10 11648 J Jeece 20180301 12 PDF
10 11648 J Jeece 20180301 12 PDF
10 11648 J Jeece 20180301 12 PDF
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Received: October 18, 2017; Accepted: January 26, 2018; Published: May 1, 2018
Abstract: A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the rock phosphate application on accumulation and
translocation of heavy metals from the soil to the roots, shoots and fruits of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) grown in a
sewage sludge amended soil contaminated with Cd, Pb and Ni were 30, 30 and 60 mgkg-1, respectively. The obtained results
demonstrated that the sewage sludge application caused a significance accumulation of metals in the fruits of eggplant. The
concentrations of these metals in the fruits were in the order of: Pb > Cd > Ni. The fruits of eggplant were not safe for the
human consumption, because the levels of heavy metals exceeded the permissible limits. These, heavy metals in different parts
of eggplant can be ranked in the order of: roots > shoots > fruits, were (mgkg-1). The soil-plant transfer factor (TF) showed that
the order of uptake of metals by eggplant was: Cd > Ni > Pb. This calls for concern especially in the case of Pb and Cd which
are highly toxic and of no known biological use. Therefore, Eggplant should not be cultivated in the farms and fields which use
sewage sludge contaminated with heavy metals as an amendment.
Keywords: Translocation, Heavy Metals, Eggplant, Sewage Sludge, Rock Phosphate and Transfer Factor (TF)
Many studies have reported negative or toxicity effects of and the partial dissolution of the phosphate amendments
the heavy metals. They are poisonous for macro and micro- which precipitate the heavy metal-containing phosphates [34-
organisms through their direct influence on the biochemical 35]. Also, [36] found that the phosphate-based minerals
and physiological processes, reducing growth, deteriorating adsorb, chelate, or/and complex heavy metals in soils which
cell organelles, and preventing photosynthesis and in crop they act as effective heavy metal immobilizing materials.
plants; they are of great concern due to the probability of Rock phosphate applications increase its the biomass yield
food contamination with heavy metals through the soil-root and significantly reduce the availability of the heavy metals
interface [14-15]. Though the heavy metals are not essential (Cd2+, Pb2+ and Ni2+) in the soil as well as effectively reduce
for plant growth, they are readily taken up and accumulated the bio-accumulation and translocation of these metals in
by plants in toxic levels causing a toxic damage to cells and vegetables [37]. Rock phosphate can be used as an economic
tissues as a result of the complex interaction of major toxic amendment in heavy metal polluted soils to reduce the
ions with other essential or non-essential ions [16-17]. contamination risk in surface and subsurface waters and in
Other sources of anthropogenic contamination (nonpoint) the same time, it provides the plants with phosphorus [38-
of soils include the applications of organic manures, sewage 45].
sludge, and long-term wastewater that cause a great concern. This study aims to investigate the effects of adding sewage
The main source of heavy metals and trace elements in sludge and rock phosphate on the accumulation and
sewage sludge is industrial wastewater and surface water translocation of the heavy metals (Cd, Ni, and Pb) in
runoff [18-20]. Although sewage sludge is a carrier of different organs parts (roots, shoots and fruits) of eggplant,
nutrients for the plant growth, its continued use over (Solanum melongena L.) grown in a contaminated soil.
extended periods can have a negative impact on the
environment due to content of the polluted organics, such as 2. Materials and Methods
hormones, antibiotics, endocrine disruptors, and persistent
organic pollutants (POP’s). as well as toxic low-molecular- A Pot experiment was conducted to investigate the growth
weight compounds as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and heavy metal uptake by eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) [21]. Heavy grown on a contaminated soil amended with the rock
metal compounds that are present in the poorly stabilized phosphate and sewage sludge. The soil used in the study was
sewage sludge, may act as chelating agents that cause toxic collected from the surface (0-30 cm) soil of the Agricultural
metals to be mobilized into the soil solution resulting in the Experimental, Faculty of Agriculture, AL-Azhar University,
accumulation of heavy metals in soils and their translocation Assiut, Egypt, which is located at 27 12- 16.67= N latitude
to the various of leafy and other vegetable crops under and 31 09- 36.86= E longitude during the summer season of
cultivation, with heavy metals levels that exceed permissible 2017. Some soil properties of the experimental site were
limits [22-24]. determined according to [46] and they are listed in Table 1.
