US Deal Drivers H1

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The document discusses M&A activity in North America in H1 2010 according to the Deal Drivers North America report. It provides an overview and analysis of deals by sector and region in this period.

It is a report published by Mergermarket that provides a comprehensive review of M&A activity in North America in the first half of 2010, including analysis of recent deals and outlook for H2 2010 by sector and region.

The TMT sector saw the most deal volume with 19.5% of total deals, followed by the Business Services and Industrials sectors with 14.5% and 14.1% of deals respectively. The largest deals came from the Energy sector.


Half- on

The comprehensive review of mergers and
acquisitions in the North America region.


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Foreword 04 Technology, Media & Telecom (TMT) 30 New England 58

Heat Chart 05 Life Sciences & Healthcare 34 Latin America 62
All Sectors 06 Canada 38 About Merrill Corporation 66
Financial Services 14 West 42 Merrill Corporation Contacts 68
Industrials, Manufacturing Midwest 46 Notes 69
& Engineering 18
South 50 About Remark 70
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 22
Mid-Atlantic 54

Consumer 26

About mergermarket

mergermarket is an independent Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

intelligence service with an unrivalled network of dedicated M&A
journalists based in 62 locations across the Americas, Europe, Asia-
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mergermarket specializes in providing forward-looking origination and
deal flow opportunities integrated with a comprehensive deals database
- resulting in real revenues for clients. Visit

Deal drivers – north america



Welcome to the half-year 2010 edition of Deal Drivers North America, should see an uptick in value and volume as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has
published by mergermarket in association with Merrill DataSite®. already triggered a good deal of asset sales in the third quarter. BP plc
This report provides a comprehensive review of North American M&A announced four asset sales in July alone, in line with its strategy of raising
in the first half of 2010, with an in-depth analysis of recent activity and cash to meet financial penalties arising from the spill.
forward-looking insight for the remainder of the year.
Financial Services
The M&A market appears to be stabilizing as financing markets begin to As was the case throughout 2009, 2010 is seeing significant asset
improve and long-anticipated regulatory reforms are finally put into place. sale activity involving major players in the Financial Services space.
H1 2010 saw 1,701 deals worth US$362.3bn, with volume remaining virtually American International Group (AIG) has generated some of the year’s
stable compared to the previous half-year and value increasing by 8.7%. largest transactions, including the US$15.5bn sale of its American Life
Deal flow was strongest in the TMT sector, which accounts for nearly Insurance business to MetLife Inc., announced in March, in what currently
one-fifth of total deal volume (19.5%), followed by the mainstay Business stands as the second largest Financial Services deal of 2010 to date.
Services and Industrials sectors which represent 14.5% and 14.1% of Other shrinking Financial Services companies include Bank of America
total volume, respectively. The largest deals of the first two quarters came Corporation (BofA), which announced in June that it would sell a 24.9%
from the Energy sector, which represents almost a third of aggregate deal stake in Grupo Financiero Santander Serfin SA de CV to Banco Santander
value (32.5%), followed by the TMT sector with 14.9% and Life Sciences & SA for US$2.5bn, and Citigroup, which announced the sale of its Swedish
Healthcare with 12.6%. operations to Marginalen AB in April. Peering ahead into the next half of
the year, both BofA and Citigroup continue to boost deal volume as they let
Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) go of non-core units. BofA announced it would spin out its private equity
M&A activity in the TMT sector, which spans technology, media and operations and sell its global alternative fund administration division, while
telecom companies of all stripes, has been driven largely by tech Citigroup announced the sale of its home loan and private equity divisions,
companies’ healthy appetite for mobile technology assets and the ongoing in the third quarter of 2010.
restructuring efforts of traditional media businesses. Some of the most
Financial buyers
notable technology deals of the first two quarters took the form of private
equity exits, a prime example being Apple Inc.’s acquisition of mobile Across all industry sectors, M&A activity during the first half of 2010 was
advertising company Quattro Wireless from Globespan Capital Partners marked by aggressive financial buyers and competitive auction processes.
and Highland Capital Partners for US$275m, announced in January. Lucrative deals include the US$3.2bn buyout of Pearson Plc’s Interactive
Data Corporation (IDC) by Silver Lake Partners and Warburg Pincus LLC,
For their part, media companies have been at the center of contentious and the US$1.6bn acquisition of The Dow Chemical Company’s Styron
auction processes, including that of Canadian film studio Lions Gate Corp. by Bain Capital LLC. Both targets fielded interest from an impressive
Entertainment Corp. The US$1.2bn acquisition of Lions Gate by Icahn mix of financial and strategic buyers straight through the second round
Enterprises LP was announced in March but is still pending, while of the auction. The acquisition of CKE Restaurants also indicates an
the auction for historic film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. (MGM), increasingly competitive M&A climate: the restaurant operator had agreed
struggling under its US$4bn debt burden, is taking shape as this to be acquired by Thomas H. Lee Partners for US$919m in February but
publication goes to print. Media M&A in the second half of the year ultimately sold to Apollo Management LP in April after the private equity
promises to be equally if not more lively as companies rework their firm offered a superior US$1bn bid.
strategies in response to dynamic market conditions. A case in point is The
Walt Disney Company, which in the third quarter has been acquiring digital Outlook
assets and selling its more traditional ones. Entering the second half of 2010, the M&A market is well-positioned for a
continued rise in activity thanks to major developments in key sectors. The
Energy traditionally busy Energy sector is already seeing significant cross-border
M&A in the Energy sector, which accounts for eight of the top 20 largest and domestic deal flow, and healthcare reform, passed in the second
transactions of H1 2010, has been driven largely by heightened interest quarter, will likely spur industry-wide consolidation as Life Sciences &
from Asian buyers entering Canada, where 67% of deal value and 37.1% Healthcare companies prepare for less generous reimbursement models
of deal volume comes from the Energy sector. Sinopec International and heightened demand from the newly insured. Financial Services,
Petroleum Exploration and Production Corporation returned to Canada this meanwhile, should see its fair share of deal volume in the coming months
year with its US$4.7bn acquisition of a 9.03% stake in Syncrude Canada as large, international banks continue to slim down while smaller regional
Ltd. from ConocoPhillips Company, following its US$8.8bn acquisition of banks across the US continue to consolidate. With all of these deal drivers
Addax Petroleum Corporation in June of last year. firmly in place, M&A activity in all industry sectors is on track for a lively
second half of 2010. We hope you find this half-year edition of Deal Drivers
In the US, the largest Energy transaction involved oilfield services giant both useful and informative, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
Schlumberger Limited, which acquired Smith International Inc. for
US$12.2bn in February. Going forward, Energy sector M&A in the US

Deal drivers – north america


the Heat Chart

The Heat Chart represents ‘companies for sale’ stories written in the first
half of 2010, based on mergermarket’s proprietary intelligence. The Heat
Chart therefore serves as a barometer of potential deal flow in specific
regions and sectors across the North American region.

‘Companies for sale’ stories written in the first half of 2010 total 4,327,
compared to 4,253 written in six months prior, with certain industries
standing out as potential M&A hot spots.

The TMT sector is one such industry. With 963 for-sale stories written in
H1 2010, up 10.7% from 863 stories in H2 2009, the sector is worth keeping
an eye on in the months ahead. TMT, one of the hottest sectors on the H2
2009 Heat Chart, is already seeing its fair share of deal volume in H1 2010
as the sector represents 19.5% of overall deal volume in North America
during this period.

North america Heat Chart – Intelligence

South West Mid West Mid-Atlantic New England Canada TOTAL

TMT 216 368 85 148 91 55 963

Life Sciences & Healthcare 169 139 115 113 60 27 623

Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 202 104 45 39 17 189 596

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering 107 73 126 54 43 47 450

Consumer 86 116 82 65 28 48 425

Financial Services 125 84 96 75 22 15 417

Business Services 81 52 28 40 20 29 250

Defense 81 31 15 17 16 3 163

Leisure 57 47 26 13 7 11 161

Transportation 31 21 23 13 3 12 103

Construction 23 15 24 9 2 8 81

Real Estate 17 26 13 9 3 3 71

Agriculture 2 3 8 13

Government 5 2 1 3 11

TOTAL 1,202 1,081 679 598 312 455 4,327

Hot Warm Cold

120 75 30 The Heat Chart is based on ‘companies for sale’ stories tracked by in H1 2010.
Opportunities are captured according to the dominant sector and geography/region of the potential target company.
105 60 15
90 45 0 For definition of states within regions, see page 69 (Note to Heat Chart).

Deal drivers – north america


All Sectors

‘Proceed with caution’ are the words to live by

for the rest of 2010 and into 2011.
Expect more private equity exits throughout the
year, particularly in firm strongholds such as
“After years of paralysis,
A more stable economy and years of pent-up
the consumer and services sectors. Secondary private equity began
buyouts also should remain popular, given
supply and demand should push M&A and
IPO activity forward. At the same time, fears
the IPO market’s lackluster performance and to exit portfolio
strategic buyers’ cautious outlook. A number of
of a double-dip recession, a lackluster US private equity-owned companies have failed to companies this year in
job market and concern about the European price their filed S-1s, and dual-track processes
economy in the wake of the Greek debt crisis are being run as a matter of course. order to provide limited
have muted M&A expectations.
The IPO market also will be busy, though not as partners with returns,
Large and traditionally acquisitive companies active as many had hoped in the beginning of
in healthier sectors such as technology, energy 2010. “We are seeing a number of IPOs coming
and convince them to
and healthcare will take advantage of their cash
piles and flat market conditions to snap up more
off the market, but we’re seeing a number to
replace them,” says Kathleen Shelton Smith,
invest in new funds.”
acquisitions. The Eurozone crisis and strong Principal of Renaissance Capital, an IPO
dollar also present opportunities to corporations research firm. General Motors (GM) is expected
eager to grow overseas. to IPO this year, in what will be “the biggest US
Many do not have the stomach for acquisitions IPO ever,” she notes.
in the uncertain market climate, however, and Regulatory reforms will be another driver of
plan to use their cash mostly to pay shareholder 2010 and 2011 activity. A number of health care
dividends and cut down on debt. The small to services businesses are up for sale by their
mid-market is likely to be the most active, as private equity owners. The health care reform
would-be acquirers carefully dip their toes back bill, which should encourage smaller and less
into M&A waters. efficient businesses to merge, is expected
Private equity firms can’t afford to be that to give an extra push to consolidation in that
conservative, however. After years of paralysis, industry. Financial services reform should spur
private equity began to exit portfolio companies more banking consolidation.
this year in order to provide limited partners by Abigail Roberts, Global Editor,
(LPs) with returns, and convince them to mergermarket
invest in new funds. Private equity also started
acquiring again, using equity from expiring
funds. If that equity doesn’t get used, they’ll be
forced to return it to investors.

Deal drivers – All america

All Sectors
Top 20 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal
date value
01-Mar-10 L Prudential Plc American International Assurance Company Limited Financial Services American International Group Inc 35,500

22-Apr-10 P CenturyLink Qwest Communications International Inc TMT 22,153

08-Mar-10 P MetLife Inc American Life Insurance Company Financial Services American International Group Inc 15,544

25-Feb-10 P The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc (North American Consumer Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc 12,280
21-Feb-10 P Schlumberger Limited Smith International Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 12,198

19-Jan-10 C Williams Partners LP The Williams Companies Inc (certain gas pipeline Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas The Williams Companies Inc 11,750
and domestic midstream businesses)
11-Feb-10 P FirstEnergy Corp Allegheny Energy Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 8,960

09-Mar-10 P Merial-Intervet Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health; and Merial Life Sciences & Healthcare Merck & Co Inc; and Sanofi- 8,250
Limited Aventis SA
28-Apr-10 P PPL Corporation E.ON US LLC Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas E.ON AG 7,625

11-Mar-10 P BP plc Devon Energy Corporation (assets in the deepwater Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Devon Energy Corporation 7,000
Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and Azerbaijan)
11-Feb-10 P Air Products & Chemicals Inc Airgas Inc Business Services 6,834

28-Feb-10 C Merck KGaA Millipore Corporation Life Sciences & Healthcare 6,760

31-Mar-10 P Brookfield Asset General Growth Properties Inc (65% stake) Real Estate 6,550
Management Inc; Fairholme
Capital Management LLC;
and Pershing Square Capital
Management LP
14-Jun-10 C Questar Corporation QEP Resources Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Questar Corporation 6,438
03-May-10 P UAL Corporation Continental Airlines Inc Transportation 6,192

12-May-10 C SAP AG Sybase Inc Business Services 5,102

28-May-10 P Royal Dutch Shell Plc East Resources Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co 4,700

12-Apr-10 C Sinopec International Syncrude Canada Ltd (9.03% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas ConocoPhillips Company 4,650
Petroleum Exploration and
Production Corporation
15-Feb-10 L Yara International ASA Terra Industries Inc Industrials, Chemicals & 4,204
25-Jan-10 C KDDI Corporation Jupiter Telecommunications Co Ltd (37.80% stake) TMT Liberty Global Inc 4,014

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS


All Sectors
Mix of global M&A deals by geographic region


13.6% 7%

Canada 29.2%
37.6% 21.1%
Western Europe Canada
18.0% Western Europe
Northern Europe
Northern Europe
Central & Eastern Europe
Central & Eastern Europe
Southern Europe 5.6%
Southern Europe 4.2%
Asia-Pacific 3.5%
5.0% Asia-Pacific
RoW 5.0% 3.4% RoW
2.0% 16.9% 22.6%

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target.

Mix of north american deals by industry sector


1.1% 0.2% 0.9% 0.5%

2.1% 0.9%
0.6% 5.2%
3.4% 14.1%
Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering 12.6% 7.8%
Financial Services 1.4% Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering
1.8% 9.9%
Business Services 3.2%
2.2% Financial Services
Consumer Business Services

Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
14.9% 9.2%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
TMT 19.5%
TMT 14.5%
Transportation Transportation
Life Sciences & Healthcare 32.5% 12.3% Life Sciences & Healthcare

Construction Construction

Real Estate
Real Estate
Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Industry sector is determined onDefense
the dominant industry of the target.

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS


All Sectors

500,000 1,200 200,000 800

500,000 1,200
150,000 400,000 600
Value (US$m)

Value (US$m)

Value (US$m)

500 800

600 100,000 400

400 200,000
50,000 200
100,000 100 200

0 0 0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010
Year Ended Year Ended
Year Ended
Value (US$m) Volume Value (US$m) Volume
Value (US$m) Volume
Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant location of the target is in North America.

TRANsatlantic deals


150,000 250


120,000 200

value (uS$m)

90,000 150


60,000 100


30,000 50


0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 004 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
Quarter Ended 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06Quarter Ended
06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended
Total North North American European Bidder Total North North American European Bidder
American/ Bidder Acquiring Acquiring North American/ Bidder Acquiring Acquiring North
Based on dominant location
Europeanof target
Dealsand bidder and excludes Target
European all buyouts. American Target Total North
European Deals North American
European Target European
American Bidder
American/ Bidder Acquiring Acquiring North
European Deals European Target American Target

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS


All Sectors
North American M&A split by deal size


1,600 5,500

5,000 484
1,400 400
4,500 268
300 482
1,200 219 475
4,000 248 215
204 419 168
1,000 3,500 429 1,409 323
value (uS$bn)

1,472 163

1,268.7 1,266.3 1,418 994 116
1,269 226
626 692
600 880.1 664 463
598.7 714 387
668.9 634 79
400 657.8 1,500 156
1,000 1,987 1,913 156
200 1,795
96.3 99.2 292.6 1,426 1,495
71.8 77.3 500 1,357
69.2 76.2 78.7 60.3 27.8 840
70.7 53.4 40.5 36.8 25.3
0 55.3 62.6 64.7 61.9 44.4 0
5.71 6.42 6.15 5.62 4.27 29.5 3.58 15.2
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

North American quarterly M&A activity


600,000 1,500


Value (US$m)





0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant location of the target is in North America. Moving
trend line

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS


All Sectors
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number
2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
2 1 Goldman Sachs 142,255 89 1 1 Goldman Sachs 142,255 89
11 2 Deutsche Bank 99,966 47 6 2 Credit Suisse 90,829 64
7 3 Barclays Capital 99,601 49 2 3 Morgan Stanley 99,035 63
1 4 Morgan Stanley 99,035 63 5 4 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 81,172 58
9 5 Credit Suisse 90,829 64 3 5 JPMorgan 87,218 54
3 6 JPMorgan 87,218 54 13 6 Barclays Capital 99,601 49
5 7 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 81,172 58 11 7 Deutsche Bank 99,966 47
13 8 Lazard 68,326 44 7 8 Lazard 68,326 44
4 9 Citigroup 62,369 39 4 9 UBS Investment Bank 48,676 42
16 10 UBS Investment Bank 48,676 42 10 10 Citigroup 62,369 39
6 11 Evercore Partners 36,995 9 9 11 Rothschild 13,506 39
18 12 Perella Weinberg Partners 35,507 10 12 12 RBC Capital Markets 15,907 37
8 13 Blackstone Group Holdings 30,649 11 15 13 Jefferies & Company 13,724 34
55 14 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co 22,002 9 34 14 TD Securities 8,112 29
12 15 Greenhill & Co 20,780 17 8 15 Houlihan Lokey 5,577 29
25 16 HSBC Bank 18,245 11 19 16 KPMG 4,543 26
15 17 RBC Capital Markets 15,907 37 18 17 CIBC World Markets 5,800 22
24 18 Allen & Company 15,462 6 39 18 Lincoln International 476 21
33 19 Jefferies & Company 13,724 34 16 19 Macquarie Group 4,201 20
14 20 Rothschild 13,506 39 14 20 PricewaterhouseCoopers 1,986 19

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder, target
or vendor and cover all sectors.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number
2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
4 1 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 135,814 64 4 1 DLA Piper 5,837 80
1 2 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 98,780 60 1 2 Jones Day 31,177 78
7 3 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 90,204 34 5 3 Kirkland & Ellis 15,982 74
5 4 Sullivan & Cromwell 87,130 42 2 4 Latham & Watkins 84,732 69
18 5 Latham & Watkins 84,732 69 25 5 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 135,814 64
16 6 Weil Gotshal & Manges 84,027 49 3 6 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 98,780 60
3 7 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 82,817 32 7 7 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 50,268 53
2 8 Cravath Swaine & Moore 73,282 24 15 8 Weil Gotshal & Manges 84,027 49
12 9 Dewey & LeBoeuf 70,300 46 6 9 Dewey & LeBoeuf 70,300 46
15 10 Debevoise & Plimpton 66,876 18 17 10 Sullivan & Cromwell 87,130 42
6 11 Davis Polk & Wardwell 64,403 34 18 11 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 34,771 40
10 12 Shearman & Sterling 54,699 39 9 12 Shearman & Sterling 54,699 39
13 13 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 50,268 53 14 13 Stikeman Elliott 15,578 37
89 14 Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 43,793 16 20 14 O'Melveny & Myers 17,823 35
31 15 Baker Botts 43,737 23 28 15 K&L Gates 9,590 35
22 16 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 38,490 24 11 16 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 3,557 35
101 17 Slaughter and May 38,449 10 13 17 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 90,204 34
195 18 Norton Rose 35,500 5 29 18 Davis Polk & Wardwell 64,403 34
39 19 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 34,771 40 10 19 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 20,049 34
9 20 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 32,204 29 22 20 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 8,809 34

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and cover all sectors.

