Class Guide - Sales Funnel Fundamentals PDF
Class Guide - Sales Funnel Fundamentals PDF
Class Guide - Sales Funnel Fundamentals PDF
Hey there!
Please use this guide in addition to the lessons as a way to revise what you have learned and also to
answer some critical questions that will help you to get the most out of the content.
Feel free to jump into the discussions section of the class and ask any questions along the way - and
make sure to post your amazing funnel in the Project section once you're finished!
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real estate business
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($3k/month +) consultations for Why Funnels are the Key to
my agency Your Success
*If you can be even more specific by putting
Funnels are all about building
a number on this instead of just saying
‘more’ then that’s ideal. relationships with your audience and
getting them to know, like and trust
Because technically if you currently get you before asking them to buy from
1000 visitors over to your blog every you.
month… and you get 1005 next month… is
that enough? Probably not. So try to put a
number or percentage increase on it if you
can. Simple funnel structure:
Click here to access and fill out this template in a Google Doc
Content to create:
Blog posts, videos, social media posts,
Attract as many (of the RIGHT kind
infographics and podcasts.
of) visitors as possible with relevant
Basically anything that is free and
provides value to your audience.
Metrics to measure:
Sessions (or web traffic)
% of new sessions (not just
Content Marketing
returning visitors)
PR or Guest Posts
Bounce rate
Social Media Marketing
Traffic per channel - where are
Search Engine Optimisation
people coming from (email,
Influencers/ Joint Ventures
organic search, social media etc.)
Paid Media
The middle of the funnel is when you The bottom of the funnel is when
build enough trust that people start present your product in a compelling
showing an interest in what you do way that inspires your audience to
and what you have to offer. take action.
Goal: Goal:
Convert as many website/social Turn leads into customers and get
media visitors into leads as you can. sales!
How quickly someone moves from not knowing anything about you, to buying
your product or service will depend on a few things, some of the main ones are:
It’s important to always look at the big picture of the funnel as a whole and
then zero in on all of the individual moving elements of your funnel machine to
see what’s working and amplify that and what isn’t and try to fix that.
Step One
Average Day
Average Day
How will you show and promote What can you add to your Core
your offer to your audience? Offer that will make it even
MORE valuable?
Step Three
Step Four
Offer a Tripwire
What is the Core Offer you're How can you incentivise your
looking to get more sales from? customers to buy from you