Determination of Sperm Sex Ratio in Bovine Semen Using Multiplex Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Determination of Sperm Sex Ratio in Bovine Semen Using Multiplex Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Determination of Sperm Sex Ratio in Bovine Semen Using Multiplex Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Open Access
Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci.
Vol. 27, No. 10 : 1411-1416 October 2014
pISSN 1011-2367 eISSN 1976-5517
ABSTRACT: Gender selection is important in livestock industries; for example, female calves are required in the dairy industry. Sex-
sorted semen is commonly used for the production of calves of the desired gender. However, assessment of the sex ratio of the sorted
semen is tedious and expensive. In this study, a rapid, cost effective and reliable method for determining the sex ratio was developed
using a multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. In this assay, the X and Y chromosome-specific markers, i.e., bovine
proteolipid protein (PLP) gene and sex-determining region Y (SRY) were simultaneously quantified in a single tube. The multiplex real-
time PCR assay was shown to have high amplification efficiencies (97% to 99%) comparable to the separated-tube simplex real-time
PCR assay. The results obtained from both assays were not significantly different (p>0.05). The multiplex assay was validated using
reference DNA of known X ratio (10%, 50%, and 90%) as templates. The measured %X in semen samples were the same within 95%
confidence intervals as the expected values, i.e., >90% in X-sorted semen, <10% in Y-sorted semen and close to 50% in the unsorted
semen. The multiplex real-time PCR assay as shown in this study can thus be used to assess purity of sex-sorted semen. (Key Words:
Sperm Sex Ratio, Sex Determination, Sexed Semen, Multiplex Real-time polymerase chain reaction)
DNA sequences on sex chromosomes have been reported the same fluorophore, FAM. BHQ-1 quencher was
which can be used to identify the sex of individual incorporated at the 3′ end of all probes to permit fluorescent
spermatozoa and sex ratios of spermatozoa in semen detection of specific product. All primers and probes were
(Colley et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2011). However, accurate synthesized from Biosearch Technologies, Inc., Novato, CA,
determination of the sex ratio by single-sperm PCR requires USA.
analysis of a large number of individual sperm, which is
laborious and expensive. In contrast, the sex ratio of semen Construction of reference DNA
can be determined accurately and more simply by Two recombinant plasmids containing the amplified
quantitative real-time PCR (Parati et al., 2006). In this section of the PLP gene (p-PLP) and SRY sequence (p-
technique, fluorescent labeled-Taqman probes are used to SRY) were constructed and used as reference templates for
detect DNA sequences on each sex chromosome in two quantification of the sex-related DNA sequences. Each
separate reaction tubes, one specific for bovine proteolipid DNA fragment was amplified using primers as described in
protein (PLP) gene located on the X chromosome and Table 1. The fragments were then purified and cloned into
another for sex-determining region Y (SRY) located on the pDrive cloning vector using a QIAGEN PCR Cloning
Y chromosome. The result obtained from the real-time PCR Kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany) according to the
was proven to be not significantly different from that manufacturer’s instruction. The recombinant plasmids were
obtained by flow cytometry reanalysis. However, since the extracted using a QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (Qiagen
quantification of both genes was done in separate tubes, GmbH, Germany). Plasmid concentrations were quantified
imprecision in dispensing a small amount of the DNA spectrophotometrically at 260 nm using NanoDrop1000
template into each reaction tube may compound error in spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.,
estimation of the sex ratio in the sample. Therefore, in this Wilmington, DE, USA). Both plasmids were mixed at a
study, we aimed to develop a multiplex real-time PCR ratio of 1:1, and ten-fold serial dilutions ranging from 10 pg
technique to simultaneously quantify both genes in a single to 1 fg (approximately 2.33E+06 to 2.33E+02 plasmid
tube to eliminate bias due to pipetting error and thus copies) were used to construct a standard curve for
provide better estimation of the sperm sex ratio. quantification. Different ratios of p-PLP and p-SRY, i.e., 1:9
Furthermore, combining the reaction into one tube is also (X10), 1:1 (X50), and 9:1 (X90) at a final concentration of
more efficient in terms of the reagent used, and time and 100 fg were used as known ratio templates to validate the
labor needed to conduct the test. method.
primers were added into the same reaction tube at a final estimated using the assumption that the sum of X and Y
concentration of 400 nM each, and 200 nM of each probe contents in each sample equals 100%.
(labeled with different fluorophores) were added into the
same tube. An iCycler iQ real-time PCR detection system Determination of sperm sex ratio by multiplex real-time
(Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, USA) was used polymerase chain reaction
for real-time PCR. The amplification conditions consisted For the multiplex real-time PCR, two fluorescent
of initial denaturation and enzyme activation at 95°C for 10 signals were generated from each reaction tube, namely the
min, followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for Orange 560 signal from X amplification and the FAM
60 s. The fluorescent signals were measured at the end of signal from Y amplification. A standard curve was
each amplification cycle. Analysis of the signals for constructed from each fluorescent channel and a threshold
determination of the threshold cycles (Ct) was done using line of each fluorescent channel was defined using the same
CFX manager software version 1.1 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, criteria as the simplex PCR. Quantification of X and Y
Inc., USA). contents as well as the sperm sex ratio were calculated in a
similar fashion to those from the simplex PCR.
Semen samples and DNA extraction
The samples used in this study comprised two X-sorted Validation of the multiplex real-time polymerase chain
semen samples, one Y-sorted semen sample, and three reaction assay
unsorted semen samples. The sorted semen samples Sperm sex ratios presented as percentage of X
containing spermatozoa of one sex at greater than 90% chromosome-bearing spermatozoa (%X) obtained from the
purity was purchased from Accelerated Genetics, Inc., multiplex real-time PCR were compared with those
Baraboo, WI, USA. Three unsorted semen were purchased obtained from the simplex real-time PCR. A total of nine
from the Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of samples used in this experiment included three samples of
Thailand. known %X reference plasmids (X10%, X50%, and X90%),
Each frozen semen sample was thawed and centrifuged two X-sorted semen samples, one Y-sorted semen sample,
at 500×g for 10 min to collect the sperm pellet. The pellet and three unsorted semen samples. Each sample was tested
was then washed with 500 μL phosphate buffered saline, in triplicate independent PCRs. For each PCR, the samples
centrifuged at 500×g for 5 min, and the supernatant was were tested in duplicate reaction tubes and the average
discarded. Then, 10 μL of 1 M dithiothreitol, 10 μL of 1 M values were used to calculate the mean, standard deviation
proteinase K and 100 μL of 5% w/v chelex 100 resin (Bio- (SD), and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of the
Rad Laboratories, Inc., USA) were added to the sperm triplicate experiments. Validity of the multiplex real-time
pellet. All reagents were mixed and incubated overnight at PCR assay was assessed by comparing the expected values
56°C. The cell debris was removed by centrifugation at (from the reference plasmids) to those obtained from the
1,000×g for 5 min. Then, the crude DNA extract was further measurement. The assay was considered valid when all
purified using a Wizard genomic DNA purification Kit expected values fell within 95% CI of the measured values.
(Promega, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol. Agreement between the sex ratio estimated from the
The DNA concentration was measured multiplex real-time PCR and the simplex real-time PCR
spectrophotometrically at 260 nm. assay was assessed using a two-tailed paired t-test with
significance level of p<0.05. The equality of variances
Determination of sperm sex ratio by simplex real-time between the methods was tested using Levene’s test.
polymerase chain reaction
For the simplex real-time PCR, the fluorescent signals RESULTS
from both X and Y amplifications were measured from the
same channel (FAM). A single threshold line for Standard curves and amplification efficiency
determination of the Ct can be defined for both X and Y Standard curves showing relationship between the
amplification. The threshold was set approximately in the amount of template (copy number, logC) and Ct for each
middle of the exponential increase of the signal from sex-related DNA from the simplex and multiplex assays are
positive samples. A standard curve showing relationship shown in Figure 1 and 2, respectively. All curves fitted to
between Ct and copy number of the template for each sex- linear regression models with correlation coefficient
specific DNA was constructed using the reference plasmid (r)>0.99. For the simplex PCR, the general linear equations
DNA. Each sex-specific DNA from the test samples was obtained from the three runs can be represented as: Ct_X =
then quantified using the corresponding standard curves, i.e., 35.40–3.34 logC for X amplification and Ct_Y = 36.12–
X from X-standard curve and Y from Y-standard curve. The 3.39 logC for Y amplification. For the multiplex PCR, the
percentage of X content (%X) and Y content (%Y) were equations for X and Y were: Ct_X = 40.56.16–3.39 logC
1414 Khamlor et al. (2014) Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci. 27:1411-1416
(A) (A)
(B) (B)
Figure 1. Standard curves and linear equations obtained from the Figure 2. Standard curves and linear equations obtained from the
simplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay showing multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay showing
relationship between threshold cycle (Ct) and DNA copy number relationship between threshold cycle (Ct) and DNA copy number
(logC) from triplicate experiments. (A) X chromosome-specific (logC) from triplicate experiments. (A) X chromosome-specific
amplification, (B) Y chromosome-specific amplification. amplification, (B) Y chromosome-specific amplification.
