Unit Curriculum Project
Unit Curriculum Project
Unit Curriculum Project
The situation I am designing this for is a high school (9-12) with two concert bands. The
school does marching band in the fall all together and then does concert band in the spring in two
groups. This will be the spring semester for the lower of the two bands. The band will be mostly
9th and 10th graders but will be assigned through auditions at the end of first semester so could
also contain 11th and 12th graders. The audition process is meant to assign students a band based
on the information that will be most valuable and essential to their learning. The band will be
playing “Into the Storm” by Robert W. Smith, “Fortress” by Frank Ticheli, “Autumn on White
Lake” by Samuel Hazo, and “Australiana” by Roland Barrett for a concert on Wednesday of
week 15 of the 18-week semester.
Learning Objectives:
1) Students should be able to play all major scales from 5 flats to 3 sharps. (Pr4.2.E.Ia)
2) Students should be able to identify and perform articulation markings including staccato,
tenuto, accents, and slurs. (Pr4.3.E.8a)
3) Students should be able to tune in an ensemble without individual use of a tuner.
4) Students should be able to play from dynamic levels piano to forte without a change in
tone quality. (Pr4.3.E.8a)
5) Students should be able to count and play note values from sixteenth to over a whole
6) Students should be able to count and play tuplets from 3 to 7.
7) Students should be able to identify intervals from m2 to P5 and major and minor chords.
8) Students should be able to identify and define musical term (allegro, ritardando, etc.).
9) Students should be able to sing accurate pitches on neutral syllables. (Pr6.1.E.Ia)
10) Students should be able to research and write about a major proponent of their
instrument. (Re9.1.E.IIa)
To achieve the learning objectives for the semester, I have strategically planned warm-
ups, the first 15-20 minutes of our 45-minute class, with exercises reflecting the progression the
students will need to reach all objectives by finals. Assessments are also planned for formal
valuation of each student’s progress. To put both of these into an example, learning objective 1
states that the students should be able to perform 9 major scales by the end of the semester. The
first three weeks focus on Bb, F, and C as these are the scales they should know from middle
school. After that, a new scale is added every other week with review on the weeks there is no
new scale. Scales test one consists of 5 scales, 3 they should already know and 2 they have
learned in this semester. This is meant to gauge both their retention of knowledge and current
learning. The pattern then continues, and the second scales test the 5 previous scales and final 4
for the semester.
During every class period, students will be informally assessed on their playing,
participation, attendance, and improvement. This is important for objectives 3, 4, and 9
especially at they are more useful to judge in relation to an ensemble setting instead of an
individual. Other objectives like 2, 4, 5, and 6 are things I as a music educator am listening for
daily and while some are reflected in warm-ups, these objectives are essential parts of playing
and will be developed every single day even when not explicitly stated. Then there are objectives
1, 7, and 8 which are objectives that are good material for playing tests and finals questions and
will be the bulk of formal assessment for the semester. Finally, objective 10 is meant to focus on
other skills. In this a student gets to choose a musician of the same instrument and write about
their life and work. This is meant to develop their understanding not only of professional
musicians but their understanding of the music world outside of school. This paper consists of
biographical research as well as listening and reflection on the artists playing.
Finally, there is the concert material. This music is where students are able to apply the
knowledge and exercises from warm-ups as well as develop skills specifically related to playing
and rehearsing real pieces. This culminates in the concert, which is seen as many by the apex of
the semester but must not be emphasized in excess at the expense of valuable objectives for
Lesson Plan Week 1
- Scales (Bb and F)
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Counting exercise 3-5-7-6-4-2 on concert F
- Bb Major Scale (add F Major starting Wednesday)
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Discuss semester calendar
- Go through classroom procedures
- Pass out and listen to Fortress
- Read Fortress
o Goal to get from the beginning to the end
- Pass out and listen to Autumn on White Lake
- Read AoWL
o Goal to read first half at least
- Pass out and listen to Australiana
- Read AoWL
o Finish whatever was left from Wednesday
- Read Australiana
o Goal to finish piece
- Pass out and listen to Into the Storm
- Read ItS
o Goal to get from beginning to end
Lesson Plan Week 2
- Scales (C)
- Tuplets (3)
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Triplet/eighth note exercise on concert F
- C Major Scale (Review Bb and F)
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
Rehearsal: (tempos reduced to max 120)
- Fortress
o Large sections checking for correct notes and rhythms
- AoWL
o Large sections checking for correct notes and rhythms
- ItS
o Large sections checking for correct notes and rhythms
- Australiana
o Large sections checking for correct notes and rhythms
- Fortress
o Large sections finishing any sections not reached Monday
- Australiana
o Large sections finishing any sections not reached Tuesday
- AoWL
o Large sections finishing any sections not reached Monday
- ItS
o Large sections finishing any sections not reached Tuesday
- AoWl
o Large again, also check that every written dynamic is present
- Fortress
o Large again, also check that every written dynamic is present
