Family Constellations
Family Constellations
Family Constellations
Synopsis 2
SYNOPSIS ................................................................................................................2
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................5
BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................................33
In an assembly of ten people, Mary, 45 years, asks me: "I will like to understand why I have
trouble to get separated from my mother". I answer her "You would like to cut the umbilical
cord from your mother? Select 3 people, a woman to represent you, another for your mother
and a man for your father, and place them ". She asks me "my biological father?" "Yes,
naturally", I reply.
Mary chooses 3 people and places them in the middle of the assembly: her representative is
facing her mother’s representative and her father’s representative is in front of her on the right,
some steps backward from her mother. The arrows represent the people and the direction of
their glance; dotted line indicates the displacement of the father.
Mary's Mother's
representative representative
A few minutes later, the father moves forward spontaneously, turns on his right and goes
behind Mary’s representative. He pushes her towards her mother. Mary’s representative has
difficulty to advance; the father pushes her even more. When Mary’s representative is very
close to her mother, I ask her to say "mom, please, take me in your arms". The mother opens
her arms and tightens the daughter’s representative who advanced. Mary’s representative cries.
During this time, the father moves back and goes behind her. I say to Mary sitting beside me:
"In order to cut the umbilical cord, you must first feel it".
A few minutes afterwards, when Mary’s representative is at peace in her mother’s arms, the
father returns spontaneously and gently to the right-hand side of the mother. Mary’s
representative looks at her father and says "thank you". The father is happy and smiles. The
representative is turned back and leans on her 2 parents.
Several minutes later, a representative of her destiny is placed in front of her. Mary’s
representative moves forward. The father looks at her and says spontaneously "I am happy
when you moves forward"
Mary takes her representative’s place. She is placed opposite her mother and repeats after me
the following words: "Dear mom, I take all of you, completely and all that that implies. I take
life at the price that cost you and that costs me. I take your gift and I honour it. I transmitted it,
as you did it with me. I take you for mother and you can have me as your child. You give, I
Preamble 4
take. You are the big one, I am the little one. I am happy that you chose dad. You are the right
parents for me. You and only you".
The scene lived by representatives is taken again by Mary. She goes to her father and says
"thank you". Her father smiles. Mary turns back and has now her back pressed on her 2 parents.
She remains thus several minutes. Later, the representative of her destiny is placed in front of
her. She gently moves towards her destiny. She stops and looks towards her father who slowly
raises his right hand, showing her the way and saying: "I am happy when you steps towards
your destiny ".
I close the constellation while saying: "I thank you, you can leave the roles".
One week later, Mary writes to me: "what I keep in mind… is this tenderness finally shared
with my mother in a context of reconciliation with myself, my two parents, and the possibility
for me to live my life in a greater freedom or in other words, to be myself, and free from my
desire to find my father who is already there, inside me. I was ready to live this experiment
which I felt in my heart and my body. I was touched by the love shared with my two parents.
What a liberation".
Introduction 5
You have just read one of the last constellations I animated. I discovered family constellations
according Bert Hellinger in 1999 with Marlis Grzymek Laule. I remember it as if it were
yesterday. I was amazed and I am always astonished by the phenomenon. I am an engineer, got
a master of science in Stanford (USA) and worked 20 years in construction and data
processing. I even wrote books on data-processing methods. The world was for me rational and
"almost" everything could be explained.
I had also touched therapy, transactional analysis and gestalt therapy. But, this day, I was
completely out-of-date. I saw in front of me people who reacted as representative of people
they did not know at all. Selected people had the same history as the people they represented.
A woman who represented the mother of a client had, like the mother of the client, a father
who was an aviator. My brother, who was born in Algeria, was taken, 5 minutes after having
entered the room, as a representative of a person who went to Algeria! So many extraordinary
phenomena without rational explanations left me amazed.
Moreover, this art to follow participants’ feeling goes towards reconciliation. It reinstates
excluded people from the family system, without distinction, young deaths, committed suicide,
victims and the perpetrators, women who died in layers as miscarriages.
It applies to systems other than the family, to real systems such as companies or to fictional
systems such as scripts or fairy tales.
It changed the course of my life which I believed very straight. I animate now family
constellations regularly and am always astonished. I continue to try out and test new
techniques. I thus learned effective and complementary techniques to the family constellations
such as hypnosis of Milton Erickson, EMDR of Francine Shapiro and the holding therapy of
Jirina Prekop.
