General Agriculture PDF
General Agriculture PDF
General Agriculture PDF
● On March, 1998; Dairy Co-operative 2004, which will take the place of existing
Societies–77,531; 9·8 million farmer members RIDF (Rural Infra-Structure Development
& 170 Milk-sheds in the country. Fund); and has started w.e.f. 17 Feb, 2004 by
● First Director General (DG) of ICAR—Dr. giving some funds.
B.P. Pal (Benjamin Pyare Pal); and presently ● The ‘Seed Act–1966’ has been modified into
(in 2010)–S. Ayyappan. seeds Bill, 2004.
● In India, per capita availability of Agricultural ● Animal Husbandry and Dairying
use land—0·30 hectare. S e c t o r — (i ) Percentage / number in
● Per agriculture family—land available–4·5 India of the World → 16·5% Cattle, →
acre (nearly 1·8 hectare). 56·5% Buffalo, → 17·7% Goat, → 5·5%
● ‘AGMARK’—According to ‘Agriculture Sheep and → 2·7% Poultry
Production Act–1937’–AGMARK is used (ii) In India, nearly 10% family engaged in
as a National Mark to express the quality and Animal Husbandry and Dairying Sector i.e.,
purity of Agriculture and Animal products. one person in each family; say–about 19
● A new scheme ‘NAIS—National Agriculture million persons employed.
Insurance Scheme’ has been started w.e.f. (iii) Contribution of Animal Husbandry
Rabi 1999–2000 in place of CCIS (Com- Dairying & Fisheries Sector in G.D.P (Gross
prehensive Crop Insurance Scheme). Domestic Products)—4·1%; (during 2009-10)
● India's population (Census 2011)- with 14·9 million workers engaged in rural
1,210,193,422 (Annual growth rate about area.
(iv) Women constitute 71% of labour force in
● In India, the NPK nutrients ratio, being used livestock farming. In dairying, 75 million
in agriculture; in year 2009–10, it was women engaged, as against 19 million people.
4·3 : 2·0 : 1, as against the ideal ratio of N : P
: K 4 : 2 : 1 in cereals however, it was 9·5 (v) India’s diversified food consumption
: 3·2 : 1 (at decontrolled on fertilizers) in the basket-non-foodgrain items-milk, meat, egg
year 1992–93. and fish.
● ‘Loknayak Jai Prakash Narain Nidhi’ ● Causes of pungency/bitterness/colour in Fruits
(Fund) was declared to formulate on Feb. and Vegetables.
● Causes of pungency/bitterness
Symptoms Causes
● Aonla (Phyllanthus emblica)
—(Sourness) —Tenin/Galic acid/Ilogic acid/polyphenol
● Arbi (Colocasia)
—(Acridity/bitterness) —Calcium Oxalate
● Badam (Almond)
—(Bitterness) —Emyladin
● Bael
—(Liquidification) —Marmelosin
● Bittergourd
—(Bitterness) —Memordicocide
● Chilli
—(Pungency) —Capsaicin
—(Red Colour) —Capcyanthin
● Cucumber
—(Bitterness) —Cucurbitacin
● Carrot
—(Yellow colour) —Anthocyanin
—(Orange colour) —Carotin
● Garlic
● Uncrushed —Allinase, Amino acid
● Crushed —Alicin
● Fresh —Alyl radical di-sulphide (smell)
Diseases Due to
● Cotton (Black arm) —Due to bacteria
● Groundnut (Tikka) —Due to fungus
● Maize (Charcol rot) —Due to fungus (Mecrophomina phaseolli)
● Rice (Queen of Cereals)
— (Khaira) —Zn
— (Blast) —Due to fungus
— (Leaf Brown) —Due to fungus
● Pearlmillet—(Ergot & Smut) —Due to fungus
● Sugarcane—(Red rot) —Due to fungus
● Sorghum—(Poisoning) —HCN (Hydro Cynic Acid/Prusic Acid/Dhurin/Oxalates)
(Diseases = Dis + ease say; not easy)
height above the ground during nights of thermometers – Dry Bulb Hygrometer and
winter (cold) comes down below dew point; Wet Bulb Hygrometer (Relative Humidity),
and then water vapours become condensed Minimum and Maximum Thermometer (for
above the present dust particles in air, that temperature of weather) and Double Steeven-
causes to invisible atmosphere, called ‘Mist’. sion Screen – Hair Hygrograph (Relative
● When rain-drops fall on the ground, after Humidity of 24 hrs.) and Thermograph (self
having very cold and converted into ice in the recording temperature of 24 hrs.), ordinary
sky, is called as ‘Hail’ and also fell fastly in Rain Gauge, Self Recording Rain Gauge and
excess amount with air; then it would be said Sunshine Recorder.
to ‘Hail Storm’; that causes a heavy loss to ● During winters in North India, the rain occurs
crops, plant-trees, animals etc. through North-East Monsoon and during
● In winters, when atmospheric temperature summers, it occurs in North-South India and
goes down to below 0(zero) degree celsius, also in plains of Indus through South-Western
and water vapours of air are turned into small monsoon.
particles of ice, before its saturation and these ● The major elements (components) of weather
ice particles settle on surface over grasses or are; temperature, air-pressure, wind direction,
land; that is called as ‘Frost’. wind speed, rains, humidity and clouds.
● That light and micro drops of water move/ ● The country is divided into 11 Bio-climatic
fly/or stable continuously in atmosphere by Regions.
atmospheric air, is called ‘clouds’. ● Roughly, there are 4 seasons in India, viz.
● ‘Cirrus clouds’ are found in sky above the Winter season (Jan.-Feb.), Summer season
earth or on a very height (8–9 thousand (March-May), Rainy season (June-Sep-
meter), that does not cause to rains. tember) and Post-season monsoon (Oct.-
Dec.), which occurs in South Islands, that is
● The clouds, these are existed at 300 metre also called as North-East monsoon.
height above the earth, are spoken as ● The rains usually occur from South-West
Rain/Nimbus clouds. monsoon in the country.
● India is divided into 5 climatic zones, having ● In North States of India, winter rains occur
head quarter at Delhi, Nagpur, Mumbai, from North-East monsoon, whereas in
Chennai and Kolkata. Further, these climatic Southern States, it comes through South-
zones are divided into 15 Agro-climatic Western monsoon.
● Generally, two types of weather winds have
● India is divided into 20 Agro-Ecological influence on climate of India—North–East.
Zones and further divided into 60 AESR Monsoon and South-West monsoon.
(Agro-Eco Sub Region).
● Winter monsoon (North-East monsoon), the
● In India, there are 6 seasons on micro-level; winds blow from land to sea, those come-
viz. Spring, Summer, Rainy, Winter, Hemant across to Indian ocean, Arabian sea and Way
and Shishir. of Bengal.
● The crops are divided into 3 parts, according ● ‘Forecasting Model’ developed by CPRI
to the weather/season. viz. Kharif, Rabi and (Central Potato Research Institute) campus,
Zaid crops. Zaid means Zyada or Extra crop Modipuram, Meerut (U.P.) for detection/
other than Kharif & Rabi crops. prediction of ‘late blight’ disease in potato;
● AICRP on Agricultural Meteorology (i.e. All as—(if, the following conditions exist)—
India Co-ordinated Research Project on Agril. (1) Before 7 days (Position—Non-rainy season)
Meteorology) is at CRIDA, Hyderabad (A.P.) —
● AICRP on Improvement of Diaralands is at (i) Relative Humidity (RH)—85% for 50 hrs.
R.A.U. Sabour (Bhagalpur), Bihar. (ii) Temperature—7·2 – 26·6°C for 105 hrs.
● The instruments of observatory are; (2) Before 5 days (Position–Rainy days/season)
Evaporimeter – Evaporation; Anemometer –
(i) RH—85% and above for 60 hrs.
Wind speed; Wind Van – Wind direction
indicator; Soil Thermometer – measuring soil (ii) Rains—0·1 – 0·5 mm for 2 days
temperature; Single Steevension, having 4 (iii) Temperature—7·2 – 26·6°C for 120 hrs.
2. On the basis of Agro-Ecological Regions, 13. The sudden fall of barometer is the indication
India is divided into … parts. of ….
3. India has … Ecological Zones. 14. Indian Agro-Meteorology Directorate and
4. ‘Twenty’ Agro-Eco Zones (AEZ) of India are Laboratory is located at … (Maharashtra).
further divided into … Agro-Eco-Sub Zone 15. India is divided into … climatic zones.
5. Fill-up the blanks in the following—
Saturated vapour on dew point Multiple Choice Question
…% = × 100
Saturated vapour on 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C)
certain temperature 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (A)
Weight of water vapour
6. Absolute Humidity = 11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15. (A)
7. The speed of …, is measured by the True/False
Anemometer. All 1 to 12 — True
8. Evaporation is measured by ….
9. The weather forecast in India is made from Fill-up the blanks
the city …. 1. Fifteen 2. Twenty
10. The Head Quarter and Research Laboratory 3. Five 4. Sixty
of Indian Meteorology is located at … . 5. Relative Humidity (RH) 6. Volume of air
11. India is divided into … climatic states, based 7. Wind 8. Evaporimeter
on rains and temperature by the National 9. Pune (Maharashtra) 10. Delhi
Geographic Council in 1971. 11. Ten 12. 76 cm
12. The height of mercury in barometer at sea 13. Stomy weather 14. Pune
level is … . 15. Five
● In mustard oil, to get yellow colour and ● Nipping—The topping of crop plants (gram,
flavour, butter yellow chemical is mixed, tobacco, mustard, pigeonpea) to increase
which has cancer properties. more branches/flowering/podding & finally
● The per day per capita availability of cereals the yield, is called ‘Nipping’.
and pulses is estimated to the tune of 409·9 ● Semi - Arid Zone—The area having annual
and 29·4 g, respectively in the year 2007, with rainfall between 500-700 mm.
a total of 439·3 g of both cereals and pulses, ● Social Forestry—That system of forestry,
whereas these figures were correspondingly which is made for the society and by, through
to be 458·7, 35·4 and 494·1g per day per the society, so as to obtain fuel, fodder, fruit
capita in the year 2002. and timber wood.
● For controlling obnoxious weed Pathenium ● Three way cross—A first pedigree hybrid,
Mexican beetle is effective. which is obtained between single cross and a
Meaning in One Sentence inbred line.
● Agronomic Efficiency (AE)—An additional ● VAM (Vasicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal)
production through per Kg nutrient, is called —A fungi used to increase crop yield through
AE. soil inoculation.
● Bio-Fertilizer—The living or latent cell of a ● SRI—System is adopted in rice cultivation
strain of micro organism, having capacity to (w.e.f. 1983) developed by French Jesuit-
fix atmospheric-N, is called microbial inocu- Father Hanri De Laulanie in Madagascar.
lant/or bio-fertilizer. ● Relay cropping—Founder Dr. M.S.
● Cardinal temperature—The optimum, Swaminathan (in 1982) in India—continuous
maximum and minimum temperature i.e. cropping system.
cardinal temperature, differs/vary from spe-
cies to species and in different age, also has
variability in a specific part or part to part.
Major Formulae
● Ecology—That branch of Biology, wherein 1. Standard Deviation (S.D.)—
the study of plants and the living-organisms is
made and having reciprocal relationship. 2EV
= × ‘t’ at 5%.
● Eco-system (Ecological system)—The n
mutual co-capacity to servive in physical 2. Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C ratio)—
environment of organisms, is called Eco- Benefit (Rs/ha)
system. =
Cost (Rs/ha)
● Indicator Plant—That plant, indicates the (B/C ratio means income per rupee spent.)
deficiency of plant nutrients/or water, e.g.
[sunflower for water need and maize for plant 3. Aggressivity-Aab—
nutrients]. Mixture Yield of ‘a’
● LER (Land Equivalent Ratio)—It expresses Expected Yield of ‘a’
the increased area and profit directly/or Mixture Yield of ‘b’
indirectly of a intercropping system over sole Expected Yield of ‘b’
system. [standard LER value 1·4 & above] Aggressivity is a simple measurement, which
● LD-50 (LD-Lethal Dose)—The active indicates that if ‘a’ component is greater,
ingradient of a mutagen or insecticide having compared to component ‘b’, then comparative
toxicity to cause harm upto 50%, is expressed yield increase would be how much ?
as LD-50 [lower the rate of chemical, higher 4. Cropping Intensity or Cropping Index
the toxicity]. (C.I.)—
● Long day plants—Those plants, which
Total Cultivated Area in a year
require long photo-period (12-14 hrs) for C.I. (%) = × 100
bloosming; e.g. wheat, barley, pea, gram etc. Net Cultivated area
● Noxious Weeds—A legally defined weed, 5. Coefficient of Variation (CV%)—
having undesirable, troublesome and difficult S.D.
C.V. (%) = × 100
to control, characteristics. Mean
22. Match the following— 5. The variety CSH-17 (Early hybrid) of … crop
Book/Statement is regarded better for grain production in
(a) Soil Fertility - Theory & Practices M.P., Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
(b) P - Citrate Soluble 6. If the LER (Land Equivalent Ratio) is below
(c) World Food Prize the Standard LER value …, then that inter-
(d) Nobel Laurate cropping system would not be advantageous.
(e) Water Management 7. The harvest index (HI-%) in wheat varies
(f) Climate Classification from … to ….
Author/Related Scientist 8. The test weight of 1000-grains (g) in hybrid
maize is found between … to ….
1. Borlaug, N.E.
9. The application of herbicide with irrigation
2. Koppen
water is called ….
3. Dastane, N.G.
10. The plants grow habitually in water and wet
4. Black
(water logged) soils/lands are called ….
5. Kanwar, J.S.
11. The soil moisture retention between field
6. Swaminathan, M.S.
capacity and PWP (Permanent Wilting Point)
Code : is said to be ….
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 12. The application of weedicide before planting/
(A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 or seed-sowing is called.
(B) 5 4 6 1 3 2 13. The application of herbicide after seed sowing
(C) 4 1 2 3 5 6 but before germination of seeds of crop is said
(D) 3 2 1 4 5 6 to be ….
23. … is the example of C A M plant (Century 14. … deficiency causes disorder Khaira in rice
plant). crop.
(A) Pineapple (B) Coconut 15. … deficiency causes disorders namely; white
bud of maize and little leaf of apple.
(C) Sunflower (D) Watermelon
24. … is the example of associative, non- Select —True and False
symbiotic nitrogen fixing organism.
(A) Rhizobium (B) Azorhizobium 1. The variety of barley - Hordeum vulgare - 6
(C) Pseudomonas (D) Azospirillum row barley and Hordeum distinction and
25. … is the example of stem nodulating legume. Hordeum irregular - 2 row barley. (…)
(A) Sesbania rostrata 2. Social-forestry has its objectives for the
(B) Crotolaria juncea society, by the society and for the mankind of
(C) Phaseolus trilobus society. (…)
(D) Cicer arietinum 3. National Afforestation and Eco-Development
Board (NAEB) was constituted in the year —
Fill-up the blanks 1992. (…)
1. The Head Quarter of NRC on Agro-Forestry 4. Indian council of Forestry Research and
(National Research Centre on Agro-Forestry) Education is located at Dehradun (Uttaran-
is located at …. chal) (…)
2. The NATP on Plant Bio-diversity Programme 5. The Wildlife Institute of India is located at
was started on 16th July in the year …. Dehradun. (…)
3. The new wheat variety ‘shreshtha’ was relea- 6. India is one of the twelve mega-biodiversity
sed during 1999 from IARI, New Delhi, with of the world. (…)
the name HD …. 7. Botanical Survey of India (BSI) Kolkata
4. The new maize (corn) varieties —Him-129, (WB) was established in the year 1890 (…)
VL-42, Pusa Hybrid 1 & 2 and Prakash are 8. So far, 13 Biosphere Reserves have been set-
found suitable for the production of …. up in India. (…)
9. In farm-forestry, popular, subabool, lasoda 26. ‘NBPGR’ (National Bureau of Plant Genetic
and sahjan trees are considered suitable for Resources) is located at New Delhi.
row plantation. (…)
27. ‘NAARM’ (National Academy of Agricul-
10. For Sodic (Alkali) soils, neem, wild babool tural Research and Management) is located at
(Keekar), sisam and Arjun trees are conside- Hyderabad. (…)
red suitable. (…)
28. ‘CIMMYT’ (Centro International the Measu-
11. ‘Jamun’ (Syzygium cumini) tree plantation
romento the Maize Trigo) is located at
is considered suitable for water-logged soils.
Mexico. (…)
29. ‘INDIA - VISION-2020’ is prepared/docu-
12. ‘Jand’ (Prosopis cineria) tree is planted for mented by Planning Commission, Govern-
energy plantation. (…) ment of India, New Delhi. (…)
13. The function of xylem in plants is to trans-
locate absorbed soil water and minerals to the 30. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation)
different parts of plant, whereas, phloem acts was established in 1945. (…)
to translocate the synthesis food produced by
leaves to different parts of the plant. (…) ANSWERS
14. Chlorophyll pigment in plants is responsible
for photosynthesis. (…) Multiple Choice Questions
15. Calvin cycle is present in C3 plants and this 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (D)
cycle is absent in C4 plants. (…)
6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (D) 10. (C)
16. The water moleculers/nutrients ions move-
ment/or mass flow in plants is done from 11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (D)
higher concentration area to lower
16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (D) 19. (D) 20. (B)
concentration area. (…)
17. Rice is a good example of cross-pollinated 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (A)
crop. (…)
18. Sunflower is an indeterminate plant. (…) Fill-up the blanks
19. ‘Triticale’ — an artificial genes, is the cross 1. Jhansi 2. 1999
between Indian Wheat and Rye. (…)
3. HD 2687 4. Babicorn
20. The sugarcane crop, planted in September-
October, takes 18 months duration in South 5. Jowar 6. 1·40
India is called Adsali crop. (…) 7. 38-42% 8. 150-180
21. The sugarcane crop, planted in October- 9. Post-Emergence 10. Hydroponic
November/or in February-March in north
India, takes only 10-12 months to harvest, is 11. Available water
called Eksali (one year) crop. (…)
12. Pre-Planting Incorporation (PPI)
22. NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is an
apparatus to measure oil content in seeds. (…) 13. Pre-Emergence 14. Zn
23. The first stable product in C 4 plants is oxalo 15. Zn
acetic acid and in C3 plant, it is phospho-
glyceric acid. (…) True/False
24. ‘CRIDA’ (Central Institute for Dryland 1 to 16 — (T) 17. (F)
Agriculture) is located at Hyderabad. (…)
18. (F) 19-21. (T)
25. ‘BARC’ (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) is
located at Mumbai. (…) 22. (F) 23-30. (T)
● pF is the anti-log of soil moisture tension, ● Fertilizer Control Order (FCO), 1985 and
which represents height (cm) of any water Essential Commodity and Fertilizer Control
column. Order (FCO) 1985 are to ensure fertilizer
1 standard quality to farmers.
● The soil moisture content at bar (pressure is
3 Meaning in One Sentence
called as ‘Field Capacity’, while soil moisture ● ABC Soil—The clearly developed profit of
content at 15 bar is said to be the Wilting A, B & C layers of soil, is called ABC soil.
● ATP (Adinosin Tri-Phosphate)—It is the
PW × AS × D
● The formula = , is used to energyful of compound, that helps to increase
some cell activities.
measure irrigation water depth.
● Crop log—The graphic record of progress of
● Strength of Growth Regulator—1‚000 ppm any crop, that is the class/category of physical
means 0·1% solution or 1g/litre water or 1000 and chemical measurement.
mg/litre. ● Crop logging—The identification of low or
● Tensiometer in soil can work upto 0·8 bar high amount of any plant nutrient in leaves of
pressure. crop plants like-sugarcane.
● That process, wherein ammonia forms through ● Crop lodging—The falling of crop by any
organic compound is called ammonification. means (like excess of water, nitrogen excess
● The oxidation of ammonia into nitrate, is or fast/stormy winds), is called ‘crop lodging’,
called nitrification. ● HCN (Hydro-Cynic Acid)—The poison
● Mineralisation is that process, wherein the present in the form of glucoside in leaves/stem
carbonic form of nitrogen is changed into of sorghum under dry & early stage, is called
inorganic form. HCN (Prusic Acid/or Dhurin).
● In cereal crops, the nitrogen fixation through ● Ley Farming—The growing of grasses on
Azotobacter and Azospirillum (bio-fertilizers agriculturally usuable land in a agri-system
bacteria) is called symbiotic nitrogen fixation. and there after keep it as pasture for some
● The soil colour is measured through the years.
method of Mushell colour. ● NADEP—Narain Dev Rao Pandhari (Pandey)
● Zero Tillage Technology in Wheat can save a compost method a farmer of Pusad, village
the cost by 28%. in Yavatmal distt. of Maharashtra.
● pH—Anti-log of hydrogen ions.
● CFQC & TI—Central Fertilizer Quality
● pF—The log of height (cm) of water column,
Control and Training Institute Faridabad
(Haryana)-having 74 laboratories in the that is equal to soil-force.
country with 3 Regional Fertilizer Control ● Pedology—The Science of composition, life
Laboratories located at Mumbai, Chennai and and its activities i.e., origin, distribution and
Kalyani for testing, training fertilizers etc. characteristic study of a soil, is called Pedo-
● Nitrogen (N) nutrient was discovered by D. logy.
Rutherford in 1772 and was found 78·4% N ● Neem patented to India from USA (2005) and
in atmospheric air. Neem Year 2007 was celebrated.
3. D.A.P. contains the N percentage— of grain and straw are 40 and 60 q./hectare,
(A) 9% (B) 18% then, find-out the total N–uptake—
(C) 27% (D) 36% (A) 100 kg (B) 110 kg
(C) 120 kg (D) 130 kg
4. The problem of iron toxicity generally exists
in— 14. The recommendation of rock-phosphate
(A) Acid soils (B) Alkali soils application is made in what type of soils ?
(C) Saline soils (D) Saline-Alkali soils (A) Saline soils (B) Alkali soils
(C) Acid soils (D) Neutral soils
5. Use of gypsum is most beneficial in—
(A) Saline soils 15. What type of N-fertilizer is suitable in water
(B) Alkali/Sodic soils logged soil ?
