Zoono Fact Sheet 33 - Textile Treatments With Zoono

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SHEET No. 33

The active agent in Zoono (3-trihydroxysilylpropyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium
chloride) has successfully been applied to fabrics and textiles since the late1970’s.

Dow Corning obtained the original EPA registration and applied the technology
successfully as an antimicrobial finish for textiles. This treatment was to preserve fabrics
against rotting and mildew stain, especially in storage. It also inhibited odour
development resulting from biological growth - especially in fabrics exposed to

Early successful commercial application of this new product was ‘no foot-odour’
BioGuard socks, which retained anti-organoleptic activity through multiple washings.

Dow Corning abandoned sale of this product in 1992 due to corporate bankruptcy and a
refocus of corporate strategy on commercial production and sale of silicone products.

A fresh EPA registration for this product was obtained in 2002 and has resulted in
continued application of the active (3-trihydroxypropyl silyldimethyloctadecyl
ammonium chloride) under the Zoono registration for textile treatments and a wide
variety of other applications to various substrates.

As the active ingredient in Zoono is exactly the same as originally introduced and
registered by Dow Corning, all previous testing results remain valid.

Following scientific protocols, original research results are typically cited. Newer studies
reporting similar results are typically not reported.

Zoono provides a durable antimicrobial finish for textiles. It is effective in significantly

reducing common odour causing bacteria (Table I).

The durability of Zoono treatment on treated fabrics (Table II) demonstrates that after 40
complete wash cycles the activity of the treatment was not diminished and remained as
active as before the washings.

Additionally, common commercial laundry detergents did not reduce the antimicrobial
activity. The antimicrobial effects of Zoono treatments are not reduced over a 24 hour
period of extractions involving 130,000 oscillations using water or simulated sweat.

Treatment with Zoono has successfully been applied to cotton, cotton/polyester sheeting,
outerwear fabrics, underwear, nylon hosiery, non-woven fabrics, mattress ticking, throw
rugs and filter fabrics.

Applications to carpeting exhibits sustained aero-microbiological reductions of fungi in

commercial buildings (Table A).

This study is one of 10 studies with similar results demonstrating reduction in fungal
contamination in the air simply by treating carpeting with Zoono.

Similar reductions in bacteria in treated carpeting was also demonstrated (Tables C, D).

Complete fungal reduction in treated carpet over 12 weeks was also demonstrated. (Table

Zoono has also demonstrated to suppress fungal growth on wall board, cinder block and
other construction materials. Zoono treatments of new home construction have enabled
15 year guarantees (American MoldGuard, 2005) of no fungal contamination after
treatment, demonstrating the durability of Zoono treatments.

(Tables attached below)

FACT SHEET No. 33 - Continued…

Treatment of textiles and fabrics with Zoono followed by thorough drying to bond the
Zoono active agent to the material produces a durable, antimicrobial coating, called a
finish, to the fabric.

The bonded finish protects against odour causing bacteria, mildew and mould which can
cause deterioration and discoloration of the material.

Zoono is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria. Odour causing bacteria

commonly found in fabrics and apparel such as sheets, hosiery, outerwear, underwear,
footwear, non-woven fabrics, etc. are effectively reduced by treated fabrics.


(Common Odour Causing Bacteria Reduction)

Organism % bacterial Reduction
Micrococcus sp. 99
Staphylococcus epidermis 96
Enterobacter aglomerans 90
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 99
Staphylococcus aureus 99

For an antimicrobial finish on treated fabrics to be useable, potentially for the life of
the article, it must be durable to repeated laundering and retain its protection /

The following Table II demonstrates the durability of treated fabrics after repeated
washing cycles.


(Laundered Fabric Durability)

No. of Wash Cycles % Bacterial Reduction

20 99.7
40 98.1

FACT SHEET No. 33 - Continued…

Common household detergents may be used to launder treated fabrics and textiles
without loss of antimicrobial protection / activity.


(Detergent effects on Antimicrobial Activity of Treated Fabrics)

Detergent % Bacterial Reduction*
Water Only 99.6
Tide 99.2
Arm & Hammer 98.9
Dynamo 98.6
Cheer 99.2

*Testing reflects bacterial reductions of treated fabrics after laundering with the specified detergents
FACT SHEET No. 33 - Continued…

Comparison of carpets treated with Zoono active material vs untreated


(Antibacterial Activity of Nylon Carpet in a 36 month Use Study at Duke Hospital)

Sample Percent Bacterial Insult Reduction*

Nylon Before 12 months 22 months 36 months

Carpet Installation Wear Wear Wear

Untreated 0 0 2.3 3.8

Treated 85 91 78 87

*Bacterial Inoculum Insult was Klebsiella Pneumoniae

The above study is representative of sustained aero-microbiological reductions utilizing silane-modified
quaternary amines (Zoonocide). The above findings represent one study of ten performed on schools,
hospitals and commercial buildings across the U.S. Studies were conducted in KY, FL, NY, CO and OH.
(Kemper, White & Gettings, J. Indus. Microbiology, 31 (5), 1990).


Antifungal Activity on Treated and Untreated Nylon Carpet

(Twelve -Week Tropical Chamber Exposure)
Percent Covered by Fungi at No. of Weeks Exposure*
Sample 1 Week 6 Weeks 12 Weeks
Nylon Control/Untreated
Unwashed, No Shampooing 100 100 100
7 Shampoo Cycles 100 100 100
14 Shampoo Cycles 100 100 100
21 Shampoo Cycles 100 100 100
Unwashed, No Shampooing 0 0 0
7 Shampoo Cycles 0 0 0
14 Shampoo Cycles 0 0 0
21 Shampoo Cycles 0 0 0

*Samples were re-challenged with a spore suspension of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium variable at 3,
6 and 9 weeks of the study. Cleaning agents used were Fiber Fresh, Woolite.

FACT SHEET No. 33 - Continued…

Control of Bacterial Clinical isolates on Rugs

Sample Organism % Reduction

Control/Untreated 0
Treated Streptococcus fecalis 100
Inoculum 0

Control/Untreated 0
Treated Staphylococcus aureus 100
Inoculum 0

Control/Untreated 20
Treated Escherichia coli 99+
Iniculum 1

Control/ Untreated 47
Treated Klebsiella oxytoca 100
Inoculum 1


Bacterial Adaptation Studies on Treated/Untreated Carpet

Percentage Reduction (Shake Flask Test)
Klebsiella Pneumoniae Staphylococcus aureus
Exposure* 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Nylon Carpet 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 9 13 26

Nylon Carpet 99.8 99.6 98.8 97.5 99.9 98.6 97.5 96.3 99.4 98.8

* Shake Flask Survivors were used for subsequent exposures


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