This little book is a call to come and see family constellations one evening. Perhaps will your
life change as mine? Its plan is as follows:
The first chapter clarifies various practices which contributed to the emergence of family
constellations according to Bert Hellinger.
The second approaches the objective of the constellations, the rehabilitation of excluded
from the family system and indicates the dynamic ones and certain diseases associated with
this exclusion.
The third describes the phenomenon which the representatives of family constellation feel.
It gives other examples of application of this phenomenon.
The fourth develops the characteristics of this therapy and, particularly, the necessary
independence between the customer and the therapist.
The fifth proposes other short therapies complementary the family constellations.
I wanted this book the simplest as possible.
Chapter 1: genesis 6
Chapter 1: genesis 7
Chapter 1: genesis
The family constellations relate to the "transgenerational", the traumas having touched people
from preceding generations. They belong to family therapies and put in stage the members of
this family.
Bert Hellinger took, as a starting point, therapists’ discoveries to create family constellations.
Let us present the transgenerational therapies which can help you to understand Bert
Hellinger’s path.
Many books are currently published on this subject. They attach importance on the dates of
birth, the events having a resonance, just like the names and the first names. Thus, if the father
or the child named Gabriel dies and if the following son is called Gabriel, the child replaces the
father or the son in the heart of the parents. He does not give himself any more the right to exist
for him. First names are thus significant: Christian, Agnes… for "Christ" or "Angels". They
point out missing people parents unconsciously seek to make live again. This technique is very
interpretative and random.
Moreno psychodrama
In order to clarify bonds between the people in the family, certain therapists had the idea to
stage the protagonists of the history or a particular event by taking representatives. The
objective is to put in space what is in the spirit.
Many people used this technique. The most known is Jacob Levy Moreno, a Rumanian
physician, who created in 1921 the "theatre of improvisation" in Vienna. His technique, the
psychodrama, was included in many other therapies. While playing in "reality" the event, the
client dives again in his trauma. Moreno had made a client who had fits of anger the role of a
prostitute, which was a completely different role from hers. Her fits of anger began to
disappear. In the majority of psychodramas, also called sculptures, people play their own role
and the therapist analyzes the situation according to the position of each person in space. Then,
he deduces a message according to his experiment and his perspicacity.
family constellations and Ericksonian hypnosis. He also "theorized" philosophy while being
attentive to the phenomenon and the resolutions which appeared at each family constellation.
emotions. It dissociates the person to alleviate the pain and to enable him to react. It does not
ask him to think. The limbic brain is in a hurry.
Event Thought's
Limbic asking Neocortex
Reaction brain brain
When an image or a feeling evoking the trauma reappears, the limbic brain (over)reacts. And
when the trauma was not healed, the individual does not understand what happens. His reaction
surprises him. The limbic brain has declared emergency and has taken the commands, such as
the horse in front of an obstacle the rider does not see.
Arthur Janov is a Czech psychiatrist. He specified the role of the limbic brain and that of the
neocortex in his book "the body remembers". The external feelings arrive at the limbic brain
which has a "local" memory. When the trauma is violent and that the emotion is too "strong"
for the neocortex, endorphins are released to prevent the too unpleasant feedback. There is then
a difference between the memories of the 2 brains.
The cicatrisation of the trauma consists in making the 2 memories coherent, updating
information between the limbic brain and the neocortex. Thus, the individual will react to
emergency in a fast and suitable way.
If one of the 2 partners comes from a system in "debt", if he is handicapped for example, he
will ask more than he can give to his partner without handicap. Balance will be broken. He
asks, what he finds legitimates, to the wrong person. He is retained by invisible bonds to the
members of his system of origin. He is unconsciously "trustful" with his system of origin. It is
important that he restores first a certain balance in his system of origin in order to be in a
balanced relation with his partner.
In case of separation of the parents, the child wants to be honest to both parents. If there is a
contradiction appears a cleavage of honesty. The child is lost or finds himself in a dead end
because it does not know any more which it must receive in priority. If the parents were
malevolent, the child will try to compensate even more by behaving like a parent to his parents.
By wanting to save them, he replaces his grand parents.
