Energies: Performance Evaluation of A Desiccant Dehumidifier With A Heat Recovery Unit

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Performance Evaluation of a Desiccant Dehumidifier
with a Heat Recovery Unit
Kai-Shing Yang 1 , Jian-Sin Wang 2 , Shih-Kuo Wu 1 , Chih-Yung Tseng 1 and Jin-Cherng Shyu 2, *
1 Green Energy and Environment Research Lab., Industrial Technology Research Institute,
Hsinchu 31040, Taiwan; ksyang@irti.org.tw (K.-S.Y.); ShihKuoWu@itri.org.tw (S.-K.W.);
chihyungtseng@itri.org.tw (C.-Y.T.)
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences,
Kaohsiung 80778, Taiwan; doz0936610176@gmail.com
* Correspondence: jcshyu1207@hotmail.com; Tel.: +886-7-381-4526 (ext. 5343)

Received: 7 September 2017; Accepted: 14 November 2017; Published: 1 December 2017

Abstract: In order to effectively increase the drying rate and reduce the energy consumption, a dryer
which reduces the air humidity at the dryer inlet using desiccant and regenerates the desiccant
by recovering waste heat using a heat pipe heat exchanger was developed in this study. Both the
adsorption rate and desorption rate of the dryer were measured at several ambient temperatures
ranging from 15 ◦ C to 35 ◦ C, relative humidity levels of air ranging from 20% to 85%, and airflow rates
ranging from 30 m3 /h to 150 m3 /h. The results showed that the adsorption rate in an environment of
high relative humidity of air was 4.89 times higher than that of low relative humidity of air at 15 ◦ C.
Moreover, the difference in adsorption rate between two given relative humidity of air increased as
the ambient temperature decreased. The specific energy consumption estimated with both energy
consumption during desorption and the desorption rate indicated that the energy consumption was
8.27 kJ/g H2 O without using recovered heat, while the energy consumption was 4.77 kJ/g H2 O using
recovered heat at 130 ◦ C.

Keywords: adsorption; heat pipe heat exchanger; dryer; energy consumption

1. Introduction
Dryers that commonly employ hot air to promptly remove moisture content at high operating
temperature are widespread and used in many industrial processes. In general, the air has to be heated
at the traditional dryer inlet in order to increase the temperature and reduce the relative humidity of
air, so that the water contained in the substance can be more easily vaporized because of the large
gradient of water concentration between the hot air and the substance. The heating of inflow air for
drying consumes a lot of energy, especially when drying in humid regions.
Reducing the relative humidity of air at the inlet using desiccant is one of the effective ways to
reduce the energy consumption while drying. Zouaoui et al. [1] mentioned that dehumidification
by adsorption is a physical process resulting from the pressure difference of water vapor between
the desiccant surface and the surrounding air. Silica gel is one of the common adsorbents because
of its numerous advantages such as larger pores, larger surface area, and excellent dehumidification
capability [1]. In fact, desiccant devices using silica gel as an absorbent have been widely used for
dehumidification in many industrial areas [2] in addition to its use in air conditioning systems coupling
with a heat source [3–5].
In 1932, Miller [6] proposed a patent that claimed an adsorption system using silica gel as an
absorbent. Ahlberg [7] investigated the adsorption rate of water using silica gel of different diameters
under various air conditions. Rosen [8] investigated the effect of species transfer within the boundary
layer on the diffusion of the substance into the absorbent using an isothermal model. The findings of

Energies 2017, 10, 2006; doi:10.3390/en10122006 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2017, 10, 2006 2 of 12

