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In Which is Told the Story of
New York’s Half Million Dollar Bedbug
B ❇ H
Reproduced by Photo-lithography
3. Cimex Lectularius 10
5. Total Medicine 24
6. Encephalitis 28
7. Heart Disease 31
8. Cancer 33
9. Syphilis 35
10. Diphtheria 37
11. Tuberculosis 41
When man the ingenious first took a handful of sand and transformed it into a
microscope, a century or more ago, he threw open the door to vast changes in philosophy,
science, and religion. Peering wide-eyed into the unexplored depths of matter, he saw
for the first time toiling colonies of bacteria, germs, and microbes. It was natural---
scientifically, but not philosophically or religiously---that he identified these minute
workers as disease organisms. This conclusion of science quickly changed the concepts
of health and disease. A new and previously unsuspected element was present. Disease
became an entity in medical analysis. For more than one hundred years this belief has
prevailed. Upon it the whole structure of public health and preventive medicine is built.
When we refer to the Science of Public Health, we naturally look upon the complex
system of methods and practices as exact, precise, and dependable. These are defined,
supported, and advanced with authoritative bulletins from the United States government;
and by an infinite flow of pamphlets, booklets, and news releases from the health
departments of every state.
With 175,000 babies born every day of the year, and standing room on the productive
areas of the globe becoming less and less available, public health programs are not only
desirable, but necessary. If society failed to undertake and enforce sanitation and health
procedures, there would be a recurrence of plagues and epidemics like those that
decimated population groups in the Middle Ages, before the “Science of Sanitation” was
Sanitation has won its accolade as a science. Its contention that disease originates from
filth, and its struggle to cleanse and purify man’s external environment, have placed it
upon the pinnacle of twentieth century achievements. The installation of water and
sewerage systems in our cities, and the warfare on disease-carrying insects have saved
millions of lives. And supplementing these vast improvements in living conditions,
industrial engineers and chemists have developed the electric refrigerator, insuring pure
food; the vacuum cleaner to remove the hazard of dust; and improved equipment for the
processing of vegetables and fruit---all in all, an external environment that offers
protection from contamination and disease.
Public Health programming is founded upon the supposition that the people must be
protected internally from diseases that originate in external environment. The
environment is depicted as teeming with malignant microscopic organisms, or bacteria.
Against the assault of these, we are told that we must protect ourselves by immunizing
shots for smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, colds, influenza, pneumonia, scarlet
fever, whooping cough, and many other “invading” armies of microbes.
Bacteria are looked upon generally as deadly enemies of man. They are found active in
certain diseases, and the conclusion is automatically reached that they are the causal
factor. Few people ever think of bacteria as an integrated, correlated part of life
processes on the globe. In the little plot of land outside our door billions of these
invisible creatures toil endlessly, converting organic matter back into its elementals,
changing nitrates into nitrites, and the traces of copper and zinc into forms for nourishing
plants, grass and trees. And in the sun-dried head of a fish on the beach, the microscope
will show them laboring industriously. They are the invisible chemists of the planet, and
without their useful services life would soon become unsupportable and impossible
Bacteria are always present in the mouth and intestinal tract, and may be found working
benevolently in the deep tissues and organs of the body. Everywhere they function as
cleansing agents. They are legion in type and number, and change their shape, form, and
color to fill the needs of their environment.
Nature, we know, functions with transcendental wisdom and economy. Everything in her
visible and invisible dominion has a purpose, and the hypothesis that certain strains of her
bacteria have been commissioned to destroy man comes into conflict with her primary
plan, which is the development of the millions of species with which she has populated
the globe.
“The relationship between land health and the health of human beings, as well as other
animals, is actually no more than another aspect of the delicate and complex relationship
of all life. How in the face of these things can we accept the idea that ‘science’ is capable
of providing for the continuity of human life by substituting its methods for those of
boys and girls, physically and mentally surpassing any the world has ever seen. But a
casual look around us reveals that this has not happened; and a survey of the statistics on
sickness and death, points to the need of re-examining the theory and the preventive
measures that stem from it. Fairfield Osborne says:
“It was a bright day when through the growth of the science of bacteriology, the cause of
communicable diseases became known. . .At the end of the last century it looked as if
mankind were about to enter into a new era of health and happiness. It has not happened
so. While the life span in many countries has increased, yet even in these are evidences
of slow, silent, pervading deterioration of human health. There is a dearth of knowledge
as to the time of commencement of the process of deterioration, assuming that infact
such process is occurring. Medical records of a century or so ago can throw little light on
the matter so that accurate comparisons with health standards of earlier rimes cannot be
made. But that some change is now taking place is reflected by the appearance of a
whole series of “new” illnesses. As a group they are referred to as degenerative diseases,
affecting many of the organs as well as structural parts of the body, such as heart, liver,
teeth and bones. Their causes are little understood and consequently the medical
profession is helpless in preventing them or curing them.
“Imagine a country, such as the United States, apparently rich in fertility and abundance
of its land resources, where the recent two-year study of the nation’s health by the Senate
Sub-committee in Wartime Health and Education discloses that of more than 14,000,000
men examined for the draft only 2,000,000 were fully up to standard. A supplementary
study indicates that apparently 12 percent were found to be mentally unfit for military
These facts being true, the “Science of Preventive Medicine” must stand before the bar of
public opinion and defend itself against the indictment that Time, Experience, and
Statistics have brought against it.
From the archives of the century of prevention, the witnesses of Experience and the
testimony of Statistics are presented in this book, Bacteria, Inc.
If we, the patients of 300,000 doctors in America could see laboratory experiments as
clearly as we see the pictures on a movie screen, many of our beliefs would quickly fall
apart. Through the growth of bacteria in various cultures, we would witness the
modification of these living organisms by way of adjustment to existing conditions. We
would see them change their structure, color, and size. We would see innocent forms
metamorphose into the spirochete pallida of syphilis or the typhosis baccilus identified
with typhoid.
It required the passing of several decades for biologists to recognize that germs are
capable of remarkable transformation from one type to another. If you visualize a mouse
slowly changing into an opossum, you will get an idea of what happens among
inhabitants of the microscopic world. This phenomenon of bacterial life was first
demonstrated around 1910 by Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Laboratories.
The results of his studies are set forth in the Journal of Infectious Disease for 1914,
Volume 14, pp. 1 to 32 inclusive.
Rosenow demonstrated through a series of experiments lasting for several months that
simple bacterial forms like streptococci (pus Germs) could be made to assume all of the
characteristics of pneumococci (pneumonia germs) simply by feeding them on
pneumonia virus and making other minor modifications of their environment. And when
Rosenow reversed the procedure and fed pneumonia germs on pus, they quickly changed
into streptococci. Many other experiments were carried on, and in every instance the
germs, regardless of type, changed into other types when their food and environment
were altered.
Other bacteriologists who followed the pioneering of Rosenow have verified his findings.
Among these were two New York researchers who reported transforming cocci, the
round berry-shaped type of bacteria, into bacilli, the long, rod-shaped species.
In the course of these experiments it was shown that the bacteria found in the primary
stages of pus formation are invariably the streptococci, while in later stages as the blood
cells undergo more and more disintegration and the chemistry is altered, the “streps”
change into staphylococcus. These germs do not maintain their structural identity in an
alien media. These inhabitants of the invisible realm of matter cannot prosper per se out
of their environment. Denied their exclusive type of food, moved from their natural
habitat, and fed on other kinds of food, they quickly change into the forms native to their
new surroundings.
The evidence in this field has been strengthened as the years passed. Recent conclusions
were published by the Journal of the Franklin Institute for February, 1944. From page
124 of that issue we excerpt the following paragraph:
“The virus of cancer, like the viruses of other diseases, can be easily changed from one
form to another by altering the media upon which it is grown. With the first change in
media, the B.X. virus becomes considerably enlarged although its purplish-red color
remains unchanged. Observance of the organism with an ordinary microscope is made
possible by a second alteration of the media. A third change is undergone upon
asparagus base media, where the B.X. virus is transformed from its filterable state to
Cryptomyces pleomorphia fungi, these fungi being identical morphologically both
macroscopically and microscopically to that of the orchid end of the mushroom. And yet
a fourth change may be said to take place when this Crytomyces pleomorphia permitted
to stand as a stock culture for the period of metastasis, becomes a well-known mahogany-
colored Bacillus coli. . .By altering the media. . .Bacillus coli becomes the turquoise blue
Bacillus typhosus.
Broken down into simple language, this means that the virus of cancer can be changed
easily into the type of bacteria that inhabits the intestines, and finally into the destructive
germ of typhoid.
These laboratory discoveries are influencing scientists to look with keener insight into the
theory of germs as a cause of disease. They are beginning to look upon the body of a sick
patient as a banquet table to which legions of germs are attracted. They know that
bacteria cannot ferment or decompose living tissue. Their food is broken-down body
cells. Until it can be shown that bacteria have an affinity for healthy cells, the belief that
they cause disease will remain unsupportable.
Experiments with grapes and other fruits show that bacteria do not start the process of
fermentation. First, the fruit must be broken down by age or injury---and it is only then
that the bacteria begin their work. Not until the chemistry of growth and life is altered
does fermentation commence. Fermentation never occurs in green or living substance.
But when the processes of growth or life are interfered with or ended, the bacteria come
and the work of reducing the substance back into primary elements gets under way.
Since bacteria ignore living tissue, and hunger only for lifeless matter, the researchers are
pointing to their excreta as the poisons, or viruses, that produce disease and death, This
is entirely speculative, but it constitutes the best available explanation for sustaining the
elaborate procedures for prevention and cure, without which medical science would stand
helplessly baffled before an impasse.
The study of bacteriology, like that of astronomy, still presents vast dominions for
explorers. In the solar distances of the Light Years and the microscopic recesses of the
electron, there remain countless unrevealed mysteries. In bacteriology, the first
explorers, confronted with micro-organisms in disease, concluded that here at last was the
missing link between health and illness. The ages-long search of medicine was finally
rewarded. Here was something that researchers could get their teeth into, and as
subsequent investigations disclosed distinct types of microbes invariably present in
distinct types of pathology, the theory was strengthened. The morphological nature of
bacteria was not anticipated, nor had researchers demonstrated the existence of these
invisible forms as chemists and purifiers of nature. The theory became fixed in the
consciousness of science, and the tell-tale findings of recent years in the laboratory and
clinic have not served to dislodge it from the mind of the great mass of medical
practitioners. It has undergone modification, but it clings with the tenacity of a
superstition. Like the legion of witches who rode their broomsticks over the world. . .like
the practice of blood-letting. . .like the belief that the blood was immobilized in the
arteries and veins, the belief in germs as the cause of disease, must fact the painfully slow
but inevitably certain march of time.