(C) Acid soils (A) Ammonium Sulphate
(D) None of these (B) Urea
(C) Sodium Nitrate
6. Phosphorus is generally fixed in acid soils in
the form of— (C) Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
(A) Calcium Phosphate 16. The water potential in leaves of plants is
(B) Zn Phosphate measured by—
(C) Aluminium Phosphate (A) Anemometer (B) Tensiometer
(D) None of these (C) Pressure Chamber (D) Gypsum block
7. Why gypsum is used in crop of mustard ? 17. Match the following—
(A) For supplying sulphur (s) Indicator Crops
(B) For supplying N (a) Citrus, Spinach, Sugarbeet & Tomato
(C) For supplying Fe (b) Ber, Apple, Onion & Litchi
(D) For supplying P (c) Lobia, Gobhi, Lucerne & Sugarbeet
(d) Rice, Wheat, Maize & Cotton
8. In which soils, lime is used as soil-
amendment ? Plant Nutrients deficiency symptoms
(A) Alkali 1. Fe
(B) Acid 2. Cu
(C) Saline 3. Mo
(D) Saline-Alkali solis 4. Zn
Code :
9. Which soil has more water holding capacity ?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) Sandy (B) Sandy-loam
(A) 1 2 3 4
(C) Clay (D) Clay-loam
(B) 2 3 4 1
10. Solid material formed from aggregate of (C) 3 1 2 4
minerals— (D) 4 1 2 3
(A) Rocks (B) Moss 18. Stem nodulation is found in—
(C) Peat (D) Organic Matter (A) Sesbania aculeata (B) Sesbania rostrata
11. In pulse crops, N is fixed through— (C) Crotolaria juncea (D) Cicer arietinum
(A) Azotobacter 19. D.A.P. is a—
(B) Rhizobium (A) Straight Fertilizer
(C) Nitrobacter (B) Mixed Fertilizer
(D) Blue Green Algae (BGA) (C) Compound Fertilizer
12. The pH range of Alkali/Sodic soil is— (D) Slow acting fertilizer
(A) 6-8 (B) 8·5-10 20. Which one of the following crops should be
(C) 11-12 (D) 13-14 free from the use of chloride-fertilizer ?
13. If wheat grain and straw contain 2·0 and 0·5% (A) Tomato (B) Turnip
N, respectively and the corresponding yields (C) Tobacco (D) Sugarbeet
21. The ideal C : N ratio of a good soil must be— 17. Seed cotton contains …% lint and …% cotton
(A) 15 (B) 25 seed (Binola).
(C) 30 (D) 35 18. Groundnut kernel (seed) contains …% oil,
22. Compost manure, having raw material (crop while mustard seeds contains … % oil.
residues, stubbles, dry leaves, straw etc.) 19. In which year …, National Remote Sencing
exhibits the C : N ratio— Agency was established at Sikandrabad
(A) 10 (B) 40 or above (Hyderabad, A.P.) ?
(C) 25 (D) None of these
20. The Head Quarter of National Bureau of Soil
23. Which one of the following manure/fertilizers Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSSLUP)
be given priorty for use to get maximum is at ….
profit from a green manure crop ? 21. All India Soil and Land Use Survey
(A) N-fertilizer (B) P-fertilizer Organisation (AISLUSO) was established in
(C) K-fertilizer (D) Organic manure the year … at New Delhi (Head Quarter).
24. Which of the fertilizers be preferred to grow 22. A developed soil has … horizons.
succeeding crop in green manured soil ? 23. The downward movement of water in soil is
(A) Nitrogenous (B) Phosphatic controlled by ….
(C) Potassic (D) Organic manure 24. The tarai soils of Uttaranchal (say tarai of
25. Which of the following is helpful to convert U.P.) show the deficiency of ….
ammonia (NH4+) to nitrate (NO3 1 ) in soil— 25. Culturable (cultiable/arable) soil has the depth
(A) Nitrosomonas (B) Azotobacter of … cm.
(C) Azospirillum (D) Micro-cocus 26. India has the largest area of alluvial soils, but
second largest group of soil is ….
Fill-up the blanks 27. The size of soil particles is called …,
1. An indicator plant is …. whereas, the arrangement of soil particles is
said to be ….
2. The instrument used to measure soil moisture 28. The range of diameter of silt particles is …
is called …. mm, whereas diameter of clay particles is
3. Urea = N% × …. ranged between ….
4. Muriate of Potash = K 2 O% × …. 29. The light soils of temperate region is called
5. Ammonium Sulphate = N% × ….
30. Black soils indicate the deficiency of …, …
6. Area of an acre is equal to … hectare. and … nutrients/contents.
7. Area of one hectare = … × Acre.
8. One gallon (Imp.) = … litre.
Select —True and False
1. The Khaira disease in rice is caused due to
9. P = P 2 O5 × …. the deficiency of Zinc (Zn). (…)
10. P 2 O5 = P × …. 2. Saline-Alkali (or Saline Sodic Soils) has EC
11. K2O = K × …. more than 4; pH more than 8·5 and
Exchangeable Na more than 15%. (…)
12. K =K2O × …. 3. In rice crop, new leaves turn into yellow-
13. Sugarcane (cane setts) constains … % jaggery white due to deficiency of iron. (…)
and sugar percentage …. 4. Wheat is a C3 plant. (…)
14. Sugarcane (cane setts) contains … % juice 5. Tomato can be grown through-out the year,
and … % molasses. because of day neutral plant. (…)
15. Coconut (copra) contains …% oil and …% 6. The sunflower oil is considered of good
cake. quality, due to more (69%) amount of
16. Bio-mass (or harvested rice crop) contains unsaturated fatty acids, that is useful to heart
…% straw (Pual). patient. (…)
7. Single Super Phosphate (SSP) is the example 18. Wilting Coefficient (W.C.)—
of straight fertilizer. (…) Hygroscopic Coefficient
W.C. = (…)
8. In Ammonification, Pseudomonas bacteria 0·68
helps to convert carbon-nitrogenous com- 19. Moisture Index (M.I.)—
pounds into ammonia. (…) Total quantity of Available
9. Amongst nitrogenous fertilizers (N fertili-–
Water (P) – Evaporation (PE)
zers), Ammonium Sulphate releases maximum M.I. = × 100
acidity in soil. (…) P – PE
Or, = (…)
10. Among the phosphatic fertilizers (i.e. DAP, PE
Rock Phosphate, Triple Super Phosphate and 20. Organic Matter (O.M.) contains 58% organic
Single Super Phosphate); only Single Super carbon (O.C.) (…)
Phosphate contains sulphur (S).
21. Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP)—
11. Bulk density of soil—
Exch. Na
Mass of one cuft dry soil ESP = × 100 (…)
= (…) CEC
Mass of similar volume water
12. % Pore space of soil— 22. Productivity Rating Index (PRI)—
Bulk Density Actual Yield (per ha)
= 100 – × 100 (…) PRI = × 100 (…)
Particle Density Standard Yield (per ha)
13. % moisture in soil— 23. Plants absorb (take) nitrogen (N) in the form
of nitrate (NO 3 |||). (…)
Loss in weight
= × 100 (…)
Oven Dry Weight 24. Potassium Adsorption Ratio (PAR) is defined
14. SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ration)— as— PAR = (…)
Na + ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
√ Ca++ + Mg ++
= 2
√ (Ca++ + Mg ++)
2 25. Stock's Law is expressed as—
(Wherein, all ions are expressed in milli 9 GR2 (PP–Pm)
V = × (…)
equivalent) (…) 2 n
15. The evaluation of solubility of slow release
(available) nitrogen fertilizers is called
Give Answer in One Word
activity index, for which the formula is— (i) Urea contains Nitrogen (N%) ….
CWIN – HWIN (ii) D.A.P. contains P2O5 (%) ….
Activity Index = × 100
CWIN (iii) Value of coefficient of correlation is equal
(Here, CWIN = Insoluble Nitrogen in to ….
cold water (25°C);
(iv) Fe (Iron) helps in formation of chloro-
HWIN = Insoluble Nitrogen in Hot phyll ….
Water (98-100°C) (…)
(v) Change of ammonia into nitrate through
16. Transpiration Ratio (TR) micro-organism is called ….
Quantity of available water in
transpiration through plants ANSWERS
T.R. =
Quantity of dry matter produced
(…) Multiple Choice Question
1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (B)
17. Drainage Coefficient (D.C.)—
Water discharge (cuft m/second) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (A)
in 24 hrs 11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (A)
D.C. =
Area in sq. meter 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (C)
(…) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (B) 25. (A)
Citrus—Limquat (Cumquat × Best Indian National Research Centre for Oilpalm (NRC–
Lime), Kinno Orange (King Orange × O), Eluru Pedavegi (A.P.) (Est. 1995)
Willowleaf Mandarin). National Research Centre for Onion and
Grape—Arka Shweta (Anab-e-shahi × Garlic, (NRC–O & G) Pune (Maha.)
Thompson Seedless), Arka Majesty (Angular National Research Centre for Orchid (NRC–
Kalan × Black Champa), Pusa Urvashi (Har × O), Gangtok (Sikkim).
Beauty seedless), Pusa Navarang (Madelin Horticulture Division of Indian Agril.
Ignovine × Ruby Red). Research Institute (IARI) Pusa Campus), New
Sapota—Hybrid Co-1 (Cricket Ball × Oval) Delhi–110001. (Est. 1936)
Banana Hybrid NPH-02-01 (cross between Central Arid Horticulture Institute (CAHI),
H-201 × Anaikomban)-registant to fusarium Bikaner (Raj.) (Earlier National Research
wiet race 1. Centre for Arid Horticulture, Est. 1993)
Ber-Hybrid Thar Sevika (Seb × Katha)-high Central Coconut Research Station (CCRS),
TSS (22%) sugar & protein rich. Kayangulam (Kerala) (Est. 1947)
● Horticultural Research Station National Horticulture Board (NHB), Gurgaon
International Institute of Horticulture (IIH), (Haryana) (Est. 1984)
Brazil (South America) National Horticulture Mission (NHM) was
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research declared by the Prime Minister to double the
(IIHR), Hessarghatta, Bangalore—(Est; 1968). Horticulture production by 2010.
National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC) ● Important Research Achievements
Nagpur, Maha. (Est. 1986). (i) Fruits—
Central Institute for Sub-tropical Horticulture Mango— Mango ‘National fruit’/or also
(CISH), Lucknow (Est. 1995) (Earlier called a ‘Bathroom Fruit’ : Rejuvenation
CINNP—Central Institute for North Plain Technology has been developed to come re-
Horticulture, Est. 1978). bearing/fruiting condition of old (40 years and
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & above) and non-bearing mango trees. IIHR,
Forestry, Solan (Himachal Pradesh) (Est. Bangalore has developed a good mango
1978). variety ‘Arka Puneet’.
Central Institute for Temperate Horticulture Guava—For commercial production, ‘Lalit’
(CITH), Shrinagar (J & K). (Est. 1991) variety of guava has been developed from
Central Plantation Crop Research Institute CISH, Lucknow, which has solid pink flesh,
(CPCRI), Kasargod (Kerala) (Est. 1970) outerskin saffron-yellow colour and redish
Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI), attractive medium fruits. Two other hybrids
Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) (Est. 1949) namely; H-21 (Red flesh) and H-136 (more
Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) TSS) have also been released. HAPSI–35 &
Campus Modipuram, Meerut (U.P.) HAPSI–46 (both suitable for nectar making)
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute and HAPSI–16 (Vitamins can safe for longer
(CTCRI), Tiruvananthpuram (Trivendrum), period).
Kerala (Est. 1963). Citrus Group—It has made a success for
Central Institute of Spices Research (CISR), controlling bacterial canker through (i) Pru-
Calicut (Kerala) ning in lemon and (ii) 3-4 foliar sprayings at
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research one month interval of Streptocycline (100
(IIVR), Varanasi (U.P.) ppm) + Copper Oxychloride (0·3%) solution.
National Research Centre for Banana (NRC– Papaya—Hybrid ‘Surya’, having medium
B), Tiruchirapalli (T. Nadu) (Est. 1993) sized fruits, weighing 600-800 gm, red flesh,
National Research Centre for Cashew (NRC– high TSS (14° brix), has been identified.
C), Puttur (Karnataka) (Est. 1986) Pineapple—In Barani areas, pineapple
National Research Centre for Grapes (NRC– plantings be done at a spacing to achieve
G), Pune (Maha.) (Est. 1997) 44,444 plants per hectare.
National Research Centre for Mushroom Aonla—Lakshmi-52-selection, Pratapgarh,
(NRC–M), Solan (H.P.) U.P., 2–2·5 q/tree fruit yield (10 yers onwards)
* Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) ● Red Skin ‘Sweet potato’ can be stored for a
—LS-48, Clone-29. longer period compared to white skin sweet-
● Self Pollinated Vegetables—Tomato, Lobia, potato.
Beans, Guar (Clusterbean), Menthi, Peas and ● National Horticulture Board (NHB) in Horti-
Brinjal are self-pollinated vegetable crops; culture development (Est. 1984 at Gurgaon,
whereas, cross pollinated crops of vegetables Haryana); Agricultural Processed Food
are–Cucurbits-bottlegourd (Lauki), Sponge Export Development Agency (APEDA),
gourd (Torai), Cucumber (Kheera), Pumpkin, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Bittergourd, Tinda, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Development (NABARD), and Neitherland
Turnip, Radish, Carrot, Cauliflower, Palak, Finance Company (NFC) are providing
Chaulai and Kulfa. technical knowledge and financial assistance
● Juvenile Stage—The growth of early or to the Indian farmers.
vegetative stage of plants, that represents to ● Bonsai—It is a Japanese art, wherein excess
use of carbohydrates. dwarfing of plants is done to prepare small
● Matrix—That place on root-stock, which is plants (5 to 20 cm height).
prepared for fusion of scion or bud.
● Auxins—A natural hormone, that checks the
● Parthenocarpic—That fruit, which is deve- growth of lateral buds of plants and are
loped without fertilization. produced in apical region of plants e.g. IBA
● Pinching—Topping of all apical vegetative and IAA.
parts, so as to allow growth of side axillary
● Bolting—It is a physiological disorder in
cauliflower, wherein in off-season/early
● Deciduous Plants—When plants get resting season, flower spikes are emerged, produce
(dormant) stage and the leaves fell-down once seeds and finally die before the end of season.
in a year on the ground, especially in forest
trees. ● Blanching—Giving heat treatment for a
certain period to fruits, or vegetables in
● Temperate fruits—A fruit tree, that requires
boiling water or in steam, so that the enzymes
cold duration and deciduous plant, e.g. Apple,
become in effective before freezing.
Pear, Adoo, Aloocha etc.
● Crazy top—A special type of growth in
● Sod Culture—The cultivation of grasses in
citrus trees, especially in alkali soils.
● Callus—A developed shape or structure of
● Tropical fruits—Those fruit trees, that
remains ever-green and can not tolerate Knot type of damaged tissues through cam-
freezing temperature etc. Banana, Coffee, bium; e.g. in air layering (goottee) at up-side.
Pineapple. ● Commercial Floriculture—A sector of
● Truck Gardening—Raising some limited horticulture, wherein, cut-flowers, flower
vegetables on large scale; their sale on large plants of pots, leafy plants and cultivation of
scale or export through sea-ways. bedding plants are done for commercial
● Vegetable forcing—A system of gardening,
wherein growing vegetables in uncommon ● Day Neutral Plants—Those plants, produce
weather. blossom (flowers) in day light at any day, i.e.
no effect of light duration on flowering of
● Cauliflower—(Caulis = Cabbage, floris =
plants e.g. cotton, sunflower and tomato.
flower & variety – botrytis = budding.) It is a
Latin word i.e. cauliflower. ● Green House—The man-made structure, that
● Indian Spices Research Institute, kalicut is useful to plant growth.
(Kerala) has created a largest storage/ collec- ● Hydroponics—Growing plants in water
tion of germ-plasms related to black-pepper, without soil, wherein plant nutrients are given
garlic, turmeric and tree-roots in the world. in water.
● In Faizabad of U.P., a good variety of ● Indoor Gardening—Growing of domestic
cashew–‘Florites Sedger’ has been found plants, their arrangement and demonstration,
suitable in houses. those are used for decoration in houses.
● A 100 g portion of Sapota (Chiku) contains ● China is considered as the origin place of
maximum energy–110 (IU). Litchi, Adoo, Shahtoot and Khuwani.
● A 100 g edible portion of Sapota (Chiku) ● There has been a success in post-harvest
contains maximum protein i. e., 9·8 g, management in fruits, i.e. Alphonso Mango
compared to other fruits. can be stored for 30 days under controlled
● A 100 g edible portion of Sapota (Chiku) condition at 5% O2 and 3-4% CO2 ; whereas,
contains 1·9 mg fat. in Baneshan Mango, the conditions must be at
● In Mango, Badam (Almond), Loquat, Cherry, 5% O2 and 1·5-2·0% CO2 for 35 days.
Apple, Pear, Litchi and Plum (Alubokhara), ● Karonda (Carissa caranda) contains maxi-
the cross pollination process is occured. mum Fe content and it is originated from
● In Banana, Pine-apple, Aloocha etc. fruit India.
trees,; suckers are used naturally in vegetative ● Kachai lemon—Identified in village—
propagation. Kachai, Distt.—Ukhrul (Manipur), bearing 1-
● In strawberry, the vegetative method of 3 thousand fruits/tree, uniform colour fruits,
propagation is done through ‘runner’. special flavour, high juice content etc.
● Plum-EC 34052—Introduced from Kenya, a
● In fruit trees like; Datepalm, Pine-apple etc.,
the vegetative method of propagation is done high yielding and prolific bearing.
● Ber-‘CIAH–Hybrid-1’—Recently developed
through ‘Off-set’.
from ‘CIAH’—Central Institute of Arid
● In Banana, rhizomes are also used in vege-
Horticulture, Bikaner (Raj.) and multiplied by
tative propagation, besides suckers.
Patch budding.
● Uttar Pradesh is the ‘largest’ guava producer ● Jamun CISH-J-37.
state in India.
● A branch of citrus, covered by soil through (iii) Flower Cultivation
curve without removal from mother plant for (Floriculture)
vegetative propagation, is called ‘simple ● National flower—Lotus (Nelumbo nucipera
ground layering’. Gaertn)
● Trench layering is also adopted in fruit tree ● The Science/knowledge and an Art of growing
for propagation. flowers is called ‘floriculture’.
● In ‘custard-apple’ (Sharifa), propagation is ● ‘China Aster’ varieties are; Purnima, Kamini,
done commercially through seeds. Phule Ganesh (Pink) and Phule Ganesh
● In Jamun, Walnut, Jackfruit, Cashew and (Violet), and Carnation Hybrid II HR-P-1.
Papaya, the commercial vegetative propaga- ● ‘Diana’ is the variety of Chrysanthemum.
tion is meant through seeds. ● ‘Shagun’ & ‘Shrungarika’ are the Gladiolus
● Coconut Development Board (Ministry of varieties.
Agric, Govt. of India) is in Kerala at Kochi. ● Bonsai plants have 5-20 cm height i.e. for the
● Indian Institute of Horticultural Research use of Indoor Gardening, the dwarfness is
(IIHR), Bangalore, is an ICAR Institute. produced in plants. Since, Bonsai is too old
Japanese art, meaning thereby Bonsai = stand
● ‘Arka Soma’ and ‘Arka Trashna’ varieties plants in basin (Thali).
of grape are suitable for good quality wine ● The Optimum time of planting ‘Lawn’ is
production. February-March and July-August months.
● In Elephant-Foot-Yam (Zimikand), the tubers ● For controlling the powdery mildew diseases
should be dipped in solution of thiorea for in Chrysanthemum, spraying with Karathane
breaking dormancy. (Benlate 0·1% solution) is effective. Similarly,
● Spraying of GA-3 is suitable to control for checking the losses caused by ‘Septoria
sprouting in white Yam. Leaf Spot’ disease, spraying of Bavistin
● In orchard planting, hexagonal system (Equi- (0·1%) is useful.
lateral-Triangular System) accommodates ● In Gladiolus, the vegetative propagation is
15% extra plants compared to square system. meant through corm and cormlet.
● The origin place of Phalsa, Bael, Mitha ● ‘APEDA’ gives technical advice for growing
Nimbu (Sweet lime) and Sour lime is India. flowers under green house conditions.
● Internal break-down is occured in cold ● ‘Kufri Navtal’, ‘Kufri Navjyoti’, ’Kufri Hi-
storage at—1°C to - 0 degree celsius (°C) of malini’, ‘Kufri Sherpa’, and ‘Kufri Anand’
potato tubers, resulting into ‘black heart’ are the varieties of potato.
disease in potato. ● Varsha, Vijaya, Vishal, Panchali, Adhunik,
● ‘Heart rot’ disease in sugarbeet is caused due Sun-Grow-35, Pusa Savani and Kashi and
to deficiency of boron. Parbhani Kranti are the varieties of Okra
● ‘Brown heart’ disease in turnip is caused due (Bhindi).
to deficiency of boron. ● Some hybrids of Chillies, have been develo-
ped viz. Agni and Indira of Sandoz, Hybrid-1
● The ‘Scion’ of tomato produces poisonous from Research Station Katrain of IARI and
fruit, if grafted on Datura (Datura stramo- ‘Tejashwani’ of Mahyco.
● Varieties of Shimla Mirch (Chilli), which
● The seedless fruits in tomato are developed have been released recently are; Arka Mohini,
through ‘Parthenocarpy’. Arka Gaurav, Arka Basant and Hybrid Bharat.
● Potato tuber contains Vit ‘B’ and Vit. ‘C’ and ● Shimla Mirch, those are less pungent, said to
for Papad/Chips-Kufri Chipsona 1, 2 & 3. be the ‘Bell Pepper’.
● ‘Potato’ Called as ‘A wholesome Food’ per ● The major varieties of less pungent Chillies
100 gram potato contains 16 g carbohydrate, are; Bullnose, California Wonder, King of
2g protein, 1 g minerals, 0·1g fat, 0·03 g vit. North, Ruby King and Sweet Banana.
‘C’ and 0·02 g vit. ‘B’. ● The Pea variety ‘Hisar Harit-1’ (PH-1) is the
● For breaking the dormancy of potato tubers, cross of (between) Bonneville × Pea 23.
the use of GA1 at 40 ppm and thiorea (1%) ● Frenchbean varieties are; Tender Green,
solution as seed treatment. Prider and IIHR-434.
● Brinjal varieties recently developed from
● ‘Pusa-120’—a variety of tomato is developed
IARI are; Pusa Anmol, Pusa Bhairav and
for the first time, which is resistant to root-
Pusa Hybrid-5.
knot nematode.
