PVC Dan Ventriculat Tachicardi
PVC Dan Ventriculat Tachicardi
PVC Dan Ventriculat Tachicardi
RVOT/LVOT Tachycardia
• Termination of VT by adenosine
diagnostic of a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) dependent
mechanism mediated by triggered activity dependent on DAD
2. Myocardium extends above the semilunar valves into the great arteries.
2. Myocardium extends above the semilunar valves into the great arteries.
posterior RVOT
• Aging may draw the aortic valve down in a vertical tilt in relation to the pulmonic
• RCC tachycardias can exhibit a QRS complex in lead II > lead III and a
biphasic (positive/negative) complex in lead aVL.
• The LCC remains superior and exhibits a positive QRS in the frontal plane axis.
• In young patients with a vertical heart, the QRS complex in lead I may be
negative in and around both the LCC and RCC regions.
• In patients with a horizontal heart, the area surrounding the aortic valve will be
directed rightward relative to the LV apex/lateral wall, and a positive QRS
complex in lead I can be seen.
ECG of Ventricular Outflow Tract Tachycardia
unique ECG
• QS morphology in lead V1 with notching on
the downward deflection
• precordial transition at lead V3
• presence of late potentials in sinus rhythm at
the site of successful ablation
Precordial transition by lead V3 13 (87%) of 15 patients with notch in V1 3 of 13 (23%) patients p<0.01
with notch in V1
• VT originating further leftward across the anterior mitral annulus : the R wave
in lead I diminishes and a broad, positive R wave is seen in lead V1.
Idiopathic Epicardial LV VT
• Perivascular sites of origin
• Catecholamine enhanced, adenosine sensitive
• 5~10% of idiopathic VT