Brouchuree Iran
Brouchuree Iran
Brouchuree Iran
Women need to cover their arms, legs and
head. This including a Hijab, loose long
Iran has quite a few local customs that length shirt with long sleeves and pants.
may take some getting used to, so it’s
important to learn about them before Leggings or tight jeans are ok as long as your
you go so you don’t accidentally offend top is long and covers your bottom. When
or disrespect anyone. wearing pants, you need to be covered down
to your ankles.
Some of the most common ones that
throw tourists off are: MALES
Men aren’t allowed to wear shorts in public,
Women must wear hijabs (headscarves) at so bring long, lightweight pants as the best
all times in public. They must also wear option. T-shirts are fine to wear in public.
loose-fitting clothes that don’t show their Men can wear sandals too.
Giving a thumbs-up sign is considered
If you do wear inappropriate clothing it’s not
rude, similar to giving the middle finger in
Western society. the end of the world, and besides some
Men can wear short-sleeved shirts, but angry looks from some of the older
long pants must be worn at all times. generation, you’ll probably just end up
Men and women who aren’t related having a friendly local let you know what’s
shouldn’t touch either. That means no
best to wear.
shaking hands or hugging someone of the
opposite sex.
If you are travelling with your significant
other, avoid any public displays of
Always bring a gift if you are invited to
someone’s house. Candy, pastries or
flowers are fine.
Dave L. Deles
Now we want to give a special mention to
ta’arof – This is a hospitality trait where it’s
customary for someone
service, to refuse
and is probably thepayment Here are some places I
for a thing for
most confusing
any tourist to get their head around.
Where to go in
VII - Maawain
If you’re planning to visit Iran there’s a few
Iran is an Islamic country, and as such you
need to follow the Islamic dress code. Here
are some things to keep in mind.
Tehran The Starter in Iranian Restaurants’ Menus: