Reference Books:: S. N. Author Name of Book Publisher

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1st Semester 3 1 0 4

All Branch
Prerequisite: None

Introduction: Definition of active, passive, linear, non-linear, unilateral, bilateral, symmetrical,

unsymmetrical network with example. Basic concept of circuit elements and their uses. Sources:
current sources and voltage sources, dependent source, independent source, circuit laws (KCL &
KVL), commonly used symbol and notations in electrical circuits. (3 Hours)

A.C. Fundamentals and R, L, C Circuit: Equation of AC Voltage and currents, waveform, time
period, frequency, amplitude, different forms of emf equations, phase, phase difference, average
value, RMS value, form factor, peak factor. Series and parallel RL, RC, and RLC circuits and their
phasor representation; steady state response; Operator j notation of complex quantity in rectangular
and polar form. Concept of Impedance and admittance: definition, relation, impedance, and
admittance triangle. Complex power: active, reactive and apparent power, power triangle. (10

Network Theorems: Star delta conversions, Node & loop equations, Thevenin's Theorem (AC &
DC), Norton's Theorem (AC & DC), Superposition Theorem (AC & DC), Maximum power
transfer theorem (AC & DC), Reciprocity Theorem (AC & DC) (All theorems with independent
sources only). (7 Hours)

Poly-phase Networks: Balanced Star-Delta connections, phase and line currents and voltages and
their relations; (2 Hours)

Electromechanical Energy conversion: Electromechanical laws: relation between electricity and

magnetism, production of emfs (ac & dc), Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, direction of
induced emf, Lenz law, dynamically and statically induced emfs, self-inductances, and mutual
inductances. (3 Hours)

Electrical Machines: Types of Electrical Machines and their applications; Working principle of
DC machines, single phase transformer, and 3-phase induction motor; EMF equation, (7 Hours)

Measurement of voltage, current and Power in single and three phase (2 hours)

Electrical safety: Definition, precautions, concepts of grounding and earthing. (2 Hours)

Reference Books:
S. N. Author Name of Book Publisher

1. Del Toro V. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals PHI

2. Theraja B. L. Electrical Technology S Chand

Hayt W. H., Kemmerly J.

3. Engineering Circuit Analysis McGraw Hill

4. H. Cotton Electrical Technology PHI

5. J. B. Gupta Basic Electrical Engineering Katson

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