Muthoot FinanceRBI Licence Regn
Muthoot FinanceRBI Licence Regn
Muthoot FinanceRBI Licence Regn
Muthoot FinanceRBI
Licence Regn.No-N-
No. : 040-
Selected GL
of Loan:12
MonthsLoan Amount:
83,100.00Rate of
interest is 24% p.a.
(Effective annualized
rate is 27.28%).
However, rebate as
below will be
available for early
payment ofthe interest
I f p a i d
w i t h i n R e b
a t e E f f e c t i
v e R a t e o f
I n t e r e s t
9 0
D a y s 3
p . a . 2
1 %
p . a . 1
8 0
D a y s 1
p . a . 2
3 %
p . a . A
b o v e
1 8 0
d a y s 0 %
p . a . 2 4
p . a . *Interes
t Calculated at
Monthly rest.
Remit interest /
principal by
NEFT/RTGS to our
account with Indusind
Bank, Ernakulam.A/c
00431MSL053262 IFSC
t branch for interest
/principal dues or call
Stamp Duty
(At the rate applicable in the
lars of gold
@2187/g)To pay
interest online visit
https://online.muthoot Toknow
the balance, give miss
call to "
nt Mode: DIRECT
Interest:NILNo. of
Items:1(b)Gross Wt
on a/c ofstone weight,
:0.700(d)Net wt
:38.000e)Rate per
ble LoanAmount
(d x e)
00Considering your
application (GL-45)
Dated 07/05/2019 for
personal loan, with
gold ornaments as
collateralsecurity, you
are hereby granted the
loan applied for as
above subject to the
terms and conditions
includingrate of
interest, charges,
penal interest, etc,
specified in this loan
ManagerI have fully
understood theterms
and conditions
relatingto the loan and
I havereceived the
loan amount.Signature
of the BorrowerAffix
RevenueStamp for
Rs.5000R a t e o f
Interest: 24%
Printed on :
9 : 1 8 A M Rs.
83,100.00On demand,
I promise to pay
Muthoot Finance Ltd
or order, the sum of
(Rupees.Eighty Three
OneHundred only)for
value recevied along
with interest per
annum at the rate
mentioned above with
monthly rests from
this day till the date of
repayment infull.(both
inclusive)Signature of
the Borrower
P r i n t e d
o n :
0 7 / 0 5 / 2
0 1 9
9 : 1 8
A M S e c u
r i t y
C o d e
: F F b Y 1 1
The quantum of loan shall
depend on the pure gold
content in terms of carat in the
jewellery offered as collateral
security(pledge articles) and the
loans scheme opted by the
borrower. The tenure of loan is
12 months.1.The annual rate of
interest charged shall depend on
the loan scheme opted by the
borrower. Interest is calculated on
monthly compounding basis.
Penal interest at the rate shown
above will be charged for
theoverdue period beyond the
loan period of 12 months.
Interest is calculated on the
basis of completed year,
months and days in the order.
In case pf EMI loans tha rate of
the interest and other terms and
conditions areas mentioned in
the EMI
chart(Attached).2.Interest will
be charged for a minimum
period of 7 days, with a
minimum amount of Rs.50/-
3.In the event of pre-payment
of the loan or any part thereof
by the borrower, the amount
will be first adjusted towards
costs/charges and interest and
then towards the principal loan
amount without any pre-
company reserves the right to
change the rate of interest at its
discretion at any time taking
into consideration all relevant
factors such as cost of funds.
Any change in the rate of
interest shall have
effectprospectively only.5.The
loan amount along with interest
and other charges is repayable on
demand made by the company.
Even if not demanded, the loan
has to be repayed with interest
within the loan tenure of 12
months. In case thevalue of the
gold ornaments given as
collateral security comes down
below the total dues payable, the
borrower has to immediately may
good the amount of shortfall
either in cash or by pledging
additional goldornaments of
proportionate weight/value. In the
event of failure on the part of the
borrower to do so, the Company
shall have the right to recall the
loan and demand the borrower to
repay the entire loan
amounttogether with interest
and other charges any time
during the currency of the
loan.6.In case of any default on
the part of the borrower to
repay the loan amount together
with interest/charges within the
due date or earlier as demanded
by the company, the company
has the legitimate right to
initiatelegal proceedings against
the borrower and/or sell the
ornaments pledged through an
auction process by giving 14
day's prior notice to the borrower
at the address given in the
Application for loan and
appropriate theamount so
received towards the loan
amount, interest and other
charges.7.If the amount realised
through an auction is
insufficient to cover the total
dues to the Company, the
shortfall will be recovered from
the borrower or from his
personal assets.Where the
amount realised through
auctionis higher than the total
amount due from the
borrower,then the excess
amount realised will refunded
to the borrower either incashor
by Cheque within 30 days from
date of such realisation.
However,if there are anyother
amounts due from the borrower
,the same will be recovered by
appropriation from the excess
amount and the balance if
any,there after only will be
refunded to the borrower.8.In
case the company terminates a
loan scheme for whatever
reason, no further loan will be
granted under that scheme.If a
borrower who had availed a
loan desires to continue the
loan even after termination of
thescheme by payment of
interest, he/she shall close the
said loan account and avail a
fresh loan under any of the
existing/new scheme which
permits the borrower to avail
loan at the same per gram rate
of the closedloan scheme or pay
the differential incase he is
getting lower amounts under the
new scheme.9.The company has
absolute right to sell, transfer ,
assign and securities all the
rights, titles and interest that
accrue to the Company onthis
loan transaction,to another
individual or Company or
entity or to borrow /takeloan by
creating charge on it. The
Company,if required,shall also
have the absolute right to give
as security all documents,
deeds or ornaments given as
security in this loan transaction
to borrow money or avail
loan.The Borrower hereby
consents to the Company for
disclosing any information or
data related to the loan facility
availed by him to the Credit
Information Bureau (India)
Umited and I or any other
agency authorized inthis behalf
by Reserve Bank of India or
other statutory bodies. The
Borrower is aware that such
agencies may use or share such
informationin the manner as
deemedfit by them.10.Only the
person who has availed the loan
has the right to get back the
ornaments pledged as security
after repayment of the loan
together with interest and other
charges in full. Duplicate of
this Sanction Letter willhave to
be surrendered to the Company at
the time of closure of the loan
account for getting back the
pledged articles.11.The pledged
articles will be released to the
borrower on repayment of all
dues.If any right of set off is to
be exercised, the borrower
willbe given due notice with
the particulars of the
claim/s.12.The loan should not
be utilised for any illegal or
unlawful activities.13.The
Company will not entertain any
request for transfer of the
borrowal account from one
branch to another. However the
Company reserves the right to
shift loan account and/or the
pledged articles to another