UZLJ 2019 2 (I) Complete PDF
UZLJ 2019 2 (I) Complete PDF
UZLJ 2019 2 (I) Complete PDF
Zimbabwe Law
Volume 2, Number 1, 2019 ISNN 2617-2046
University of Zimbabwe Law Journal
©Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe 2019
Dr Innocent Maja (Editor-in-Chief)
Dr Tarisai Mutangi (Assistant Editor-in-Chief)
Dr Rosalie Katsande
Dr Elizabeth Rutsate
Mr Munyaradzi Gwisai
Mr Brian Crozier
Mr Nyasha Chishakwe
Mr Rodgers Matsikidze
Mr Blessing Mushohwe
Professor Geoff Feltoe
Professor Lovemore Madhuku
Professor Julie Stewart
The editors will only accept contributions that comply with the following:
Appeal cases
S v Dube 1992 (2) ZLR 65 (S)
Minister of Home Affairs v Allan 1986 (1) ZLR 263 (S)
i v University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Unreported Judgements:
Trial cases
S v Mpa HH-469-14
Mungate v City of Harare & Ors HH-328-16
Appeal cases
S v Jones S-154-94
Newlands Farm (Pvt) Ltd v Matanda Bros S-100-91
Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16] (The Chapter number is placed in square
brackets and is italicised.)
Subsidiary legislation
Road Traffic (Safety-belt) Regulations, 1987 (SI 147/1987)
(SI is the abbreviation for Statutory Instrument.)
Armstrong, A “Consent in Rape Cases in Zimbabwe” in 1986 Vol 4 Zimbabwe Law
Review 112
Nyandiya-Bundy, S “Child Sexual Abuse in Zimbabwe” in 1994 Vol 6 No 2 Legal
Forum 5.
EDITORIAL ............................................................... v
The Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe’s Unconstitutional
Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi ....................... 1
The Struggle Over State Power in Zimbabwe Law and
Politics Since 1950 by G.H. Karekwaivanane
(Cambridge University Press 2017) .............................. 233
Per Stirpes Principle Versus the Per Capita Principle in
Intestate Succession: A Brief Overview: Case Note on the
Case of in Re Estate Late Bellinah Mhlanga
Hh 816-17 HC 4168/17 DR 143/13................................... 236
This paper examines the rationality and legality of the rule of locus
standi introduced by the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe to the
effect that no litigant is allowed to act in more than one capacity of
locus standi in one matter. This rule was initially suggested in Mudzuru
v Minister of Justice and was crystallised in Samuel Sipepa Nkomo v
Minister of Local Government. When evaluated against the provisions
of section 46 and section 85 of the Constitution, this rule is
inconsistent with the liberal approach to determining locus standi
and is therefore ultra vires the Constitution. At a conceptual level,
this rule is untenable and irrational as it is contradictory to the
theoretical foundations upon which the constitutional idea of judicial
review is based. It is also inconsistent with the trajectory set by the
same Court in its very first case of Jealous Mawarire v Robert Mugabe.
Keywords: Constitution, locus standi, constitutional court, human
dignity, ultra vires
Zimbabwe adopted a new Constitution in May 2013 which introduces
and guarantees a range of progressive democratic principles, values
and rights. These values and principles include constitutional
supremacy (as opposed to parliamentary sovereignty),2 the rule of
Justice Alfred Mavedzenge holds a PhD in Constitutional Law from the University
of Cape Town. He is a Researcher at the Democratic Governance and Rights
Unit of the University of Cape Town’s Law Faculty and an associate at Maja and
Associates Commercial Law Chambers
See section 2 (1) and 3 (1) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
2 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Ibid, section 3 (1)(b)
Ibid, section 3 (2) (e)
Ibid, section 3 (2) (g)
Also called the Declaration of Rights
It is not listed as one of the rights that cannot be limited. See s 86 of the
Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
This is a dictum of Brandeis J in Ashwander v Tennessee Valley Authority 297
US 288 (1936). For similar views, also see Ferreira v Levin 1996 (1) SA 984 (CC);
1996 (1) BCLR 1 at para 165. Also see Iain Currie and Johan De Waal The Bill of
Rights Handbook 6 ed, Juta and Company 2013 at p. 72.
See Justice Alfred Mavedzenge and Douglas Coltart, A Constitutional Law Guide
towards understanding Zimbabwe’s Social, Economic and Cultural Human Rights,
International Commission of Jurists 2014 at p. 16
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 3
For some of these, see Fose v Minister of Safety and Security 1997 (3) SA 786
(CC) at para 19
See Mavedzenge and Coltart supra Note 9 at p. 15
Relief which attaches to the litigant personally, as opposed to attaching to
other persons who are not party to the case.
4 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Although one could argue that by using the phrase “should act”, the
learned Deputy Chief Justice was making a suggestion rather than
laying out a rule regarding how provisions relating to locus standi
should be applied, this seems to have crystallized into a rule when
one takes into account the subsequent judgments made by the same
Court. For instance, in Samuel Sipepa Nkomo v Minister of Local
Government, Rural and Urban Development16 (Samuel Sipepa Nkomo
case), the learned Ziyambi JCC said:
In so far as the applicant alleges an infringement of his
fundamental right enshrined in Chapter 4 of the Constitution,
he may, in the absence of the rules referred to in s 85(3), be
permitted to access this Court directly. On this basis he has,
prima facie, the locus standi to bring his application in terms of
See section 167 (1) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
[2015] ZWCC
Ibid at p. 8
CCZ 06-16 at para 8
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 5
s 85 (1) (a). But he cannot, as he has sought to do, act in his own
interest as well as the public interest. This point was emphasized
in Loveness Mudzuru & Anor v Minister of Justice, Legal &
Parliamentary Affairs N.O & 2 Ors where Malaba DCJ, delivering
the judgment of the Court, held that an applicant should confine
himself to one of the capacities set out in s 85 (1). [My own
Unlike the DCJ in the Mudzuru case, who uses the word “should” act
in one capacity, Ziyambi JCC (with the concurrence of eight other
judges) in Samuel Sipepa Nkomo case, uses the word “cannot” act in
more than one capacity and she references the Mudzuru case in arriving
at this interpretation. Thus, when one reads Ziyambi JCC’s judgment
in Samuel Sipepa Nkomo case, it seems that the Constitutional Court
has now laid it out as a rule that a litigant cannot claim more than
one ground of locus standi in a single application. For instance,
according to this approach (as suggested by the Constitutional Court)
a litigant in a single proceeding cannot simultaneously claim to act in
her own interest and in the public interest.
Through this paper, I question the rationality of this approach and
contest its constitutionality. I take the position that, with respect,
the Constitutional Court’s approach is wrong, irrational, unreasonable
and unconstitutional. I advance my argument in two parts. First, I
deploy the rules of constitutional interpretation in order to buttress
my position. However, I refuse to restrict this discussion to a mere
technical or legalistic review of how the Constitutional Court’s
interpretation is ultra-vires s 85 (1) of the Constitution and certain
values enshrined therein.17 To do so would be to miss the point entirely
because the Constitutional Court’s interpretation is a tell-tale sign
revealing the bench’s deep, underlying philosophical view of its own
role in protecting the Constitution. For that reason, in the second
part of the paper I discuss the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings
of judicial review in order to show that the Constitutional Court
interpretation of s 85 (1) of the Constitution is philosophically at
variance with the spirit, purport and object of the Constitution which
the Court is required to protect. First, I deal with the rules of
constitutional interpretation.
Such as the rule of law and constitutional supremacy.
6 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Mawere v Registrar General (2015) ZWCC 04 at para 20, where the court adopted
the ruling of the Supreme Court in Rattigan v Chief Immigration Officer 1994
(2) ZLR 54 (S) at 57 F–H where Gubbay CJ (as he then was) said: “[When
interpreting constitutional rights] what is to be avoided is the imparting of a
narrow, artificial, rigid and pedantic interpretation; to be preferred is one [an
interpretation] which serves the interests of the Constitution and best carries
out its objects and promotes its purpose. All relevant provisions are to be
considered as a whole and where rights and freedoms are conferred on persons,
derogations therefrom, as far as the language permits, should be narrowly and
strictly construed.”