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS


All Sectors
Financial advisors – Mid-market (US$10m-US$250m)

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number
2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
3 1 Morgan Stanley 2,734 18 4 1 Morgan Stanley 2,734 18
6 2 Credit Suisse 2,612 16 5 2 RBC Capital Markets 2,279 18
2 3 Goldman Sachs 2,549 16 9 3 Credit Suisse 2,612 16
5 4 RBC Capital Markets 2,279 18 3 4 Goldman Sachs 2,549 16
14 5 Jefferies & Company 1,778 16 12 5 Jefferies & Company 1,778 16
10 6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 1,681 12 21 6 CIBC World Markets 1,610 15
17 7 CIBC World Markets 1,610 15 2 7 Houlihan Lokey 1,328 15
7 8 UBS Investment Bank 1,460 12 28 8 GMP Securities 1,409 13
11 9 Rothschild 1,413 11 7 9 Lazard 1,359 13
21 10 GMP Securities 1,409 13 10 10 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 1,681 12
8 11 Lazard 1,359 13 6 11 UBS Investment Bank 1,460 12
15 12 Macquarie Group 1,334 11 8 12 Rothschild 1,413 11
4 13 Houlihan Lokey 1,328 15 14 13 Macquarie Group 1,334 11
43 14 TD Securities 1,159 10 33 14 TD Securities 1,159 10
87 15 HSBC Bank 1,071 6 43 15 Raymond James & Associates 935 10
32 16 Raymond James & Associates 935 10 26 16 Sandler O'Neill & Partners 903 9
36 17 Sandler O'Neill & Partners 903 9 140 17 BB&T Capital Markets 664 9
24 18 Greenhill & Co 881 6 1 18 JPMorgan 722 7
65 19 Ernst & Young 741 6 16 19 Canaccord Genuity 669 7
1 20 JPMorgan 722 7 29 20 KPMG 517 7

The financial advisor mid-market league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are are based on advice to a North
American bidder, target or vendor and cover all sectors.

Legal advisors – Mid-market (US$10m-US$250m)

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number
2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
3 1 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 2,460 21 9 1 DLA Piper 2,325 34
5 2 Kirkland & Ellis 2,441 25 6 2 Kirkland & Ellis 2,441 25
15 3 DLA Piper 2,325 34 27 3 Hogan Lovells 1,862 25
17 4 Weil Gotshal & Manges 1,991 16 1 4 Latham & Watkins 1,951 22
1 5 Latham & Watkins 1,951 22 3 5 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 2,460 21
6 6 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 1,878 17 8 6 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 1,643 19
45 7 Hogan Lovells 1,862 25 7 7 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 1,878 17
61 8 Morrison & Foerster 1,825 17 54 8 Morrison & Foerster 1,825 17
26 9 Stikeman Elliott 1,764 17 17 9 Stikeman Elliott 1,764 17
12 10 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 1,643 19 75 10 Fulbright and Jaworski 1,339 17
40 11 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 1,586 12 10 11 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 1,089 17
9 12 Shearman & Sterling 1,582 11 2 12 Jones Day 1.079 17
13 13 O'Melveny & Myers 1,544 13 18 13 Weil Gotshal & Manges 1,991 16
2 14 Dewey & LeBoeuf 1,403 14 5 14 Dewey & LeBoeuf 1,403 14
27 15 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 1,391 8 13 15 O'Melveny & Myers 1,544 13
101 16 Fulbright and Jaworski 1,339 17 60 16 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 1,586 12
47 17 Sidley Austin 1,284 10 21 17 Fasken Martineau 1,141 12
28 18 Davis Polk & Wardwell 1,190 11 11 18 Shearman & Sterling 1,582 11
22 19 Fasken Martineau 1,141 12 41 19 Davis Polk & Wardwell 1,190 11
96 20 Ogilvy Renault 1,118 9 15 20 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 971 11

The legal advisor mid-market league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are are based on advice to a North
American bidder, target or vendor and cover all sectors.

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS


All Sectors
PR advisOrs

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number
2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
4 1 Joele Frank Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher 84,530 41 1 1 Kekst and Company 62,276 48
3 2 Sard Verbinnen & Co 65,228 33 4 2 Abernathy MacGregor Group (AMO) 24,408 42
2 3 Kekst and Company 62,276 48 5 3 Joele Frank Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher 84,530 41
1 4 Brunswick Group 38,457 28 2 4 FD 24,336 34
8 5 Abernathy MacGregor Group (AMO) 24,408 42 3 5 Sard Verbinnen & Co 65,228 33
5 6 FD 24,336 34 6 6 Brunswick Group 38,457 28
12 7 Finsbury Group 11,575 14 9 7 Finsbury Group 11,575 14
13 8 Kreab Gavin Anderson 9,165 5 12 8 Owen Blicksilver Public Relations 4,669 10
9 9 Maitland (AMO) 4,963 8 43 9 Integrated Corporate Relations 1,027 10
29 10 Owen Blicksilver Public Relations 4,669 10 32 10 Edelman 3,068 9
100 11 Hanmer Group 3,739 2 13 11 Citigate 1,876 9
151 12 Estudio de Comunicacion 3,736 2 7 12 Maitland (AMO) 4,963 8
26 13 Edelman 3,068 9 - 13 Stanton Public Relations & Marketing 2,291 8
- 14 Ira Wuelfing Kommunikation 3,009 1 37 14 Capital MS&L 2,126 6
- 15 Mount & Nadler 2,822 1 34 15 Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates 1,285 6
169 16 Penrose Financial 2,294 4 10 16 Brainerd Communicators 1,072 6
- 17 Stanton Public Relations & Marketing 2,291 8 15 17 Chris Tofalli Public Relations 170 6
- 18 Hudson Sandler 2,148 2 22 18 Kreab Gavin Anderson 9,165 5
64 19 Capital MS&L 2,126 6 11 19 Weber Shandwick Worldwide 1,446 5
- 20 Innisfree M&A 1,996 2 8 20 Sloane & Company 632 5

The PR advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and exclude lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and cover all sectors.

PR advisors – Mid-market (US$10m-US$250m)

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number
2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
3 1 Joele Frank Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher 1,981 17 4 1 Joele Frank Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher 1,981 17
1 2 Kekst and Company 1,632 13 2 2 Kekst and Company 1,632 13
4 3 Brunswick Group 1,513 11 1 3 FD 1,342 13
2 4 FD 1,342 13 6 4 Brunswick Group 1,513 11
6 5 Sard Verbinnen & Co 1,033 7 3 5 Abernathy MacGregor Group (AMO) 921 10
5 6 Abernathy MacGregor Group (AMO) 921 10 5 6 Sard Verbinnen & Co 1,033 7
8 7 Citigate 794 6 88 7 Integrated Corporate Relations 404 7
40 8 Finsbury Group 543 4 8 8 Citigate 794 6
88 9 Integrated Corporate Relations 404 7 13 9 Finsbury Group 543 4
11 10 Buchanan Communications 401 3 - 10 Edelman 347 4
- 11 Edelman 347 4 10 11 Buchanan Communications 401 3
- 12 Stanton Public Relations & Marketing 302 3 - 12 Stanton Public Relations & Marketing 302 3
- 13= Blanc & Otus 250 1 - 13 Outcast Communications 242 2
- 13= Penrose Financial 250 1 - 14 Lytham Partners 201 2
- 15 Outcast Communications 242 2 49 15 Weber Shandwick Worldwide 166 2
- 16 Mackenzie Partners 237 1 - 16 Pelham Bell Pottinger 154 2
- 17 Perfect Relations 233 1 47 17 Capital MS&L 139 2
- 18 Tavistock Communications 231 1 - 18 BackBay Communications 136 2
36 19 Lane Marketing Communications 218 1 - 19 City Profile Group 131 2
- 20 DF King & Co 210 1 - 20 ICIS (UK) 96 2

The PR advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and exclude lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and cover all sectors.

Deal drivers – ALL SECTORS

14 Financial

Financial Services

Financial Reform Act will push smaller banks

to sell, while FDIC deals get tougher to do.
Stressed survivors will sell for a low premium
or no premium to larger players, said Jeff
“An increase in capital
As the Financial Reform Act is put into action,
Brand, principal at KBW. Given the new financial gains tax next year will
overhaul, it makes sense to partner up and cut
buyers and sellers will approach M&A cautiously. costs, he said. For the next several years, it will push small-to-mid-
be difficult to be a US$250m-asset bank in the
The sweeping reforms, signed into law on July
21, 2010 by President Obama, will significantly US and those players will have to change their sized players to merge
business plan or merge. Smaller banks with
alter the regulatory environment, covering
less than US$2bn in assets will attract large with larger players.”
everything from mortgage reform to the newly
established Bureau of Consumer Financial private equity investors, Brand said. “Expect
Protection. activity like Sun Bancorp and WL Ross & Co.
deals in the Midwest in the coming months,”
“[The financial reform law] adds to the Brand said. On July 8, 2010, Sun Bancorp
regulatory burden and aging board members announced a US$100m equity investment from
and CEOs are going to throw up their hands and WL Ross.
say, ‘I don’t need this anymore,’” said Jeffrey
Wishner, managing director at KBW. At the same time, an increase in capital gains
tax next year will push small-to-mid-sized
“There will be a lot of M&A activity but not in players to merge with larger players. Tax rates
the next six months. Buyers still have options on long-term capital gains and dividends is
to merge via assisted deals with the Federal set to increase from a 15% maximum this
Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC),” he added. year to 20% next year, and another 3.8%
in 2013. That will result in increased deal
In the past six months, the FDIC forced many activity in the insurance brokerage space,
banks in the Midwest and Northwest into said Kevin Donahue, managing director at
receivership. The banking regulatory body is Mystic Capital Advisors Group. Players such
moving from market to market, Wishner said, as Hub International and USI Holdings will be
adding that Colorado could be the next wave of dominant buyers. Most micro-cap players are
multiple bank failures. entrepreneurs and if they wait until next year
to sell, they will have to grow EBITDA at least
But those deals are slowing down in terms
8% just to avoid feeling the effects of the capital
of large-scale opportunities and pricing has
gains tax increase compounded with a soft
increased, making traditional M&A more
market. “All of the major strategic players will
appealing, several industry sources said. Bank
be rolling out the cash,” Donahue said.
divestitures will be particularly appealing into
2011 because “buyers want branches, deposits In the financial technology space, M&A will be
and good loans,” one of the sources said. In driven by three groups of sellers: entrepreneurs
July, for example, NBH Holdings announced who went through hard times and have pent-up
the acquisition of 38 Bank Midwest branches in desire to sell, private equity firms who see
Kansas and Missouri from Dickinson Financial, opportunities to get liquidity, and corporations
one of the largest community bank divestitures divesting divisions, said Ken Marlin, founder
in eight years, the source said. of Marlin & Associates, an investment bank
that advises fintech companies. Marlin said
FDIC deals will continue to make sense for MB
his firm expects a lot of activity in the US$50m
Financial, Wintrust and First Midwest, but most
- US$200m range, with strategic players able
buyers may only complete one or two assisted
to fund such smaller deals using their own
deals, the source said.
cash and borrowing capacity. But private equity
remains cautious in the financial technology
space, he added.

by Monique Lewis



Financial Services
Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

01-Mar-10 L Prudential Plc American International Assurance Company American International Group Inc 35,500

08-Mar-10 P MetLife Inc American Life Insurance Company American International Group Inc 15,544

09-Jun-10 P Banco Santander SA Grupo Financiero Santander Serfin SA de CV Bank of America Corporation 2,500
(24.90% stake)

26-Apr-10 P Hertz Global Holdings Inc Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Inc 2,245

17-May-10 P Man Group Plc GLG Partners Inc 1,701

16-Feb-10 C JPMorgan Chase & Co RBS Sempra Commodities LLP (European and RBS Sempra Commodities LLP 1,700
Asian operations)

03-Mar-10 C Max Capital Group Ltd Harbor Point Limited 1,485

18-Feb-10 C Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Zenith National Insurance Corp 1,440

18-May-10 P Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA Itau Unibanco Holding SA (1.25% stake) Bank of America Corporation 1,115

28-Jan-10 C Goldman Sachs Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc (2.51% 1,112

10-Feb-10 C Affiliated Managers Group Inc Pantheon Ventures Limited Russell Investments 775

16-Apr-10 C QBE Insurance Group Limited NAU Country Insurance Company Lightyear Capital LLC 565

02-Mar-10 C Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Bank of NT Butterfield & Son Limited (82.50% 550
Goshen Investments LLC; The Bermuda stake)
Government Pension Funds; The Carlyle
Group LLC; and Wellcome Trust Limited

29-Jan-10 P Citigroup Inc LQ Inversiones Financieras SA (8.52% stake) Quinenco SA 534

29-Apr-10 P Ford Financial Fund LP Pacific Capital Bancorp (undisclosed 500

economic interest)

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed



M&A split by deal size


200 600

500 64
45 24
150 28
43 36
400 65
50 19
56 40 10
value (uS$bn)

18 21

100 158.6 300 32 67
147.6 167.6 146
145.2 168 77 23
150.0 164

200 43 38 6
54 18
50 83.2 59 29
254 10
174 189 191
12.1 8.4 133
6.3 8.1 23.0 125 125
10.5 6.4 0.8
8.0 7.9 8.6 5.5 3.7
7.1 7.3 7.2 3.2 3.3
0 6.6 3.8 0
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 2.9 0.2 1.1 0.1
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


100,000 200

Value (US$m)





0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant industry of the target is the Financial Services sector. Moving
Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target. average
trend line


Financial services 17
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
2 1 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 25,831 13 4 1 Sandler O'Neill & Partners 1,524 16
7 2 Credit Suisse 19,849 10 9 2 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods 421 15
9 3 Goldman Sachs 19,682 5 2 3 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 25,831 13
3 4 Barclays Capital 19,410 7 12 4 Credit Suisse 19,849 10
1 5 Citigroup 17,231 5 1 5 Morgan Stanley 12,852 9
6 6 Deutsche Bank 15,966 4 20 6 Barclays Capital 19,410 7
11 7= Blackstone Group Holdings 15,544 1 3 7 UBS Investment Bank 1,110 7
- 7= HSBC Bank 15,544 1 51 8 TD Securities 263 7
4 9 Morgan Stanley 12,852 9 14 9 JPMorgan 5,333 6
18 10 JPMorgan 5,333 6 10 10 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company 432 6
- 11 Santander Global Banking and Markets 2,500 1 8 11 Macquarie Group 389 6
8 12 Perella Weinberg Partners 1,931 2 6 12 Goldman Sachs 19,682 5
- 13 Moelis & Company 1,701 1 7 13 Citigroup 17,231 5
19 14 Sandler O'Neill & Partners 1,524 16 52 14 Rothschild 606 5
- 15= Tegris 1,457 1 11 15 Deutsche Bank 15,966 4
- 15= Violy & Company 1,457 1 5 16 Lazard 867 4
36 17 KPMG 1,190 3 22 17 Houlihan Lokey 411 4
10 18 UBS Investment Bank 1,110 7 16 18 KPMG 1,190 3
5 19 Lazard 867 4 - 19 CIBC World Markets 588 3
38 20 Royal Bank of Scotland Group 867 1 - 20 Hovde Financial - 3

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and cover the Financial Services sector.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
3 1 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 56,077 14 2 1 Sullivan & Cromwell 54,573 16
2 2 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 55,359 7 14 2 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 56,077 14
4 3 Sullivan & Cromwell 54,573 16 7 3 Dewey & LeBoeuf 21,483 12
41 4 Weil Gotshal & Manges 52,805 7 1 4 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 2,581 11
5 5 Davis Polk & Wardwell 43,750 8 22 5 Davis Polk & Wardwell 43,750 8
43 6 Debevoise & Plimpton 38,167 4 13 6 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 55,359 7
61 7 Norton Rose 35,500 2 17 7 Weil Gotshal & Manges 52,805 7
6 8= Cravath Swaine & Moore 35,500 1 6 8 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 4,984 7
- 8= Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 35,500 1 20 9 Allen & Overy 1,854 7
47 8= Slaughter and May 35,500 1 34 10 Kilpatrick Stockton 208 7
32 11 Dewey & LeBoeuf 21,483 12 32 11 Bracewell & Giuliani - 6
103 12 Alston & Bird 15,816 4 29 12 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 2,475 5
23 13 Nishimura & Asahi 15,694 3 48 13 Jones Day 2,398 5
191 14 White & Case 15,601 3 16 14 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 1,580 5
149 15= CMS 15,544 1 111 15 Torys 1,440 5
- 15= Uria Menendez 15,544 1 21 16 Bryan Cave 325 5
7 17 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 4,984 7 9 17 Debevoise & Plimpton 38,167 4
94 18 Shearman & Sterling 3,341 3 57 18 Alston & Bird 15,816 4
1 19 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 2,581 11 19 19 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 1,809 4
13 20 Linklaters 2,560 3 45 20 Stikeman Elliott 385 4

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and cover the Financial Services sector.



industrials, manufacturing & engineering

Industrial deals proliferate while double dip drought. That cash can be levered up to do deals Still a seller’s market
specter looms. worth US$1.3tn — more than the Chinese stock
market. Many have started using that cash. The Several corporate buyers emerged with big cash
The first half of 2010 saw deal activity pick up LBO, left for dead during the downturn, came hoards looking to make strategic acquisitions
among industrial companies, in addition to the back with a bang in April with Cerberus Capital in the early half of 2010, but they are much
return of the leveraged buyout. Management’s US$1.4bn buyout of defense more discerning than ever before, said bankers.
firm Dyncorp. Nonetheless, this is still regarded as a seller’s
The current M&A environment remains market—buyers are being forced to value
“modestly optimistic” but the prospect of Defense set for frenzy companies based on “normalized earnings”,
a double-dip recession in 2011 may push that is, adjusted to remove the negative impact
companies into selling in the second half of The defense sector is one area set for a frenzy of the economic recession. Bankers say
2010 before their window of opportunity snaps of dealmaking over the next six months as hundreds of companies are being marketed at
shut again. larger companies evaluate their portfolios in the moment.
an effort to improve margins or comply with
Strong chemicals tougher conflict of interest rules. In June, Yet there are warning signs—persistently high
Dealmaking in chemicals looks strong, with Lockheed Martin announced plans to divest unemployment, the faltering stock market, the
one banker saying in late July that at least 25 two units under its Information Systems & expiration of Bush’s temporary tax cuts at the
companies were for sale. Among the chemical Global Services (IS&GS) division. One of those end of 2010, spluttering car and home sales—
deals expected in the second half of 2010 are: —the Enterprise Integration Group (EIG)—is that indicate things may turn sour again in 2011.
Eastman Chemical’s sale of its PET business; being sold because of worries over federal Bill Ridenour, president of Polymer Transaction
Ashland’s sale of its US$3bn distribution arm; Organizational Conflicts of Interest regulations. Advisors, says that many companies that came
and the IPO or sale of Arizona Chemical. Others, In the face of budget cuts for marine operations through the economic downturn of 2007-9
such as A Schulmann, PolyOne, and Clariant, in the US and Europe, Northrop Grumman are thinking about the risks of a double dip
are looking at bolt-on buys as they move away in July announced it is exploring strategic recession and are hunkering down again.
from commodity chemicals to higher margin alternatives for its shipbuilding business. “Some of those that survived the recession
niche products. are out of the emergency room, but they could
Deals like these are expected to continue. suffer a relapse.”
In the construction sector, consolidation has Another driver in the defense market will
been afoot and is expected to continue. The be the major military need for unmanned by Mark Andress, Amanda Levin,
first half saw plenty of distressed transactions aerial vehicles (UAVs), making small to Richard Tekneci and Sam Weisberg
among building product distribution companies mid-size companies in the sector very
with Gores Group-backed Stock Building attractive. One source called it one of
Supply buying companies out of bankruptcy, the hottest sectors in defense right now,
with companies potentially looking to sell
and US LBM and ABC Supply also buying. In
the second half of 2010, some notable building over the last six months of the year. “Another driver in the
products manufacturers are also expected to New fuel-economy and emissions targets for defense market will
sell: Associated Materials has hired Deutsche cars and trucks will also spur consolidation
Bank for a sale process, while Euramax filed to among distressed automotive companies and be the major military
go public in July. freight forwarders that don’t have the capital to
meet the new environmental regulations.
need for unmanned
Private equity exits