A person thus can, by honesty, replace another person of his system to restore the wrong that
was made to him. He believes he is very powerful. In fact, he sows disorder. How to restore the
Chapter 2: to reintegrate excluded ones from the system 11
Chapter 2: to reintegrate excluded ones from the system 12
A constellation is a bunch of stars connected by imaginary lines, thus tracing a figure on the
vault of heaven. The client is also a star inside a system, people with which he is in bond and
interaction. Family constellations according to Bert Hellinger put in light disturbed interactions
and put them in order by reintegrating a person, a star, who was excluded from the family
Who is excluded?
The excluded is the one whose destiny is not accepted. A tragic event is always at the origin of
this exclusion. It is often a death which one considers unjust, like a woman who died in layers,
a child who dies young or a person who committed suicide. It can be also a member of the
family who is handicapped, insane or left abroad and voluntarily forgotten.
Chapter 2: to reintegrate excluded ones from the system 13
Those who gave their life for the family, such as forced workers, slaves, the platelayers must
also be honoured.
Victims are often recognized, the murderers are less. They belong to the system and their
human character must be recognized so that the victims are in peace. Paradoxically, people
who exclude are often good conscience and, in the name of this good conscience, behave like
persecutors. Thus, they do not render service to the victim of which they are claimed to make
In the current system, aborted, miscarriages or dead children belong to the system and must be
reintegrated in the event of unconscious exclusion that avoids living the pain of the loss a dear
I follow you
In this case, the person follows in death the loved one. If the father died young, the son may
want to join him and go to the paradise. It is the unconscious question "father, why did you
abandon me?" Thus, the adoptive children who did not know its parents want sometimes to go
and join them and commit suicide. They can also be symbolically more close to Heaven and
Got the Father while piloting ULM or plane, as Antoine of St Exupéry who lost his father
when he was 4.
Sometimes one of the parents wants to join a dead child by developing a cancer. That can be a
cancer of the testicles, like Gerd Hamer, the inventor of biological decoding, after the death of
his son or a cancer at the jaw, like Freud after the death of his daughter Sophie.
Rather me that you
The all-powerful child believes he has the capacity to save his parents while sacrificing
himself. It is the history of Little Thumb who protects his brothers and who does the job of his
mom. In the tale of Perrault, he becomes rich and returns to his parents. It is a fairy tale
illusion. The child is little and the parents are big. To remain little and humble is a pledge of
safety. To bow in front of ones parents is essential. A child can thus die when it knows that his
grandfather has a cancer of the jaw. He believes to save him. Thus a grandson of Freud died
little after the declaration of cancer of his grandfather.
The other dynamics
The identification with an excluded person from the family system is tragic when this person is
a murderer or a victim. A member of the family of a murderer can be identified with the victim.
A member of the family of a victim can be identified with the murderer. It is always preferable
simultaneously to accept both the victim and the murderer. The one who needs more love is the
murderer. Thus, a person belonging to persecuted people but whose no ascending died can take
again the torch and persecute the "anti persecuted people". And the games go on without end.
If you have murders in your family, just imagine victims and persecutors in peace, looking at
themselves or with closed eyes. This image will release you.
In the case of woman died in layers, the man is also perceived like a murderer at the origin of
the death of his wife. The male descendants will prefer not to marry fearing of killing their
wives and women will prefer not to have children to remain in life.
Suicides also influence the destiny of the descendants. One who committed suicide needs to be
seen because he does not understand what it happened to him. The descendants must then
thank them even if they do not understand their gesture. If not they will tend to want to be seen
under penalty of not existing. You thus have people who want to be perfect without the least
defect and to be seen by the whole world. They do not eat, follow draconian diets and want to
pass to television or the cinema. It is for them a question of life or death.
died. This, even if he is innocent. A personal bankruptcy or a wrongly acquired good, with
the detriment of other people, expelled people of their house is other rather frequent cases.
Bond with the parents
A child needs his 2 parents, especially his mother.
If the bond with his mother or his father was interrupted during the first 3 years, the child
will feel a vacuum inside him and a lack of connection with life. He will be able to develop
asthma or allergy. If he refuses to lean internally on his parents, he can have back aches. If
he rejects them, he will be depressive, because he is rejecting himself. He creates vacuum,
depression inside him.
If his parents had contradictory speech, he in a conflict of honesty. "Whom can I trust?"