See supra note 15, Mudzuru case at para 25–26
See supra note 18, Mawere case at para 20 where the Constitutional Court of
Zimbabwe reproduced Kentridge AJ’s ruling in State v Zuma 1995 (2) SA 642
(CC) to caution that: “[When interpreting constitutional rights] it cannot be
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 7
too strongly stressed that the Constitution does not mean whatever we might
wish it to mean. We must heed Lord Wilberforce’s reminder that even a
Constitution is a legal instrument, the language of which must be respected...I
would say that a Constitution embodying fundamental principles should as far
as its language permits be given a broad construction.”
See Zimbabwe Electoral Commission v Commissioner General, ZRP (2014) ZWCC
3 at para 8. Also see L Du Plessis Re-Interpretation of Statutes Butterworths
2002 p 96 and See GM Cockram Interpretation of Statutes 3 ed, Juta and Co
1987 at p 36
See 85 (3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See L Chiduza and PN Makiwane ‘Strengthening Locus Standi in Human Rights
Litigation in Zimbabwe: An Analysis of the Provisions in the New Zimbabwean
Constitution’ in PER/PELJ 2016(19) at p 13
See G Musila ‘The Right to an effective remedy under the African Charter on
Human and Peoples’ Rights’ in 2006 Vol 6 African Human Rights Law Journal at
p 446. Also see Jawara v The Gambia (2000) AHRLR 107 (ACHPR 2000) at para
32. Also see Fose case, supra note 10.
8 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
patient who is hospitalised in a clinic where the rights of patients are being
violated may have to act in his own interest as well as that of other patients
(who are in the same clinic) who are incapacitated to approach the court, yet
their rights are equally in danger.
Of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See section 85 (1) and (3) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See section 3 (1) and (2) (g) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
due-process/what-is-the-right-to-an-effective-remedy [accessed on 7
September 2018]
Of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
Of which the rules of locus standi are part of the Declaration of Rights
10 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) General Comment no. 31
[80] ‘The Nature of the General Legal Obligation Imposed on States Parties to
the Covenant’ 26 May 2004, para 15
Mavedzenge and Coltart supra note 9 at p. 21. Also see Justice Mavedzenge
‘Accessing the National Voters’ Roll through the Right of Access to Information
In Zimbabwe’ in 2017 Vol 1 Zimbabwe Rule of Law Journal at p.4
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 11
Which provided as follows: “(a) When an infringement of or threat to any right
entrenched in this Chapter is alleged, any person referred to in paragraph (b)
shall be entitled to apply to a competent court of law for appropriate relief,
which may include a declaration of rights ... (b) The relief referred to in
paragraph (a) may be sought by (i) a person acting in his or her own interest;
(ii) an association acting in the interest of its members; (iii) a person acting on
behalf of another person who is not in a position to seek such relief in his or
her own name; (iv) a person acting as a member of or in the interest of a group
or class of persons; or (v) a person acting in the public interest.”
Supra note 6
For instance, in Ferreira v Levin, Chaskalson P said: “Whilst it is important
that this Court should not be required to deal with abstract or hypothetical
issues, and should devote its scarce resources to issues that are properly before
it, I can see no good reason for adopting a narrow approach to the issue of
standing in constitutional cases. On the contrary, it is my view that we should
rather adopt a broad approach to standing. This would be consistent with the
mandate given to this Court to uphold the Constitution and would serve to
ensure that constitutional rights enjoy the full measure of the protection to
which they are entitled. Such an approach would also be consistent in my view
with the provisions of section 7(4) of the Constitution on which counsel for the
Respondents based his argument.” [My own emphasis]
2010 (3) SA 293 (CC); 2010 (5) BCLR 391 (CC)
12 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Ibid at para 33-34
2009 (1) SA 417 (CC); 2009 (3) BCLR 268 (CC) at para 25
2012 (3) SA 486 (SCA); 2012 (6) BCLR 613 (SCA) at para 44-45
It provides as follows: “(1) Every person has the right to institute court
proceedings claiming that a right or fundamental freedom in the Bill of Rights
has been denied, violated or infringed, or is threatened. (2) In addition to a
person acting in their own interest, court proceedings under clause (1) may be
instituted by– (a) a person acting on behalf of another person who cannot act
in their own name; (b) a person acting as a member of, or in the interest of, a
group or class of persons; (c) a person acting in the public interest; or (d) an
association acting in the interest of one or more of its members. (3) The Chief
Justice shall make rules providing for the court proceedings referred to in this
Article, which shall satisfy the criteria that– (a) the rights of standing provided
for in clause (2) are fully facilitated;
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 13
The reason why in these jurisdictions, the courts allow litigants to act
in more than one capacity in a single application is precisely to honour
the constitutional goal of affording individuals with wide and flexible
locus standing, in order to allow them to seek relief that is effective
for the protection of their rights and the Constitution.44
Finally, on this point, it is critical to consider the part of the preamble
to the Constitution of Zimbabwe which declares that:
We the people of Zimbabwe…Reaffirming our commitment to
upholding and defending fundamental rights and
freedoms…Resolve by the tenets of this Constitution to commit
ourselves to build a united, just and prosperous nation, founded
on values of transparency, equality, freedom, fairness, honesty…
The vision and aspirations set out above can be achieved only if “the
tenets of this Constitution” are interpreted and applied in a manner
that advances social justice. The majority of citizens live below the
poverty datum line45 and can rarely afford the costs of litigation. The
propensity of the Constitutional Court (which I discuss elsewhere)46
Civil Appeal Number 9 of 2013 at p. 10
Civil Appeal Number 290 of 2012 at para 30
Supra note 23 Chiduza at pp.3-4
See United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Zimbabwe Country Profile
Report of 2018 at p. 19. Available at
[Accessed on 7 September 2018]
See Justice Mavedzenge ‘Punitive Costs and Deliberative Democracy’ (2018)
accessible from
14 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Mawarire v Mugabe [2013] ZWCC 1
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 15
Limiting locus standi may be one way of avoiding to hear and determine
certain sensitive cases that are likely to be brought before the court
by the citizens, especially in politically charged jurisdictions.
Therefore, in order to do justice to a discussion of the rationality and
constitutionality of the approach taken by the Constitutional Court,49
it is inevitable to pay attention to the philosophical hesitations which,
potentially, the Court may have regarding the democratic legitimacy
of its judicial review powers. Such an examination is necessary,
especially given that Zimbabwe is a former English colony with a
[1981] 2 WLR 722 at p. 740.
In both Mudzuru (supra note 15) and Samuel Sipepa Nkomo (supra note 16).
16 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See for example the Constitutions of: Kenya (2010), South Africa (1996), Namibia
and Tanzania
See section 167 (3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013. The judiciary also
has the power to review the validity of subordinate legislation such as regulations
or statutory instruments.
Section 2 (1) and section 68 of the Constitution are amongst the primary sources
of judicial review powers
To the extent that the law or conduct is inconsistent with the law or Constitution.
See Ibid, section 2 (1)
Samuel Freeman captures this debate in his article “Constitutional Democracy
and the Legitimacy of Judicial Review” in 1990 Vol. 9 No. 4 Law and Philosophy
pp. 327-370. Also see Barry Friedman. “The Birth of an Academic Obsession:
The History of the Counter Majoritarian Difficulty” in 2002 Yale Law Review
Journal at p. 153. Also see Jeremy Waldron “A Right-based Critique of
Constitutional Rights” in 1993 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies at pp. 18, 20-28
and Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously, Harvard University Press 1977 at
p. 90-100 and p. 171-177.
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 17
Supra note 52 and 53
For a discussion of the views expressed by these scholars, see Samuel Freeman
supra note 54. Also see Michael Walzer’s objections to judicial review in
“Philosophy and Democracy” in 1981 Vol 9 Political Theory p. 379
Although it must be acknowledged that the former constitution attempted to
do this albeit in a restrictive manner.
See Jeremy Waldron supra note 54 at p. 36
18 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
For a detailed discussion on this, see Glen E. Thurow “Representative
Democracy” in 1983 Vol 14 St. Mary’s Law Journal pp. 937-956
In Zimbabwe they are appointed by the President upon being recommended by
the Judicial Services Commission. See section 180 of the Constitution of
Zimbabwe, 2013
See Kirsty Mclean Constitutional Deference, Courts and Socio-Economic Rights
in South Africa, Pretoria University Law Press 2009 at p. 65. Also see Ran
Hirschl “Looking Sideways, Looking Backwards: Judicial Review vs Democracy
in Comparative Perspective” in 2000 University of Richmond Law Review at p.