The Germ Theory received its primary impetus from Pasteur and Jenner, and later from
Dr. Paul Ehrlich, the German-born scientist who postulated that certain forms of bacteria
have an affinity for living tissue. Later, he discovered Salversan (606) which for years
was believed to be a specific cure for syphilis. In recognition of his great contributions to
science, he was decorated by most of the governments of the world, and had so many
medals that he could never wear them all, and forgot who had conferred them upon him.
Most of his discoveries including Salversan, have been discarded, as Error, no matter
how profound in appearance, must inevitably fall in its endless duel with Truth. But,
paradoxically, perhaps prophetically, his name still scintillates in the bacterial world, and
it is the Ehrlich Theory science speaks of when describing immunology.
Commenting upon the effects of procedures that have been instituted by medicine upon
the Ehrlich assumptions, Dr. W. H. Manwaring, professor of bacteriology and
experimental pathology at Leland Stanford University, said in 1929:
“Immunization to date has been based on the Ehrlich theory that the inoculation of
disease products in subpathogenic doses creates antibodies, or, defending entities against
any subsequent mass invasion. Not only is there no evidence of these so-called
antibodies being formed, but there is ground for believing that the injected germ proteins
hybridize with the body proteins to form new tribes, half animal and half human, whose
characteristics and effects cannot be predicted. . . Even non-toxic bacterial substances
sometimes hybridize with serum albumins to form specific poisons which continue to
multiply, breed and cross-breed ad infinitum, doing untold harm as its reproductivity my
continue while life lasts.
“I believe that there is hardly an element of truth in a single one of the basic hypotheses
embodied in this theory. My conviction that there was something radically wrong with it
arose from a consideration of the almost universal failure of therapeutic methods based
on it. . . In spite of millions of dollars spent in commercial exploitation, of a 100
theoretically logical monovalent, polyvalent, prophylactic and curative anti-sera, 95
percent of them were thrown into the clinical discard. The same thing is true of vaccines.
. .and we call this scientific medicine! Twelve years of study with immuno-physiological
tests have yielded a mass of experimental evidence contrary to, and irreconcilable with,
the Ehrlich theory, and have convince me that his conception of the origin, nature, and
physiological role of the specific ‘anti-bodies’ is erroneous.”
The simple processes of logic carry us from the conclusions of Dr. Manwaring, through
the Mayo Clinic and Franklin Institute findings, to the appearance of many “new” and
degenerative diseases in this century as described by Fairfield Osborne; and, lastly, to the
startling increase of cancer, heart disease, and other serious maladies in children.
Apropos of this, the human body is known to be a media subject to an infinite range in
the type of food it offers for bacteria. It is alkaline one day and acid the next. Different
areas and organs form a varied menu for the billions of “immunizing” bacteria injected
into it as “preventative medicine.” These are known to congregate on the valves of the
heart. They are toxins similar to those found in diseased tissue and cells. These are
questions bacteriologists are asking: Do they induce sickness wherever they range? Do
they produce pathology in the delicate membranes of the longs, and influenced by their
environment, become the ravaging tubercular bacilli of tuberculosis? Do they congregate
upon the valves of the heart and break down this delicate structure, accounting for the
astounding increase of heart conditions among children, since 1900? Do they ravage the
blood vessels, the lymphatics, and the eyes, causing “grave concern” among public health
officials over the widespread occurrence of cancer in children, which kills two-thirds as
many as whooping cough?
These are questions whose answers still remain unanswered in the laboratory and clinic,
but the marked increase of old diseases and the development of new ones parallel the
expansion of preventive medicine, and warrant suspicion and examination.
Long ago, science warned physicians about the danger of post-vaccinal sleeping sickness,
poliomyelitis, syphilis, and other diseases. These diseases occur in children and adults
alike following inoculations. Physicians know that a percentage of those they vaccinate
or inoculate for diphtheria, scarlet fever, or measles, will die of shock, and that others
will be projected into the Morphic night of sleeping sickness, or the disfiguring horrors of
polio, while others will be stricken with rheumatic fever, arthritis, blindness, and
suppurating rashes of all kinds.
Yet these results are justified by immunologists on the premise that the procedures are
necessary to safeguard the population from epidemics. They overlook the fact that
epidemics diminished as man purified his exterior environment.
It is conceivable that the filth that once beset him in rags has come forth in a needle to
destroy him.
Cimex Lectularius
It was at the end of the nineteenth century that enterprising researchers began looking
outside the theory of contagion for the cause of malaria, typhoid, and smallpox. They
traced typhoid to contaminated water, and trailed malaria to its lair in the proboscis of the
female mosquito; and they tracked smallpox over many trails, until they found it hidden
in the bed. Cimex lectularius was its host.
Cimex lectularius is a formidable name for the little brown-shelled creature known
commonly as the bedbug. The name was given to the insect generations ago in Italy
where, incidentally, smallpox has been a scourge since early times. “Cimex” is the Latin
word for bug, and “lectularius” simply means bed or couch.
While Cimex lectularius is innocent in appearance, he has been a deadly assassin of the
human race. The mystery story of all times could be woven about his insidious assault
upon mankind. He has committed the perfect crime. He has gone undetected while the
blame for his crimes has been attributed by the greatest medical scientists to an invisible
air-borne germ lurking in the microscopic depths of matter.
This “innocent” bug, since time immemorial, has been the bedfellow of the human race.
Grudgingly, yet with resignation, people have let him have his small feast of blood. They
never suspected that as he feasted he left at the banquet table the lethal virus of smallpox.
Aside from those he killed, he marked the faces of millions; turned beauty into a pock-
marked mask. For generations, these pitted millions blemished the racial streams of the
Science moved quickly and effectively to exterminate the malaria-carrying mosquito; and
sanitary engineers tackled the problem of water purification. Whey then did they not
move with equal dispatch against the greatest of all killers---the bedbug?
Economically, when Cimex lectularius was exposed as the carrier of smallpox, the
manufacturing of serums had grown into a profitable industry. The vaccination of every
child before entering school had become an established practice. Many states and cities
had enacted laws and regulations making it compulsory. Practically every doctor in the
land was finding vaccination a lucrative part of his practice. Medicine had put the stamp
of its authority upon this procedure.
Thus, when Drs. Campbell, Watts, and others at the turn of the century brought forth the
startling facts for their findings on the cause of smallpox, their reports and writings were
overlooked. They had made a major discovery. It would protect the cameo beauty of the
children of the future. It would remove the dread of death and scarification, and
safeguard people everywhere in the world from the pollution in the needle.
It was Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell, of San Antonio, Texas, who first directed attention to
the bedbug as a carrier of smallpox virus. He was an outstanding scientist of his
generation. The San Antonio Light, in an article as late as October 29, 1946, referred to
Dr. Campbell in these words:
“The value of bats as a mosquito eradicator was first discovered by the late Dr. Charles
A. R. Campbell, a San Antonio scientist. He was recommended for the Nobel prize in
recognition of the service he had rendered the world in mosquito eradication.”
The stature of the San Antonio doctor was also recognized by The Saturday Evening Post
of May 29, 1948, when it published an article telling of the prevailing interest of
naturalists and students of Americana in his methods of combating malaria.
Branching into three specific fields of research, typhoid, malaria, and smallpox, Dr.
Campbell made notable contributions to each. As Health Officer, and Bacteriologist in
control of the Pest House in San Antonio, he had ample opportunity to study smallpox,
and devoted his keen and penetrating intellect to the problems of discovering its cause,
whether it was contagious or infectious, and the efficacy of vaccination. Finally, in a
paper presented to the Bexar Medical Society, he identified the carrier, stated that the
disease is neither infectious nor contagious, and declared that vaccination does not
prevent smallpox.
The following excerpts are from that report, which he included later in his book, Bats,
Mosquitoes & Dollars.
Dr. Campbell’s extensive experiments led him to the conviction that “bedbugs are the
only diffusing agents of this loathsome disease,” and that “our present knowledge of its
being air-borne, or of its being transmitted by fomites, most be all wrong.” First, he
sought to demonstrate its non-contagiousness by means of clothing, bedding, and
hangings. . .” and used himself as subject. He was finally able to report:
“As even the air itself, without contact, is considered sufficient to convey this disease,
and touching the clothes of a smallpox patient considered equivalent to contracting it. I
exposed myself with the same impunity as my pest-house keeper, who is immune, having
had the smallpox.”
Dr. Campbell went from house to house where there were victims of the disease,
removing them to the pest house, under legal authority, and “never conveyed this disease
to my family, nor to any of my patients of friends, although I did not disinfect myself or
my clothes nor take any precautions whatever, except to be sure that no bedbugs got
about my clothing.”
Another experiment was to beat a rug thoroughly in a small room from which had just
been removed a smallpox patient. He remained in the dust-stifling room for thirty
minutes, “inhaling particles of organic as well as micro-organic matter,” thus
representing the respiratory as well as digestive systems as accepted avenues of infection.
Upon a microscopic examination of his sputum the following morning he found “cotton
and woolen fibers, pollen, and comminuted manure, as also bacteria of many kinds.”
From that time on, he mingled freely with his patients and his friends but none of them
contracted the disease.
Next, he exposed two city carpenters, two laborers, and himself to the germs of an
outhouse that had been used at the pest house for smallpox patients only, for five years.
Three of the workers had not been vaccinated and the fourth only in infancy. He reported
concerning that unaesthetic job:
“It was constructed of 1x12 inch slats and boards. With hatchets and levers the old
structure was soon razed, and the foul-smelling lumber was carried by each of us a
distance of one hundred yards and neatly reconstructed.
“As the day was very hot and our water supply some distance from the work, I placed a
bucket of water about ten feet from the work and in such a direction with the wind that
the dust from the sawing and nailing of the old boards would fall into the water. Of
course, the laborers did not observe my object in so doing, and they and myself all drank
freely of the water until noon. After dinner all of us worked on that foul-smelling
structure and drank of that same water until evening, when the work was completed.”
The doctor had these men under observation for fourteen days, but neither he nor they
took the smallpox.
It was the custom in San Antonio at that time to burn any laundry that happened to be
found at the home of a Negro washwoman when the disease struck some member of the
Negro family, the owners of the clothing being reimbursed from public funds. In five
cases, Dr. Campbell took the clothes to the detention hospital, spread them out on the
grass, and examined them for bedbugs. Finding them free of bugs, he returned them to
the owners without any disinfection whatever. These clothes did not convey disease to
But most startling of all was his work in the detention hospital. First, he made sure that
there was not a bedbug in the place, or that none was carried in by the patients. Then he
repeatedly allowed well members of a family to mingle with relatives in various stages of
smallpox illness. No one ever caught the disease in this manner. Specific cases that he
gave in his report to the Bexar Medical Society, and in his subsequent book, are well
worth quoting here.
“Anita H., a Mexican child, four years of age, never vaccinated and who had never had
the disease, was taken to the pest house, where she took a baby out of the crib and played
with it about four hours, hugging and kissing it and riding it in a perambulator around the
grounds; but, although this baby was covered with pustules of smallpox, and although we
took no precautions whatever (the girl’s mother having agreed to this experiment), the
girl did not acquire the disease.”