Which solutions to adopt? First is to dissociate towards the 2 contradictory beliefs. Second
is to have a contradictory behaviour. For example, the child eats in the name of the mother
and vomits in the name of the father. That can also arrive when the parents separate. The
child does not manage to bring together his 2 parents inside him and becomes compulsive.
The solution is to think being on the knees of his father while eating in the name of the
mother. Thus, both parents are brought together.
If one of the parents wants to die, the child wants to disappear in his place. An anorexic girl
generally does it for her father. We find the dynamics “rather me than you".
The significant one is to reconcile oneself with both 2 parents, to carry both together in ones
heart. Here is a text often pronounced in the constellations. Use it without moderation, each
day the first week when you look at yourselves in the mirror the morning. It will reconnect you
with life.
Dear mom.
I take very of you, completely and with all that that implies
I take it at the price that that cost you and that that costs me
I will do something of it to please to you.
Your gift will not have been useless.
I preserve it and I honour it and if, I can it, I will transmit it, as you did with me.
I take to you for mother and you can have me for child
You agree to me such as you are and me I am the child who agrees you.
You are the tall one and me I am the small one. You give, I take.
Dear mom, I am happy that you chose dad.
You are the parents that I needed
You only and only you.
And you do it in the same way with dad.
Dear dad
I take very of you, completely and with all that that implies
I take it at the price that that cost you and that that costs me
I will do something of it to please to you.
Your gift will not have been useless.
I preserve it and I honour it and, if I can it, I will transmit it, as you did with me.
I take to you for father and you can have me for child
You agree to me such as you are and me I am the child who agrees you.
You are the tall one and me I am the small one. You give, I take.
Dear dad, I am happy that you chose mom.
You are the parents that I needed
You only and only you.
Dynamic systemic.
In dynamic the "systemic ones", we recall a being different from the parents. It can be a dead
brother, an uncle or a dead aunt, a woman died in layers, a suicide, a murderer or a victim,
somebody whose death was not accepted. Cancer is thus often a disease of love which makes it
possible to join a dear being.
Chapter 2: to reintegrate excluded ones from the system 16
The disease and its "vibration" recall the excluded. Committed suicide call committed suicide.
The women died in layers frightened the descendants who protected themselves from
pregnancy by fibroma, sterility or celibacy. We find our 3 principal oaths:
"I point out it to you" will generate skin problems or will reactivate the disease of the forgotten
person. They are love diseases more than hereditary diseases. When the person is a victim or a
persecutor, the consequence is more serious. A person reached of autism, multiple sclerosis or
epilepsy will point out a murderer. The disease "protects" from violence. A schizophrenic
person will point out the murder between 2 people inside the family. He represents both
people, who make him confused. Confusion will stop when both people are reconciled, in
peace one with the other.
"I follow you" and "rather me that you" involve accidents, cancers or suicides. The very current
case of a dead brother or sister involves a difficulty of assuming life and successes. The
survivor feels guilty and wants "to die" to be seen of his parents. He will also avoid stopping
under death penalty "I live a little and then I will join you" is a repairing sentence the living
one can tell the dead one, even if he did not know him.
Individual conscience: the good and bad, the good and the bad conscience
When the child is born, he just spent 9 months in the belly of his mother. It is the original bond.
Without this bond, the child is not connected with life. He is related to a system to survive
"How can feel alive without mom?" He will make everything to preserve this membership. He
will comply with the clan’s rules even if they do not have any meaning for him. These rules are
those of the family or of the community. That can go from simple rules, such as "thou shall not
eat an apple", "thou shall not walk naked", "thou shall not drink", "thou shall not smoke", "thou
shall not to kill", to more sophisticated rules such as " thou shall not wear a beard" or "thou
shall wear a beard", "recite 3 prayers per day", "do not cook the kid in the milk of his mother"
or "do not to touch corpses"… It is according to the clan.
When he complies with the rules, the individual feels himself well. When he does not respect
them, he feels bad, guilty and has bad conscience. He has even good conscience to exclude the
Chapter 2: to reintegrate excluded ones from the system 17
bad members who do not comply with the rule of the clan. He can let himself carry by the
enthusiasm of the community, as a supporter on a football field. He is out of him. He can even
kill with good conscience.
To belong, a member is also ready to put himself at the place of an excluded one in order to
point out it. It is a bond of love. This bond can be mortal, but the member feels very powerful
inside the group.
