This document provides a summary of Berna Karataş's work experience, education, skills, and qualifications. Some of her key responsibilities included improving onboarding processes, processing training data, and creating video content for an e-learning platform at various internship roles. She also worked as a sales representative finding and contacting potential advertising customers. Her education includes a Bachelor's degree in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations and she is currently a Master's student in Management and Marketing.
This document provides a summary of Berna Karataş's work experience, education, skills, and qualifications. Some of her key responsibilities included improving onboarding processes, processing training data, and creating video content for an e-learning platform at various internship roles. She also worked as a sales representative finding and contacting potential advertising customers. Her education includes a Bachelor's degree in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations and she is currently a Master's student in Management and Marketing.
This document provides a summary of Berna Karataş's work experience, education, skills, and qualifications. Some of her key responsibilities included improving onboarding processes, processing training data, and creating video content for an e-learning platform at various internship roles. She also worked as a sales representative finding and contacting potential advertising customers. Her education includes a Bachelor's degree in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations and she is currently a Master's student in Management and Marketing.
This document provides a summary of Berna Karataş's work experience, education, skills, and qualifications. Some of her key responsibilities included improving onboarding processes, processing training data, and creating video content for an e-learning platform at various internship roles. She also worked as a sales representative finding and contacting potential advertising customers. Her education includes a Bachelor's degree in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations and she is currently a Master's student in Management and Marketing.
Med aMarkt Turkey (Istanbul) | Jul 2019 - Aug 2019 My key respons b l t es were: mprov ng onboard ng process (project-based) CONTACT process ng n-company tra n ng data on Excel prepar ng cert f cates and presentat ons us ng Photoshop +420 777 144 913 prov d ng ass stance to the HR managers
HUMAN RESOURCES INTERN Yıldız Hold ng (Istanbul) - JOB (Jun or Or entat on n Bus ness) /bernakaratas Project Based Internsh p Programme | Jul 2017 - Sep 2017 My key respons b l ty was: creat ng v deo content for the e-learn ng platform Academy PERSONAL SKILLS ŞOK, wh ch was n the early stages of ts development. (Therefore, I had an opportun ty to take part n most of ts Met culous Exuberant creat on stages. My b ggest contr but on was updat ng the Team Player Proact ve educat onal content and com ng up w th new deas thanks to Problem-solver Pat ent the fact that I had good relat onsh ps w th store staff) Academy ŞOK rece ved two awards from d fferent organ zat ons LANGUAGES one year after t was launched. My HR managers stated that currently they st ll use the tra n ng v deos I prepared. Turk sh (Nat ve Speaker) Turk sh S gn Language SALES REPRESENTATIVE Engl sh (C1 - IELTS Academ c Hepta Entrepreneursh p (Izm r) | Oct 2016 - May 2017 Overall Score: 7.0) My key respons b l t es were: Czech (A2) f nd ng and contact potent al customers who can advert se n our magaz ne wh ch we d str buted n more than 200 places n DIGITAL SKILLS Izm r mak ng agreements w th the d str but on places for the MS W ndows (Advanced) magaz ne MS Off ce (Advanced) wr t ng content for the magaz ne Adobe Prem ere Pro CC (Upper manag ng soc al med a accounts Intermed ate) Photoshop (Upper Intermed ate) EDUCATION M crosoft Dynam cs NAV MASTER'S STUDENT, MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING (Intermed ate) Tomas Bata Un vers ty, Zlín (Czech Republ c) | 2019 - Present SAP (Intermed ate) SPSS (Intermed ate) BACHELORS DEGREE, LABOUR ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS VOLUNTEER Dokuz Eylul Un vers ty, Izm r (Turkey) | 2015 - 2019 EXPERIENCE (Honors L st Student) Dokuz Eylul Un vers ty Bus ness EXCHANGE STUDENT Club Jan Evangel sta Purkyně Un vers ty, Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republ c) Publ c L brary of İzm r Erasmus+ student from September 2017 through June 2018 Free Mover student from January 2019 through June 2019 HOBBIES CERTIFICATES REFERENCES Reformer p lates, r d ng horse, travell ng, mus c Please see the portfol o. Ava lable upon request.