Another case was brought to the detention hospital in a vesicular stage, remaining until
recovery and the routine dismissal. Of the subsequent test in this case, Dr. Campbell
“In this case I caused the bed clothes of his bed to be undisturbed when he recovered.
The same bed, without any change in the bed clothes, was then occupied by L.M. This
individual had never been vaccinated nor had smallpox, and understood that he occupied
this bed as an experiment. He did not acquire the disease.”
A family of six were taken into the detention hospital, since three of the children acquired
smallpox and the family did not wish to be separated. The parents had had the disease
but the fourth had escaped it. The family remained in the one room for the period of six
weeks---eighteen days after the period of desquamation of the case that developed last.
They were returned home, the one child not having acquired the disease during the six-
weeks constant exposure. However, upon the fifth day after returning home, this child
acquired the initial fever. The doctor then examined their house and found it to be
“literally alive” with bedbugs.
Dr. Campbell had at the Pest House half a dozen employees who did the washing and
scrubbing. He had employed these people because, as he explained, they were “non-
immune’---and yet none of them every contracted the disease.
The night watchman, vaccinated in infancy, frequently mingled with the patients, keeping
up the fires and remaining all night, but did not contract the disease. Nor did the man
whom he designated as “A.C., never vaccinated nor had the smallpox,” but who mingled
with the patients in all the stages, playing cards with them and eating and sleeping in the
infected tents. He told of two children, aged eleven and nine years, one vaccinated in
infancy, the other never successfully, who played with the children at the Pest House in
all stages of the disease without the least harm.
Among the patients coming under his observation and care was a girl of eleven years who
developed smallpox after arriving at a San Antonio hotel. The doctor took this patient
and her father and mother to the Pest House, locking the door of their room at the hotel
and leaving orders that no one be allowed to enter it until his return. This room had been
occupied two days and two nights by the patient. Upon his return, Dr. Campbell
carefully inspected the bed and the entire room, particularly the walls and ceiling, and not
finding any bedbugs, told the hotel proprietor that the room was again all right: and it
was from that time on occupied. All of the occupants were kept under observation, but
not a case developed in any of the persons occupying the room.
Another case described by the doctor was that of a little girl who was seized by the
disease about eight hours before reaching San Antonio. This little patient’s family
consisted of her father, mother, and brother eight years old. He took them all to the Pest
House. The man he allowed to leave and go to the city, as he pleased: and, with the
doctor’s consent, he procured a horse and buggy and took his wife riding every day. At
night they went to the theatre, returning to the Pest House to sleep. The father bought a
doll for the little girl; and she played with it, being at the time thoroughly covered with
smallpox. She made a dress for this doll, slept with it at night, kissed it, and played with
it constantly, until about the fourth day, when she became displeased with it; and after
some consultation her father returned it to the store where it was purchased and
exchanged it for a larger doll. The clerk from whom the purchase was made was kept
under secret observation for a long time; but nothing developed from the exchange.
In one instance at the Pest House, a blanket, used by a Mexican woman who was ill with
smallpox, was inadvertently given to the wife of one of the keepers, and she used it for a
cover for her baby three weeks old, wrapping him snugly in it. The mistake was not
discovered for a week---yet the baby did not contract the disease.
After making a great many of these experiments, Dr. Campbell invited the City Council
and other officers of the city government to the Pest House. These officials were familiar
with the experimental work he was doing. Several of them made laudatory speeches of
the experiments. Evidently they had faith in what he was doing for they visited the Pest
House without fear and attended a banquet honoring Dr. Campbell. They remained two
or three hours in an atmosphere charged with smallpox, and even contacted patients
directly, yet all escaped the disease.
In his report to the Bexar Medical Association, Dr. Campbell made it clear that he had
destroyed the bedbug population of the institution before launching upon his experiments.
It was only natural that Dr. Campbell, being a national scientific figure, came into
frequent contact with the leading minds of his generation. Among his associates for
many years was J. A. L. Waddell, D.E., LL.D., who became a staunch admirer, and
attempted with vigor to direct world attention upon the spectacular and thorough
researches of the San Antonio physician. In one of his papers, Waddell says:
“The writer has long felt that the results of Dr. Campbell’s wonderful and interesting
nature studies should be brought to the attention not only of the medical profession
throughout the world but also of those intelligent, thinking people who are interested in
the works of nature and of the methods of utilizing them for the benefits of mankind.”
Waddell tells of his first meeting with Dr. Campbell and of how a recital of the doctor’s
complete and painstaking experiments on bedbugs and smallpox convinced him of the
doctor’s claims. The writer deviates to recount some personal experiences among French
Canadians, who at that period were much afflicted with smallpox. He pointed out that
most of their houses were overrun with bedbugs---also that the Canadian Indians were
much afflicted with that dread disease, which they often contracted by going into
abandoned tepees or huts. “This,” he explained, “is so well known in the Canadian wilds
that such old habitations are avoided with dread and passed with a shudder. Old,
discarded clothing has long been recognized as a carrier of contagion, although nobody
in Canada had ever dreamed of the transmission of the disease being due to insects, in
spite of the fact that such abandoned huts and clothing were know to contain bedbugs.”
Waddell tells of Dr. Campbell’s desire to go to Mexico in order to experiment upon
prison inmates, who would be given their liberty after investigations were finished.
There were no laws in Mexico at that time preventing such experiments. The physician-
scientist was seeking a grant of $12,000 to carry out that project. Waddell tried to raise
the money for him from several sources but failed. Finally Dr. Campbell called upon one
of the directors of the Rockefeller Institute. After this individual listened to the doctor’s
request, Waddell describes him as holding up his hands in horror and exclaiming,
“What! Furnish you with money to experiment upon human beings! What do you think
the American people would say, were I to do such a thing as that?”
Concluding his article, Waddell said: “In my opinion, Dr. Campbell has proved beyond
the peradventure of a doubt that smallpox is transmitted in one way only---by the bite of
an infected bedbug, or possibly in rare cases by that of another blood-sucking insect, the
chinche volante.”
At the conclusion of his long and thorough experimentations, Dr. Campbell arrived at
two important conclusions. 1. That smallpox is transmitted only by the bite of an
infected bug. 2. That perversion of nutrition determines the degree of virulence.
Of the first, he said: “In all of the cases of smallpox that have originated here I have
always found bedbugs; and where patients suffering with this disease were brought here
(to the Pest House) and placed in premises free from these vermin, the disease did not
spread to persons living with the patient. This has occurred in all stages of the disease.”
On nutrition he had this to say: “The most important observation on the medical aspect
of this disease is the cachexia with which it is invariably associated and which is actually
the sole requisite for its different degrees of virulence. I refer to the scorbutic (relating to
scurvy—the disease caused by lack of green food) cachexia. . .The removal of this
perversion of nutrition will so mitigate the virulence of this malady as positively to
prevent the pitting or packing of smallpox.”
Although Dr. Campbell was never able to obtain the funds for pursuing his program in
Mexico---that plague-swept border neighbor---his work was carried on by Dr. J. A. Watts
of San Antonio, who spent several years in that country and was thrown constantly in
contact with smallpox. In a paper read before the Bexar County Medical Society, Dr.
Watts disparaged the results of vaccination “by points and serum,” and particularly the
vaccination methods adopted by the government of Mexico. “The lack of care in taking
the pus; the disregard to the clinical health of the subjects and the severely sore arms
from mixed infection placed it where my using it was impossible.” A record of all cases
vaccinated showed a failure of 80 percent. Dr. Watts used all known means of stamping
out the disease, except isolation. This he could not impose since the government did not
impose quarantines.
able to do this or where I found a house free from bedbugs, I never had a second case of
smallpox occur. I allowed and even encouraged free intermingling of families after I was
positive that no bugs existed, and in each case had no recurrence of the disease.”
In 1907-8 an epidemic broke out during which the doctor mingled freely with his family,
friends, patients, and smallpox sufferers. “I never,” he reported, “employed any of the
methods recommended, such as changing, robing, disinfection during or after visits. I
also had the closest possible relations with my boy, who even accompanied me on my
rounds when I went to see these cases, he, of course, remaining in the buggy.”
Two years later the boy was “successfully” vaccinated by his grandfather in San Antonio,
which determined that he was not “immune.”
Dr. Watts recited many cases where free mingling of members of families with smallpox
victims was allowed under his watchfulness, after the bug-killing process was executed.
In all of the cases, none acquired the disease. One case was designated as L.R. age 20
years. Dr. watts says:
“Seen in initial stage. I remudded his house and cleaned it with bichloride solution. No
case developed among any other members of this family, although three children, his
wife, and his brother’s wife and mother lived there. Also about twenty relatives visited
him during his illness. All of these were patients of mine and personally known to me.”
“Well developed when first seen. I ordered the house cleaned up under police
supervision. His brother developed the disease three days afterwards, but no other case
occurred here, although three girls, the mother and grandmother occupied this cave.”
Another case was “J.A. Aged one year. Some ten children lived here in three rooms.
After several hours of hard work at extermination and cleaning up I was rewarded by no
new cases developing here.”
Many more cases were recited in Dr. Watts’ report, all of them with the same convicting
results. Following the presentation of these experiments of Drs. Campbell and Watts, the
Bexar County Medical Society adopted the following resolution:
“Resolved, that we express our entire confidence in Dr. Campbell’s experiments and
clinical observations tending to show that the bedbug is the sole conveyer of smallpox, as
the body-louse is of typhus fever, and we believe that further experience will lead to its
complete demonstration.”
Fifty years ago, bedbugs were a common household pest, from the wilds of the Canadian
Northwest to the teepees and caves and homes of luxury of our border neighbors on the
South; from Manhattan’s swank hotels to the cushioned luxury-trains of Pullman, and
across the sweeps of prairie to the Gold Coast. Only the most fastidious housewife kept
free of them, and she must be forever on the lookout. Coats and wraps of guests were
carefully hung on hall trees lest the visitor might inadvertently leave a bug if thrown
across the bed. Home furnishings were against cleanliness a half-century ago, from the
massive, ornate furniture, to the straw-filled mattresses and straw-padded rag carpets;
from the source of water in the rain-barrel and the old oaken bucket, to the cream crock
and pans of milk cooling behind screens in the cellar. Flies bred in the tidiest of privies
and mosquitoes hatched in the rain-barrel. Housewives struggled from dawn until
midnight, but the plague caught up with them, despite vaccinations. The Boston Post of
January 2, 1934, gave an illuminating account of this hopeless struggle.
