Case Study 2 - 306
Case Study 2 - 306
Case Study 2 - 306
BC 306
John Torres
Leaders are very important to society or a group of people they manage. They can have a
great influence on those around them, so their decisions will show how the problem is solved.
However, the leaders are also human, they also have different sides of good and evil, so they
need to control them. If evil decisions are made, it will bring opposition from everyone. In this
Rodrigo Duterte took over the Philippine presidency in 2016 and he began his campaign
against drugs in the Philippines. He formed suicide squads and paid them salaries to hunt down
drug addicts to kill them, and he also declared that he would take all responsibility for killed drug
addicts (The Guardian, 2020). Deaths squad members and police both directly murdered those
considered suspects and this has greatly exposed domestic and international public opinion. By
the end of 2018, the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a preliminary investigation and
asked Rodrigo Duterte to explain the deaths of more than 12,000 people killed in his campaign
against drugs (Michael Ray, 2020). However, Rodrigo Duterte has applied to withdraw the
Philippines from the ICC and decided to be more aggressive than willing to open fire with
journalists and reporters who obstruct their work to prevent drugs. From these harsh policies, the
Philippines has significantly reduced the number of drug crimes, and this helped Rodrigo Duterte
It can be seen that Duterte's approach is correct for the good of the country because it
reduces the number of criminals and helps those with intentions to stay away from them. But in
practical terms, there will likely be a lot of people killed for being suspected because their
executors think they are right and unforgiving. The next is morally why we need to kill them
instead of helping them get rid of an addiction, but that's the policy Duterte put forward and the
Duterte is intelligent and he knows how to gain trust from his people. The first is that he
fulfilled his promise when he accepted his presidency to destroy drug crime in the country of the
Philippines. Besides, those involved in crime hunting are paid commensurate every time they
catch criminals, so Dureter has a good system to destroy crime. Also, after seeing the number of
drug crime fall, the residents thought they should trust Dureter for a crime-free future. Those
were the reasons why Dureter gained the trust of his people even though what he did was cruel.
3. Can you think of other examples of leaders and followers who do evil deeds because they
believe they are serving a noble cause? How can we keep from doing the same?
A prime example of this is the North Korean President Kim Jong Un. All of this country's
economy is used for military purposes, with the creation of nuclear weapons, Kim Jong Un
believes it will protect the country from war (tamazan). This caused the Korean country to be
embargoed and fall into a state of underdevelopment when the economy was not focused and
trade with foreign countries, and living conditions are low compared to other countries in the
world. But the people of this country still have a loyalty to their leader and completely obey the
orders because they think they are serving their own country and are willing to die for it.
This lofty self-sacrificing puts North Korea in poverty without its leadership focused on
economic development. Although it is true that when they create nuclear weapons, their country
is not at war with other countries. The leaders should learn and focus on comprehensive
development for the country and improve their management capacity. Besides, the decision
should be carefully considered before approval, which can affect the whole organization.
4. Why do you think Matobato and Lascanas came forward when so many of their fellow
Humanity is very important for every human being and most of all humans have
humanity. In this case, Matobato and Lascanas at first felt very guilty when they murdered others
under the orders of the government, which made them feel like their crimes were not forgiven.
Also, they feel that killing others makes their children's future darker. Add to that their courage,
not everyone is brave enough to stand up and say their mistakes and especially they are against
the interim government. Others will also feel guilty, but they are under the government's control
and dare not speak up. So the most different thing between Matobato and Lascanas and the
others in the Deaths Squad is the courage, dare to fight for justice.
5. What role does truth-telling play in fighting evil? What role does guilt play?
Telling the truth is the best evidence to expose crime, if no one dares to tell the truth, it
will surely be more widespread and difficult to control. find out the cause of the problem and
find ways to combat emerging crimes and force criminals to pay for what they do. Crime will be
hidden forever if no one tells the truth, and to do this, it takes courage and guilt. The role of guilt
is to make witnesses of evil arouse themselves and bravely stand against it. Like Matobato and
Lascanas they felt guilty and had nightmares when they slept, and then forced them to stand up
6. Does the negative impact of evil carry over to the next generations? Do sons and
daughters pay for the sins of their fathers and mothers, as officer Lascanas fears?
Offenders cannot be sure that their children will also commit crimes in the future, but
surely the child's future will be greatly affected. According to Lascanas, on the orders of the
government he and his teammates killed a family with a 4-year-old child and the pregnant, which
made him feel guilty all the time. he must speak up. Children who have not yet been born or
have an awareness of the outside world also suffer the same fate, which is inhuman in Duteter's
campaign. Besides, the people participating in this crime destruction campaign will also fear that
they and their families will be revenge in the future, and what they do now will be rewarded in
the future. spirit of the Asians. Also, what would their children think if they knew they were
7. What can the international community do to end the killing? What action, if any, should
In this case, countries around the world can only exert pressure through seminars and
negotiations. However, this may very hard to change the steadfastness of the Philippine
president. However, it is possible to enact punishment for the Philippines but under the
consensus of all influential countries in the world. As an ally of the Philippines throughout the
years, the United States should exercise its leading and continuing position. Without consensus
from other countries, the United States should not impose sanctions on the Philippines because in
doing so, the United States will create opportunities for other major countries to pull the
Philippines on their sides such as China or Russia. Besides, the US can urge the Philippines to
change its human rights policies to help this country have a better view of human rights.
To sum up, this case study gives us a better look at the cruel side of politics, what
happens when leaders ignore everything and believe they're doing the right thing. The people's
confidence needs to be placed in the right leader if the country is to truly flourish. Crime will be
Associated Press. (2020, October 20). 'I'm the one': Philippines president takes responsibility for
Talmazan, Y., & Kim, S. (2020, July 28). Kim Jong Un says nuclear weapons will guarantee