Many of those transactions highlight the fact Vessel shippers are cutting back on bringing aerial vehicles (UAVs),
that private equity is looking to unload some chassis to the ports, which truckers use to
load freight. Many smaller intermodal carriers
making small to mid-
of their long-held investments. Euramax,
Associated Materials and Arizona Chemical are won’t be able to bear the extra cost of buying or
bringing their own chassis to the docks and be
size companies in the
all backed by private equity. But private equity
firms are also sitting on a US$500bn mountain forced to consolidate. sector very attractive.”
of capital they want to deploy after a two-year

Deal drivers – industrials, manufacturing & engineering


industrials, manufacturing & engineering

Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

15-Feb-10 L Yara International ASA Terra Industries Inc 4,204

18-Jan-10 C Tyco International Ltd Brink's Home Security Holdings Inc 1,836

28-Mar-10 C Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Company Volvo Cars Corporation Ford Motor Company 1,800

02-Mar-10 C Bain Capital LLC Styron Corp. The Dow Chemical Company 1,630

30-Jun-10 P Gerdau SA Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation (33.70% stake) 1,607

29-Jun-10 P Emerson Electric Company Chloride Group Plc 1,548

19-May-10 P Honeywell International Inc Sperian Protection SA Essilor International SA 1,380

20-Jun-10 P Corn Products International Inc National Starch & Chemical Company Akzo Nobel NV 1,300

22-Apr-10 C Oak Hill Capital Partners LP The Hillman Companies Inc Code Hennessy & Simmons LLC; and Ontario 956
Teachers Pension Plan

29-Mar-10 C Madison Dearborn Partners LLC BWAY Holding Company 829

26-Apr-10 C GTCR Golder Rauner LLC Protection One Inc 826

01-Jun-10 C Progress Rail Services Inc Electro-Motive Diesel Inc Berkshire Partners LLC; and Greenbriar Equity 820
Group LLC

29-Apr-10 P GrafTech International Limited C/G Electrodes LLC; and Seadrift Coke LP 692
(81.10% stake)

21-Jun-10 P ITT Corporation Godwin Pumps of America Inc 585

10-May-10 P Comtech Telecommunications Corp CPI International Inc 445

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Deal drivers – industrials, manufacturing & engineering


industrials, manufacturing & engineering

M&A split by deal size


250 1,000
44 39
34 65
200 800 82 482
32 28
24 221 43
61 226
600 169
value (uS$bn)

150 38

212 114
53 18
211.4 112 76 6
100 400 160 93
10 8
64.3 200 482 446
50 420 18
43.5 43.6 44
72.7 319
251 278 22
12.4 14.2
9.2 8.6 9.9 2.2
9.8 13.1 10.4 11.1 2.8 137
9.1 6.9 3.6 3.0
0 6.8 9.2 9.7 10.0 7.9 0
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.7 3.9 0.7 1.7 0.2
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


120,000 300

100,000 250

80,000 200
Value (US$m)


60,000 150

40,000 100

20,000 50

0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant industry of the target is the Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering sector. Moving
Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target. average
trend line

Deal drivers – industrials, manufacturing & engineering

INDUSTRials, manufacturing & engineering 21
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
16 1 JPMorgan 10,202 12 6 1 Lincoln International 300 13
18 2 Citigroup 5,675 6 9 2 JPMorgan 10,202 12
1 3 Morgan Stanley 5,427 6 3 3 Lazard 3,624 12
13 4 Barclays Capital 4,933 6 15 4 Credit Suisse 2,250 9
5 5 Rothschild 4,747 8 8 5 PricewaterhouseCoopers 309 9
25 6 Deutsche Bank 4,438 6 1 6 Rothschild 4,747 8
6 7 Lazard 3,624 12 21 7 Goldman Sachs 2,149 7
8 8 Credit Suisse 2,250 9 22 8 Citigroup 5,675 6
15 9 Goldman Sachs 2,149 7 13 9 Morgan Stanley 5,427 6
81 10 Moelis & Company 2,075 2 20 10 Barclays Capital 4,933 6
3 11 Blackstone Group Holdings 1,980 2 37 11 Deutsche Bank 4,438 6
10 12 HSBC Bank 1,959 3 23 12 Harris Williams & Co 192 6
7 13 KPMG 1,902 5 5 13 KPMG 1,902 5
11 14 RBC Capital Markets 1,844 2 45 14 Jefferies & Company 899 5
12 15 Greenhill & Co 1,629 2 4 15 UBS Investment Bank 771 5
- 16 Investec 1,548 1 63 16 BB&T Capital Markets 247 5
- 17 Credit Agricole CIB 1,380 1 48 17 Imperial Capital 250 4
35 18 Jefferies & Company 899 5 7 18 Deloitte 63 4
- 19 Morgan Keegan & Company 857 2 19 19 HSBC Bank 1,959 3
19 20 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 829 1 43 20 W.Y. Campbell & Company 310 3

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and cover the following sectors: Automotive; Chemicals & Materials; Industrials – electronics; automation and products and services; and Manufacturing – other.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
32 1 Kirkland & Ellis 7,097 16 1 1 Jones Day 118 17
40 2 Latham & Watkins 6,528 11 2 2 Kirkland & Ellis 7,097 16
16 3 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 6,454 9 10 3 Latham & Watkins 6,528 11
37 4 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 5,182 6 7 4 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 3,768 11
12 5 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 4,441 2 50 5 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 6,454 9
- 6 Wikborg Rein & Co 4,221 2 13 6 Mayer Brown 3,260 9
- 7 Thommessen 4,204 1 16 7 K&L Gates 188 9
8 8 Shearman & Sterling 3,979 6 3 8 Baker & McKenzie 168 9
10 9 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 3,768 11 5 9 DLA Piper 111 7
28 10 Mayer Brown 3,260 9 25 10 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 5,182 6
13 11 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 2,955 4 6 11 Shearman & Sterling 3,979 6
14 12 Torys 2,830 5 45 12 CMS 64 6
26 13 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 2,459 4 33 13 Torys 2,830 5
- 14 Davis Polk & Wardwell 2,294 5 - 14 Davis Polk & Wardwell 2,294 5
33 15 Linklaters 2,239 5 14 15 Linklaters 2,239 5
- 16 Debevoise & Plimpton 2,188 4 53 16 Allen & Overy 1,691 5
- 17 Lenz & Staehelin 2,001 2 119 17 Sidley Austin 1,655 5
142 18 Ashurst 1,933 3 51 18 Sullivan & Cromwell 1,640 5
54 19 Loyens & Loeff 1,910 2 9 19 Clifford Chance 665 5
55 20 Slaughter and May 1,907 4 46 20 Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 16 5

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder, target or
vendor and cover the following sectors: Automotive; Chemicals & Materials; Industrials – electronics; automation and products and services; and Manufacturing – other.

Deal drivers – industrials, manufacturing & engineering



Capital is king as energy producers reposition Renewable energy continue to look for proprietary technology,
on land and at sea. and consolidation should occur at a steady
Much of the fate of the renewable sector hangs pace. “Anything directed toward shale” will
International oil conglomerates, resource- on potential government initiatives such as a be attractive as onshore activity is poised to
hungry Asian companies and private equity carbon tax, feed-in tariffs and the uncertain come back, says Paul Moorman, Managing
firms looking to participate in the resilient US extension of stimulus dollars. Until then, Director at Southwest Securities.
energy industry are expected to invest heavily renewable energy projects will struggle to
this year in oil and gas assets – an investment obtain financing in the conservative economic Mining
the sector needs. Horizontal fracturing climate. A number of solar energy companies
technology requires capital; offshore spill have pulled IPOs this year. Weak natural gas In mining, fears of a double dip continue to
liabilities are expensive; regulatory delays can prices also have scuttled many buyers’ interest cause uncertainty in the precious metals space.
burn cash; wind and solar farm construction in capital-heavy wind assets, notes Daniel Many in the sector are holding their breaths
requires financing. Brown, Associate in Utilities and Alternative to see if gold will gain on fears of a downward
Energy at Keybanc Capital Markets. spiraling economy or if it has reached its peak,
On top on everyone’s mind is the fate of the foreshadowing the bursting of the proverbial
offshore drilling industry in the wake of the BP One bright spot on the renewable front may be bubble. In base metals, demand from Asia
oil spill. While deals won’t materialize until the in the utilities arena. “Increased presence of continues to drive the market. Canadian,
Obama administration’s drilling ban is lifted and environmental regulation will also be a catalyst African, and South American companies with
more clarity on regulations is given, offshore in utility M&A,” says Brian Tate, Managing large base metal deposits, specifically copper,
drilling has not stopped for good and neither Director and Head of Power & Utilities at Wells molybdenum and iron ore, continue to see
has M&A. Fargo Securities. “We expect to see renewable acquisition and partnering proposals from Asia,
focused acquisitions as utility companies work China in particular. While more deals like China
Consolidation is expected to occur in the mid- towards their renewable portfolio standards.” Railway Construction and Tongling Nonferrous
to long-term as new regulatory burdens and Metals joint acquisition of Corriente Resources
added safety requirements drive economies of Utilities in 2009 for US$549m are expected, partnerships
scale higher. Companies may choose to move and off-take agreements in return for funding
onshore in the near term, especially to the Rumors and speculation involving nearly
every big name in utilities have been rampant are likely to be more numerous.
shales. Small offshore companies will need to
bulk up, and could try to minimize their offshore following this year’s utilities deals. “The utility
exposure by looking for buyers or sources of M&A market is likely to gain further momentum
capital. At the very least, they could sell working in the coming year due to several factors,
interests in their wells, says Lance Gilliland, including the increased quality of industry
Managing Director at Tudor Pickering Holt. players’ balance sheets and their improved
access to the capital markets,” Tate says.
When it comes to developing the US shales,
Regulators could be an impediment to deals,
“Smaller companies,
there’s a lot of opportunity, especially in the
Marcellus, says Bill Marko, Managing Director as they have been in the past. “To the extent
that regulators are open to consolidation, you’ll
in need of new
at Jefferies. The “tremendous” amount of
capital required to develop tens of millions of see [companies] out there with appetite,” notes technologies and
shale acres will drive domestic and international Keybanc’s Brown.
majors, private equity, and Asian players to Oilfield services
economies of scale,
invest in the shales through M&A or joint
ventures. Smaller companies, in need of new Oilfield services M&A tends to be driven
may get snapped up by
technologies and economies of scale, may get
snapped up by companies able to run huge
by opportunistic reshuffling of businesses companies able to run
instead of macro trends, says Tudor
capital programs and dozens of rigs, he adds. Pickering’s Gilliland. Large players will huge capital programs.”

Deal drivers – ENERGY, mining, oil & GAS



Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

21-Feb-10 P Schlumberger Limited Smith International Inc 12,198

19-Jan-10 C Williams Partners LP The Williams Companies Inc (certain gas The Williams Companies Inc 11,750
pipeline and domestic midstream businesses)

11-Feb-10 P FirstEnergy Corp Allegheny Energy Inc 8,960

28-Apr-10 P PPL Corporation E.ON US LLC E.ON AG 7,625

11-Mar-10 P BP plc Devon Energy Corporation (Assets in the Devon Energy Corporation 7,000
deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and

14-Jun-10 C Questar Corporation (Shareholders) QEP Resources Inc Questar Corporation 6,438

28-May-10 P Royal Dutch Shell Plc East Resources Inc Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co 4,700

12-Apr-10 C Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration Syncrude Canada Ltd (9.03% stake) ConocoPhillips Company 4,650
and Production Corporation

15-Apr-10 P Apache Corporation Mariner Energy Inc 3,917

15-Mar-10 C Consol Energy Inc Dominion Resources (Appalachian E&P Dominion Resources Inc 3,475

11-Jun-10 P Buckeye Partners LP Buckeye GP Holdings L.P ArcLight Capital Partners LLC; and Kelso & 2,774

28-Jun-10 C Noble Corp FDR Holdings Limited Riverstone Holdings LLC; and The Carlyle Group 2,160

11-Apr-10 P RRI Energy Inc Mirant Corporation 2,088

20-Jan-10 L Hydro Quebec International Inc NB Power (7 hydroelectric facilities and 2 NB Power 1,752
diesel peaking units)

21-Apr-10 C Calpine Corporation Conectiv Energy (power generation assets) Pepco Holdings Inc 1,630

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Deal drivers – ENERGY, mining, oil & GAS


ENErgy, mining, oil & Gas

M&A split by deal size


300 600

250 500

83 94

200 400
31 57 42
56 38
value (uS$bn)

61 90

40 89 37
300 40
150 251.3 229.5
100 200 175 171
120.6 177 38
113 130
133 32
98.8 29
60.2 100
69 50 52 57
51 64 66
14.6 11.1 21.1 14.7 13.8 12.5 4.5 21
10.6 15.1 9.4 14.3 12.7 10.8 11.5 55 46 55 61
47 37 33
0 6.3 8.9 7.9 8.2 0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 5.8 0.5 6.3 0.5 2.7 0.2
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


120,000 150


Value (US$m)





0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant industry of the target is the Energy sector. Moving
Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target. average
trend line

Deal drivers – ENERGY, mining, oil & GAS

Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
10 1 Goldman Sachs 40,312 12 5 1 Credit Suisse 28,466 16
4 2 Deutsche Bank 28,775 12 2 2 RBC Capital Markets 3,750 15
5 3 Credit Suisse 28,466 16 67 3 TD Securities 4,298 13
6 4 Barclays Capital 23,507 10 6 4 Goldman Sachs 40,312 12
26 5 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co 21,877 8 8 5 Deutsche Bank 28,775 12
2 6 Morgan Stanley 15,349 10 9 6 BMO Capital Markets 4,940 12
7 7 UBS Investment Bank 15,167 8 7 7 CIBC World Markets 4,551 12
11 8 Citigroup 14,236 6 19 8 GMP Securities 1,935 11
14 9 JPMorgan 14,221 9 18 9 Barclays Capital 23,507 10
17 10 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 14,111 8 1 10 Morgan Stanley 15,349 10
13 11 Scotia Capital 9,729 7 15 11 JPMorgan 14,221 9
38 12 Blackstone Group Holdings 7,625 1 14 12 FirstEnergy Capital 3,346 9
24 13 Jefferies & Company 5,839 4 10 13 Macquarie Group 2,509 9
40 14 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company 5,400 4 37 14 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co 21,877 8
15 15 BMO Capital Markets 4,940 12 4 15 UBS Investment Bank 15,167 8
3 16 CIBC World Markets 4,551 12 22 16 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 14,111 8
67 17 TD Securities 4,298 13 3 17 Scotia Capital 9,729 7
- 18 SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Capital Markets 3,762 2 16 18 National Bank Financial 1,639 7
1 19 RBC Capital Markets 3,750 15 - 19 Paradigm Capital 698 7
18 20 FirstEnergy Capital 3,346 9 11 20 Peters & Co 510 7

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Energy, Mining, and Utilities – other.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
13 1 Baker Botts 41,937 17 2 1 Vinson & Elkins 25,785 18
14 2 Latham & Watkins 35,712 14 18 2 Baker Botts 41,937 17
6 3 Vinson & Elkins 25,785 18 24 3 Latham & Watkins 35,712 14
11 4 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 24,515 10 1 4 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 20,649 14
2 5 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 20,649 14 4 5 McCarthy Tetrault 4,417 14
25 6 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 19,065 5 9 6 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 9,443 12
100 7 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 17,331 8 42 7 Fulbright and Jaworski 1,563 11
46 8 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld 15,077 9 15 8 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 24,515 10
40 9 Bracewell & Giuliani 13,464 7 28 9 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld 15,077 9
- 10 O'Melveny & Myers 12,778 3 3 10 Burnet Duckworth & Palmer 3,761 9
- 11 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 11,750 1 7 11 Stikeman Elliott 1,836 9
20 12 Dewey & LeBoeuf 11,519 5 105 12 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 17,331 8
27 13 Sullivan & Cromwell 9,479 4 6 13 Fasken Martineau 2,303 8
7 14 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 9,443 12 26 14 Bracewell & Giuliani 13,464 7
36 15 Baker & McKenzie 7,936 4 36 15 Alston & Bird 6,947 6
10 16 Fraser Milner Casgrain 7,882 4 16 16 Andrews Kurth 5,619 6
30 17 K&L Gates 7,625 2 14 17 Borden Ladner Gervais 786 6
34 18 Linklaters 7,450 2 11 18 Dorsey & Whitney 212 6
- 19 Barbosa, Mussnich & Aragao 7,000 1 47 19 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 19,065 5
16 20 Alston & Bird 6,947 6 13 20 Dewey & LeBoeuf 11,519 5

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Energy, Mining, and Utilities – other.

Deal drivers – ENERGY, mining, oil & GAS



Consumer M&A is on the rebound, and may

rise further in the second half of the year as
Private equity deals take the spotlight “The bulk of activity
After a two-year hiatus, the consumer sector
would-be buyers regain confidence from the
has once again become a popular place for
during the latter half of
steadying economy.

Recession resistant sectors such as food,

private equity exits. That trend will continue
in the next six months or longer if the debt
the year will likely be
beverages and pet products will remain M&A markets remain open. Lenders are willing to between private equity
hot spots, bankers say. But as the economy lend, but the gap between buyer and seller
improves, they believe that a wider range of expectations remains a threat to deals in the firms and privately-
sectors will attract interested buyers and sellers. second half of the year.
held companies, or
One deal rumor that keeps resurfacing is a The consumer deal environment, particularly
possible bid by Nestle to purchase General in food, is so robust that private equity firms public companies
Mills. Mead Johnson also remains a logical are expected to exit or attempt to exit almost
target for Nestle, as well as Groupe Danone and every single food holding older than two years. going private. Strategic
For instance, Pinnacle Foods, the New Jersey-
Unilever. Speculation about a Mead Johnson
deal has been around since the company’s based food company owned by the Blackstone
buyers, focused on
separation from Bristol-Myers in late 2009, and
most dealmakers expect a bidding war in the
Group, is likely to go public within the next year,
one banker says.
improving their core
next six to 12 months.
Restaurants make a comeback
operations, are unlikely
International players also may tap the US for
During the recession, private equity firms to return to the market
beer brands, with Japan-based beer and soft
drink company Sapporo recently expressing felt compelled to hold onto their restaurant
investments, says Paul Huffman, a managing
by the end of the year.”
interest in acquiring premium beer companies
local to the states. director with Hadley Partners. But as the
recession eases, a number of funds will start to
Expect more deals in pet food, pet accessories prune restaurants from their portfolios.
and pet nutritional supplements, with some
valuations north of 10x EBITDA reflecting the In a turning point for the slumping industry,
sector’s growth potential. For instance, Procter officially classified as the Leisure sector by
& Gamble in May made a complementary mergermarket, CKE Restaurants in April sold to
addition to its pet food segment when Apollo Management for US$1bn after previously
it acquired Natura Pet Products for an receiving a US$919m offer from Thomas H. Lee
undisclosed sum. Partners (THL). The same month, US-based Lee
Equity Partners LLC, founded by THL-founder
Major apparel makers VF Corporation and Thomas H. Lee, acquired pizza chain Papa
Kellwood have expressed a desire to return to Murphy’s from Charlesbank Capital Partners for
the market this year as acquirers. Phillips-Van an undisclosed consideration. Papa Murphy’s
Heusen in March agreed to purchase Tommy reportedly sold for 10x EBITDA, and has been a
Hilfiger for US$3bn, and remains on the hunt banner deal this year due to its high valuation.
for buys.
The bulk of activity during the latter half of
Although consumer deals are on the rise, the year will likely be between private equity
industry valuations will not mirror 2007, when firms and privately-held companies, or public
companies sold at historic premiums, warns companies going private. Strategic buyers,
one banker. Consumers themselves still have focused on improving their core operations, are
obstacles in their spending path, the banker unlikely to return to the market by the end of
pointed out, with unemployment and access to the year.
personal credit hindering factors.

