Reflection Paper

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The two controversies and conflicts that i found in our Reading in The Philippine History topic is


According to a testimony by Father Vicente Balaguer, a jesult missionary who befriended the hero
during the exile in Dapitan Rizal accepted a shorter retraction document prepared by the superior of the
Jesult Society in the Philippines father Po P. Rizal then wrote his retraction after making some
medications in the document in ns retraction ne disavowed Masonan and religious thought that
opposed catholic belief. Personally, . I did not believe ne retracted, but some documents that was
purchased by the Philippine government from spraining the mid 00’s the cup de glandular de Manila' It
showed some interesting points about the retractile Despite his Torres said that his perception of the
Filipino marry would not charge even if the controversies were true Torres sold. The refraction is Just
one aspect of The work and writings of Rizal But then Torres noted that the controversy is inelegant
today the way Rizal 5 tough in schools today the retraction means noting. Dr Augusto De Viaen end of
Lolls Department or History as0 believes that Rizal retracted and sad the hero just renounced form the
free Masonry and nt from his famous nationalistic works.

During the 16th to 7th Century. also known as the 'Age of Exploration, there was undaplethor of
prominent world explorers and conquistadors that al have accumulated their own defined accolades.
Sucth as the Spaniard Ponce De Leom being the frst persom to discover. German Catographer Martin
Waldssemuller who was the frst to pubilsh a maps that showed the TEW WORLDY was separate from
prevwousily hnown Asia He then proceeded name the land America in honor of the late ttalan exporer
Amerge vespucc and fnaly the most explorer in my honest opnion FERONAND MAG2lLAN Theres a
mutitude of reasons why 1 believe this to be true For exarmple in 1514 Magellan set out and led the
Spanish expedition with a fleet of lve ships to the east indles also hrown as the spice lslands which
ended in e very crcurmnawgation of the eorth This is the most important because during this time
everyone truthiuly believed that the Earth was flat Even thought that everyone Just a confroversy.
everyone stil beleved that if was all true.

GOMBURZA Incurred the hatred of Spanish authorities for fighting for equal among priest and leading
the campaign against the Spanish friars. Gomburza fought of the issues of secularization in the
Philippines that led to the conflict of religious and church seculars. But then later, the infamous
execution of the martyred native priest whose innocent blood was shed through the intrigues of those
so called religious orders that innate the three secular priests In the say in Philippine Historian'.
Theodore Agoncilo describe the code as a 'disputed document history text continue to present It as a
historical fact, Struggle for freedom a textbook on Phulippine History) says. reproduced here in is the
entire of kala tiaw for your ethical examination and for you to decide and ocurracy.The story 1 st still
believe by people in the central provinces some of them maintain the opinion that this due to

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