415-421. Also see Jeremy Waldron, supra note 54 at p. 36
See Letter to William Jarvis in P. L. Ford (ed), The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,
Vol. 10, pp. 160-61.
See Adrienne Koch and William Peden (eds), The Life and Selected Writings of
Thomas Jefferson New York: Random House 1944 at p. 324.
See the discussion by Kirsty Mclean, supra note 61.
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 19
Supra note 54
Supra note 54 at p. 331
See Samuel Freeman’s discussion, supra note 54
See Samuel Freeman, supra note 54 at p.332-336
For example, Thomas Hobbes advocated for the monarchy as the administrator
of the social contract, John Locke believed in the right of the people to revolt
against the monarch if it fails to adhere to the terms of the social contract. On
the other hand, Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that the social contract in Locke’s
conception sought to protect private property and therefore subordinated the
poor to the authority of the property owners. He argued that the terms of the
social contract must be changed so that the contract is based on the values of
human equality and freedom. For a detailed discussion See David Gauthier
“Hobbes’s Social Contract.”Xin 1988 No_sXVol. 22 at p 71-82. Also see David
Gauthier, “Why Contractarianism?” in 1991 Vallentyne p. 13-30 and Jean
Hampton, XHobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, Cambridge University
Press 1986
The idea of rule by man. See Ibid, David Gauthier, “Why Contractarianism?” in
1991 Vallentyne p. 13-30
20 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The Social ContractX(1762) at p. 59
Supra note 54
Supra note 54 at p. 350
See Chapter Four of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See section 3 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
Ibid, subsection (1) (c)
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 21
Samuel Freeman, supra note 54 at p. 357
This principle was also affirmed in re Prosecutor General of Zimbabwe on his
Constitutional Independence and Protection from Direction and Control [2017]
ZWCC 13 2015 at p. 9
Ibid, at p.10
22 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See Michael Walzer’s objections to judicial review in “Philosophy and
Democracy” in 1981 Vol 9 Political Theory p. 379
Supra note 62
See Samuel Freeman, supra note 54 at p. 353
Malherbe Rautenbach, Constitutional Law 4th edition, Lexis Nexis 2003 at p.
Samuel Freeman, supra note 54 at p. 336
Samuel Freeman makes a similar argument at p. 328, supra note 54
UZLJ Approach of Applying Rules of Locus Standi 23
The Constitutional Court’s rule which prohibits litigants from acting
in more than one capacity in a single matter has a disproportionate
effect of undermining a litigant’s access to effective remedies. The
rule is inconsistent with the liberal approach to determining locus
standi and is therefore ultra vires section 85 of the Constitution. At a
conceptually level, this rule is untenable as it is contradictory to the
theoretical foundations upon which the idea of judicial review is
The emphatic views expressed by Chidyausiku CJ, Malaba DCJ in
Jealous Mawarire v Robert Mugabe and by Patel JCC in re Prosecutor
General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional Independence and
Protection from Direction and Control88 create the impression that
the Constitutional Court appreciates its role as a vibrant interpreter
and enforcer of the social contract-the Constitution. However, when
the Court establishes unreasonably restrictive rules of locus standi, it
brings to the fore the question whether that Court genuinely believes
it has a legitimate mandate, derived from the people, to review
(without fear or favour) the exercise of public power? This is a question
which must be engaged with critically and on a continuous basis.
Supra note 80 at page 10 of his judgment where he emphatically declares that:
“Where a court interprets a law, it fulfils its role under the separation of
powers framework. When it interprets a certain law to compel someone to do
something, it is not the court but the law that compels that person to do so.
This application is founded on the wrong premise that the applicant must not
be compelled to abide by the law, whether by an order of mandamus or
otherwise. That premise is fundamentally flawed and patently untenable .. .”
This article looks at the remedy of reinstatement for unfair and
unlawful dismissal and its central significance in the realisation of
employees’ right to protection from unfair dismissal. The paper argues
that the right to protection from unfair dismissal lies at the
cornerstone of modern Zimbabwean labour law as was shown by the
massive public outcry in the wake of the Supreme Court decision of
Nyamande and Anor v Zuva Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd SC 43-15, which
upheld the continued application of the common law “Notice Rule”
of termination on notice by the employer. The paper argues that
without an effective remedy to unfair dismissal, in the form of
reinstatement, the right to protection from unfair dismissal will
remain a mirage. The paper makes a survey of the history of
reinstatement law starting with the traditional common law position
which rejected the remedy outright and the modern common law
one wherein the remedy has been recognised as a competent remedy.
The paper then discusses the history of the remedy in statutes
including the implications on the remedy of the new rights to
protection from unfair dismissal and to fair labour standards under
the Labour Act (No. 17 of 2002) and Constitution of Zimbabwe
Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013. It discusses the different approaches
taken by courts and asserts that only the broad approach is consistent
with the underlying principle of right to employment security
recognised under the Labour Act and Constitution.
The right of employees to protection from unfair dismissal is a
cornerstone of the labour law regime that underlies the Labour
Amendment Act (No. 17 of 2002), which probably represents the most
advanced labour legislative reform in the history of labour relations
in Zimbabwe.
Munyaradzi Gwisai is a registered legal practitioner and lectures in Labour
Law and Labour Relations, Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe, and Briggs
Zano Working Peoples College.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 25
There are powerful constitutional and legislative basis for the right.
Constitutionally the right is implicit in section 65 (1) of the Constitution
which provides that every “person has the right to fair and safe labour
practices and standards...” Expressly the right provided for in section
12B (1) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. This provides that ‘Every
employee shall have the right not to be unfairly dismissed.’
Subversion of the employees’ right to protection from unfair dismissal
and employment security has been a key feature of the current
Zimbabwean labour relations system which is dominated by unitarist
and neoliberal norms. This was amply demonstrated in the now
notorious Supreme Court decision of Nyamande and Anor v Zuva
Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd,2 which led to unprecedented job massacres and
forced the State to legislatively reverse the effects of the decision by
enactment of the Labour Amendment Act (No. 5 of 2015.) But as the
Zuva decision showed, this has led to major controversies and serious
legitimacy questions not only relating to labour law but the entire
legal system. Commenting on this matter, MALABA CJ aptly observed:
The reaction to the Zuva judgment was a rush by employers...
to terminate employment relationships on notice.... As large
numbers of employees were left jobless and uncompensated
for the years they had worked for their respective employers
save for their salaries paid in lieu of notice, there was widespread
public outcry... The actions of employers revealed a national
crisis characterised by lack of protection for the employees who
lost employment... Termination of sources of livelihood wrought
severe financial hardships to households. That gave the
Legislature the rational basis for the enactment of the legislation
and for giving it retrospective effect.3
SC 43 – 15.
Greatermans Stores (1979) (Pvt) Ltd t/a Thomas Meikles Stores and Anor vs
The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare and Anor CCZ 2 – 18.
26 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
the Labour Act and the Constitution. For this reason it is an area that
deserves a closer look to avoid future judicial tragedies as happened
with the Zuva judgment.
In this article I trace the history of the remedy of reinstatement from
a common law and legislative perspective and how the courts have
treated the same as well as the implications of the right to protection
from unfair dismissal by reference to the Labour Act and Constitution
of Zimbabwe Amendment Act No. 20 of 2013 and applicable
international law instruments. I argue that the import of the above
raises radical implication on the remedy of reinstatement which the
courts must now recognise.
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis 1989 (1) ZLR 344 (S).
Bramdaw v Union Government 1931 NPD 57 at 78; Zvoma v Amalgamated
Motor Corporation (Pvt) Ltd 1988 (1) ZLR 60 (H) at 74. In Chegutu Municipality
v Manyora 1996 (1) ZLR 262 (S) at 265B it was held that, Òto reinstate a person
means in effect to put a person again into his or her former job.Ó
S Deakin & G Morris, Labour Law, 4th ed (Hart Publishing, 2005) 518. In Chiriseri
& Anor v Plan International S-56-02, SANDURA JA, held, Òwhere an order of
reinstatement is retrospective in effect, the damages to be paid in lieu of
reinstatement must include back pay and benefits.Ó
Munhumutema v Tapambwa & Ors 2010 (1) ZLR 509 (H) at 513E-G, per MUTEMA
J; Standard Chartered Bank Zimbabwe Ltd v Matsika 1997 (2) ZLR 389 (S).
Standard Chartered Bank Zimbabwe Ltd v Matsika 1997 (2) ZLR 389 (S).
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 27
91912 AD 343. See also, National Union of Textile Workers and Ors v Stag
Packings (Pty) Ltd & Ors 1982 (4) SA 151 (T); Commercial Careers College
(1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis 1989 (1) ZLR 344; and Mudukuti v FCM Motors (Pvt)
Ltd 2007 (1) ZLR 183 (H) at 194B-C.
S Deakin & G Morris, (2005) at 403.
J Grogan, Workplace Law, 10th ed, (Juta, 2009) 164.
Chamwaita v Charhons (Pvt) Ltd LC/H/215/2009 at p 6.
Initially under the Termination of Employment Recommendation, 1963 (R 119)
and subsequently the Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the
Employer Convention, 1982 (C 158).
J Grogan (2009) citing Fedlife Assurance Ltd v Wolfaardt (2001) 22 ILJ 2407
28 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
A Rycroft and B Jordaan, (1992) 101; S Deakin & G Morris, (2005) at 400, citing
Reda v Flag Ltd [2002] ITLR 747 [Privy Council].
1991 (1) ZLR 27 (H).
30 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
One of the first cases to cast doubt on the classical position was in Myers v
Abrahamson 1952 (3) SA 121 at 123 – 125 where the court stated, Òl doubt
whether the practice of the Court in allowing only the particular remedy of
damages to the wrongfully dismissed employee can rightly be elevated to a
rule of lawÉÓ Stewart Writson (Pty) Ltd v Thorpe 1977 (2) SA 943 (A) was more
decisive and followed in subsequent decisions. See - SACCAWU & Ors v Steers
Fast Food (1993) 2 LCD 125 (LAC); Grinaker Electronic Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a
Grinel v EAWTUSA (1991) 12 ILJ 1284 (LAC) and Haworth & Associates CC v
Mpanya & Ors (1992) 13 ILJ 604 (LAC). This position subsequently received
legislative endorsement under s 193(2) of the RA, 1995, which made it explicit
that the reinstatement or re-employment is the primary remedy for unfair
dismissal subject to some very narrowly tailored excerptions. See also Basson
et. all (2002) 372.
1982 (4) SA 151 (T).
At 73-74. Also, Art Corporation Ltd v Moyana 1989 (1) ZLR 304 (S) at 313.
1989 (1) ZLR 304 (S) at 314.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 31
Restrictive Approach
Although the courts changed their position of rejecting reinstatement
as a principle, the hostility to the remedy continued. This was reflected
in a line of cases that followed a restrictive approach in applying the
remedy, and a broad one that applied it broadly as the primary remedy
for wrongful dismissal.
The restrictive approach applies the remedy of reinstatement but
limiting it to exceptional circumstances. For instance in the Zvoma
case at 75 it was held that “...unless there is a clear and express
statutory right of reinstatement, generally the considerations outlined
in Schierhout’s case by INNES CJ would normally weigh heavily against
the grant of specific performance.” In Hama v NRZ , the court held
Although reinstatement is clearly the primary remedy for unfair
dismissal provided by law, very few successful applicants are
awarded it. The usual remedy for successful applicants is
compensation. Reinstatement is not the only or inevitable
remedy for wrongful dismissal. It is a remedy.26
1996 (1) ZLR 664 (S). See also,United Bottlers v Kaduya 2006 (2) ZLR 150 (S)
O’Laoire v Jackel International Ltd [1990] ICR 197, 201, cited in Deakin &
Morris (2005) 519.
32 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
In the above matter the court decided to leave the question open,
and holding that there were sufficient factors that indicated granting
reinstatement at the discretion of the court, and in that case
proceeded to order reinstatement.
The modern common law position has been affirmed in various
decisions of the Zimbabwean courts. In Art Corporation v Moyana,28
the court held that, “the obvious remedy for unjustified (unfair)
involuntary termination is re-employment, if the employee so wishes,
otherwise compensation… reinstatement is clearly the primary remedy
for unfair dismissal.”29 In Olivine Industries (Pvt) Ltd v Nharara30 it
was held that where “an employee is found to have been wrongfully
dismissed, reinstatement is normally ordered.”
The broad approach articulated by GUBBAY CJ in fact received
legislative endorsement under s 29 of the Labour Amendment Act
(No.7 of 2005) which placed the onus to prove that the employment
relationship is no longer tenable, on the employer, including the
possible imposition of punitive damages where reinstatement is not
ordered. As argued below, the substituted s 89 (2) (c) (iii) LA makes
reinstatement the first and primary remedy for unfair dismissal. This
position is also affirmed in other jurisdictions which provide for fair
dismissal legislation, notably South Africa and the United Kingdom.31
Reinstatement is therefore the first and primary remedy for wrongful
or unlawful dismissal, unless the employee does not desire such remedy
and subject to the court’s discretion. In appropriate circumstances
the court or a determining authority may thus issue a straight order
of reinstatement, as was done in Commercial Careers College (Pvt)
Ltd v Jarvis, supra. In Blanket Mine (Pvt) Ltd v Tlou it was held:32
1989 (1) ZR 304 (S).
Art Corporation v Moyana, 1989 (1) ZR 304 (S); Ruturi v Heritage Clothing
(Pvt) Ltd 1994 (2) ZLR 374 (S).
2006 (1) ZLR 203(S) at 205G.
See J Grogan (2009) at 174 stating, ÒSection 193 (2) makes it clear that
reinstatement is the preferred remedy for unfairly dismissed employees, and
that compensation should only be granted instead only when one or more of
the exceptions mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d).Ó S Deakin & G Morris (2005)
518 equally state that under s 118 of ERA 1996, Òthe preferred remedies for
unfair dismissal are reinstatement, re-engagement and monetary compensation,
in that orderÓ citing O’Laoire v Jackel International Ltd [1990] ICR 197, 200.
LC/MT/22/2005 [MATSHANGA P].
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 33
The fact that reinstatement has in the past been rarely granted reflects
judicial attitudes and those of employees in particular circumstances.
Many employees may not claim it, simply because it has not been
easily granted in the past, thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Also unlikely to claim are employees of small employers who do not
have the benefit of protection from a trade union-protected
environment and may fear renewed contact with the manager or owner
who dismissed them.
A further reason is the attitude of the courts, which tend to accept
without much question employer’s reluctance to reinstate and a belief
that an imposed reinstatement will not work. However, as Deakin &
Morris point out, this perception may not be justified, and in fact
“there is evidence that re-employment rarely produces disruption to
relations within the undertaking concerned and that most reinstated
or re-engaged employees stay with the employer for a reasonable
length of time after the order is made.”33
S Deakin & G Morris (2005) 52.
Farmers’ Co-op Society (Reg) v Berry 1912 AD 343, held at 350, Ò ‘it is against
conscience that a party should have a right of election whether he would perform
his contract or only pay damages for the breach of it.’ The election is rather
with the injured party, subject to the discretion of the Court.Ó
S-22-02 at pg 7. Also, Tamarillo (Pty) Ltd v B N Aitken (Pty) Ltd 1982 (1) SA 398
(A) at 442E-443H, cited in Intercontinental Trading (Pvt) Ltd v Nestle Zimbabwe
(Pvt) Ltd 1993 (1) ZLR 21 (H) at 30.
34 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Zimbabwe Express Services (Pvt) Ltd v Nuanetsi Ranch (Pvt) Ltd 2009 (1) ZLR
326 (S) at 332 – 333; Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis 1989
(1) ZLR 344.
Hama v NRZ 1996 (1) ZLR 664 (S). Also - Olivine Industries (Pvt) Ltd v Gwekwerere
& Ors 2005 (2) ZLR 421 (S) at 428F; Chitambo v ZESA Holdings (Pvt) Ltd & Anor
The phrase used in s 89 (2) (c ) (iii) Proviso (ii) LA 2002.
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis, supra at 349F, where
GUBBAY CJ commented, Òone which would make it impossible for the employee
to perform his duties either to his own satisfaction or that of the employer.Ó
Commercial Careers College (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis, supra, at 349F.
1951 (2) AD 371 (A) at 378H-9A.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 35
Muringi v Air Zimbabwe Corporation 1997 (1) ZLR 355 (S) (involving a managing
director); Blue Ribbon Foods Ltd v Dube & Anor 1993 (2) ZLR 146 (S).
1995 (2) ZLR 68 (S).
In Banya v Madhater Mining Co (Pvt) Ltd LC/H/67/2008 where there was an
order for reinstatement by consent but the employer subsequently reneged
stating that the employee should have been retrenched. In Masvingo v Baloyi
LC/MS/01/09 the employer failed to comply with s 92E (2) LA 2002.
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis, supra, where the employer
dismissed the employee the day after a visit from the labour officer after the
employee filed a complaint.
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis, supra.
United Bottlers v Kaduya 2006 (2) ZLR 150 (S) at 153C-D; Zimsun v Lawn 1988
(1) ZLR 143 (S) 15.
National Union of Textile Workers and Ors v Stag Packings (Pty) Ltd & Ors 1982
(4) SA 151 (T); Jiah & Ors v PSC & Anor 1999 (1) ZLR 17 (S).
ZUPCO v Chisvo 1999 (1) ZLR 67 (S); Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt)
Ltd v Jarvis.
36 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis, supra.
Girjac Services (Pvt) Ltd v Mudzingwa 1999 (1) ZLR 243 (S) at 250; Winterton,
Holmes and Hill v Paterson 1995 (2) ZLR 68 (S), (a law firm).
A senior employee was held properly denied reinstatement in Muringi v Air
Zimbabwe Corporation 1997 (1) ZLR 355 (S); but not for college tutor in
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis.
See also, Mushaya v Glens Corporation 1992 (1) ZLR 162 (H).
For instance dismissal of employee on lawful maternity leave – ARDA v Murwisi
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 37
M Gwisai, Labour and Employment Law in Zimbabwe: Relations of work under
neo-colonial capitalism (ZLC and UZ, 2006) 124-25.
L Madhuku, Labour Law in Zimbabwe, (FES with Weaver Press, Harare, 2015)
2005(2)ZLR 329(H) at 333F. The basis of the decision being Hama v National
Railways of Zimbabwe 1996 (1) ZLR 664(S). The same authority was followed
in Olivine Industries (Pvt) Ltd v Gwekwerere 2005 (2)ZLR 421(S) at 428F. Girjac
Services (Pvt) Ltd v Mudzingwa 1999(1) ZLR 243 (S) at 250C-D.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 39
parties being entitled to begin again and adduce new evidence, that
is a complete rehearing of and fresh determination of the merits of
the matter with or without additional evidence or information.64
In Zhakata v Mandoza N.O. and N M Bank Ltd,65 Bhunu J held that,
“an appeal in the context of the Labour Relations Act is an appeal not
in the ordinary sense...” This is correct. On appeal the Labour Court
can decide a matter on the record as in the ordinary appeal, but in
addition may also conduct a hearing into the matter in terms of s
89(2)(a)(i) of the Act.66 The Court is not bound by the strict rules of
evidence and the court may ascertain any relevant fact by any means
which the presiding officer thinks fit and which is not unfair or unjust
to either party.67
The above wide appeal jurisdiction of the Labour Court is not
accidental but designed to facilitate its role as the apex body for the
resolution of disputes and unfair labour practices in a manner
consistent with the purpose and objects of the Act of achieving social
justice and democracy in the workplace as stated in s 2A(1) of the
Act. The superior courts have since affirmed this exclusive equity
jurisdiction enjoyed by the Labour Court unlike the civil courts.68
A restrictive interpretation of the powers of the Labour Court under s
89(2)(a) would fatally cripple the equity jurisdiction of the Labour
Court, in particular its power to give effective remedies for breach of
rights conferred under the Act, including fundamental employees
rights. Such a reading is inconsistent with the purposive interpretation
model compelled by s 2A(2) of the Labour Act.
In any case one if one takes into account the history of the section it
becomes evident that the legislative intention was always one of
clothing the Labour Court with the broadest powers rather than to
Sweeney v Fitzhardinge (1906) 4 CLR; Simpson Ltd v Arcipreste (1989) 53 SASR
HH – 22 – 05 . See also, Tuso v City of Harare HH -1 – 04; Chahweta v National
Foods Ltd LC/H/173/2009 where ÒappealÓ under the Act was held to include
an appeal based on grounds of review.
Air Zimbabwe Corporation v Mlambo 1997 (1) ZLR 220 (S).
Section 90A Labour Act 2002.
Madhatter Mining Co v Tapfuma S-51-14; Fleximail Ltd v Samanyau & Ors S-21-
14; Malimanji v CABS 2007 (2) ZLR 77 (S) at 79D-E; Zhakata v Mandoza N.O. &
N M Bank Ltd HH – 22 – 05.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 41
narrow them. The origins of s 89(2)(a) of the Labour Act lies in s 107
of the Labour Relations Act No. 16 of 1985. This read:
In determining an appeal in terms of this Part, the Tribunal may
confirm, vary or set aside the decision appealed against and
make an order accordingly, and may include in such order any
order as to costs that it thinks fit.
Presently s 89(2)(2)(a)(ii) and (c) LA 2002.
1994 (2) ZLR 334 (S).
The relevant provisions were s s 107 and 112 LRA. The court had earlier on
reached the same decision in relation to a similar provision pertaining to the
powers of a labour relations officer – that is s 111 (2) LRA 1985 - Art Corporation
v Moyana 1989 (1) ZLR 304 (S).
42 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The powers though are couched widely, in a manner that gives the
labour officer broad powers in relation to the draft ruling. Following
on precedent, this seems to confer on the labour officer the power to
order reinstatement after consideration of the pertinent factors of
whether the employment relationship is no longer tenable. The same
was upheld in Mtetwa v Businesss Equipment Corporation72 where
the appeals committee made a straight order for reinstatement without
an alternative or damages. This was upheld by the court which held
that the employee could not subsequently opt for damages. This is in
a similar manner to that of a determining authority under s 111 of the
Labour Relations Act, 1985.73 Section 111(1) though was much better
worded on the powers of the labour officer, whilst s 111(2) gave explicit
examples of how the general power under s 111(1) could be exercised,
including an order for reinstatement. The provisions read:
(1) After due inquiry into, and consideration of any matter
that has been referred to it in terms of paragraph (d) of
subsection one hundred and nine, a determining authority
(a) make such order as it thinks appropriate for
determining the dispute or rectifying the unfair
labour practice concerned; or
(b) ...
(2) Without derogation from the generality of subsection (1),
an order made in terms of that subsection may provide for
or direct, as the case may be –
(a) back pay from the time of the dispute or unfair labour
practice concerned; ...or
(b) ....or
(c) reinstatement in a job; or
(d) insertion into a seniority list at an appropriate point;
(e) promotion or, if no promotion post exists, pay at a
higher rate pending promotion; or
(f) employment in a job; or
(g) payment of legal fees and costs; or
(h) cessation of the unfair labour practice; or
as may be appropriate
S-25-04. Business Equipment Corporation v Mtetwa S-14-07 affirmed the
correctness of the earlier decision.
Art Corporation v Moyana, supra.
44 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
History of Section
The controversies arise from the wording and history of the section.
The original formulation of the precursor to the section, namely s 107
of the Labour Relations Act, 1985, was broadly worded, and without
the qualification of the damages alternative. The same applied to
determining authorities under s 111(1)LRA 1985. Section 112(2) LRA
1985 gave specific examples of how the power could be exercised,
including making an order for reinstatement. The courts held that in
terms of the above the Tribunal and determining authorities could, in
appropriate circumstances, award a pure order of reinstatement
without an alternative of damages.75
The first qualification arose with s 96(1) (c) of the Labour Relations
Amendment Act No. 12 of 1992. It provided:
Without derogation from the generality of sections ninety-three
and ninety five, a determination made in terms of those sections
may provide for –
(a) back pay from the time when the dispute or unfair labour
practice arose;
(b) ...
(c) Reinstatement or employment in a job provided that any
such determination shall specify an amount of damages to
be awarded to the employee concerned as an alternative
to his reinstatement or employment.
1996 (1) ZLR 664 (S).
Art Corporation v Moyana 1989 (1) ZLR 304 (S); Ruturi v Heritage Clothing
(Pvt) Ltd 1994 (2) ZLR 374 (S).
46 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Followed in numerous cases including, ZESA v Bopoto 1997 (1) ZLR 126(S);
Mhowa v Beverly Building Society 1998 (1) ZLR 546(S); Olivine Industries (Pvt)
Ltd v Gwekwerere & Ors 2005 (2) ZLR 421 (S) at 428F; and Net*One Cellular
(PVT) Ltd v Communications and Allied Services Workers Union of Zimbabwe
and 56 Employees S-89-05.
1999 (2) ZLR 77 (S).
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 47
Mandiringa & Ors v National Social Security Authority 2005(2)ZLR 329(H) at
333F; Olivine Industries (Pvt) Ltd v Gwekwerere & Ors 2005 (2) ZLR 421 (S) at
428F; Net*One Cellular (PVT) Ltd v Communications and Allied Services Workers
Union of Zimbabwe and 56 Employees S-89-05; Chitambo v ZESA Holdings (Pvt)
Ltd & Anor LC/H/331/2013.
48 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
SC – 446-14.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 49
BHP Minerals Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd v Takawira 1999 (2) ZLR 77 (S); Gauntlet
Security Services (Pvt) Ltd. v Leornard 1997 (1) ZLR 583 (S).
As was tried, but unsuccessfully by the employee in BHP Minerals Zimbabwe
(Pvt) Ltd v Takawira, supra; and in Mtetwa v Business Equipment Corporation
S-25-04; and further affirmed in Business Equipment Corporation v Mtetwa S-
83G Makings states that after Act No. 7 of 2005, the ÒÉ decision as to whether
to order reinstatement or damages now lies with the dispute resolution
authorityÓ, in G Makings, Useful Labour Cases, 4th ed ( Aquamor, Harare,
2011) 44. See also C Mucheche (2014), supra at 48-49.
50 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
2006 (1) ZLR 115 (S) at 118E -119C-E.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 51
The question though is who has the right of choice– does it remain the
employer per the Takawira decision or has this to change in light of
the amendments to s 89(2)(c) under Act No. 7 of 2005? In the Hama
case the matter was not dealt with. Subsequently though the courts,
starting with the Takawira decision, ruled that it was the employer.86
There was no justification for this. The wording of s 96 (1)(c) did not
necessarily mean that choice was with the employer. The court
acknowledged as much in the Takawira case, but went on to ascribe
the right to the employer.
However, a holistic consideration of s 89(2) (c) shows that such
interpretation is inconsistent with the section and the purpose of the
Act. It also runs afoul of well established principles of common law on
remedies. It is respectfully submitted that it is time for the courts to
reconsider the issue, in view of the fact that Takawira was made
before Amendment No. 7 of 2005.
Only an interpretation that gives the choice to the employee avoids
the above pitfalls. Provisos (ii) and (iii) give the deciding power to
award reinstatement or damages to the court, but provided it is the
employee who has exercised their right to choose that as the primary
relief. If not, the question does not arise. The court can only grant
reinstatement if the employer has failed to discharge the onus to
show that relationship is no longer tenable. A reading that reposes
the employer with the power to unilaterally choose whether to
reinstate or pay damages after the judgment, defeats the purpose of
the provisos of vesting that power with the court, in pursuance of a
claim by the employee. It is illogical and runs counter to the very
purpose of provisos (ii) and(iii) to provide reinstatement as the first
remedy unless the employer has failed to discharge the onus.
Contrary to the argument in Takawira the reverse applies well. Whereas
the employer may fail to discharge the onus on it under proviso (ii)
Gauntlet Security Services (Pvt) Ltd. v Leornard 1997 (1) ZLR 583 (S); ZESA v
Bopoto 1997 (1) ZLR 126(S).
52 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
C Mucheche (2014) 50.
Deakin and Morris (2005) 522.
LC/H/48/2009 [Makamure P].
R Christie (2006), supra at 350 citing various authorities including, Schein and
Sliom v Joubert 1903 TS 428; Evans v Hart 1949 4 SA 30 (C ), and Papenfus v
Luiken 1950 2 SA 508 (O). Also, but perhaps more narrowly see, Olivine Industries
(Pvt) Ltd v Gwekwerere 2005 (2)ZLR 421(S) at 428F; Girjac Services (Pvt) Ltd v
Mudzingwa 1999(1) ZLR 243 (S) at 250C-D.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 53
Christie states though that a plaintiff who sues for specific performance
may include an alternative claim for cancellation and damages and
this may be awarded. Alternatively, that even when not included in
the summons as an alternative claim, “cancellation and damages may
be awarded on a clause asking for general or other relief... or in the
absence of such a clause and without amendment of the declaration.”91
The trend under common law as outlined by Christie is one towards
removing the obstacles to an effective remedy to a party who has
been awarded specific performance but the defendant fails to comply.
It is in that light that Proviso (i) to s 89(2)(c)(iii) should be taken. It
codifies the above trend by making it easier for the employee to get
the alternative remedy of damages where the one of reinstatement
has become impracticable or unobtainable for whatever reason. The
employee does not have to institute fresh proceedings to get relief,
but the Act places the obligation on the court to make the alternative
order of damages to the one of reinstatement. Should there in fact be
no problems, then that’s the end of the matter as the employee gets
her or his primary remedy. But equally so, should reinstatement prove
to be sinking sand, the employee gets the monetary compensation.
Such a construction well accords with the purpose of the Act of
expeditiously and justly resolving disputes. It is particularly suited
for a court which is not governed by the strict formalities and
technicalities of the civil courts.
The above interpretation of s 89(2)(c) is in accordance with common
law, unlike the one that virtually overturns the now established
principle that reinstatement is a competent remedy for wrongful
dismissal. After all its the Hama decision itself that reiterated the
principle that courts must not easily infer the ouster of common law
unless this is by express provision or by necessary implication.
Such an interpretation is also jurisprudentially sound and accords with
the legislative intention of protecting employees from unfair dismissal
and promoting fair labour standards. Where the employer has failed
to discharge the onus on it to show that the relationship is no longer
tenable, there is no reason why reinstatement should not be granted.
Under fair dismissal legislation reinstatement is recognised as the
primary remedy for unfair dismissal. In some instances it may be the
only effective remedy as in cases of unfair discrimination against trade
R Christie, ibid.
54 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
must be read with unity of purpose around its central theme. The two
subsections can be read together an din a non-conflictual manner.
Under its general power in terms of s 89(2)(c) the court can apply the
specific powers provided under s 89(2)(c)(iii), including making an
order with an alternative of damages. But it is not compelled to and
may go beyond this, given the broad wording of the subsection. The
above has always been the situation historically. The powers specified
under the present s 89(2)(c) of the Labour Act were similar to those
of a determining authority under s 111(2) of the Labour Relations Act,
1985. But the same authority also enjoyed broad unqualified powers
under s 111(1)LRA 1985, which are similar to the powers of the Labour
Court in terms of s 89(2)(c) of the Labour Act. This interpretation is
consistent with s 2A(2) of the Labour Act and best facilitates the
Labour Court in implementing its broad equity jurisdiction.
Finally the above interpretation avoids possible glaring absurd results.
For instance an interpretation that compels a mandatory damages
alternative order in which the employer has the choice to reinstate
or pay, could lead to impalpable injustice in cases of unfair dismissal
by constructive dismissal under s 12B(3)(a) of the Labour Act. Section
89(2)(c) does not provide for an independent standing relief of
damages, but only as an alternative to an order for reinstatement. In
one case an arbitrator, following the above rigid approach, made an
order of reinstatement or damages. But in constructive dismissal cases
reinstatement clearly does not apply, the intolerable relationship being
the reason the employee resigned. Only a flexible interpretation of
the powers of the court that gives it authority to decide on what is
the applicable remedy, subject to the employee’s initial choice of
what relief to seek, is the correct approach.
To capture the above characters of the remedy of reinstatement the
courts and the legislature need to reformulate its current wording, to
avoid confusion or subversion of the legislative intention. For instance
even within the current framework of both s 89(2)(c)(iii) and s 89(2)
(a) of the Labour Act, courts, arbitrators, labour officers and
designated agents can formulate their orders appropriately to show
clearly that the option of taking damages lies with the employee. An
order could be worded as follows:
The appellant is to be reinstated into her former position without
loss of salary and benefits from the date of dismissal to the date
56 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Similarly there is need to amend s 89(2) (a) (b) and (c) of the Labour
Act to achieve greater clarity. It would remove the reference to the s
93(7) applications but provide for a general provision dealing with
orders by the Labour Court and other determining authorities under
the Labour Act encompassing all applications, references or appeals
to the court and /or other determining authorities like a labour officer,
designated agent, arbitrator or determining authority under an
employment code or national model code. A useful reference to model
the amendment of s 89(2) (b) (c) is the old s 111(1) and s 112 LRA
1985 as read with s 107.
Finally the reinstatement/damages proviso should be re-worded to
clearly spell out the right of choice lies with the employee where
reinstatement is no longer practicable or preferable after the court
has found in favour of the employee. For instance Proviso (i) could
then read:
Reinstatement or employment in a job;
Provided that-
(i) any such determination shall specify an amount of damages
to be awarded to the employee concerned as an alternative
to his or her reinstatement or employment if the employee
finds that reinstatement or employment is no longer
practicable or preferable.
Dalny Mine v Banda 1999 (1) ZLR 220 (S).
Air Zimbabwe Corporation v Mlambo 1997 (1) ZLR (S) at 223.
Muringi v Air Zimbabwe Corporation & Anor 1997 (2) ZLR 488 (S). Generally
see, Bailey v Healthy Professions Council of Zimbabwe 1993 (2) ZLR 17 (S);
Health Professions Council v McGown 1994 (2) ZLR 329 (S) at 373C.
1998 (1) ZLR 137(S) at 139.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 59
See also, DE van Loggerenberg, Superior Court Practice, 2nd ed. (Lose-leaf,
Juta) A1-32.
Section 6 (1) Model Code.
Labour Relations (General Conditions of Employment) (Termination of
Employment) Regulations, 1985.
60 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
employee was not guilty, and vice versa - United Bottlers (Pvt) Ltd v
Murwisi 1995 (1) ZLR 246 (S).112 This position was overruled in Hama
v National Railways of Zimbabwe113 where the court ruled that the
common law position of discretion was retained under the Regulations
moreso because under the amended s 96(1)(c)LRA it was mandatory
that an order for reinstatement be accompanied by an alternative
order of damages. It is submitted that the situation under s 6(2) of
the model code is now different and that where the employer does
not find the employee guilty of the alleged offence the suspension
must be removed and the employee reinstated. Reinstatement is
This is logical, because the reinstatement/damages proviso is no longer
applicable under s 6 (2) of the model code. The provisions of s 6 (2)
are clear and admit of no ambiguity, providing for “removing the
suspension and reinstating such employee if the grounds for suspension
are not proved.” The provisions are peremptory as per Tamanikwa &
Ors v Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund.114 In any case under
the model code we are dealing with a suspended employee rather
than a dismissed employee.
Interpreting s 6 (2) of the model code in a discretionary manner, as
may be suggested because of the phrase in s 6 (2) that the employer,
“may, according to the circumstances of the case”, defies common
sense and leads to glaring absurdities. “May” in those circumstances
really signifies the peremptory. The changed structure and nature of
s 6 (2) of the model code clearly make the Murwisi case the more
applicable precedent rather than the Hama decision.
Whereas under S.I. 371 of 1985, the determining authority was an
independent third party, the labour relations officer, who could
accordingly carry out an objective exercise of discretion on whether
to grant reinstatement, and if not, assess damages. The same applies
to the Labour Court or an arbitrator under s 89(2) of the Labour Act.
But this cannot be so under the model code. Under the code, it is the
same employer who charged the employee, conducted the hearing
and found the employee not guilty, who should decide whether
Initially declared in obiter by MCNALLY JA in Masiyiwa v T M Supermarket 1990
(1) ZLR 166, holding, ÒTo put it another way, he has a choice, but that choice
is governed, not by his discretion, but by his finding ÉÓ
1996 (1) ZLR 664 (S).
2013(2)ZLR 46(S) at 61.
UZLJ Unfair Dismissal and Remedy of Reinstatement 61
The above survey of the law, legislative and common law, shows that
the remedy of reinstatement has come a long way, evolving from the
position of complete non-recognition under classical common law to
one of general acceptance as a competent remedy and finally its
recognition as the primary remedy for unfair dismissal. This can only
be so under an Act whose declared purpose is inter alia, the attainment
of social justice and under a new constitutional dispensation that
enshrines labour rights including the right to fair labour practices and
With such clear and established legislative and constitutional
foundations one can only hope that the judiciary will follow suit to
fully recognise the remedy of reinstatement, for such is the only way
to ensure that the employee’s right to protection from unfair dismissal
and to fair labour practices and standards is fully and finally realised.
L Madhuku (2015) 125-27.
The wildlife sector is strategic in Zimbabwe for its economic, social
and ecological purposes and hence the right to access information on
wildlife governance and conservation is critical. Zimbabwe has many
municipal and international law commitments on environmental
information rights, and practitioners can utilise these to facilitate
public participation in wildlife governance and conservation.
Environmental information rights are fundamental to the prevention
of environmental threats such as wildfire conflicts, corruption and
lack of transparency. This essay analyses the law on access to
information and especially State obligations at municipal and
international law and the extent to which State practice acts to
impede or enable the rights of the public to access information critical
for transparency and open governance of the wildlife sector. The
essay will make a comparative analysis of the environmental
information laws in force within the European Union region since
they seem more advanced than other regions in the world.
Keywords: Environmental Law; Information Rights; Wildlife; Public
Participation; Zimbabwe
The right to access information by the public and by practitioners is
critical for the protection of the environment 2 and wildlife
conservation, especially in regions where the wildlife sector plays a
critical role for State revenue generation, cultural symbolism,
LLM Cand, International Human Rights Law and Public Policy (UCC, Ireland);
LLM, Economic Regulation (London); PGCert, Environmental and Natural
Resources Law (London); LL.B (Hons) (Univ. of Zimbabwe). Legal and Research
Officer at Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association. Emails:; Grateful for comments
made on the initial paper by Prof Maeve McDonagh, School of Law, University
College Cork, Ireland.
See: Mason, M “Information Disclosure and Environmental Rights: The Aarhus
Convention” in 2010 Vol 10 No 3 Global Environmental Politics 10.
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 63
Vucic M “The right to environmental information as a technique for the
protection of the environment” in 2011 Vol 63 No 3 Medunarodni Problemi
See, for instance: The Conversation, “How poaching claims against Grace Mugabe
benefit Mnangagwa” in The Star (Kenya 16 April 2018) < https://www.the-
benefit-mnangagwa_c1744236> accessed 06 September 2018.
See Chamberlain L “Fighting Companies for Access to Information” in 2016 Vol
13 No 23 Sur International Journal on Human Rights 199
Gonçalves D “Society and the rhino: A whole-of-society approach to wildlife
crime in South Africa” in 2017 Vol 60 SA Crime Quarterly 9
64 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013, s 73
ibid s 62
Gratwicke B and Stapelkamp B “Wildlife Conservation and Environmental
Management in an ‘Outpost of Tyranny’” in 2006 Vol 3 ZimConservation Opinion
[Chapter 20:27]
[Chapter 10:27]
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 65
Brunch C et al “Constitutional Environmental Law: Giving Force to Fundamental
Principles in Africa” in 2001 Vol 26 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
131, 179
See, for instance: Byrne A “Report of the Work of the Committee on Free
Access to Information and Freedom of Expression by the Chair” in 1999 Vol 25
No 5 IFLA Journal 299
McDonagh M “The Right to Information in International Human Rights Law” in
2013 Vol 13 No 1 Human Rights Law Review 25
For further discussion on the concept of the social contract between the
government and the governed, see: J Rousseau Discourse on Political Economy
and the Social Contract Oxford Paperbacks, Oxford, 1999
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 67
“Conservationist slams Zim wildlife exports” in The Zimbabwe Independent
(Harare, 22 Jan 2016) <
conservationist-slams-zim-wildlife-exports/> accessed 16 October 2017.