● Telephone, New Line Perfection and Arkel
● ‘Arka Vishal’ Arka Shreshta, Arka Abhijit
are the recent varieties of pea.
and ‘Arka Vardan’ are the varieties of
tomato. ● The Onion varieties developed from IIHR
● ‘Arka Abha’ and ‘Arka Alok’ varieties of Bangalore are; Arka Kalyan, Arka Niketan,
tomato are tolerant against low moisture in Arka Pragati, Arka Bindu, Arka Kirtiman
soil and also resistant to wilt (bacterial wilt). Arka Pitamber, Arka Bheem and Arka
● ‘Pusa Kiran’ (Kharif season—July to
● Sugarbeet varieties are; Crimson Glove,
October) and ‘Pusa Kirti’ (Summer season—
March to June) varieties of Chaulai Father ball, Pusa Kanchan, and Mahyco Red.
(Amaranth). ● The important varieties of Turnip are—Pusa
● ‘Arka Anamika’ and ‘Parbhani Kranti’ are Chandrima, Pusa Kanchan, Pusa Swarnima,
the varieties of Okra. Purple top, Pusa Sweti and Golden Ball.
● Recently developed varieties of Carrot are;
● In North India ‘Sugar Baby’ and in South
States ‘Arka Manik’ varieties of watermelon Pusa Keshar, Pusa Meghali, Pusa Yamdagni
are cultivated for commercial production. and Selection-233.
● ‘Shree Vishakham’ (H-1687) and ‘Shree ● The Black Pepper varieties are; Panniyr-1, 2, 3,
Prakash’ (S-856) are the varieties of tapioca 4 and 5; Subhakara, Shree Kara, Panchmi etc.
(cassava). ● Mudigere-1, ICRI-1, 2, 3 and 4 are the impor-
● ‘Shree Kirti’ and ‘Shree Roopa’ are the tant varieties of Small Cardamom.
varieties of Yam (Rataloo). ● The varieties of Ginger are; Suprabha and
● ‘Sree Nandini’, Sree Arun, Sree Varun Surbhi.
‘Varsha’, ‘White Star’, ‘Sree Vardhani’, ● The varieties of Turmeric are; Krishna,
‘Kiran’ and ‘Kalmegh’ are the varieties of Sugandhum, Sudarshan, IISR-Prabha and
Sweet potato. Pratibha.
22. The planting spacing (Plant × Row) in banana 33. Vegetative propagation in ‘Apple’ is meant
is kept— through—
(A) 3 × 3 m (B) 5 × 5 m (A) By Root-cutting
(C) 10 × 10 m (D) None of these (B) By Seeds
23. Which plant gives fruits only once in life ? (C) Only ‘T’ (or Shield) Budding
(D) ‘T’ (Shield) Budding and Bench (or
(A) Mango (B) Banana
tongue grafting)
(C) Phalsa (D) Papaya
34. Match the following—
24. Which one is not the variety of banana— Fruit
(A) Mauritius (B) Poovan (a) Cherry
(C) Sardar (L-49) (D) Lal Velchi (b) Apple
25. Guava ‘Hybrid-45’ is the cross of— (c) Khuvani (Apricot)
(A) Allahabadi Safeda × Seedless (d) Litchi
(B) Allahabadi Safeda × L-45 Suitable Method of Vegetative Propa-
(C) Apple Colour × Allahabadi Safeda
1. Whip or tongue grafting
(D) None of these
2. Shield Budding
26. ‘Loquat’ is the origin of the country— 3. Shield Budding & Tongue grafting
(A) Mid China (B) India 4. Goottee
(C) South America (D) Sri Lanka Code :
27. For pollination in Papaya orchard, the number (a) (b) (c) (d)
(in per cent) of male plants must be present— (A) 2 3 4 1
(A) 5 – 10% (B) 20 – 25% (B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 50 – 60% (D) Zero (C) 1 3 2 4
(D) 4 3 2 1
28. The latest (modern) method of propagation of
‘Guava’ is— 35. Match the following—
(A) Stooling (B) Inarching
(a) Cashew
(C) Budding (D) Air layering (b) Loquat
29. The recommended Plant × Row spacing in (c) Strawberry
‘Guava’ is— (d) Pomegranate
(A) 2 × 2 m (B) 5 × 5 m Botanical Name
(C) 8 - 10 × 8 - 10 m (D) 4 × 4 m 1. Eriobotrya japonica
2. Anacardium occidentale
30. Which nitrogenous (N) fertilizer is considered 3. Punica granatum
suitable for ‘Pine-apple’ ? 4. Fragaria spp.
(A) Ammonium Sulphate Code :
(B) Urea (a) (b) (c) (d)
(C) C.A.N. (A) 3 4 1 2
(D) None of these (B) 4 1 3 2
(C) 2 1 4 3
31. In India, ‘Sapota’ tree comes in fruiting— (D) 2 3 1 4
(A) One in a year (B) After two years
36. Match the following—
(C) Twice in a year (D) Thrice in a year Fruit Botanical Name
32. How many plants (approximately) are required (a) Plum 1. Prunus avium
for planting one hectare ‘Cheeku’ (Sapota)— (b) Pear 2. Prunus persica
(A) 120 (B) 200 (c) Peach 3. Pyrus communis
(C) 300 (D) 400 and above (d) Cherry 4. Prunus domestica
Code : Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 2 3 1 (A) 4 3 1 2
(B) 2 1 3 4 (B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 1 2 3 4 (C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 4 3 2 1 (D) 2 3 4 1
52. Which of the following in not matched ? 55. Which of the following is not matched ?
Fruit Trees Botanical Name (A) Chrysanthemum Society of India —
New Delhi
& Family
(B) Bombay Rose Society — New Delhi
(A) Mango Mangifera indica (C) National Cactus & Succulents Society of
(Anacardiaceae) India — Chandigarh
(B) Guava Psidium guajava (D) Agri-Horti Society of India — Kolkata
56. Match the following—
(C) Aonla Phyllanthus
emblica Flower type
(Euphorbiaceae) (a) Rose & Gladiolus
(D) Ber Carica papaya (b) Orchids
(c) Carnation
(d) Aster
53. Match the following— Recommended Temp (°° C) for Storage
Aromatic Flower Group period
(a) Rose, Mogra & Gandhraj 1. 1·7 — 4·4 (6-9 days)
(b) Rajnigandha (tuberose), Chandni & 2. 5·0 — 7·0 (14-15 days)
Menhdi 3. 0 — 2·2 (15 days)
(c) Rukmini 4. 4·4 (in water) (5 days)
(d) Kadamb, Passion Flower & Hara
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Flowering time/season
(A) 1 2 3 4
1. Through out the year
(B) 3 1 2 4
2. Autumn (Basant), Summer & Rainy
(C) 2 1 3 4
3. Summer
(D) 4 1 3 2
4. Rainy
Code : 57. Which of the garden is not matched ?
(a) (b) (c) (d) (A) Taj Garden — Delhi
(A) 1 2 3 4 (B) Rock Garden — Chandigarh
(B) 2 1 3 4 (C) Baradari Garden — Patiala
(C) 4 1 2 3 (D) Shalimar Bagh — Shrinagar
(D) 3 1 2 4 58. Style of ornamentaling gardening is divided
54. Match the following— into how many parts ?
(A) Formal style, only
Aromatic Flower Group (B) Informal style, only
(a) Mogra, Rose, Joohi, Karonda & Rat-ki- (C) Free style, only
Rani (D) All above
(b) Kadumb & Madhavi Lata
59. Major components of garden are—
(c) Passion Flower, Champa & Har Shringar
(A) Fencing
(d) Rajnigandha (Tuberose)
(B) Edging
Propagation Method (C) Flower, Greenary, Lawn, Branches
1. Cutting 2. Seeds (D) All Fencing, Edging, Greenary, Lawn,
3. Goottee 4. Bulb/Tuber Branches
69. Match the following— 73. Which of the following is beneficial for the
Flower crops treatment of diabetic disease in human being?
(A) Jamun (Indian Blackberry)
(a) Bougainvillea
(B) Mango
(b) Gurhal (Hibiscus)
(C) Citrus
(c) Gladiolus (D) Bael
(d) Chrysanthemum
74. European Patent in ‘Cassava’ is provided to
Commercial Varieties such a technology, for which the affiliation
1. Wazid Ali Shah & Arjun has been given by the ICAR and NRDC—
2. Bharat Sundari & Dilruba (A) For justified successfulness in develop-
3. Najrana & Oscar ment of starch based bio-degradable
plastic of cassava
4. Birbal Sahani & Chandra Kanta
(B) For technique to change of starch to
Code : maltose in cassava
(a) (b) (c) (d) (C) For change of glucose to fructose in
(A) 3 4 1 2 cassava
(B) 1 2 3 4 (D) None of these
(C) 2 3 1 4 75. Recently, a technique has been standardized
(D) 4 2 3 1 in sweet-potato, which is—
70. Match the following— (A) A technique to change of starch to
Aromatic Plant maltose
(a) Khus (Vetiver) (B) For change of glucose to fructose
(b) Rose (C) Change of fructose to sucrose
(c) Palmarosa (D) None of these
(d) Lemon grass 76. ‘Alphonso’ Mango can be stored for how
Commercial Varieties many days, if in controlled atmosphere, 5%
1. Sugandha Oxygen (O2 ) and 3-4% Carbon-di-Oxide
2. Motia (CO2) are present ?
3. Pusa Gaurav
4. LS-48 (A) 5 days
(B) 10 days
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (C) 30 days
(A) 1 2 3 4 (D) For several months
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 1 3 2 4 Fill-up the Blanks
(D) 3 1 4 2 1. Two fruits, wherein the maximum Vit. ‘C’ is
71. Lantana (Lantana camera), a origin from present, those are (in descending order ) …
Jamaica, belongs to the family— and … .
(A) Vervenaceae (B) Rosaceae 2. Such two fruits crops, those have maximum
(C) Acanthaceae (D) Luthraceae area in India, those are … and …, res-
72. Which type of flower-arrangement (beauti- 3. Two annual flowers, those are suitable for
fication) is exhibited by ‘Moribana’ (or ‘Piled ‘Hanging Basket’; are … and ….
Flowers’) ?
4. Two grasses suitable for ‘lawn’, have their
(A) Shallow Containers botanical names; (B.N.) … (Grass Name) …
(B) Deep Containers and …—; respectively.
(C) Paper Cones 5. … are the methods of fruits and vegetables
(D) Paper Wrapping preservation.
6. The pungency in onion and garlic is due to … 5. 2, 4-D is used to control fruit-drop in mango.
and …, respectively. (…)
7. The failureness in fruits-setting are due to … 6. In tomato, the growth regulater-Gibberelic
and …. Acid (GA) is used @ 50 ppm. (…)
8. The main causes of ‘Brown rot’ and ‘whip 7. The use of Maleic Hydrozide—(MH) @ 50
Tail’ in cauliflower are (respectively) due to ppm acts as growth regulator in bottlegourd
… and …. and cucumber. (…)
9. The main two methods of moisture conser- 8. The self-pollinated vegetables are—Methi
vation are … and …. (Fenugreek), Peas, Tomato and Brinjal. (…)
10. According to season, vegetables can be 9. All cucurbits are considered in cross
classified into … and …. pollinated vegetables. (…)
11. The ‘auxins’ was invented by the scientist … 10. ‘Leaf Curl’ disease in Okra (Bhindi) is
and in the year …. spread/caused due to white-fly. (…)
12. … and … are considered in synthetic auxins. 11. The word ‘Gibberellin’ was used for the first
time by the scientist Yabuta in the year 1935.
13. There are two types of natural auxins—(i) …
and (ii) …. (…)
14. …, …, … and … (fruits) are considered in 12. Yabuta and Sumik Scientists gave the name
‘parthenocarpic’ fruits, wherein fruits are Gibberellin ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the year 1938. (…)
developed without pollination. 13. GA-1, GA-2, GA-3, GA-4 and GA-5 are
considered in the series of Gibberellins. (…)
15. It is true that the auxins have greatest
importance in parthenocarpic fruits that were 14. The development of parthenocarpic fruits in
known through the researches conducted by tomato, cucumber, brinjal and chilli are made
the scientist …. by the use of Gibberellin. (…)
16. ARS — Agricultural Research Services was 15. Presently (2008) horticultural crops occupy
started by the ICAR in the year …. around 10% of gross cropped area of India,
producing 160·75 million tonnes. (…)
17. ASRB (Agricultural Scientists Recruitment
Board) in ICAR was established in the year 16. ‘National Horticulture Mission’ (NHM) was
…. launched from May 2005 in 10th Plan. (…)
18. National Horticulture Board (NHB) was ANSWERS
established in the year …. Multiple Choice Questions
19. IIHR (Indian Institute for Horticultural
Research), Bangalore was established in the 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (C)
year …. 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (C)
20. CTRI—Central Tubercrop Research Institute, 11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (B)
Tiruvananthpurum (Kerala) was established 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (A)
in the year … and CPCRI—Central Planta- 21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (B)
tion Crop Research Institute, Kasargod 26. (A) 27. (A) 28. (A) 29. (C) 30. (A)
(Kerala) was established in the year ….
31. (C) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (C) 35. (C)
21. ‘Pumpkin Day’ is celebrated on … . 36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (A) 39. (A) 40. (C)
Write—True and False 41. (C) 42. (D) 43. (B) 44. (C) 45. (C)
46. (B) 47. (A) 48. (C) 49. (B) 50. (B)
1. Ascorbic Acid helps in initiation of
adventitious roots. (…) 51. (C) 52. (D) 53. (B) 54. (C) 55. (B)
2. Mango, Papaya and Banana are the non- 56. (A) 57. (A) 58. (D) 59. (D) 60. (D)
climacteric fruits. (…) 61. (D) 62. (A) 63. (D) 64. (B) 65. (C)
3. ‘Thiorea’ is used to break dormancy. (…) 66. (D) 67. (D) 68. (A) 69. (B) 70. (C)
4. Orange, Grape and Mandarin are the non- 71. (A) 72. (A) 73. (A) 74. (A) 75. (A)
climacteric fruits. (…) 76. (C)
Fruits/Flowers/Spices/Crops/others—related Epithets/Proverbs
● King of Flowers—Rose ● Queen of Spices—Cardamom
● Home of Spices—India ● Queen of Flowers—Gladiolus
● King of Nuts—Almond ● Food of God—Cocoa
● Nature’s Wonder—Chilli ● Queen of Beverage—Tea
● King of Spices—Peppers (4 types–Black/White/ ● Camel crops—Jowar
Green/Rose) ● King of Temperate Fruits—Apple
● Makhan Katori—Ficus Kisni ● Shyam Ber (Black Plum)—Jamun
● Fountain Tree—Spethodia campeculata ● Butter Fruit—Avocado
● King of Pulses—Gram ● King of Arid Fruit—Ber
● Queen of Pulses—Peas ● Poor Man’s Fruit—Ber
● King of Fruit/National Fruit—Mango ● Kalp Brachh/Tree of Heaven—Coconut
● Man of the Forest—Orangutan ● Miracle Fruit—Kiwi fruit (in China)
● False Gold—Pyrites (FeS3) ● Green Gold—Opium
● Queen of Fruits—Litchi ● Century Plant—Datepalm
● True Fruit—Cashewnut ● King of the Forest—Teak
● Bowl of Apple—J & K, Himachal Pradesh ● Adam’s fig—Banana
● Poor man’s Apple—Guava
developed Miracle Maize (Corn) having ● Wheat Genotypes rich in nutritional quality—
excess of protein and said to be the quality (A) Triticum aestivum—
protein maize (QPM); on 16 October World (i) Protein (≥ 13·5%)—PBW-373, HD-
Food Day, occassion. The developed QPM 2833, UP-2425.
germplasm through the co-ordination of (ii) β-Carotene (≥ 4·5 ppm)—HS-469, VL-
Cereal Chemistry and Plant Breeding 878, MACS-6151.
(iii) Iron (≥ 75 ppm)—HUW-533, WH-781,
● ‘World Food Prize’ (Nobel Prize for Food) HD-2871.
has been awarded earlier to several Indian
(iv) Zinc (≥ 50 ppm)—HI-1531, HW-4022.
Scientists, namely;
(B) Triticum durum—
In 1987, for the first time to Indian Scientist
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, this Nobel Prize was (i) Protein (≥ 13·0%)—PBW-295, MACS-
awarded for his contribution to bring ‘Green 1967.
Revolution’ in India. He developed high (ii) β-carotene (≥ 6·0 ppm)—PDW-233,
yield varieties (HYV’s) of wheat and rice. WH-896.
This ‘Nobel Prize’ was given to Dr. V.G. (iii) Iron (≥ 40 ppm)—HD-4672, HI-8627.
Kurien, Ex-Director, NDDB, Anand (Gujarat) (iv) Zinc (≥ 40 ppm)—PDW-291, HI-8627.
in the year 1989 for achieving ‘White Revol-
ution’ in the country i.e., in milk production Meaning in One Sentence
and/ or ‘Operation Flood’. ● Auxotroph—A mutant found in bacteria and
The ‘Nobel Prize’ was credited to Dr. Gurdev fungi, that does not grow only in minimal
Khush and Dr. Hennary Vichail in the year medium but also grow very-well if any speci-
1996 for developing such varieties and fic growth regulator is added.
genetic lines, those have doubled the rice ● Autosome—The chromosomes, other than
production in last 30 years, in the world. sex chromosomes are found in unisexual
It was awarded to B.R. Barwale, Mahyco organisms both in male and female.
Company, in the year 1998, for making ● Clone—A sexual progency of a single plant,
private seed industry sector and this company produced only from mitotic division.
is producing today the good varieties/ seeds
● Dicentric Chromosome—That chromosome,
(vegetables/ cereals/ oilseeds etc.)
wherein two chromosomes points are present.
● The word ‘Genetics’ was given by Bateson in
● Epistasis—Affecting the expression of any
the year 1905.
other gene by a gene.
● Dr. M.S. Swaminathan was honoured as a
● Genetic Erosion—Corresponding retardation
‘Millennium Prize’ by Prime Minister Atal
Bihari Vajpayee in 88th National Science in present genetic variability in any crop/ wild
Congress on 3-7 January, 2001 held at IARI, species.
New Delhi. ● Homoeologous Chromosome—Similarty to
● In Rapeseed-Mustard group, three hybrids of some extent in gene constituent of a specific
Indian mustard (B. juncea) appeared higher chromosome, and also pairing to some extent.
yielders, namely; HB-501, HB-502 and HB- ● Heterochromatin—A chromatin, haring less
506. And ‘YRN-6’ mustard was identified in sustaining and of various genetic activities.
NRC-M(ICAR) 12th workshop (11-13 Aug. ● Meiosis—A special type of cell division,
2005). wherein the reduced number of chromosomes
● TERI-Unnat, TERI-Uttam (Br. juncea), become half.
Hyola-402 (Br. napus) varities of rapeseed-
● Monoploid—Such organism, wherein only
mustard showed low glucosinolate (> 30 μ
one genome or chromosome-pair is found.
mole/g free fat meal/cake) and Erucic acid (<
2%), say. Double Zero (0-0) quality, oil not ● Operon—That part of chromosome, which is
harmful to human health and cake to animals formed due to mating of structural gene and
also. controlling driving gene.
generally, possible by distance or border other factor, 50% dead occured on account of
rows. treated amongst the plants or animals.
● Clone—Asexual progeny of a single plant; ● Bio-type—The presence of a sub-group in any
produced from mitotic division/ or A group of species/or number of such micro-organisms;
plants produced from vegetative propagation those have similar genetical characters, but
of a (same) plant. different in body-practical characters./Or such
● n-Gametic chromosome number of a species. strains of any pathogen species, which are
2n-Somatic chromosome number of a species. different in efficiency of infection of different
LD50-the amount of any mutagen or any varieties of the same host species.
During 2007-08, under Indian Seed programme by the ICAR/SAVs/NSC–1 lac quintal breeder
seeds and 9·69 lac quintals foundation seeds were produced & 190 lac quintals certified/quality
seeds were distributed.
Select —True and False 5. The development of embryo from egg cell
without fertilization is called ……
1. The ratio of grain to total dry matter
production is called ‘Harvest Index’ (HI) 6. ‘Rhizobia’ can also act …… with cells of
(……) non-legume plants (e.g. wheat, tobacco, rice
2. Plant Breeding is the branch of a science, an- etc.)
Art and Agricultural operations (Vivilov) 7. Fill up the blank in following A. V. T.; if
(……) there are 4 families (4F), 3 location (3-L) and
3. In the year-1840 in Ireland, famine came in 4 replication (4-R), then—
late blight of potato. (……) Source of Variation df
4. In U.S.A., the famine happend due to leaf R 3
blight in maize in the year 1970. (……) F 3
5. Charls Darwin (1809-1882) gave the ‘Theory L 2
of Natural Selection’ of development. (……) FL 6
6. Robert Hook (1665) made a research of cell. Error …
(……) 8. If F 1 off-spring is crossed simultaneously
7. Robert Brown (1831) originated the nucleus. with both parents, then that is called ……
8. Waldeyer (1888) reported the world 9. The ‘Theory of Pure Line Selection’ was
‘chromosome’, for the first time. (……) proposed by …… scientist.
