cristobal de las Casas PUERTO RICO 0 0 9 2 8
2 9 2 0 0 Chiapas

Instituto Nicaraguense de Recursos

Naturales y del Ambiente (IRENA)
Km. 12.5 Carretera Norte
Apartado No. 5 1 2 3

We list here tree species which occur commonly intropical and subtropical regions.
They are listed by contininent. Commonly used species are listed, both exotics' and
indigenous types. It is not an exhaustive list. The fact that some trees are mentioned
for one region does not mean they are notfound in other regions. The list includes
latin name and common name.

More information about the trees can be obtained bywriting to the organisations
mentioned in the list of addresses or bywriting to Agromisa.

KEY E = English
F = French
S = Spanish


Acacia mearnsii black wattle (E

Acacia nilotica Egyptian thorn (E
gonakié (F
Acacia Senegal gum arabic (E
gommier blanc (F
Acacia sieberiana acacia pelona (S
Acacia tortilis umbrella thorn (E
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius red cedar (E
Adansonia digitata baobab (E,F
Afzelia africana African mahogany (E
Afzelia quanzensis pod mahogany (E
Agava sisalana sisal (E
Albizia adianthifolia flat crown (E
Albizia lebbeck Women's tongue tree (E
Langue defemme (F
Albizia schimperiana mimosa (E
Anacardium occidentale cashew (E
pomme d'acajou (F
Annona muriccata corossolier (F
Annona senegalensis wild custard apple (E
pomme cannelle du Senegal (F
Azadirachta indica Neem (E,F
Balanites aegyptiaca desert date E)
dattier du désert F)
Bauhinia reticulata camel's foot leaf tree E)
bauheniia F)
Bombax costatum kapok E)
borassus palm E)
kapokier (F)Borassus flabellifer rônier F)
shea butter tree E)
Butirospermum parkii karité F)
pigeon pea F)
Cajanus cajan pois cajou F)
apple of sodom E)
Calotropis procera pomme de sodome F)
papaya E)
Carica papaya papayer F)
yellow cassia E)
Cassia siamea cassia F)
Casuarina cunninghammia greek oak E)
Casuarina equisetifolia casuarina E)
filao F)
Cedrela toona toon E)
Ceiba pentandra silk cotton tree E)
fromagier (F)
Celtis aficana African elm E)
Citrus limon rough lemon E)
citronnier F)
Citrus sinensis sweet orange E)
oranger (F)
Cocos nucifera coconut palm E)
cocotier (F)
Colophospermum mopane turpentine tree E)
Combretum glutinosum ratt (F)
Combretum molle bush willow E)
Commiphora africana African bdellium E)
bdellium d'Afrique (F)
Commiphora ellenbeckii myrrh tree (E)
Cordeauxia edulis yeheb nut E)
Crotalaria ochroleuca sunhemp (E)
Cupressus lusitanica mexican cypres (E)
cyprès (F)
Dalberghia melanoxylon African ebony E)
l'ébène du Sénégal F)
Dalberghia sissoo sissooE)
Daniellia oliveri African copaiba balsam E)
Delonix elata flame tree E)
Delonix regia flamboyant (E F)
Dichrostachys cinerea Chinese lantern tree E)
Diospyros mespiliformis West African ebony E)
ebenier de l'Afrique de l'ouest F)
Dombeya rotundifolia wild pearE)
Dovyalis caffrakei appleE)
Erythrina abyssinica lucky bean E)
Erythrina senegalensis coral flowers E)