“The first compulsory vaccination law was passed by Massachusetts in 1855. It required
that every infant must be vaccinated before reaching the age of two years: that no child
should be admitted to any public school unless vaccinated; that all inmates of public
institutions must be vaccinated; that the employees of all manufacturing corporations
must be vaccinated as a prerequisite to employment and, to cap the climax, everyone
must be vaccinated every five years. What was the result? In the twenty years following
the enactment of this law there were 4221 deaths from smallpox in Massachusetts. The
protection afforded by this law did not highly recommend itself to the people, and in time
it was pretty much ignored, so that finally in 1908 the infant vaccination requirement was
repealed without protest by anyone and without any bad results.”
Other states observed similar disheartening results. Epidemics occurred and vaccinated
persons, serene in the delusion of safety, were struck down by the virulent killer.
Today, the bedbug has all but vanished from this vacuumed and disinfected land of ours.
And smallpox is so rare that thousands of younger doctors have never seen a case of the
disease. But the practice of vaccination is as popular as it was in the days of the plague.
It is even more popular, since the proof is gone that vaccination does not prevent
smallpox. There is no smallpox to prevent. Why, then, does the vaccination fetish
persist? We must find the answer in economics---in the billion dollar serum industry and
its correlative industry, medical practice. This book would not be written but for the
alarming increase of encephalitis, syphilis, poliomyelitis and cancer---all of these
diseases of virus infiltration into the blood and tissues of the body. Heart disease and
cancer are death-dealing afflictions of alarming increase.
We knew where to look for these viruses when food was cooled in damp cellars, and
drinking water contained the seepage from privies, and mosquitoes and bedbugs
inhabited the dwellings of man. But today we have hidden them in a sterilized phial and
we inject them into the body with a disinfected needle. Then we play blind-man’s bluff
and set out in frantic search for the ultra-microscopic pests. We do this so scientifically,
and at such great expense, and with so much pomp that we create a great illusion; and
courageous, indeed, is the man who dares to decry the practice.
But thoughts of the disease still strike terror in the hearts of countless people; and boards
of health grow panicky with its approach. This happened in the vast metropolis of New
York in March, 1947, when a solitary suspected case so frightened health officials that
they brought about the mass vaccination of more than five million persons.
In a story, Smallpox, The Killer That Stalked New York, the Cosmopolitan Magazine for
April, 1948, gives a graphic description of what happened.
The patient who died of the disease was Jean LeBar, an exporter of leather goods from
Mexico. He was hospitalized in New York and treated for a rash. He had been
vaccinated in childhood, and carried in his pocket a certificate showing a recent
vaccination, on crossing the border. Thus, supposedly, he was immune. The greatest
dermatologists in the metropolis diagnosed his rash variously. One doctor said he
suspected drug rash, since LeBar, being ill on his trip from Mexico, had taken a variety of
Phenobarbitals and other pain-killing and sleep-inducing compounds. Another doctor
thought the patient had “ricketsailpox,” a newly discovered disease transmitted by mites.
None thought LeBar had smallpox, but when a few rash cases developed in the hospital
where he had died, the doctors were wary. They examined these and it took a young
doctor to put the seal of smallpox upon them when he said, “I’ve never seen it myself, but
this looks like smallpox.”
It was Dr. Ralph Muckenfuss, chief of the city’s virus laboratory, who finally announced
that LeBar had died of smallpox, and started the panic. In the course of a few hours after
his pronouncement, members of the health department appeared before the mayor. Their
conference is described as follows in Cosmopolitan:
“Drs. Bernecker and Weinstein outlined their program of mass vaccination, millions of
doses of vaccine and hundreds of doctors to give them; health centers and police stations
to handle the crowds; press and radio to spread the word. Smallpox might ravage the
city, spread through the state, close up the port of New York, Dr. Weinstein declared.
‘Besides,’ Dr. Bernecker added, ‘there never was a better chance to immunize the whole
city at once.’
And so the doctors of the city were enlisted and began one of the most phantasmagoric
experiments of all times. Even though LeBar had been dead and cremated for three
weeks, and had carried his vaccination certificate in his billfold when he died the doctors
began tracing his movements from the hour he crossed the border.
“Dr. Weinstein reached for his telephone. He called the United States Public Health
Service in Washington and advised them, calmly as he could, that smallpox had entered
New York and that the city was looking into the matter. He ordered a report from Helen
LeBar (the victim’s wife) on the travels of a bus more wayward than Bill Camillo’s. He
called the Foreign Quarantine Office on Staten Island, informing them that a man from
Mexico had slipped through the border inspectors with a microscopic virus. And he
ordered the immediate vaccination of the city’s police and firemen.”
From the beginning to the end the story was replete with melodrama, physicians armed
with needles invading boarding houses in slums, and obtaining the names of the people
who had occupied the same hotel with the LeBars. Says the Cosmopolitan: “The show
girls of Carousel and Oklahoma made the front pages being vaccinated, of course, on
their thighs.”
And, incidentally, the fons et origio of this melodrama was overlooked by physicians. It
is found in the following quotations from the Cosmopolitan recital:
“On Tuesday morning, Mrs. LeBar appeared at the hospital with a small medicine bottle
containing a very small bug. She’d found the bug, she said, while going through her
husband’s clothing and thought it might account for his illness. Excited about her
discovery, she urged the doctors to examine the bug as quickly as possible.
“The hospital sent the mysterious bug to the New York University Laboratory, where it
was promptly identified by Dr. Donald Moore, entomologist, as a Cimex lectularius, or
the common and harmless bedbug.”
Aside from the material evidence against the Ehrlich Theory found in the sharp warning
of biology, there is the admonition of religion and the profundities of philosophy.
The human body was fashioned in the matrix of evolution. Into it has gone the structural
engineering of Nature, ever moving with zeal for the perfection of her species. On her
palette are all colors, in her mind all wisdom; and all skills reside in her capacity to
execute her purposes. There are no flaws in her designs. She adapted man admirably to
his external environment. His body is adapted to the ultra-violet rays of the sun, to the
impact of the fomite-laden wind, to the changes of temperature, to the variations of food.
It is as much a part of global expression as is the sage-brush on the deserts of Nevada, a
tiger in the jungles of Africa, a mouse in the cornfields of Michigan.
Of all of these, man alone is endowed with reason. He, therefore, attempts constantly to
improve evolutionary perfection; and through his efforts, he brings about an imbalance of
his own body as well as of the environment in which he lives. He takes the infant, while
it is still living under the natural protection of its mother’s milk, and injects into its body
one devastating poison after another. He disturbs the chemical balance of the body cells,
which become polarized and defenseless against external environment.
The delicate and complex human machine is subject to infinite variations in form and
content, and reacts variously to standardized chemical procedures and therapeutic
The methods, beautiful in concept and design, crack into pieces and fail in the remote,
unexplored recesses of the temple that is “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
When the regimented modern mother takes her infant to the doctor, both have in their
minds an unnatural concept of the world in which they live. Around them they visualize
a microscopic environment, devastating and inhospitable. Against this, the child must be
Nothing like America’s regimentation has ever before been achieved in any land. It is
largely a development of the present century, and mirrors in the extreme the American
philosophy of perfection through organization and efficiency.
Thus, people have come to believe that health is a purchasable commodity. Dependence
is placed upon new wonder drugs and old biologicals. The law of cause and effect has
been repealed. Get drunk, if you wish---an aspirin will cure your headache; overwork ---
vitamins will restore your energy; overindulge in sex---hormones will reinvigorate you;
work and play to excess---the new atom bomb pill will give you a new store of energy.
Few of us ever think to dispute these errors, but place complete reliance upon their
claims, until the body, flayed by our abuses, and fighting an array of dangerous,
destroying chemicals, revolts or gives up its losing struggle.
“People are gullible about medicine,” says The Journal of the American Medical
Association for May, 1948. “They are gullible about wanting a cure by swallowing some
magical medicine, vitamins, etc.”
In order to understand this “gullibility,” we have merely to tune in on the radio, read the
daily newspaper or popular magazines, which extol the marvelous life-giving and health-
giving and health-restoring potency of drugs. Added to this is the public health education
flowing daily form federal, state, and local health agencies; and, not infrequently,
propaganda from professional men.
Sweeping changes have occurred in the medical profession during the twentieth century.
The type of health regimentation and prevention carried on today would have been
inconceivable fifty years ago.
During these five decades, the family doctor has disappeared---a regrettable casualty.
For centuries he was a traditional figure. He inspired universal trust. His contact with
his patients was intimate. He brought their babies into the world, counseled them on all
kinds of problems, and won their admiration and often their reverence. Frequently, he
lived through the period of two or three generations, watching the babies he delivered
grow up, and functioning professionally, when they, too, became parents.
With the expansion of economics in America, changing the nation from pastoral to
industrial this intimate contact was broken, and the period of specialization and big
business in medicine began. The imperious laws of competition and survival moved into
the profession, encroaching upon the domain of idealism and altruism.
The wide scope of these changes was outlined in 1948 by Dr. Tate Miller, president of
the Texas State Medical Association, when in an address at the annual convention, he
asserted that the “warm, personal admiration of a patient for his doctor has been
sacrificed in the march of science.”
Miller declared that the high prices, the impersonal attitude of the physicians, and the
disappearance of the family doctor, were alienating the public. He warned that
“socialized medicine is about three years away unless the medical profession takes steps
to regain lost ground.”
Decrying the trend toward more and more specialization, Miller said, “We’re trying to
make specialists out of every crossroads doctor and forgetting that the family doctor is
the foundation of the profession.”
He added that the profession is losing the “kindness and sympathy which earned the love
of the people,” and is “relying on mechanical gadgets which are of more financial than
human importance.”
This type of professional self-analysis, while wholesome, cannot be expected to turn back
the economic tide and bring about a revival of conditions that went out with the horse-
and-buggy. The changes have been too profound.
Pharmacy, an infant industry in 1900, has developed into a vast cartel of laboratories,
clinics, experimental farms and factories, where new wonder drugs are created; and the
business of manufacturing vaccines, toxins, cold serums, and an array of hormones,
synthetic vitamins, and common chemicals is carried on. These concerns function under
the American economic system, where the primary aim is to make profits. Thus, new
wonder drugs are exploited rapidly, before they have been subjected to painstaking tests,
and vaccines and serums flood the market for the prevention and cure of diseases.
These wonder drugs, like comets, usually experience a brief period of brightness, as the
hope of the people forms about them. Invariably they fade in public respect, as the hope
they promised vanishes before the unchangeable reign of the law of cause and effect in
health and disease. New diseases follow in the wake of their widespread use, as they
have followed inoculations. The body develops defensive organisms for expelling them,
or the organs break down under their impact. The illustrate with routine regularity that
the hunt for panaceas is like Jason’ s search for the Golden Fleece. The hope is just as
evanescent. For everything we do. Nature gives its awards and exacts its penalties.
Thinkers have threaded their thoughts on this theme, but their voices have been lost in the
tumult for profit and power.
In the healing profession exists a twin monopoly, a one way street, the growth of
medicine traveling the road parallel with the expansion of pharmacy.