Family conscience: to maintain the clan in life and to include all its members
This conscience aims to maintain the coherence and the survival of the members of the group.
It integrates all the members of the group. When a member is excluded, it tries to reinstate it by
respecting the order of arrival of the members in the system. It is in peace when each one is in
its place.
This family conscience is disturbed when a member of the group who lately arrived wants to
replace an old member to point him out. Places are then not respected. How to restore the
order? By calling on a higher conscience which reconciles the excluded and respect the order
of precedence.
Super conscience: to maintain in life the alive members and give peace to dead
Here, a conscience without judgement intervenes, without good or bad. It is necessary to go up
in this conscience where each one is in his place of origin and is released from the primitive
notion of good and bad. As Jesus said "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good
to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on
the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5, 43, 47.
The constellation lets act this conscience, quite simply, that which Bert Hellinger calls "great
soul" or "Great Whole", that which reconciles and is at the service of life. It is it which acts in
family constellations. It is sufficient to be attentive and to be carried by this force.
Other systems
Other systems exist and have a law of balance between members. For some, such as
companies, the rehabilitation of excluded is less significant than in family systems. We will
clarify 2 of them, the couple and the company.
Family constellations are based on the appearance of a phenomenon independent of the will of
the therapist. The less he has intention, the more he leaves place to the phenomenon which can
then develop and reintegrate excludes from the family system.
Generally, the client was identified with an ancestor of his family system. He finds his place
and the ancestor too. He then fully accepts his system and his both parents. He takes power
while leaning on them. The life, given by the parents, is behind him and in him and death or his
destiny is in front of him. He advances while being released of his bonds, while having
integrated what he had rejected. He grows.
Life X Death
Then the client is “reassociated”. He takes again the place of the person who represented him.
He becomes aware of an image in order, which brings peace and force. A simple image is to
feel ones family behind us. Life is coming from there.
Close the eyes and imagine… your parents behind you… your father is behind you on the right,
your mother is behind you on the left. Your father is pressed on his parents, his father behind
him on his right and his mother behind him on his left. In the same way, your mother has her
mother on her left and her father on her right. And so on.... All your ancestors are behind you.
The paternal line is on the external right edge and the maternal line on the external left edge.
Your parents deviate and you go a step behind. You feel your father, dead or alive, on the right
and your mother, dead or alive, on the left. Take a deep breath and do a step behind. You are
on the level of your grandparents; of your paternal grandfather on the right to your maternal
grandmother on the left. Feel your heart. Feel as if they were inside you. Continue to move
back and go in the past, and reconnect with your ancestors. Go towards your 8 great grand
grandparents. All these people gave their life for you. It is thanks to them that you exist. They
all are inside you. At a given time, feel the benevolent presence of one of your ancestors.
Breathe and feel the message, the gift that he gives you. Take time to appreciate it in an
unconscious way. It is a new resource for you. Say thank you. Go back to the present, step by
step, while advancing with this gift towards your grandparents, then your parents. Lastly,
regain your place and feel all this energy behind you and which enables you to advance in
front of you. This method comes from Daan Van Kampehout.
soul. If the movement stops, an attentive therapist may have an inspiration and knows the
following step. At this time, he intervenes just for this step and thus makes possible the
movement to continue"
Children's fate
Mother's fate
The mother and her destiny do not see them. Their glances are crossing. The destiny of the
mother looks at the children and the mother looks at the destiny of the children.
The destiny of the children tells the destiny of the mother to look at the mother and the
representative of the children tells the mother to look at her destiny. The mother looks at her
own destiny then, but the destiny of the mother continues to look at the children.
Then the destiny of the children wants to change position. It turns spontaneously to the right
and the representative of the children follows and goes opposite. The destiny of the mother is
turned also right and always looks at the children. Then the representative of the mother places
himself in front of her own destiny. We arrive at the following configuration.
When the mother advances towards her destiny, the destiny of the children moves back and the
children advance. The representative of the children pronounces the suggested following words
then: "mom, when you advance towards your destiny, I can go towards mine". The client
replaces her representative, the same words are pronounced and the constellation is stopped.
In this constellation, we knew who were the people represented. It often occurs in “movement
of the soul” constellations that representatives are added no one is unaware who they represent.
This raises even more questions without answer. Most extraordinary is that this movement
reintegrates almost spontaneously excluded ones.
