Solid State Notes

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NO distancee

Cubic a =bC = ß =y =90°

(a) Simple-
Lattice points at the
Eight corners of the
unit cells.

(b) Body centered:

Lattice points at the
eight corners and at
the body centered.

(c) Face centered

Lattice points the
eight comers andat
the six face centres

2. Tetragonal a =b #c =p=Y=90°
(d) Simple-
Lattice points at the
eight comers of the unit

(e) Body centered

Lattice points at the
eight corners and at
the body centre.

3. Orthorhombic a zb*c a =p=y= 90° () Simple

(Rhombic) Lattice pointsat the
eight comers of the unit

g) End centered:
Also called side
centered or base
centered. Lattice Points
at the eight coers
and at two face centre
Opposite to each other.

(h) Body centered

Lattice points at the |
eight corners and at
the body centre.

i) Face centered:
Lattice points
eight corners and at
at the
the six face centres
Some Important Characteristics of Various types of Crystals

Characteristics lonic Crystals Covalent Molecular Metallic Crystals

Crystals Crystals
Units that Cations and Atoms Molecules Positive ions in a
occupy lattice anions "sea or pond" of

points electrons.
Binding Electrostatic Shared vander Waals Electrostatic
forces attraction electrons or Dipole- attraction between
between ions dipole positively charged
ions and negatively
charged electrons.
1ardness Hard Very hard Sott Hard or soft
is soft

Brittleness Brittle Intermee Low Low


Melting point High Very high Low Varying from

moderate to high
Semi cond- Bad condu- Good conductors
Electrical Non-con
Conduction uctor due to ductor ctor

crystal impe Graphite

rfections,com is good
ductor in fused conductor

Solubility in Soluble Insoluble Soluble as Good conductors

Polar solvents well a

Heat of NaCl(s) Graphite NH,) Cu(s)
170-75 718-43 23.55 304.59
(kj mol )

Heat of NaCi NH, () Culs)

fusion .45 5.65 13.016

(kj mol )

Na, Cu, Ag, Fe,

Example NaC1, KNo, Diamond, HOs),
Pt, alloys
CsCl, Na So, graphite Co.s),
ZnS Quartz Sulphur,

(Si0). Sugar
SiC lodine.noble

nexagonal abC
120 i. Lattice points at the
twelve corners of the
unit cell out lines by
thick line
ii. Lattice points at the
twelve comers of
hexagonal prism and at
the centres of the two
hexagonal faces.

Monoclinic abc a=p=90°*Y (1) Simple

Lattice points at the
eignt cormers of the unit

(m) End centered

Lattice point
the at
eight comers and at
two face centers
opposite to the each

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