(OHS) Procedure For Hazard Identification
(OHS) Procedure For Hazard Identification
(OHS) Procedure For Hazard Identification
2.0 SCOPE:
Applicable for the activities, process, products & services covered under the scope of
EHS Management System at XXX.
4.1 Hazard – source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury
or ill health, or a combination of these.
4.4 Abnormal – Is a condition/ situation, which occurs due to deviation from
planned arrangements. This may happen during a non-routine activity. Eg: Finger
entrapment between tools in Machining operation & Potential risk of electrocution
due to the short circuit while carrying out electrical maintenance.
4.7 Non-routine – Occasional activities/ services carried out in the plant. These
generally support activities comprising A/c maintenance, hydrostatic testing of
pressure vessel, etc
4.8 Visitor – Is any person visiting the company and is not involved in carrying out
any of the routine or non-routine activity. Eg. Suppliers, Vendors, consultants,
auditors, neighbors and the legal authorities.
4.9 Risk assessment – Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and
deciding whether the risk is tolerable or not.
4.10Acceptable risk – Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated
by the organization having regard to its legal obligations and its own OH&S policy.
4.11 Site – A work area, the organizational unit that falls under the scope of the
XXX EHSMS and within which an EHSMS is being implemented.
5.0 Introduction:
This procedure is designed for the identification of hazard, risk assessment and
defining the necessary applicable controls methods. While defining, the organization
has referred to the complexity of the operations, suitability of the methodologies of
risk assessment, workplace conditions, and expert guidance.
6.1.1 Responsibility:CFT
6.1.2 Activity
The OHS risks shall be identified through Cross Functional Team (CFT) and the
following points shall be considered:
6.2.1 Responsibility:CFT
6.2.2 Activity
At least once in six month, the CFT members shall identify the possible loss,
exposures to worker, material & equipment through brainstorming, task
Analysis, physical visit to the work area and conducting GRA especially for
new/modified activities.
Note: – Identification of risks based on other factors like accidents, incidents, and
reports of planned inspections/task observation / critical task analysis / Safety
Audit / Internal and External Audits shall also be done.
6.3.2 Activity
Evaluate the risks for loss exposures identified through the above means, in HIRA
through giving severity and probability ratings, which shall be recorded in the HIRA
format to arrive at Risk Level for each loss exposure / Risk identified. Follow the
methodology of HIRA activities covered in relevant work instruction.
For the identified Risks, indicate the Risk Controls proposed for
implementation with details of responsibilities.
All the risks with risk Level of 3 and above shall be taken as significant risks
and for these, where appropriate, Work Instructions / Occupational Health &
Safety Management Programmers (OHSMP) shall be prepared to detail time
frame, responsibilities and the actions to be taken to achieve the set objectives
and targets. The above programs shall be approved by EOHS MR
The planning committee shall ensure that the OH&S risk and determined controls
are taken into account when identifying, Matrix, the EHS CFT will tally HIRA
considered and rank them for their severity.
1 0 to 4 Insignificant
2 5 to 8 Tolerable
3 9 to 12 Moderate
4 13 to 16 Significant
5 17 to 25 Intolerable
CFT shall review and make the corresponding changes in HIRA half yearly or as
and when needed to determine other aspects that can still be considered in setting
objectives, program, operational controls and new rating of previously identified
significant risk.