and Ct_Y = 41.01–3.35 logC, respectively. the assays in all test ranges indicating validity of the assays
The mean and SD of the slope from the simplex PCR for accurately assessing the sex ratio of the semen samples.
assay were –3.34±0.11 and –3.39±0.03 which corresponded Statistical analysis showed that the variances and mean of
to the PCR amplification efficiency of 99% and 97% for X the sex ratio estimates obtained from the simplex and
and Y amplification respectively; and from the multiplex multiplex assays were not significantly different (p>0.05)
PCR, the slopes were –3.39±0.05 and –3.35±0.03 which (Table 2).
corresponded to efficiencies of 97% and 99% for X and Y
amplification, respectively. DISCUSSION
Estimation of %X in samples and comparison between In this study, we developed a multiplex real-time PCR
the simplex and multiplex real-time polymerase chain technique as an alternative method for determination of
reaction assay sperm sex ratio in bovine semen samples. Analysis of the
The simplex PCR and multiplex PCR assays were used sperm sex ratio is important for selective reproduction of
to measure ratios of the sex-specific sequences in the livestock by artificial insemination. This rapid and cost
reference plasmids and semen samples. The results effective assay can also facilitate development of new
expressed as %X in the samples are shown in Table 2. The sperm sex-sorting technologies. The assay simultaneously
expected values from the reference plasmid samples fell detects both X- and Y-specific determinants in a single
within the 95% CI of the measured values obtained from reaction tube. Quantification of each sex-specific DNA was
Khamlor et al. (2014) Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci. 27:1411-1416 1415
Table 2. Results of %X quantified from the simplex real-time PCR and the multiplex real-time PCR
Simplex assay Multiplex assay
No. Sample p-value
Mean±SD (95% CI) Mean±SD (95% CI)
Reference plasmid
1 X10% 11.70±1.89 (9.56-13.83) 11.85±1.25 (10.44-13.27) 0.79
2 X50% 50.61±1.43 (48.99-52.22) 51.48±1.53 (49.74-53.21) 0.28
3 X90% 90.15±1.21 (88.78-91.52) 91.67±1.83 (89.60-93.74) 0.14
Semen sample
4 X-sorted1 92.28±2.27 (89.72-94.84) 93.03±2.13 (90.63-95.44) 0.42
5 X-sorted2 91.91±2.23 (89.39-94.43) 90.47±2.83 (87.27-93.67) 0.42
6 Y-sorted1 2.71±0.18 (2.50-2.92) 2.57±0.35 (2.17-2.96) 0.20
7 Unsorted1 50.34±2.44 (47.58-53.11) 49.44±2.17 (46.99-51.89) 0.20
8 Unsorted2 50.81±0.86 (49.83-51.79) 50.44±2.69 (47.40-53.48) 0.72
9 Unsorted3 50.23±1.97 (48.00-52.45) 49.44±1.76 (47.44-51.43) 0.40
PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval.
done by the use of differently labeled Taqman probe, and bovine semen.
comparing the Ct obtained from the sample to that obtained
from the corresponding standard curve. The standard curve ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in this multiplex assay was also done in multiplex format,
i.e., both X- and Y- specific recombinant plasmids were This work was funded by National Science and
mixed at the ratio of 1:1 and a series of ten-fold dilutions of Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand. The
the known-quantity reference DNA was used to construct first author was supported by Thailand Graduate Institute of
the standard curve for each sex-specific DNA. In addition, Science and Technology scholarship (TG-22-10-51-005D)
for reference DNA, genomic DNA may be used to construct granted from NSTDA. We thank Dr. Philip Shaw for
the standard curve (Yun et al., 2006). Although the primers manuscript proofreading.
used in this multiplex assay were only half of the
concentration used in the simplex assay, the amplification REFERENCES
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