Gawel-Jarret1991 Article AModifiedCTABDNAExtractionProc
Gawel-Jarret1991 Article AModifiedCTABDNAExtractionProc
Gawel-Jarret1991 Article AModifiedCTABDNAExtractionProc
simple, efficient procedures for the extraction of Musa and Ipomoea DNA.
We have, on occasion, received inquiries from other laboratories con-
cerning these techniques. Therefore, with the hope of helping others to
avoid the frustrations we initially encountered, we present our protocol
for isolation of high molecular weight DNA from Musa and lpomoea leaf
tissue. These procedures are a combination of modified extraction
techniques of Murray and Thompson (1980) and Saghai-Maroof et al.
With this technique, we generally obtain 100 to500 ~tg D N A (A2~0/A~0 =
1.85-1.95) per g r a m fresh weight leaf tissue (Table I). Best results are
obtained w h e n the leaf tissue is harvested as y o u n g as possible, prefer-
ably while still tightly furled. The midrib should be r e m o v e d prior to
lyophilization. If lyophilization is not possible, fresh tissue m a y be used
if the CTAB concentration is increased to 4% ( w / v ) . W h e n using fresh
tissue, care should be taken to assure that the g r o u n d tissue does not thaw
before it is a d d e d to the extraction buffer. The use of 0.1% mercaptoethanol
does not c o m p l e t e l y inhibit oxidation in all cases. H o w e v e r , the oxida-
tion which does occur d o e s not a p p e a r to affect the activity of restriction
enzymes. If m o r e than 0.1% m e r c a p t o e t h a n o l is used, D N A r e c o v e r y is
greatly reduced. In addition, care should be taken to h o o k out the D N A
i m m e d i a t e l y after the isopropanol precipitation in o r d e r to avoid the co-
precipitation of contaminating proteins.
CTAB D N A Extraction 265
Table I. Yields and A260/A~0 values for D N A extracted from various plant
*Mean of 10 extractions.
**Single extraction.
We routinely separate the DNA resuspended in TE from insoluble
material by centrifugation in a microcentrifuge for 30 to 60 sec. This
improves the efficiency of the e n z y m e digestion. Yields range from 100
to 500 ~g D N A / 2 0 0 m g lyophilized leaf tissue following this procedure.
However, yields were noticeably higher w h e n using sweetpota to (Ipcrnoea
batatas) as compared to other lpomoea species.
Yields of DNA m a y vary with the physiological age of the plant
material, the period of time that the material is stored prior to extraction,
etc.; hence, modifications m a y be necessary to increase yields in specific
instances. Treatment with RNAase is not essential for complete diges-
tion by restriction enzymes. The extraction procedures described here
are relatively simple and efficient. These procedures yield high-quality
DNA which is readily digested by restriction endonucleases. We have
adapted the Murray a n d T h o m p s o n (1980) CTAB technique to other
plant genera ( Cajanus, Gossypium, Juglans, Abelmoschus ) a n d r e c o m m e n d
this technique as a starting point w h e n developing a DNA extraction
procedure for plants.
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