MGT 531
MGT 531
MGT 531
questions based paper of Mid Term Examination Fall 2020. I take full responsibility of my
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Student Signature
Mid Exam / Fall 2020 (Paper Duration 24 hours)
(Online Assignment Based Question Paper)
To be filled by Student
Answer: yes accountants can paint fake some organization make painted reports to show the best
performance of company for stakeholders (shareholders, customers, suppliers) therefor the goodwill
of company remains stable but it never means the painted report meet all accounting rules because a
fake report always prepare after breaks of any accounting rule.
Q.No.2. Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting
Management is responsible for the integrity and objectivity of the financial information
included in this report. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Where necessary, the financial
statements reflect estimates based on management’s judgment.
Management has established and maintains a system of internal accounting and other controls
for the Company and its subsidiaries. This system and its established accounting procedures and
related controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded, that the
books and records properly reflect all transactions, that policies and procedures are implemented by
qualified personnel, and that published financial statements are properly prepared and fairly
presented. The Company’s system of internal control is supported by widely communicated written
policies, including business conduct policies, which are designed to require all employees to maintain
high ethical standards in the conduct of Company affairs. Internal auditors continually review the
accounting and control system.
(3 X 2 = 6)
a. What is the role of the accountant (auditor) as to the financial statements?
Answer: A accountant reviews a company's financial statements, documents, data and accounting
entries. Financial auditors gather information from a company's financial reporting systems, account
balances, cash flow statements, income statements, balance sheets, tax returns and internal control
b. Accountants (auditors) are often included as defendants in lawsuits that relate to the
financial statements. Speculate as to why this is the case.
a. Dana states that ‘‘We believe people are Dana’s most important asset.’’ Currently,
generally accepted accounting principles do not recognize people as an asset. Speculate
on why people are not considered to be an asset.
Answer: some time manpower consider as asset in organizations some time not but if a company
consider it a asset it can just consider it not show this in balance sheet of company. Because we can
not evaluate the workers when a worker joins he has low working capacity and accuracy but with the
passage of time its working power increase but wo can not define its skills in figures. Second thing
workers are haired by company not purchased buy company they are not the property of company.
company pay them against there skills so there for this is a expense for company not asset in
accounting terms.
b. Speculate on what concept of an asset Dana is considering when it states ‘‘We believe
people are Dana’s most important asset.’’
Answer: basically people are not asset there skills are asset when a person newly joins a company he
has not skills with time passage he learned from company and improve skills so basically company
system from which he learned is an asset and the skills of people's are an asset so Dana justify this as
a intangible asset because we can't evaluate the skills. We can't touch any body skills so it is an
intangible asset.