WikiLeaks - Search The DNC Email Database

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Date: 2016-05-07 16:15
Subject: Re: For approval: Hillary Clinton emails

Great, thanks. Comms/legal let me know if you have any edits.


From: "Brinster, Jeremy"

Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 12:04 PM
To: Eric Reif <<>>, EMail-
Vetting_D <<mailto:EMail->>, "Walker, Eric"

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WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

Subject: RE: For approval: Hillary Clinton emails

small change, took out the quotes in "Scalia-like" because I

don't think it's actually a quote

From: Reif, Eric
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 11:58 AM
To: EMail-Vetting_D; Walker, Eric
Subject: For approval: Hillary Clinton emails

Hi all — Below are three emails we’re planning to send from

Hillary Clinton on Monday. HFA and she have already signed off
on these, but let me know if you have any flags.

Sender: Hillary Clinton


What was once unimaginable is now all but certain. Donald Trump
will be the Republican nominee for president.

This isn't hyperbole: our country -- and the whole world -- is

counting on us to win this election.

No matter who you're supporting in our Democratic primary, I

know this team will step up and do all we can to keep Trump out
of the White House.

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WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

Please give what you can today, and let's start defeating
Donald Trump right away:


Thank you,


Sender: Hillary Clinton

Friend --

The Republican Party has a new leader: Donald Trump. I can’t

think of a time in my life when I’ve been prouder to be a
Democrat -- or more committed to building a strong party.

Consider Trump’s stated goals for his first 100 days in office:
He plans to undo some of President Obama’s most important
accomplishments, like the Affordable Care Act and executive
orders on immigration, and he promises to appoint a Scalia-like
justice to the Supreme Court to rip away our dearest progress,
like marriage equality and a woman’s right to choose.

NAME, we absolutely cannot let those things happen. We need to

protect and build on President Obama’s legacy, for our shared
values, and for the future of the country we love. [link] Your
$ASK contribution to the Democratic National Committee today

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WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

will do just that -- can you help? [/link]

As Democrats, we have a very different vision for our country,

from protecting LGBT people and public education at the state
level to raising the minimum wage and confronting climate
change as a nation. We know that there are no magic solutions
-- we get things done by rolling up our sleeves and putting in
hard work.

That starts with working to elect Democrats all across this

country, to protect President Obama’s legacy, and to make sure
Donald Trump never, ever becomes president.

We can’t win this fight without you, NAME. Chip in now -- the
world is counting on us:


With deep thanks,


Sender: Hillary Clinton

Friend —

As Democrats, we believe that no one who works hard every day

should have to live in poverty because they’re paid a minimum
wage that’s too low. We know that climate change is a challenge

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WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

we must confront. We believe no young person should have to

spend so much on a college education that they end up shackled
by years of debt.

And we know that we can never, never allow Donald Trump to

become President of the United States.

[link]Will you donate $ASK today to help keep that from


Any Republican president would put President Obama’s progress

on economic security in danger, make moves to repeal health
care reform that millions of Americans are now relying on, and
try to move backwards on the steps we’ve taken these past seven
years to make our country more equal and more fair.

But it’s clear that Trump -- with his repugnant attitude toward
women, immigrants, Muslim-Americans, and pretty much anyone he
comes across -- is the worst of the bunch.

We’re going to be going up against him this fall. So right now,

I’m asking you to pitch in $10 or whatever you can so that
Democrats can stop Donald Trump:


Thank you,


5 of 6 10/30/2020, 9:28 AM
WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database


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6 of 6 10/30/2020, 9:28 AM

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