Music: RH 21-Music-Answer Key (34) Exercise 1
Music: RH 21-Music-Answer Key (34) Exercise 1
Music: RH 21-Music-Answer Key (34) Exercise 1
1. initials 2. original 3. honestly, character 4. improvised
5. pitch 6. drums 7. interviews 8. horns
9. analyze 10. jazz 11. responsible 12. volume
1. instrument 2. cymbal 3. as long as 4. piano 5. calm
6. trumpet 7. stand for 8. hire 9. invented 10. violin
11. imagination 12. Folk
1.T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F
6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. T
Exercise 1: Section 1: strings Section 2: brass Section
3: woodwind
Section 4: percussion a. triangle b. cymbals
c. clarinet d. trumpet e. trombone f. cello
g. violin h. harp
Exercise 2: 1. composer 2. conductor
3. movements, symphony 4. concerto
1 Nhà S1 – Ngõ 210 – Hoàng Quốc Việt Tel: 043 756 3521
5. overture
Exercise 3: 1: voice, choir, solo
2. music, ear
3. lessons, practice 4. piece
Exercise 4: 1. keyboard player
2. drummer 3. backing singers 4. bass player
5. lead singer 6. guitarist
Exercise 5: 1. tour, venues, gig 2. lyrics 3. verse,
Exercise 6: 1. album, track 2. solo
3. tune 4. songs, cover version
5. single, number one, charts
a) I meet Peter Hurst in London last week and when we had coffee together
b)He told me (that) you passed your final examinations
c) What are you going to do now?
d) First, I expect you are thinking of having a holiday after you have been studying hard
e) Do you want to work in Oxford or are you applying for jobs in other towns
f) If you like I shall ask some of my colleagues if they can look out for vacancies in this area
g) I hope (that) you do/will not think we are interfering too much
2 Nhà S1 – Ngõ 210 – Hoàng Quốc Việt Tel: 043 756 3521
3 Nhà S1 – Ngõ 210 – Hoàng Quốc Việt Tel: 043 756 3521