Deal drivers – consumer


Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

25-Feb-10 P The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc (North American Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc 12,280

05-Jan-10 C Nestle SA Kraft Foods (frozen pizza business) Kraft Foods Inc 3,700

15-Mar-10 C Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation Tommy Hilfiger Corporation Apax Partners LLP 3,009

02-Jun-10 P Alimentation Couche Tard Inc Casey's General Stores Inc 1,900

14-Jan-10 C Shiseido Company Limited Bare Escentuals Inc 1,740

21-May-10 C GS Capital Partners Michael Foods Inc Thomas H Lee Partners LP 1,700

14-Jun-10 P Marfrig Alimentos SA Keystone Foods LLC Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer LP 1,260

24-Feb-10 C Philip Morris Fortune Tobacco Co Inc Fortune Tobacco Corporation (Selected Assets Fortune Tobacco Corporation; and Philip Morris 1,170
And Liabilities); and Philip Morris Philippines Philippines Manufacturing Inc (subsidiary of Philip
Manufacturing Inc (Selected Assets And Morris International Inc)

21-Jun-10 C Ralcorp Holdings Inc American Italian Pasta Co 1,162

17-Feb-10 C Walgreen Co Duane Reade Inc Oak Hill Capital Partners LP 1,075

08-Jun-10 C Aryzta AG Fresh Start Bakeries Inc Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer LP 900

22-Mar-10 P Bottling Holdings (Luxembourg) Sarl Coca-Cola Drikker AS; and Coca-Cola Drycker The Coca-Cola Company 822
(subsidiary of Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc) Sverige AB

23-Mar-10 C Perrigo Company PBM Holdings Inc 808

09-Feb-10 C Spectrum Brands Inc Russell Hobbs Limited 675

25-Feb-10 C Diamond Foods Inc Kettle Foods Inc Lion Capital LLP 615

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Deal drivers – consumer


M&A split by deal size


150 600

500 27
120 26
39 44
28 27
16 35
400 62 15
31 96
value (uS$bn)

90 26
131.6 131

126.5 132 52
300 150 94
13 7
60 47 18
48.3 81.5
71 58
200 55
296 36
30 226 234 13
13.3 100 24
36.0 178 187 9
8.9 29.4
6.0 9.4 156
10.7 6.9 2.5
5.1 5.5 7.2 90
4.1 3.1 2.4
0 6.7 6.3 6.0 4.3 3.8 0
0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 2.5 0.3 1.3 0.1
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


100,000 150

80,000 120
Value (US$m)

60,000 90

40,000 60

20,000 30

0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant industry of the target is the Consumer sector. Moving
Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target. average
trend line

Deal drivers – CONSUMER

Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
7 1 Goldman Sachs 22,992 15 5 1 Goldman Sachs 22,992 15
48 2 Credit Suisse 20,537 11 48 2 Credit Suisse 20,537 11
4 3 Lazard 16,802 6 2 3 Rothschild 3,899 10
- 4 Allen & Company 13,272 3 54 4 KPMG 809 7
- 5 Greenhill & Co 13,102 2 9 5 Lazard 16,802 6
13 6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 7,857 6 12 6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 7,857 6
10 7 Citigroup 7,687 4 - 7 Barclays Capital 5,043 6
- 8 Barclays Capital 5,043 6 21 8 Citigroup 7,687 4
14 9 Peter J Solomon Company 4,184 3 1 9 Houlihan Lokey 3,874 4
8 10 Rothschild 3,899 10 11 10 Morgan Stanley 3,405 4
24 11 Houlihan Lokey 3,874 4 - 11 Allen & Company 13,272 3
- 12= Blackstone Group Holdings 3,700 2 13 12 Peter J Solomon Company 4,184 3
- 12= Centerview Partners 3,700 2 8 13 Deutsche Bank 3,209 3
6 14 Morgan Stanley 3,405 4 59 14 PricewaterhouseCoopers 1,475 3
3 15 Deutsche Bank 3,209 3 - 15 Quayle Munro Holdings 919 3
- 16 RBC Capital Markets 3,107 2 14 16 Rabobank 510 3
1 17 JPMorgan 2,068 2 22 17 HSBC Bank 481 3
2 18 Nomura Holdings 1,506 1 - 18 Deloitte 445 3
59 19 PricewaterhouseCoopers 1,475 3 49 19 Ernst & Young 211 3
32 20 Evercore Partners 1,162 1 - 20 BMO Capital Markets 180 3

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Consumer-retail, food and other.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
33 1 Dewey & LeBoeuf 19,717 5 27 1 DLA Piper 2,121 11
30 2 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 16,564 5 4 2 Weil Gotshal & Manges 5,724 9
13 3 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 15,610 5 6 3 Kirkland & Ellis 1,761 7
- 4= Cahill Gordon & Reindel 13,102 2 1 4 Jones Day 1,297 7
- 4= McKenna Long & Aldridge 13,102 2 33 5 Cravath Swaine & Moore 6,745 6
23 5 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 12,725 3 35 6 Dewey & LeBoeuf 19,717 5
47 7 Stikeman Elliott 12,493 5 68 7 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 16,564 5
101 8 White & Case 12,280 3 3 8 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 15,610 5
- 9 Covington & Burling 12,280 1 22 9 Stikeman Elliott 12,493 5
24 10 Cravath Swaine & Moore 6,745 6 9 10 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 4,834 5
32 11 Weil Gotshal & Manges 5,724 9 58 11 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 5,323 4
10 12 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 5,323 4 124 12 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 3,640 4
11 13 Latham & Watkins 5,246 3 41 13 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 2,000 4
63 14 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 4,834 5 - 14 Shearman & Sterling 1,974 4
36 15 Willkie Farr & Gallagher 4,084 2 140 15 Clifford Chance 1,475 4
- 16 Homburger 3,700 1 61 16 Allen & Overy 615 4
119 17 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 3,640 4 64 17 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 12,725 3
20 18 Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 3,166 3 14 18 White & Case 12,280 3
- 19 De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 3,009 1 2 19 Latham & Watkins 5,246 3
5 20 DLA Piper 2,121 11 31 20 Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 3,166 3

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Consumer-retail, food and other.

Deal drivers – CONSUMER

30 media &

technology, media & telecom

Technology companies, cash rich and Meanwhile, the telecom market is teeming with The need for digital security in areas such as
unconstrained by the fluctuating credit activity as investors in private companies take Government, energy and ecommerce also will
markets, have outpaced most other industries advantage of favorable pricing in fiber, cable make this a strategic area for buyers. Traditional
in their zeal for cutting deals this year. and data centers to exit longstanding positions, defense companies like Lockheed Martin are
say sector bankers. Intellifiber, Fibertech, looking to remake themselves as security
And if the humming rumor mill is anything to Onelink Communications, Hargray, KDL, Peak companies to take advantage of these trends,
go by, the latter half of the year could be even 10, Alpheus Communications and 365 Main Ackerman says, noting that Boeing acquired
busier as smaller companies hire banks and all launched auctions this year, according to Narus Networks in early July.
larger buyers look to acquire in hot areas like mergermarket reports.
mobile, security and cloud technologies. Balancing capital needs with investor returns
The majority of the telecom auctions should is getting easier for mid-sized technology
But even with all the pent up deal- conclude with a successful deal by the second companies, which are quickly filling the IPO
making pressures, buyers are likely half of 2010, speculates one sector executive. “A pipeline. More than a quarter of IPO filings
to stick to small targets because of lot of investors are fatigued. The companies are in the past 12 months were by technology
lingering uncertainty around the economy, pressured to sell. And the space is generating companies, says Renaissance Capital principle
according to a corporate development private equity interest because of a thesis that Kathleen Shelton Smith. Many more hopefuls
executive at a large software company. more capital will materially increase EBITDA.” are “percolating” in the IPO wings, waiting for
At least one large Internet company has certainty to return to the public markets.
High buyer interest in TMT is being driven in
ramped up its search for acquisitions over the part by a pull back in internal research and Shelton Smith was optimistic about the IPO
past six months, and will be seeking smaller development, causing businesses to purchase prospects of large companies such as multi-
tuck-ins with expertise in mobile and localized new technologies from outside companies, says billion dollar media company Nielsen, which
technology, another executive says. “Mobile is Bob Ackerman, founder of early stage investor filed in June. Investors are trying to find
broadly recognized as a crucial element now.” Allegis Capital. “We have seen a lot of activity as companies with growing cash flow to put their
Expect small buys to dominate the general TMT it relates to our own portfolio.” money to work, she says. Pre-profit companies
landscape, though a few larger deals such as have fewer options. “It’s a really challenging
The size of buys will increase as confidence time for a growth company that’s not profitable.”
the acquisition of movie rental business Netflix returns to the economy, Ackerman predicts.
would not be a surprise, the executive says. Traditional media companies, under pressure to by Louise Bleakley and Sarah Cohen
The transition to digital movie distribution could reinvent themselves and IT security businesses
put Netflix in a position where an offer from a caught in an upswing in demand for online
large media company such as Disney is more security should both be areas of high activity in
attractive than competing alone against multiple coming months, he said.
media giants. Amazon or Apple could also be “High buyer interest in
interested in Netflix’s customer base, he adds. In traditional media, large media conglomerates
will continue to snap up fast growth companies TMT is being driven in
While there is much talk of the likely in the new media and online space. “There’s
takeout or IPO of highly profitable fast pressure on traditional media companies to part by a pull back in
growth companies Zynga and Facebook,
these companies appear to be in no rush
recreate their businesses,” explains Ackerman.
internal research and
to exit and buyers are in no hurry to pay Consolidation among smaller television and
the price for them, the executive notes. radio companies seeking to gain scale also is
development, causing
expected to accelerate. “We are now seeing
much more deal flow,” says Thomas Gahan,
businesses to purchase
President of Providence Equity’s Capital Markets new technologies from
Group. “Management teams have been more
positive than they were.” outside companies.”

Deal drivers – technology, media & telecom


technology, media & telecom

Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

22-Apr-10 P CenturyLink Qwest Communications International Inc 22,153

25-Jan-10 C KDDI Corporation Jupiter Telecommunications Co Ltd (37.80% Liberty Global Inc 4,014

19-Feb-10 P Shaw Communications Inc CanWest Global Communications Corporation Canwest Global Communications Corporation 1,966
(over-the-air and specialty television business)

21-Apr-10 C Visa Inc CyberSource Corporation 1,699

15-Feb-10 P Grupo Televisa SA de CV Comunicaciones Nextel de Mexico SA de CV NII Holdings Inc 1,440
(30% stake)

10-Jun-10 C TPG Capital LP Vertafore Inc Hellman & Friedman LLC; and JMI Equity 1,400

24-May-10 C IBM Corporation Sterling Commerce Inc AT&T Inc 1,400

14-Jun-10 P Cablevision Systems Corporation Bresnan Communications Inc Comcast Corporation; Providence Equity Partners 1,365
Inc; and Quadrangle Group LLC

19-May-10 P Symantec Corporation VeriSign Inc (Identity and Authentication VeriSign Inc 1,280

09-Feb-10 C Micron Technology Inc Numonyx BV Francisco Partners LP; Intel Corporation; and 1,270
STMicroelectronics NV

19-Mar-10 P Icahn Enterprises LP Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. 1,220

05-Mar-10 P ABRY Partners LLC RCN Corporation 1,177

09-Jun-10 P Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions Inc Eclipsys Corporation 1,170

28-Apr-10 C Hewlett-Packard Company Palm Inc 1,141

26-Jan-10 C Quad/Graphics Inc World Color Press Inc. 1,121

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Deal drivers – technology, media & telecom


TEchnology, media & telecom

M&A split by deal size


350 1,000
300 65
36 52 104
32 84
63 79
250 26 17
600 329
value (uS$bn)

200 306 295

303 32 14
283.4 213
150 400 148
171.3 135
160 107 17
189 193
100 161.4 81 15
116.3 74
50 85.3 314 303
224 291 246
18.0 15.3 21.5 223
11.9 6.2 40.7
17.0 4.7 5.0 158
9.7 13.3 14.6 10.0 5.9
12.7 12.6 14.6 12.3 4.8
0 8.9 0
1.6 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.9 5.9 0.7 3.2 0.3
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


150,000 300


Value (US$m)





0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant industry of the target is the Technology, Media & Telecom sector. Moving
Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target. average
trend line

Deal drivers – technology, MEDIA & Telecom

TEchnology, media & telecom 33
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
1 1 JPMorgan 34,167 11 6 1 Goldman Sachs 7,355 18
2 2 Morgan Stanley 29,375 16 1 2 Morgan Stanley 29,375 16
8 3 Deutsche Bank 28,306 10 24 3 Jefferies & Company 1,425 14
4 4 Barclays Capital 26,855 6 2 4 JPMorgan 34,167 11
- 5 Perella Weinberg Partners 24,543 4 4 5 Deutsche Bank 28,306 10
27 6 Lazard 24,237 6 8 6 UBS Investment Bank 10,340 10
6 7 Evercore Partners 22,153 1 3 7 Credit Suisse 5,139 8
11 8 UBS Investment Bank 10,340 10 10 8 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 4,099 8
3 9 Goldman Sachs 7,355 18 11 9 RBC Capital Markets 3,572 8
7 10 Credit Suisse 5,139 8 5 10 Barclays Capital 26,855 6
- 11 Greenhill & Co 4,552 3 22 11 Lazard 24,237 6
- 12 Nomura Holdings 4,316 4 13 12 Houlihan Lokey 449 6
9 13 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 4,099 8 34 13 Petsky Prunier 146 6
23 14 RBC Capital Markets 3,572 8 15 14 Pagemill Partners 67 6
- 15 Sangyo Sosei Advisory 3,051 1 96 15 William Blair & Company 1,664 5
39 16 TD Securities 2,321 4 - 16 KPMG 24 5
10 17 Allen & Company 1,665 2 - 17 Perella Weinberg Partners 24,543 4
96 18 William Blair & Company 1,664 5 - 18 Nomura Holdings 4,316 4
5 19 Citigroup 1,493 4 52 19 TD Securities 2,321 4
42 20 Jefferies & Company 1,425 14 7 20 Citigroup 1,493 4

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder, target
or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Computer – software, hardware and semiconductors; Telecommunications: Hardware; Internet/e-Commerce; Media; and Telecommunications: Carriers.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
13 1 Shearman & Sterling 29,670 14 6 1 DLA Piper 1,644 30
15 2 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 28,647 8 5 2 Fenwick & West 2,938 24
1 3 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 27,638 10 1 3 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 2,052 20
9 4 Latham & Watkins 26,889 11 4 4 Cooley 1,705 18
- 5 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 26,149 6 2 5 Jones Day 3,712 17
7 6 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 24,334 6 11 6 Shearman & Sterling 29,670 14
6 7 Debevoise & Plimpton 22,364 3 7 7 O'Melveny & Myers 735 14
- 8 Jones Walker 22,153 1 48 8 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 2,182 12
20 9 Davis Polk & Wardwell 5,660 9 3 9 Latham & Watkins 26,889 11
54 10 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 5,390 8 10 10 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 5,299 11
4 11 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 5,299 11 15 11 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 3,574 11
- 12 Mori Hamada & Matsumoto 5,294 2 18 12 Morrison & Foerster 2,051 11
16 13 Sullivan & Cromwell 4,857 6 9 13 Kirkland & Ellis 1,671 11
37 14 Allen & Overy 4,154 7 14 14 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 27,638 10
- 15 Nishimura & Asahi 4,138 2 28 15 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 731 10
24 16 Jones Day 3,712 17 20 16 Davis Polk & Wardwell 5,660 9
14 17 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 3,574 11 17 17 Weil Gotshal & Manges 3,121 9
- 18 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 3,246 6 13 18 Hogan Lovells 855 9
- 19 Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu 3,152 2 24 19 K&L Gates 99 9
53 20 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 3,126 2 19 20 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 28,647 8

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder, target
or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Computer – software, hardware and semiconductors; Telecommunications: Hardware; Internet/e-Commerce; Media; Telecommunications: Carriers.