Eggplant grown on a soil contaminated with heavy metals
absorbs and accumulates metals in roots, shoots, and fruit Table 1. Some soil chemical properties of the experimental site.
which might be harmful to human and organisms via the food Parameter Value Parameter Value
chain [24]. Heavy metals cause versions diseases to human Sand(%) 22.28 Total heavy metals (mg kg-1)
Particle size
being for example lead causes devastation health such as Silt(%) 21.51 Cd 0.73
Clay(%) 56.21 Pb 9.50
neurological damage, blood disorder, hypertension and renal
Texture grade Silty clay loam Ni 7.57
impairment [25]. Increasing the heavy metal content in the DTPA-ext. heavy metals
soil also increases the heavy metal uptake by plants pH Susp. (1:2.5) 7.96
depending upon the soil type, plant growth stage and plant E. Ce (dSm ) 0.96 Cd 0.05
species [26]. Heavy metals absorbed by plant roots may their O.M (%) 1.63 Pb 0.57
Soluble cations (cmol/kg soil) Ni 0.08
translocation and easily accumulate into the edible and aerial
Ca++ 0.75 Soluble anions (cmol/kg soil)
parts of the vegetables (roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds) Mg++ 0.68 CO3-- ---
of the dill, spinach and eggplant with heavy metals. Their Na+ 0.17 HCO3- 0.47
content in the different parts of eggplant are arranged as: K+ 0.21 Cl- 0.67
roots > fruits > stems [27]. The accumulated heavy metals in SO4-- 0.60
plant parts depend up on several factors such as plant type, *Each value in this Table is the mean of 3 replicates.
root system, variety, concentrations of heavy metals in the
soil and the nature and properties of the soil [28-31]. The sewage sludge (SS) sample was collected from the
According to [32] chemical immobilization is an in situ sewage water treatment station at Arab-El-Madabegh, Assiut.
remediation method where inexpensive chemicals are used to The rock phosphate (RP) sample as a natural rock was
reduce contaminant solubility in the soil. Rock phosphate obtained from Mangabad Super phosphate Factory, Assiut
(RP) is used to reduce the bioavailability of the heavy metals City. Some chemical characteristics of the rock phosphate
(Cd, Ni, and Pb) [33]. The possible mechanisms for heavy and sewage sludge samples used in the study are presented in
metal immobilization in the soil involve both the surface Table (2).
complication of the heavy metal ions on the phosphate grains
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 2018; 3(1): 9-18 11
Table 2. Some chemical characteristics of rock phosphate and sewage sludge samples used in the study.
Total macro elements (%) Total heavy metal (mg kg-1) O.M E.C (dSm- pH Susp.
N P K Cd Pb Ni (%) 1) (1:2.5)
Rock phosphate --- 24.82 0.01 0.25 1.18 --- --- 2.92 6.36
Sewage sludge 3.86 1.74 0.77 117.39 956.46 503.71 48.61 5.03 8.37
The collected soil, rock phosphate (RP) and sewage sludge HClO4 of a 5:1 ratio. The digested samples were cooled and
(SS) samples were air-dried, crushed with a wooden roller, filtered through Whatman No.42 filter papers and the
sieved through a 2 mm and mixed. Plastic pots having 6 kgs volumes were made up to 100 ml using distilled water. The
of soil sample were prepared before adding rock phosphate heavy metals were determined using Flame Atomic
and sewage sludge treatments. Two eggplant seedlings (4-5 Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS) according to [47].
leaves) of approximately 25 day-old were transplanted into Translocation factor (TF) of each heavy metal was calculated
each pot. The seedlings were irrigated and maintained to in to evaluates the risk extent and the relative translocation of
the pots for 5 weeks to observe their hardiness before adding these metals from the soil to other plant parts (roots and
a heavy metal solution the pots. Then, the soil in the pots was shoots) according [48].
artificially contaminated with Cd, Ni and Pb solutions of Statistical analysis was carried out using MS Excel and
(3CdSO4.8H2O, NiSO4.6H2O and PbSO4.9H2O), respectively, SPSS software, version 15 the means and standard deviations
which were applied to the pots in three equal doses each 15 (SD) of each heavy metal were calculated and differences (p
days late. The applied levels of Cd, Ni, and Pb in the < 0.05) among means were determined using Duncan’s
solutions were 30, 30 and 60 mg kg-1, respectively. Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Pearson’s correlation factor (r)
Eight treatments of: T1 control (non-contaminated), T2 for p ≤0.05 analysis was done to compare concentrations of
(Cd, Ni and Pb), T3 (20 ton SS/fed.), T4 (Cd, Ni and Pb+20 the heavy metals in the soil and their accumulation in the
ton SS/fed. + 10 ton RP/fed.), T5 (Cd, Ni and Pb + 40 ton roots, shoots and fruits.
SS/fed. + 10 ton RP/fed.), T6 (Cd, Ni and Pb + 40 ton SS/fed.