arbre corailF)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis red river gum E)
Eucalyptus cladocalyx sugar gum E)
Eucalyptus globulus bluegum E)
gommier bleu F)
Eucalyptus microtheca coolabah E)
Eucalyptus tereticornis forest red gum E)
Euphorbia balsamitéra balsam spurge E)
Euphorbia tirucalli finger euphorbia E)
arbre de St. Sebastien F)
Faidherbia albida apple ring thorn E)
Ficus spp. fig E)
Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust E)
fevier (F)
Gliricidia sepium mother-of-cacao E)
Gmelina arborea melina E)
peuplier d'Afrique (F)
melina S)
Grevillea robusta silk-oak E)
grevillee robuste (F)
Guiera senegalensis nger (F)
Hyphaene coriacea doum palm E)
Hyphaene thebaica Egyptian gingerbread palm E)
doum (F)
Jacaranda mimosifolia jacaranda E)
Jatropha curcas Barbados nut tree (E)
Poughere (F)
Juniperus procera African pencil cedar (E)
Khaya senegalensis African mahogany (E)
Cailcedrat (F)
Lannea acida lannea acide (F)
Leucaena leucocephala leucaena (E)
Manihot glaziovii ceara rubber (E)
manioc géant (F)
Melaleuca quinquenervia cajeput oil tree (E)
cajeputier (F)
Melia azedarach Azedarach (E)
lilas de Perse (F)
Mitragyna inermis coe tree (E)
Moringa oleifera horseradish tree (E)
ben ailé (F)
Moringa stenopetala cabbage tree (E)Morus albamulberry (E)
mûrier blanc (F)
Olea capensis elgon olive (E)
Oncoba spinosa snuff-box tree (E)
Opuntia ficus-indica prickly pear (E)
Parkia biglobosa locus bean tree (E)
néré (F)
Parkinsonia acculeata parkinsonia (E)
genet épineux (F)
Passiflora edulis purple passion fruit (E)
fruit de la passion (F)
Persea americana avocado pear(E)
avocatier (F)
Phoenix dactylifera date palm (E)
palmier dattier (F)
Phoenix reclinata wild date palm (E)
palmier du Sénégal (F)
Pinus spp. pine (E)
pin (F)
Pithecellobium dulce Manila tamarind (E)
Podocarpus henkelii podo (E)
Populus euphratica Euphrates poplar (E)
Prosopis juliflora mesquite (E)
Prunus africana red stinkwood (E)
Prunus serotina Mexican cherry E)
Psidium guyava common guava E)
goyavier (F)
Pterocarpus angolensis African gum E)
vène (F)
Rauwolfia caffra quinine tree E)
Ricinodendron rautanenii mongongo tree E)
Ricinus communis castor oil plant E)
ricin F)
Robinia pseudoacacia black locust E)
robinier faux acacia F)
Salvadora persica mustard tree E)
Schinus molle pepper tree( E)
Sclerocarya birrea prunier du sahel F)
Sesbania sesban Egyptian rattle pod E)
Simmondsia chinensis jojoba E)
Sterculia setigera sterculia E)
mbep F)
Syzygium cuminii black plum E)
"Bmarindus indica tamarind tree E)
tamarinier F)
Imarix aphylla salt cedar E)
Ictona grandis teak E)
teck (F)
Irminalia catappa Indian almond E)
badamier F)
Trema orientalis pigeon wood E)
Vërnonia amygdalina bitterleaf E)
Vitex doniana black plum E)
Ximenia americana wild plum E)
citronnier de mer (F)
Ziziphus mauritiana jujube E)
jujubier (F)
Ziziphus mucronata cat thorn E)
jujubier de la hyène (F)