Deal drivers – technology, MEDIA & Telecom

34 life sciences
& healthcare

life sciences & healthcare

Healthcare activity, mostly asleep for the first

half of the year, looks like it is finally waking up.
estimated US$20bn valuation and, in healthcare
information technology, Allscripts and Eclipsys
“Service companies
Sanofi-Aventis is reportedly eyeing Genzyme,
agreed to a US$1.2bn merger. now face ‘huge
the roughly US$17bn life sciences business,
with other heavyweights likely to get in on the
Non-profit hospitals are increasingly attractive
to for-profit businesses that want to capture
pressure’ to reduce
act. A sale process could kick off another round more of the hospital market, says Ditkoff. For costs and manage
of blockbuster deals in the healthcare industry. instance, Detroit Medical Center and the Caritas
System in Boston recently succumbed to risks, and will look to
Expect more deals in the US$1bn to US$12bn takeover bids. Expect a number of deals in this
market capitalization range, says Peter Reikes, vice space, as a lack of financing and operational get bigger in order to
chairman of the healthcare group at Cowen and inefficiencies continue to squeeze non-profits.
Company. Genzyme is just one of a “well-defined spread their costs.”
group” of mid-cap life sciences companies that “People aren’t stealing companies,” Ditkoff
have long been considered targets in the space. adds, predicting that larger companies may
Others that could go up for grabs include BioMarin, wait on M&A until seller pricing expectations go
Alexion and Biogen, he says. down. A number of targets haven’t felt the pinch
from healthcare reform yet, and don’t feel they
Cross-border activity will remain a key M&A need to sell, he explains.
driver, agree Reikes and Charlie Ditkoff, vice
chairman of global corporate and investment Consolidation of managed care companies
banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. also is a hot topic. “Clearly, that is where the
European and Asian buyers, drawn by the cheap government regulations have been focused,”
dollar, turned predatory eyes on the US in 2009. Ditkoff says. Thus far, however, managed care
Now the roles are reversed, with US healthcare companies have held off on M&A and focused
companies, armed with a strong dollar, hunting on improving operations. “They are afraid if they
overseas. Countries with a tremendous growth do a deal that will increase their scrutiny.”
rate, such as China, will be of particular interest,
predicts Ditkoff. Mid-sized medical device companies also are
likely to bulk up in preparation of additional
Traditional global powerhouses cannot be ruled business costs stemming from healthcare
out of the cross-border game, however. Japan is reform. Device companies will be slapped with a
an active source of buyside M&A, Reikes says. new 2.3% sales tax effective at the start of 2013.
The always acquisitive Sanofi-Aventis of France,
which snapped up TargeGen and Chattem this As a result, Ditkoff anticipates a slew of “fill-in”
year, also will be on the hunt. deals valued at US$400m to US$500m. Large
medical technology companies are seeking
Though life sciences M&A tends to make the specific products to fill out their pipelines, such
biggest splash, expect the healthcare services as Medtronic’s US$500m January purchase of
industry to be active in the wake of healthcare Invatec and two affiliated companies.
reform legislation, Ditkoff says. Service
companies now face “huge pressure” to reduce Covidien is ahead of the curve on this front,
costs and manage risks, and will look to get snapping up Aspect Medical in late 2009
bigger in order to spread their costs, he explains. and following up this year with purchases
of Somanetics for US$264m and EV3 for
Just weeks after the reform bill passed, home US$2.5bn. Johnson & Johnson followed the EV3
health service provider Gentiva Health paid deal with the purchase of Micrus Endovascular
US$1bn to acquire Odyssey Healthcare, Hospital for US$358m.
Corp. of America (HCA) filed to go public at an
by Paunie Samreth

Deal drivers – LIFe sciences & healthcare


life sciences & healthcare

Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

09-Mar-10 P Merial-Intervet Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health; and Merck & Co Inc; and Sanofi-Aventis SA 8,250
Merial Limited

28-Feb-10 C Merck KGaA Millipore Corporation 6,760

07-Jun-10 P Grifols SA Talecris Biotherapeutics Inc Cerberus Capital Management LP 3,728

21-May-10 P Abbott Laboratories Piramal Healthcare Solutions business Piramal Healthcare Limited 3,720

21-Jun-10 P Biovail Corporation Valeant Pharmaceuticals International 3,689

01-Mar-10 C Astellas Pharma Inc OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc 3,301

17-May-10 P Universal Health Services Inc Psychiatric Solutions Inc 3,083

30-Jun-10 P Celgene Corporation Abraxis BioScience Inc 2,733

01-Jun-10 C Covidien Plc EV3 Inc 2,453

26-Apr-10 L Charles River Laboratories Inc WuXi PharmaTech 1,488

19-Jan-10 C Emeritus Corporation; Blackstone Real Estate Stayton SW Assisted Living (144 Senior Stayton SW Assisted Living 1,245
Advisors; and Columbia Pacific Advisors LLC Housing Facilities)

24-May-10 P Gentiva Health Services Inc Odyssey HealthCare Inc 1,020

01-Feb-10 C Cephalon Inc Mepha AG Mepha Holding AG 615

30-Jun-10 C Sanofi-Aventis SA TargeGen Inc TargeGen Inc consortium 560

09-Jun-10 C Cardinal Health Inc Healthcare Solutions Holding LLC 517

C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Deal drivers – LIFe sciences & healthcare


life sciences & healthcare

M&A split by deal size


200 500

400 36
30 21 36
24 26 40 45 20
14 19
300 29
value (uS$bn)


100 179.0 144 18
142.5 133 110 18
200 125
107.1 74

63 73 50 12 10
63 39 18
50 63.7 61
52.6 100
36.6 40
120 134 12
37.4 104 126 115
4.8 8.5 8.0 12.3 6.9 89
6.2 3.3 67
8.0 6.4 6.9 7.0 4.6 4.9 2.9 3.0
0 5.7 5.5 6.1 5.2 0
0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 3.0 0.4 1.8 0.1
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


200,000 120



Value (US$m)


100,000 60




0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant industry of the target is the Life Sciences and Healthcare sector. Moving
Geographic region is determined with reference to the dominant location of the target. average
trend line

Deal drivers – life sciences & healthcare

life sciences & healthcare 37
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
1 1 Goldman Sachs 20,357 14 1 1 Goldman Sachs 20,357 14
2 2 Morgan Stanley 16,935 8 3 2 JPMorgan 8,037 10
14 3 Credit Suisse 8,754 3 2 3 Morgan Stanley 16,935 8
7 4 Evercore Partners 8,250 1 4 4 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 6,331 7
3 5 JPMorgan 8,037 10 7 5 Piper Jaffray & Co 3,406 7
6 6 Citigroup 7,556 4 6 6 Lazard 6,395 6
- 7= Guggenheim Securities 6,760 1 31 7 Jefferies & Company 4,502 5
- 7= Perella Weinberg Partners 6,760 1 11 8 William Blair & Company 3,888 5
10 9 Lazard 6,395 6 8 9 Citigroup 7,556 4
4 10 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 6,331 7 13 10 Deutsche Bank 4,862 4
13 11 Deutsche Bank 4,862 4 24 11 Credit Suisse 8,754 3
22 12 Jefferies & Company 4,502 5 12 12 Barclays Capital 1,020 3
42 13 William Blair & Company 3,888 5 - 13 Wells Fargo Securities 450 3
- 14= Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria 3,730 1 9 14 Greenhill & Co 225 3
- 14= Natixis 3,730 1 15 15 RBC Capital Markets 209 3
- 14= Nomura Holdings 3,730 1 - 16 Centerview Partners 3,703 2
- 17 Centerview Partners 3,703 2 - 17 Peter J Solomon Company 680 2
12 18 Piper Jaffray & Co 3,406 7 17 18 Rothschild 615 2
5 19 Barclays Capital 1,020 3 5 19 UBS Investment Bank 455 2
- 20 Medical Edge Healthcare Group 1,020 1 - 20 Raymond James & Associates 381 2

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Biotechnology; Medical; and Pharmaceuticals.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
24 1 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 20,826 6 1 1 Latham & Watkins 4,059 12
1 2 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 20,194 6 2 2 Jones Day 4,311 11
18 3 Cravath Swaine & Moore 15,020 5 21 3 Ropes & Gray 9,804 10
17 4 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 10,704 3 29 4 Kirkland & Ellis 721 10
6 5 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 10,026 7 13 5 DLA Piper 158 9
36 6 Ropes & Gray 9,804 10 4 6 Dewey & LeBoeuf 7,985 8
80 7 Weil Gotshal & Manges 8,733 5 10 7 Morrison & Foerster 6,410 8
54 8 Linklaters 8,250 1 36 8 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 10,026 7
5 9 Dewey & LeBoeuf 7,985 8 32 9 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 4,206 7
60 10 Proskauer Rose 6,615 3 20 10 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 20,826 6
3 11 Sullivan & Cromwell 6,403 2 3 11 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 20,194 6
30 12 Morrison & Foerster 6,410 8 7 12 Cravath Swaine & Moore 15,020 5
102 13 Greenberg Traurig 5,209 4 90 13 Weil Gotshal & Manges 8,733 5
116 14 Richards Layton & Finger 5,152 3 39 14 Covington & Burling 1,608 5
16 15 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 4,416 3 34 15 McDermott Will & Emery 1,038 5
27 16 Jones Day 4,311 11 55 16 Greenberg Traurig 5,209 4
2 17 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 4,247 2 42 17 Baker & McKenzie 4,002 4
57 18 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 4,206 7 11 18 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 3,578 4
15 19 Latham & Watkins 4,059 12 41 19 Willkie Farr & Gallagher 2,674 4
28 20 Baker & McKenzie 4,002 4 9 20 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 403 4

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a North American bidder,
target or vendor and are based on the following sectors: Biotechnology; Medical; and Pharmaceuticals.

Deal drivers – life sciences & healthcare

38 Canada


Canadian M&A continues to increase; cross- supply arrangement for the resource itself, said On the IPO front, the capital markets have seen
border transactions on the rise Kristian Knibutat, National Leader of Deals several initial public offerings in the first half of
at PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada. Joint 2010 but not as many as expected. “While we
M&A activity in Canada is expected to rise as ventures or partnerships allow companies with are still optimistic about the balance of 2010,
liquidity returns to the credit markets and the a reduced risk appetite to enter the Canadian the IPO market hasn’t opened the way people
demand for commodities continues to increase, market as they limit exposure to an asset or a thought it would. One of the issues is with the
leading to more cross-border deals. There sector, Arnone said. volatility of the market,” Knight said. Volatility
will also be a fairly steady pace of M&A activity is being caused by several macroeconomic
stemming from private equity firms stepping Canadian companies, in turn, are stepping up issues including the Greek debt crisis, the BP
back on the scene and companies divesting to the global stage as they look at investing oil spill and consumer spending reports in the
assets to focus on their core businesses. outside of North America. “If you start to US, Arnone explained. Investors tend to wait for
look at the fundamentals of Canada, we have a sustained upward momentum in the capital
“There’s an upward trend in long term a strong dollar, a strong financial services
optimism. Banks are in the business of markets before transacting in an IPO, Arnone
sector, a relatively strong economy and a good added.
lending and there are some good opportunities reputation in the market place. Canada is
emerging,” said Frank Arnone, Partner at Blake, perceived to be a good partner by developing by Divya Balji
Cassels & Graydon. The mechanisms that countries,” Knibutat explained.
companies need to strike a deal are back and
banks are willing to lend to fund those deals, Canada’s stable and regulated financial
but it is on a more cautious basis, said Charles services sector is seeing outbound deals.
Knight, Partner, Financial Advisory Services at Canadian banks are taking advantage of the
Deloitte Canada. impact of the financial crisis and have made
acquisitions of US banks and/or business units
For the first half of 2010, Canada did not see of US banks to grow their global presence.
many multi-billion dollar deals, but the increase Canadian banks are also looking at growing
in lending activity led to a heightened level globally by forming partnerships with banks
of M&A in the upper middle market with an outside of North America namely because
acquisition price range of about US$100m to wealth is being generated in many countries
US$500m. The majority of M&A activity in the outside of North America. “While we are still
first half took place across several sectors
including oil and gas, mining, financial services In the green technology space, there is both optimistic about the
and real estate and this is expected to continue. foreign and domestic interest via equity stake
buys and direct investments, as a result of the balance of 2010, the
Cross-border transactions in the energy and Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) revised Feed-
mining sectors are on the rise. Canada’s oil in-tariff (FIT). The FIT program is a guaranteed IPO market hasn’t
and gas and mining sectors are receiving high funding structure that combines stable,
levels of interest from Asian companies due competitive prices and long-term contracts for
opened the way people
to the increase in demand for commodities
in that region and a need to secure supply of
energy generated using renewable resources.
This is being seen as a precursor to M&A
thought it would. One
these products. Instead of acquiring 100%
of an oil and gas or mining company, foreign
activity for when these technologies reach the of the issues is with
commercialization stage.
entities are looking at arranging creative deals the volatility of the
whereby they will acquire a partial stake in a
Canadian company and have an off-take or market.”

Deal drivers – CANADA


Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)
12-Apr-10 C Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration Syncrude Canada Ltd (9.03% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas ConocoPhillips Company 4,650
and Production Corporation
19-Feb-10 P Shaw Communications Inc CanWest Global Communications TMT Canwest Global Communications 1,966
Corporation (over-the-air and Corporation
specialty television business)

20-Jan-10 L Hydro Quebec International Inc NB Power (7 hydroelectric facilities Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas NB Power 1,752
and 2 diesel peaking units)

23-Mar-10 C Quadra Mining Limited FNX Mining Company Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 1,288

26-Jan-10 C Quad/Graphics Inc World Color Press Inc TMT 1,121

12-May-10 C Crescent Point Energy Corp Shelter Bay Energy Inc (79% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 1,073

10-May-10 C Postmedia Network Inc Canwest Limited Partnership TMT 976

08-Jun-10 P ARMZ Uranium Holding Co Uranium One Inc (37.73% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 959

19-May-10 C Northern Blizzard Resources Inc Nexen Inc (heavy oil assets) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Nexen Inc 940

08-Jan-10 L Bank of Montreal; Bank of Nova Scotia; Canwest Limited Partnership TMT 892
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Royal
Bank of Canada; and TD Bank Financial Group

13-May-10 C China Investment Corporation Penn West Energy Trust (oil sands Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Penn West Energy Trust 799
properties in Alberta) (45.00% stake)

09-Jun-10 P ARC Energy Trust Storm Exploration Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 738

03-May-10 C Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited Comaplex Minerals Corp Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 647

04-May-10 C Kinross Gold Corporation Red Back Mining Inc (9.40% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 590

15-Jun-10 P Legacy Oil + Gas Inc CanEra Resources Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 585
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering

Financial Services
1.1% 0.2% 1.3% 1.4% 0.9%
1.9% 2.0%
Business Services 2.7% 2.3%
2.5% 11.3%
1.5% 3.7% 0.9% 6.1%
16.0% 4.7%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering
TMT Financial Services
Leisure Business Services 13.1%

Transportation Consumer

Life Sciences & Healthcare Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas

Construction TMT
Real Estate Leisure

Agriculture 67% 37.1%
Life Sciences & Healthcare

Real Estate
Deal drivers – CANADA

M&A split by deal size


200 600

500 69
30 34
150 22 32 31
400 45 65 23
45 24
value (uS$bn)

100 300 36
163 167
178 129

109.2 162.9 134
200 16
78 16
74 22
62.5 110
50 72.1 108 58
72 57
22.9 36
11.9 140 146
7.6 11.7 17.9 5.6 112 118
6.5 7.9 6.3 93 97
8.8 6.7 10.4 66
6.1 7.4 6.3 3.9
0 6.1 7.8 7.2 7.3 5.5 6.2 0
0.6 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.5 0.3
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


80,000 150



Value (US$m)






0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant location of the target is in Canada. Moving
trend line

Deal drivers – CANADA

Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
15 1 Goldman Sachs 9,881 12 8 1 TD Securities 8,112 28
26 2 TD Securities 8,112 28 2 2 CIBC World Markets 5,387 20
5 3 Credit Suisse 6,912 4 1 3 RBC Capital Markets 4,685 15
3 4 Morgan Stanley 6,168 9 7 4 GMP Securities 2,546 15
4 5 Deutsche Bank 5,681 3 10 5 Goldman Sachs 9,881 12
2 6 CIBC World Markets 5,387 20 4 6 BMO Capital Markets 4,940 12
11 7 BMO Capital Markets 4,940 12 13 7 National Bank Financial 1,973 10
1 8 RBC Capital Markets 4,685 15 6 8 Morgan Stanley 6,168 9
25 9 Jefferies & Company 3,949 3 12 9 FirstEnergy Capital 3,346 9
16 10 FirstEnergy Capital 3,346 9 5 10 Scotia Capital 3,041 8
14 11 Scotia Capital 3,041 8 3 11 Macquarie Group 2,401 8
17 12 GMP Securities 2,546 15 - 12 Paradigm Capital 648 7
7 13 Macquarie Group 2,401 8 9 13 Peters & Co 510 7
21 14 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2,358 4 72 14 PricewaterhouseCoopers 178 7
18 15 National Bank Financial 1,973 10 18 15 Rothschild 1,203 6
9 16 UBS Investment Bank 1,493 5 16 16 Genuity Capital Markets 720 6
- 17 Nomura Holdings 1,279 3 15 17 UBS Investment Bank 1,493 5
- 18 Mackie Research Capital 1,224 2 17 18 Cormark Securities 1,026 5
30 19 Rothschild 1,203 6 11 19 Canaccord Genuity 803 5
10 20 JPMorgan 1,121 1 30 20 KPMG 533 5

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a Canadian bidder, target
or vendor.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
6 1 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 18,724 31 1 1 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 13,939 37
1 2 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 13,939 37 2 2 Stikeman Elliott 3,298 36
39 3 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 7,042 16 3 3 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 18,724 31
57 4 Ogilvy Renault 6,731 18 4 4 McCarthy Tetrault 5,090 21
58 5 Cravath Swaine & Moore 6,620 3 9 5 Ogilvy Renault 6,731 18
11 6 McCarthy Tetrault 5,090 21 5 6 Fasken Martineau 4,047 18
136 7 Sullivan & Cromwell 4,810 3 6 7 Torys 3,760 17
69 8 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 4,720 2 12 8 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 7,042 16
5 9 Goodmans 4,195 13 13 9 Goodmans 4,195 13
30 10 Dewey & LeBoeuf 4,063 6 8 10 Borden Ladner Gervais 1,184 11
8 11 Fasken Martineau 4,047 18 7 11 Burnet Duckworth & Palmer 3,767 10
13 12 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 3,881 2 11 12 Cassels Brock & Blackwell 3,056 8
12 13 Burnet Duckworth & Palmer 3,767 10 29 13 Heenan Blaikie 2,681 8
3 14 Torys 3,760 17 18 14 Fraser Milner Casgrain 1,556 8
66 15 Greenberg Traurig 3,689 3 53 15 DLA Piper 250 8
7 16 Stikeman Elliott 3,298 36 14 16 Dorsey & Whitney 212 7
24 17 Cassels Brock & Blackwell 3,056 8 37 17 Dewey & LeBoeuf 4,063 6
2 18 Shearman & Sterling 3,054 4 - 18 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 1,632 6
33 19 Heenan Blaikie 2,681 8 23 19 Jones Day 970 6
36 20 Davis Polk & Wardwell 1,906 2 137 20 Weil Gotshal & Manges 574 6

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a Canadian bidder, target
or vendor.

Deal drivers – CANADA



West Coast M&A Prepares for

‘Sideways’ Growth
Private equity firms likewise are ready to pursue
mid-market deals in the retail and consumer
“Many startups are
Dealmakers expect a flat or “sideways”
sectors, provided the take-private targets have turning to angel
sound cash flow, adds Frankle.
economy on the West Coast for the next
year, except for a few sectors such as clean Three of the biggest deals in the West Coast
investors for early
technology. M&A should remain active, however, in the first half of the year involved strategic funding. Dealmakers say
as cash-rich technology companies and private bidders in technology, as Germany-based SAP
equity firms take advantage of more stable bid US$5.1bn for Sybase. Hewlett-Packard venture capital remains
market conditions. bought smart phone manufacturer Palm Co. for
US$1.1bn and Visa paid US$1.7bn for the data available, but is just not
Private equity bidders have returned to the provider Cybersource.
market aggressively, says Jeff Bistrong obtained as easily as it
of the investment bank Harris Williams & Potential dark clouds on the horizon for M&A
Co, capitalizing on banks willing to lend on include proposals for higher corporate taxes was in the past.”
deals. Moreover, unlike previous downturns, and the reluctance of banks to lend. Bistrong
most corporations did not disband business notes the cost of debt has risen slightly because
development units, enabling strategic bidders to banks do not want to provide capital if the
increase revenue through acquisitions. economy is sluggish. At the same time, banks
need to lend to make profits. Capital could
Large technology bidders such as a Cisco, become more expensive but is unlikely to rise to
Oracle, and Hewlett-Packard will continue to be a level to thwart deals, Bistrong adds.
opportunistic in the second half of the year, says
Diane Frankle, a partner in the law firm DLA Repercussions from the recession have also
Piper. While the IPO market exhibited buoyancy impacted California’s VC community. Many
in the first half of the year, investors are now startups are turning to angel investors for
scrutinizing deals more closely and taking early funding. Dealmakers say venture capital
longer to invest, says Frankle. That hesitancy remains available, but is just not obtained as
creates opportunity for large technology easily as it was in the past.
companies, says Bistrong.
by William Langbein in San Francisco
Venture capital-backed companies anticipating
liquidity will have to choose between another
financing or consider a bid more seriously, says
Frankle. For instance, privately-held Gomez
Technology, a developer of Web application
experience management, was purchased by
Compuware last year for US$295m after Gomez
recognized a successful IPO was not likely,
according to one executive.