I remember a constellation where the person put in scene was a disease which was epilepsy and
the reason of the disease. The first partner of its mother was epileptic. The starting scene
included 3 people: his representative, behind him a woman representative of the disease and
behind another woman representative the reason of the disease. The disease looked on the
ground. I lengthened a person on the ground who was taken of convulsion. I then placed
several people upright, according to my intuition. These people moved in all the directions. It
was total chaos. At the end of long minutes, everything calmed. People were in peace, alone,
on the ground or some pressed on others. The representative of the client feels himself well. I
Chapter 3: following representatives’ feelings 22
turned him towards outside and made him advance. It felt better and better. I then stopped the
constellation. I suppose that the 2 people representing the disease and the reason of the disease
were the mother and the grandmother and that the lengthened person was the first partner of the
mother. I was unaware of who were the people represented. I can exert this work only if I know
that I am carried by this movement of reconciliation towards excluded. If not, I would abstain.
Why why?
Indeed, why ask the question why? To question the phenomenon makes it possible to raise an
objection unconsciously. It is thus at the time of constellations. The questions are seldom
allowed, they weaken the constellation rather than they reinforce it. To accept this "field" and
its consequences can be used in other contexts.
Constellation of tetralemma
It is the simplest case. Do you have a decision to take? Do you have to choose between the
contract with Brazil or that of Portugal? Take a representative for you then, for Brazil, for
Portugal.... And for both and one for "neither one nor the other". That opens the choice to you
and allows you not to remain in the dilemma. You have 4 choices instead of 2. You have A, B,
"not A and not B" and "A and B", a tetralemma and not a dilemma. Then you observe the
Constellation of E ntreprise
You can take representatives for clients, products or concurrent companies. The questions are
often of 3 types:
What is the strategy of the company? Does a product have to be launched? Who are the
prospective clients? Can a competitor be purchased? How will behave its current clients?
Does the name of the purchased company have to be preserved?
Are the founders sufficiently respected? Do they always have their place in the company?
Are they seen by the current chairman?
Which organization to adopt with which people? Is the order or balance between giving and
receiving respected? Were people wrongfully laid off?
Here is an example. The director of the French subsidiary company of a Japanese group had
been fired and the English subsidiary company took then the control of the European
subsidiary companies. He wanted to understand what the subjacent dynamics was. The
installation included representatives for the Japanese group, the English subsidiary company,
the French subsidiary company, the English clients, the French client and the products. It
showed that the director of the French subsidiary company wanted to sell only Japanese
products and not the English products. The Japanese leaders preferred the English subsidiary
company who agreed to distribute all the products.
The director writes to me later: "This constellation centred the cause of my dismissal on one of
my professional decisions and not on a personal cause on which I focused myself".
message is: "the mother does not want to release her child who wants to go towards his father
or another man". And the cheese always succeeds in leaving.
Script constellation
A script is also a living system in a writer’s imagination. Several scenes are interesting.
1. The starting scene tests the event revealing the objective of the protagonist. For example,
the nymph Eurydice dies, pricked by a snake and the objective of her husband, the poet
Orpheus is to find her.
2. Does the objective of the protagonist have weight? Yes, he is ready to go to hell to save her.
3. Does the climax brings or releases energy? At the end of this act, the hero reached or gives
up his objective. He finds Eurydice in hell. She will live again provided that he does not
turn over before she left the hell. Unfortunately, he turns over too early and his wife
transforms herself into a statue. Then he loses his wife because he did not wait sufficiently.
4. Does the final scene bring order? Did the protagonist grow? The order is respected. The
dead remains dead. Orpheus scorned the love of the other women and was cut out in
What is the message brought by the protagonist to witnesses or to his family? Is it necessary to
suffer to be a good musician and to know glory?
You can also test the dramatic irony, what the witness knows and what the protagonist is
unaware of. Eurydice was still in the shade and Orpheus was not, because he was in light, he
had already left Hells. This is why he turned over.
You must pay attention not to solve the conflicts too early, they are necessary to the history and
the drama. Where would be then the identification of the witness with the hero?
By the mean of constellations, you check if "systemic" dynamics is respected. If it is the case,
the script has more power on the unconscious.
Supervisor Educator
The representative of the educator wants to place himself behind the representative of the
supervisor. He wants to be the father or the supervisor wants the educator to be his father!!!