9. H. J. Muller (1935) gave the knowledge of 10. That plant, which produces seeds, but there
‘Gene’ and also reported the importance of are lackings of flowers, is kept in …… group.
controlling it. Also, he was awarded the
‘Nobel Prize’ for his contribution to artificial ANSWERS
mutation in sandrosophila fly through X-rays Multiple Choice Questions
(……) 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (A)
10. Gregor John Mendel (1865) reported the 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (A)
‘Law of Inheritance’ and later on in 1900, it 11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (A)
was recognized. (……) 16. (A)-(ii) (B)-(iii) (C)-(iv) (D)-(i)
11. Greev (1682) told for the first time the anthers 17. (A)-(iii) (B)-(ii) (C)-(i) (D)-(iv)
as male organ in flower of plants. (……) 18. (A)-(i) (B)-(ii) (C)-(iii) (D)-(iv)
12. Morgan, T. H. (1910) presented the ‘Linkage 19. (A)-(i) (B)-(ii) (C)-(iii) (D)-(iv)
theory’ and also established the ‘Chromo- 20. (A)-(iv) (B)-(i) (C)-(ii) (D)-(iii)
somism of pedigree’. (……)
21. (A)-(ii) (B)-(i) (C)-(iii) (D)-(iv)
13. Castor’s seed is dicotyledonous and endo- 22. (A)-(iii) (B)-(ii) (C)-(iv) (D)-(i)
spermic. (……)
23. (A)-(iii) (B)-(iv) (C)-(ii) (D)-(i)
14. In ‘Meiosis’ division, crossing over is in 24. (A)-(i) (B)-(ii) (C)-(iii) (D)-(iv)
diplotin phase. (……)
25. (A)-(i) (B)-(ii) (C)-(iii) (D)-(iv)
15. In cell, genetic unit is ‘gene’/ genes. (……)
Fill-up the blanks From 1 to 15 — All are True (T)
1. ‘Back cross’ can also be used for useful
purpose in …… breeding programme. Fill-up the blanks
2. Sunflower, a cross pollinated species, which 1. Pedigree 2. Tolerant
is very well …… for in breeding programme. 3. Recessive 4. Male sterility
3. Male sterile condition is …… 5. Parthenogenesis 6. Symbiotically
4. …… is a device, wherein seeds of hybrids are 7. 33 8. Back cross
produced in enough quantity. 9. W. L. Johnson 10. Gymnosperm
to human health. From the year 1995, in the improved, the human diseases like-paralysis
composition of seed, of (for the first time) and ‘goitre’ diseases are appeared; a major
transgenic crop-Rape-seed/mustard, lauric problem in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.
acid has been changed, that has helped to ● In United States of America, through
manufacture in Novel seed oils/or in seeds ‘Genetic Engineering’, by increasing ‘Beta
proteinous varieties. carotene’ element in oil of rape-seed-mustard,
● Surely, the new directions would be made Vit-‘A’ has also been increased. ‘Colour
available through the change in quantity and Blindness’ disease in human-being is appea-
quality of protein in the field of ‘Genetic red due to the deficiency of ‘Vit-A’ and
Engineering’, that would be the boon to the through this research, it is possible to over-
country like India, where most people are come this problem.
vegetarian. At IARI, New Delhi, the research ● The work of cleaner Environment is possible
work on gram, lathyrus and mustard is being through Genetically Engineered Plants; this
carried-out. Some of the lathyrus lines have would improve the environmental pollution,
been developed having low in ‘neurotoxin’ by reducing the load of pesticides and also
level; that indicates the power of ‘ B i o- will reduce toxic elements, besides land
technology’, so that the crop quality can be improvement and cost effective technology.
left by sucking insect or white fly–‘Bemisia Table—‘Wilt’ disease & causal organism in crops
S.No. Crop Disease Causal Organism
● The losses in pulse crops yields due to virus
diseases may vary from 60 to 80% in general 1. Gram Wilt Fusarium oxysporum
or even upto 100% crop failure, besides var. Ciceri
affecting seed quality. Such losses due to 2. Lathyrus Wilt Fusarium arthoceras
virus are recorded as; var. lathyri
(i) Yellow mosaic virus (Necrotic mosaic) 3. Lentil Wilt Fusarium erthoceras
in mungbean & urdbean–80 to 100% var. entidis
reduction in yield. 4. Pigeonpea Wilt Fusarium udum
(ii) Leaf crinkle in urdbean– 60-62% loss 5. Linseed Wilt Fusarium lini
due to virus.
6. Sesamum Wilt Fusarium vasinfectum
(iii) Sterility mosaic in pigeonpea– 80% loss 7. Cotton Wilt Fusarium oxysporum
(iv) Stunt (dwarfness) disease of gram– 59- var. vasinfectum
90% loss. 8. Sunnhemp Wilt Fusarium udum Var.
(v) Bean common Mosaic Virus disease– Crotolariae
35-98% loss. 9. Chillies Wilt Fusarium annuum
● The structure of viruses is very simple, 10. Pea Wilt Fusarium oxysporum f.
creating disease in plants. These are made-up pisi
of only nucleo-protein; and have no structure
like cell. The nucleic acid part of virus is ● ‘Root-Knot’—Nematode disease in pulses
infectious/or chronic, and it is said to be the like-pigeonpea, mung, urd, gram, lentil, pea,
Genome of virus. rajmash etc. is caused by meloidogyne spp.
(nematode); which reduced nearly 15-20%
● Plant viruses are of 3 types–some viruses- yield.
isometric or spheroidal, some rodtypes and
● Major diseases of Rapeseed–Mustard and
others basiliform. The diameter of—
their causal organism—
(i) Spheroidal Viruses—17 Nenometer
(1neno-meter = 10–9 m) to 70 nenometer; S.No. Disease Disease Causal Organism
(ii) Baciliform Viruses—100 to 300 neno-
meter (length), and 50 to 95 nenometer 1. Alternaria Fungal Alternaria brassicae
(width). Blight
(iii) Rod Type Viruses—46 to 215 nenome- 2. White Rust Fungal Albugo candida
ter (length) and 22 nenometer (width). 3. Downy Fungal Pernospora parasitica
● Pigeonpea and some plants like—Xanthium
strumarium, Bracharia ramosa; Cosmos 4. Powdery Fungal Erysiphe cruciferarum
bipinnatus and Eclipta alba are also affected Mildew
due to virus transmission through white fly 5. Sclerotinia Fungal Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
(Bemisia tobaci). Stem Rot
● In pulse crops, Gram–Heliothis armigera is a 6. Club Root Fungal Plasmodiophora
major insect, causing 20-30% yield loss, in brassicae
general; and in serious attack, 80-90% crop 7. Bacterial Bacterial Xanthomonas compestris
may damage. Rot
● ‘Wilt’ disease in gram is caused due to 8. Bacterial Bacterial Erwinia carotovora
Fusarium oxysporum var. (spp)–Ciceri- Stalk Rot
fungus attack. 9. Mosaic Viral Turnip virus I Group
● Arhar (Pigeonpea)—‘Wilt’ is spread due 10. Phyllody Myco- Mycoplasma like organi-
‘Fusarium udum’ fungus plasmal sms (MLO).
7. The abundence (excess) of ‘Common Scab’ 5. … DNA does not degrade, whereas; the
disease of potato tubers is found in excess cytoplasmic DNA, may degrade due to
moisture and acid soil conditions. (…) pathogen.
8. The ‘Club Root’ disease of cabbage in found 6. The book ‘Enquiry into Plants’ is written by
(born) more under acid soil. (…) …, in which plant diseases are described.
9. ‘Root-rot’ disease of cotton increases in dry 7. A soil borne disease –‘Damping off’ is a …
soils or under water deficient condition. parastic disease.
(…) 8. The ‘Smut disease’ in pearlmillet, wheat and
10. Gibberellins are not found in micro- barley is a … diseased.
organisms, but are called the common 9. The main cause of ‘leaf mottle’ disease in
element of green plant. (…) citrus is due to the deficiency of ….
11. Leeuwenhock of England in the year 1675, 10. The ‘leaf curl’ disease in Chilli, Tobacco,
made the first microscope for the first time; Papaya and Tomato is a … disease.
through which bacteria were described in the
year 1883. (…) ANSWERS
12. The facultative parasites are generally sapro-
phytes, but under favourable conditions; by Multiple Choice Questions
attacking on living plants, they become 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D)
parasites. (…) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (A)
13. In nature, obligate parasite grow only on 11. (A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iii) (D) (iv)
living plants. (…) 12. (A) (ii) (B) (iv) (C) (iii) (D) (i)
14. ‘Khaira’ disease in rice due to deficiency of 13. (A) (i) (B) (iii) (C) (iv) (D) (ii)
zinc (Zn); ‘Black Heart’ due to adverse O2 14. (A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iii) (D) (iv)
relationship and ‘Black Tip’ disease of 15. (A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iv) (D) (iii)
mango caused due to atmospheric impurities
like-sulphur-di-oxide (SO2 )gas released from True / False
Kilns near by mango orchard; are born and All from (1 to 15) are True (T)
these are called non-parasitic or non-
infections diseases. (…) Fill-up the blanks
15. Parasitic or infections diseases are spread 01. From ‘Tip’ to ‘Bottom’ (say backwards to
mainly through fungus, bacteria, virus and downwards)
nematodes. (…)
02. Facultative
Fill-up the blanks 03. Xanthomonas citri
1. In ‘Die-Back’ / or ‘Whither Tip’ disease, the
stem or branches are dried mainly from 04. Compound Interest
…to…. 05. Chromosomal
2. … parasites are primarily saprophytic in
6. Theofrast
eating mechanism.
3. In citrus, ‘Citrus Canker’ disease is caused 07. Facultative
due to … and the bacterium used to live in 08. Seed borne disease
canker of standing plant.
09. Zn (Zinc)
4. The ‘Stem rust’ in wheat, this disease
spreads as …. 10. Virus borne / viral
● Carnivorous plants/or insectivorous plants are Husain, Y. Ramachandra Rao, T.V. Rama
those plants, they eat insects e.g. Pitcher Plant. Krishna Ayyar, Taskhir, Ahmad, I.M. Puri,
● ‘DDT’ was discovered by ‘Paul Muller’ in Dev. Raj Mishra, M.L. Roonwal, etc. All they
1939—having insecticidae properties and worked as Entomologists in India.
became most popular. Important Pests of Rapeseed-Mustard
● Organic–a plant origin, insecticides are
Nicotine Sulphate, Pyrethrins, Rotenone and Common Name Scientific Name
Ryania. (A) Key Pest
● Organic–a synthetic, insecticides as chlori- — Mustard Aphid Lipaphis erysimi
nated hydrocarbons group are; Aldrin, BHC, (Kalt)
DDT, Endrin, Chlorodane, Endosulphan etc. (B) Major Pests
● Organic–a synthetic, insecticides-as organo — Saw fly Athalia lugens
phosphate group are; Parathion, Malathion, proxima (Klug.)
Phosphomidon, Dimethoate, Monochroto- — Painted bug Bagrada hilaris
phos, Dichlorovas etc. (Burm.)
● Organic–a synthetic, insecticides-as Carba- — Pea leaf miner Chromatomyia
mate group are; Carbofuran, Carbaryl etc. horticola (Goureau)
● Pesticides Management Bill, 2008—The new — Bihar hairy Diacrisia obliqua
Pesticides Management Bill 2008, is intended caterpillar (Walker)
to replace the Insecticides Act, 1968, to (C) Minor Pests
provide more effective and use of pesticides — Cabbage butter Pieris brassicae
in India. fly (Linn.)
Some Famous Previous (Ex) Agricul- — Flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae
tural Entomologists of India, Worked (Goeze)
in Agriculture Sector — Green peach Myzus persicae
Aphid (sulzer)
1. Hem Singh Pruthi—Imperial Entomologist,
Ex.-Director–IARI, First Plant Protection — Diamond Plutella xylostella
black-moth (Linn.)
Officer, Advisor to Govt. of India, Director
Locust Control, India, First Chief Editor, I.J. (D) New Pests
Entomology (Retd.) — The longer Crocidolomia binotalis
2. Sardar Singh—Plant Protection Advisor to moth (Zeller)
Govt. of India, Director Locust Control, New — Cabbage top Hellula undolis (Fab.)
Delhi. (Retd.) borer
3. S. K. Sen—Head, Parasitology & Entomo- — Cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae
logy, IARI, Author–Veterinary Entomology (Linn.)
and Acarology of India . (Retd.) — White fly Bemisia tabaci (Gen.)
4. R. N. Mathur—Forest Entomologist, Dehra- — Termite Odontotermus obesus
dun. (Retd.) (Rambur)
5. E. S. Narayanan—Head, Division of Ento- — Tarnip moth Agrotis segetum
mology, IARI, Director-Central Sericulture (Dennis and Schiff)
Research Institute, Mysore (Karnataka) — Gram pod Helicoverpa armigera
(Retd.) borer (Hub.)
Others—H.M. Lefroy, S.R. Christophers, — Cabbage semi- Plusia orichalsia (Fab.)
Coleman, T.B. Fletcher, Mian M. Afzal looper
● Nationalization of Banks–On 19 July, 1969. an average of 0·40 ha; (ii) Small Holdings
● ‘Agriculture Price Commission’—Imple- (1 to 4 ha)-av. 1·98 ha; (iii) Medium Holdings
mented in 1965. (4 to 10 ha)-av. 5·88 ha, (iv) Large Holdings
(above 10 ha)–av. 17·16 ha and Total a
● Meaning of Economics—Law of House hold
verage 1·57 ha; while in Gujarat, the av.
Management and formed by two words–
Oikas = Home and Nomos = Law; Whereas holding was 2·93 ha and in Kerala-0·33 ha.
the meaning of Agricultural Economics – is The States, those were found below the
the management of eco-management in National Average holdings—H.P., Bihar,
agriculture. Assam, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, U.P., J &
K and Kerala; and above national average
● Famous Economist ‘Marshall’ defined ‘Prin- holdings–Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
ciples of Economics’ in book Economics M.P., Haryana, Punjab, Karnataka and
Subject is the physical welfare of man; while Andhra Pradesh.
‘Robbins’ has defined the economics in his ● In 1994, the per family holding in India was
words – Economics is the Science, that deals 4·5 acre, whereas it was 7·5 in Punjab, 7 in
with the behaviour of human, under limited Rajasthan and Gujarat, 6·5 in M.P., 6·3 in
resources, their optional or alternative uses Maharashtra and 0·9 acre in Kerala.
are possible and is related to targets.
● Presently, the average land holding of
● Wants—The desire, ability to complete it and marginal farmer is 1·3 acre; Small–3·8,
has quickness or of its uses (i.e., Wants = Medium–7·5 and large farmer–21·8 acres.
Desire + Resources + Quickness) ● In the country, National Pulse Technology
● Seeds, Fertilizers / Manures, irrigation water, Development Project was started in 1990, that
labour etc. are the working capital or cost has spread over a large area, comprising in
whereas, buildings, machinery etc. on a farm 304 districts of the country with 75 : 25
are considered in fixed – cost / capital. (Central : State share) expenditure.
● Agriculture Cost and Price Commission ● National Agricultural Science Museum of
(ACPC) was constituted in 1965, and the NARC (ICAR)—Inaugurated by Dr. A.P.J.
Indian Food Corporation (IFC) was also set- Abdul Kalam, the President of India—On
up in 1965. Nov., 3, 2004, at New Delhi.
● In U.P., the work on ‘Zamindari Reform’ ● In World, the rank of India is as;
was started on July 1, 1952. — Tea, Jute, Mango, Cashew, Banana, sesa-
● All India Rural Credit Survey Committee was mum (Til), Milk and Cattle population—
constituted in 1951 by Reserve Bank of India. as I Rank
● In India, the climax Institute of Co-operative — Groundnut, Castor, Arable land, Rice,
Marketing System is National Co-operative Rapeseed, Fruits and Goat population—
Marketing Federation. as II rank
● The Head Quarter of World Bank is Washing- — Cereals, Cotton and Coconut—as III rank
ton–D.C. — Coarse grain and Tractor—as IV rank
● As per Agricultural Census (1990-91), — Whereas, in irrigation potential, India's
(i) Marginal Holdings (less than 1 ha) with rank is first (highest).
● India's share in world market of spices is crease in any crop produced by a unit in-
about 18%. crement of a deficient factor is proportional to
the decrement of that factor from the
● The maximum area under pulses in the world
maximum. / or in other words; As the amount
is in India.
of labour and capital on a unit land is
● The Government of India declares each year increased, the increase in production, that is
and fixes the minimum support price (MSP) also called marginal increasing return, decrea-
of 24 major crops, looking to the welfare and ses continuously, compared to parallel rate.
need of self-sufficiency of farmers; like; rice, ● Opportunity Cost / or Principles of Equi-
wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, ragi, oilseeds, Marginal Return—If each unit of labour,
coconut, cotton, jute, sugar and tobacco. capital and land is used in such a way, so that
● During the crop year 2004-05, the minimum maximum extra production (added or
support price (MSP) of wheat is fixed Rs. marginal return) is obtained, then maximum
640 and of gram Rs. 1425 and Rs. 1700 per profit will be achieved.
quintal of mustard. ● For successful management of any project,
● Total Cost = (Total Variable Cost + Total adopt ‘4M Programme’—M-Material, M-
Fixed Cost) Man power, M-Money and M-Marketing and
● Average Fixed Cost (AFC) M5-Monitoring.
Total Fixed Cost Meaning in One Sentence
Number of Units of Output Produced ● Diversified Farming—A farm on which no
● Average Variable Cost (AVC) single product or source of income equals as
Total Variable Cost much as 50% of the total receipt.
= ● Cost—Outlay of funds for product service,
Number of Units of Output Produced
while, Fixed Cost—do not change as output
● Average Total Cost (ATC) changes.
Total Cost ● Variable Cost—Expenses of farming, that
Number of Units of Output Produced are involved in production, e.g. labour,
Δ TC fertilizer, seed etc. — cost on purchase of
● Marginal Cost = these inputs.
● Total Cost—Total variable cost plus total
where, Δ TC = Increase in Cost;
fixed cost, is called total cost.
Δ q = Increase in Output. ● Input-Output Relationship—Working-out
Note —The Marginal Fixed Cost (MFC) is the relationship between various inputs of
always Zero. production (seed, fertilizer, labour etc.) and
● Marginal Product (MP) outputs (wheat, rice, milk, meat etc.)
● Base Year—In different types of statistical
Δ Y Change in Total Output
= = calculations, keeping the base of a certain
ΔX Change in Input
year, the calculations of other years are done,
Y is called base year.
● Law of Average Product (LAP) = ,
X ● Short-Term Loan—The loan, which is taken
where, Y = Total Product for a period of 3 to 12 months, generally
X = Total Input meant for the purchase of variable inputs.
● ‘NABARD’ (National Bank of Agricultural ● Face Value—Output / or account value of
and Rural Development)—‘NABARD’ was stock and share, on which value, the shares
established on 12 July, 1982, having the main are issued, that is the face value of share.
objectives—to support and improving the ● Fixed Capital—That part of capital, invested
‘Agriculture and Rural Development’. Ist on the purchase of permanent resources
Chairman—was M. Ram Krishnayya (machinery, raw material, tools, buildings of
● Law of Diminishing Returns / or Law of factory etc.) of the production, is called fixed
Diminishing Marginal Returns—The in- Capital.
3. The contribution (Share) of Agriculture in (c) National Land use & Conservation Board
Total Export Income of the Country is (d) Women Programme (Mahila Yojana) in
(Approx.)— Agriculture Sector
(A) Half ()1
(B) One third () 1
Establishment Year
1. 1963 2. 1974
(C) One Fourth () 1
(D) th part
3. 1983
Code :
4. 1993
4. How much percentage of labour force of the (a) (b) (c) (d)
country is dependent on agriculture for their
(A) 1 2 3 4
livelihood ?
(B) 4 1 2 3
(A) 80% (B) 70%
(C) 3 1 4 2
(C) 64% (D) 50%
(D) 2 3 1 4
5. How many farmers (nearly) are engaged in
Agriculture of the country, those provide food 12. Match the following—
for nearly one billion people ? Programme
(A) 100 Million (B) 50 Million (a) Kisan Credit Card Yojana
(C) 30 Million (D) None of these (b) Wide Crop Insurance Yojana
6. ‘All India Handicrafts Board’ was established (c) Integrated Watershed Development
in the year— Project (by World Bank)
(A) Nov. 1952 (B) Nov. 1962 (d) Agricultural Economic-Research Study
(C) Nov. 1972 (D) None of these Yojana
7. ‘All India Khadi & Gramodhyog Board’ (AIK Initiated Year
& G Board) was established on— 1. 1998 2. 1993
(A) Feb. 1953 (B) Feb. 1963 3. 1991 4. 1954-55
(C) Feb. 1973 (D) None of these Code :
8. Indian Industrial Development Bank (IDBI)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
was established on—
(A) 1 2 3 4
(A) July 1960 (B) July 1964
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) July 1970 (D) None of these
(C) 1 3 4 2
9. When ‘Contract Labour Regulation &
Abolition Act’ (CLRA) came in force ? (D) 2 3 1 4
(A) 1970 (B) 1960 13. The major component of Farm Management
(C) 1980 (D) 1990 is—
10. Which one is false ? (A) Farm Lay out
Programme Establishment Year (B) Farm Budgeting
(A) Mega City Plan 1993-94 (C) Marketing of Produce / Product
(B) Rural Games Programme 1970-71 (D) Production Unit
(C) Youth Development Centre 14. Apex Bank in Agriculture sector is—
(Established) Yojana (A) NABARD (B) S.B.I.
(for group of each 10 Villages) 1994-95 (C) P.N.B. (D) None of these
(D) Arjun Award Established 1993 15. The fixed Capital of Agriculture Farm is—
11. Match the following— (A) Bullock (B) Tractor
Programme (C) Building (D) None of these
(a) National Co-operative Development 16. The working capital of a farm is—
Corporation (A) Fertilizers (B) Irrigation water
(b) Live-stock Insurance Programme (C) Seed (D) All above
17. The main function of ‘NABARD’ is— 10. The extra (additional) working hours of
(A) Development of Agriculture alloted working time in service conditions of
(B) For arranging re-finance to the Institu- employment, are not called ‘Over-time’. (…)
tions, providing Agriculture finance 11. Growing the same crop every year on a
(C) To provide loan to the farmers for certain field, is called ‘Mono-cropping’. (…)
Agriculture 12. The expansion / extension of National income,
(D) None of these is called Economic Growth. (…)
13. Co-operative Improved Farming, Co-
18. The first chairman of ‘NABARD’ was— operative Joint Farming, Co-operative Tenant
(A) M. Ram Krishannaya Farming and Co-operative Collective Farming
(B) Man Mohan Singh are considered in Types of Co-operative
(C) Jag Mohan Farming. (…)
(D) None of these 14. According to Grap “Farm Management is an
art of successful management of a farm that is
19. The farmers having land below one hectare,
measured by profit.” (…)
are said—
15. Real wages are always higher than cash
(A) Marginal Farmers
wages. (…)
(B) Small Farmers
(C) Medium Farmers Fill-up the blanks
(D) Large Farmers 1. The collection / or storage of any material / or
20. The nature of Agriculture Economics is— goods is called ….
(A) Real (True) Science 2. For indicating the changes in total cost for
(B) Modern Art and Science any unit in the quantity of output is called ….
