Amigable Vs Cuenca
Amigable Vs Cuenca
Amigable Vs Cuenca
JD – 1
Llb111 – Constitutional Law 1 – 7003
Victoria Amigable is the registered owner of Lot No. 639 of the Banilad Estate in
Cebu City. The Transfer Certificate has no annotation in favor of the government
of any right or interest in the property appears at the back of the certificate. The
government used a portion of said lot, with an area of 6,167 square meters, for
the construction of the Mango and Gorordo Avenues.
On March 27, 1958 Amigable's counsel wrote a letter to the President, requesting
payment of the portion of her lot which had been appropriated by the government
and was disallowed by the Auditor General on its 9th Indorsement dated
December 9, 1958.
Amigable filed in the court a complaint against the Republic of the Philippines
and Cuenca in his capacity as Commissioner of Public Highways for the recovery
of ownership and possession of the 6,167 square meters of land traversed by the
Mango and Gorordo Avenues and a payment of compensatory damages.
1. Whether the appellant may properly sue the government.
Yes. The aggrieved party may properly maintain a suit against the government
without violating the doctrine of immunity from suit. The doctrine of immunity from
suit cannot serve as instrument for perpetratin an injustice to a citizen.