Lesson Plan Week 3
- Intervals (M2 and m2)
- Tuplets (5)
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Eighth to quintuplet exercise on concert F
- Remington up and down (M2 and back)
o Play then sing
- Review Scale (Bb, F, and C)
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- AoWL
o m. 1-64 make all rhythms and dynamics correct
o Start to add in rit. and a tempo
- ItS
o Start to pick up tempo (take tempo from 120 to 136 in fast sections) maintaining
correct rhythm, dynamics, and pitches
- Fortress
o Raise tempo of the first half (goal 120 to 132)
- Australiana
o Raise tempo of faster sections to marked tempos (126 and 132)
- AoWL
o Work triplet rhythm m. 65-76 in time
- Australiana
o Go over m. 126 to the end again to make sure there is no dragging
- Fortress
o Raise tempo of second half
- ItS
o Raise tempo incrementally to marked 152 without sacrificing rhythm or pitch
Lesson Plan Week 4
- Scales (Eb)
- Tuplets (6)
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Eighth to sextuplet exercise on concert F
- Counting exercise 3-5-7-6-4-2 on concert Eb
- Eb Major Scale
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- ItS
o Sextuplets m. 98-103 after sextuplet warm up
o Timing and pitch accuracy of m. 38-46 and m. 123-128 in the woodwind unison
- AoWL
o m. 65-76 again thinking sextuplet subdivision
- Fortress
o Work to combine two halves in time
- Australiana
o m. 52-58 and m. 88-101 (Eb sections)
o m. 88-125 unison melodies in time with correct pitches (in tune unisons)
- AoWL
o m. 77-end adding in rit. and a tempo where marked
- ItS
o m. 13-37 clarity and consistency of ostinato parts as more parts enter
o m. 46-53 clarity and balance of each part
- Fortress
o m. 88-121 making it an actual forte without sacrifice of tone quality
Lesson Plan Week 5
- Intervals (M3 and m3)
- Tuplets (7)
- Scales
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Eighth to septuplet exercise on concert F
- Remington up and down (M3 and then back)
o Play then sing
- Review different scale each day
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Fortress
o m. 122-153 steady build in volume with even tone and no breaks
o m. 153-end defining rit. speed and lining up runs in second to last measure
- ItS
o Work to get 3/4 bars of main theme sounding like even 6/8
- Australiana
o m. 126-end correct rhythms, especially relating woodwind septuplets to warm-up
- AoWL
o m. 15-59 working on moving together (not metronomic time but vertical
- AoWL
o Large sections working on balance and blend
- Australiana
o Discuss and handle the hollering section of the piece so it is not mayhem
o Also balance cowbell at the end of the piece
- Fortress
o Large sections working on balance and blend
o Background does outnumber melody but can’t outweigh
Lesson Plan Week 6
- Scales (G)
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Counting exercise 3-5-7-6-4-2 on concert G
- Articulation exercise (staccato, legato, accent) on concert G
- G Major Scale (review others later in week)
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- ItS
o Check articulation in sections like m. 13-38 when different groups have different
- Fortress
o Check articulation in sections like the beginning when different groups have
different assignments
- AoWL
o Slurring focus for the day
o Make sure all notes notated as slurred are performed as such
- Fortress
o Articulations m. 132-end
o Make sure volume doesn’t throw correct articulation away
- Australiana
o Section at m. 88 still needs dynamic accuracy and correct articulation
o Cannot become too pep band-y
- ItS
o Check sections like m. 38 to make sure slur and tongue patterns are correct
Lesson Plan Week 7
- Scales
- Intervals (P4)
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Articulation exercise (staccato, legato, accent) on concert G
- Remington up and down (P4 and back)
o Play then sing
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
Rehearsal (listening week):
- ItS
o Listen to someone else’s recording and have students point out differences in
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- Fortress
o Listen to someone else’s recording and have students point out differences in
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- AoWL
o Listen to someone else’s recording and have students point out differences in
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- Australiana
o Listen to someone else’s recording and have students point out differences in
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- Scales Test 1 (Eb, Bb, F, C, and G)
Lesson Plan Week 8
- Scales (Ab)
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Terminology
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert Ab
- Articulation exercise (staccato, legato, accent) on concert Ab
- Ab Major Scale
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- AoWL
o Rework dynamics in conjunction with new balance
o Also discuss stagger breathing
- ItS
o Stagger breathing first four measures
o Breathing in brass chorale at m. 74 and woodwind response in m. 90
- Australiana
o Work the ensemble chorale at m.75 and discuss breathing spots
- Fortress
o m. 122-149 breathing spots
- AoWL
o Continue work from Monday
- Australiana
o Refine first 8 measures
- ItS
o m. 137-end define the pick a note chord and balance it (try different options like
random or an actual chord)
Lesson Plan Week 9
- Scales
- Intervals (P5)
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Articulation exercise (staccato, legato, accent) on concert F
- Tuning sequence for P5
o Play then sing
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- AoWL
o Articulation of m. 65-77
o m. 77-end making note of the few articulations that are not slurs and emphasizing
- ItS
o Immediate change of style and volume at m. 106 passing from brass to
- Australiana
o Immediate style change between sections
- Australiana