the study conducted by Antonson and Dranoff [9] showed that the measured results agreed well with
the theoretical results under isothermal adsorption. Barlow [10] investigated the flow of an absorbed
substance within the boundary layer. Haul and Stremming [11] indicated that the effect of temperature
on the transient adsorption curve of the absorbent could not be neglected when the concentration
variation of the absorbed substance was slight. Sun and Besant [12] proposed a fundamental theory
of the heat and species transfer of the silica gel in humid air. They found that the time delay of the
contact between the interior surface of silica gel and the humid air had to be considered, so that the
prediction based on the transient model would be consistent with the measured data.
In addition, since increasing the surface area of the desiccant contributes to the faster adsorption
of water vapor in the air, using a desiccant wheel and a desiccant-coated heat exchanger are two
familiar approaches to achieve higher surface area of the desiccant. Neti and Wolfe [13] investigated
the effectiveness of the heat and species transfer of a desiccant wheel using silica gel as an absorbent at
a wind speed ranging from 0.5 m/s to 2.5 m/s, an ambient temperature ranging from 20 ◦ C to 30 ◦ C,
and at a relative humidity ranging from 30% to 100%. Yuan et al. [14] spread silica gel on the metal
surface of a cross-flow heat exchanger for air dehumidification. They also developed a mathematical
model to analyze the water vapor transfer between the desiccant and the humid air. The experimental
results in Reference [14] also revealed that the cross-flow plate-type heat exchanger coated with
desiccant enhanced the dehumidification by a factor of 12.4%. Ge et al. and Jiang et al. [15,16] coated
the fin-and-tube heat exchanger with silica gel and polymer to investigate various effects, such as the
regeneration temperature, inlet air temperature, and the humidity, on the moisture extract rate and the
coefficient of performance, (COPth ). The experimental results [15,16] showed that the heat released by
the desiccant during adsorption could be easily dissipated by the heat exchanger, and also enhanced
the dehumidification performance. Furthermore, the solid desiccant-coated heat exchanger was used
in an air conditioning system to improve the energy efficiency [17,18].
In spite of the low efficiency and thus the waste of a considerable amount of energy, using hot
air to remove moisture content is still a commonly used method because it achieves rapid drying.
Besides, reducing the relative humidity of air at the dryer inlet by employing either a refrigeration
cycle or a desiccant wheel [19] represents some traditional ways of improving the drying efficiency.
Recently, the results of numerous studies also reported that drying assisted by adsorption is able to
reduce both the energy consumption and cost [20] at the expense of additional heat energy [15–17]
or a complicated design to switch the airflow [18] to regenerate the desiccant. The U.S. Department
of Energy reported [21] that the United States industrial sector consumes approximately 1015 Btu
of energy annually. However, during the manufacturing processes, as much as 20% to 50% of the
energy consumed is ultimately lost via waste heat. An investigation on some selected processes,
U.S. Department of Energy found that the work potential was 589 TBtu/year of the 1735 TBtu/year
uncovered waste heat produced by those selected processes which consumed a total of 8439 TBtu of
energy per year. Heat pipes that transfer heat through a hollow tube with the liquid/vapor two-phase
flow of the working fluid in the heat pipes have been generally acknowledged as excellent heat transfer
devices because of the great heat transfer capability and uniform temperature distribution over the
heat pipe surface. Therefore, this study aims to develop a novel dehumidifying dryer that uses a heat
pipe heat exchanger coated with desiccant to recover the waste heat in order to reduce the energy
consumption during desorption. Since the relative humidity of air is reduced in the front section
of the dryer with desiccant, and then regenerated by the desiccant using the waste heat recovered
by the heat pipe heat exchanger, the energy consumption and cost for drying can thus be reduced.
The performance of the desiccant integrated dryer with a heat pipe heat exchanger is evaluated in this
study under various test conditions.

2. Experimental Setup
Since the thermal conductivity of most types of desiccant are usually poor, to remove the water
absorbed in the desiccant by commonly used hot air blowing needs air of much higher temperature
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 3 of 12

to ensure
Energies that
2017, the desiccant
10, 2006 temperature is high enough to effectively regenerate. Coating desiccant 3 of 13
onto a base of excellent thermal conductivity undoubtedly reduces the energy demand for heating
the desiccant with a uniform temperature throughout. Therefore, this study uses the assembly of heat
pipes and plate fins as the base material on which the desiccant is coated. The schematic diagram of
the front view of the heat pipe-based desiccant device and one of the plate fins in the heat pipe-based
desiccant device
device ininthis
shown ininFigure
Figure 1a,b, respectively.
1a,b, respectively.TheTheassembly
assembly of a of
total of 50of
a total heat
pipes with with
heat pipes diameter of 8 mm
diameter of 8and
mma andtotalaof 72 plates
total was used
of 72 plates wasas the heat
used as thepipe-based desiccant
heat pipe-based device
in dimensions
device of 250 mm
in dimensions × 231.6
of 250 mm ×mm 231.6 ×mm 100 ×mm,
100 asmm,shown in Figure
as shown 2a. The
in Figure 2a.pitch between
The pitch the plate
between the
fins was
plate fins2.3
mm,the number
and of the plate
the number of thefins in fins
plate the adsorption/desorption
in the adsorption/desorption zone andzone the waste
and the
heat recovery
waste zone was
heat recovery zone48was
respectively. The heat
24, respectively. Thepipes
heatand theand
pipes plate
thefins were
plate made
fins wereofmadecopper of
and soldered
copper togethertogether
and soldered to minimize the contact
to minimize resistance.
the contact Numerous
resistance. tabletstablets
Numerous of silicaofgel used
silica gelasused
as were glued
the absorbent were onto
gluedoneontoof one
the ofsurfaces of eachofplate
the surfaces eachfin in the
plate adsorption/desorption
fin in the adsorption/desorption zone
zone using heat-resistant twin adhesive, as shown in Figure 2a. The surface area of each plate fin was
using heat-resistant twin adhesive, as shown in Figure 2a. The surface area of each plate fin
204.24 cm22,,while
materialwas was153.03
153.03cm cm2. 2 . The
The working
working principle
principle of
of the
the heat
heat pipe-based
pipe-based desiccant
desiccant deviceis isillustrated
device illustratedininFigure
Figure2b. 2b.During
adsorption, the the humid
humid air
flowed across the adsorption/desorption
adsorption/desorption zone zone toto remove
remove the the water
water vapor
vapor in in the
the air
air by
by the
the absorbent,
while the air flowed
flowed through
through thethe adsorption/desorption
adsorption/desorption zone zone toto carry
carry the
the water adsorbed in the
desiccant away
awayby bythe
recoveredwastewaste heat
heat absorbed
absorbed bybythethe
plate finsfins
plate andand
thenthentransferred by the
transferred byheat
pipes during
heat pipes desorption.
during NoteNote
desorption. that that
the thermal
the thermal energy was was
energy provided
providedby the
by thermostat
the thermostat to mimic
to mimicthe
waste heatheat
the waste from the industrial
from process
the industrial in order
process to establish
in order the the
to establish entire experiment
entire experiment in ainroom
a roomwhere the
air humidity
the andand
air humidity temperature
temperaturecan can
be precisely
be preciselycontrolled.

