NEMA Rating and IP Equivalency Chart: NEMA Definition IP Against Objects IP Against Liquids

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There are two major electrical manufacturing organizations monitoring product enclosures and/or their degree of
protection; each organization also publishes technical manufacturing standards. The National Electrical Manufac-
turers Association (NEMA) Standard No. 250 – 2003 addresses non-hazardous locations, enclosure design and
its environmental performance requirements. These are referred to as NEMA Types. (

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60529 Standard addresses Ingress Protection (IP); this
describes the degree of enclosure protection provided, not the enclosure itself. The first digit of the IP Code des-
ignation describes the degree of protection against the ingress of solids; the second digit designates the degree
of protection against the ingress of liquids. IP Codes support NEMA Type designations. (

Digital Systems Engineering designs their VMC mobile computer to exceed Standards NEMA 2 and IP11. The
AWM sealed monitors exceed Standards NEMA 6P and IP68, incorporating a range of environmentally-sealed
connectors engineered to provide a safe and secure dust and waterproof environment in rugged conditions.

The following information is taken from both electrical industry Standards; it matches NEMA Ratings with its IP
counterpart, with a brief description of each rating.

NEMA Rating and IP Equivalency Chart

NEMA IP NEMA Definition IP Against IP Against
Rating Equivalent
Objects Liquids
1 = Protected against
Enclosures constructed for indoor use; to provide a degree of protection to solid foreign objects of
1 IP10 personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment and to
5 cm (2 in) in diameter
0 = Not protected
provide a degree of protection against falling dirt
and greater

Enclosures constructed for indoor use; to provide a degree of protection to 1 = Protected against 1 = Protected against
personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide solid foreign objects of
2 IP11 a degree of protection against falling dirt, and to provide a degree of protec- 5 cm (2 in) in diameter
vertically falling water
tion against dripping and light splashing of liquids drops
and greater

Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of 4 = Protected against
protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equip- 5 = Protected against
water sprayed from all
3 IP54 ment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow dust; limited to ingress
directions; limited to
and windblown dust; and that will be undamaged by external formation of ice (no harmful deposit)
on the enclosure ingress permitted

Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of pro- 1 = Protected against 4 = Protected against
tection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; solid foreign objects of water sprayed from all
3R IP14 to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet and snow; and 5 cm (2 in) in diameter directions; limited to
that will be undamaged by external formation of ice on the enclosure and greater ingress permitted

Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of 4 = Protected against
protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equip- 5 = Protected against
water sprayed from all
3S IP54 ment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow dust; limited to ingress
directions; limited to
and windblown dust; and in which the external mechanism(s) remain operable (no harmful deposit)
when ice laden ingress permitted

Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of 6 = Protected against
protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equip- 5 = Protected against
strong jets of water from
4 IP56 ment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow, dust; limited to ingress
all directions; limited to
windblown dust, splashing water and hose-directed water; and that will be (no harmful deposit)
undamaged by external formation of ice on the enclosure ingree permitted

Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of 6 = Protected against
protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equip- 5 = Protected against
strong jets of water from
4X IP56 ment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow, dust; limited to ingress
all directions; limited to
windblown dust, splashing water and hose-directed water, and corrosion; and (no harmful deposit)
that will be undamaged by external formation of ice on the enclosure ingree permitted

Enclosures constructed for indoor use; to provide a degree of protection to

personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide 5 = Protected against 2 = Protected against
5 IP52 a degree of protection against falling dirt; against settling airborne dust, lint, dust; limited to ingress direct sprays of water up
fibers and flyings: and to provide a degree of protection against dripping and (no harmful deposit) to 15° from the vertical
light splashing of liquids
Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of pro-
tection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; 7 = Protected against
to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt; against hose-directed 6 = Totally protected effects of submersion
6 IP67 water and the entry of water during ocassional temporary submersion at a against entry of dust from 15 cm (6 in) to 1
limited depth; and that will be undamaged by external formation of ice on the m (3 ft)
Enclosures constructed for indoor or outdoor use; to provide a degree of pro-
tection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; 8 = Protected against
to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt; against hose-directed 6 = Totally protected the effects of occasional
6P IP68 water and the entry of water during occasional prolonged submersion at a against entry of dust submersion in water, up
limited depth; and that will be undamaged by external formation of ice on the to 10 m (33 ft)

Enclosures constructed (without knockouts) for indoor use; to provide a

degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed 5 = Protected against 2 = Protected against
12 IP52 equipment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt; against dust; limited to ingress direct sprays of water up
circulating dust, lint, fibers and flyings: and to provide a degree of protection (no harmful deposit) to 15° from the vertical
to against dripping and light splashing of liquids

Enclosures constructed with knockout(s) for indoor use; to provide a degree

of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equip- 5 = Protected against 2 = Protected against
12K IP52 ment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt; against circulating dust; limited to ingress direct sprays of water up
dust, lint, fibers and flyings: and to provide a degree of protection to against (no harmful deposit) to 15° from the vertical
dripping and light splashing of liquids
Enclosures constructed for indoor use; to provide a degree of protection to 4 = Protected against
personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide 5 = Protected against
water sprayed from all
13 IP54 a degree of protection against falling dirt; against circulating dust, lint, fibers dust; limited to ingress
directions; limited to
and flyings: and against the spraying, splashing and seepage of water, oil and (no harmful deposit)
non-corrosive coolants. ingress permitted

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