Primarily, medical organization has crushed individualism and spontaneity. The non-
conformist has met with ruthless discipline. Individual doctors are naturally cautious of
stepping out of the channels of established practices, lest the big club of their
organizations crack down upon them. They may publish their findings and opinions in
medical journals, but they must not make them known to the general public. The
penalties they face are ostracism from the ranks of their own profession, denial of
hospital privileges, the closing to them of the avenues of public expression, and the
danger of being labeled quacks.
In Torrington, Conn., in 1948, Dr. Anthony Shupis was denied the right to practice in
Hungerford hospital because he declared publicly his disbelief in inoculations. The story
of his controversy with hospital authorities was printed in local newspapers, from which
we quote a few paragraphs. Dr. Albert F. Delloff, director of the hospital, commented:
“It has been called to the attention of the committee that Dr. Shupis had somewhat radical
views regarding . . .immunization procedures. . .against whooping cough, diphtheria,
typhoid or smallpox. It was felt that anyone having such views opposed to the approved
procedure would have no place on the staff of the hospital. . .Motion was made, seconded
and approved that his privileges be withdrawn.”
Dr. Shupis had gained much of his information while serving as a captain in the Medical
Corps of the United States Army for 38 months, where he gave many shots and had an
opportunity to study the effect of wholesale immunization. He saw service in New
Guinea, the Philippines, Alaska, and Hawaii, and was a transport surgeon between the
United States and France.
He was quoted in the press as saying that there is little support for the theory that
vaccination will prevent diphtheria, since there were 911 cases of the disease in New
York over a ten year period, among persons who were vaccinated, according to the New
York Medical Journal.
Mexico, he contended, requires five-year vaccination against smallpox, yet the nation has
a high death rate from the malady. By contrast, he asserted, the United States has an
average of only fifty deaths a year from the sickness and less than half of the people are
immunized against it. He added that smallpox has practically been eradicated by
improvement in living standards, cleanliness, sanitation, and other non-medical protective
In England, the profession acts with equal vigor against the non-conformists. The
Vaccination Inquirer reports the following:
“Doctors who have written or spoken against vaccination have in the past suffered from a
professional point of view. One was deprived of the post of Medical Officer of Health
which a local Health Authority had given him; one lost all chance of a Court
appointment; one received no further advancement at his hospital from the time his chief
heard him read a paper against vaccination; others found their careers blocked from the
time they published a work against vaccination. One prominent medical anti-vaccinator
found himself ‘sent to Coventry’ by his colleagues, who refused to appear in consultation
with him, and it was only by sheer determination that he established himself and made his
as twenty doctors have associated themselves with the National Anti-Vaccination League
is, in these circumstances, of tremendous importance. It is not in the least surprising that
the number is not more, but rather that it is as many.”
Total Medicine
There are certain words in the English language that arouse suspicion. One of these is
“total.” We fought a war to end the reign of totalitarian governments, so that when we
think of anything as being total, there is a desire to shy away from it. This is especially
true of “Total Medicine.”
The plan for total medicine is impressive on initial examination. It flows from the
Spartan conviction that America must be strong in every respect. We have become a
military nation. We have approved a comprehensive program of defense, adopted the
draft, established a “national emergency board” with arbitrary powers over the press and
radio, and given military officials authority to allocate materials, and, if necessary,
conscript civilian industries. The government is moving to regiment civilian life,
correlating and coordinating it closely with the military. Health is, of course, a primary
objective in the program.
Spearheading the endeavor is the Army Medical Corps, which became acutely aware of
the need of better civilian health, when the draft disclosed that decades of “preventive
medicine,” enforced by law in many states, had failed to bring forth a generation of
healthy and vital young men and women, as could have been anticipated. Only 2,000,000
out of 14,000,000 examined were “fully up to standard,” and twelve percent were found
to be mentally unfit for military duty.
Even more disconcerting than this was the high incidence of sickness that developed
among personnel in World War II. This, Major General Raymond W. Bliss reported in
the Army Information Digest, June, 1948, lent new impetus to research. He explained:
“Sickness and non-combat injury were responsible for two-thirds of the permanent losses
of effectiveness that occurred in the War.”
Non-combat injuries are understandable in this age of mechanical warfare. The new
devices must necessarily take their toll of men. But the incidence of illness should be at
an all-time minimum under the program of preventive medicine. These were the
healthiest men in our nation, living in barracks that were relatively free of rodents and
disease-bearing insects; where the latest scientific knowledge was applied to the
inspection of food, sewage disposal and water purification; and with all of the correlated
science of modern medicine at their command.
That these “permanent losses of effectiveness” cause grave concern is revealed in the
Major’s report. He states that “These losses form the basis of most of the present medical
research and development program. . . To that end,” the report continues, “a very
extensive program of training, in subjects ranging from medical equipment mechanics for
enlisted personnel to a new basic science course for medical specialists and clinicians,
now is in effect. The variety of opportunities is well established by a list of current
courses in the United States and overseas; laboratory and technician courses, psychiatric
social work and psychiatric nursing, dietetics and mess administration, public health and
dairy hygiene, bacteriology and toxicology, medical photography, and many others.
Many of these courses are given at civilian institutions. Internships in both Army and
civilian hospitals have been vastly increased in number and the residency program for
medical specialists has been initiated and is expanding.”
The National Research Council has taken over the job of coordinating this civil-military
research and its pronouncements have reached the remotest hamlets during the three-
years following the war until “Total Medicine” and “Preventive Medicine” have become
the slogans of the layman.
How far reaching is the scope of this coordination is graphically revealed by General
“Work of the Navy and the Air Force is coordinated through the Joint Research and
Development Board; and the United States Public Health Service and the United States
Veterans Administration are constantly exchanging information with the Army Medical
Department. With Army laboratories in most of the militarily important areas of the
globe, it is at present literally true that the sun never sets on research activities of the
Army Medical Department.”
All of this gives us such a sense of security that we are not able to evaluate realities.
The zeal with which this program is undertaken is commendable, but we believe that the
public is entitled to know how many of our “healthiest men” died from shots for yellow
fever, and how many more were rushed to the hospitals in ambulances; how many of
these ever recovered perfect health. The public should be told by the Army about how
many of our recruits died following vaccination for smallpox, injections of cold serums,
and the many and sundry other billions of viruses and bacteria. Medical research should
turn its laboratory and clinical searchlights upon the illnesses that followed the 100
percent immunization program in the Armed Services. What percent of the “two-thirds
permanent losses of effectiveness” resulted from these “preventive measures?” General
Bliss said in his report that “no fighting man anywhere at any time has received better
medical treatment.”
Total Medicine has, for some years, been the objective of the organized Allopathic
profession. Success has been achieved in many states and communities where
compulsory inoculation laws are in effect. Too, there is the profession’s continuing
efforts to force practitioners of other schools, through Basic Science Laws, to qualify in
the fundamentals of immunological procedures and other medical practices. These laws,
approved by legislatures in about one-half of the states, require that Osteopaths,
Chiropractors, and Naturopaths become indoctrinated with the theory of immunology
before they can obtain a state license for practicing their own particular arts.
The manifest danger of such enactments lies in their assault upon one of the Four Great
Freedoms---Freedom of Belief. The theory of the dominant Allopathic profession, with
its inelastic concept of germs or their excreta as the cause of disease, governs modern
research, and when this theory is enforced upon practitioners of competitive systems of
therapy, it further restricts advancement.
If the preventive and curative procedures used by medical doctors today were
satisfactory, no necessity would exist for enforcing them through compulsory laws and
regulations. Parents everywhere would reach out eager hands toward them. As it is, the
structure upon which they are erected is so fragile that confidence in it can be sustained
only through expensive public educational efforts, extensive publicity, extravagant
propaganda and pharmaceutical advertising. Like all other trades and professions,
doctoring comes under the ruthless rules of the American economic system. The quantity
of idealism is perhaps neither greater nor less than found among lawyers or electricians.
The necessity of surviving is the deep, energizing force of all, and the desire to amass
wealth is the stimulating ambition that distorts perspective. Facing these
incontrovertible facts, the public must become alerted to the dangers of Total Medicine.
The penalties for continued apathy will be exacting. Prevailing methods, in order to
survive and thrive demand regimentation of the public.
The present laws, fostering basic science and immunology, blend into the pattern of our
economic system. Therefore, the protests against the methods they enforce must be
disregarded. Monopoly rides range on the protestors and its publicity cowboys put the
brand of fanatic on those who trespass on this Prior Arts Domain.
Those who traffic in health shoulder a tremendous moral responsibility. Conceding that
the average doctor has a sincere regard for the physical and mental well-being of his
patients---what, then, of the economic cartels that control his practices? The physician
has no control over the kinds of drugs and biologicals that are furnished to him. Unless
his practices are orthodox and his pronouncements conservative, the heavy hand of
censure falls upon him.
We do not expect any more idealism in the pharmaceutical industry than we do in the big
business of manufacturing and marketing steel or automobiles. Selling drugs is a
business. It is subject to minor federal controls. Its products are widely advertised.
Millions of dollars in profits are made annually from the sale of vaccines. The returns
from the 500,000 shots of vaccine administered in the New York smallpox scare, showed
up in the financial statements of manufacturers. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half
dollars, and paper money pour into the coffers of manufacturers for every phial of
vaccine, toxin anti-toxin, pneumonia shot, or cold serum distributed to physicians. The
production of these biologicals is big business, and the system is maintained successfully
in the face of convincing evidence against its efficacy. The revealing findings of science
disturb, but fail to dislodge the system, and the traffic goes on. Its deleterious effect upon
the health of the nation is attributed to other mysterious causes; and the whole biological
crew in the Army and elsewhere is dispatched along false, dead-end research trails. The
average physician, occupied with making a living, may look up to the sky occasionally
with grief in his face, hopeless before the grim god, Commercialism, cursing a little at the
tyranny in which he is entrapped.
The traffic in disease and health is so well organized that the advocates of naturalism are
ignored or ridiculed. There is no profit in fresh air, exercise, sunlight, deep breathing,
proper eating---or slum clearance. If these available health-giving items could be
patented and sold, immunological procedures would no doubt be abandoned.
It would be impossible to obtain complete statistics upon the sequelae of vaccinations and
serums---the illnesses and deaths that follow, sometimes years after the injections. All
through this century bacteriologists have warned against these dangers, as they have
observed the aftermath of immunology. In 1929 Dr. G. W. McCoy of the United States
Public Health Service drew especial attention to the danger of spinal cord diseases
following vaccination:
The increase of these “central nervous system disease” has baffled physicians and caused
a frightened population to grasp at new vaccines and wonder drugs.
It is not always possible for a doctor to determine the relationship between vaccination
and a disease which may follow, Professor Alexei D. Speransky, M.D., noted Russian
scientist who spent ten years in a well-equipped laboratory studying the nervous system
and its relationship to disease, states that post-vaccinal diseases might occur long after the
operation has been forgotten. “It is conceivable that by these methods we may be
crippling humanity,” he added.
