Market Researcher's Training Module

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Dialogues Media, Borivali East,

Mumbai-400 066. India.

+91 9967376098

Dec 3,2020

Respected sir / ma'am,

In the following documents I have researched and written all the steps to make a training module for
market researchers. please let me know if anything is not appropriate or need to be changed.

Market researcher’s training module

Training is important because it represents a good opportunity for employees to grow

their knowledge base and improve their job skills to become more effective in the
workplace. Despite the cost of training for employees, the return on investment is
immense if it is consistent.

In order to train employees, the following steps can be taken

Step 1: - Perform a Training Needs Assessment

The basic training needs assessment is a four-step process. Those steps are:

 Identify a clear business goal that the training supports

 Determine the tasks the workers need to perform so the company can reach
that goal
 Determine the training activities that will help the workers learn to perform
the tasks
 Determine the learning characteristics of the workers that will make the
training more effective

A role in Market Research is all about data. As the name suggests, you’ll plan,
implement, control, analyze and report on information that you gather. The data
you collect will normally revolve around what organizations or people buy, need,
do or think and the reasons why.

Hence a training session for market researcher must be on:-

 Good communication skill

 Investigating market activity
 Analyzing published data and statistics
 Evaluating past performance of a product or service’s sales
 Assessing future trends
 Commissioning surveys
 coordinating research projects
 Conducting interviews

Therefore, the training needs assessment should be able to test all above factors.

Step 2: Keep Adult Learning Principles in Mind

As the people who all are going to train are pre skilled adults and training an
adults require proper orientation and methods, which will enhance their skills
and help them learn more.

Keeping in these principles training module should take place as the adult learners:

 Are self-directed
 Come to training with a lifetime of existing knowledge, experience, and
 Are goal oriented.
 Want training that is relevant
 Want training that is task-oriented
 Learn when they see “what’s in it for them”
 Want to be and feel respected

Step 3: Develop Learning Objectives

Before creating any training, it’s critical that a list of learning objectives is created.

The training assessment will help in knowing which employee needs what kind of
training. Therefore, depending on the results the objectives must be set i.e. future
goal which employee should be able to after training.

For market researchers’ objectives can be following: -

 Developed a good communication skill

 Learn how to investigate market activity
 How to analyze and study published data and statistics
 Able to Evaluate past performance of a product or service’s sales
 Good at commissioning surveys
 Better in Coordinating research projects
 Able to Conduct interviews

Step 4: Design Training Materials

The most important step is designing training materials and due to recent COVID-
19 scenario training has to be done online.
For the above objectives training can be:-

• E classroom/one to one video call

• Making all possible scenarios

• Teaching them from past experience

• Providing them with sources for training and taking presentation and tests

Step 5: Develop Your Training Materials

After designing training module, next to develop/arrange for materials

 Word, Excel, and similar “Office” programs to create handouts for

employees and to create training outlines and notes for the instructor of any
instructor-led components
 Materials for hands-on elements and/or role-playing elements of the training
 PowerPoint projections and/or handouts to deliver to employees. Beware of
PowerPoint presentations that are nothing but screen after screen of bullet
points, however.
 Flip-charts, posters, transparencies, and/or computer-generated graphics for
presenting visual materials during training
 E-learning authoring tools such as Articulate Studio and Storyline or Adobe
Captivate for creating computer-based e-learning modules

Step 6: Implement the Training

If designing is like writing a recipe, and developing is like cooking the meal, then
this phase is setting the table, ringing the dinner bell, and eating the food.

One of the most difficult task is to make sure that employees attend regularly and
pay attention and also making sure that their seniors keep everything arranged. The
training hours and all everything needs to be decided in this step.

This can be achieved by keeping attendance record and making them understand
that training is for their and organization benefit.

Step 7: Evaluate the Training

Did the employees like the training? Did they feel like they learned? This can find
out by observing the employees during training, asking their opinions, or handing
out surveys. paper-based surveys after training can be handed out, but may get
better results if the survey is online and anonymous. 

Assessments during the training should evaluate the employees’ actual learning of
the objectives. This might include simple tests for knowledge issues, or case
studies, job simulations, or hands-on exercises for skills and attitudes.

Are the workers taking the new knowledge/skills/attitudes from training and
applying them at work where it counts? Observations of the employees’ on-the-job
work behavior will determine this, as will other performance-based metrics.

Did the training result in reaching the desired business goal (i.e., did revenues rise,
did costs decrease, was the new product manufactured properly, or were workplace
incidents reduced)?
After you’ve performed these four levels of evaluation, you may determine that the
training was as effective as you hoped, or even more. If so, congratulations and job
well done. Now you can pat yourself on the back. On the other hand, these
evaluations may show that your training wasn’t all you hoped it would be. If so,
it’s time to revise the training and get things up to snuff.

Step 8: Rinse, Lather, and Repeat Any Step When


One may have to return to different parts of this 8-step process in the future for a
number of reasons. As mentioned above, one would be if original training proved
to be ineffective at any of the four levels. But may have to do it again if you get
new employees or if the work process changes.

In order to make sure that employee receives proper training a proper module is
needed and to create a proper module all steps matter. Therefore, training module
must be well rehearsed so that every employee gets maximum from it.

Warm regards,

Aniket agrawal

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