Units: mm
Units: mm
(a) (b)
schematic diagram of the
Figure 1. The schematic the (a)
(a) front
front view
view of
of the
the heat
heat pipe-based
pipe-based desiccant
desiccant device,
device, and
and (b)
one of the plate fins.

With the assumption of unsteady, one-dimensional airflow, as well as neglectable axial conduction
and mass diffusion with constant properties of both air and desiccant, the energy and mass conservation
equations for both the airflow and desiccant while the air flows through the passage between two
plates coated with desiccant can be obtained [22,23] as follows.
Silica gel
Mass and energy conservation of airflow:

∂Ya hm Pa
= . (Yw − Ya ) (1)
∂x ma
Heat pipe
 ∂Ta hPa Fin
C pa + Ya C pv = . ( Tw − Ta ) (2)
∂x ma

Waste heat

(a) (b)
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 4 of 12

. Units: mm
where m a , Ya , Yw , Ta , and Tw are mass flow mmof the airflow, and the humidity ratio in air and in the
solid desiccant surface, (a) and the temperature of the air and the solid desiccant (b) surface, respectively.
Also, h and hm are the heat transfer coefficient and mass transfer coefficient between air and wall.
Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the (a) front view of the heat pipe-based desiccant device, and (b)
Pa , Cpa , one
andofCpv are the perimeter of the air channel, and the specific heat of air and water vapor.
the plate fins.


Silica gel

Heat pipe

Waste heat

(a) (b)
Figure 2. The heat pipe-based desiccant device in the study; (a) the prototype showing the
adsorption/desorption zone with tablets of silica gel on the plate fin, in addition to the other waste
heat recovery zone; and (b) its working principle diagram.

Mass and energy conservation of desiccant:

∂W hm Pw
= (Ya − Yw ) (3)
∂t f m ρw Aw
w hPw hm Hads Pw
C pw + f m WC pl = ( Ta − Tw ) + (Ya − Yw ) (4)
∂t ρw Aw ρw Aw
where W, fm , Pw , Ta , and Tw are the water content in the desiccant, the mass fraction of the desiccant
layer, and perimeter of the solid desiccant, and the temperature of the air and wall coated with solid
desiccant, respectively. Moreover, Cpw and Cpl are the specific heat of the solid desiccant and liquid
water. Note that Hads is the heat of adsorption. With an addition relationship between the water
content in the desiccant, W, and the humidity ratio of desiccant, Yw , together with the appropriate
boundary conditions, the five unknowns including Ta , Tw , Ya , Yw , and W can be solved.
In order to evaluate the performance and characteristic of the heat pipe-based desiccant device,
the experimental setup shown in Figure 3 comprises a hot-air supply system, instruments for measuring
the temperature, relative humidity, and pressure of the air, and a data acquisition unit. The hot-air
supply system used a variable frequency centrifugal blower to force the air to flow through a thermostat
to assure a fixed air temperature into the test section. As it enters the test section, the air first crosses
a straightener to assure uniform airflow and then flows through the temperature/humidity sensor
(Rotronic HC2-IE302-M) (Rotronic, New York, NY, USA), which measures the temperature and the
relative humidity of air ranging from −100 ◦ C to 200 ◦ C with a resolution of ±0.1 ◦ C, and 0% to 100%
with a resolution of 0.8, respectively, to measure the temperature and the relative humidity of the
air. The airflow rate was monitored by flowrate meters, SCHMIDT SS30.301 (SCHMIDT Technology
GmbH, Georgen, Germany), that can measure the airflow rate ranging from 0.8 m3 /h to 229 m3 /h
with a resolution of 0.3%. Several T-type thermocouples (OMEGA, Norwalk, CA, USA) were used
to measure the temperature of the desiccant device with a resolution of ±0.1 ◦ C, and a differential
pressure transmitter (YOKOGAWA EJ110A) (YOKOGAWA, Tokyo, Japan) was also used to measure the
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 5 of 12

