Module 4 Outline PDF
Module 4 Outline PDF
Module 4 Outline PDF
Module Outline
Welcome to the Module 4, on Instructional Planning and Delivery. Before providing you the
detailed e-content for this module, the purpose served through this Module 4 and outline of
lessons, videos, activities, assignments and discussion forum are given unit wise in initial
pages. The need for this is recognized as variety of approaches and sequence may be adopted
for learning, such as through text matter, video, activities, assignment and discussion as per
the need of individuals undertaking this module. This also provide you a bird eye view of the
total module and interrelationship between the different components.
4.1 Rationale
In the process of effective curriculum implementation through teaching learning strategies,
one of the most essential competencies required by the teacher is to plan and effectively
deliver the instructions for achieving the expected learning outcomes. Instructional planning
emphasizes on the whole range of planned activities used by the teacher for active
engagement of students. It is one of the core abilities for effective delivery in the classroom,
laboratory, workshop and other learning environments. For this, the teacher ought to know
the subject matter to be taught, the learner characteristics as well as the strategies to develop
the skills and abilities in the learner. This requires the teacher to understand the process of
human learning and curriculum analysis in order to interpret correctly the expected learning
outcomes for their accomplishment. In this module teachers have also been provided
opportunities to integrate the principles of media design with principles of learning for
designing instructional material and planning the total instructional process. This module has
six units: Curriculum analysis for session planning, Instructional methods and strategies Part 1
and Part 2, Instructional media, Instructional plan preparation, and Instructional delivery. The
module has been designed to provide hands-on experience to trainee teacher in preparing
instructional plan and instructional material leading to delivery through practicum in the
Module Objectives
On completion of this Module 4, the teacher trainee will be able to:
A. Plan effectively for accomplishment of learning outcomes applying the principles related
to instructional system design.
B. Deliver class/ laboratory/ workshop based and industry-oriented instruction and learning
to promote student’s overall ability.
4.4 Contents
Unit Outcomes: After successful completion of this unit, the teacher trainee will be able to:
UO 1 Interpret the curriculum to identify the learning outcomes vis-a-vis contents for the
UO 2 Prepare the concept map/ spray diagram to correlate the learning outcomes of
different domains with the content of a given course.
UO 3 Suggest strategies for teaching different elements of content analysis.
UO 4 Correlate ‘Events of Instruction’ with ‘Principles of Learning’.
L1 Curriculum Analysis
L2 Mapping for Curriculum Analysis
L3 Strategies for Teaching Elements of Content Analysis
L4 Learning Principles and Events of Instruction
V1 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain- Part 1 Cognitive Process Dimension
V2 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain- Part 2 Knowledge Dimension
V3 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain- Part 3 Taxonomy Table
V4 Curriculum Analysis
V5 Mapping for Curriculum Analysis- Part 1
V6 Mapping for Curriculum Analysis- Part 2
V7 Principles and Process of Learning and Instruction- Part 1
V8 Principles and Process of Learning and Instruction- Part 2
• Prepare a course plan for selected course in the given format.
• Select a topic from a course curriculum and identify two abstract and two concrete
concepts. Write at least two attributes for each.
• Suggest strategies for memorising and recalling factual knowledge.
• Select a concept/ principle you want to teach in the class. Given an opportunity, which
teaching strategy- inductive or deductive you would like to choose. Mention two
reasons to support your selection.
• Select a learning outcome from your course curriculum and analyse it with the help of
taxonomy table. Identify the cognitive level dimension, knowledge dimension and list
out the topics and subtopics to achieve that learning outcome.
• Select a topic from your course curriculum and prepare a concept map using open
source software like CmapTools.
• Select the relevant principle(s) of learning for the given situation.
• Match the events of instruction with the given situations.
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• Discuss the benefits of concept map for the topic analysis.
• Multiple Choice Questions will be used for assessing the learning.
UO 1 Describe the concept of basic teaching model for enhancing effectiveness of Teaching-
Learning process.
UO 2 Justify the need for a variety of instructional methods.
UO 3 Classify different types of instructional methods and strategies.
UO 4 Describe the characteristics of basic instructional methods.
Planning a teaching learning session involves a number of instructional decisions, of which one
of the vital decisions is regarding the instructional methods to be employed. For any given
learning outcome, teachers may choose among a wide range of teacher-centred and student-
centred instructional methods. Effective teachers look for an appropriate match between the
content to be taught and strategies for teaching that content. This unit is intended to provide
an exposure to various basic instructional methods through e-content, video lectures,
discussion forum, activities, assignments, etc.
L5 Basic Teaching Model
L6 Need for Variety of Instructional Methods
L7 Classification of Instructional Strategies
L8 Basic Instructional Methods (Lecture, Demonstration, Tutorials, Laboratory)
V9 Basic Teaching Model- Part 1
V10 Basic Teaching Model- Part 2
V11 Basic Teaching Model- Part 3
V12 Need for Variety of Instructional Methods
V13 Classification of Instructional Methods and Strategies- Part 1
V14 Classification of Instructional Methods and Strategies- Part 2
V15 Tutorial as an effective instructional method
V16 Improved Lecture Method of Instruction
V17 Laboratory Experience as an effective instructional method
V18 Demonstration Method- Part 1
V19 Planning and Conduction of Demonstration- Part 2
• Relate the aspects of abilities with the families of models of teaching.
• Identify the practical outcomes from the given list, which can be best achieved through
laboratory work.
• Discuss the viability and use of student-centred methods over teacher centred methods
in an engineering institution in view of outcome-based education
• Discuss the concerns related to roles of teachers, students and technical staff in the
This unit, which is in continuation of ‘Instructional Methods and Strategies- Part 1’ focuses on
some advanced instructional methods and strategies, along with blended and flipped learning
approaches. These require action, interaction and reflection by students individually or in
groups to develop the higher taxonomy level skills in all the domains of learning matching with
the programme outcomes, course outcomes and learning outcomes. This unit provides an
exposure to various advanced instructional methods, strategies and approaches through e-
content, video lectures, discussion forum, activities, assignments, etc.
L9 Advanced Instructional Methods (Seminar Method, Panel Discussion, Educational
Games, Brainstorming, Group Discussion, Case Method, Role-Play, Industry/ Field Visit,
Simulations, Project Method, Self-directed Learning, Problem-based Learning.)
L10 Blended and Flipped Learning Approach
• Suggest three topics related to your curriculum for organizing panel discussion with
justification. (In about 100 words each)
• Design an educational game to fulfil the curriculum outcomes of your course.
• Select a topic for group discussion and identify the criteria, and the specific activities
that are to be performed by the students before, during and after the discussion.
• Suggest three titles each for a micro-project and capstone project. For any one of the
projects, state the broad activities expected from students.
• Formulate learning outcomes in the three domains to be achieved through industrial
visit related to your courses.
• Formulate/ choose learning outcome(s) for any selected course and suggest the relevant
instructional methods with justification for your selection.
• Prepare an activity plan to incorporate blended and flipped Learning approach to
develop a learning outcome
• Write the steps to be followed in implementation of a role-play.
• Prepare a list of activities in order to organize a seminar.
• List any three instructional methods that help in development of creativity
• Read the case related to storage area of the ABC Company and suggest methods for
increasing the storage area to accommodate the contemplated increase in finished
goods inventory.
• Describe one situation from a course that can be dealt with buzz session method.
• Identify two titles of project in a subject and write the expected outcomes
• Write the information about contents, objectives and duration of one course on Swayam
platform of your interest
• Discuss the viability and use of student-centred methods over teacher centred methods
in an engineering institution in view of outcome-based education
• Discuss the feasibility of using brainstorming, educational games and simulation in
teaching learning environment.
• Compare Case-Based Learning with Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
• Multiple Choice Questions will be used for assessing the learning.
UO 1 Identify relevant instructional media based on the emerging trends for the given
teaching learning situation.
UO 2 Classify instructional media.
UO 3 Design print and non-print instructional media.
UO 4 Use chalk board and interactive board effectively.
Instructional media plays an important role in improving the effectiveness of instruction and
in enhancing the process of learning. This unit focuses on the importance of instructional
media, identification of relevant media for the given teaching learning environment from
traditional to emerging media. Further, the importance of various media elements, media
design principles and guidelines, designing of print and non-print media, effective use of
chalkboard and interactive board are elaborated with examples in video as well as in e-
content. This will guide the teacher trainee in designing, developing and using different types
of instructional media in classroom, laboratory, workshop, etc.
L11 Need for Instructional Media
L12 Classification of Media
L13 Design of Handouts, Assignments and Laboratory Worksheets
L14 Media Design Principles and Effective Board Work
V34 Need of Instructional Media- Part 1
V35 Need of Instructional Media- Part 2
V36 Classification of Media- Part 1
V37 Classification of Media- Part 2
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V38 Media Design Principles- Part 1
V39 Media Design Principles- Part 2
V40 Media Design Principles- Part 3
V41 Effective Board work
V42 Smart Class room
V43 Smart Classroom- Use of Interactive Board- Part 1
V44 Smart Classroom- Interactive Board- Part 2
• Write at least two media used in classroom teaching, along with their purposes.