(C) Modern Science 3. The declaration of minimum price for sale
(D) Modern Art before the completion of agricultural crops
(Pulses, oilseeds, Foodgrains etc.) by the
Select —True and False Central Government is called ….
4. The extra sum (money) charged over princi-
1. The unit of Agriculture Cost is Rs./ha. (…)
pal sum (money) taken as loan is called ….
2. The unit of Agriculture Production Expen- 5. “The situation in respect of employment-
diture is Rs. /q. (…) sector is more unsatisfactory”. This statement
3. Capital and Sum (property) both are not the with regard to employment policy is accepted
factor of Agriculture Production. (…) in (which) … Five Year Plan ….
4. The ‘Regional Rural Banks’ were established 6. In India, in the year 2003, the estimated is
in 1975. (…) done for the per capita per day availability of
foodgrains, being ….
5. ‘More Tree Plantation Programme/ Com- 7. The formula used for working-out the labour
paign’ was started by K.M. Munshi. (…) efficiency, is ….
6. The achieved production in a certain period 8. Agriculture Cost = working Cost + ….
by the use of resources, is called output. (…) 9. Agriculture Production Expenditure = Work-
7. The alternative/or conventional term for ing and Fixed Cost + ….
expenditure or cost is called outlay. (…) 10. On the farm, fixed cost includes; Expense for
8. The source of capital collection by the Joint repairs and maintenance on fixed cost + ….
Capital Company is called ‘debenture’. (…) 11. Rural Banks receive credit from ….
9. The branch of Economics, explaining / 12. Agriculture Production × Cost … .
dealing with agriculture related problems and 13. Regional Rural Banks were established in the
analysis of agriculture related economic year ….
activities, is called ‘Agriculture Economics’. 14. Food Corporation of India (FCI) was
(…) established in the year … (January).
15. The loan given to the farmers for … arranging 3. Support Price 4. Interest
fertilizers, seeds and implements used in 5. 6th 6. 438·2
irrigation. 7. Labour efficiency
ANSWERS Amount of Completed Work
Multiple Choice Questions =
No. of labourers engaged
1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A) Or,
6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (D) Output of Work
11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (D) =
Labour Input
16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (B) 8. Fixed Cost
True / False 9. Marketing expenditure
3 and 10 False and Rest True 10. Depreciation 11. Lead Bank
Fill-up the blanks 12. Gross Farm Income 13. 1975
1. Stock 2. Marginal Cost 14. 1965 15. Short Term
● The Status of certified / quality seeds distri- ● During the more than 50 years of Indepen-
bution to farmers in India— dence in the country, the agricultural
Certified/quality Seeds distribution extension approach has been remained
Year (in Lac quintal)
‘Top down ↓ Approach’ i.e., ‘Lab to
2000-01 85·44
2001-02 91·00 Land’ Approach, but in 21st century, this has
2002-03 112·00 (anticipated) now to bring-out ‘Bottom up ↑ Approach’
2003-04 108·39 i.e., the research has to be bring-out from
2004-05 113·01
2005-06 118·52 farmers fields to research laboratory (Land
2006-07 149·63 (targeted) to Lab).
● Rural Development related programmes & establishment year—
1952 (October) Community Development Programme
1958 (October) Panchayati Raj
1969 Rural Electrification Corporation
1970-71 (December) DPAP—Drought Prone Area Programme
1974 T & V (Training & Visit) programme started in Agriculture Extension
1974-75 Command Area Development & Water Management Programme
1977 (April) Food for Work Programme
1977-78 (April) DDP–Desert Development Programme
1978-79 IRDP–Integrated Rural Development Programme
1984 (April) JRY–Jawahar Rojgar Yojana (merge of NRIP and RLEPG)
1985-86 Indira Awas Yojana
1988 (8 Aug.) ‘NIAM’–Ch. Charan Singh National Institute of Agricultural Marketing at Jaipur
1988-89 10 lac Wells (Million Wells) Yojana
1990-91 NWDPRA (National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas
1992 (September) Panchayati Raj Institution
1993 (October) Rojgar Guarantee Yojana
1995 (August) NSAP–National Social Assistance Programme
1998-99 Kisan Credit Card Yojana
1999 (April) Jawahar Gram Samradhi Yojana
1999 (April) SJGSY–Swarn Jayanti Swarojgar Yojana
1999 Gramin Awaas & Prakratik-Vas Vikas Programme
2002 (March) On-Farm Water Management Programme
2004 (21 Jan.) Kisan Call Centres (KCC)
2004 (Nov. 14) National Food for Work Programme
2005 (April 12) Janani Suraksha Yojana
2005 (Dec. 16) Bharat Nirman Programme
2006 (Feb. 2) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (for at least 100 days wage
2007-08 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
2010 (Kharif) NFSM (National Food Security Mission)—Covers 476 distt. in 17 states in India
2010 (July) Participatory Seed Production Programme (ISOPOM Scheme)
● Some World Bank–Aided Watershed Deve- infrastructure and loan fund). This
lopment Projects— has taken place RIDF.–activities
1995 Assam Rural Infrastructure & on- Primary Health Centres, Major
Agriculture Support Project & Minor Irrigation Project etc.
1998 DASP–Diversified ● India's First—Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)
Agriculture Support Project (in established in 1974 at Pondicherry and of
UP–UPDASP, in Uttaranchal also). U.P. (KVK), the first K.V.K. established in
2001 Comprehensive Watershed 1976 at Sultanpur.
● In ICAR, at present 2008, Dec., end, there are
(Sept. 10) Development Project–Karnataka
569 KVKs (in 8 Zones in India) 97 ‘ICAR’
● 1996-97 AIBP–Accelerated Irrigation Institutes and 44 State Agricultural
Benefit Programme Universities.
● 2004 Loknayak Jay Prakash Narain ● For promotion of Excellence under the ICAR
( 1 7 Feb.) Nidhi (Fund) (Agriculture based National Professor Scheme, a “Norman
6. The maximum impact was seen of ‘Green (A) 1968 (B) 1960
Revolution’ achieved in India, on— (C) 1966 (D) None of these
(A) Wheat only 15. ‘National Demonstrations’ are called—
(B) Rice only (A) First or Front Line Demonstrations (FLD)
(C) Wheat and Rice both (B) Second Line Demonstrations (SLD)
(D) Rice, Wheat and Pulses (C) Third Line Demonstrations (TLD)
7. When ‘National Extension Services’ were (D) None of these
started in India ? 16. Single Line of Command has a special
(A) 1950 (B) 1953 quality—
(C) 1960 (D) 1970 (A) Training and Visit (T & V)
8. The ‘Grass-Root Principle of Agriculture (B) Community Development
Extension’ is— (C) National Demonstration
(A) Give the responsibility of extension- (D) Krishi Vigyan Kendra
work to group of rural people in regional 17. At which place, Ravindra Nath Tagore started
community /group. the rural welfare work ?
(B) Say; to do extension services to the (A) Pune (B) Sewagram
people in urban sector. (C) Ahmedabad (D) Shantiniketan
(C) Giving responsibility of extension work 18. In India, all round development of poors is
to the people in big cities (Mahanagar). only possible things—
(A) By giving more money
(D) None of these
(B) By making strong rules
9. The new name of ‘VLW’ is now— (C) Extension Education
(A) V.D.O. (B) B.D.O. (D) None of these
(C) R.D.O. (D) Kisan Sahayak 19. The element of behaviour is—
10. The responsibility of ‘Gram Sevika’ in the (A) Knowledge and Education
village for rural development is given to (B) Skill and Attitude
educate— (C) Psychology and Aspiration
(A) Women (D) Knowledge, Psychology and Efficiency
(B) Male 20. Extension Education may be called—
(C) Children (A) Formal Education
(D) For all male and female (B) Informal Education
11. The ‘Basic Village Institutions’ are— (C) Applied Education
(A) Family, Women Group (Mahila Mandal) (D) Schooly Education
and School Select —True and False
(B) Panchayat, Hospitals and Schools 1. Photographs are considered suitable to teach
(C) Youth Club School and Co-operative mainly to educated persons. (…)
Societies 2. The Agricultural Extension work was started
(D) Panchayat, School and Co-operative for the first time in America and Agriculture
Societies Development Committee was constituted in
12. ‘TRYSEM’ (Training for Self-Employment) the year 1785 at Florida (U.S.A.). (…)
was initiated on— 3. On October 2, 1952, 55 Community Schemes
(A) 15 August, 1979 (B) 15 August, 1970 were initiated in the country. (…)
(C) 15 August, 1950 (D) 15 August, 1960 4. The target of Agriculture Extension is meant
13. What is the meaning of A, B, C of Journalism ? for the knowledge of people, efficiency of
(A) Attractive, Brief and Clear working, method and in change of Psycho-
(B) Accuracy, Brief and Clarity logy. (…)
(C) Accuracy, Bravity and Clarity 5. The basis of Agriculture Extension are;
(D) None of these confidence in himself of man, confidence in
14. ‘HYV's’ (High Yielding Varieties) Pro- freedom and confidence in Science and
gramme was initiated in— Technology. (…)
6. Followings are not necessary for the target of 4. The extension work can not be done properly
Agriculture Extension i.e.–management / without trained ….
arrangement of new knowledge for the 5. The success of extension depends upon the …
farmers, management of new agriculture of men.
related new methods and solution of 6. The extension worker, having higher know-
agriculture related problems. (…) ledge and intelligent quotient (IQ) can easily
7. Following are considered in management of be solved the problems of ….
work to fullfill the needs of Agriculture 7. The Welfare Extension Planning (Kalyan
Extension-i.e. Agriculture related new know- Prasaar Yojana) was initiated in the year ….
ledge, method and management of education 8. In India, for the first time, ‘first’ Centre of
and solution of problems. (…) Television was established in the year.
8. Agriculture Extension is not a educational 9. ‘Etawah Pilot Project’ (EPP)—was started
process. (…) in the year 1948 by ….
9. The job of extension education is to teach 10. ‘Grow More Food Compaign’ was initiated
(educate) the people. (…) by the Government of India in the year ….
10. Extension work should be based/oriented-on 11. ‘Rural Development Work in the Villages’
needs and interest of people. (…) Programme was started in the year 1935 by
11. The aim of extension work- is to change/or ….
motivate towards betterment of man- 12. In the Country (India), ‘IADP’–Intensive
kind/progress. (…) Agriculture District Programme was initiated
12. We prefer ‘Democratic Approach’ in Exten- in the year ….
sion. (…) 13. ‘Food for Work Programme’ was started in
13. At rural level, the responsibility of extension the year … after Changing National Rural
work goes on Village Panchayat. (…) Employment Programme.
14. In U.S.A., Extension Education is brought as 14. The origin of ‘Extension Education’ was
national policy and programmes. (…) made from the country ….
15. The pillar of ‘Neelokhedi Experiments’ is 15. In India, First Agriculture University (UPAU,
said to S.K. De. (…) Pantnagar) was established in the year ….
16. The beneficiaries of ‘I.C.D.S. Programmes’ 16. The term ‘Extension’ was used for the first
are mother (s) and children. (…) time in the year….
17. The charts are used to exhibit facts and ideas 17. The working area of National Extension
through figures, so that the comparison, in Services Development Block is for about …
brief of subject matter, contrast and Villages.
explanation may be made. (…) 18. In 1926, ‘Sewa Gram Programme’ was
18. The chronological development of a family started by ….
can be exhibited very well in the form of
‘Tree Chart’. (…) 19. For establishing the contact, the best method
of extension is ….
19. Extension Education is–the Art and Science
both. (…) 20. T & V (Training and Visits) Programme was
20. Man–himself is the basic element for core of started by De-Benore in the year ….
Extension Education. (…) 21. The NATP Project is financed/or funded by
Fill-up the blanks 22. In the country, the recommendation of KVK
1. The ‘IVLP’—Institution Village Linkage Pro- was done by … Committee.
gramme was started as a ‘Pilot Programme /
Scheme’ through the assistance of … fund. 23. A good extension work (programme) must be
2. ‘CAZRI’— Central Institute of Arid Zone
Research is located at …. 24. The Word Extension Education was originated
3. In Agriculture Extension, … system is a best from the country ….
example of training approach, which was 25. The ‘DWCRA’ Programme was started in the
initiated first in Israel. year ….
● Presently, in India, there are about 50·8 10% of cultivable irrigated area should be
million sheep and 115 million goats, and allocated for quality fodder production.
nearly 5 million households are engaged in ● Govt. of India has established 3 Feed
rearing for small ruminants (sheep, goats and Analytical Laboratories at (i) Bhubaneshwar
rabbits) and other allied activities. (Orissa), (ii) Aarey Milk Colony, Mumbai
● In England, 3 years aged duck was auctioned and (iii) U.T. of Chandigarh.
in year 2012 cost Rs. 1·30 lakh (1500 pounds). ● Artificial Insemination (AI) Programme was
● World’s tallest Holstein-Friesian cow, having first started in India at the Palace Dairy Farm
at Mysore in 1939.
6 feet and 4 inches height in Newada (2012).
● ‘Milk and Milk Product Order-1992’ was ● The first buffalo calf through AI was born in
notified on June 1992. 1943 at the AAI (Allahabad Agricultural
● ‘Conservation of Threatened Breeds’—a Institute) Allahabad (U.P.).
new centrally-sponsored scheme has been ● The successful freezing of bull spermatozoa
started during 10th Five Year Plan. at (–) 79°C and its freezing capacity was first
● A Centrally-Sponsored Scheme “Assistance reported in 1952.
to States for modernisation/improvement of ● In India, buffaloes form about 30% of the
abottoirs and establishment of carcass utili- cattle population and they produce about 52%
zation centres and primary hide flying units” of total milk yield.
is being implemented for meat production/ ● India possesses 27 acknowledged indigenous
processing and export. breeds of cattle (cows) & 7 breeds of
● Nearly 2·44% of total geographical area (329 buffaloes.
million hectare) and 11·29% of agriculture
use land (142 million hectare) are under the ● 7 Central Cattle Breeding Farms at Suratgarh
use of animal husbandry. (Raj.), Chiplima & Semiliguda (Orissa),
● Nearly 16·23% of the World-Total Cattle and Dhamrod (Gujarat), Hessarghatta (Karnataka),
47·16% of Asia is in India; and is expected to Alamadi (T.N.) & Andeshnagar (U.P.) are
reach upto 21·8 crore in the country by 21st engaged in cattle buffalo breeding programme.
century. ● World Wildlife Day 6 October.
● India has 4·58% sheep of the World and ● World Veterinary Day—28 April.
9·26% of Asia; that may reach upto 5·51 crore ● World Animal Welfare Day—4 October.
by the end of 21st century.
● NDDB (National Dairy Development Board) ● Major Institutions—
Anand (Gujarat) was established in the year — Central Goat Research Institute (CGRI /
1965 as—I chairman Dr. V. Kurean and CIRG), Makhdoom, Farah (Mathura),–
DMS—Delhi Milk Scheme in 1959. U.P.; Central Buffalo Research Institute
● The separation of Animal Husbandry and (CIRB), Hisar (Haryana); Central
Dairying Department from Agriculture Aviation Research Institute (CARI),
Ministry, Govt. of India was done on Feb. 1, Izatnagar (Bareilly)-(U.P.); Central Food-
1991 and fisheries was transferred on 10 Oct., Technology Research Institute (CFTRI),
1997. Mysore (Karnataka); Central Institute for
● Technology Mission On Dairy Development Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai
Project (in 16 states) was started in 1988. (Maha.) and Central Sheep and Wool
● Cattle Insurance Plan (Pashu Beema Yojana) Research Institute (CSWRI) Malpura,
was started from 1974. Avikanagar (Rajasthan).
● ‘White Revolution’ and ‘Operation Flood’ — CIFRI (Central Inland Fisheries Research
programmes are related to milk production and Institute) Barackpore Kolkata–esti. 1947.
Milk Development Projects. The Operation — Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and
Flood–III stage was completed on 30 April, Engineering Training, Kochi (Kerala),
1996. Central Institute of Coastal Engineering
● Milk & Milk Products Order (MMPO)-1992 for Fisheries, Bangalore and Fisheries
was notified by the Government of India. Survey of India, Mumbai.
● ‘All India Co-ordinated Research Project on — Indian Grassland and Fodder Research
Goats’ was launched by the ICAR in 1971. Institute (IGFRI), Jhansi (U.P.) and Indian
● National Commission on Agriculture (1976) Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI),
& Govt. of India recommended for at least Izatnagar (Bareilly, U.P.)
● Wool and meat purpose Indian breeds of (ii) Change of °F in °C = Deduct 32 and
Sheep—Hissardale, Kachhi and Gurej. 5
multiply by
● Domesticated Sheep—Scientific/zoological 9
Name–Ovis aries (Genus-ovis, species-aries), ● Virus diseases are—Foot and Mouth, Rinder-
family-Bovidae. pest and Cow Pox.
● The wild ancestor of sheep in India and ● Bacterial diseases are—Anthrax, Black
Arabia–Ovis orientale Quarter (B.Q.), Mastitis, Pneumonia, T.B.–
● The goat belongs to the family–Bovidae, Tuberculosis, contagious Abortion, Circiling
Zoological Name–Capra hircus (domesti- disease etc.
cated goats). ● The diseases caused by Protozoa—Tick-
● Exotic breeds of goat—Tog-genberg, Saanen, Fever or Spirochaetosis, Surra (Trypanoso-
Alpine, Nubian and Angora (for mohair-a miasis), Fever/Pyrexia etc.
valuable textile fibre) ● Average life duration of animals (in
● Himalayan (Hilly tract) region breeds of years)—Cow-Ox (18-22), Horse-Mare (25-
goat—Himalayan (breed), Pashmina (the 30), Buffalo (22-25), Sheep (10-12), Goat
hairs of this breed–softest, warmest, high (10-15), Dog (10-15), Pig (12-15) and Camel
quality fibre/fabrics) and Chegu. (35-40).
● Northern region breeds of goat—Jamuna- ● In Cities, generally Oxytocin is used as
pari, Beetal and Barbari. injection by the cattle (cow/buffalo) rearing
● Central region breeds of goat—Marwari, men, on the death of calves/heifers, this
Mehsana and Zelwadi, Berari, Kathiawari. medicine is prepared by the female hormones.
● Southern region breeds of goat—Surti, This is harmful for human health, if such type
Deccani, Osmanabadi and Malabari (Telli- of milk is used even by small children and
cherry). also affect directly for creating eye cancer.
● Eastern region breeds of goat—Bengal, With the use of continuous injection, cattle
Assam hilly breed. looses its capacity of calving, besides sterility.
● Exotic breed of cow does not have hump and in place of Oxytocin, make a paste of 10-12
mostly animal-hornless. seeds of castor (without coat) and use (rub) it
● Average milk composition (%) of milk— on teats before milking for 10-15 days, This
Cow—Water (86·61), Fat (4·14), Protein would help for regular milk-discharge,
(3·58), Total Solids (13·19), SNF–9·25, without any harm.
● In deficiency of Vit. ‘A’—Swelling of
Lactose–4·96 & Ash (0·71)
intestine of animal, nightblindness, weakness
Buffalo—Water (82·76), Fat (7·38), Protein
of nerves and mucous membranes, born calves
(3·60), Total Solids (17·24), SNF (9·86),
having blindness, red eyes remains, stunted
Lactose (5·48) and Ash (0·78).
growth / or body, born dead/or disable calves
● Fat (%) in Milk—Sheep (8·92 maximum), etc. are the symptoms.
Goat (4·93), Buffalo (7·5), Cow (4·92), Ex- ● Fat Soluble Vitamins—Vit. A, D and K;
totsic cow (3·75%), Human Woman (3·3), water soluble Vit. ‘B’ group.
Camel (5·38), Mare (1·59) and Ass (2·53%).
● In deficiency of Vit. ‘D’—Vit. ‘D’–is a fat
● Protein (%) in milk—Sheep (6·25% maxi- soluble Vit., recognised as an anti-rachitic
mum) and Cow (3·21). factor; essential for bone formation, calci-
● Lactose (%) in milk—Cow (4·96), Buffalo ferol, (also called anti-ricket Vit.), milk-fever,
(5·48), Mare (6·14), Ass (6·07) and Woman improper on heat, imperfect calcification of
(6·80%-maximum). bones and teeth, swelling and weaking of
● Body Temperature of Cattle—(Conversion bones are the common symptoms of Vit. ‘D’
C F–32 deficiency.
factor for temperature)— =
5 9 ● In deficiency of Vit. ‘C’ (Ascorbic Acid)—
Say, Ricket, Teeth and bone diseases occur, do not
9 healing of wounds, reduction in resistance-
(i) Change of °C in °F = Multiply by and
5 ness of body, etc. are major diseases caused
add (+) 32 due to deficiency of Vit. ‘C’.
15. Generally ruminant animals have four cham- 10. The … breed-Pashmina is found in hilly areas
bered stomach. (…) of Himalyay.
16. Non-ruminant animals have one (single) 11. Through hybridization of Tharparkar and
chambered stomach. (…) Holstein Friesian cows …, breed was
17. Camel's stomach is three chambered. (…) obtained.
18. Cow and buffalo are herbivorous animal. (…) 12. The cow breed … was obtained through the
19. Lion is a carnivorous animal. (…) hybridization of Sahiwal and Brown Swiss.
20. Dog and man are Omnivorous. (…) 13. ILI–80 is a hybrid breed of …, that is found
21. The newsletter (Quarterly)–Dairy News is in India.
published from Karnal and Poultry Guide 14. The standardization of Indian Feed standards
(Monthly) from, New Delhi. (…) was made by ‘Sen and Ray’ in the year ….
22. The wool of Marino Sheep is famous for fine 15. Food standards, related to pig-development
wool. (…) was prepared by … in the year 1961.
23. In India, the Artificial-Insemination (A.I.) 16. Maize, sorghum and oat are … fodders.
was done for the first time in 1939. (…) 17. Lucerne, Berseem, Lobia and Guar are …
24. In India, for the first time, a successful fodders.
Artificial Insemination (A.I.) was done by Dr. 18. The total of all carbonic digestible nutrients in
Sampat Kumaran. (…) any food material is called ….