pressure difference across the desiccant device with a resolution of 0.1 Pa. All measured signals were
transmitted by a data acquisition unit (DATAQ instruments, GL-820) (DATAQ instruments, Akron, OH,
USA) and recorded by a personal computer for further analysis. The experimental setup was located in
a room in which the temperature and relative humidity of air could be steadily maintained at a specific
value. The ambient temperature and relative humidity of air before entering the centrifugal blower
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 5 of 13
were monitored by a temperature and humidity transmitter (SHINYEI THT-B121) (SHINYEI KAISHA,
Kobe, Japan),
which measures which
temperaturethe temperature
and relativeand relativeof
humidity humidity of airfrom
air ranging ranging
0 °Cfrom 0 ◦ C°C
to 100 100 ◦ C
towith a
with a resolution
resolution of ±0.1 of 0.1 ◦0%
°C,±and C, and
Rh to0% Rh to
100% Rh100%
withRh with a resolution
a resolution of ±respectively.
of ±3% Rh, 3% Rh, respectively.

Tdb Rh ΔP Tdb Rh
Flower meter Thermostate

Flower meter Thermostate

Tdb Rh ΔP Tdb Rh

實驗測試端 Differential pressure
Test section transmitter
壓差計 Control and display panel

Temperature/humidity Recorder
電熱加熱器 Flow meter

Figure 3. The schematic diagram of the (a) experimental setup and the (b) piping configuration in this
Figure 3. The schematic diagram of the (a) experimental setup and the (b) piping configuration in
this study.

Both the adsorption rate and desorption rate were estimated in terms of the air flowrate, the
Both theand
temperature, adsorption rate andatdesorption
relative humidity both inlet and rateoutlet
werefor estimated in terms of evaluation
further performance the air flowrate,
of the
heat pipe-based desiccant device under various ambient conditions. The test conditionevaluation
the temperature, and relative humidity at both inlet and outlet for further performance of
are listed in
the heat pipe-based desiccant device under various ambient conditions. The test condition are listed in
Table 1. Both the adsorption rate,. mads , in units of g H2O/h, and the desorption rate, . mdes , also in
Table 1. Both the adsorption rate, m ads , in units of g H2 O/h, and the desorption rate, mdes , also in units
units of g H2O/h, were estimated by:
of g H2 O/h, were estimated by:
. .
m dd,in =
= ρ
ρ d,in ⋅
· Q
Qd,in (5)
,in d ,in d ,in
. .
m ads = m d ,in (ωd ,in − ωd ,out )
m ads = md,in (ωd,in − ωd,out ) (6)
. .
mdes = md,in (ωd,out − ωd,in ) (7)
m des = m d ,in (ωd ,out − ωd ,in ) (7)

where ρd,in , m d ,in , ωd,in , and ωd,out are the air density, kg/m3, mass flow rate of air, kg/h, and specific
humidity, kg H2O/kg, at the inlet and outlet of either the adsorption zone or the desorption zone,
respectively. Furthermore, both the total amount of adsorption and desorption, mads and mdes ,
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 6 of 12

where ρd,in , md,in , ωd,in , and ωd,out are the air density, kg/m3 , mass flow rate of air, kg/h, and
specific humidity, kg H2 O/kg, at the inlet and outlet of either the adsorption zone or the desorption
zone, respectively. Furthermore, both the total amount of adsorption and desorption, m ads and mdes ,
respectively, in units of g H2 O, can be obtained by performing the following integral of the adsorption
rate and the desorption rate, respectively, over the measured period of time:
wt . n
m ads = 0 m ads (t)dt = lim ∑ m ads (ti )∆ti
i =1
w tf .
mdes = 0 mdes ( t ) dt = lim
∑ mdes (ti )∆ti (9)
i =1

where t f and ∆ti are the measured period of time and the sampling interval, respectively. To analyze
the energy consumption for desorption, an index, SECdes (kJ/g H2 O), was defined as:
SECdes = (10)
to indicate the power consumption for desorbing per unit mass of water moisture. The Edes is the
power consumption during desorption in units of kJ, which can be estimated as follows:
wt n n
Edes = 0 P(t)dt = lim ∑ P(ti )∆ti = lim ∑ V · I (ti )∆ti
n→∞ n→∞
i =1 i =1

where P(ti ), I (ti ), and V are the instantaneous power (W), instantaneous current (A), and the voltage (V).

Table 1. Experimental conditions.

Ambient Temperature Airflow Rate Relative Humidity Uncertainty
Max 20 min 40 min
85% 3.08% 3.27% 3.54%
15 ◦ C 90 m3 /h 50% 3.10% 3.39% 3.78%
20% 3.16% 3.84% 4.17%
15 ◦ C 3.16% 3.84% 4.17%
25 ◦ C 90 m3 /h 85% 3.09% 3.58% 4.28%
35 ◦ C 3.17% 4.78% 6.96%
30 m3 /h 3.08% 3.18% 3.30%
25 ◦C 90 m3 /h 85% 3.09% 3.58% 4.28%
150 m3 /h 3.09% 5.18% 8.12%
Ambient Temperature Airflow Rate Waste Heat Temperature Uncertainty
4 min 8 min 12 min
Without Heat Recovery 4.16% 5.22% 5.54%
90 ◦ C 5.63% 4.33% 4.11%
60 ◦ C 90 m3 /h 110 ◦ C 5.10% 4.02% 3.80%
130 ◦ C 4.43% 3.75% 3.61%

