MP Galvanizado Marino
MP Galvanizado Marino
MP Galvanizado Marino
in Tropical Marine
m/s). Corrosion rates reach 921.70 µm/y
(36.29 mpy) for steel, 8.88 µm/y (0.35
mpy) for copper, and 26.53 µm/y (1.05
mpy) for zinc (these corrosion rates go
well beyond the range established for a
global investigation project dicular to the direction of the prevailing
was initiated to study the winds. The stations were placed at two
performance of galvanized different heights: 44 m and 117 m above
structures in tropical marine the Lake Maracaibo level. There were two
environments. This article types of galvanized test probes: structural
describes the results of the pieces from the towers, ~1-m long by 50-
study and makes recommen- mm wide, placed for 36 months’ exposure
dations on more effective corrosion protec- and 150- by 100- by 3-mm galvanized
tion for those atmospheres. The study in- steel sheets, placed for 22 months’ expo-
cluded two evaluation phases for metallic sure to this aggressive environment.
and nonmetallic coating systems. Visual evaluation was done in the same
Visual Inspection of the Towers
After 36 Months’ Exposure
Figure 2 shows one of the towers where
some of the stations are located. Visual
inspection of the towers revealed severe
corrosion in the area exposed to the pre-
vailing winds, where there is no longer
any zinc because of the erosive action of
the winds on the corrosion products. Ero-
sion varies with the height, being more
severe at higher levels. This erosion effect
was not observed on the leeward (down-
wind) side (Figure 3), as there was corro-
sion on 100% of the surface, with the
characteristic white products on galva- Towers (Cruce del Lago de Maracaibo project).
nized steel exposed to marine environ-
White products on galvanized steel exposed to marine environments. Probes Exposed in the Stations
for 22 Months
In these plates, there is evidence of the
same behavior as that on the structural
FIGURE 4 elements of the towers. The corrosion rate
for galvanized steel, using the plates ex-
posed at the Lake Maracaibo crossing, is
52.92 µm/y in the area facing the prevail-
ing winds; this rate coincides with the
deterioration found at the towers (~80 µm
galvanized coating, completely gone after
a two-year exposure) and 35 µm/y in the
leeward area. These corrosion rates are high
for galvanized steel, since ISO 92237 con-
siders values of 8.4 µm/y for the category
of greatest corrosiveness (C5). These results
indicate that this coating is not the best for
climates with a high presence of chlorides,
high RH, and especially high wind
Initial phase of the exfoliation process. speeds.
The maximum corrosion rate for steel,
estimated by gravimetric techniques, was
233 µm/y. This also indicates how highly
FIGURE 5 aggressive the medium is (>C5 according
to ISO 9223); considerably lower values
were obtained in other stations previously
studied at ground level in areas surround-
ing the region under study.8 The aggres-
siveness of the study area is higher than
the one found in the Iberoamerican proj-
ect (MICAT), where the highest corrosion
rate found for zinc was 4.5 µm/y, com-
pared with 52.92 µm/y in the parts of the
towers facing the prevailing winds. Wind
action, which was not a factor in the sta-
tions used in the MICAT project, accounts
for the high corrosion rate of zinc at the
Lake Maracaibo crossing. Figure 5 shows
the chloride ion and sulfur dioxide (SO2)
concentrations in the atmosphere sur-
Metereochemical agents at El Cruce del Lago de Maracaibo. rounding the test station throughout one
year. Notice the high concentration during
1. M. Morcillo, E. Almeida, F. Fragata, Z. Panossian,
O. Trocónis de Rincón, et al., “Corrosión y Protección de
los Metales en las Atmósferas de Iberoamérica, Parte II:
Protección Anticorrosivo de Metales en las Atmósferas de
Iberoamérica,” CYTED (Madrid, España: Red Temática
2. M. Morcillo, E. Almeida, B. Rosales, J. Uruchurtu,
M. Marrocos, M. Prato, O. Trocónis de Rincón, et al.,
“Corrosión y Protección de los Metales en las Atmosferas
de Iberoamerica, Parte I, Mapas Iberoamericanos de Cor-
rosión Atmosférica (Proyecto MICAT)” (Madrid, España:
CYTED, 1999).
3. O.T. de Rincón, A. Rincón, M. Fernández de
Romero, M. Sánchez, A.I. de Rincón, M. del R. Prato, M.
Fernández, Venezuelan Group of Atmospheric Corrosivity,
“Mapas de Corrosividad Atmosférica de Venezuela,” Revista
Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad del Zulia
23, 1 (2000): pp. 3-13.
4. ISO 2810, “Paints and Varnishes—Natural Weath-
ering of Coatings—Exposure and Assessment” (Geneva,
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