25. The full mouth stage of cow and buffalo is 5 19. The ratio of DCP (Digestible Crude Protein)
to 5·5 years. (…) and Digestible Nitrogen free Nutrients in any
26. The temperature of artificial vagina is kept food material is called ….
42°C. (…) 20. The dry fodder is called …, which is also
27. If a bullock has 4 pairs of teeth (permanent), called ‘Hay’.
then the age would be 3 years. (…) 21. In India, the first time Artificial Insemination
28. Bhadawari buffalo has maximum fat per- Programme (AI) in the year 1939 was
centage in milk, ranging from 7–13%, among initiated at Palace Dairy Farm, … (City).
all buffalo breeds. (…) 22. At IVRI, Izatnagar, Artificial Insemination
29. The Pulse rate of cattle (cows) is 40–60 per was started in the year ….
minute. (…) 23. ‘MBRT’—Methylene Blue Reduction Test is
30. The respiratory rate of buffalo is 12–18 per used to test the chemical analysis of ….
minute. (…) 24. The length of spermatozoa of a Cow-Bull is
in range of … to … micron.
Fill-up the blanks 25. The hybridization (cross) on mating between
1. Meat, Milk, Egg, Soybean and Fish powder Jack and Mare produces … (hybrid).
have maximum amount of Vit. …. 26. The cross between stallion and Jannet (on
2. The meat of goat has … % protein. mating) produces ….
3. The ‘Key Village Scheme’ was started in 27. The cross (hybridization) between ‘Male
first Five Year Plan in the year … for cattle- Zebra × Horse’ produces … and between
breeds improvement. Cattle (Cow) × Americy Bison produces ….
4. The family of cow, buffalo, sheep and goat is 28. In cow, the contagious disease is ….
…. 29. The disease ‘Foot & Mouth’ in animal is
5. Karan Swiss, Karan Fries and Jar Sindh are caused due to ….
the … breeds of cows. 30. The cause of Pneumonia disease in animal is
6. For textile industry, the breeds of sheep-Hisar Pneumono cocci; which is a ….
Dale, Kashmiri Merino, Avivashtra and ANSWERS
Nilgiri provide ….
7. The origin place of Merino Sheep is …, that Multiple Choice Questions
is famous for best quality wool. 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (D)
8. Bhadarwah breed of …, is famous quality 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A)
wool, used for showl and Dushale etc. 11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15. (C)
9. For Angora hair production, the famous 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (B)
exotic breeds of goats are …. 21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (A) 25. (D)
● Acts/Amendments/Society Society/Acts/Amendments
Establishment Year
1890 The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) established
1916 The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) established, H.Q. at Kolkata
1927 The Indian Forest Act
1938 The Motor Vehicle Act (re-emendment in 1988)
1972 The Wildlife (Protection ) Act
1973 The Tiger Project launched (1 April, 1973)
1974 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
1977 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act
1978 The Programme of Environment Impact Assessment (FIA) introduced
1980 The Forest (Conservation) Act
1981 The Air (Pollution, Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
1985 National Wasteland Development Board-Establishment
1986 The Environment (Protection) Act
1987 The Air (Prevention and Environmental Control Amendment Act)
1988 National Forest Policy (re-revised in 1988, revised in 1952 and formed in
1991 The Public Liability Insurance Act (amended in 1992)
1992 Policy Statement on Abatement of Pollution
1992 A National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment
and Development.
1995 The National Environment Tribunal Act
1997 The National Environment Appellate Authority Act
2002 Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) of India
2006 National Environment Policy
● Institutes/Projects/Rules
1960 The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act; new set of rules, namely;
Animal Birth Control (Dog) Rules, 2001 and notified on Dec. 2002.
1978 The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), New Delhi set-up
1982 An Environmental Information System (ENVIS) set-up
1983 The first National Wildlife Action Plan (NWAP) framed; and after
revision, the new Wildlife Action Plan (2002-2016) adopted.
1985 The Ganga Action Plan (GAP Phase I) initiated and closed on 31 March,
2000 and later on the Ganga Action Plan (GAP Phase II) merged with
National Reserves Conservation Plan (NRCP).
1988 G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development estbd–
Aug. 1988, Almora (Uttaranchal)
1992 The National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (NAEB) set-up
(in August 1992)
2000 Cartagena Biosafety Protocol—the first International regulatory frame-
work was adopted in India on 29th January, 2002
● The forest management means; adoption on ● (i) In Sandy Soil—Eucalyptus hybrid, Deshi
scientific, economic and social principles in Babool or Keeker (Acacia nilotica var,
the working system and administration of any indica), Hill Babool or Keeker (Acacia
forest-wealth for specific objectives or targets, nilotica var. Cupressiformis), Israili Keeker
i.e., The Forest Mangement is the branch of or Babool (Acacia leucocephala), Jund (or
forestry, wherein all related aspects of forests Khejri (Prosopis cineria), Jorter (Casuarina
such as; administration, economic, law and equisetifolia), Shesham (Dalbergia sissoo),
social aspects are taken into consideration, Siras (Albizia lebbek), Ber (Ziziphus mauri-
and essentially for forest-repropagation by tiana), Neem (Azadirachta indica) and
scientific and technical aspects, besides Dhrek (Melia azedarach)
forest conservation and regulations too. (ii) In water-logged (submerged) soils—
● Every year celebrated- ‘World Forestry Arjun (Terminalia arjuna/superba),
Day-March 21’, ‘World Environment Day- Kadam (Anthocephalus sicensia), Willos
June 5’ (Calyx sps) and Jamun (Syzygium cumini).
(iii) In Saline and Sodic Soils—Arjun, tonnes particulate, SO2 , Oxide of nitrogen,
Keeker (Babool), Neem, Eucalyptus. Carbon and hydro-carbon are excreted.
● ‘FOREST’—It gives us/Stands for; F-Food, ● Smog (Smog = Smoke + Fog) is very
O-Oxygen, R-Rain, E-Environmental harmful to human; and it can be assessed
Protections Ecological Balance, S-Soil easily that in 1952, due to ‘London Smog’,
Conservation and T-Timber. the city remained covered by a smog sheet of
● ‘Man of the Forest’—‘Orangutan’— grey colour for 5 days and left the bad effects,
Primitive of man. resulting the death of nearly 4000 people and
● National Tree—Banyan Tree (Ficus bengha- several peoples remained affected by
lensis) bronchitis and heart disease.
● Sequoia—Largest plant (115·56 m height) in ● In city areas, the cause of environmental
world, V/s Eucalyptus (99·6 m height). pollution is the suspended particulate matter.
● Agro-forestry—It gives us 6 F i.e., F1–Food, During winter, in air, the level of particulate
F2 –Feed, F3 –Fibre, F 4 –Fuel, F5 –Furniture matter-dust and carbon coated poisonous gas-
Timber & F6–Funds. The art of growing crops es is more than 12 times of the standard level.
with forestry (both together) ● The ‘Acid Rains’ is the another component
● Social Forestry—It is a method of forestry, of air pollution. The acid fumes of SO2
which is meant for social and done by society, excreted by Industries and Nitrogen Oxides
so as to meet-out the need of fuel, fodder, fruit combine with water and ice, resulting thereby
and small timber wood. This helps to make the acid rains. Therefore, the pH of first rain
economic and effective use of wastelands. after summer is always lesser than the
● Social Forestry has several advantages like- subsequent rains.
making Ecological balance, provides emp- ● The excretion of CO2 is gradually / conti-
loyment opportunities to poor rural-mass, nuously increasing in atmosphere. Its amount
providing fodder for cattle, provides raw is increased 30% extra in last two centuries.
material to cottage industries, silk-worm and In the world, the maximum excretion is from
cattle, collection and purifying of gum, CO2 (0·2% per capita); in which India ranked
developing bee-keeping, provides fuel wood on 6th place. The main source of this
for longer period, provides cow-dung (dung), poisonous gas is the burning of fossil fuel.
improvement in productivity, stability and ● The main sources of water pollution are; the
making sustainable and bringing unbiased- excreted dung, solid, refuse, particles and
ness in agro-eco-system. other dangerous polluted elements, seewege
● According to National Forest Policy (1894) water and sludge of cities in rivers; sharing
and later on revised time to time as latest in 30% of water pollution share.
1988), there must be forests on 33% of the In the water, the amount of poisonous
country's area. substances like; cyanide and chromium is
● India's population as on 1 March, 2001 nearly 20-22 times increased over safe level.
(census 2001) growing @ 1·94% annual and ● According to the report of ‘World Health
stood at 1,027 million and accounts for a Organization (WHO)’, in India nearly 21%
meagre 2·4% of the world surface and also contagious diseases are caused by the use of
supports to 16·7% of the world population. polluted water. As per the ‘Human Develop-
By the year 2040, India would stand first in ment Report’ (1995) of ‘UNDP’, during the
the world in respect of human population. period 1988-93, in India, for nearly 18·57
● According to the world report (1996), in India crore people, the pure drinking water was not
every year more than 40,000 people will be available.
affected for casual death by air-pollution and ● Out of the total Flora & Fauna say; Bio-diver-
Delhi would be the 4th polluted city in the sity of the world, nearly 7% part is in India.
world. ● India is one of the 12 mega-bio-diversity
● Of the total air pollution, nearly 70% smoke countries of the world.
is generated/excreted from vehicles alone. ● Out of 18 major centres of bio-diversity in the
According to the survey (1989) of the Central world, India has two centres say, Western
Pollution Control Board, in Delhi nearly 872 Ghats and East Himalayas.
● About 22% (770·1 lac hectare) of the geogra- ● ‘NEERI’—National Environmental Enginee-
phical area of India is covered under forest. ring Research Institute, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
● About-10 years or so (time), are required to is an apex Institute for Environmental matters
become a full tree of Hill Peepal (Popululas and on the report of this Institute, the decision
sps), Poplar-5-6 years and Devdar (Cendrus was taken to keep away Kilns (bricks-Kilns)
diodara)–nearly 200 years. around 25 km from ‘Taj Mahal’ at Agra for
● In the benefits of forest products are; timber controlling the pollution and it is effective.
wood, bark, fuel, medicines, flower, fruit, ● On 21 January, 1980, for the first time, the
gum, for the human needs, and also shelter to presidential lecture on ‘Environment Protec-
the wild animals, etc. tion’ was delivered in both the houses of
● The concepts under forest management and parliament, when Digvijai Singh was the then
essentials are; forest management should be Environment Deputy Minister.
mobile (dynamic) and be modified according ● The Chipko movement (U.P. and now in
to the situation. Uttaranchal) was started in 1973 from
● The fundamental conditions in forest manage- Gopeshwar, headed by Sunderlal Bahuguna.
ment are; Two methods of yield expression ● Central Himalayan Environmental Institute,
viz., (i) The flow of forest products expresses Nainital (1980) and ‘SHERPA’–Society for
in quantity or in price; (ii) The amount/or Himalayan Environmental Rehabilitation and
quantity/price of forest products in any unit Peoples Action Institute (1984) were
be measured in a specific period. established.
● On 5 June, 1972 in Sweden at Stockholm, the ● Pahar Institute Nainital–Poeples Association
‘World Convention’ of 12 United States on for Himalyan Areas Research was established
‘Human Environment’ was organised, in 1982 by the social workers, teachers and
wherein the megnacart was awarded to students in the leadership of Dr. Shekhar
environment and much more discussion was Pathak, from where ‘Pahar’ Magazine is
made especially; on environment. published.
● Our surrounding natural environment, in ● ‘INSONA’–Indian Society for Naturalist at
which we and other bio-lives is called Vadodara, Gujarat in 1975; ‘SOCLEAN’–
environment, say in other words, a group of Society for Clean Environment, Maharashtra;
all external factors influences on any biotic ‘APICO’ Movement Karnataka; Indian
element. Environment Association, Delhi-1980 and
● Bio-sphere means the total space, where life Uttarakhand Research Institute (1985) were
is found in any form. Three large systems of established.
bio-sphere–viz., Hydrosphere, atmosphere and ● The amount of CO2 has increased 0·14% in
Lythosphere. last 100 years in atmosphere due to air
● In India, the word ‘Ecology’ came into pollution.
existance in 1960 and so. ● There is a scientific concept that the gases are
● The Wild Animal Protection Council was set- formed from the residues of nitrogen, if their
up in 1952. amount in air has increased from 5 ppm (part
● World Nature Day—3 October. per million or part per 10 lakh part) to 25 ppm,
● World Standards Day—14 October. then that becomes harmful; for example, the
● World Food Day—16 October. created harmful gases at war period; the heaps
● International Bio-diversity Day—22 May. of wastes in middle of village (s), and waste-
● World Pollution Prevention Day—2 Dec. residues of nitrogen in excreta in pits or heaps
● In India, the State-level Ecological Council in villages.
was constituted for the first time in 1970. ● The unhealthy lungs, asthema, TB disease
● In private sector, for the first time, scientific etc., are created by polluted air.
Institution Bad Kaner Ecological Founda- ● According to the scientists of ‘National
tion in 1971 was set-up. Environmental and Engineering Research
● In 1972, National Environment Planning and Institute’ (NEERI) Nagpur, nearly 75% part
Co-ordinated Commission was constituted, of the available water is polluted in the
and also the Advisory Committee was set-up. country.
● On 18 July, 1983 in Mumbai, the Acid Rains ● The Website of Ministry of Environment &
occur, and hence, on account of this, that day forests (Govt. of India)—http : // envfor·nic·n.
was considered the blackest day in the history ● ‘Nature does nothing uselessly’—Aristotle,
of pollution in India. 384-322 B.C.
● With the continuous and heavy use of agricul- ● ‘Nature does nothing uselessly’—Aristotle,
tural chemicals like; Ammonium Sulphate, a 384-322 B.C.
huge amount of SO2 is accumulated in agri- ● The standing 5-6 Elephants in group in forest
cultural fields; and that SO2 gas forms say “We are to stay here” meaning thereby
Sulphuric Acid combining with particles do’nt quarrel among themselves.
presented in atmosphere, and that affects ● About Nonmenclature in Agriculture :
plants adversely and even soils become acidic * Himachal Pradesh—The people of H.P.
in nature. put themselves the name Himachal
● In ‘Jhum’ Cultivation (or ‘Jhuming’), the Pradesh. The Home Name—‘Achala’
atmosphere spoils due to de-forestation and (in Sanskrit) meaning a mountain.
residue fire and this type of cultivation is * Nepier grass (Elephant grass)—It
being practised in North-Eastern Region / termed on the name of colonel Nepier.
States (Assam, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, * Cereal crops—Means grain crops like-
Meghalaya, Tripura) and in some tribal areas. wheat, rice etc. In Italy (near Roma city),
there is ‘Cereale Goddess’ temple (i.e.,
● The poisonous air component (Smoke) makes Grain Giver Goddes).
‘Smog’, when combines with ‘Fog’ and that * Cereale where fair is held every year and
is more harmful to crops and trees, because this is celebrated on ripening of wheat
the stomata remains close due to dust particles crop there.
(smokes), consequently photo-synthesis * Punjab is said to be the—
checks and finally the plants die. Food Basket of India—
● Insecticide Act 1968; Insecticide (Am- Grain Storage of India; because, 40-50%
mended) Act 1972 was passed by the Govt. of rice and 50-70% wheat are produced in
India to control chemical pollution. the state.
Facts & Acts related to Environment & Forest
● The Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960 ● The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 (6 of
(59 of 1960) 1991)
● The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 ● The Indian Forest Act, 1927 (16 of 1927)
(27 of 1995)
● The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972) ●
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Cess Act, 1977 (36 of 1977)
● The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) ● The Air Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 (14 of 1981)
● The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of ● The Water Prevention & Control of Pollution Act,
1986) 1974 (6 of 1974)
● The National Environment Appellate Authority ● The actual forest area (km2 ) in India is as (in
Act, 1997 (22 of 1997) descending order)–M.P. 76,013 (I rank), Chhatis-
garh–55,863 (II), Maharashtra–47476 (III); and
U.P.–14127 km2 ; and Total India–6,77,088 km2.
● National Forest Policy, 1988 Note—(For better climate, atleast–33% area should be
under forest in India, which is presently 21·81%
of geographical area.)
● Natural conservation strategy & Policy statement ● Now, it has reduced to 1/3 area of forest,
on Environment & Development, 1992 compared to 10,000 years ago.
● Water Resource Potential in India–2009
● Policy statement on Abatement of Pollution, 1992 ● Av. Annual Water Availability—1869 BCM
● National Environmental Policy, 2006 (Billion Cubic Meter)
● Botanical Survey of India (BSI)–Established ● Of which; Total usable water Resources—1123
13 Feb., 1890 BCM;
● Surface Water—690 BCM and Ground water— ● Surface water 690 BCM and ground water—433
433 BCM. BCM.
Drought Years (For (HACCP) in India—1877, 1965, 1972, 1979, 1987, 2002 and 2009.
= (T - 32/4) n′ ● Weed Index (WI %)—
W.I. (%)
12 (crop yield in weed free plot)
or TE = (T – 32/4)n
Σ – (crop yield in treated plot)
= × 100
where, n = 1, T = Mean monthly temperature crop yield in weed tree plot
(°F) ● Weed control Efficiency (WCF)—
● Photo Use efficiency (PUE)— (Dry wieight of weeds in control plot)
PUE = Pi /Po × Pa/Pi × β/Pa × 10 – (Dry weight of weeds in treated plot)
where, Po = PAR (Photosynthetically Dry weight of weeds in control plot
Active Radiation) × 100
● Bio-Mass Duration (BMD)—
Pi = PAR intercepted
Pa = PAR absorbed by a crop slaid It is analogous to LAD.
(Gj/m2 Unit time) BDM = [(W2 – W1)/2] × (T2 – T1 )
● Leaf/Stem Ratio of a Plant (LSR)— where, W = Weight, T = Time
Leaf/stem ratio of a plant Tips for Beekeeping/Honey bee Culture
Leaf Dry Weight (g) ● About Honey bee dance—Said by a German
Stem Dry Weight (g) Biologist Noble Laurate for Biology—1966—
● Shelling (%) in groundnut— Karl Von Frisch
● ‘White colour’ is not seen to Honey bees (i.e.
Kernel weight
Shelling (%) = × 100 white colour blindness)
Pod weight
● ‘Wriggle’ dance—When the food source is
● Protein (%) in groundnut— close to hive, the bees dance takes the form of
N(%) in Kernel × 5·46 figure 8 (Eight)
(Constant/standard factor) ● ‘Sickle’ dance—When the food source is at
Protein (%) = intermediate distance & use the ‘Sickle’ dance
● Oil yield (kg/ha) in groundnut— ● More Vigorous dance— When the amount of
food source is rich, the dance is longer & more
oil(%) in Kernel Vigorous
Groundnut Kernel (kg/ha)
Oil yield (kg/ha) = ● Gradually slow dance—When food is exhausted.
Climate Modelling, Software are being prepared ● With the excessive use of fertilizers and
with the help of Atmospheric Physics. chemicals (pesticides–fungicides, insecticides
According to Ants Leetmaa, Director, and herbicides), the adverse effects are
NOAA's Climate Prediction Centre, in last 98 appeared; some of those are; increased in
years, EL-NINOs happened 23 times and LA- toxicity of soil-residuals of pesticides,
NINO nearly 15 times, resulting thereby, there ‘aminase’ production due to nitrogenous
appeared a happy change in the trends of rainfall fertilizers created cancer problem in human,
and temperature from one decade to second bad effects of pesticides residues on human
decade. It is expected that in last 100 years, the body viz., on central nervous system,
global temperature has gone-up high 1/10th of a respiration system, and gastro-intestinal
degree Fahrenheit (F) temperature. Are the system; human depression, etc., the earth-
scientists be able predict early in advance before worms are not present in soil due to these
any calamity happens ? It is deficult to say, yes. In chemicals application. The production
general, the awareness and know-how for (release) of ‘Green House Gas’ i.e., Nitrogen
precautions are given only, after EL-NINO or LA- Oxide due to fertilizers application in soil, is
NINO happens, so that the human, animals may damaging the Ozon layer and increase in
be saved through losses. Global temperature.
● Major Steps of Organic Farming—(i) Use
5 Need of Organic Farming for of organic manures and bio-products in place
of fertilizers; (ii) Application of ‘ITK’
Sustainable Agriculture & Ever- (Indigenous Technical Knowledge) (iii) Con-
Green Revolution trolling insect-pests, diseases and weeds
● By 2025, in India's population, it is expected through IPM–Integrated Pest Management
to increase 15 crore human, which will adoption, or Bio-control Systems, in place of
require additional 32·5 crore tonnes of chemicals, (iv) For improving soil health and
foodgrains, keeping in view of present level productivity, application of wide management
of production, we have to increase every techniques.
year an additional foodgrains of 50 lakh ● In Principles of Organic Farming—Get the
tonnes, which could be added 31 lakh tonnes advantage of nature gifted soil in agriculture;
each year within last 40 years. Since, the per thinking soil-as viable system; farming
capita land availability is decreasing fast, systems be based on internal understanding of
which was 0·48 hectare in 1981, and reduced natural system; maintaining soil fertility
to 0·15 hectare in 2000. On the gate of 21st through bio-systems using bio-fertilizers, bio-
centuary, today it is difficult task to Indian pesticides etc., There is a proverb for soil; “A
Agriculture for providing ‘Food Safety and soil without manure is as useless as a cow
Nutritional Security’. In fact, the Green without Calf.” Thus, soil should be fertilized
Revolution’ was achieved on account of ferti- through organics for sustainable agriculture.
lizers, improved & HYV's of crops, irrigation ● Essentials for Sustainable Agriculture—
facilities-expansion in rice and wheat areas. Stages of Agricultural development in India
But, the present day agriculture has gone has remained as; (i) Pre-Green Revolution,
fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungi- (ii) Green Revolution, (iii) Post-Green
cides and herbicides) based. In controlling Revolution and (iv) Commercialization–In
insects-pests and diseases, heavy-use of commercialization, there is a need of further
pesticides is practised; resulting adverse diversification of cropping pattern from low
effects on human health and creating environ- to high value crops for value addition. In fact,
mental pollution. Nearly, more than one lakh sustainability in crop yields has come-up in
ton pesticides is being used every year in ‘Post-Green Revolution’i.e., mainly after
Indian Agriculture. The answer o f this 1985 to till date. This requires now; (i) Inte-
problem is to adopt organic farming, integra- gration of organic manures like–FYM,
ting fertilizers and organic manures like- Compost, Vermi-compost, ‘NADEP’ Com-
FYM, compost, oilcakes, vermi-compost etc., posting, oil cakes etc., with fertilizers; (ii) Use
and reducing pesticides use. of Bio-fertilizers like; Azotobacter, Azospi-
rillum, PSB–Phosphate solubilizing Bacteria; is added into the containor, which is imme-
BGA–Blue Green Algae; Azolla, VAM etc., diately covered. After 14 hours, the extract is
Therefore, in this context, several National & ready. Dilute the extract with 4 parts of water.