Acacia nilotica Egyptian thorn E)

gonakié (F)
Albizia lebbeck Women's tongue tree E)
Langue de femme (F)
Albizia falcataria white albizia E)
Anacardium occidentale cashew E)
pomme d'acajou F)
Annona atemoya atemoya E)
Annona cherimola cherimoya E)
Annona muricata soursop E)
Annona squamosa sweetsop E)
Artocarpus altilis breadfruit E)
Artocarpus heterophyllus jackfruit E)
Azadirachta indica Neem (E, F)
Averrhoea carambola carambola E)
Butia capitata jelly palm E)
Cajanus cajan pigeon pea E)
pois cajou F)
Calliandra calothyrsus calliandra E)
Cassia siamea yellow cassia E)
cassia F)
Casimiroa edulis casimiroa E)
Casuarina equisetifolia casuarina E)
filao F)
Chrysobalanus icaco cocoplum E)
Citrus aurantifolia West Indian lime E)
Citrus maxima pummelo E)
Cocos nucifera coconut E)
cocotier F)
Cyphomandra betacea tamarillo E)
Dalberghia sissoo sissoo E)
Durio zibethinus durian E)
Dyospiros discolor mabolo E)
Dyospiros digyna black persimmon E)
Dyospiros herbacarpa kitembilla E)
Dyospiros kaki persimmon E)
Erythrina abyssinica lucky bean tree E)
Erythrina poeppigiana poro E)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis red river gum E)
Eucalyptus globulus bluegum E)
gommier bleu (F)
Euphorbia longan longan E)
Garcinia mangostana mangosteen E)
Gliricidia sepium mother-of-cacao E)
Gmelina arborea melina E)
Grevillea robusta silk-oak E)
grevillee robuste F)
Hevea brasiliensis (para-)rubber E)
caoutchouc F)
caucho S)
Leucaena leucocephala leucaena E)
guaje( S)
Litchi chinensis lychee( E)
Macadamia tetrophylla macadamia E)
Malpighia glabra acerola E)
Manilkaria sapota chicku E)
Mangifera indica mango( E)
arbre de mango F)
Melia azedarach Azedarach E)
lilas de Perse F)
Monstera deliciosa monstera E)
Moringa oleifera horseradish tree E)
ben ailé F)
Morus alba mulberry E)
mûrier blanc F)
Nephellium lappaceum rambutan E)
Opuntia ficus-indica prickly pear E)
Parkia biglobosa locus bean tree E)
néré F)
Paraserianthes falcataria white albizia E)
Passiflora edulis black passionfruit E)
Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa yellow passionfruit E)
Persea americana avocado E)
Pithecellobium dulce Manila tamarind E)
Pourouma cecropiaefolia uvilla E)
Pouteria caimito abiu E)
Prosopis cineraria khejri E)
Prosopis juliflora mesquite(En, F)
Psidium guyava common guava (E)
goyavier (F)
Robinia pseudoacacia black locust (E)
robinier faux acacia (F)
Sesbania grandiflora Australian corkwood tree (E)
Spondias cytherea ambarella (E)
Syzygium aqueum bellfruit (E)
Imarindus indica tamarind tree (E)
tamarinier (F)
"êctona grandis teak (E)
teck (F)
Irminalia catappa Indian almond (E)
badamier (F)
Ziziphus mauritiana jujube (E)
jujubier (F)


Achras sapota chicku (E)

nispero (S)
Acrocomia vinifera palma coyol (S)
Anacardium occidentale cashew (E)
maranon (S)
Annona muriccata soursop (E)
Annona reticulata custard apple (E)
anona (S)
Artocarpus communis breadfruit (E)
fruta de pan (S)
Averrhoa carambola carambola (E, S)
Bactris gasipaes peach palm (E)
pejibaye (S)
Bursera simaruba Indio desnudo (S)
Byrsonima crassifolia nance (S)
Calliandra calothyrsus calliandra (E, S)
Cassia grandis carao (S)
Carica papaya papaya (E)
papaya (S)
Cedrela odorata cedar E)
cedro S)
Citrus aurantifolium lemon E)
limón S)
Citrus sinensis orange E)
naranja dulce S)
Cocos nucifera coconut palm E)
coco S)
Cordia alliodora salmwood E)
laurel S)
Cressentia alata jicaro S)
Diphysa robinioides guachipelin S)
Eugenia malaccensis roseapple E)
manzana de agua S)
Enterolobium cyclocarpum guanacaste S)
Erythrina berteroana Poró S)
Ficus spp. fig E)
higuerón S)
Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust E)
acacia negra S)
Gliricidia sepium mother-of-cacao E)
madero negro S)
Guazuma ulmifolia guacimo S)
Hymenaea courbaril guapinol S)
Ingaspp. ice cream bean E)
guava S)
Mangifera indica mango (E, S)
Musa sp. banana E)
platano S)
Nephellium lappaceum rambutan E)
mamon chino S)
Pentaclethra macroloba gavilân S)
Persea americana avocado E)
aguacate (S)
Pinus spp. pine (E)
pino (S)
Pithocellobium saman cenizaro (S)
Pouteria sapota mamay sapote (E)
sapote (S)
Prosopis juliflora mesquite (E)
algarrobo (S)
Psidium friedrichsthalianum Costarican guava (E)
cas (S)
Psidium guyava guava (E)
guayabo (S)
Punica granatum pomegranate (E)
granada (S)
Scheelea rostata palma real (S)
Schizolobium parahybum gallinazo (S)
Spondias cytheria ambarella (E)
yuplón (S)
Spondias mombin hog plum (E)
jobo (S)
Spondias purpurea red mombin (E)
jocote (S)
"Ibebuia pentaphylla greenheart (E)
roble de sabana (S)
Hmarinda indica tamarind tree (E)
tamarindo (S)
"êctona grandis teak (E)
teca (S)
Yjcca elephantipes itabo (S)

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