ELT Tefl Tesl Teyl STT TTT L1 L2 or TL SLA CPH Vak (Og) : Some Basic Terminology I What Do The Following Acronyms Mean?

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Some basic terminology I

What do the following acronyms mean?
1. ELT English Language Teaching
2. TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language
3. TESL Teaching English as a Second Language
4. TEYL Teaching English to Young Learners
5. STT Student talking time
6. TTT Teacher talking time
7. L1 Level 1
8. L2 or TL Level 2 or Target Language
9. SLA Second Language Acquisition
10. CPH Critical Period Hypothesis
11. VAK(OG) Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic (Olfactory Gustatory)

Can you translate the following words into English?

1. (riiklik) õppekava – the (national) curriculum
2. (inglise keele) ainekava – the syllabus (of English)
3. kooliaste – a school stage, a school level
4. (õpitut) kordama – to revise, recycle, to recap
5. (õpitut) kinnistama – to reinforce, to consolidate
6. eelteadmisi aktiviseerima – to activate previous (or prior) knowledge
7. teadmisi laiendama – to expand / extend sb’s knowledge
8. keelt omandama – to acquire a language
9. uut materjali tutvustama – to introduce new material, to expose students to new
10. probleeme ette aimama – to anticipate problems
11. tundi häälestama – to tune in a lesson, to lead in a lesson
12. tundi kokku võtma, lõpetama – to round off a lesson, to conclude a lesson
13. jälgima, vaatlema – to observe, to monitor
14. hindama – to assess, to evaluate, to grade
15. (ülesannet) kohandama – to adapt / adjust (a task, an activity)
16. soojendusharjutus –a warm-up task, a warmer, a lead-in
17. kehakultuuripaus – a physical break
Kristel Ruutmets HTOS.02.258 Inglise keele didaktika esimeses ja teises kooliastmes I
18. keele osaoskus – a language skill (listening, speaking, reading, writing)
19. lisamaterjal – extra material, supplementary material
Can you translate the following words into Estonian or explain in English?
1. accuracy – Something is done with accuracy when it has no mistakes.
2. fluency – the quality of being fluent in speech or writing in any language.
3. to elicit – Get information by asking the right questions (from the teacher’s point of
4. input – Consists of information or resources that someone receives (from a learning
point of view is everything a student hears and reads; outputs would be speaking and
5. realia – Real-life facts and material used in teaching
6. a flashcard – A card on which are written or printed words for children to look at
briefly, used as an aid to learn.
7. a closure – The end of a work or activity. Antonym → A lead in activity.
8. to personalise – To individualize the resources, materials and information you give to
each child.
9. an icebreaker – Is something that someone says or does in order to make it easier for
people who have never met before to talk to each other.
10. a teaching aid – Any device, object, or machine used by a teacher to clarify a subject.

Kristel Ruutmets HTOS.02.258 Inglise keele didaktika esimeses ja teises kooliastmes I

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