Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

The Risk Likelihood Consequences Level of Risk Pre-emptive Response

Burn from hot lights D - Unlikely 3 – Moderate M - Moderate Provide gloves First aid will
damage and Risk for use with be used. GP or
minor lights. First Ambulance will
disruption aid advice will be called if
be explained necessary.
before setting
up lights.

Trip over wires B - Likely 4 – Extensive H – High Risk Use tape to Check for
damage and tape down the injuries, check
major wires, give all for damaged
disruption team members equipment. GP
notice. or Ambulance
will be called
if necessary.

Electric Shock E - Rare 5 – Possible H – High Risk Run electrical Check for
Death or check of all injuries, check
electrical equipment, only for damaged
burns. Major use plugs that equipment. GP
disruption are in working or Ambulance
order. will be called.
Risk Assessment

Falling Equipment B - Likely 4 – Extensive H – High Risk Ensure Check for

damage and stability of injuries of
major all equipment, people, check
disruption making sure all for damaged
the knobs, equipment. Get
bolts, nuts are backup
secured. equipment if
anything is
damaged. GP or
Ambulance will
be called if

Fire D - Unlikely 5 – Possible H – High Risk Ensure smoke Attempt to put

Death or alarms, water out the fire
seriously sprinklers and with
injured, fire extinguishers,
damaged extinguishers however, do not
property are on hand. put life at
risk. Press the
fire alarm (If
there is one),
phone the fire
service and
exit the

Heavy lifting and C - Moderate 3 – Moderate M - Moderate Don’t lift GP or Ambulance

moving damage and Risk what’s too will be called
minor heavy. Use 2 if necessary.
disruption people to move
stuff if
Risk Assessment

Overheating C - Moderate 3 – Moderate M - Moderate Run equipment First aid will

damage and Risk before use. Do be used. GP or
minor not touch Ambulance will
disruption anything that be called if
is known to be necessary.
very hot, such
as lights.

Stolen equipment E - Rare 2 – Major L – Low Risk Ensure all Call 999 in an
disruption. equipment is emergency and
secured. Deter 101 in a non-
thieves by emergency. Get
always staying CCTV checked if
around your you can.
equipment. Do
not leave
Always put
equipment away
in the correct
Risk Assessment

Lost equipment E - Rare 1 – Major L – Low Risk Ensure all Search for
disruption. equipment is equipment.
placed in an Always report
assigned the incident to
location, or director,
always place it tutors,
in a known spot building
that is around managers etc.
team members.
Do not leave
Always put
equipment away
in the correct

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