3. Results and Discussion

In order to reduce the negative impact of the ambient humidity on the dryer efficiency, a novel
heat pipe-based desiccant device to dehumidify the air by adsorption was proposed and tested here.
The desiccant device was tested under different conditions including varying air temperature, relative
humidity of air, and airflow rate, as listed in Table 1, to realize their effects on the characteristics of
adsorption and desorption. The uncertainty [24] of the adsorption rate and desorption rate at different
instants in time is also provided in this table. Note that the “Max” uncertainty of the adsorption
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 7 of 12

rate refers to the uncertainty of the adsorption rate at the beginning of the adsorption. Please refer
to Appendix A for detailed estimation procedure of the uncertainty. Finally, the benefit of using a
heat pipe
Energies 2017,heat exchanger to recover waste heat on the energy consumption during desorption7 was
10, 2006 of 13
also evaluated.
Figure 4 shows the variation of the adsorption rate of the desiccant device with time at a given
ambient temperature
temperatureof of1515◦ °C andan
C and anairflow
rateofof m3m
9090 3/h at different relative humidity levels of
/h at different relative humidity levels of air.
air. It be
It can canobserved
be observed in Figure
in Figure 4 that 4 that
the the adsorption
adsorption rateheat
rate of the of the heat pipe-based
pipe-based desiccantdesiccant device
device increased
increased as the relative humidity of air increased, because the higher parital pressure
as the relative humidity of air increased, because the higher parital pressure of water vapor in air of water vapor
at a
in air atrelative
higher a higher relative contriubtes
humidity humidity contriubtes
to the bettertoadsorption
the better adsorption of theFor
of the desiccant. desiccant.
the averagerate
adsorption adsorption rate overin1 Figure
over 1 h revealed h revealed
4 wasin Figure
53.02 g H24O/h,
was 144.03
53.02 gg H
O/h,144.03 g H2O/h,
and 312.04 and
g H2 O/h
312.04 g H O/h with the relative humidity of air of 20%, 50% and 85%,
with the relative humidity of air of 20%, 50% and 85%, respectively. The psychrometric chart of moist
2 respectively. The
air indicates that chart of moisthumidity
the specific air indicates that air
of moist theisspecific
2.1 g Hhumidity
2 O/kg, 5.3ofg moist air is
H2 O/kg, 2.19ggH
and H22O/kg,
O/kg, and 9 g H2O/kg
humidity as the
of moist airrelative humidity
is 20%, 50%, of moist
and 85%, air is 20%, 50%, and 85%, respectively.


Relative humidity 85%

800 Relative humidity 50%
Adsorption rate (gH2O/hr)

Relative humidity 20%




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)
Figure 4. The variation of adsorption rate of the desiccant device with time at an ambient temperature
of 15 ◦ C4.and
airflowof adsorption
rate rateatofvarious
of 90 m3 /h the desiccant
relativedevice withlevels
humidity time at
of an
air.ambient temperature
of 15 °C and an airflow rate of 90 m3/h at various relative humidity levels of air.
Figure 5 shows the total amount of adsorption for 1 h at different relative humidity levels of
Figure 5 shows the total amount of adsorption for 1 h at different relative humidity levels of air
air at a fixed ambient temperature of 15 ◦ C and an airflow rate of 90 m3 /h. The results in Figure 5
at a fixed ambient temperature of 15 °C and an airflow rate of 90 m3/h. The results in Figure 5 show
show that the total amout of adsorption for 1 h at a relative humidity level of 20%, 50%, and 85% is
that the total amout of adsorption for 1 h at a relative humidity level of 20%, 50%, and 85% is 53.05 g,
53.05 g, 144.59 g, and 312.30 g, respectively. Therefore, from the results in both Figures 4 and 5, it can
144.59 g, and 312.30 g, respectively. Therefore, from the results in both Figures 4 and 5, it can be
be concluded that both the adsorption rate and the total amount of the aborption increased as the
concluded that both the adsorption rate and the total amount of the aborption increased as the relative
relative humidity of air increased.
humidity of air increased.
Besides the variation of the adsorption rate with time at a given relative humidity of air (85%),
the adsorption rate at400different ambient temperatures with a fixed airflow rate of 90 m3 /h was is
shown in Figure 6. The results in Figure 6 show that the adsorption rate increased as the abmient
temperature increased. The instantaneous adsorption rate at the beginning of the absortpion was
827.61 g H2 O/h and 1443.1
300 g H2 O/h at an ambient temperature of 15 ◦ C and 25 ◦ C, respectively. In
addition, the adsorption rate of those cases coincided after 25 minutes adsorption and then gradually
Adsorption capacity (g)

250 within the rest of the adsorption period. Because the mass of the water vapor
approached zero together
contained in the moist air at a fixed relative humidity of air increases as the air temperature increases,
the amount water absorbed by the desiccant device also increases at a high ambient temperature.