The father of the supervisor is placed behind the supervisor and tells the representative of the
educator "the place is taken". The educator replaces himself opposite. The father of the
educator is then brought behind his son. The supervisor says then to the educator "I see that
you can be leaned on your father" and the educator answers him the same words.
One week later, he writes to me: "Yesterday I animated a meeting of analysis of the practice in
the therapeutic institute and...... I succeeded! I did my first family constellation. For the team,
the interest was manifest, surprised of lightings and power…
Time passed so quickly and I came out with considerable energy! The image that I had is that
of the control of Rolls-Royce with a powerful engine, I could hardly touch at the steering
Chapter 3: following representatives’ feelings 25
wheel… That appears so powerful and I felt so small, I became aware of the importance of
humility in front of this phenomenon! I held probably too much the wheel and am brought out
with a part or the engine in me. I take even conscience of the danger to be led without
sufficient humility… wanting to succeed! A thank for these discoveries"
Chapter 4: characteristics of family constellations 26
The phenomenon is there, taking the entire place. It gives from the order in the system. It
clarifies a truth, the truth of the moment. The existence of this phenomenon involves a
particular state of mind with respect to this "therapy": it implies to agree not to understand, that
this truth comes from the constellation and not from the therapist and that the result takes time.
To be in anger?
Sometimes, the "constellated" person is in anger because he does not understand what occurs.
It especially happens with people who want to understand everything. Or they do not like the
message: they wanted to see the problem of their mother, their father or of the current partner
and the constellation indicates their share of responsibility and which action to take. The
proposal is to act rather than to complain. The person turns over the therapist who must also
accept the existence of this phenomenon.
"Anger is that of the child against his parents" says Bert Hellinger. It is beneficial because she
helps the person to separate from his parents or the therapist. It also happens that he is in anger
not to say thank you and that he asks for the address of another therapist.... What I do readily.
This bond between the client and the therapist is often the reflection of the bond between the
client and his parents.
behaves with his mother. He will be respectful, in anger, scorning or demanding according to
the bond which he developed with her.
To have a therapist?
Family constellations can "stir up" and often, the people who animate constellations do not
ensure a "therapeutic" follow-up. Keep your therapist if you have one.
Chapter 5: complementary therapies 28
Why will a client consult a therapist? He seeks to change a behaviour unsuited to a situation or
a relation. He unconsciously wants to cure a trauma appeared either in his family, or during his
birth or during his life, most of the time in his childhood. It is as a spine of the past which is
still present and hurts always badly.
The transgenerational traumas are the most numerous and family constellations solve them.
There are effective therapies treating the other cases. With each type of trauma, genealogical,
primal or life, corresponds one or more therapeutic techniques. Let us explore the traumatic
process before crossing these 3 types of traumas with some effective techniques.
The mind rather prefers to summarize the various events by a belief than to remember all its
experiments consciously. And to respect a belief, we are even able to modify our memory
while being persuaded of its truth!!!
The event "mom is in anger against me" involves the belief "I am malicious or I deserve to be
punished" who can then apply in much case… Until somebody comes and takes into account
the event "mom was in anger against dad" and to invent a belief even more difficult to believe
which is "I can live with somebody who loves me".
The traumas generate one or more beliefs which influence our behaviours. Let us take the
example of a grandmother who died in layers. The belief is "the man is a killer" and "it is
dangerous to have children". If you are a woman, your current behaviour will be anger against
men and pushing them back unconsciously. If you are a man, you will make an unconscious
vow of chastity not to kill anybody. A trauma can generate several beliefs and a behaviour
come from several beliefs and traumas.
Behavior Positive intention
Woman who
died in layers Man
is a kille
r Wanting no
Staying alive
Any behaviour has a positive intention. The fact of not wanting to live with a man and not to
have of child has, in our case of a woman who died in layer, the positive objective "to remain
Chapter 5: complementary therapies 29
in life" or "not to kill". Our behaviour helps us to repair the trauma by putting it at the
conscience. The body reacts while wanting to save the person.
The effective therapies heal the traumas and change the "negative" belief into a positive one.
They are based on the behaviour or the belief and directly will look after the trauma when it is
known. They remove the spine rather than to speak about it. Which are the common
characteristics of these effective therapies?
When the traumas are known, it is easier to directly go to heal them with the good technique.