International Seminars/Symposium/Worshops Use this spray only when insects are a serious
etc., are being held in the country in SAU's problem, since this brew kills insects.
(State Agricultural Universities) / ICAR ● Custard Apple—Seeds are pulverised and
Institutes & International Centres related to mixed with water. Use as spray against
Agriculture. aphids, ants and other insects.
Heavy use of pesticides in agriculture / ● Garlic, Onion and Pepper brew—Chop and
farming system has created several problems. boil onions, garlic, and red pepper in water
To discourage its application, organic farming for 1-2 minutes, grind/blend the material.
is the only answer. It has been reported by Dilute this with 1/4th times of water. Then,
UNEP (United Nations Environmental pour/spray on plants.
Programme) that the maximum DDT content ● Wood ash—Vegetable seeds, especially
was found in Indian Women-milk. Besides; cucurbits can be stored with wood ash safely
the farmers used to spray of chemicals, are for a longer period. This (wood ash) can also
affected 29·8% due to intestinal problems. be used in spray;
Similarly, in a survey, it was reported that out Spray a mixture of wood ash and water-for
of 200 cancer cases in human, 0·5% (say one flea beetles.
case) is affected by use of chemicals. Spray equal quanty of wood ash and lime
6 Use of Bio-Pesticides in Controlling powder with soapy water.
Insect-Pests 7 ITK–Indigenous / Inherited Techni-cal
In present day agriculture, pesticides are Knowledge / Know-how
being used in excess, resulting thereby The farmer's-own experiences, that have been
exerting adverse effect on human health. obtained from generation to generation, is
keeping in view this, several new medicines called Indigenous/Inherited Technical Know-
based on extract of plants/plant materials are ledge/ or Know-how (ITK). If the farming is
being prepared. Obviously, one of these done on the basis of these experiences
medicines is; calisena SD–bio-formulation, coupled with frontier/ advanced/developed
that controls the harmful pathogens in soil; technologies, only then, the foodgrain
has been developed. This has been prepared production may be doubled in next 10-15
by fungus and special strain of aspergillus years of the country.
niger. Today, several plant extracts or bio- Followings are some of the ITK's—
pesticides have been prepared like; neem,
mentha, tobacco, garlic, chilli, etc., some of (1) ITK's in storage
these are; ● In Foodgrains Storage (Wheat)—Adopt any
● Keep one part cow-urine + 1/4 part neem one of the following—
leaves (green) + one piece of copper is one (i) Neem leaves @ 5 kg / q grain,
pot, put in soil and covered, for 15 days to (ii) Garlic-bulblets (putti) @ 1·5 kg /q,
one month, there after, boil the solution till (iii) Turmeric powder - 100 g /q,
remains 50%; say 1/2 and get it filter. The (iv) Lime @ 250 g/q,
extract (bio-pesticide) can be used as spray by (v) Asafoetida (Heeng) @ 3 g/q,
adding 50 to 100 times of water. (vi) Parad Teekadi (mercury) tablets-2
● Neem (seed) oil (0·03%) @ 2-3 ml/litre tablets/q,
water, sprays on mustard for controlling (vii) Corn cob (without grains) ash @ 200
Aphids is appeared useful and effective and g/q,
no harms to parastic-predators like; 7 spotted (viii) Wood-ash @ 250 g/ha, or
worm (lady-bird beetle). (ix) 2 Match box-spokes 100 (50 in nos in a
● Tobacco brew—Tobacco leaves, stem or match box) /q.
dust are placed in a container. Boiling water (x) Mentha tablets—(T–14)
(iv) Soft Centre Steel—High carbon steel modern concept ‘Minimum or Zero tillage
layers are kept on both sides over a soft layer, e.g., concept’ has been developed. Here, zero tillage
plough bottom and shares of cultivator. means not for zero but near to zero, say; minimum
tillage. Surely, zero tillage in terms of changes in
Alloy Steel—In this group, apart from iron
the cost structure, returns and resource use
and carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, nickel, chromium,
efficiency, cost saving (25% atleast) is better than
molybdenum, banadium etc. are also mixed in
conventional tillage.
various ratios. Major alloy steels are—
(i) Nickel Steel—Used in sheets, pipes, shafts, Draft of Implements
electric wires, micro measuring tools etc. The draft of implements is measured by
(ii) Chromium Steel—Mainly used in balls, Dynamometer and its shape is like clock. The
bearings, tynes, hammers, files etc. draft or power may be worked-out as—
(iii) Tungsten Steel—Used in fast speed Total draft (kg)
Draft (per cm2) =
running tools, cutters and dies. Cross-section of furrow (cm2 )
(iv) Boron Steel—Used in shafts, cap screw, Agricultural Implements
stud etc.
There are three types of ploughs, used in
(v) Manganese Steel—Cranks and connecting ploughing, viz., (i) Deshi plough, (ii) Soil turning
rods are made-up of such steel. ploughs and (iii) Disc ploughs.
Alloy—Materials having properties of metal- (i) Deshi plough—It cuts the soil in ‘V’-type,
lic and made-up of two or more than two chemical having 10 kg weight, 80 kg total draft; working
elements like; brass (Cu + Zn), bronze (Cu + Fe), efficiency—0·33 ha/day; and furrow cut size—10
magnesium (Cu + Ni + Lead) etc. × 8 cm. All parts are made-up of wooden, except
Non-ferrous Metals—None effect of magnate share (high carbon/mild steel).
on the metals like, Cu, Zn, tin, Mg, Al, bronze etc. (ii) Soil turning ploughs—The mould board
present in ploughs turns the soil. These ploughs
Tillage are of two types—
The word tillage is referred to ‘To-Till’, (a) One handled plough—e.g., Meston, Praja,
meaning thereby to make soil easy for proper Wah-Wah, Gurjar, Shabash ploughs, Care plough.
sowing, germination/growth of crops/plants
(b) Double handled ploughs—e.g., Punjab,
through cutting/earthing/turning or scrapping the
Victory ploughs, Turn-wrest plough, U. P. No. 1
soil. It includes the agricultural processes like;
plough, U. P. No. 2 plough.
ploughing, harrowing, cultivating, planking,
rolling, earthing, weeding, interculture etc. Harrow—These are used as secondary tillage
implements. The types of harrows are—
Types of Tillage
(1) Disc harrow, (2) Drag harrows—(i)
(i) Primary Tillage—Mechanical operations Spike tooth harrow, (ii) Spring tyne harrow, (iii)
performed before seed sowing in field. Peg harrow or triangular harrow, (3) B l a d e
(ii) Secondary Tillage—All the operations harrow (or Bakhars), (4) Rajasthan harrow, (5)
done from seed sowing to crop harvest, like- Chain harrow.
moisture conservation operations, inter-culture Disc harrow—(i) Single disc harrow,
operations, breaking hard crust formed due to (ii) Double action disc harrow, (iii) Offset harrow.
irrigation or rains in the soil.
Hoe—(i) Singh hand-hoe, (ii) Sharma hand-
Modern Concept of Tillage hoe, (iii) Akola hoe, (iv) Paddy weeder, (v) Wheel
Farmers have their own opinion that more the hand-hoe, (vi) Rake.
field ploughings higher the crop yields since long, Cultivators—Mainly used in secondary
but today it is not true. Agricultural researches tillage. These are classified as—
conducted on tillage show that if weeds are (A) Based on farm Power—(i) Hand operated
controlled chemically, then hardly 1-2 ploughings cultivator, (ii) Animal operated cultivator and (iii)
are required to tilth soil. Thus, according to the Tractor drawn cultivator.
Objective Questions
01. The main advantage of ‘PVC’ pipes for 05. The distribution of fertilizers by aircraft is
drainage is the feasibility of— widely practised in—
(A) Mechanical laying (A) England (B) France
(C) Germany (D) New Zealand
(B) Physical laying
(E) India
(C) Chemical laying
06. A 2- row potato harvester, working in good
(D) Physical, chemical laying both conditions with 4 to 5 men on the machine,
(E) None of these can do how much hectare per day ?
02. ‘ESCORT’ tractor is manufactured at— (A) 0·5-0·6 ha (B) 1·2-1·4 ha
(A) Faridabad (B) Ghaziabad (C) 2·5 ha (D) 1·8-1·9 ha
(E) Above 3·0 ha
(C) Kanpur (D) Chennai
(E) None of these 07. Mole drainage is practised extensively in
03. Soil erosion by wind brings about the serious (A) New Zealand (B) Japan
damage in soil by changing the— (C) U.S.A. (D) China
(A) Soil permeability (E) None of these
(B) Soil structure 08. Which is not included in the sources of
(C) Soil texture energy, getting for agricultural work ?
(D) Soil plasticity (A) Diesel engine (B) Electric motor
(E) Soil cohesion (C) Bullocks (D) Cow
04. High compression petrol engines are used in (E) Camel
some tractors and have high performance in— 09. Which is included in dairy equipments ?
(A) U.S.A. (B) Germany (A) Threshers (B) Lactometer
(C) Japan (D) Holland (C) Cane Planter (D) Winnowers
(E) India (F) China (E) Chaff-cutting machine
10. In our country, for the manufacturing of agri- 17. Harrow is drawn by—
cultural implements tools, mostly wood is (A) Bullocks
used, because— (B) Tractor
(A) Easy available at all the places (C) Diesel
(B) Wood is cheaper (D) Bullocks and Tractor both
(C) Easy to repare tools made-up of wooden, (E) It is automatic tool
compound to metal tools
(D) None of the above cause is correct 18. Which of the following is not a secondary
tillage implement ?
(E) Above (A) to (C) are correct
(A) Cultivators (B) Harrow
11. Which of the following wood is not used for (C) Hoe (D) Meston plough
making handle of spade ?
(E) Bakhar
(A) Sheesham (B) Babool
(C) Neem (D) Mango 19. The term ‘Olpad’ in ‘Olpad Thresher’ is
named on the name of—
(E) Bamboo
(A) Scientist (B) Village
12. Soil turning plough makes the furrow of
(C) Labourer (D) Farmer
which type (shape) ?
(A) ‘V’ shape (B) ‘L’ shape (E) None of the above
(C) ‘O’ shape (D) No definite shape 20. Which of the following ‘hoe’ is bullock
(E) This plough does not make any furrow drawn ?
13. Which of the following is one (single) handed (A) Akola hoe (B) Sharma hoe
soil turning plough ? (C) Wheel hoe (D) Naini type hoe
(A) Punjab plough (E) None of the above
(B) Praja plough
21. The land levelling implement is—
(C) Victory plough
(D) U. P. No. 1 plough (A) Patela (B) Roller
(E) U. P. No. 2 plough (C) Scrapper (D) All of the above
14. The purpose of tillage is/are— (E) None of the above
(A) Soil clods breaking and suppressing in 22. Patela is used for—
soil (A) Sowing (B) Ploughing
(B) Eradication of weeds (C) Earthing (D) Weeding
(C) Leveling of soil (E) Levelling
(D) Above (A), (B) and (C)
23. Which of the material is not used for making
(E) Above (A) and (B)
rollers ?
15. The main function of cultivator is— (A) Wood (B) Stone
(A) To turn the soil (C) Iron (D) Steel
(B) To make furrow in soil
(E) None of the above
(C) To pulverize the soil
(D) All above three functions 24. In which condition, roller is used ?
(E) None of the above work (A) Where soil is wet.
16. Bakhar is generally used in— (B) Where clods are present in soil.
(A) U. P. (C) Where soil is friable.
(B) Bundelkhand (D) Where soil is undulated.
(C) Vindhya Pradesh (E) None of the above
(D) In all the States/parts of India (in All 25. Which one of the following work is not done
India) by scrappers ?
(E) None is such implement. (A) For levelling of soil
(B) For making irrigation channels (C) Mayadar lift (D) Above all three
(C) For filling ravines and pits (E) None of the above
(D) For making ridges 33. In which implement, bullocks are not used for
(E) For covering the sown-seeds by earth lifting water ?
26. Dibbler is used for— (A) Buldev Balti
(A) Ploughing (B) Charsa
(B) Seed sowing (C) Egyptian screw
(C) Levelling of land (D) Rahat (Persian wheel)
(D) Interculture (E) Mayadas lift
(E) In all above work
34. The working efficiency per day of deshi
27. The minimum expenditure is incurred by plough is—
implements for sowing seeds among the (A) 0·3 ha (B) 0·4 ha
(C) 0·6 ha (D) 0·8 ha
(A) Deshi plough (B) Cultivator
(C) Dibbler (D) Seed-drill (E) 1·0 ha
(E) No specific difference in expenditure 35. Which of the method of ploughing is mostly
28. Which of the following tool is used for practised ?
measuring the draft of agricultural imple- (A) Outside to inside ploughing
ments ? (B) Inside to outside ploughing
(A) Dynamometer (B) Hydrometer (C) Ploughing by putting furrow from one-
(C) Galvanometer (D) Barometer side of field
(E) Lactometer (D) Ploughing by halai making
29. Which of the following does not affect the (E) All of the above methods
draft of ploughs ? 36. The best method of ploughing through deshi
(A) Width of furrow plough is—
(B) Depth of furrow (A) Outside to inside ploughing
(C) Length of furrow (B) Inside to outside ploughing
(D) Soil moisture (C) Ploughing by making halai
(E) Sharpness of share (D) Ploughing by making furrow from one
30. Swing-basket (Dhenkuli) is used for— side of field
(A) Making furrow (E) All of the above methods
(B) Lifting water from wells 37. How much is the working efficiency of dibbler
(C) Destroying weeds (ha per day) ?
(D) Levelling of land (A) 0·15 (B) 0·25
(E) Cutting the crops (C) 0·35 (D) 0·45
31. Which of the following is used maximum for (E) More than 0·5
lifting water from wells ? 38. Tillage includes—
(A) Persian wheel (Rahat) (A) Ploughing of land
(B) Swing basket (Bedi) (B) Keep the land free from weeds
(C) Dhenkuli (C) Make the soil levelled
(D) Don (D) Weeding & digging
(E) Chain pump (E) All of the above operations
32. Which of the following is used for lifting 39. Function of the seed-drill is—
water from 8-10 m depth ? (A) Making furrow
(A) Washer Rahat (B) Hand pump (B) Dropping seeds
53. Sugarcane juice is extracted (%) from canes 61. The main work of ‘scrapper’ is—
through bullock-drawn cane-crusher— (A) For cutting the wood
(A) 50-55 (B) 70-75 (B) For scrapping the wood
(C) 25-30 (D) 60-65 (C) For smoothing the wood
(E) 80-90 (D) For drilling in wood
54. ‘Olpad’ thresher is used in— (E) All of the above
(A) Oil extraction from mustard, toria etc. 62. ‘File’ is used for—
(B) Extracting juice from cane (A) Scrapping the wood
(C) Threshing of wheat, barley, pea etc. (B) Cutting the wood
(D) None of the above (C) Forcing the wood
(E) All (A), (B) and (C) (D) Making equal by scrapping the wood
55. ‘Seed dresser’ is used for— (E) All of these
(A) Mixing/treating seeds with chemicals 63. The type of file is generally—
(pesticides/fungicides etc.) (A) Round (B) Triangular
(B) Sowing seeds at proper distance (C) Flate (D) Semi-circle
(C) Making seeds of high grade (E) Above all types
(D) Keeping seeds effective upto longer 64. Brace machine is used for—
period (A) Making hole in wood
(E) Separating good/quality seeds from (B) Scrapping the wood
diseased seeds (C) For smoothing the wood
56. ‘Try square’ is used by— (D) All above work
(A) Blacksmith (B) Carpenter (E) None of these
(C) Potter (D) Farmers 65. Which one machine/tool is not used in making
(E) By above all hole in wood ?
(A) Ordinary drill (B) Hand drill
57. Which type of saw is not included ?
(C) Pincer (D) Twist bit
(A) Cross cut saw (B) Deshi saw (E) Brace
(C) Tenon saw (D) Teething saw
66. ‘Bar cramp’ is a tool of—
(E) Rip saw
(A) Wood cutting
58. Which type of saw is used for cutting round (B) Catching tightly wood
shape in hole ?
(C) Beating tool
(A) Fret saw (B) Penal saw
(D) Smoothing tool
(C) Tenon saw (D) Cross cut saw
(E) Making round end of wood
(E) Key hole saw
67. Nail (Keel) pulling is done by—
59. ‘Draw-Knife’ is used for—
(A) Claw-hammer (B) Pincer
(A) To fit galua in grinder
(C) Plier (D) None of these
(B) Making round the corners of wood
(E) All of these
(C) Smoothing the base of wood
(D) Sharping teeth of saw 68. ‘Forging’ is said—
(E) All of the above (A) Heating the iron
60. The tool used for making deep pit in wood (B) Beating the hot iron
is— (C) Converting into desired shape by beating
(A) Adge (B) Saw the iron
(C) Draw knife (D) Chisel (D) Beating iron and making hole in it
(E) File (E) For all above work
69. ‘Anvil’ (Nihai) is used for— 20 cm wide and 12 cm deep furrow. How
(A) Beating the iron on keeping over this much time, it would require to plough 5
hectare land ?
(B) By beating iron through this
(A) 41 hours 40 minutes
(C) Heating iron through handling this
(B) 40 hours 55 minutes
(D) Cooling of hot iron
(C) 20 hours 55 minutes
(E) Giving various shapes by beating of hot
iron (D) 55 hours 55 minutes
(E) None of these
70. Fire is pulled-up through—
(A) Poker (B) Sewage block 77. If a gear ‘A’, having 50 teeth and running at a
speed of 200 r.p.m. is driving to another gear
(C) Showel (D) Anvil
‘B’ having 125 r.p.m. How many number of
(E) None of these teeth in gear ‘B’ ?
71. ‘Sledge’ is used to— (A) 500 (B) 400
(A) Lift heavy material (C) 80 (D) 60
(B) Fire furnace (E) 30
(C) Cut the iron in cold condition 78. A gear ‘A’, having 12 teeth, is driving and
(D) Cut the iron in hot condition connecting to gear ‘B’ of 12 teeth. The speed
(E) Put shine on chisel (rukhani) of gear ‘B’ is 200 r.p.m. On the shaft of gear
72. The roller of cane-crusher is made-up of which ‘B’ another gear ‘C’ is attached having 12
steel ? teeth, which is driving to a separate gear ‘D’.
If gear ‘D’ has 6 teeth, what would be the
(A) Cast iron
r.p.m. (revolutions per minute) of last gear ?
(B) Gun metal
(C) High carbon steel (A) 600 r.p.m. (B) 530 r.p.m.
(D) Wrought iron (C) 250 r.p.m. (D) 300 r.p.m.
(E) Mild steel (E) 400 r.p.m.
73. The tool used for catching (handling) the claw 79. A 10 cm wide belt is running at a speed of
and turning it hither and thither during beating 900 r.p.m. If the 15 H. P. is available, then
is called— how much plies of belt ?
(A) Sewage block (B) Chisel (A) 3 (B) 10
(C) Plier (D) Tongs (C) 6 (D) 8
(E) File (E) 4
74. Punches are of— 80. How much width belt would be needed if 20
(A) Two types (B) Three types H. P. is to be transferred through a belt of 10
(C) Four types (D) Several types plies, where speed of belt is 1460 r.p.m. ?
(E) Only of one type (A) 4 cm (B) 10 cm
(C) 5 cm (D) 6 cm
75. A mould-board plough is cutting a furrow of
(E) 8 cm
20 cm width and 15 cm deep. If the soil resis-
tance is 0·3 kg/cm 2 , having the speed of 81. A 10 cm wide belt, having the speed of 1350
bullocks 3 km per hour. What would be the metre per minute, would be appropriate to
required Horse Power (H. P.) to draw the transfer the how much H. P. ?
plough ? (A) 20 (B) 15
(A) 1·5 (B) 1·0 (C) 25 (D) 40
(C) 2·0 (D) 3·0 (E) 30
(E) None of these 82. A tractor driving pulley has its 25 cm diameter
76. A three-tine furrow plough is ploughing at a and revolving at a speed of 960 r.p.m. If on the
speed of 2 km/hr and the each furrow size is shaft of a thresher, an attached pulley is revolv-
(C) Work = Force (mg) × Distance (m) 102. Agricultural tractors are generally having
(D) Work = Force (kg) × Distance (cm) horse power (h.p.)—
(E) Work = Force (g) × Distance (cm) (A) 20-50 (B) 50-70
(C) 10-15 (D) 20-25
94. The length of ‘Engineer chain’ is—
(E) None of these
(A) 100 ft (B) 80 ft 103. How many m.m. are in one foot length ?
(C) 20 ft (D) 50 ft (A) 304·8 (B) 404·8
(E) None of these (C) 204·8 (D) 104·8
95. The length of ‘Gunter chain’ is— (E) None of these
(A) 66 ft (B) 100 ft 104. A ‘chain’ contains how much metre ?
(C) 20 ft (D) 90 ft (A) 20·1168 (B) 21·1168
(E) 10 ft (C) 15·1168 (D) 18·1168
96. The area of an acre is— (E) None of these
(A) 0·40 (B) 0·80 105. The draft of ‘Victory plough’ is—
(C) 1·10 (D) 0·60 (A) 80-100 kg (B) 40-50 kg
(E) None of these (C) 70-80 kg (D) 10-20 kg
97. One centimetre is equal to— (E) None of these
(A) 5 mm (B) 10 mm Answers
(C) 15 mm (D) 20 mm 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D)
(E) None of these 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (E)
98. The area of a hectare is equal to— 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (C)
(A) 5000 m2 (B) 8000 m2 16. (B) 17. (D) 18. (D) 19. (B) 20. (A)
(C) 10000 m 2 (D) 400 m2 21. (D) 22. (E) 23. (D) 24. (E) 25. (E)
(E) None of these 26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (A) 29. (C) 30. (B)
31. (A) 32. (E) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (D)
99. How much horse power (h.p.) is in one kW
36. (C) 37. (A) 38. (E) 39. (D) 40. (A)
(Kilowatt) ?