Deal drivers – WEST


Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010
(Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming)

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)

22-Apr-10 P CenturyLink Qwest Communications International Inc TMT 22,153

14-Jun-10 C Questar Corporation (Shareholders) QEP Resources Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Questar Corporation 6,438
12-May-10 C SAP AG Sybase Inc Business Services 5,102
21-Jun-10 P Biovail Corporation Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Life Sciences & Healthcare 3,689
30-Jun-10 P Celgene Corporation Abraxis BioScience Inc Life Sciences & Healthcare 2,733
14-Jan-10 C Shiseido Company Limited Bare Escentuals Inc Consumer 1,740
21-Apr-10 C Visa Inc CyberSource Corporation TMT 1,699
18-Feb-10 C Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Zenith National Insurance Corp Financial Services 1,440
10-Jun-10 C TPG Capital LP Vertafore Inc TMT Hellman & Friedman LLC; 1,400
JMI Equity
28-May-10 P Ocwen Financial Corporation HomEq Servicing Corporation Business Services Barclays Bank Plc 1,300
19-Jan-10 P Emeritus Corporation; Blackstone Real Stayton SW Assisted Living (149 Senior Life Sciences & Healthcare Stayton SW Assisted 1,300
Estate Advisors; and Columbia Pacific Housing Facilities) Living
Advisors LLC
19-May-10 P Symantec Corporation VeriSign Inc (Identity and Authentication TMT VeriSign Inc 1,280
19-Mar-10 P Icahn Enterprises LP Lions Gate Entertainment Corp TMT 1,220
05-Mar-10 P ABRY Partners LLC RCN Corporation TMT 1,177
21-Jun-10 P Ralcorp Holdings Inc American Italian Pasta Co Consumer 1,162
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering Value VOLUME

Financial Services 0.1%

0.8% 1.5% 0.5% 0.8%
Business Services 0.9% 2.0% 0.3%
3.6% 10.8%
13.1% 10.0%
Consumer 10.5%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 1.5% 2.3% Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering
6.6% Financial Services
Business Services
Leisure 11.8%
Transportation 12.1%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
Life Sciences & Healthcare
Construction Leisure 10.5%

Real Estate 49.3% Transportation

Agriculture Life Sciences & Healthcare

Real Estate



Deal drivers – west


M&A split by deal size


350 1200

76 81
300 65 70
1000 63
102 105 42
56 58
43 30
250 94
800 83
value (uS$bn)

200 346 336 25

248 48

600 351
257.7 312
182.1 157 159 115
163.3 400 106 19
100 139 182 23
92.9 130.9 90
200 396 38
50 407
20.3 23.8 25.0 310 277
15.2 8.5 60.5
10.1 7.8 6.8 206
15.7 15.2 16.8 17.4
12.6 7.1 3.9
0 13.7 14.9 15.1 14.5 10.7 0
1.2 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.0 1.0 4.1 0.4
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


150,000 350


Value (US$m)





0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant location of the target is in Canada. Moving
trend line

Deal drivers – west

west 45
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
9 1 Deutsche Bank 37,235 11 1 1 Goldman Sachs 16,044 23
3 2 Barclays Capital 34,715 14 2 2 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 16,499 19
4 3 Morgan Stanley 33,945 13 24 3 Jefferies & Company 5,929 17
6 4 JPMorgan 32,594 15 6 4 JPMorgan 32,594 15
10 5 Lazard 30,895 13 8 5 Barclays Capital 34,715 14
11 6 Perella Weinberg Partners 23,373 2 5 6 Morgan Stanley 33,945 13
12 7 Evercore Partners 23,315 2 3 7 Lazard 30,895 13
5 8 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 16,499 19 4 8 Credit Suisse 7,662 12
1 9 Goldman Sachs 16,044 23 9 9 Deutsche Bank 37,235 11
8 10 Credit Suisse 7,662 12 7 10 UBS Investment Bank 7,162 8
13 11 UBS Investment Bank 7,162 8 15 11 Rothschild 1,292 8
- 12 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co 6,692 2 66 12 Raymond James & Associates 734 7
52 13 Jefferies & Company 5,929 17 13 13 Houlihan Lokey 459 7
21 14 Nomura Holdings 4,180 2 11 14 Citigroup 3,543 6
7 15 Citigroup 3,543 6 18 15 Thomas Weisel Partners Group 1,012 5
- 16 Peter J Solomon Company 1,755 3 23 16 Wells Fargo Securities 560 5
26 17 Rothschild 1,292 8 20 17 Needham & Company 343 5
36 18= SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Capital Markets 1,177 1 126 18 Lincoln International 229 5
- 18= Waller Capital 1,177 1 10 19 RBC Capital Markets 600 4
16 20 Qatalyst Group 1,141 2 12 20 Piper Jaffray & Co 500 4

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (West) bidder, target or
vendor. States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
2 1 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 41,026 18 1 1 Latham & Watkins 36,482 34
4 2 Latham & Watkins 36,482 34 7 2 DLA Piper 1,197 33
28 3 Shearman & Sterling 35,918 18 3 3 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 2,876 30
10 4 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 31,697 12 9 4 Fenwick & West 3,632 29
12 5 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 28,497 11 2 5 Jones Day 12,353 27
16 6 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 24,948 4 14 6 Kirkland & Ellis 4,060 24
30 7 Debevoise & Plimpton 23,464 3 13 7 Morrison & Foerster 5,399 21
- 8 Jones Walker 22,153 2 5 8 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 5,569 20
37 9 Jones Day 12,353 27 6 9 O'Melveny & Myers 888 20
3 10 Sullivan & Cromwell 11,432 13 4 10 Cooley 1,714 19
31 11 Dewey & LeBoeuf 10,974 15 8 11 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 41,026 18
79 12 Allen & Overy 8,853 8 11 12 Shearman & Sterling 35,918 18
9 13 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 7,588 12 12 13 Dewey & LeBoeuf 10,974 15
- 14 Mori Hamada & Matsumoto 7,034 3 26 14 Sullivan & Cromwell 11,432 13
19 15 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 5,936 6 20 15 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 31,697 12
29 16 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 5,569 20 16 16 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 7,588 12
46 17 Morrison & Foerster 5,399 21 42 17 Dorsey & Whitney 414 12
21 18 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 5,160 6 44 18 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 28,497 11
1 19 Cravath Swaine & Moore 4,654 8 38 19 K&L Gates 157 11
6 20 Davis Polk & Wardwell 4,550 9 24 20 Weil Gotshal & Manges 4,241 10

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a West Coast bidder, target or
vendor. States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

Deal drivers – wesT

46 midwest


Midwest to have relatively strong M&A

appetite in H2 2010; tax and regulatory factors
Healthcare, spurred by reform legislation,
appears ripe for more deal activity. Midwest
“There is ‘a lot of energy
likely to drive deals geographies such as Minnesota, which and excitement’ in the
has a heavy healthcare industry presence,
Deal-making for the rest of the year will not
progress in a straight line, however. Expect it to
are especially likely to be active in M&A, infrastructure space,
predicts Weinstein.
be punctuated by M&A flurries followed by pull which is expected to
backs, experts agree. Financial services reform legislation and
continued capital challenges in the sector result in further M&A
Middle market deals should contribute should result in spin-offs and further
significantly to Midwest M&A, says Craig Miller, consolidation. There should be “a lot of clean-up activity.”
CEO of the Chicago chapter of the Association work,” mostly on FDIC deals, notes Weinstein.
for Corporate Growth. Corporate tax increases, Asset management and hedge fund operators
expected to take effect next year, could “compel” also are likely participants, he adds.
second half M&A, particularly for private
companies and the middle market, explains Technology will remain “relatively active, more
Mike Slattery, who heads the US M&A practice on the equipment side than the semiconductor
for Deloitte Tax. side,” predicts Weinstein, adding that the energy
and consumer sectors will likely be neck and
Deals in the US$100m to US$500m range neck in terms of M&A activity.
will be most prevalent, Slattery and Scott
Weinstein, Managing Director for Piper Industrials should have “a reasonable amount
Jaffray, agree. On the larger side, US$3bn of activity,” as areas previously considered off-
to US$5bn is about the ceiling for deals limits, such as automotive, are starting to see a
that can get financed and completed given pick up in M&A activity, says Deloitte’s Slattery.
flat market conditions, Slattery adds. There is “a lot of energy and excitement” in the
infrastructure space, which is expected to result
Economic conditions should push strategics in further M&A activity.
and private equity to make deals, however.
Strategics are expected to step up the hunt for For-profit education and business processing
deals amid an economy presenting organic outsourcing also should be active subsectors for
growth challenges. At the same time, they will the balance of 2010, Slattery predicts.      
likely look to shed operations in an improved
divestiture market, Slattery says. by Mark Eissman

In terms of Midwest sector activity, consumer

foods are expected to lead the way. Food
companies are seeking a more global
footprint and consumer demand for staples
remains strong, even in a slowed economy,
experts explain.

Deal drivers – midwest


Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010
(Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin)

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)
28-Apr-10 P PPL Corporation E.ON US LLC Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas E.ON AG 7,625
31-Mar-10 P Brookfield Asset Management Inc; Fairholme General Growth Properties Inc Real Estate 6,550
Capital Management LLC; and Pershing (65% stake)
Square Capital Management LP
15-Feb-10 L Yara International ASA Terra Industries Inc Industrials, Chemicals & 4,204
05-Jan-10 C Nestle SA Kraft Foods (frozen pizza business) Consumer Kraft Foods Inc 3,700
01-Jun-10 C Covidien Plc EV3 Inc Life Sciences & 2,453
02-Jun-10 P Alimentation Couche Tard Inc Casey's General Stores Inc Consumer 1,900
21-May-10 C GS Capital Partners Michael Foods Inc Consumer Thomas H Lee Partners LP 1,700
02-Mar-10 C Bain Capital LLC Styron Corp Industrials, Chemicals & The Dow Chemical Company 1,630
24-May-10 C IBM Corporation Sterling Commerce Inc TMT AT&T Inc 1,400
29-Apr-10 P Madison Dearborn Partners LLC TransUnion LLC (51% stake) Business Services Pritzker family 1,020
22-Apr-10 C Oak Hill Capital Partners LP The Hillman Companies Inc Industrials, Chemicals & Code Hennessy & Simmons LLC; 956
Engineering and Ontario Teachers Pension
26-Apr-10 C GTCR Golder Rauner LLC Protection One Inc Industrials, Chemicals & 826
01-Jun-10 C Progress Rail Services Inc Electro-Motive Diesel Inc Industrials, Chemicals & Berkshire Partners LLC; and 820
Engineering Greenbriar Equity Group LLC
08-Mar-10 C CCMP Capital Advisors LLC infoGROUP Inc Business Services 639
16-Apr-10 C QBE Insurance Group Limited NAU Country Insurance Company Financial Services Lightyear Capital LLC 565
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering Value VOLUME

Financial Services 0.7%

0.5% 1.5% 1.1%
Business Services 13.5% 4.0%
16.5% 22.4%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 0.1% Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering

TMT 6.3% 2.2% Financial Services

12.1% 3.7% Business Services

0.1% Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
Life Sciences & Healthcare 1.2% 18.8%
21.1% TMT
Construction Leisure
Real Estate Transportation
Agriculture 19.5% Life 11.4%
Sciences & Healthcare

Real Estate


Deal drivers – MIDwest


M&A split by deal size


300 1000

250 800 38
48 82

200 40 40 25
35 64 236 31
600 45
value (uS$bn)

70 234

150 199 152 23 9
261.5 109
195 29
400 112 61 85
186.9 89
100 46
133.9 95 16
137.6 10
105.4 200 407 373 40
356 21
50 314 310

3.3 269
12.3 14.4 17.1 13.8 164
4.8 3.4
10.9 7.6 32.8
11.8 10.5 13.1 9.7 3.5
3.9 0
0 8.6 9.1 9.7 10.8 7.2
0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 1.6 0.2
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


120,000 300

100,000 250

80,000 200
Value (US$m)


60,000 150

40,000 100

20,000 50

0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Industry sector is determined on the dominant industry of the target.
Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn, where the dominant location of the target is in Canada. Moving
trend line

Deal drivers – MIDwest

midwest 49
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
6 1 Goldman Sachs 34,938 24 2 1 Goldman Sachs 34,938 24
1 2 Morgan Stanley 28,526 17 11 2 Morgan Stanley 28,526 17
11 3 JPMorgan 21,805 17 9 3 JPMorgan 21,805 17
12 4 UBS Investment Bank 16,342 11 3 4 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 14,396 13
8 5 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 14,396 13 7 5 Credit Suisse 13,433 13
4 6 Blackstone Group Holdings 14,125 4 14 6 Barclays Capital 9,698 12
9 7 Credit Suisse 13,433 13 6 7 UBS Investment Bank 16,342 11
7 8 Lazard 11,518 11 4 8 Lazard 11,518 11
13 9 Barclays Capital 9,698 12 17 9 Lincoln International 231 11
10 10 Citigroup 9,519 10 15 10 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods 134 11
46 11 Miller Buckfire & Co 6,550 1 8 11 Citigroup 9,519 10
15 12 Deutsche Bank 6,229 8 47 12 Harris Williams & Co 157 10
20 13 Houlihan Lokey 4,226 8 10 13 William Blair & Company 2,326 9
- 14 Centerview Partners 4,102 3 12 14 Deutsche Bank 6,229 8
5 15 Rothschild 3,453 6 5 15 Houlihan Lokey 4,226 8
16 16 Greenhill & Co 3,029 4 28 16 KPMG 1,883 8
18 17 Piper Jaffray & Co 2,953 3 64 17 Jefferies & Company 1,078 7
32 18 William Blair & Company 2,326 9 1 18 Rothschild 3,453 6
- 19 Perella Weinberg Partners 2,148 2 40 19 Wells Fargo Securities 882 6
58 20 HSBC Bank 2,110 4 22 20 Sandler O'Neill & Partners 645 5

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (Mid West) bidder,
target or vendor. States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
27 1 Latham & Watkins 23,080 15 2 1 Kirkland & Ellis 9,885 31
8 2 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 20,824 18 3 2 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 20,824 18
12 3 Dewey & LeBoeuf 14,591 8 1 3 Jones Day 9,668 18
1 4 Cravath Swaine & Moore 13,789 10 12 4 Sidley Austin 3,645 18
26 5 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 13,118 8 8 5 Latham & Watkins 23,080 15
24 6 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 12,847 10 24 6 Sullivan & Cromwell 12,330 13
11 7 Sullivan & Cromwell 12,330 13 11 7 Mayer Brown 3,478 12
28 8 Baker & McKenzie 12,081 9 6 8 DLA Piper 1,291 12
88 9 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 11,236 9 18 9 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 8,842 11
16 10 Kirkland & Ellis 9,885 31 16 10 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 1,589 11
2 11 Weil Gotshal & Manges 9,700 9 36 11 Cravath Swaine & Moore 13,789 10
23 12 Jones Day 9,668 18 19 12 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 12,847 10
151 13 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld 9,095 4 21 13 K&L Gates 8,187 10
21 14 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 8,842 11 48 14 Ropes & Gray 3,508 10
211 15 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 8,247 7 4 15 Baker & McKenzie 12,081 9
117 16 K&L Gates 8,187 10 43 16 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 11,236 9
18 17 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 6,420 8 14 17 Weil Gotshal & Manges 9,700 9
43 18 Willkie Farr & Gallagher 6,214 6 54 18 Dechert 620 9
- 19= Howrey 6,192 1 5 19 Dewey & LeBoeuf 14,591 8
54 19= Vinson & Elkins 6,192 1 70 20 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 13,118 8

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a Mid West bidder, target or
vendor. States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin.

Deal drivers – MIDwest

50 south


For dealmakers in the South, the rebound of

M&A activity this year has felt slow but sure.
Not only in the middle market, but higher up
the value chain the South saw a return of deal
“This market is very
Leverage for private equity deals is available,
activity in the first half of 2010. The healthcare different from the
sector, for one, has been well represented in
but at modest levels. Valuations look healthy in
some sectors, yet still sobering in others. And
the billion-dollar-deal category, by both services heady days of 2006
and technology plays. In June, Allscripts
across the full range of participants, including announced it would buy the Atlanta-based and 2007,” Winborne
buyers, sellers, lenders and advisors, the key Eclipsys in a US$1.2bn stock deal. Universal
word of the day seems to be uncertainty. Health Services also has revealed a US$3.1bn added. “Buyers are
“Decisions are being much more carefully deal to take over Tennessee-based Psychiatric
Solutions, to be paid for in cash. In March,
much more cautious
analyzed and scrutinized before they’re being
made,” said Jonathan Wilfong, regional generic drug maker Perrigo negotiated to buy and very quality-
managing partner in the Atlanta office of the Virginia-based PBM Holdings, a maker of store-
Focus investment banking firm. “Deals are brand infant formulas, for US$808m in cash. conscious.”
taking much longer to get completed.” Healthcare buyers have not been the only
Despite the lingering challenges, life has players with cash to invest this year. In the
certainly improved over the last year, he reports, industrial and electrical technology field,
a point to which fellow Atlanta-based banker international giant ABB agreed to pay US$1bn
Robert Winborne agrees. in cash for the Atlanta-based Ventyx, a maker of
management software for the energy and utility
Winborne, managing director of Brookwood industries.
Associates, said his firm saw a noticeable
increase in deal activity in the fourth quarter PE firms have returned to buying mode as well,
of 2009 that has continued to date. “Our including TPG Capital’s US$1.3bn acquisition of
clients’ earnings in general were stronger, in American Tire Distributors in April. Depending
some cases much stronger,” he said. “Most on their fund timelines, many PE shops are
importantly, however, cash flow lending revived, feeling pressure to invest capital to avoid having
allowing private equity firms to return as to return it to investors, Wilfong noted.
meaningful buyers.” Still, uncertainty around international monetary
Deal flow continues to look strong, particularly crises, consumer spending, unemployment
in healthcare, information technology and and federal regulations keep buyers and sellers
services, Wilfong said. Winborne reports strong from diving in head first, he said.
activity “in cyclical sectors, such as packaging “This market is very different from the heady
and chemicals, as well as with more stable days of 2006 and 2007,” Winborne added.
industries such as food and healthcare.” “Buyers are much more cautious and very
As the second half of the year begins, Wilfong quality-conscious.”
sees a continuing increase in sale mandates, by Chris Marr in Atlanta
particularly from privately held companies,
where a large number of the owners are
reaching retirement age, he said. On top of
the age factor, many business owners feel
motivated to sell this year because of expected
tax rate increases ahead and the difficulty in
getting credit to fund their operations, he added.