Effective techniques correspond to each phase. I privileged the short therapies, which last less
than 9 months. The constellations act on the transgenerational traumas (the grandfather or a
brother who died young before me). The holding therapy of Jirina Prekop acts on the birth and
childhood (I am premature or I was entrusted to my grandmother before my 3 years), the
EMDR is effective on the traumas we memorized (I was beaten by my parents or I lost a child)
and hypnosis serves as last recourse because it covers much case (I do not manage to urinate in
public and I do not have any memory of trauma).
Holding therapy from Jirina Prekop, birth, childhood, nonsystemic and effective
The holding therapy makes you turn over in your primary emotion, the one you can follow.
Jirina Prekop, Czech psychologist, developed this technique. She used the discovery of Martha
Welsh who firmly tightened in her arms autistic children. That calmed them. It is possible to do
the same with adults.
The client is lengthened on the back and a person different from the therapist holds him in his
arms and strongly encloses his legs. This pressure is a catalyst of a phenomenon of
spontaneous native regression or accompanied reconciliation. The hold one can live his
emotions in full safety.
Jirina Prekop developed 4 alternatives which are articulated on this phenomenon: native
regression, reconciliation with the parents, the children or between partners. The reconciliation
with the parents involves a visualization of a childhood’s trauma, a parents’ childhood’s trauma
and final reconciliation. It makes it possible to go in the emotion until the reconciliation. It is
extraordinary. To express primary feelings while being safety hold…
The native regression fills this birth’s vacuum of those who were separated from their mother
in the first years of their life. This therapy is the only one I know which allows the body’s
journey in all confidence. A wonder! A therapy of the body and soul.
language), then go up the veracity of the positive belief. It is incredible but true… You also
check if another part of yourself does not go against this new belief.
The major traumas influence our identity. They generate negative beliefs such as "I am in
danger", "I am a without value" or "I am impotent". By healing the trauma, your identity
evolves. You pass thus to "I am in safety" or "I have value"… It is impressive. A person having
lost a young child thus passed from "I deserve to die" in "I deserve to live" then of "I deserve to
be unhappy" with "I deserve to be happy". To pass thus from a death instinct to a life instinct is
a whole program.
The constellations allow, thanks to a simple and ignored phenomenon, to create a "information
field" by the installation of representatives, to rest on their feelings and to thus reintegrate
excluded members of a family system.
By accepting all the excluded people, we avoid taking their place. We take again our place in
our system of origin and our current system. We grow by including what we excluded. We will
thus have a behaviour adapted to the situation, directed towards life. Our beliefs become
In this technique, the client feels and accepts what occurs. He is an adult able to support and
see the truth of the moment. He is independent of the therapist.
The family constellations according to Bert Hellinger are not sufficient to look after all the
types of trauma. They do not replace other techniques more appropriate to traumas dependent
on birth or your childhood. Fortunately, these techniques exist and are effective.
Just like the family constellations, they enable you to pass to the action. They put you on your
way and reconcile you with life. This one comes by far, from your parents, your grandparents
and your ancestors. When you honour them and take them in your heart, they are in peace and
proud of you. You will join them one day. Till then, honour the life that they transmitted to
you. They look at you with benevolence.
Bibliography 33
Other references
Anatomy of mental illness. ARTHUR JANOV. Sphere Book Ltd. Janov details the traumas and
the various brains.
EMDR: The Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma.
FRANCINE SHAPIRO MARGOT SILK FORREST. Basic Books. Excellent introduction.
The sense of being glared at. RUPERT SHELDRAKE. Hutchinson. Unexplained capacity of
the animals and all the strange phenomena such as the feeling to be seen.
My voice will go with you. SYDNEY ROSEN. W. W. Norton and Company. The book which
made me adore hypnosis. What, you do not know Milton Erickson?
Core transformation: Reaching the wellspring Within. TAMARA AND CONNIRAE ANDREAS.
Real People. Going until the end of the positive intention of a behavior. This technique is
Jay Haley on Milton Erickson. JAY HALEY. Routledge. How to find the resources of a
person to advance it.
Scripts people live. Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts CLAUDE STEINER. Grove /
Atlantic. An excellent book on the transactional analysis.
Games people play. ERIC BERNE. Penguin. A reference on all the games which we play
unconsciously. Is like a bible, is also difficult to read.