Ctso Event Timeline Checklist

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Deja’ Brown DECA Event Checklist November 5, 2020

Part I: Questions to Consider

Will the school administration approve the event?
o Yes, Caldwell High is big on fundraising for activity funding. They’re also big on
working with local businesses and strengthening those relationships.
What makes it worthwhile or educational or both?
• Students get the experience of:
o Meeting members of the community by selling tickets
o Build relationships with local business owners and gain donations for the 3 raffle
o Gain cash handling skills through selling the banquet tickets as well as the raffle
o Work on communication skills as they have to communicate with the advisor and
class treasure to turnover any funds received on a daily (or weekly) basis
Is it consistent worth your CTSO’s goals and purposes?
o Yes, DECA’s mission is to prepare students to become leaders and entrepreneurs
in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.
o With this event, students will learn in every field.
Is it consistent with the community culture?
o Yes, especially for Caldwell High School. We are big on gaining donations from
local business owners and hold many family events at the school to raise funds.
Does it provide a service or just raise funds?
o Both.
§ Students will be preparing and serving the meal.
§ Students get the experience of selling tickets
Will it provide a strong ROI? (Return on Investment of time & Resources)
o Yes, if the event is a success, we can gain potential members through word of
mouth, possible donors, and potentially volunteers for the next year’s event.
Will the event involve strengths from all your members?
o Yes, members will need to be able to:
§ Follow cooking instructions
§ Be able to communicate with members of the community
§ Have the ability to stand and walk for long periods of time
Deja’ Brown DECA Event Checklist November 5, 2020
Part II: Timeline
6 Months Prior to Banquet & Raffle Fundraiser
Task Responsible Parties Comments:
q Research best Time and Date to hold the event. All Members
Have a proposal that includes a list of times,
Advisor & DECA
q dates, and locations to take to the principal for
Follow up with principal for confirmation of
q Advisor
Get cafeteria reserved for the banquet (go
q DECA Officers
through principal)
q Get event scheduled on calendar Advisor
Create marketing materials and distribute in
q All Members
order to spread the word
3 Months Prior to Banquet & Raffle Fundraiser
Task Responsible Parties Comments:
Start communicating with local businesses to see If interested, can even
q if they are interested in donating items for the All Members start this process for
raffle bins. next year as well.
q Start obtaining necessary items for raffle bins All Members
1 Month Prior to Banquet & Raffle Fundraiser
Task Responsible Parties Comments:
Follow up with businesses interested in donating
q All Members
items for raffle.
q Obtain necessary items for raffle bins All Members
q Put raffle bins together All Members
Post pictures of raffle bins on social media to
q help spread the word on the event and also see if All Members
anyone is interested in adding last minute items.
Week of Banquet & Raffle Fundraiser
Task Responsible Parties Comments:
q Make sure all supplies are accounted for.
q Run to buy last minute items if necessary
Make sure all last-minute additions are added to
raffle bins.
Day Before Banquet & Raffle Fundraiser
Task Responsible Parties Comments:
q Bake rolls & desserts All Members
Day of Banquet & Raffle Fundraiser
Task Responsible Parties Comments:
q Setup sign in area, tables, chairs, and raffle area
Start preparing batches of spaghetti (some rolls
and deserts should be done)
Have plates and utensils ready for families to go
down the line for food
Greet and collect tickets at the door. Explain
q raffle boxes and tall families how they can
purchase tickets if they haven’t already.
Deja’ Brown DECA Event Checklist November 5, 2020
Part III: Day of Checklist:
**Jobs will be on rotation. Make sure to check the GroupMe app to see scheduled
rotation times and where you will be starting.
q Event Setup
o Sign in table
o Raffle bin table
§ Have boxes set in front of or next to each bin for parents to enter their
drawings during arrival or throughout the day.
o Dessert area – line desserts on a table
§ Make sure to check throughout the dinner to make sure table is
q Food Preparation
o Prepare spaghetti and set up line area for participants to walk down and receive
their food.
o Making the spaghetti will be a constant job throughout the night until we run
out or people are done coming to the line.
q During Event
o Greet and sign everyone in (collect tickets) upon arrival
§ Collect tickets
§ Get participant information (name, phone, email, and address – This will
be for the thank you cards to be sent out)
o Explain raffle ticket bins and show where to purchase if haven’t done so already
o Show families where to start receiving their food
o Walk around the cafeteria while people are eating and replenish water.
§ Other drinks will be available for purchase
o Near end of event call the raffle winners to collect their bins
q End of Event
o Clean up
§ Sanitize tables and chairs
§ Put away in correct areas
§ Sweep and mop areas
o Lock up
q Week After Event
o Write personal thank you letters for attending and supporting the program
o Send thank you letters to all attendees

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