Deal drivers – south


Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010
(Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,
Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia)

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)
08-Mar-10 P MetLife Inc American Life Insurance Company Financial Services American International Group Inc 15,544
25-Feb-10 P The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc (North Consumer Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc 12,280
American operations)
21-Feb-10 P Schlumberger Limited Smith International Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 12,198
19-Jan-10 C Williams Partners LP The Williams Companies Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas The Williams Companies Inc 11,750
(certain gas pipeline and domestic
midstream businesses)
09-Mar-10 P Merial-Intervet Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Life Sciences & Healthcare Merck & Co Inc; and Sanofi- 8,250
Health; and Merial Limited Aventis SA
11-Mar-10 P BP plc Devon Energy Corporation (Assets in Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Devon Energy Corporation 7,000
the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Brazil
and Azerbaijan)
03-May-10 P UAL Corporation Continental Airlines Inc Transportation 6,192
28-May-10 P Royal Dutch Shell Plc East Resources Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co 4,700
28-May-10 P Blackstone Group Holdings LLC; Centerbridge Extended Stay Inc Leisure 3,925
Partners LP; and Paulson & Co Inc
15-Apr-10 P Apache Corporation Mariner Energy Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 3,917
18-Mar-10 L Five Mile Capital Partners LLC; Starwood Extended Stay Inc Leisure 3,905
Capital Group Global LLC; and TPG Capital LP
07-Jun-10 P Grifols SA Talecris Biotherapeutics Inc Life Sciences & Healthcare Cerberus Capital Management LP 3,728

17-May-10 P Universal Health Services Inc Psychiatric Solutions Inc Life Sciences & Healthcare 3,083
02-Feb-10 C The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation PNC Global Investment Servicing Inc Business Services The PNC Financial Services 2,310
Group Inc
26-Apr-10 P Hertz Global Holdings Inc Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Inc Financial Services 2,245
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering Value VOLUME

Financial Services 0.2%

2.6% 0.6% 1.7%
Business Services 4.5% 4.3% 14.4%
Consumer 12.9% 7.8%

Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 1.4% Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering
5.4% Financial Services
TMT 5.8% 12.4%
3.9% Business Services
3.4% Consumer
Transportation 9.5% 14.4% Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
Life Sciences & Healthcare TMT
Construction Leisure

Real Estate Transportation

15.2% 6%
40.5% Life Sciences & Healthcare
Real Estate


Deal drivers – South


M&A split by deal size


600 2,000


1,500 123 139

81 80
87 146
78 53 146
value (uS$bn)

65 60

125 51
300 1,000 413 77
456 48
413.2 36
387 418 278
428.4 74
200 170
160 126 166
500 221 43
185.0 264.2 212 109 22
100 144.0 159.4 97
569 597 35
127.5 396 415 582 447
29.8 27.8 12.5 267
23.2 18.4 11.7 8.0
21.0 22.2 23.4 24.1 19.2 13.4 7.9
6.8 0
0 16.5 19.1 20.2 18.1 12.8
2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.9 4.3 0.3
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


200,000 500

Value (US$m)





0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Industry sector is determined on the dominant industry of the target.
trend line

Deal drivers – south

south 53
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
9 1 Barclays Capital 74,920 24 4 1 Goldman Sachs 74,881 33
10 2 Goldman Sachs 74,881 33 9 2 Credit Suisse 60,961 28
15 3 Deutsche Bank 66,971 18 12 3 Barclays Capital 74,920 24
13 4 Credit Suisse 60,961 28 5 4 Morgan Stanley 56,046 21
1 5 Morgan Stanley 56,046 21 3 5 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 34,986 21
11 6 JPMorgan 55,168 18 10 6 Deutsche Bank 66,971 18
7 7 Lazard 48,607 15 1 7 JPMorgan 55,168 18
5 8 Citigroup 40,784 15 2 8 Houlihan Lokey 1,104 17
8 9 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 34,986 21 7 9 Lazard 48,607 15
4 10 Evercore Partners 33,681 5 8 10 Citigroup 40,784 15
147 11 Perella Weinberg Partners 24,683 4 6 11 UBS Investment Bank 24,490 15
12 12 UBS Investment Bank 24,490 15 21 12 RBC Capital Markets 7,152 15
2 13 Blackstone Group Holdings 16,714 2 13 13 Jefferies & Company 6,875 11
44 14 HSBC Bank 15,695 4 11 14 Rothschild 3,803 10
28 15 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co 15,564 8 53 15 BB&T Capital Markets 253 9
116 16 Allen & Company 15,237 5 67 16 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co 15,564 8
27 17 Greenhill & Co 14,914 7 - 17 Raymond James & Associates 604 8
20 18 Scotia Capital 8,315 4 24 18 Harris Williams & Co 240 8
47 19 RBC Capital Markets 7,152 15 15 19 Greenhill & Co 14,914 7
22 20 Jefferies & Company 6,875 11 - 20 TD Securities 1,942 7

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (South) bidder, target
or vendor. States: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
West Virginia.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
12 1 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 66,292 19 2 1 Kirkland & Ellis 6,406 29
10 2 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 63,925 27 52 2 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 63,925 27
16 3 Latham & Watkins 47,216 27 6 3 Latham & Watkins 47,216 27
9 4 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 45,801 23 1 4 Jones Day 14,880 26
15 5 Baker Botts 43,387 20 4 5 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 45,801 23
24 6 Dewey & LeBoeuf 39,451 17 3 6 DLA Piper 1,981 23
8 7 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 36,296 11 38 7 Fulbright and Jaworski 3,852 21
14 8 Vinson & Elkins 31,305 19 19 8 Hogan Lovells 2,930 21
3 9 Weil Gotshal & Manges 29,801 16 23 9 Baker Botts 43,387 20
132 10 White & Case 29,524 7 31 10 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 66,292 19
31 11 Debevoise & Plimpton 29,282 10 5 11 Vinson & Elkins 31,305 19
49 12 Shearman & Sterling 26,994 10 15 12 Alston & Bird 24,383 19
30 13 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 26,854 12 13 13 Dewey & LeBoeuf 39,451 17
20 14 Alston & Bird 24,383 19 8 14 K&L Gates 1,682 17
67 15 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 23,765 7 12 15 Weil Gotshal & Manges 29,801 16
- 16 Jones Walker 22,153 1 32 16 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 20,331 16
13 17 Sullivan & Cromwell 21,174 10 26 17 Bracewell & Giuliani 13,447 16
28 18 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 20,331 16 - 18 Richards Layton & Finger 19,589 15
169 19 Richards Layton & Finger 19,589 15 50 19 O'Melveny & Myers 14,286 14
115 20 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 19,339 9 43 20 Mayer Brown 3,991 14

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a West Coast bidder, target
or vendor. States: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
West Virginia.

Deal drivers – south

54 mid-atlantic


Mid-Atlantic likely to see growth in Financial

Services, defense deals; biotechnology market
Biotechnology and medical device technology
startups have been hit by a slowdown in venture
“Financial Services
to remain tepid funding. Mid-stage biotechnology companies M&A in Pennsylvania
are largely being ignored in favor of secure late
The Mid-Atlantic region is likely to see a pickup
in Financial Services, Defense and government
stage investments or attractive early stage ones. is likely to heat up in
A number of companies in medical technology
services M&A, but biotechnology is likely to and Life Sciences “are running on fumes,” said the fourth quarter
remain challenged. Philip Gager, SVP of Capital Advisors Group.
and grow for the next
Financial Services M&A in Pennsylvania is likely M&A in the sector is largely a result of distress,
to heat up in the fourth quarter and grow for the said Gager, rather than opportunity, a trend that 30 to 36 months.”
next 30 to 36 months, says F.N.B. Corporation is likely to accelerate in the next six months.
chairman Stephen Gurgovits. Financial More venture companies are merging with other
regulation is one driver of consolidation, as venture companies in an attempt to survive.
some small banks will look for partners to “You’re seeing evolution in its harshest form,”
offset new regulatory burdens. Gager said.
Pennsylvania, where FNB is headquartered, is The defense sector is also likely to see high deal
one of the least-consolidated banking states, volume as Pentagon spending realities continue
Gurgovits noted. There have been only a few to shift, said two industry bankers. Secretary
deals in the region in the past two years, as of Defense Robert Gates has repeatedly stated
most banking M&A has been FDIC-assisted. a commitment to cutting the Pentagon’s top
Furthermore, there have been fewer failures in line, which will force some consolidation in the
the mid-Atlantic than nationally. supply chain, said one banker. There is also the
In New Jersey, billionaire investor W.L. Ross problem of organizational conflicts of interest
took a US$100m stake in Sun Bancorp. The (OCI), which may require a re-shuffling in the
billionaire could potentially make as many as sector, said a second banker.
seven other stake purchases in New Jersey The aerospace parts industry is also likely to
banks, according to one press report. see consolidation as economic difficulties force
small firms to merge and large companies look
to secure their supply chains. Goodrich and
Honeywell are likely to be two of the more active
consolidators, said Paul Nisbet, veteran analyst
with JSA Research.

Deal drivers – mid-atlantic


Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010
(New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania)

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)
11-Feb-10 P FirstEnergy Corp Allegheny Energy Inc Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 8,960
11-Feb-10 P Air Products & Chemicals Inc Airgas Inc Business Services 6,834
15-Mar-10 C Consol Energy Inc Dominion Resources (Appalachian E&P business) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Dominion Resources Inc 3,475
1-Mar-10 C Astellas Pharma Inc OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc Life Sciences & 3,301
11-Jun-10 P Buckeye Partners LP Buckeye GP Holdings LP Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas ArcLight Capital Partners LLC; 2,774
Kelso & Company
17-May-10 P Man Group Plc GLG Partners Inc Financial Services 1,701
5-Mar-10 P Promotora de Informaciones SA Liberty Acquisition Holdings Corp Financial Services 1,457
1-Mar-10 C MSCI Inc RiskMetrics Group Business Services 1,429
14-Jun-10 P Cablevision Systems Bresnan Communications Inc TMT Comcast Corporation; Providence 1,365
Corporation Equity Partners Inc; Quadrangle
Group LLC
20-Jun-10 P Corn Products International Inc National Starch & Chemical Company Industrials, Chemicals & Akzo Nobel NV 1,300
14-Jun-10 P Marfrig Alimentos SA Keystone Foods LLC Consumer Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer LP 1,260
24-Feb-10 C Philip Morris Fortune Tobacco Fortune Tobacco Corporation (Selected Assets And Consumer Fortune Tobacco Corporation; 1,170
Co Inc Liabilities); and Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing Philip Morris Philippines
Inc (Selected Assets And Liabilities) Manufacturing Inc (subsidiary of
Philip Morris International Inc)
07-Jun-10 P Altegrity Inc Kroll Inc Business Services Marsh & McLennan Companies 1,130
6-May-10 C Thomas H Lee Partners LP inVentiv Health Inc Business Services 1,122
17-Feb-10 C Walgreen Co Duane Reade Inc Consumer Oak Hill Capital Partners LP 1,075
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering Value VOLUME

Financial Services
0.2% 1.9% 0.9%
0.4% 0.3%
Business Services 0.1%
9.1% 8.9% 5.1% 13.9%
Consumer 0.2%
5.6% 8.1% 9.3%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering
TMT 1.4% Financial Services 12.0%
Business Services
Transportation 18.1%
24.2% Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
Life Sciences & Healthcare
Construction Leisure 19.0%
Real Estate 6.5% Transportation
7.8% 11.1%
Agriculture Life Sciences & Healthcare

Real Estate

drivers – mid-atlantic

M&A split by deal size


250 800

600 40
50 27
500 29 28 55 43
value (uS$bn)

50 25
210.2 400
169.4 189 24
100 189.2 16
164.2 165.8 151 130
300 67 27

80 48 80
76 73 20
53.6 42 10
50 25
286 46
100 211 22
14.4 5.9 42.1 187 196 232 173
10.0 10.1 9.3 3.3
9.4 4.5
11.6 8.4 9.0 12.6 8.1 3.9 94
0 6.4 7.4 8.5 7.2 6.0 0
0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 2.1 0.2
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


120,000 200



Value (US$m)


60,000 100




0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Industry sector is determined on the dominant industry of the target.
trend line

Deal drivers – mid-atlantic

mid-atlantic 57
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
4 1 Goldman Sachs 74,795 39 6 1 Goldman Sachs 74,795 39
6 2 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 57,762 29 9 2 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 57,762 29
9 3 Credit Suisse 49,242 25 7 3 Credit Suisse 49,242 25
1 4 Morgan Stanley 42,207 21 1 4 Morgan Stanley 42,207 21
5 5 Barclays Capital 40,751 20 2 5 JPMorgan 21,502 21
11 6 Deutsche Bank 39,000 20 12 6 Barclays Capital 40,751 20
3 7 Citigroup 36,764 20 8 7 Deutsche Bank 39,000 20
13 8 Blackstone Group Holdings 23,673 6 5 8 Citigroup 36,764 20
2 9 JPMorgan 21,502 21 3 9 Lazard 14,044 17
12 10 UBS Investment Bank 16,183 16 4 10 UBS Investment Bank 16,183 16
21 11 HSBC Bank 15,984 6 18 11 Jefferies & Company 6,564 13
8 12 Lazard 14,044 17 31 12 Harris Williams & Co 170 10
7 13 Evercore Partners 13,260 6 28 13 RBC Capital Markets 5,749 9
15 14 Nomura Holdings 6,718 6 13 14 KPMG 793 9
36 15 Jefferies & Company 6,564 13 11 15 Rothschild 4,426 8
26 16 Miller Buckfire & Co 6,550 1 15 16 PricewaterhouseCoopers 1,494 8
41 17 RBC Capital Markets 5,749 9 106 17 DC Advisory Partners 1,045 8
32 18 Greenhill & Co 5,283 7 26 18 Greenhill & Co 5,283 7
49 19 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company 4,727 5 29 19 Sandler O'Neill & Partners 558 7
10 20 Perella Weinberg Partners 4,446 5 14 20 Blackstone Group Holdings 23,673 6

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (Mid-Atlantic) bidder,
target or vendor. States: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
3 1 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 94,429 36 3 1 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 94,429 36
30 2 Weil Gotshal & Manges 78,388 28 5 2 Weil Gotshal & Manges 78,388 28
15 3 Sullivan & Cromwell 74,593 22 1 3 Jones Day 7,503 28
7 4 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 63,718 12 19 4 Latham & Watkins 22,508 27
8 5 Davis Polk & Wardwell 50,219 15 13 5 Kirkland & Ellis 3,103 24
21 6 Cravath Swaine & Moore 47,960 13 4 6 Sullivan & Cromwell 74,593 22
91 7 Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 41,935 7 21 7 DLA Piper 2,075 22
6 8 Debevoise & Plimpton 40,758 8 2 8 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 26,854 20
9 9 Dewey & LeBoeuf 35,733 16 10 9 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 6,030 18
108 10 Norton Rose 35,500 2 18 10 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 27,566 17
62 11 Slaughter and May 35,500 1 8 11 Dewey & LeBoeuf 35,733 16
2 12 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 27,566 17 22 12 Shearman & Sterling 14,695 16
1 13 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 26,854 20 15 13 Davis Polk & Wardwell 50,219 15
17 14 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 24,619 15 42 14 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 24,619 15
36 15 Latham & Watkins 22,508 27 53 15 Morrison & Foerster 6,793 14
- 16 Uria Menendez 19,734 3 16 16 Cravath Swaine & Moore 47,960 13
95 17 Alston & Bird 18,976 8 11 17 Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison 4,997 13
195 18 Richards Layton & Finger 16,658 12 6 18 Clifford Chance 4,231 13
158 19 CMS 16,356 7 27 19 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 63,718 12
32 20 Nishimura & Asahi 15,694 3 116 20 Richards Layton & Finger 16,658 12

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (Mid-Atlantic) bidder,
target or vendor. States: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.

Deal drivers – mid-atlantic

58 NEw

NEw england

M&A activity in New England is likely to

increase in the second half of the year,
Technology heavyweights such as IBM,
Microsoft, Oracle and HP are sitting on a lot of
“Although European
with observers predicting a strong up-tick cash and are expected to acquire. “There is a deal activity has
from September onwards. Technology lot of dry powder out there now,” says Falvey.
and healthcare, which experienced a great Areas seeing a lot of action include software, slowed down,
deal of activity in the first half of 2010, social media, internet related-business
are likely to continue to be strong areas models, mobile technology and healthcare companies in Brazil,
for deals. The Financial Services sector, technology. For instance, one of the largest
which had been going through challenging tech deals in New England in the first quarter India, and other parts
times, also saw some important deals
in the first half of the year. That trend
was Apple’s US$275m acquisition of Waltham,
Massachusetts-based Quattro Wireless, a
of Asia have cash to
will probably continue as the passage of provider of mobile advertising platforms. Apple burn and are on the
financial reform legislation has removed historically has not been very acquisitive, despite
some uncertainty from the marketplace. having lots of cash, so the Quattro deal is prowl for cheap buys,
significant, Falvey explains. 
 At the end of 2009 there was a great deal setting the stage for
of optimism that 2010 would be a good year The second half of 2010 also could see private
for M&A in New England. Indeed, the first equity take on a much more dominant position, what could be a hot
quarter of 2010 saw a major flurry of activity. according to Falvey. Although strategic buyers
Even the IPO market, which was all but closed have been more active in 2010 thus far, private cross-border quarter.”
throughout 2009, began to open as some equity is anxious to put its cash to work.
companies decided to take the plunge
and others rushed to file S-1s in their New England, with its concentration of
competitor’s wake. technology and healthcare companies, also is
prime hunting ground for overseas acquirers.
But concerns over the European economy, the Stock prices are low, and a number of venture
US job market and the oil spill in the Gulf served backed companies need to exit. Although
to put the brakes on deal flow in the second European deal activity has slowed down,
quarter. Now that some of these concerns are companies in Brazil, India, and other parts of
lessening, significant pent up demand by buyers Asia have cash to burn and are on the prowl for
and sellers could lead to a strong fourth quarter, cheap buys, setting the stage for what could be
says Peter Falvey, co-head of technology a hot cross-border quarter. 
investment banking at Morgan Keegan. In
particular, the technology and pharmaceuticals by Ilene Friedland in Boston
sectors are likely to be active for the rest of
the year, Andrew Levine, a partner at law firm
Jones Day, says.