Dr. Harrison S. Martland, chief medical examiner for Essex County, New Jersey, pointed
out why these Ehrlich diseases go undetected as they increase through the years. In the
issue of the Newark, New Jersey, Evening News of November 20, 1947, he declared:
“Deaths from brain and spinal cord diseases (Poliomyelitis, encephalitis, and meningitis)
resulting from vaccinations and other immunizations sometimes are attributed to other
causes because doctors are not sufficiently alerted to the connection between
immunizations and the deaths, or don’t want to recognize the deaths.”
“In any virus infection of the brain or the spinal cord developing from eight to fourteen
days after vaccination, the physician should suspect it is due to vaccination.”
Dr. Martland stated that the connection with vaccination, in one of the cases, was not
reported to his office until after inquiries by the press. The health commissioner in his
address described the difficulties of making ironclad determinations of the exact source
of virus infections. He did, however, bring to the attention of his colleagues a wealth of
statistical information on encephalitis deaths from vaccinations in various countries. He
emphasized that the “lack of alertness of doctors in reporting post-vaccinal encephalitis”
was a large factor in determining the percentage of cases and deaths following
The doctor reported that virus encephalitis not only follows vaccination for smallpox, but
results from rabies injections and inoculations for influenza. He declared that
information brought to his attention in Essex County “indicates an incidence of one death
in 3,000 of suspected rabies treated by injection.” He reported one death following an
influenza shot.
From the Journal of the American Medical Association of January 10, 1948, page 84, we
excerpt the following paragraph:
“It is well known that encephalitis occasionally follows vaccination. When it is due to
vaccination, it almost invariably occurs eleven to fourteen days later, but this is
exceedingly rare. From the beginning of April, when the vaccination program was
instituted (in New York City) until the second week in June, fifty possible cases of
encephalitis were reported to the Health Department.”---Israel Weinstein, Health Com.,
In many European countries, especially in England, physicians are more particular about
making reports covering cases that develop following inoculations. This is brought out in
the United States Public Health Reports for July 22, 1932. We quote the following
paragraph from this official record:
“The post-vaccinal encephalitis with which we are dealing has become a problem of itself
mainly in consequence of the events of the last few years in the Netherlands, England and
Wales. In each of these countries, the cases which have occurred have been sufficiently
numerous and similar to require them to be considered collectively. Their occurrence has
led to the realization that a new, or at least previously unsuspected or unrecognized risk
attaches to vaccination. . . the risk has, in the Netherlands, been considered of sufficient
gravity to cause the temporary suspension of the administrative measures by which the
vaccination of children has been secured, while in England the subject has already
received the attention of two expert committees, appointed by the Ministry of Health.”
Sleeping Sickness is one of the most spectacular of the serum diseases. When it puts its
morphic hand upon the brain of a child and ferries it into the somnolent land of sleep, the
circumstances are fraught with human drama, and a distraught population reads about it
in headlines. Medical science marshals its forces and resources to snatch the child back
from the clutch of coma, and a frantic search begins for the germ of virus that has crept
out of the microscopic wilderness to claim another victim. The little body is punctured
for samples of blood and other fluids, and grave-countenanced biologists study the
smears through powerful magnifiers, hoping to find the elusive invader. The newest
drugs are tried with a fanfare of hope; but all too often the child remains fixed in the
morphean stupor, until he passes beyond man’s help---into the Eternal.
And during all of this hectic searching and futile wonder-drugging few doctors ever turn
back the pages, days, weeks, months, or even years, to the time when the child was taken
into a clinic, where the nurse rubbed its arm with alcohol to make it sanitary, and injected
the sleep-producing, death-dealing germ into it, from a phial of vaccine, toxin anti-toxin,
typhoid or influenza serum.
If one case of sleeping sickness is post-vaccinal, by what logic do we conclude that they
are not practically all of the same origin? Could not those few reported in the centuries
preceding the microscopic age be attributed to the prevalence of general insanitation---
filth in water may be vaccine in a needle. The increase of the disease has paralleled the
widespread administering of serums. Only in recent years have physicians generally
looked for the cause in the phials of vaccine, and they infer that the post-vaccinal type is
rare, even though it is not distinguishable from other so-called types. Too, the
statements that it may occur only from a few days to a month after the vaccine is
introduced fade out before the assertions of those researchers who see its germs stalking
for years in the blood and body tissues, and, perhaps finally springing into deadliness as
the body media changes.
Heart Disease
Statistics compiled by the United States Public Health Service reveal that while heart
disease in the United States has increased slightly over seven times in thirty years,
endocarditis, which includes valvular troubles, has increased nearly twenty times. The
same source of information shows that valvular troubles and heart disease as a whole are
very much higher in states where the population is dense, such as New York,
Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, where vaccination is used on a general scale.
All over the land, daily and weekly newspapers, in their mortality reports, tell the story of
this swift killer leading the statistical parade.
The Reader’s Digest for November, 1946, brings out that American Army medical
officers “were disturbed by the high death rate by coronary disease among their troops,
especially in the lower age brackets, in training camps in the United States.”
Quoting further from the Reader’s Digest article: “The basic fact remains, between five
and seven million men in the United States now over twenty-five years old, are slated to
succumb to coronary disease.”
Researchers, looking for the astounding increase in coronary diseases and fatalities, are
exploring a variety of suspected causes. The Army medical doctors point to an increased
consumption of eggs, meat, milk, and other proteins as a suspected cause, while
investigators in civilian life attribute it in part to the impact of mechanized civilization
and the “Jeep-jive” tempo of the twentieth century. But this, obviously, would not
account for the upswing in heart ailments among the very young. A limited number of
researchers have visualized the cause as originating in the routinized schedules that have
been developed in the clinic for the care of infants and children of pre-school age.
The struggle of the body of the child to adapt itself to this type of bacterial bombardment
brought forth a warning from the late Dr. Herbert Snow, of the Cancer Hospital in
London, England, who blamed the increasing use of serums for the alarming increase of
deaths from heart trouble among children:
Dr. J.V. DePorte, director of Statistics for the New York State Department of Health,
revealed a surprising amount of heart disease among children in schools where a survey
was conducted. Rheumatic infection was indicated in more than one half of the cases.
A study made by the Mayo Clinic some years ago revealed that certain varieties of germs
pile up on the heart valves. In experimenting with guinea pigs, the clinic found colonies
of injected germs collected on the valves of the heart.
In Tyce’s Handbook of Medicine, we find a piece of the jig-saw puzzle that fits in with
the Mayo findings:
“In our laboratory, we have shown that cultures of streptococcus viridans from normal
mouths, when injected intravenously into rabbits, may give rise to a variety of lesions,
more particularly myocardial and endocardial.”
The second greatest killer of this age is cancer. It has become a devastating force in
human society during the present century. It was originally a disease afflicting middle-
aged and elderly people; but today it is invading the realm of children, destroying their
eyes, throats, and vital organs.
Lawrence Galton, writing in Collier’s for May 15, 1948, on “Cancer, the Child Killer,”
stated that each year thousands of children are dying untimely deaths from this disease.
He quotes from publications of the American Cancer Society that cancer “holds the death
warrants for 189,400 this year,” and that “many of the victims will be children.” He
quotes Dr. Frank S. Adair, secretary of the Cancer Control Commission of the Michigan
State Medical Society as saying: “Cancer in children kills about one half as many
children as tuberculosis, two-thirds as many as whooping cough, and seven times as
many as infantile paralysis.”
This writer tells of a study made of 2,000 cases among children, disclosing that the
disease is found most frequently in the bones, eyes, nervous system, kidneys, and
lymphatic structures. Leukemia, or cancer of the blood, also is of common occurrence.
This carcinomal invasion has given impetus to vast researches. Millions of dollars have
been contributed, and the problem is being studied in many clinics and laboratories.
The whole environment of modern man is being screened for the cause. Old foods are
coming under new scrutiny; the entire alphabet of vitamins is under suspicion, and
synthetic hormones, marketed to correct sex pathologies, are being distrusted.
The known factor, irritation, is being reappraised, and medical authors are pointing to
lard, browned butter, wheat germ oil, aniline dyes, and to a whole array of twentieth
century chemical compounds.
Before the microscope of the bacteriologist, in the laboratory of the clinician, and in the
mathematics of the statistician, the influence of man’s interference with the complex and
delicate structures and functions of the body is being examined. Estrogen, added to face
creams, is suspect in skin cancer; and some authorities believe that the reproductive
organs, flayed by synthetic glandular substances, are yielding to the mushrooming growth
of this loathsome disease.
The range of suspected substances was detailed in an article published by The Journal of
the American Medical Association for May 28, 1948. The writer asserts that the disease
may result from a “variety of chemical compounds, many of which may masquerade
unrecognized as innocent substances, resulting in chronic, occupational, therapeutic, or
cosmetic contact. There is proof of the carcinogenic potency of certain artificial
ingredients of foodstuffs, such as glucose, sesame oil, wheat germ oil, lard, over-cooked
meats, heated vegetable fats, roasted meat, browned butter, excessive vitamins. Also
certain endogenous substances produced within the body: acetyloholine and estrogen,
and certain commercial estrodial-containing face creams and estrogen-containing
ointments; also, aniline dyes, synthetic vitamins and aniline dyes contained in foods and
Other researchers are pointing to the program of immunology that has been so diligently
followed for three decades as a factor. Dr. C. P. Bryant in his writings on The Present
Status of Infection and Immunity says:
“It has often been stated by homeopathic physicians that cancer is a result of the use of
vaccines and serums and it has been noted that since their inception, cancer has been
steadily on the increase.”
The phenomena of this destructive malady invading the deep structures of children,
especially of the lymphatics and kidneys, where body impurities are screened, was
practically unknown before the time of immunology. It is the most clearly defined of all
the mysterious cellular pathologies affecting children in the Ehrlich age.
Another authority on the subject, Dr. Andrew Sergeant McNeil, British scientist, has this
to say in his book, The Cancer Mystery Solved:
“Vaccinations and injections of vaccines, are, in my opinion among the causes of the pre-
cancerous state. The underlying idea, in both these lines of treatment, is to obtain
protection from infection or the effects of infection, by a particular microbe, or from
several, in the case of a mixed vaccine. These substances are supposed to act by
sensitizing the tissue to a particular microbe or microbes, so that if the body is attacked
by the microbes concerned the sensitized tissues will develop a powerful reaction and
destroy them. We have, however, by this method of treatment ‘fallen from the frying pan
into the fire,’ for whatever degree of protection conferred buy the vaccine may be (and in
many cases it is valueless and even harm instead of good may result) we have certainly
sensitized our tissues and deliberately produced on of the essential conditions for cancer
When we plant zinnia seeds in the earth we always produce zinnias. But when we plant a
smallpox virus into the human body we may produce Spirochate Pallada, the cork-screw
plant of syphilis. The soil of the body is variable. In one person the vaccine grows
sleeping sickness; in another, spinal meningitis; in another, poliomyelitis; in another, the
bacteria, feeding upon the body’s undetermined media, grow into the devastating
spirochetes of syphilis.