20 50 85
Figure 5 shows the total amount of adsorption for 1 h at different relative humidity levels of air
at a fixed ambient temperature of 15 °C and an airflow rate of 90 m3/h. The results in Figure 5 show
that the total amout of adsorption for 1 h at a relative humidity level of 20%, 50%, and 85% is 53.05 g,
144.59 g, and 312.30 g, respectively. Therefore, from the results in both Figures 4 and 5, it can be
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 8 of 12
concluded that both the adsorption rate and the total amount of the aborption increased as the relative
humidity of air increased.


Energies 2017, 10, 2006 300 8 of 13

Adsorption capacity (g)

Figure 5. The total 250
amount of adsorption for 1 h at various relative humidity levels of air at an ambient
temperature of 15 °C and a flow rate of 90 m3/h.

Besides the variation

150 of the adsorption rate with time at a given relative humidity of air (85%),
the adsorption rate at different ambient temperatures with a fixed airflow rate of 90 m3/h was is
shown in Figure 6. The 100 results in Figure 6 show that the adsorption rate increased as the abmient
temperature increased. The instantaneous adsorption rate at the beginning of the absortpion was
827.61 g H2O/h and 1443.1 g H2O/h at an ambient temperature of 15 °C and 25 °C, respectively. In
addition, the adsorption0 rate of those cases coincided after 25 minutes adsorption and then gradually
approached zero together within the 20 rest of the adsorption
50 period. Because
85 the mass of the water
vapor contained in the moist air at a fixed relative humidity
Relative Humidity (%)of air increases as the air temperature
increases, the amount water absorbed by the desiccant device also increases
Figure 5. The total amount of adsorption for 1 h at various relative humidity levels of at
air aat high ambient
an ambient
temperature. ◦
temperature of 15 C and a flow rate of 90 m /h.3


Ambient temperature 35
2000 Ambient temperature 25
Adsorption rate (gH2O/hr)

Ambient temperature 15




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)
Figure 6. The variation of adsorption rate with time at a relative humidity of air of 85%, at various
Figure 6. The variation of adsorption rate with time at a relative humidity of air of 85%, at various
ambient temperatures with an airflow rate of 90 m3 /h.
ambient temperatures with an airflow rate of 90 m3/h.

Figure 7 shows the variation of adsorption rate with time at a fixed ambient temperature (25 ◦ C)
Figure 7 shows the variation of adsorption rate with time at a fixed ambient temperature (25 °C)
andand relativehumidity
relative humidityofofair air(85%)
various airflow
airflow rates. Theresults
rates. The resultsininFigure
Figure7 7show showthat
desiccant device demostrated a high adsorption rate at a high airflow rate
desiccant device demostrated a high adsorption rate at a high airflow rate at the beginning of the at the beginning of the
However, the high adsorption
the high adsorptionrate rateofof
thethe desiccant
desiccant device
device causes
causes a rapid
a rapid increase
increase of theof
absorbed ininthe
concentration gradient
gradient atatthe
surface rapidly reduces at the beginning of the adsorption at a high airflow rate,
surface rapidly reduces at the beginning of the adsorption at a high airflow rate, the adsorption rate the adsorption rate
of of
desiccant device dramatically degrades afterward. The curve in Figure
desiccant device dramatically degrades afterward. The curve in Figure 7 indicates that water 7 indicates that water
vapor ininthe moist
the moistair airisisnonolonger
absorbed by by the desiccant becausethe
desiccant because theadsorption
adsorptionrate ratehas
has already
reached zero atat
zero 0.40.4h hatata aairflow
airflowrate 150mm33/h.
rateofof150 Althoughthe
/h. Although theadsorption
adsorptionraterateatata alow
airflow rate
is is
lower than
thatatata ahigh
adsorption time lasts longer.
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 9 of 13
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 9 of 12
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 9 of 13

3000 3
Flow rate 150 m /hr
2500 3
Flow rate rate
Flow 90 m /hrm3/hr

Adsorption rate (gH2O/hr)

2500 Flow
Flow rate 90/hr
rate 30 m 3
m /hr

Adsorption rate (gH2O/hr)

