SAP Tables - Overview
SAP Tables - Overview
SAP Tables - Overview
SAP Tables
SAP Tables - Overview
Since I have not found another place to put these tips (for consultants, developers, users) it is in this section. There are many useful lists of SAP
tables on the Internet, but, for one reason or the other, I could not find one overview in the tips and tricks section, which suits my own needs.
So, finally I created my own Cheat Sheet, including the most important SAP tables (functional and technical). It covers SAP-FI (currency, bank
data, payment methods, calendar, taxes, accounting documents), SAP-CO (Cost center, cost elements, profit center) , ABAP, the Data
Dictionary, User and System Administration, SAP Workflow, Number Ranges and some other SAP basis tables.
Tip: Via the SAP data modell (using transaction code SE11) the SAP table structure (list of table fields) can be viewed.
Remark: The usual SAP terminology create, read, update and delete (CRUD) is here abbreviated referred to as change or maintain. 1/3
12/7/2020 SAP Tables — Overview
SKM1 / T Sample G/L accounts T056Z Interest Rates
SKPF Inventory Sampling T5DCX Calculation for Contribution Reimbursement
Orders (Cost Accounting) Taxes
AUFK Order master data T059A/B Type of Recipient for Vendors
AFKO Order header data PP orders T059C/D . per Withholding Tax Type
AFPO Order item T059E/G Income Types
Customer / Creditor T059F Formulas for Calc. Withholding Tax
KNA1 Customer Master T059K Withholding tax code; process. key
KNAS VAT registration numbers T059P/Z Withholding tax types / tax code; enhanced
KNB1/5 Company code / Dunning data T007A/S Tax Keys
KNB4 Customer payment history T007B Tax Processing in Accounting
KNBK Bank details Payment (= pmnt) Methods
KNC1/3 Transaction Posting figures / Special G/L T042 Parameters for payment transactions
Vendor / Debtor T042A Bank selection for payment program
LFA1 Vendor Master T042B Details on the company codes that pay
LFAS VAT registration numbers T042C Technical Settings: payment program
LFB1/5 Company code / Dunning data T042D Available amounts for payment program
LFBK Bank details T042E Company code-specific: payment methods
LFC1/3 Transaction figures / Special G/L T042F / H Payment method supplements
LFM1 Record purchasing organization T042G Groups of company codes (payment program)
T078K Transact.-depend. screen selection T042I Account determination for payment program
T042J Bank charges determination
SAP-FI: Accounting documents (postings) T042K Accounts for bank charges
BKPF Accounting documents T042N / L Bank transaction codes
BSEG Document line
Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt
BSID Accounting: Secondary index customers T042S
BSIK Accounting: Secondary index vendors T042V Value date for automatic payments
BSIP Vendor validation of double doc. T042W Permitted currency keys for payment method
BSIS Accounting: Secondary index for G/L T042Z Payment method for automatic payment
BSAD Customers (cleared items) Blocking reasons for automatic pmnt
BSAK Vendors (cleared items) T008
BSAS G/L accounts (cleared items)
Tolerance Groups (TG)
BSET Tax Data Document line
T043-T Assign Accounting Clerks > Tolerance Groups
BSEC One-Time Account Doc. Line / CpD T043G-T TG of Customers / Vendors
VBKPF Header for Document Parking T043I TG for persons proc. Inventory Differences
F111G Settings Payment Requests T043K Control of Payment Notices to C/V
AGKO Cleared Accounts T043S-T Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts
GLT0 G/L account transaction figures T043U Negative grace period
REGUH Settlement data payment program
REGUP Processed items payment program
Enterprise structure / SAP FI Basis Customizing
REGUT TemSe - Administration Data T000/1 Clients / Company Codes (= CC)
T880 Global Company Data
SAP-CO: Controlling / Cost center T003-T Document Types
CSKA Cost elements (chart of accounts) T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts
CSKB Cost elements (controlling area) T077S G/L account groups
CSKU Cost element texts T009 Fiscal Year Variants
CSLA/T Activity master T014 Credit control areas
CSKS/T Cost center: Master T010O/P Posting period variant
CSSK Cost center: Cost element T001B Permitted Posting Periods
CSSL Cost center: Activity
T002 Language Keys
COSP CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings
T005-T Countries
COEP CO Object: Line Items (by Period)
T006 Units of Measurement
COBK CO Object: Document header
TGSB-T Business Areas
COST CO Object: Price Totals
TKA01/2 Controlling areas / assignment
KEKO Product Costing - Header Data
KEPH Cost Components for Cost of Goods Mfd
KALO Costing Run: Costing Objects (KVMK)
KANZ Sales order items - costing objects
CEPC-T Profit Center Master Data Table
CKPH-T Master Record: Cost Object ID Number
Please be invited to use this list and/or leave some suggestions for enhancement. However, out of experience, allow me to make one
stipulation: although this cheat sheet is freely available, please refrain from uploading it to other servers.
The list starts with the most useful tables and the items are categorized: ABAP, Data Dictionary, FI, CO, Spool, Cost Center, Vendors (Creditor),
Customers (Debitor), Banks, Taxes, Clients, Accounting, Payment methods etc.).
Below is a screenshot of the pdf, to show an overview of the structure (the list contains both customizing and operational tables):
Please feel free to download the corresponding 2 page cheat sheet » » List of important SAP Tables as PDF (approx. 100 KB).
T A B L E -T Y P E S
1. Tables which have technical control functions within the SAP system. They are maintained either by SAP or by
users with special authorization. 2/3
12/7/2020 SAP Tables — Overview
2. Other tables contain basic commercial data (bank data, currency ...).
3. Tables for the organization of a company (company codes, customer data ...).
4. And last but not least there are tables for application data, which contain business transactions and master data
and are processed using SAP programs.
An overview of the most important SAP Tables for all these categories, as well as the necessary » SAP Transaction Codes - Tips & Tricks to
maintain them, are provided on the linked pages.
The work-life-balance: » Klingon Programmers with more global approach and a variety of international team members.
Specifying and developing software is more often than not (and despite all efforts to regulate it), a process, which easily gets out of control, see
» If Architects Had To Work Like Programmers — and be aware of the subtle differences. 3/3