A number of researchers have suspected for years that the tremendous upsurge of this
disease, in this age when simple preventive methods are known and education is
widespread, couldn’t be attributed altogether to social indiscretions and misbehavior.
From clinical studies conducted during World War II has come factual data tracing cases
of this scarifying and previously-degrading malady into the laboratory.
In the April, 1941, issue of the Naval Medical Bulletin, reporting on the results of tests on
20,000 recruits at the Naval Training Station at San Diego, California, between July,
1939, and January, 1941, Captain G. E. Thomas of the Medical Corps of the Navy tells
the story. He describes an experiment on these men. All had been checked by all known
means and found free of syphilis, and were then confined. These men were vaccinated
against smallpox. Those who did not show “successful” vaccination were re-vaccinated.
The experiment showed that more of these developed syphilis from the smallpox
vaccination than the percentage who developed syphilis from all causes in the civilian
population in the United States.
“The findings,” says Captain Thomas, “suggest a definite relation between cowpox
vaccination and the ‘false’ positive test (for syphilis.)”
Sir William Osler, in his Principles and Practice of Medicine, Seventh Edition, page 330,
“A quiescent malady may be lighted into activity by vaccination. This has happened with
congenital syphilis, occasionally with tuberculosis.”
Dr. Charles Creighton, M.D., in his Natural History of Cowpox and Vaccination, page
124, states:
“We have not a know test by which we can positively distinguish between lymph serum
which is harmless, and one which might be harmful to the extent of communicating
“A large proportion of the cases of apparent syphilis are in reality vaccinal,” says Dr.
Carter, St. George’s Hospital, London. In similar vein, Dr. Scott Tebb, in his work A
Century of Vaccination, declares:
“The disease that cowpox most resembles is not smallpox but syphilis.”
Even more specific is the statement of Dr. David H. Reeder, of LaPorte, Indiana:
“For a hundred and twenty-five years we have been inoculating human beings with
vaccinal syphilis, and I am convinced that much of the tremendous increase in the deaths
from cancer may be traced directly to this disease inoculation.”
Dr. Richard C. Cabot, chief diagnostician in the Massachusetts General Hospital, in his
book, The Layman’s Handbook of Medicine, warns readers of the dangers in the anti-
toxin treatment of Diphtheria:
“Within the last few years we have become aware of certain dangers in the anti-toxin
treatment of diphtheria. The most terrible results are in people who have no diphtheria,
but are given serum in perfect health as a protective, and die from it.”
“The percentage of errors in reading reactions in those who are protein sensitive is, in the
hands of even the most experienced, frequently as high as fifty percent.”
“Scarlet fever and diphtheria are questionable as regards the value of prophylaxis, and
reactions are not sufficiently regarded by enthusiasts. Before the county is stampeded
into mass immunization this problem should be most thoroughly gone into, e.g.
anaphylaxis with serum, encephalitis with vaccination.”
The Medical Officer, official magazine of British health officers, has time and time again
spoken out against the dangers of immunization. C. Killick Millard, medical officer for
Leicester, in a report to the health committee of that city, as reported in The Medical
Officer for March 9, 1935, declared:
“In view of the facts and considerations adduced above (in the annual report) I feel that I
cannot recommend the health committee of Leicester City Council to take any action at
present in the direction of encouraging inoculation of the general public. I think it would
be wise to wait until there is a little more certainty that good and not harm is likely to
“Taking the twelve years 1921-33, the average diphtheria mortality figure for Leicester
comes out at the three per 100,000. The figure for England and Wales was seven. That
for Birmingham was six in spite of the fact that 45,000 children had been inoculated.”
In the same journal on the same date, Dr. Austin Priestman, medical officer for
Folkestone, was quoted:
“On the surface it seems unlikely that a measure so perpetually expensive in time, labor
and money should yield satisfaction.
“It is safer to help man and his resistance through the healing channels of work and food
and recreation, and to leave to Nature an immunization which she will give, perhaps more
slowly than we wish, but more efficiently and with a more true economy.”
Let us bring to bear upon this question a statement found in the official Journal of the
American Medical Association on April 2, 1937:
“A multiplicity of untoward sequelae have been observed in patients treated with immune
serum. . .The common symptomatology includes fever, urticaria, erythema, oedema,
lymphadenoma, artharaliga, smothering sensations, headache, nausea and vomiting.
Occasionally there are more serious and lasting manifestations such as peripheral neuritis,
epididymitis and orchitis.”
“While the potential dangers of immediate and delayed reactions following parenteral
administration of horse serum are well recognized by the medical profession, the
possibility that serum sickness may result in serious complications is not as well known.
One of the most serious sequels following prophylactic and therapeutic injection is horse
serum neuritis.
“Serum sickness probably would occur in all cases if enough serum were given. Local
itching, swelling, generalized urticaria, fever, enlargement of lymph glands, polyarthritis
inflammation of may joints, general malaise, leukopenia, albumin uria, fall of blood
pressure and decreased coaguability of the blood make up the complete clinical picture.
“The severity of the reaction varies greatly. The cause is in no way understood.
“Within a few hours after the onset of serum sickness and generalized urticaria, severe
neuritic pains develop. The pains usually involve the neck, shoulders, arms and legs and
are so severe that analgesic and opiate medication gives little relief. Flaccid paralysis
occurs within a few hours to a day or two and is followed by gradual atrophy of muscles.
“Associated with serum sickness are intense vasodilation (spreading apart of blood
vessels) and edema of skin, muscles, bursae and joint tissues.”
“We believe that this is the only medical journal that has warned its readers against the
risks attending immunization against disease as the common cold, influenza, typhoid and
so on. Immunization against diphtheria is one of the latest, we might say one of the latest
crazes. At any rate, we again wish to sound a warning against it. We really know far too
little about the actual results of immunization to warrant us meantime in adopting such
measures. Unfortunately deaths following immunization have been reported from time to
time. This should make us very cautious.”
In that same year British post office authorities clamped down upon cold serum
manufacturers, stating that after three years of experimenting, inoculation with vaccines
offered for the prevention or cure of colds was not justifiable. Hearing of this action, Dr.
Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of The American Medical Association, remarked in
“It took the British rather a long time to find out that there is no real value in any of the
vaccines. This simply confirms the announcement made ten years ago by the American
Medical Association. There are four or five of these anti-cold vaccines, but we have
found that none is of any real value.”
Since then, we have been told of “new and better” cold serums, and hundreds of
thousands of people suffering from this commonest of maladies, have grasped at these
promised relief “shots” and cures. The truth that they are no better than the old ones was
brought up-to-date by the Journal for June 5, 1948, when on page 566 it said:
“Experience with cold vaccines shows that the method is of no value as a preventive
measure against colds.”
Summing up the modern picture of inoculation, the Lancet, a British health periodical of
wide circulation, declares in its issue of January, 1938:
“Those who have had to take detailed notice of immunization accidents of the past few
years know that to get the truth of what really went wrong generally calls for the
resources of something like a secret service.
“If intradermal tests are used, one should be sure that the tests are preceded by a negative
reaction to a scratch test in order to avoid generalized reactions, which may be serious
and which may even, on rare occasions, result in the death of a highly sensitive child.
Allergic children should be given prophylactic treatment for diphtheria, pertussin and
tetanus. . .Hipo immunization against pertussin (whooping cough) is important because
respiratory allergies are likely to develop in an allergic child. If whooping cough does
develop, it should be combated with human immune globulin or hyper-immune human
Knowledge of the therapeutic value of fresh air, sunshine, and wholesome food has
helped doctors in their efforts to control the modern plague of tuberculosis. In diagnosis
the X-ray has proved of inestimable value in detecting cases, especially among school
children, where boards of health often set up units for x-raying entire student bodies as a
public service.
It is only when health authorities resort to tuberculin testing of children that criticism can
successfully be maintained.
Says the United States Public Health Bulletin, Tuberculosis: its predisposing causes:
“It has been found that thousands of persons react to the tuberculin test who have no
signs of tuberculosis. About 90 percent of all children between the ages of twelve and
thirteen and practically all adults will give a positive reaction. Most people who react to
the tuberculin test are apparently healthy and never break down from tuberculosis,
although they have received living tubercule bacilli into their bodies, perhaps many
The latent, lurking danger in such tests is set forth by Dr. Maurice Fishberg in his book
on Pulmonary Tuberculosis:
“When carelessly performed with excessive doses, latent or quiescent lesions may be
flared up into activity. Living and virulent tubercule bacilli may appear in the blood after
an injection of tuberculin. In some cases it is shown that hemoptysis is provoked by the
test. In general, the reaction consists of transient toxic injury to the body and the nervous
system bears the brunt of traumatism. The use of tuberculin for diagnostic purposes
ought to be condemned. It is unreliable both positively and negatively. Diagnostic
injections are dangerous.”
Dr. Esmond D. Long, writing in the Lancet on “Tuberculosis in College Students,” issued
a sharp warning:
“It is now well known that ‘Old Tuberculin,’ as manufactured, is a variable product and
while most of the market preparations are of sufficient strength, some are not, and a few
are so strong as to cause an unwarranted number of severe reactions. Standardization
seems desirable. People infected with tuberculosis for constitutional reasons vary in their
sensitivity to tuberculin about a million times. A dose that will barely elicit a reaction on
one will cause superficial necrosis in the arm of another.”
Statistics disclose that the incidence of disease in these sections is higher that in the better
residential areas, even though inoculation is more vigorously pursued. Among the
dwellers of these indigent regions, the practices of medicine are seldom doubted.
Regulations have the power of law, and the wretched people rush into the free clinics at
the least provocation.
The illusion of Prevention enters into the planning of city officials, who seldom consider
the need of rehabilitating slum areas because of the menace of disease and lowered
health. Like the vast majority of citizens, these officials are convinced that the
physicians, with their virus-laden needles, have conquered this menace, and stand ready
to conquer epidemics.
“Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion of public attention from
true methods of disease prevention. It encourages public authorities to permit all kinds of
sanitary defects and social problems to remain undressed, particularly in schools. It
ignores the part played by food and sunlight and many other factors in the maintenance of
health. It exaggerates the risk of diphtheria and works upon the fear of parents. The
more it is supported by public authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be
concealed or denied.” Then he adds this specific item:
“The pitfalls connected with a comparison of inoculated with uninoculated groups are
well know to statisticians and have been emphasized in the medical press; the importance
of seeing that the two groups are comparable in all other respects has been entirely
ignored in the official statements issued.”
Our belief that we can attain prevention from diseases originating in filth by injecting
toxic substances into the body, has made public authorities in many American cities
callous to the demands for ordinances and regulations providing pure milk, ice cream,
meat, and other foods.