41. (E) 42. (B) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (A)
(A) 1·34 (B) 1·90 46. (D) 47. (E) 48. (A) 49. (A) 50. (C)
(C) 2·00 (D) 3·80 51. (B) 52. (E) 53. (D) 54. (C) 55. (A)
(E) 2·40 56. (B) 57. (D) 58. (E) 59. (B) 60. (D)
100. Man power is considered equal to how much 61. (C) 62. (D) 63. (E) 64. (A) 65. (C)
horse power (h.p.) ? 66. (B) 67. (E) 68. (C) 69. (A) 70. (A)
(A) 0·1 (B) 0·2 71. (A) 72. (A) 73. (D) 74. (B) 75. (B)
(C) 0·3 (D) 0·4 76. (A) 77. (C) 78. (E) 79. (E) 80. (E)
(E) 0·5 81. (B) 82. (C) 83. (B) 84. (B) 85. (C)
101. Animal driven cane planter is developed by— 86. (D) 87. (D) 88. (C) 89. (A) 90. (B)
(A) ICAR (B) CIAE 91. (E) 92. (A) 93. (A) 94. (A) 95. (A)
(C) IISR (D) IARI 96. (A) 97. (B) 98. (C) 99. (A) 100. (A)
(E) None of these 101. (C) 102. (A) 103. (A) 104. (A) 105. (A)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
4. Crop Production
(million tonnes)
(A) Total Cereals 260 2351 11·1 Third China, U.S.A.
—Wheat 76 606 12·5 Second China
—Rice (Paddy) 145 660 21·9 Second China
—Coarse grains 31 874 3·5 Fourth U.S.A., China, Brazil
—Total Pulses 14 56 25·4 First —
(B) Oilseeds
—Groundnut 9 37 24·7 Second China
—Rapeseed 7 51 14·7 Third China, Canada
5. Fruits & Vegetables
(million tonnes)
—Vegetables & 77 909 8·5 Second China
—Fruits 57 555 10·4 Second China
—Potatoes 22 309 7·1 Third China, Russian Federation
—Onion (dry) 8 66 12·4 Second China
6. Commercial Crops
(million tonnes)
(a) Sugarcane 356 1591 22·3 Second Brazil
(b) Tea 0·95 3·89 24·4 Second China
(c) Coffee (green) 0·29 7·79 3·7 Sixth Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia,
Indonesia, Ethiopia
(d) Jute & Jute like 2·01 3·24 62·1 First —
(e) Cotton (lint) 9·48 72·5 13·1 Third China, USA
(f) Tobaco leaves 0·52 6·2 8·4 Third China, Brazil
7. Livestock
(million heads)
(a) Cattle 177 1357 13·01 Second Brazil
(b) Buffalloes 99 177 57·7 First —
(c) Camels 0·63 24·25 2·6 Tenth Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia,
Niger, Mauritania, Kenya,
Mali, Pakistan, Chad
(d) Sheep 64 1087 5·9 Third China, Australia
(e) Goats 125 830 15·1 Second China
(f) Chicken 560 17863 3·1 Fifth China, USA, Indonesia, Brazil
8. Animal Products
(a) Total milk (000 t) 106100 679207 15·6 First —
(b) Total eggs 2670 63411 4·2 Third China, U.S.A.
(c) Total Meat (000 t) 6508 269149 2·4 Fifth China, USA, Brazil, Germany
9. Implements
(000 numbers*)
Tractor-in-use 2528 27632 9·1 Second USA
* Figures related to 2006
Source : (FAO)
Appendix 3
Current and Projected Food Production V/s Demand in 2020 in India
(million tonnes)
Year Rice Wheat Coarse Pulses Oilseeds Milk
cereals (2010-11)
2011-12 (Food Production) 103·41 90·23 41·91 17·02 30·06 121·8
2020 (Demand) 119 92 45·6 19·5 116
Source : India Vision-2020.
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Average Insecticide Intake through Food Products
S. No. Nations DDT BHC
1. Australia 20·0 —
2. Canada 10·8 2·5
3. Germany 149·0 —
4. U.K. (England) 12·0 —
5. U.S.A. (America) 6·5 1·1
6. Yugoslavia 98·0 62·0
7. India 238·1 124·4
Appendix 6
Long Stability Duration/Period of Some Important Pesticides
S.No. Pesticides Long stability duration
1. Arsenical (Inorganic) Uncertain
2. Chlorinated Hydrocarbon (DDT) 2–5 years
3. Organo-Phosphate (Malathion) 1–12 weaks
4. Carbamate 1–2 years
5. Tri-azine (Atrazine/ Simazine) 1–5 months
6. Phenoxy (2, 4-D; 2, 4, 5–T) 1–6 months
7. Phenuron (Propanil) 6–12 months
Appendix 7
(At current Price) (Rs. crore)
Plan Outlay-Agriculture & Allied Sector/Irrigation & Flood Control
Agriculture & Irrigation & Total (%)
Allied Sector Flood Control (both)
8th Plan (1992-97) 22467·2 (5·2%) 32525·3 (7·5%) 12·7%
9th Plan (1997-2002) 42462·0 (4·9%) 55420·0 (6·5%) 11·4%
10th Plan (2002-07) 58933·0 (3·9%) 103315·0 (6·8%) 10·6%
10th Plan Expenditure of % of Outlay 96·7% 98·8% 98·1%
(Source-11th Five Year Plan 2007-12)
Appendix 8
Consumption of Chemical s in Indian Agriculture during 50 Years
(Quantity-million ton)
S.No. Item 1950–51 1980–81 1990–91 2000–01
1. Insecticides 0·004 0·045 0·080 1·440
2. Herbicides — 0·001 0·0048 0·0092
3. Fertilizers 0·066 5·51 12·66 17·60
Appendix 9
Agricultural Universities of India
● SAU’s (State Agricultural Universities)–53 (Established year)
1. Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Universty, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad (A.P.) – 1964
2. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat (Assam) – 1969
3. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia (W.B.) – 1974
4. Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand) – 1981
5. Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.) – 1 March, 1975
6. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana) – 1970
7. Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra) – 1972
8. Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Distt. Solan (Himachal
Pradesh) – 1985
9. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand)
– 17 Nov., 1960 (Ist)
Appendix 11
About–ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
● Old Name—Imperial Council of Agricultural Research; Autonomous Body; Societies Registration
Act 1860, No. 21; 16 July, 1929 Estbd., New Delhi on the recommendation of Royal Commission
of Agriculture. It was reorganised twice, in 1965 & 1973, H.Q. Krishi Bhavan New Delhi & other
building at Pusa compus Krishi Anusandhan Bhavans I & II & NASC New Delhi.
● Re-named—After Independence (in 1947), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New
Delhi, under Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
● Organizations—
—National Institutes-5—IARI, New Delhi; IVRI, Izatnagar; NDRI, Karnal and CIFE (Central
Institute of Fisheries Education), Mumbai (Maharashtra); NAARM–National Academy of
Agricultural Research & Management, Hyderabad (A.P.); Agricultural Sciences-43 and (Total-48
—National Bureaux-5—Agricultural Science-3; NBPGR, New Delhi & NBSS & LUP, Nagpur
and NBAIM. i.e., of Agriculturally Important Micro-organism, New Delhi and Animal Sciences
(2)– NBAGR i.e., Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal; NBFGR, i.e., Fish Genetic Resources,
—Project Directorates-12—(Agricultural Science-8 and Animal Sciences-4).
—National Research Centres-32—(Agricultural Sciences-23; Animal Sciences & Fisheries-7 and
General-2) but w.e.f. 1 April, 2009—9 NRC’s have been upgraded to Directorate viz. (i) NRC—
Weed Science, Jabalpur; (ii) NRC—R & M, Bharatpur; (iii) NRC—G.Nut Junagarh; (iv) NRC—
Soyabean, Indore; (v) NRC—Cashew Puttur (Karnataka); (vi) NRC—Mushroom, Solan (H.P.);
(vii) NRC—Onion & Garlic, Pune; (viii) NRC for Women in Agric., Bhubaneshwar and (ix)
NRC—Cold Water Fisheries Nainital (Uttaranchal).
—All India Co-ordinated Research Projects-76—Crop Sciences-30; Horticulture-13; NRM
(Natural Resource Management)-12; Engineering & Technology-6; Animal Sciences & Fisheries-
14 and Education-1.
—Agricultural Universities—SAU’s– 42; Central Agric. Univ.-1 (Imphal, Manipur), Deemed to
be University-5; and Central Institutes related to Agriculture– 4; AMU, Aligarh; BHU, Varanasi
Visva Bharati, Sriniketan (W.B.) and School of Agricultural Sciences & Rural Development,
Nagaland University Medziphema (Nagaland)
● About—IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute)
—Originally est. at Pusa (Bihar) in 1905 at ‘Naulakha’ farm (Samastipur dis.) having 16000 acre
land – Fully financed by American Philanthropist–Mr. Henry Phipps and foundation stone by the
then vicesory & Governor General of India–Mr. Baron curzon of kedleston in 1905. Due to
damaged building by Earthquake, it was shifted & started at New Delhi in 1936. Deemed-to be–
University in 1956 for MSC & PhD. Agric. courses and UGC Act 1956. Ist Dean of IARI New
Delhi–New Pusa was R.W. cummings.
● First Agricultural Colleges established in India in 1905—Sabour (Bihar), Kanpur (U.P.),
Nagpur (Maharashtra), Pune (Maharashtra), Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and Layalpur (now in
Pakistan, earlier in Punjab).
Appendix 12
Indian Societies/Association Related to Agriculture (Estb. Year)
● Indian Society of Agronomy (ISA, IARI, New Delhi, 1955); Agil. Sciences (ISAS New Delhi,
1979); Agril. Chemistry (ISAC, Allahabad, 1968); Cotton Improvement (ISCI, Bombay, 1975);
Coastal Agril. Research (ISCAS, Canning Town, West Bengal, 1982–83); Genetics & Plant
Breeding (ISGPB, New Delhi, 1941); Mycology and Plant Pathology (ISMPP, Udaipur, 1971);
Plant Genetic Resources (ISPGR, New Delhi, 1987), Plant Physiology (ISPP, New Delhi, 1958);
Pulse Research & Development (ISPRD, Kanpur, 1987); Soil Science (ISSS, New Delhi, 1934);
Weed Science (ISWS, Hisar, 1968).
● Indian Virological Society, Hisar (1948); Indian Water Resource Society, Roorkee (1980);
Horticulture Society of India, New Delhi (1942); Sugarcane Technologists Assoc. of India (1925);
Arid Zone Resource Association of India, Jodhpur (1962); Agricultural Society of India, Kolkata
(1957-58); Plant Protection Association of India, Hyderabad (1972).
Appendix 13
8. Sesamum
—Oil to seeds crushed 40%
—Cake to seeds crushed 60%
9. Rapeseed and Mustard
—Oil to seeds crushed 33%
—Cake to seeds crushed 67%
10. Coconut
—Copra to nuts One tonne of Copra = 6773 nuts
—Oil to Copra crushed 62%
—Cake to Copra crushed 38%
11. Niger seed
—Oil to seeds crushed 28%
—Cake to seeds crushed 72%
12. Kardi seed
—Oil to seeds crushed 40%
—Cake to seeds crushed 60%
13. Mahua seed
—Oil to seeds crushed 36%
—Cake to seeds crushed 34%
14. Neem seed
—Oil to Kernel crushed 45–50%
—Cake to Kernel crushed 50–55%
15. Jute
—100 yards of hessian 54 lb of raw jute
—4,148 yards of hessian 1 ton of raw jute
5·55 bales of raw jute (of 180 kg each)
—1 tonne of sacking 1·11 tonnes of raw jute
6·17 bales of raw jute (of 180 kg each)
—1 tonne of hessian, sacking each …… 1·05 tonnes of raw jute
5·85 bales of raw jute (of 180 kg each)
16. Lac
—Seed lac –66% of stick lac
—Shell lac –57·4% of stick lac/or 87% of seed lac
17. Cashew nuts
—Cashew Kernels 25% of Cashew nuts
18. Butter & Ghee
—Butter from mixed milk 6·9%
—Ghee from mixed milk 5·5%
Appendix 14
Plants Indicating Deficiencies of Plant Nutrients
Primary/Manurial Nutrients Secondary Nutrients Micro-nutrients
Plant Indicator Plants Plant Indicator Plant Indicator Plants
Nutrients Nutrients Plants Nutrients
(1) N Maize, Apple, Citrus, (1) Ca Berseem (1) Bo Berseem, Turnip,
Peach Apple, Pear
(2) P Tomato, Barley, (2) Mg Potato, Cauli- (2) Cu Citrus, Maize, Toba-
Maize flower, Apple cco, Barley, Tomato,
(3) K Cereal crops, Potato, (3) S Berseem, (3) Fe Cauliflower, Citrus,
Lucerne, Bean, Barley, Banana
Tobacco, Carrot, Soybean,
Sugarcane Tobacco
(4) Mn Apple, Cherry, Citrus
(5) Mo Tomato, Palak, Cauli-
flower, Sugarbeet
(6) Zn Citrus, Tomato, Oat
(7) Cl Tomato, Maize, Bean
Appendix 14A
Plant/Soil Nutrients Researchers/Originated Year
● Nitrogen—Daniel Rutherford (1772) ● Bromine—Balard (1826)
● Phosphorus—Brand (1674) ● Manganese (Mn)—Gaan (1774)
● Ammonia—F.G. Haber (1908) ● Hydrogen—Berzellius & Others (1803)
● Oxygen—J. Priestley (1774) ● Nickel—A. Cronsted (1751)
● Aluminium—H.C. Oersted (1827) ● Active Nitrogen—R.J. Strut (1910)
● Magnesium—S. Humphrey Davy (1755) ● 16 Essential plant nutrients by Arnone
● Ozone—Crispian Sconban (1839) California (UAS) scientist (1954)—CHO (3),
● Silicon—John Berzellius (1824) NPK (3), Ca MgS (3), Fe, Mn, BO, ZN Cu Cl
● Vanadium—Safstrome (1830) Mo (7-micro-nutrients).
● Chromium—Vakvalin (1797)
● Chlorine—Shile (1774)
● Iodine—B. Cortosis (1811)
Appendix 15
Optimum Concentration of Plant Micro-nutrients for Foliar Spray
S. No. Nutrient Compound/ Soil Application Foliar Spray
Chemical (kg/ha)*
1. Zinc (Zn) ZnSO4 .7H2 O 25–50 0·5% ZnSO4 + 0·25% lime
2. Iron (Fe) FeSO4 .7H2 O 20–40 0·4% FeSO4 + 0·2% lime
3. Copper (Cu) CuSO4.5H2 O 10–50 0·1% CuSO4 + 0·05% lime
4. Manganese (Mn) MnSO 4 .3H2 O 20–40 0·6% MnSO4 + 0·03% lime
5. Boron (Bo) — 5–20 0·2% Borax
6. Molybdenum (Mo) Sodium Molybdate 0·5 0·5% Sodium Molybdate
* Quantity/rate of soil application depends upon soil condition and type.
Appendix 16
Appendix 17
Appendix 18
Conversion Factor
● NO3 = N × 4·54
● N(%) = NO3 × 0·22
● P = P 2 O5 × 0·44
● P 2 O5 = P × 2·29
● K = K2O × 0·83
● K2O = K × 1·20
● Ca = CaO × 0·71
● CaO = Ca × 1·40
● Mg = MgO × 0·61
● MgO = Mg × 1·63
● Organic Matter (OM) = Organic Carbon (O.C.) × 1·724
(Since, 58% O.C. found in 100 % O.M.; say; O.M. contains 58% O.C.)
● 2000 ppm solution means 0·2% or 2g/litre water for spray.
Appendix 19
Appendix 20
Temperature Changes
Temperatures : Celsius (Centigrade) and Fahrenheit
Celsius (°°C) Fahrenheit (°°F)
–17·8° 0°
–10° 14°
0° 32°
10° 50°
20° 68°
30° 86°
40° 104°
50° 122°
60° 140°
70° 158°
80° 176°
90° 194°
100° 212°
Note : (i) To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit : multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32.
Example : 10°C × 9 = 90 ÷ 5 = 18 + 32 = 50°F
(ii) To convert Fahrenheit into Celsius : subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9.
Example : 86°F – 32 = 54 × 5 = 270 ÷ 9 = 30°C
C F – 32
(iii) Formula : =
5 9
Appendix 21
Production Share (%) and first three ranks of Important Fruits and
Vegetables in India
S.No. Fruits Production Rank S.No. Vegetables Production Rank
Share (%) Share (%)
1. Banana 33·0 I 1. Potato 27·8 I
2. Mango 23·3 II 2. Brinjal 9·4 II
3. Citrus Group 11·1 III 3. Tomato 8·4 III
4. Papaya 6·0 — 4. Tapioca 7·4 —
5. Guava 4·0 — 5. Cabbage 6·4 —
6. Grapes 2·8 — 6. Onion 5·9 —
7. Apple 2·7 — 7. Cauliflower 5·5 —
8. Pineapple 2·7 — 8. Lady’s Finger (Okra) 3·8 —
9. Sapota 1·4 — 9. Peas 2·3 —
10. Litchi 0·8 — 10. Sweet-Potato 1·3 —
11. Others 12·0 — 11. Others 22·0 —
Source : Annual Report 2010-11, Agric. & Co-op. Deptt. Agric. Ministry (Govt. of India).
1. In total production of the world, India’s share of mango production-52·2% and of Banana-11%
2. The productivity of grape of India is maximum in the world.
3. India’s share in world, for vegetables is 13·28% and for fruits 10%.
4. India is the largest producer of mango, banana, sapota and citrus in the world.
5. India ranks II (next to China) in area & production of vegetables; ranking first in production of
cauliflower; II in onion and III rank in cabbage in the world.
Appendix 22
Horticulture Related—Flowers & Trees Convey Some Feelings
Flowers Feelings Trees Feelings
Alyssum Worth Beyound Beauty Acacia Tree Permanence
Anemone Forsaken Apricot Fruitfulness
Blue Bell Constancy Aspidistra Strength
Basil Hatred Bamboo Youth, Perseverance and good luck
Candituft Indifference Begonia Perfect Yin/Yang Balance
Carnation Refusal Cherry Fruitfulness
Chrysanthemum (red) Love Camellia Evergreen
Chrysanthemum (white) Truth Chrysanthemum Endurance and long life
Daffodil Regard Cypress Nobility
Forget-me-not True love Delphinium Consolidation
Geranium (dark) Melancholy Flowers Wealth
Golden Rose Precaution Gardenia Strength
Gladiolus Strength of character Hibiscus Abundance
Hibiscus Delicate Beauty Hydrangea Achievement
Iris Message Jasmine Friendship
Jasmine Amiability Juniper Tolerance
Lavender Distrust Lilies Profusion
Lilac (purple) First Love Lotus Determination
Lilac (white) Innocence Magnolia Fragrance
Morning glory Affection Old Man Longevity
Narcissus Egotism Orange Wealth
Pansy Thoughts Orchid Patience and endurance
Peony Bashfulness Peach Friendship
Primrose Early Youth Pear Long life
Poppy Fantastic Extravagance Peony Wealth
Snowdrop Hope Pine Tree Long life
Sweat Pea Departure Plum Beauty and youth
Sweet William Gallantry Pomegranate Fertility Red
Tulip (red) Declaration of love Happiness Prosperity
Tulip (yellow) Hopeless love Rhododendron Fragility
Violet (blue) Faithfulness Rose Beauty
Violet (yellow) Joy Water lily Fortitude
Verbena (white) Pure and Guileless Willow Grace
Xanthium Rudeness Wisteria Beauty
Zinnia Thoughts of absent friends
Appendix 23
Appendix 24
Appendix 25
(i) Agro-climatic & Agro-Eco Regions
(Total Agro-climatic Zones-15 and Agro-climatic Sub-Zones-72)
Appendix 26
Proverbs Related to Agriculture
(A) About Manures
● “Rich in manure, rich in fruit” —Atharva Veda Samhita, CIRCA 350 B.C.
● “No fodder, no cattle; no cattle, no manure; no manure, no crop.” —Ancient Tamil Proverb
● “A field without manure is as worthless as a cow without a calf.” —Ancient Telugu Proverb
● “Without manure, rice plants grow but do not bear a crop.” —Parasara, Circa, 1300 B.C.
(B) About Sowing and Soils
● “He should be acquainted with the manner of sowing seeds and with the good and bad
qualities of the soil.” —Manu Smriti, CIRCA The time of Christ
● “They manured their fields with a white chalk which they dug out of the ground.”
—Varra, 116-28 B.C.
● No one thrives by tilling sandy soil, and no one is ruined by ploughing clay.”
—Ancient Tamil Proverb
● “Black soil for gingelly (Sesamum/Til) and stony oil for gram’ —Ancient Tamil Proberb
(C) About Water Conservation
● “Ridges made of earth should at first be constructed for the purpose of dividing the fields and
for conserving water in the fields; and then the seed should be sowing.” —Khana (600 A.D.)
(D) About Soil and Plant Growth
● “The crops on a field diminish or increase in exact proportion to the mineral substances
conveyed to them in manure (fertilizer).” —Justus Von Liebig, 1803-1873
(E) About Soil Water—
● “Though you allow shade, allow no water to stand.” —Ancient Tamil Proverb
(F) About Weathering and Soil Formation—
● “A manure soil is one that has assumed the profile features characteristic of the predominant
soils on the smooth uplands within the general climatic and botanic region in which it is
found.” —C.F. Marbut, 1926
● “A geological deposit, the glacial till, the sandy deposits of the sand plains, the lake-laid or
marine clays, sands, silts, and gravels, the residual earth resulting from lock decay constitute
soil materials or parent materials of soils.” —C. F. Marbut, 1923
Appendix 27
Electronic Publication of Agricultural Research
Information Centre—ICAR New Delhi
(A) CDs on ‘ITK’
● Inventory of Indigenous (Inherited) Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Agriculture-Document 1.
● Inventory of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Agriculture-Document-2.
● Inventory of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Agriculture-Document 2 (Supplement
● Validation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Agriculture-Document 3.
● NARD-CD (2002-03)—Covers Abstracts of Articles published in Agriculture Periodicals in
● Indian Farming CD (1995-2000)—Covers the full text articles published during 1995-2000.
● Indian Horticulture CD (1991-2000)—Covers the full text articles published during 1991-2000.
(B) Kisan Call Centres
Toll Free Telephone No.—1800–180–1551. (Total Call Centres–144 at 28 locations) (w.e.f. 21
Feb., 2004)
(C) Krishi Darshan, New Delhi
Toll Free No. 1800-11-1112
(D) Consumer National Helpline No—1800-11-4000