Torat Imecha Volume 2 Number 41 Parshat Bo
Torat Imecha Volume 2 Number 41 Parshat Bo
Torat Imecha Volume 2 Number 41 Parshat Bo
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Dedicated in memory of Rachel Leah bat R' Chaim Tzvi
Adding to Shabbat
Based on a shiur by Rabbi Michael Taubes
In Parshat Vayakhel, the Torah tells us, “Six held that tosefet Shabbat was neither a based on the verse, “V’yochlu et hapesach
days you shall work and on the seventh day d'oraita nor a d'rabanan obligation. The b’layla hazeh.” The sacrifice must be eaten at
you shall rest.” When does the seventh day Radvaz disagrees and explains that the night. Since matzot and marror have the same
actually begin? Can one accept Shabbat Rambam did hold that this law applied to halacha as korban Pesach it must be eaten
early? The earliest time when one can Shabbat. He only mentions it in relation to Yom after dark. Can one still accept Pesach early if
voluntary accept Shabbat is plag mincha, Kippur because it is implicit that since Shabbat he argues that it will take untill nightfall to eat
approximately one and half hours before is holier than Yom Kippur it would most the matzot and marror? According to the
sunset. It has become accepted in many certainly apply to Shabbat. L’halacha, there Terumat Hadeshen anything unique to Pesach
communities to have an early minyan for are significant opinions that hold that one must be performed in the evening. This would
Kabbalat Shabbat, especially during the long should add on to Shabbat and one may include Kiddush and the four cups of wine.
summer days when nightfall is very late. If the certainly do so if one wants to. Technically, one can daven earlier, but the
Torah specifically says that Shabbat begins The Maharshal asks, if one davened Maariv on Seder must begin when it is definitely nightfall.
on the seventh day, and since in Jewish law Friday night while it was still daylight, can one Similarly, one cannot accept Sukkot early
the next day is only counted from nightfall, still count the Omer? He answers that because the Gemara draws a correlation
how can one accept Shabbat when it is still something related to Shabbat can be done between the first night of Sukkot and Pesach.
day? after accepting Shabbat even though it is still The Taz notes that the obligation to eat three
The origin of accepting Shabbat early is a daylight. However, something dependent on meals on Shabbat is derived from the verse
verse in Parshat Emor that relates to Yom actual nightfall like Sefirat Haomer, must be that repeats the word hayom, this day, three
Kippur. “V’initem et nafshoteichem… You shall done after tzeit hakochavim. Similarly, if one times. The question then arises, does tosefet
afflict your soul on the ninth of the month in davened Maariv while it was still day, he is Shabbat allow a person to eat the Shabbat
the evening.” The Gemara asks, if Yom Kippur obligated to repeat Shema after nightfall. meal when it is still day, or does it only permit
begins on the ninth day at night then shouldn’t The Maharshal rules that one should not one to pray the Shabbat davening? Some
the Torah refer to it as the tenth day. Why accept Shemini Atzeret early, since the two opinions hold that one can eat the meal and
mention the ninth? The Gemara answers, competing days would raise a problem of others disagree. The Mishna Berura suggests
“Mosifin m’chol al kodesh. The weekday is whether to recite a bracha before eating in the that one extend the meal into the night and eat
added to the holy day.” We begin fasting while Sukkah. a kzayit after dark.
it is still day. Indeed, most shuls commence The general consensus among many poskim To summarize, one can accept kedushat
Kol Nidrei before sunset. The Gemara adds is not to accept Shavuot early as the verse Shabbat and Yom Tov earlier, as tosefet
that all holy days during which we refrain from specifically states, “sheva shabotot temimot,” Shabbat has the power to transform a
work fall under the category of mosifin, we seven complete weeks. However, the Taz mundane weekday into a sanctified day.
begin early and end late. disagrees and counters that once one accepts However, it does not transform the astronomi-
The Rambam, however, records this law with the Yom Tov it automatically becomes seven cal aspect of the day and therefore, any mitzva
regard to Yom Kippur only and does not complete weeks. that is connected to nightfall must be
mention it in relation to Shabbat and Yom Tov. There is a disagreement among the Baalei performed after the stars emerge.
The Kesef Mishna explains that the Rambam Hatosfot if one can accept Pesach while it is
still day. One opinion allows it. Others disagree
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