Flow rate 30 m /hr



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 Time (min)
30 40 50 60
Time (min)
Figure 7. The variation of adsorption rate with time at an ambient temperature of 25 °C and relative
Figure 7. The air
humidity variation
85%,ofatadsorption with time at an ambient temperature of 25 ◦ C and relative
rate rates.
Figureof7. Theofvariationvarious airflow
of adsorption rate with time at an ambient temperature of 25 °C and relative
humidity of air of 85%, at various airflow rates.
humidity of air of 85%, at various airflow rates.
Although using the desiccant device effectively reduces the relative humidity of air and thus
reduces Althoughusing
the energy the
using desiccant
the device
desiccant effectively
device the reduces
effectively thethe
reduces relative
of humidity
the desiccant
relative ofofair
humiditydevice airandandthus
has tothus
reduces the additional
energy energy.
consumption The heat
during pipe-based
drying, the desiccant
regenerationdeviceof developed
reduces the energy consumption during drying, the regeneration of the desiccant device has desiccant in this
device study
has is
to able
consumeto to
The heat
additional in pipe-based
energy. theThe
desiccant device using
heat desiccant
pipe-based device waste heat recovered
desiccant device in this study
developed from isthe
in this ableindustrial
study toisdesorb
able to
water process,
contained in so
the that
desiccantthe energy
device consumption
using waste for desorption
heat recovered can
desorb water contained in the desiccant device using waste heat recovered from the industrial be
from saved.
the Figure
industrial 8 shows the
process, rate of
so that process,
fabrication the
the energy desiccant device
so that at
the energyfor heat recovery
consumption temperatures
be saved. canof 90
Figure °C, 110
8 shows
be saved. °C, and 130 °C
the desorption
Figure 8 shows tothe
rate of the
the desiccant effectiveness
device on energy
at heat recovery saving. This shows ◦ that the◦ higher ◦
the heat recovery
desorption rate of the desiccant device attemperatures
heat recoveryoftemperatures
90 C, 110 C, of and
90 °C,130110C°C,to demonstrate
and 130 °C to
the effectiveness
demonstrate theon faster
the the desorption
energy saving.onThis
effectiveness rate of the
energy heat the
saving. pipe-based
This higher desiccant
showsthe heat
that the device.
recovery temperature,
the heat recovery thethe
specific energy
the desorption consumptions
the faster
rate ofthe the as defined
desorption in Equation
rate of the
heat pipe-based (10) to
heat pipe-based
desiccant quantitatively
desiccant device.
device. Furthermore, express the
theFurthermore, energy
specific energy the
specific energy
consumptions during
as defined desorption
in Equationofasthe heat
(10) to pipe-based
defined in Equation
quantitatively desiccant
(10) todevice
express at different
the energy heat recovery
consumption theduring
desorption is shown
of the during
heat indesorption
Figure 9.desiccant
pipe-based Itofwas
the found
heat thatatthe
device specific energy
different heat consumption
recovery attemperatures
different was 8.27
heat kJ/g
H 2O and 4.77 kJ/g
temperatures H2O, without
is found
shown in Figure employing
9. It wasenergyrecovered
found that the heat and with
specific energy heat recovered at 130 °C,kJ/g
in Figure 9. It was that the specific consumption was 8.27 consumption
kJ/g H2 O and was 8.27
4.77 kJ/g
respectively. A dramatic decrease in energy consumption during desorption
◦ was revealed as the
H2 O,Hwithout
2O and employing
4.77 kJ/g Hrecovered
2O, without heatemploying
and withrecovered
heat recoveredheat and
at 130 with C,heat recoveredA at
respectively. 130 °C,
waste heat was employed.
decrease in energyAconsumption
dramatic decrease duringindesorption
energy consumption
was revealed during
as thedesorption
waste heatwas wasrevealed
employed. as the
waste heat was employed.

600 Without heat recovry

500 Tr,in = 90 C
Without heat recovry
Tr,in = 110
Tr,in = 90C oC
Desorption rate (gH2O/hr)

400 Tr,in =
T 130 C oC
= 110
Desorption rate (gH2O/hr)

400 Tr,in = 130 C




0 4 8 12 16 20

0 4 Time
8 (min) 12 16 20

Figure 8. The variation of the desorption rate of theTime

pipe-based desiccant device with time at
various heat recovery temperatures at an inlet temperature of 60 ◦ C.
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 10 of 13

Figure 8. The variation of the desorption rate of the heat pipe-based desiccant device with time at
Energies various 2006 recovery temperatures at an inlet temperature of 60 °C.
2017, 10, heat 10 of 12


SECdes (kJ/g H2O)