+ 20 ton RP/fed.), T7 (Cd, Ni and Pb + 60 ton SS/fed. + 20 3. Results
ton RP/fed.) and T8 (Cd, Ni and Pb + 60 ton SS/fed. + 40 ton
RP/fed.) were used. The experiment was laid out in a 3.1. Yield Components of Eggplant
completely randomized design (CRD) with three replication.
A supplemental fertilization of N, P and K was applied at 3.1.1. Fruit Yield
50 % of the recommend level as ammonium nitrate (33.5 % The data illustrated in Table (3) revealed that statistically
N), superphosphate (15.5 % P2O5) and potassium sulphate significant differences in the average fruit yield of the
(48 % K2O), respectively; ammonium nitrate was applied at eggplant existed among the treatments. Among the
three equal doses. investigated treatments, the application of sewage sludge
The total fruit yield per pot was recorded at harvest (80 alone and heavy metals-sewage sludge mixture overcame in
days). At that time root, shoot and fruit samples of eggplant increase fruit yield. Moreover, it was clear that the benefit
were washed twice using tap water and rinsed using distilled from application of the rock phosphate-sewage sludge
water, oven-dried at 70 oC ground using a stainless steel mill, mixture was greater than the application of the sewage sludge
passed through a 0.5 mm sieve and kept for analysis. Heavy only. The results showed that all the treatments were
metal concentrations in plant samples were estimated by positively affected on the fruit yield per pot compared to
digesting 0.5g plant sample with a mixture of HNO3 and control T1.
Table 3. Effect of the heavy metals, rock phosphate, and sewage sludge on fruit yield and yield component of Eggplant.
Mean values in the same column followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to the Duncan`s multiple range test (P < 0.05).
Sewage sludge applications led to a greater fruit yield at all treatment T8 which increased the average fruit yield by
application levels (20, 40 and 60 ton SS/fed.). The highest 166.76% compared to the control, the applied sewage sludge
fruit yield (291.59 g/pot) was obtained with application of associated with its enrichment with the plant essential
12 Mohamed Ahmed Youssef and Asem Mohamed Abd El-Gawad: Accumulation and Translocation of Heavy Metals in
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Grown in a Contaminated Soil
nutrients (both macro and micronutrients) that is important had a tendency for higher heavy metal accumulation since
for the plant growth. The lowest fruit yield (113.71 g/pot) the plant biomass was increased with increasing the sewage
was recorded for treatment T2 which increased the average sludge application rate. However, the lowest values of fresh
fruit yield by 4.25% compared to the control. Some authors and dry weight of biomass in all plant parts were obtained
mentioned significant differences in the fruit yield of the from T2.
eggplant between the applied sewage sludge and the control.
3.2. Cadmium Contents of the Soil and Eggplant Parts
3.1.2. Fresh and Dry Weight of the Plant Parts
The fresh and dry weights of the various parts (shoots, The mean total concentrations of cadmium (Cd) in the soil,
roots and fruits) of eggplant as affected by the different roots, shoots, and fruits (edible part) of eggplant are given in
treatments are given in Table 3. The result showed that there Table (4). Permissible limits of heavy metals in the soil and
were significant (p<0.05) variations in the shoots, roots and vegetables (eggplant) are used in this study including,
fruits fresh and dry weight among the applied treatments they International guidelines [49-50] standards have been used for
were greatly enhanced by sewage sludge application the comparison of the results.
treatment. However, there were no significant (p>0.05) 3.2.1. Soil Cadmium Contents
variations by the application rates of rock phosphate with The concentrations of Cd in the treated soil samples were
sewage sludge. All treatments increased the fresh and dry generally higher than the permissible limits (PL) except for
weights of the various parts of the eggplant. The application those T1 (0.75 mg kg-1) and T3 (1.86 mg kg-1) treatments
of T8 gave the highest fresh and dry weight biomass in all (Table 4) that were lower than the PL of Cd (3 mg kg-1). It is
plant parts; fresh root weight of 78.17 g/plant, a dry root clear that T2, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8 treatments exhibited a
weight of 16.04 g/plant, a fresh shoot weight of 157.71 higher soil Cd contents compared to the control of T1 and T3.
g/plant, a dry shoot weight of 25.13 g/plant, a fresh fruit Their concentrations of soil Cd were higher than the toxic
weight of 118.31 g/plant and a dry fruit weight of 17.82 limit due to the application of 30 mg kg-1 of Cd in the
g/plant. Other treatments were affected by heavy metal investigated treatments.
accumulations in plants due to the high sewage sludge level
Table 4. Effect of rock phosphate and sewage sludge on soil and eggplant part Cd contents and its transfer factor (T.F).
