Product: Submit Agreement To Adhere To Academic Integrity Rules
Product: Submit Agreement To Adhere To Academic Integrity Rules
Product: Submit Agreement To Adhere To Academic Integrity Rules
Scope: The overarching project to be delivered to the client is all deliverable content contained within this
As this is an online course, access to a computer, internet, and a consistent power source to maintain
consistent access to both is necessary to ensure completion and submission of all deliverables.
Objective: Review content of course, note module specific learning objectives and deliver all products
contained within by listed due dates, meeting the quality criteria in the rubrics provided by the client.
1. I am incredibly competent in navigating various computer programs and the online environment.
2. My work schedule is presented in three week blocks, which allows me to pre-plan my approach
to the Project and Deliverables contained within
3. Range of potential work hours on any given day are within limits that give me time on any given
day to complete my work, potentially ahead of schedule
4. I carry my laptop with me at all times to allow myself to get ahead on assignments when possible
Product: Read Chapter 1 & 2 of O’Connell textbook and provide required annotations
Task: Provide required annotations
Subtask: Access Perusall content within module
Subtask: Read Chapters 1 & 2
Subtask: Make note of instructor commentary
Subtask: Take notes on chapters
Due: 1/15/20
Planned Start: 1/14/20
Planned Finish: 1/14/20
Replanned Start: n/a
Replanned End: n/a
Actual Start: 1/14/20
Actual Finish: 1/14/20
Delivered: 1/14/20
Time Investment: 2 Hours
Product: Read Chapter 1& 2 of Wiefling textbook and provide required annotations
Task: Provide required annotations
Subtask: Access Perusall content within module
Subtask: Read Chapters 1 & 2
Subtask: Make note of instructor commentary
Subtask: Take notes on chapters
Due: 1/16/20
Planned Start: 1/14/20
Planned Finish: 1/14/20
Replanned Start: n/a
Replanned End: n/a
Actual Start: 1/14/20
Actual Finish: 1/14/20
Delivered: 1/14/20
Time Investment: 2 Hours
Product: Access and complete Project Management Terminology Quiz
Task: Complete quiz
Subtask: Complete required Module readings prior to quiz
Subtask: Access quiz within module
Task: Retake quiz, if necessary, when 100% completion is not achieved
Due: 1/16/20
Planned Start: 1/16/20
Planned Finish: 1/16/20
Replanned Start: n/a
Replanned End: n/a
Actual Start: 1/16/20
Actual Finish: 1/16/20
Delivered: 1/16/20
Time Investment: 1 Hour
Product: Access and complete Product Specifications and Quality Criteria Video Quiz
Task: Complete quiz
Subtask: Complete required Module readings prior to quiz
Subtask: Access quiz within module
Task: Retake quiz, if necessary, when 100% completion is not achieved
Due: 1/21/20
Planned Start: 1/21/20
Planned Finish: 1/20/20
Replanned Start: n/a
Replanned End: n/a
Actual Start: 1/21/20
Actual Finish: 1/21/20
Delivered: 1/21/20
Time Investment: 1 Hour
Product: Read Work Break Down Structure and provide required annotations
Task: Access Perusall content within module
Task: Read Chapters 1 & 2
Subtask: Make note of instructor commentary
Subtask: Take notes on chapters
Task: Provide required annotations
Due: 1/28/20
Planned Start:1/27/20
Planned Finish: 1/28/20
Replanned Start: n/a
Replanned End: n/a
Actual Start: 1/28/20
Actual Finish: 1/28/20
Delivered: 1/28/20
Time Investment: 2 Hours
Product: Access and complete Products, Tasks, and Subtasks discussion board post
Due: 1/29/20
Planned Start: 1/29/20
Planned Finish: 1/29/20
Replanned Start: n/a
Replanned End: n/a
Actual Start: 1/29/20
Actual Finish: 1/29/20
Delivered: 1/29/20
Time Investment: 45 Minutes
Product: Read Why People Fail to Recognize their Own Incompetence and provide required
Due: 2/25/20
Planned Start: 2/22/20
Planned Finish: 2/22/20
Replanned Start:
Replanned End:
Time Investment: 1 Hour
Over the course of any project there may be certain events that transpire which are unable to be planned
for. That being said, effective Project Managers can be proactive in their planning in order to mitigate the
negative impact of these events.
Due to the nature of online education I heavily rely on technology in order to be successful. This
technology includes my computer, the power they require, and the internet required to access the
course.Technology can fail at any time for any reason and the Project Manager must be ready and willing
to quickly adapt to instantaneous adverse situations.
I have the luxury of having access to a top-of-the-line custom built desktop computer as well as the
highly reliable MacBook Pro. If one fails, I have a backup that will allow me to continue the course
seamlessly. All work is backed up to Google Drive as well as my iCloud account, in addition to my
computers’ native hard disks. This ensures that not only will my work not be lost, but easily accessible.
Power outages happen. As a California resident, I have been exposed to this reality on multiple occasions
over the course of my life and, specifically, my college career. I cannot recall a time (save for a natural
disaster) where I have been without power for longer than a 24 hour period. Working deliverables ahead
of schedule, and submitting prior to the due date, will give me a buffer of time should one of these events
take place
My hardline internet at home not only has a history of periods of instability, but is also well below the
national average in regard to download and upload speeds. I experienced the adverse effects of this during
the Baseline Assessment deliverable, when it took almost 40 minutes to upload a 15 minute video to the
Group 1 discussion board. Had I waited until the last minute to submit this assignment it may have not
uploaded prior to the time it was due. Should my connection become unstable or go down, I do have
backup methods: my phone can be used as a hotspot when necessary, and I have many locations around
me which offer free wifi services, notably, Starbucks (where I also work.) But, again, getting ahead on
assignments and submitting prior to the due dates will give me the best opportunity to not be late on my
submissions should an event like this take place.
Active Planning
In regard to the active planning that took place during the course of creating this project plan, I
think it would be safe for me to say that my engagement with active planning left much to be desired. My
project plan seems to present itself more as more of a static plan rather than an active one. That makes
this response a little difficult. How do I describe doing something that, upon reflection, seems like
something that I did not execute effectively? I am not quite sure, but I’ll try.
I think that I did a competent job addressing my tasks as verbs. My tasks are actions - things that
are to be done rather than just a list of deliverables. As a matter of fact, one of the feedbacks I received on
my first Project Plan submission was that I did not have “products” referenced anywhere. Reviewing my
plan, I had all of my products labeled as “deliverables,” and so I changed the wording to reflect them as
products and had my tasks referenced as actions to complete those products.
I think I did a decent job of breaking down the tasks and subtasks in order to complete my
respective products for delivery. Upon reflection perhaps a little more detail could have been provided in
order to instil that extra confidence in the client that I would be able to complete and deliver each product
to their satisfaction and on time. One thing I could have implemented better as an active planner was
breaking down time allocations per substask. I had a rough time investment for each product to be
delivered, but I did not break that time down further.