Without o o o
Tr,in=90 C Tr,in=110 C Tr,in=130 C
heat recovry

Figure 9. The specific energy consumptions, kJ/g H2 O, of the heat pipe-based desiccant device at
Figureheat recovery
9. The temperatures
specific and without
energy consumptions, employing
kJ/g waste
H2O, of the heat
heat recovery.desiccant device at
various heat recovery temperatures and without employing waste heat recovery.
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
In order to diminish the negative impact of the ambient humidity on dryer performance, a novel
In order to desiccant
heat pipe-based diminish the negative
device was impact of theThe
developed. ambient humidity
adsorption andondesorption
dryer performance, a novel of
heat pipe-based desiccant device was developed. The adsorption and desorption characteristics of
the novel heat pipe-based desiccant device were evaluated under various conditions, including the
the novel heat pipe-based desiccant device were evaluated under various conditions, including the
relative humidity of air ranging from 20% to 85%, airflow rate ranging from 30 m33 /h to 150 m3 3 /h, and
relative humidity of air ranging from 20% to 85%, airflow rate ranging from 30 m /h to 150 m /h, and
ambient temperature ranging from 15 ◦ C to 35 ◦ C. In addition, the desorption of the water contained
ambient temperature ranging from 15 °C to 35 °C. In addition, the desorption of the water contained
in the desiccant device was tested both without using recovered waste heat and with using the waste
in the desiccant device was tested both without using recovered waste heat and with using the waste
heat recovered at 110 ◦ C and 130 ◦ C.
heat recovered at 110 °C and 130 °C.
The results showed that the adsorption was strongly affected by the environmental conditions.
The results showed that the adsorption was strongly affected by the environmental conditions.
adsorption rate in an
rate in an environment
environmentofofhigh highrelative
humidity ofof
was 4.89 times higher than that of low relative humidity of air at 15 ◦ C. Moreover, the difference
was 4.89 times higher than that of low relative humidity of air at 15 °C. Moreover, the difference in
adsorptionrate ratebetween
betweentwo twogiven
temperature decreased. The specific energy consumption estimated with both
temperature decreased. The specific energy consumption estimated with both energy consumption energy consumption
during desorption
indicated that
that the
the energy consumptionwas
energy consumption was8.27
kJ/gHH2O2 O
without using
consumption was 4.77 kJ/g kJ/gHH2O 2O with
with using
using recovered
heat 130◦ C.
atat130 °C.

Acknowledgments: Theauthors
indebted to
to the financial support
the financial supportfrom
thethe Ministry
of of
Economic Affairs,
Economic Affairs,Taiwan.
Author Contributions: Kai-Shing Yang, Shih-Kuo Wu, and Chih-Yang Tseng conceived and designed the
Author Contributions: Kai-Shing Yang, Shih-Kuo Wu, and Chih-Yang Tseng conceived and designed the
experiments; Jian-Sin Wang performed the experiments and also analyzed the data; Jin-Cherng Shyu wrote
paper. Jian-Sin Wang performed the experiments and also analyzed the data; Jin-Cherng Shyu wrote the
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Appendix A
The estimation process of the uncertainty of the adsorption rate and desorption rate are listed
below.The estimation process of the uncertainty of the adsorption rate and desorption rate are listed
The saturation pressure of water vapor, Ps , in the air is calculated by:
Ps = exp + C2 + C3 T + C4 T 2 + C5 T 3 + C6 ln( T ) (A1)
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 11 of 12

−C1 C6 C1
∂T = T2
+ C3 + 2C4 T + 3C5 T 2 + T × exp Ta + C2 + C3 Ta + C4 Ta 2 + C5 Ta 3 + C6 ln( Ta ) (A2)

where C1 = 5800.2206, C2 = 1.3914193, C3 = −0.04860239, C4 = 4.1764768 × 10−5, C5 = −1.4452093 × 10−8,

C6 = 6.545967.
Since the uncertainty of the temperature sensor is wT = 0.1 ◦ C, the uncertainty of the saturation
pressure of the water vapor at both the inlet and outlet can be estimated by:
w Ps = wT (A3)

The water vapor pressure, Pv , in the air is defined as the product of the relative humidity, ϕ, and
the saturation pressure, and its uncertainty, w Pv , can be estimated as follows:

Pv = ϕ × Ps (A4)
s 2  2
∂Pv ∂Pv
w Pv = wϕ + wP (A5)
∂ϕ ∂Ps s
Because the pressure, P, is estimated in terms of the gage pressure, ∆P, measured from the
experiment using Equation (A6), the uncertainty of the pressure, w P , is listed as Equation (A7).

P = Patm + ∆P (A6)
wP = w (A7)
∂∆P ∆P
The specific humidity, ω, and its uncertainty are estimated as:
ω = 0.622 (A8)
P − ϕPs
s 2  2  2
∂ω ∂ω ∂ω
wω = wϕ + wP + wP (A9)
∂ϕ ∂Ps s ∂P
The air density and its uncertainty are estimated as:
P − ϕPs
ρ= (A10)
Ra T
s 2  2  2  2
∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
wρ = wP + wϕ + wP + wT (A11)
∂P ∂ϕ ∂Ps s ∂T
The mass flow rate of air is defined as the product of volumetric flow rate of air, Q, and air density,
ρ, and its uncertainty can be estimated using Equation (A13).
. .
m = Qρ (A12)
!2  .
u ∂m. 2
wm. = t
. w . + w ρ (A13)
∂Q Q ∂ρ
. .
Finally, the uncertainty of the adsorption rate, m ads , and desorption rate, mdes , can be estimated as:
 . 2  . 2  . 2
∂m ads . ∂m ads ∂m ads
wmads =
. . w + wωin + wωout (A14)
∂m m ∂ωin ∂ωout
 . 2  . 2  . 2
∂mdes . ∂mdes ∂mdes
wm. des = . w + w + w (A15)
∂m m
ωin ωout
∂ωin ∂ωout
Energies 2017, 10, 2006 12 of 12

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