Mean of (n=3) ± Standard Deviation, within column followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to Duncan`s multiple range test (P <
Permissible Limits (PL) Guideline of EU, (2006) and WHO/FAO, (2007).
3.2.2. Plant Part Cadmium Contents 3.2.3. Transfer and Translocation Factors
The Cd contents of eggplant ranged from 0.16 to 11.14 The transfer factor (TF) or mobilization ratio of Cd from
mg kg -1 in the roots, from 0.10 to 5.54 mg kg-1 in the the soil to eggplant roots (TSR) and this translocation factor
shoots and from 0.07 to 0.48 mg kg-1 in the fruits sample of Cd from roots to shoots (TRS) and from shoots to fruits
(Table 4). The content of Cd of eggplant fruits in all (TSF) were calculated and shown in Table (4). The average
treatments were above the critical limits (0.1-1.5 mg kg -1) TF of Cd content from the soil to eggplant roots (TSR) was
and thus they might be a threat for the consumers. The found to be in the order of T3 (0.55) > T4 (0.34) = T7 (0.34) >
results showed that the plants absorbed Cd easier from T3 T2 (0.33) > T5 (0.32) > T8 (0.31) these values were higher
treatment soil than the control reflecting the ease mobility compared to control (0.21). It could be attributed to their
of Cd in this treatment. There were significant variations relative translocation rate of Cd roots of eggplant increased
(p < 0.5) in the plant of Cd contents when the soil was in all treatments with increasing of concentrations of Cd soil
contaminated with sewage sludge. to very high levels of Cd are accumulated by the plants. In
In all the parts (roots, shoots and fruits) of eggplant, the case of the translocation factor from roots to shoots (TRS), it
mean contents of Cd values are ranked in the order of roots > was in the order of T4 (0.48) = T5 (0.48) > T3 (0.47) = T8
shoots > fruits. Cadmium in all plant parts reached levels that (0.47) = T7 (0.47) > T2 (0.34) >T6 (0.26). The TF from shoots
were higher than the maximum PL (0.1 mg kg-1). to fruits (TSF) exhibited highest values of 0.33, 0.10 and 0.09
Cd in T1, T2, and T3 treatments, respectively. However, the
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 2018; 3(1): 9-18 13
lower TF value from shoots to fruits (0.04) for Cd was 3.3. Lead Contents of the Soil and Eggplant Parts
recorded T4 and T8 treatments. Regarding the translocation of
heavy metals from roots to the aerial parts of the plants, some The mean concentrations of lead (Pb) (mg kg-1) in the soil
heavy metals, such as Cd, move easily in plants and retainer as well as in the roots, shoots and fruits of eggplant are given
less strongly in the soil and hence they are more mobile than in Table 5.
other metals.
Table 5. Effect of rock phosphate and sewage sludge on soil and eggplant part Pb contents and its transfer factor (T.F).
Mean of (n=3) ± Standard Deviation, within column followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to Duncan`s multiple range test (P <
Permissible Limits (PL) Guideline of EU, (2006) and WHO/FAO, (2007).
Table 6. Effect of rock phosphate and sewage sludge on soil and eggplant part Ni contents and its transfer factor (T.F).
Mean of (n=3) ± Standard Deviation, within column followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to Duncan`s multiple range test (P <
Permissible Limits (PL) Guideline of EU, (2006) and WHO/FAO, (2007).
*Mean of (n=3) ± Standard Deviation, within column followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to Duncan`s multiple range test (P < 0.05).
**Low contamination (LC) = CF< 1, moderate contamination (MC) = 1 ≤ CF<3, considerable contamination (CC) = 3≤ CF<6 and very high contamination
(VC) = CF ≥6.
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 2018; 3(1): 9-18 15
Data in Table (7) show the contamination factor (CF) of concentration of Pb in the edible portions of some vegetables
Cd, Pb and Ni in all treated soil sample which the CF of Cd grown on sewage sludge amended soil was above the safe
ranged from 2.47 to 44.02. In these soil samples, the CF of limit in 28 % of the samples. The present results are in an
Pb varied from 2.05 to 5.80 and that of Ni had the range of agreement with those of [64, 24, 66, 27]. The reduction in
1.36 to 6.62. Therefore, the results clearly showed that the shoot Pb concentration may be connected with the plant
highest contamination degree of Cd, Pb and Ni was found in growth stimulation by Pb and the subsequent dilution of Pb
the T8 treated soil sample. in the plant tissue as well as the translocation the inhibition
of Pb from roots to the shoots. [45] showed that rock
4. Discussion phosphate is a potential remediation material for Pb
contaminated soils through the significant reduction of
The data illustrated in Table (3) indicated that the highest bioaccumulated and translocated Pb in the plant tissues. This
fruit yield as the application of the sewage sludge may be its finding is comparable with that of [59, 27]. And the
enrichment with the plant essential nutrients that is important translocation of heavy metals from roots to the aerial parts of
for the plant growth. The results are in agreement with [55, the plants. These results coincide with those of [61, 65, 45,
27]. However, the lowest values in all plant parts were 56]. Moreover, [63] reported that the variations in the transfer
obtained when soils contaminated with heavy metals alone. factor among different vegetables may be attributed to the
[56] found that the application of 7.5 and 15.0 kg/m2 of differences in the contents of metals in the soil and
sewage sludge increased the biomass of the above ground differences in element uptake by different vegetables.