o Even slurs of fast passages in woodwinds toward the end
o Defining length of notes in the last measure based on each instrument’s tessitura
- Fortress
o m. 108-116 large difference in slurred and marcato parts
- AoWL
o Work on low end of niente decrescendos still having supported tone
o Difference of sound with slurs and tenutos
- ItS
o Run longer sections, maintaining worked on elements after longer periods of
Lesson Plan Week 10
- Scales (D)
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert D
- Articulation exercise (staccato, legato, accent) on concert D
- D Major Scale
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- ItS
o Tuning, dynamics, and vertical alignment m. 98-103
o Potentially modulate tempo slightly there as well (try different things)
- Fortress
o Run longer sections, maintaining worked on elements after longer periods of
- AoWL
o Run longer sections, maintaining worked on elements after longer periods of
- Australiana
o Run longer sections, maintaining worked on elements after longer periods of
- ItS
o Balance and consistency of brass chorale at m. 74 and woodwind chorale at m. 90
o Have each group give feedback for other
Lesson Plan Week 11
- Scales
- Intervals (TT)
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert D
- Remington up and down (P5 and back)
o Play then sing
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Fortress
o Tuning tritone leaps, especially in the melody part, in continuation of interval
objective for the week
- AoWl
o Play then sing sections of music to work on pitch centering and accuracy
- Australiana
o Play then sing unison melodies with entire group for pitch accuracy
- ItS
o m. 129-end for dynamics, balance, and tuning/singing of some chords
- First full run of concert music
o Give comments and have discussion following each piece
Lesson Plan Week 12
- Scales (Db)
- Intervals
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert Db
- Remington up and down (P5 and back)
o Play then sing
- Db Major Scale
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
Rehearsal (personal listening week):
- ItS
o Listen to a recording of themselves and have students point out fixes or listening
differences in discussion
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- Fortress
o Listen to a recording of themselves and have students point out fixes or listening
differences in discussion
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- AoWL
o Listen to a recording of themselves and have students point out fixes or listening
differences in discussion
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- Australiana
o Listen to a recording of themselves and have students point out fixes or listening
differences in discussion
o Run the piece and try to emulate decided goals on the first try
- Interval Test (m2-P5)
Lesson Plan Week 13
- Scales
- Counting
- Chords (Major)
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert Db
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Tuning Sequence
o Major
o Play then sing
- AoWL
o Also, balance
- ItS
o Tuning first four measures
- ItS
o Tune shots in m. 5-13 and like sections
- Australiana
o Tuning first 7 measures
o Tune imitated melody occurring in m. 8-28
- AoWL
o Tune and discuss first two ensemble chords (Bb7add2 / G and Fadd2add4 / E)
- Fortress
o Tune chords m. 122-141
- Australiana
o Work balance and blend throughout but especially in lyrical section
o Also tune if necessary
- Full run of concert music with comments after each piece
Lesson Plan Week 14
- Scales (A)
- Counting
- Chords
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert A
- A Major Scale
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Tuning Sequence
o Play then sing
- ItS
o Remind and redefine balance throughout so important lines are heard
- Assign Paper due finals week
o Go over assignment and answer questions
- Fortress
o Remind and redefine balance throughout so important lines are heard
- AoWL
o Remind and redefine balance throughout so important lines are heard
- Australiana
o Remind and redefine balance throughout so important lines are heard
- Full run of concert music with comments after each piece
Lesson Plan Week 15
- Scales
- Counting
- Chords (minor)
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert F
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Tuning Sequence
o Minor
o Play then sing
- ItS
o Very large sections and run with comments and reminders
- Fortress
o Very large sections and run with comments and reminders
- AoWL
o Very large sections and run with comments and reminders
- Australiana
o Very large sections and run with comments and reminders
- Full run of concert with comments after each piece
- Concert tonight
- Listen to/watch concert and discuss
- Turn in music and pass out graduation music
Lesson Plan Week 16
- Scales
- Counting
- Chords
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 7-9-11-10-8-6 on concert C
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Tuning Sequence
o Alternate major or minor
o Play then sing
- Graduation music
- Paper topic (person) due
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
Lesson Plan Week 17
- Scales
- Intervals
- Chords
- Counting
- Tuning
- Singing
- Articulation
- Dynamics
- Counting exercise 3-5-7-6-4-2 on concert F
- Remington up and down (P5 and back)
o Play then sing
- Review Scales
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Tuning Sequence
o Alternate major or minor
o Play then sing
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Scales Test 2 (all previous plus Db, D, Ab, and A)
Lesson Plan Week 18
- Finals Week
- Counting exercise 3-5-7-6-4-2 on concert F
- Remington up and down (P5 and back)
o Play then sing
- Tune
o Oboe, clarinet, or tuba gives A for woodwinds and Bb for brass
o Check sections (use tuner for fixes)
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Graduation music
- Final
- Turn in Paper if not already done
Example Exercises: