Cel 2103 - Class Material Week 6 - Body Paragraph - Teacher
Cel 2103 - Class Material Week 6 - Body Paragraph - Teacher
Cel 2103 - Class Material Week 6 - Body Paragraph - Teacher
A body paragraph is a group of related sentences about a particular topic or idea directly
relating to the thesis. All body paragraphs have a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
In an argumentative essay, the topic sentence serves a number of functions.
Activity 1
Answer the questions below.
Activity 2
Read the body paragraphs below, underline the topic sentence and answer the following
Body paragraph 1
One of the strongest supporting claims is the physical harms of marijuana. 2Bierson (2000)
stated that Heath's tests of the monkey's brain seemed to show conclusive evidence of brain
damage. 3Current studies, however, show no evidence of brain damage (controlling idea)
caused by marijuana (topic). 4In fact, Bierson’s findings were discredited as the monkeys used
in the study were given extremely high doses, exponentially higher than that of the average
recreational or medical marijuana user. 5Several other studies on the effects of marijuana on
the human reproductive and immune systems have also failed to demonstrate any adverse
effects. 6As a result, the claims of physical damage to both the reproductive and immune
system are invalid.
1. Which sentence(s) contain the opposing view?
Sentence number: 1 (Opposing view) and 2 (Supporting point for the opposing view)
2. Highlight the topic and the controlling idea.
3. Circle the transition signal of contrast.
Body paragraph 2
Until now, many say that it is morally wrong to replace human beings with robots. 2The
arguments stated that it is unethical to deprive real people of their job, merely for the sake of
efficiency. 3If efficiency was the only concern, the arguments might be accurate.
Nevertheless, these arguments do not take into account the consequences of human failings
in the workplace (controlling idea). 5In surgery for example, a doctor’s arm may shake. 6A
minimally invasive surgical robot, on the other hand, will always make the right cut (Manjoo,
2011). 7It would be truly immoral for society to be concerned about the doctor’s job at the
expense of the patient’s health.
1. Which sentence(s) contain the opposing view?
Sentence number: 1 (Opposing view) and 2 (Supporting point for the opposing view)
2. Highlight the topic and the controlling idea.
The topic is not stated as it has been mentioned in the opposing argument.
3. Circle the transition signal of contrast.
A. What is the difference between the way the topic sentences are written in paragraph 1 and
paragraph 2?
The topic sentence in paragraph 1 mentions the topic, while the topic sentence in
paragraph 2 does not. Since in an argumentative paragraph, the topic sentence is written
after the opposing argument, stating the topic is optional as usually, the topic has already
been mentioned in the opposing argument.
B. Which is the most effective in indicating the main idea of the body paragraph?
(Answer vary. Each style serves a different fiction)
Activity 3
Besides the transition signals of contrast found in Activity 2, complete the topic sentences
below with other suitable transition signals of contrast.
1. On the other hand/ Nonetheless, there are many schools that have lessened the issues of
bullying without implementing a school uniform policy.
3. On the other hand/ Nonetheless, the extreme exposure of adolescents to television,
specifically to commercials shown in television has become a growing concern.
4. Some parents, educators, and civil liberties groups continue to oppose single-sex classes;
Nonetheless, there is some evidence that separating boys and girls in middle school
produces positive results.
5. Supporters say that smokers should have a right to smoke despite the fact that smoking
will most likely kill those who do it.
Activity 4
Complete the brainstorm forms below by adding the rebuttal arguments. Use the information
to construct the topic sentences for each body paragraph.
Debatable Issue
Smoking should be banned in all public places.
Debatable Issue
Formal examinations at public universities should be abolished.
Can use other less stressful and effective Creative teaching and learning methods are
ways such as class assignments more effective motivators
Dietary habits
Debatable Issue
Restricting food consumption is the most effective way to lose weight
Restricting the number of meals will Snacking should be avoided all together as
drastically decrease the intake of calories. it will only lead to excessive energy intake.
Constructing Effective Supporting Sentences and Supporting Details for the Body
In constructing body paragraphs for argumentative essays, supporting points and supporting
details are used to support the opposing view and rebuttal arguments.
Activity 5
Write the purpose of supporting points and details in the space provided.
➢ Supporting points contain elaboration and explanation for both opposing views and
rebuttal arguments.
Activity 6
Complete the tables below by writing the supporting points for the opposing views and rebuttal
arguments. Use the information from Excerpt 1 and 2 for the supporting details.
Excerpt 1
School uniforms emphasize the socio-economic divisions they are supposed to eliminate.
Most public schools with uniform policies are in poor neighborhoods, emphasizing the class
distinctions that uniforms were supposed to eliminate. According to the National Center for
Education Statistics, 47% of high-poverty public schools required school uniforms, while only
6% of low-poverty public schools required them. On the issue of bullying, however, opponents
have said that school uniforms have no positive effect on behavior. No evidence in bullying
literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms, instead bullies will
simply find another way to judge status. According to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Office of Education Evaluation and Management, fights in middle schools nearly doubled
within one year of introducing mandatory uniforms.
Excerpt 2
Traditionally favored by private and conservative institutions, school uniforms are being
adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers. About one in five US public schools
(21%) required students to wear uniforms during the 2015-2016 school year, up from one in
eight in 2003-2004. Mandatory uniform policies in public schools are found more commonly in
high-poverty areas. The Children's Commission on Poverty (UK) found that over "95% of
parents on low incomes reported difficulties in meeting school-related costs," including
uniforms, despite their children attending tuition-free schools. In York County, it is reported
that some children were missing class because their families couldn't afford to purchase the
required uniforms.
Opposing view
School uniforms reduce peer pressure and is effective in eliminating incidences of bullying.
Supporting Point
Possible answers:
• When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing
choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less
fashionable outfits can be eliminated.
• When the students are the same in terms of their appearance, it gives them a sense
of belonging and a feeling of being socially accepted.
Supporting Point
Possible answers:
• School uniform may eliminate one type of bullying but not the other.
• There are other causes of bullying that may not be related to appearance.
Supporting Detail
• There is no evidence in bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due
to school uniforms, instead bullies will simply find another way to judge status.
Opposing view
School uniforms can save parents’ money.
Supporting Point
Possible answers:
• Many schools which require one specific daily uniform can purchase clothing in bulk,
saving money for disadvantaged families.
• Without school uniform policies, parents may feel pressure to compete with other
families in purchasing fashionable clothes for their children.
Supporting Point
Possible answers:
• Most children need 2-3 different school uniforms in order to make it through the
• Parents still need to buy regular clothes for their children to wear when they are out
of school.
Supporting Detail
• The Children's Commission on Poverty (UK) found that over "95% of parents on low
incomes reported difficulties in meeting school-related costs," including uniforms,
despite their children attending tuition-free schools.