plant parts. These results are consistent with those reported Regarding the Ni shown in Table (6) found that the lowest
by [26, 30 - 31]. As well as through the data in Table (4) soil concentration of Ni and aerial parts of eggplant grown in
showed that the vegetables grown in soils contaminated with 20 ton SS/fed. treatment. [37] found that the solubilization
heavy metals have a greater accumulation of heavy metals concentration of Ni in soils decreased with increasing the
than those grown in uncontaminated soils [24]. Sewage added amount of rock phosphate, these results also agree
sludge applications are considered the main inputs of Cd to with those of [5-6, 66, 7, 2, 11, 17, 9].
agricultural soils, [57]. These results are comparable with In all parts of eggplant, the mean values of Ni can be
those other earlier studies of [41-42, 44-45]. arranged in the order of roots > shoots > fruits. Nickel
Cadmium in all plant parts exceeded limits allowed by an reached a higher level than PL. the highest concentration of
increase with 8 times higher than the maximum permissible Ni in eggplant parts was observed in the roots. It may be
limits in the roots. It is considered a mobile element, easily attributed to the microbial activity around in the roots.
absorbed by roots, transported to shoots and uniformly Similar results were reported by many scientists [59, 28, 25,
distributed in plants [58]. The results showed that the highest 57, 67, 30-31].
concentration of Cd in the eggplant was observed in the It's finally illustrated that the mean concentrations of Pb in
roots, especially in the soil amended with T3. In this the studied soil samples were lower than those of [49-50]
corresponding, the Cd concentrations in the shoots and roots permissible limits (PL) of agricultural soils, the
of various vegetable crops increased with the increasing Cd concentrations of Pb in the eggplant fruits were higher than
concentrations in the growth medium. Moreover, roots Cd the plant (PL).
increased more sharply than shoot one. These results agree
with those of [59, 27]. These might be due to the higher 5. Safety of Consumers
mobility of Cd with a natural occurrence in the soil [60].
Also, [36] reported that the addition of rock phosphate (RP) The PL [49-50] for Cd, Pb and Ni in plants had a range of
significantly decreased metal contents in both roots and 0.1-1.5, 0.3-5 and 0.4-2.5 mg kg-1 dry weight, respectively.
shoots of Lolium prenne L, which may be an indirect The results of Cd, Pb and Ni concentrations in fruits were
evidence for the PR mechanism in immobilizing heavy shown in Tables (4, 5 and 6) for all treatments. The highest
metals. As for the translocation of heavy metals from roots to Cd, Pb and Ni concentrations in the fruits were 0.48, 5.98
the aerial parts of the plants, most heavy metals are quickly and 0.19 mg kg-1 dry weight fruit, respectively in the plants
moved from roots to shoots and its retainer less strongly in grow in T3 treated soil. Both Cd and Pb concentrations in
the soil. These results coincide with those of [61-62, 45, 56]. fruits exceeded the standards. Thus, consumers should not eat
In addition, in this study, eggplant should not be used in the eggplant grown on Cd, Pb and Ni contaminated soils,
heavy metal phytoremediation because its TF values were cadmium Cd contaminated vegetables are known to result in
lower than 1 and it might not be safe for human consumption. bone fracture, diarrhea, stomach pains and severe vomiting,
Moreover, [63] indicated that the variations in the transfer reproductive failure, damage of central nervous system and
factor among different vegetables may be attributed to the DNA, as well as development.
differences in the contents of metals in the soil and
differences in element uptake by different vegetables. 6. Conclusion
As for the Pb in Table (5) it was found that the higher the
concentration, roots > fruits, [50] found that the Soil contamination associated with sewage sludge
16 Mohamed Ahmed Youssef and Asem Mohamed Abd El-Gawad: Accumulation and Translocation of Heavy Metals in
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