• Read the case given in Lesson 11 and write your opinion on the issues addressed in the
• Search for information about the features of media equipment such as interactive
board, interactive panel and pad, multimedia projector.
• Select a visual related to the topic of your choice and edit the visual.
• State the learning outcome and prepare a relevant handout to support the classroom
• State the learning outcome and prepare relevant type of assignment to assess its
• Design a laboratory worksheet.
• Prepare a computer-based presentation of about 15 slides, incorporating all the media
elements, design principles and guidelines on the topic of your choice. Submit your
• Design a handout, an Assignment, and a Laboratory worksheet
Suggested topics for discussion forum include
• Discuss on the issues related to the use of media in the classroom, problems faced and
strategies adopted to overcome them.
• Some of the instructional media are highly acceptable to teachers and students in
today’s context. Discuss the reasons.
Multiple Choice Questions will be used for assessing the learning.
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Unit Outcomes: After successful completion of this unit, the teacher trainee will be able to:
Every teacher, whether newly recruited or experienced, has to plan for the sessions to be
implemented. This ensures effective use of resources and organization of teaching learning
activities, to attain intended learning outcomes. A teacher is expected to plan for classroom,
laboratory, workshop and industry-based instructions. The session plan should be discussed
with peers and mentors to obtain feedback on various aspects of planning. The developed
plan needs to be modified in view of the feedback provided. This unit will equip a trainee
teacher to prepare a session plan systematically and get it validated.
L15 Classroom Session Plan Preparation
L16 Feedback Mechanism for Improvement
L17 Planning for Laboratory and Industry-Based Instruction
• Prepare a session plan for a classroom session of 45-60 minutes in the suggested format.
• Obtain the peer feedback preferably of your discipline, on the session plan prepared in
the above activity. Modify the session plan as per feedback and get it validated by
• Match any of the experiments of your course with an experiment available on Sakshat
Portal Virtual lab, ( and plan laboratory instructions.
• Submit the validated session plan for a classroom session of 45-60 minutes in the
suggested format.
• Multiple Choice Questions will be used for assessing the learning.
The final outcome of this module is to improve the teachers’ performance through “Practicum
in classroom’. Apart from planning for practicum, organisation and effective management of
resources for delivery are also important. The teacher also has to make provision for
assessment of student’s learning during planning and delivery of the session, which is an
integral part of teaching learning process. Assignment, quiz, classroom tests, are some of the
important tools to assess the learning of students in formative stage in classroom situation
while checklists, rating scales, and rubrics are used for practical performance assessment
during workshop and lab sessions. Guidelines for using these tools in brief are included in this
unit, and will be dealt in detail in Module 6 on ‘Effective Modes of Students Assessment and
Further in this unit, the teacher will deliver a session of stipulated duration in a classroom
situation. The presentation will be followed by feedback, which may be provided using the
suggested format by the peers and mentor. In addition, the teacher trainee ought to
introspect, as self-feedback is significant activity for self-improvement. This feedback process
will result in identification of areas for improvement in order to enhance the effectiveness of
teaching - learning process. As we know any skill cannot be developed in one attempt, so the
cycle of practicing, getting feedback, improving the performance based on the feedback and
re-practice should continue, till the teacher achieve confidence level and develop effective
presentation skills.
L18 Organising for Effective Delivery in Classroom and Laboratory
L19 Assessment Tools for Classroom and Laboratory Session
L20 Classroom Management: Students, Resources and Time
L21 Practicum in Classroom
• Differentiate process and product assessment w.r.t. practical work in laboratory.
• Deliver the classroom-based session using validated and finalised session plan and
obtain feedback.
• Record your video and submit the recorded video to the mentor.
• Develop an action plan for the next six months in order to improve your teaching skills,
based on the feedback provided by mentor, colleagues and self-feedback.
• Prepare a checklist to ensure the availability of resources for effective implementation
of the validated classroom session plan.
• Prepare a checklist to ensure the availability of resources for effective implementation
of the validated laboratory session.
• Prepare one Check list for product and process assessment each to assess selected
tasks/ topics from the course teacher has taught.
• Compare the features of checklist and rating scale based on their use.
• Enlist the norms of student’s behaviour for effective management of classroom.
• Write various dimensions of student engagement strategies for classroom management.
• Discuss the problems faced in assessment of assignments.
• Multiple Choice Questions will be used for assessing the learning.
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