Deal drivers – NEw england


NEw england
Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010
(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)
28-Feb-10 C Merck KGaA Millipore Corporation Life Sciences & 6,760
4-May-10 C Silver Lake Partners; and Interactive Data Corporation Business Services Pearson Plc 3,159
Warburg Pincus LLC
25-May-10 P UIL Holdings Corporation Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation; The Berkshire Gas Energy, Mining, Oil Iberdrola USA 1,296
Company; and The Southern Connecticut Gas Company & Gas
16-Apr-10 P Oracle Corporation Phase Forward Inc TMT 614
23-Mar-10 C Energy Capital Partners BG Group Plc (Masspower Powerplant); BG Group Plc Energy, Mining, Oil BG Group Plc 450
(Dighton power plant); and BG Group Plc (Lake Road & Gas
power plant)
5-Jan-10 C Apple Inc Quattro Wireless TMT Globespan Capital Partners; and 275
Highland Capital Partners Inc
5-Mar-10 C Merge Healthcare Inc AMICAS Inc Life Sciences & 211
25-May-10 P Global Companies LLC ExxonMobil Corporation (190 gas stations) Business Services ExxonMobil Corporation 200
21-Jan-10 C Martek Biosciences Corporation Amerifit Brands Inc Consumer Charterhouse Group International Inc 200
02-Feb-10 C Tower Group Inc Massachusetts Homeland Insurance Co; York Insurance Financial Services OneBeacon Insurance Group Ltd 181
Co of Maine; New Jersey Skylands Management LLC; and
Adirondack AIF LLC
20-Apr-10 C Warner Bros Home Turbine Inc TMT Polaris Venture Partners; Granite 160
Entertainment Group Global Ventures; Columbia Capital;
Highland Capital Partners Inc;
Tudor Ventures; and Time Warner
Investments Group
19-Jan-10 C Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc Ahura Scientific Industrials, Fuse Capital; ARCH Venture Partners; 145
Chemicals & Castile Ventures; and GF Private Equity
Engineering Group LLC
12-Apr-10 C Hospira Inc Javelin Pharmaceuticals Inc Life Sciences & 141
29-Jun-10 P Eastern Bank Corporation Wainwright Bank & Trust Financial Services 139
17-May-10 C Vision Solutions Inc Double-Take Software Inc TMT 135
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering Value VOLUME

Financial Services
1.3% 1.2%
Business Services 2.3%
Consumer 17.4%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas 24.0% Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering

TMT 2.3% Financial Services

2.3% Business Services
Leisure 49.3%
Transportation 19.8%
1.6% Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
Life Sciences & Healthcare
Construction 12.3% 24.4% Leisure

Real Estate Transportation

8.9% 5.8%Sciences & Healthcare
Agriculture 0.1%
Real Estate

Deal drivers – NEW england

M&A split by deal size


120 350

300 28
100 22 27
18 19

250 25 43 26
80 13 12
value (uS$bn)

200 24
80 76

99 11
11 9
60 103.5
82 50
189.2 150
75.8 44 46
44 35
40 61.5 37
51.6 100 39 27
31.0 2
20 111 120 18
18.8 50 103 109 4
4.5 89
6.8 3.9 82
4.6 6.5 11.8 0.7
6.8 3.3 1.8 43
4.0 4.1 4.2 1.8 2.0 2.2
3.9 4.3
0 3.7 4.0 3.7 0
0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


80,000 100



Value (US$m)






0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Industry sector is determined on the dominant industry of the target.
trend line

Deal drivers – NEW england

new england 61
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
6 1 Goldman Sachs 14,828 12 7 1 Credit Suisse 11,735 13
9 2 Credit Suisse 11,735 13 2 2 Goldman Sachs 14,828 12
2 3 Barclays Capital 9,942 10 1 3 Morgan Stanley 8,231 12
5 4 Morgan Stanley 8,231 12 13 4 Barclays Capital 9,942 10
- 5 Guggenheim Securities 8,125 2 3 5 UBS Investment Bank 6,404 10
- 6 Perella Weinberg Partners 6,760 2 5 6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 5,191 8
7 7 UBS Investment Bank 6,404 10 18 7 Rothschild 664 8
8 8 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 5,191 8 8 8 JPMorgan 3,426 6
10 9 Deutsche Bank 4,115 5 4 9 Lazard 471 6
1 10 JPMorgan 3,426 6 16 10 Deutsche Bank 4,115 5
- 11 Foros 3,159 1 25 11 Wells Fargo Securities 417 4
3 12 Citigroup 2,487 3 - 12 Deloitte 394 4
23 13 Blackstone Group Holdings 2,087 3 29 13 Lincoln International - 4
- 14= HSBC Bank 1,630 1 14 14 Citigroup 2,487 3
43 14= Moelis & Company 1,630 1 10 15 Blackstone Group Holdings 2,087 3
- 16 Berenson & Company 1,296 1 35 16 Quayle Munro Holdings 919 3
- 17 Hawkpoint 1,211 2 - 17 Signal Hill Capital 773 3
58 18= SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Capital Markets 1,177 1 46 18 Thomas Weisel Partners Group Inc 749 3
- 18= Waller Capital Corporation 1,177 1 9 19 Jefferies & Company 705 3
76 20 Quayle Munro Holdings 919 3 20 20 KPMG 584 3

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (New England) bidder,
target or vendor. States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
100 1 Ropes & Gray 11,126 12 41 1 Ropes & Gray 11,126 12
8 2 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 10,932 9 2 2 WilmerHale 1,876 12
5 3 Cravath Swaine & Moore 8,773 3 4 3 Weil Gotshal & Manges 4,912 10
34 4 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 8,659 6 9 4 Kirkland & Ellis 2,792 10
36 5 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 7,937 5 1 5 Goodwin Procter 1,973 10
6 6 Sullivan & Cromwell 6,021 4 11 6 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 10,932 9
3 7 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 5,754 8 36 7 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 3,212 9
11 8 Davis Polk & Wardwell 5,662 7 16 8 DLA Piper 959 9
126 9 Richards Layton & Finger 5,335 5 8 9 Jones Day 512 9
10 10 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 5,016 3 25 10 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 5,754 8
1 11 Weil Gotshal & Manges 4,912 10 48 11 Davis Polk & Wardwell 5,662 7
148 12 Covington & Burling 4,767 3 31 12 Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 8,659 6
20 13 Latham & Watkins 3,774 6 3 13 Latham & Watkins 3,774 6
- 14 Mayer Brown 3,550 5 121 14 AZB & Partners 728 6
26 15 Vinson & Elkins 3,524 4 43 15 Choate Hall & Stewart 660 6
47 16 Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Stibbe 3,216 3 6 16 Cooley 267 6
72 17 Morgan Lewis & Bockius 3,212 9 53 17 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 7,937 5
9 18 Shearman & Sterling 2,977 3 70 18 Richards Layton & Finger 5,335 5
38 19 Kirkland & Ellis 2,792 10 - 19 Mayer Brown 3,550 5
12 20 Alston & Bird 2,774 3 152 20 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 2,211 5

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a US (New England) bidder,
target or vendor. States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont.

Deal drivers – NEW england

62 latin

latin america

Brazil leads Latin America’s half of this year are likely to involve Brazilian grid providing a solid backdrop for growth.
dealmaking recovery. banks such as Itau and Banco do Brasil that Major deals in Central America continue to
have yet to make planned acquisitions abroad. be concentrated around companies that have
Latin America’s M&A activity has recovered The food and energy sectors are also expected successfully moved from national, family-run
at a faster pace than the rest of the to continue consolidating. businesses to regional institutionally-run
world, and should continue this trend enterprises.
for the rest of the year. Led by Brazil’s In Mexico, where recovery has been slower,
expected economic growth of 7.1% this some long-awaited events have materialized In the Caribbean, baby steps toward economic
year, Latin America showed resilience to recently, indicating other pending deals may recovery hinge on measured compliance with
some of the wobbles in global financial be closed in the second half of the year. Two multilateral lender mandates, with Jamaica
confidence seen in the first half of 2010. examples are retailer Comercial Mexicana’s and the Dominican Republic under strict
recent bankruptcy protection filing and the sale austerity programs that could limit growth for
Total deal value for Latin America was US$88bn of a 50% stake in the airline Volaris. Deals that the foreseeable future. Structural reforms in
in the first six months of this year, compared could materialize later this year include the these markets combined with a will to address
to US$30bn in the same period last year. Even sale of Su Casita, a mortgage firm, and of the underlying energy cost issues, bode well for the
without its largest deal – January’s US$34.5bn satellite operator Satmex. The IMF expects the medium-to-long term, however.
international consolidation of Mexico’s America country’s economy to grow 4.5% in 2010.
Movil – first half dealmaking in Latin America Argentina, Venezuela and Ecuador should
was still up 78.3% compared to an increase of Throughout the Caribbean, Central America continue to lag the rest of the region, with
8.4% globally. and the Andean region, the first half was predicted growth rates of 3.5%, -2.6% and 2.5%,
characterized by timid signs of recovery, except respectively, according to the IMF.
M&A interest in Brazil has never been so strong, in bright spots such as Peru, which is expected
said Bill Casey, a partner in Ernst & Young’s to grow 6.3% this year, and Colombia. by Priscilla Murphy, Oliver Hill and
Transaction Advisory Services. “To our clients, Sergio Spagnuolo
Latin America has been about three countries: The election of Juan Manuel Santos in Colombia
Brazil, Brazil and Brazil,” said Hector Tundidor was another vote of confidence and renewed
Jr., Ernst & Young’s Transaction Advisory faith in the country’s economic prospects.
Services Leader. First half deal value in Brazil Massive infrastructure projects will continue
increased 40% to $30bn compared to H1 2009. to give Colombia a competitive edge in the
region and draw players from mature markets
Mining, steel, logistics and agribusiness should like Chile and Brazil who are seeking greater
continue to be strong industries for M&A presence in the country. Two cases in point
in Brazil, said Felipe Borlido, partner at the include Brazilian businessman German
investment boutique Araujo Fontes. The interest Efromovich’s growing portfolio in Colombia’s
of Chinese and Indian firms in assets in those travel and hospitality industry and the Chilean
sectors should be a significant deal driver, airline group LAN’s strategic partnership
he added. An increased level of confidence with Bogota-based regional carrier AerOasis.
in Brazil has made foreign players more Meanwhile Colombian corporate and financial “Infrastructure
likely to consider joint ventures in addition to institutions continue to look for a greater role
outright acquisitions. But it has also increased in the Andean Region as well as to the north opportunities ahead
valuations in the country, which could lead to in Central America and the Caribbean, with
longer negotiations, Borlido noted. Grupo Aval’s recent acquisition of GE’s BAC-
of the World Cup in
Infrastructure opportunities ahead of the World Credomatic a good example of this trend. 2014 and the Olympics
Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 are also Central America has weathered the global
attracting worldwide attention to Brazil. Ernst economic downturn relatively well, with major
in 2016 are also
& Young expects further activity in the financial
sector, education, transportation, consumer
infrastructure projects including new port
facilities, the widening of the Panama Canal
attracting worldwide
products and commodities. Deals in the second and the interconnection of the region’s power attention to Brazil.”

Deal drivers – latin america


latin america
Top 15 Announced Deals for Year Ending June 30, 2010

Announced Status Bidder company Target company Sector Vendor company Deal value
date US$(m)
13-Jan-10 C America Movil SA de CV Carso Global Telecom SAB de CV TMT 28,055
11-Jan-10 C Heineken NV FEMSA Cerveza SA de CV Consumer Fomento Economico Mexicano 7,692
13-Jan-10 C America Movil SA de CV Telmex Internacional SAB de CV (39.30% stake) TMT 6,533
02-May-10 P Norsk Hydro ASA Alumina do Norte do Brasil SA (57% stake); Aluminio Industrials, Chemicals & Vale SA 4,900
Brasileiro SA (51% stake); Companhia de Alumina do Engineering
Para (61% stake); and Paragominas bauxite mine (60%
22-Jan-10 C Braskem SA Polibutenos SA Industrias Quimicas (33.33% stake); Industrials, Chemicals & Uniao de Industrias 4,238
Quattor Participacoes SA (60% stake); and Unipar Engineering Petroquimicas SA
Comercial e Distribuidora SA
27-Jan-10 C Vale SA Bunge Participacoes e Investimentos SA Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Bunge Limited 3,800
14-Mar-10 C CNOOC International Limited Bridas Corporation (50% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Bridas Energy Holdings Ltd 3,100
09-Jun-10 C Banco Santander SA Grupo Financiero Santander Serfin SA de CV (24.90% Financial Services Bank of America Corporation 2,500
03-May-10 C PDG Realty SA Empreendimentos Agre Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA Real Estate 1,955
e Participacoes
10-Feb-10 C Vale SA Fertilizantes Fosfatados SA (36.79% stake) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas The Mosaic Company; and 1,834
Yara Brasil Fertilizantes SA
18-May-10 P State Grid Corporation of China Plena Transmissoras SA (Seven Brazilian transmission Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Plena Transmissoras SA 1,721
15-Feb-10 P Grupo Televisa SA de CV Comunicaciones Nextel de Mexico SA de CV (30% stake) TMT NII Holdings Inc 1,440
18-May-10 P Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA Itau Unibanco Holding SA (1.25% stake) Financial Services Bank of America Corporation 1,115
21-Feb-10 C Shree Renuka Sugars Limited Equipav SA Acucar e Alcool (50.34% stake) Agriculture Equipav Group 1,059
12-Apr-10 C Apache Corporation Devon Energy Corporation (Gulf of Mexico Shelf Assets) Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Devon Energy Corporation 1,050
C=Completed; P=Pending; L=Lapsed (excludes Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, French Guyana, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts, Surinam, Turks & Caicos, US Virgin Islands)

Mix of deals by industry sector

Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering Value VOLUME

Financial Services 1.0%

0.8% 2.2% 2.7%
Business Services 1.0% 4.7%
0.9% 11.7% 14.7%
0.8% 5.2%
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas Industrials, Chemicals & Engineering
0.6% 5.8%
TMT Financial Services 11.5%
Business Services
Leisure 11.2%
7.9% Consumer
Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
Life Sciences & Healthcare TMT

Construction Leisure

Real Estate 19.4% 20.9% Transportation

Agriculture Life Sciences & Healthcare

Real Estate


drivers – latin america

Deal Defense

Latin AMerica
M&A split by deal size


120 600

100 500
71 28
80 400 45
value (uS$bn)

29 35
184 20
60 103.5 77.2 300 47
48.1 14 33
37 98
76.5 15 130
40 55.9 200 23
83 63
23 12
105 49
37.8 19.1 13.8 85 24
20 10.9 10.3 100 46
11.8 37 50 161 25
8.0 7.3 136
4.8 7.0 142
5.7 7.6 4.4 110
3.5 5.6 2.3 71 67 61
5.5 8.4 6.6 4.3
0 3.8 4.2 4.2
0.3 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 H1 2010

>uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m >uS$501m uS$251m-uS$500m uS$101m-uS$250m

uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m uS$15m-uS$100m uS$5m-uS$14m value not disclosed

Quarterly M&A activity


80,000 200


60,000 150

Value (US$m)


40,000 100


20,000 50


0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10

Quarter Ended Quarter Ended

Based on announced deals, excluding those that lapsed or were withdrawn. Industry sector is determined on the dominant industry of the target.
trend line

Deal drivers – latin america

latin america 65
Financial advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
3 1 Credit Suisse 57,311 19 3 1 Credit Suisse 57,311 19
6 2 Citigroup 48,690 7 12 2 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 13,982 11
19 3 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 13,982 11 7 3 Rothschild 9,671 8
4 4 Rothschild 9,671 8 5 4 Citigroup 48,690 7
- 5 Allen & Company 9,132 2 4 5 JPMorgan 8,179 7
5 6 JPMorgan 8,179 7 15 6 Deutsche Bank 6,855 6
11 7 Deutsche Bank 6,855 6 2 7 UBS Investment Bank 1,022 6
2 8 Morgan Stanley 5,777 3 11 8 Goldman Sachs 3,209 5
14 9 Santander Global Banking and Markets 4,338 4 18 9 HSBC Bank 2,576 5
7 10 Banco Bradesco 4,254 2 - 10 Credit Agricole CIB 1,916 5
18 11 Goldman Sachs 3,209 5 10 11 Santander Global Banking and Markets 4,338 4
- 12 Hopu Investment Management Co 3,100 1 31 12 Lazard 1,715 4
16 13 HSBC Bank 2,576 5 36 13 Patria-Banco de Negocios 1,049 4
- 14 Standard Chartered 2,500 1 1 14 Morgan Stanley 5,777 3
- 15 Vinci Partners 1,955 3 - 15 Vinci Partners 1,955 3
21 16 Singular Partners 1,955 1 - 16 Caixa Banco de Investimento 1,221 3
- 17 Credit Agricole CIB 1,916 5 - 17 M&A International 344 3
30 18 Lazard 1,715 4 - 18 Allen & Company 9,132 2
- 19 RBC Capital Markets 1,607 1 6 19 Banco Bradesco 4,254 2
- 20 Caixa Banco de Investimento 1,221 3 - 20 Celfin Capital 953 2

The financial advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010, excluding lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a Central and South American
bidder, target or vendor. Excludes: Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, French Guyana, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts, Surinam, Turks & Caicos, US Virgin Islands.

LEGAL advisors

Top 20 – Ranked by value Top 20 – Ranked by VOLUME

H1 H1 Company Name Value Number H1 H1 Company Name Value Number

2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals 2009 2010 US$(m) of Deals
65 1 Dewey & LeBoeuf 34,628 3 2 1 Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice 4,187 11
- 2 Allen & Overy 14,742 3 1 2 Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e 1,552 11
26 3 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 14,567 6 Quiroga Advogados

4 4 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 12,592 2 6 3 Tozzini Freire Teixeira E Silva Advogados 5,747 9

3 5 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 9,495 6 4 4 Pinheiro Neto Advogados 3,093 9

6 6 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 9,192 6 10 5 Estudio Muniz, Ramirez, Perez-Taiman & 466 9
Olaya Abogados
- 7 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 8,321 3
3 6 Barbosa, Mussnich & Aragao 5,395 7
- 8 Loyens & Loeff 7,692 1
19 7 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 14,567 6
102 9 Davis Polk & Wardwell 6,400 3
11 8 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 9,495 6
82 10 Veirano Advogados 6,056 3
13 9 Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom 9,192 6
13 11 Tozzini Freire Teixeira E Silva Advogados 5,747 9
28 10 Uria Menendez 1,802 5
- 12 Ulhoa Canto, Rezende e Guerra - Advogados 5,634 2
12 11 Linklaters 1,284 5
2 13 Barbosa, Mussnich & Aragao 5,395 7
- 12 Vieira de Almeida & Associados 2,440 4
- 14 Wikborg Rein & Co 4,981 2
31 13 Demarest e Almeida 1,093 4
40 15 Latham & Watkins 4,900 2
17 14 Prieto & Carrizosa 290 4
- 16= Selmer 4,900 1
- 15 Estudio Echecopar Abogados 223 4
72 16= Thommessen 4,900 1
33 16 Dewey & LeBoeuf 34,628 3
1 18 Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice 4,187 11
- 17 Allen & Overy 14,742 3
8 19 Shearman & Sterling 4,096 3
- 18 Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 8,321 3
49 20 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 4,036 3
102 19 Davis Polk & Wardwell 6,400 3
39 20 Veirano Advogados 6,056 3

The legal advisor league tables by value and volume have been run from 01/01/2010 to the 06/30/2010 and include lapsed and withdrawn deals. The tables are based on advice to a Central and South American
bidder, target or vendor. Excludes: Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, French Guyana, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts, Surinam, Turks & Caicos, US Virgin Islands.v

Deal drivers – latin america


about merrill corporation

Founded in 1968 and headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, Merrill Corporation is a leading provider of outsourced solutions for
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Merrill DataSite (Division of Merrill Corporation) Contacts

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Tel: +1 312 674 6508 Tel: + 604 603 4360

The following notes pertain to data contained in this publication:

• Deals are included where the deal value is greater than or • League tables under each geographic section are
equal to US$5m. based on the dominant geography of either target, bidder
or seller.
• Where no deal value has been disclosed, deals are included if
the turnover of the target is greater than or equal to US$10m. • Industry section charts and graphs are based on the dominant
geography being North America.
• North America = USA and Canada.
• Geographic section charts and graphs are based on
• Activity Tables and league tables under each industry section
the dominant target geography.
are based on the dominant geography of either target, bidder
or seller being North America. • Transactions excluded include property transactions and
restructurings where the ultimate shareholders’ interests are
• Top Deals tables under each geographic section are based on
not changed.
the dominant geography of the target only.

Note to Heat Chart: Breakdown of constituent states within US regions

State Abbr. Region State Abbr. Region State Abbr. Region

New Jersey NJ Mid-Atlantic Massachusetts MA New England Virginia VA South

New York NY Mid-Atlantic New Hampshire NH New England West Virginia WV South

Pennsylvania PA Mid-Atlantic Rhode Island RI New England Kentucky NE South

Illinois IL Midwest Vermont VT New England Tennessee TN South

Indiana IN Midwest Alabama AL South Alaska AK West

Iowa IA Midwest Arkansas AR South Arizona AZ West

Kansas KS Midwest Delaware DE South California CA West

Michigan MI Midwest District of Columbia DC South Colorado CO West

Minnesota MN Midwest Florida FL South Hawaii HI West

Missouri MO Midwest Georgia GA South Idaho ID West

Nebraska NE Midwest Louisiana ND South Montana MT West

North Dakota ND Midwest Maryland MD South Nevada NV West

Ohio OH Midwest Mississippi MS South New Mexico NM West

South Dakota SD Midwest North Carolina NC South Oregon OR West

Wisconsin WI Midwest Oklahoma OK South Utah UT West

Connecticut CT New England South Carolina SC South Washington WA West

Maine ME New England Texas TX South Wyoming WY West

Deal drivers – north america

about remark

Remark, the publishing, market research and

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it should be directed to:

Erik Wickman
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