Likewise has come superlative faith in our methods of controlling disease-bearing and
crop-destroying insects by atmospheric spraying with DDT and other laboratory
products. It seemed at first that great advancement had been made over previous days,
when spraying was limited to individual plants and trees; but the cost in the destruction of
beneficial species had not been assayed. Here again, we have put man the ingenious on a
throne about Nature, and his assaults on the insect world have been prodigal and ruthless.
If we had followed the counsel of Dr. Campbell and encouraged an increase of
dragonflies and bats, natural enemies of the anopholes mosquito, hundreds of thousands
of people might not today be suffering with malaria, which prevails as a constant scourge,
despite costly chemical “controls,” and drugs which only suppress the symptoms of the
The result was not measurable in the way of any observable achievement. The epidemic
continued. Flies, mosquitoes, and semi-tropical insects appeared undiminished. It was a
grand gesture on the part of Uncle Sam, diverting people’s attention from unaesthetic
“islands of segregation,” where outdoor toilets dotted the backyards and from which a
sickening stench forever arose---now blending with the acrid smell of DDT. The move
had a sinister compatibility with the prevailing ideas about how to combat filth; that is, to
use one kind to neutralize another. For DDT, according to the United States Department
of Agriculture, is not poisonous alone to certain insects, but causes toxemia and even
death in birds, animals, fish, and human beings. Sprayed over streams as a mosquito
eradicator, it sometimes kills fish, and house birds die if subjected to its fumes.
“Upon the earth, all life is so well integrated that we should think soberly of the effect
that a
blanket destruction of one form will have upon another. About three-quarters of a
million different species of insects have been identified, and out of this extraordinary
number only a few are harmful to man. The tsetse fly, the anopholes mosquito, lice and
certain crop-destroying insects have wrought hardships by carrying plagues and bringing
about starvation. While, on the other hand, pollenization of fruit trees and other crops are
dependent upon insect life. The very soil out of which we pluck the substance of life is
cultured and cultivated by insects. Our insect eating birds will dwindle in proportion to
our use of bug-killing chemicals; and suddenly we will discover that we have brought
about an imbalance of Nature that will more than likely prove a new hazard.”
The need of sanitation is essential to prevent and control disease; and we have to do more
than release clouds of poison dust to achieve the objective sought.
If some of the money being spent on geographic spraying with questionable and possible
dangerous insecticides was utilized for slum clearance, we would at least be
demonstrating a sensible understanding of the primary needs in safeguarding ourselves
from epidemic diseases.
The artificial nature of our convictions about disease prevention and cure are nowhere
more manifest than in the universal acceptance of vitamins as health restorers. Most of
these alphabetic agents are manufactured in laboratories, make big profits, are sold over
the counter without prescriptions, and too often cause damage rather than good. The
latest researches reveal them as probable inciters of cancer, and as retarding the growth of
children if not carefully administered.
These conclusions were reached during studies on child nutrition. One study of babies
showed that 100 units of Vitamin D are needed daily to protect a child form rickets. This
amount comes naturally through milk and other foods. The scientists disclosed that by
greatly increasing the dose, the growth of the children was retarded. Other sequelae
developed, such as the abnormal eruption of teeth. Little data has been developed
showing the exact dosage required, or just how to correlate the synthetic intake with the
quantity of the vitamin consumed in natural foods.
The searchers after health must ultimately see that the two attentive handmaidens of this
precious heritage are Sanitation and Nutrition. Not until society turns away from the
false concept of Preventive Medicine, vitamins, hormones, and immunizing shots, filth
within to combat filth without, can we expect to make progress in our relentless war on
The value of vital, wholesome food is so well known that comments are irrelevant. Dr.
Campbell found that the virulence of smallpox could be controlled by nutrition, and the
pocking was eliminated when fresh fruit and green vegetables were available for victims.
Few studies of this character have ever been made by scientists; at least, the evidence of
such studies is not within reach. The concentration has been made on the effect of
synthetic products, supplanting or supplementing regular diets. We do know that scurvy
is caused by the body’s lack of Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, and pellagra comes from
the human organism’s hunger for elements found in green vegetables, milk, and eggs.
Likewise, rickets is a deficiency disease, and there are countless other maladies resulting
from a lack of a balanced diet.
The Voices in the Wilderness have been many through the years of this century and they
have spoken in powerful language, but they have faded out before the clamor of
Commercialism in health. Statements like that of Dr. James Gordon Cuming, in the
Journal of The American Medical Association, light the way:
“The eradication of diphtheria will not come through the serum treatment of patients, by
the immunization of the well, or through the accurate clinical and laboratory diagnosis of
the case and the carrier followed by quarantine; rather it will be attained through the mass
sanitary protection of the populace, subconsciously practiced by the people at all times.”
And John D. Rockefeller, Sr., after he had established the Foundation for Medical
Research bearing his name, must have communed with Nature for, when nearing the
century mark in age, he designed her as the Great Physician:
“Men who are studying the problem of disease tell us that it is becoming more and more
evident that the forces which conquer sickness are within the body itself, and that it is
only when these are reduced below the normal that disease can get a foothold.
“The way to ward off disease, therefore, is to tone up the body generally, and when
disease has secured a foothold, the way to combat it is to help those natural resisting
agencies that are within the body itself.”
Thomas Edison was another whose voice spoke clearly in the wilderness:
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of
the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Professor Speransky, Dr. Manwearing, Dr. Osler, and many others have spoken from the
high hills of science, warning of danger in prevailing practices. “By these methods, we
may be crippling humanity,” Speransky warned.
And far from least among the commentators is Bernard Shaw, brilliant Irish satirist, who
has been speaking out against the practice of immunology for forty years. In one of his
small essays on the subject, he declared:
“As to such outrages as compulsory vaccination and the monstrous series of dangerous
inoculations which we forced on our soldiers, and at some frontiers in immigrants, they
are only desperate attempts to stave off the consequences of bad sanitation and
overcrowding by infecting people with diseases when they are well and strong, in the
hope of developing their natural resistance sufficiently to prevent them from catching it
when they are ailing and weak. The poverty of our doctors forces them to support such
practices in the teeth of all experience and disinterested science; but if we get rid of poor
doctors and overcrowded and unsanitary dwellings, we get rid of diseases which terrify
us into those grotesque witch rituals, and no woman will be forced to expose her infant to
the risk of a horrible, lingering vaccine lest it should catch confluent smallpox, which, by
the way, is on a choice between two evils, much to be preferred.
“Dread of epidemics; that is, of disease and premature death, has created a pseudo-
scientific tyranny just as the dread of hell created a priestly tyranny in the ages of faith.
Florence Nightingale, a sensible woman, whom doctors could neither humbug nor bully,
told them that what was wrong with our soldiers was dirt, bad food, and foul water; in
short, the conditions produced by war in the field and poverty in the slum. When we get
rid of poverty, the doctors will no longer be able to frighten us into imposing on
ourselves by law pathogenic inoculations which, under healthy conditions kill more
persons than the disease against which they pretend to protect them. And when we get
rid of commercialism, and vaccines no longer make dividends for capitalists, the fairy
tales by which they are advertised will drop out of the papers and be replaced, let us
hope, by disinterested attempts to ascertain the scientific truth about them, which, by the
way promises to be much more hopeful and interesting.”
The human body has borne the brunt of continuous medical experimentation since the
days of Hippocrates. Scientifically, mankind has been assaulted by new chemicals and
procedures, generation after generation. Countless new compounds have been concocted
and spooned into the body for varied and perverse ailments. Physicians have leaped the
gulf from blood-letting to transfusions, from mobilizing to immobilizing muscles
paralyzed by polio, from the mild pills of Homeopathy to the powerful concentrates of
Methods and medicines have been as miscellaneous as the capacity of the human mind
for invention. Where once we kept surgical patients in bed for days, we now practically
make them walk out of the operating room; where a few years ago, we cut out their
tonsils and appendices at the least provocation, we now conserve these organs, except in
emergencies, as integrated anatomical units.
But always, regardless of the design of remedies and methods, the public has accepted
them, and the protests of a limited number of dissenters have been shattered in humpty-
dumpty fashion against the battered but resisting walls of Faith. But skepticism and
unbelief have persisted, and in time forced practitioners to abandon procedures both
useless and harmful.
Almost every organic and inorganic substance in Nature has been tapped in the ceaseless
search for elusive fountains of youth and health. Many minerals have been used; and an
infinite variety of plants and trees have been drawn upon for remedies to relieve pain and
cure disease. The urine of mares has been sieved for hormones for women; serum has
come from the pus of infected calves; toxin anti-toxin from the blood of diseased horses.
Sheep glands have been pulverized and extracts taken from them for the cure of disease.
If this endless searching of science, going on today as ever, could be modified by proven
hygienic practices and wholesome teaching on health matters, there would come a
balanced understanding insuring higher standards of health everywhere. The over-
emphasis on artificial procedures, combined with the false belief that scientific medicine
has made it safe to disregard the laws of Nature, hangs over the human race like a Sword
of Damocles.
Today, with synthetic medicine dominating chemistry and glandular products flooding
the market and being prescribed freely by doctors who know too little about their affects,
the threat to public health is greater than ever in the past. In the field of endocrinology,
where hormones are being widely used to overcome sex deficiencies and disturbances of
the vital organs, we are tinkering with anatomical structures and hereditary forces about
which our knowledge is fragmentary. The functions of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized
manufacturing plant in the brain, which turns out at least eleven specific products,
illustrates the complex character of these deep-seated glands that control body functions
by chemical catalysts and hormones. Out of the experiments with chemicals
administered to stimulate or retard the functions of these glands, is coming reports of
induced cancer and many other dangerous pathologies. Yet both men and women
willingly and eagerly expose their lives to the inevitable traumatism of these chemical
compounds, concocted in laboratories for sale and profit..
In this thesis, we have constantly sought to show that health is not a purchasable
commodity, and that contemporary methods, instead of preventing and curing disease,
too often culminate in broken health, lowered vitality, disease, and death. It is
conceivable that the continued bombardment of the body by alien bacteria and viruses
may presage the fall of our civilization. By these practices we may be invading the
sacred sanctorums of Heredity, leaving to our children unto the third and fourth
generations the inheritance of Twentieth Century Preventive Medicine.
Health should be the expectation of citizens in this the best fed and clothed nation; and
the methods of insuring it should be researched with complete disregard for economics.
If we are wise enough to survey the facts and preview the future, we will realize the
necessity of restraining professional groups and industries that today are undermining the
mentality and physiology of children---and doing it where ever possible by compulsion
and with the aid of the government.
The twenty-five percent of our people who have turned their backs on the magnificent
citadels of modern medicine may conceivably turn the tide away from the type of
thinking that expects a vaccine-laden needle to perform preventive and curative miracles
outside the immutable laws of Nature.