Nickerson, BJ “The Environmental Laws of Zimbabwe: A Unique Approach to
Management of the Environment” in 1994 Vol 14 No 2 Boston College Third
World Law Journal 189, 203.
68 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Gandiwa E et al “Illegal hunting and law enforcement during a period of
economic decline in Zimbabwe: A case study of northern Gonarezhou National
Park and adjacent areas” in 2013 Vol 21 No 3 Journal for Nature Conservation
133, 139.
Op cit note 21
See: Associated Press in Harare, “Zimbabwe journalists arrested for linking
police with elephant poisonings” in The Guardian (London, 03 November 2015).
arrested-for-linking-police-to-poaching > accessed 12 August 2018.
See, for instance, the 2013-2018 Policy blueprints, the Zimbabwe Agenda for
Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET), Economic Blueprint,
2013-2017 (Government Printers, Harare, 2013).
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act [Chapter 10:27]
Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 69
Constitution of Zimbabwe (n 6) s 73 (1) (b) (ii)
Ibid s 62 (2)
Environmental Management Act s 4 (1) (b)
70 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Zimbabwe joined the CITES Convention on 19 May 1981, and it entered into
force by accession on 23 June 1981. The CITES Convention obliges Parties to
enable public access to periodic reports prepared by such Party through CITES
(n 12) art VIII (8).
SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law Enforcement (n 14) art 8 (1).
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 71
This is an extension of the Banjul Charter which provides for the right
for all people to receive information as well as to ‘express and
disseminate’ opinions.37
In Zimbabwe, in 2015, following the cyanide poisoning of around sixty
elephants by poachers, investigative journalists reported suspected
links between the poachers, an international ivory syndicate and top
government officials in the Zimbabwe Republic Police. The journalists
were arrested for ‘publishing falsehoods’38 and in 2017, two years
later, their cases were still before the courts. The persecution of
Cirelli MT and Morgera E “Wildlife Law and the Legal Empowerment of the
poor in Sub-Saharan Africa” in 2009 FAO Legal Paper Online #77 26
Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa (n 16) art IV (2)
Banjul Charter (n 15) art 9 (1) and (2)
“Zimbabwe journalists arrested for linking police with elephant poisonings” in
The Guardian (London, 03 November 2015) <
poaching> accessed 09 September 2018.
72 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Human Rights Watch, Diamonds in the Rough: Human Rights Abuses in the
Marange Diamond Fields of Zimbabwe (Human Rights Watch, New York, 2009).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making
and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (adopted 25 June 1998, entered
into force 30 October 2001) (Aarhus Convention)
Ibid Art 3 (3).
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 73
Ncube W “Towards the Constitutional Protection of Environmental Rights in
Zimbabwe?” in 1996 Vol 13 Zimbabwe Law Review 97, 122
Brunch et al (n 17) 182. This is a “mechanism for obtaining access to
constitutionally guaranteed information which has been utilised with success
in Latin America
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (n 26) sec 15 (1)
74 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Ibid s 15 (2)
See: Taylor J and Eleanor B “How do public bodies respond to freedom of
information legislation? Administration, modernisation and democratisation”
in 2010 Vol 38 No 1 Policy and Politics 119
Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January
2003 on public access to environmental information and repealing Council
Directive 90/313/EEC (14 February 2003) L 41/26 Official Journal of the
European Union.
Ibid art 7 (1)
European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment)
(Amendment) Regulations 2014 [S.I. No. 615 of 2014]
Alexander J and McGregor, J “Wildlife and Politics: CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe” in
2000 Vol 31 Development and Change 605, 624.
UZLJ Laws, Environmental Rights & Public Participation 75
In conclusion, environmental information laws in Zimbabwe based on
the various pieces of existing legislation are comprehensive enough
to provide a substantive legal right to access information on wildlife
conservation, sales and governance. The main issues and impediments
rest with the policy framework and the accompanying lack of political
will. Concrete steps for the achievement of adequate access to
Murombo T “The Utility of Environmental Rights to sustainable development in
Zimbabwe: A contribution to the Constitutional Reform Debate” in 2011 Vol 11
African Human Rights Law Journal 120, 132.
76 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Access to justice is central to justice delivery in any democratic
society. Most initiatives in Zimbabwe on access to justice are focused
on the substantive law. Recently an attempt was made to reform
rules of civil procedure but it appeared the exercise was more of gap
filling than a real reform. There was no specific goal and the method
was not inclusive particularly of the most affected litigant-the self-
actor. This paper proposes a number of approaches that can be utilised
to ensure that access to the court is enhanced. The main approach
being advanced is simplification of rules of civil procedure. Once
litigants are able to bring their matters to the courts then delivery
of justice is enhanced.
Key Words: Access to justice; Rules of civil procedure; Self-actor;
This article2 discloses an adverse picture on access to justice by the
self-actors in the Magistrates Court of Zimbabwe. The statistics of
self-actors failing to access justice shows the long road Zimbabwe as
a country needs to navigate before justice is for all.3 The self-actors’
journey to access justice seems to be a long arduous one and points
Rodgers Matsikidze is a PhD student with the University of Witswatersrand
University of Johannesburg, Director-Legal Aid and Attachment Office &
Lecturer- Civil Procedure and Labour Law, University of Zimbabwe and a
practising legal practitioner at Matsikidze and Mucheche Legal Practitioners: He is also a Trustee of the Law Society of
Zimbabwe, Councillor, Council for Legal Education in Zimbabwe, and board
member for several organisations including Community Working Group on Health.
The article is based on my MPhil thesis: Rodgers Matsikidze, The Civil Procedure
in the Magistrates Court of Zimbabwe. A denial of justice to self-actors?
Unpublished M.Phil thesis, University of Zimbabwe, 2014,140.
78 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See Lord Woolf, “Report on Civil Procedure Reform in UK”, 1994, Also Sir Rupert
Jackson’s Report on UK Civil Procedure, 2013
See Chan Gary K.Y, “The Right to Access to Justice, Judicial Discourse in
Singapore and Malaysia”, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Vol 2, Issue 1,
Berkeley, 2007, Singapore Management University.
See Buhai Sande L, “Access to Justice for Unrepresented Litigants: A comparative
Perspective”, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 42, 2009.
See Rodgers Matsikidze, The Civil Procedure in the Magistrates Court of
Zimbabwe. A denial of justice to self-actors? Unpublished M.Phil thesis,
University of Zimbabwe, 2014
Goldschmidt Jona, Barry Mahomey, Harvey Solomon and Joan Green, Meeting
the Challenge of Pro-se Litigation: A Report and Guidebook for Judges and
Court Managers, American Judicature Surly, USA, 1998.
UZLJ Rules of Civil Procedure in Magistrates Courts of Zimbabwe 79
Lord Woolf, Access to Justice, Interim Report, June 1995 and also Access to
Justice, July 1996.
Lord Woolf, Access to Justice Final Report, July,1996.
80 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See Rodgers Matsikidze, The Civil Procedure in the Magistrates Court of
Zimbabwe. A denial of justice to self-actors? Unpublished M.phil thesis,
University of Zimbabwe, 2014,p105
Ibid p106.
See also UNICEF ZIMBABWE REPORT, Beyond Income: Gendered Well-Being and
Poverty in Zimbabwe, accessed on 12 February 2017
and Poverty and Poverty Datum Line Analysis in Zimbabwe 2011/12,
Ibid p89 note 11.
Ibid p89.
See Galanter M, “Why the Haves” come out ahead: Speculation on the limits of
legal challenge”, Law and Society vol 9,No 1,1974.
UZLJ Rules of Civil Procedure in Magistrates Courts of Zimbabwe 81
not address the problems of those litigants who, even though they
have resources, choose to appear in court on their own. Legal aid
does not address the problem of complexity of the court procedures
which if address may increase access to court. Hence while it is
accepted that legal aid is a possible avenue to assist self-actors, its
success would depend on availability of funding.
See Law Society of Upper Canada report of 2008, accessed 10
April 2011.
82 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See Labour Act 28.01 sections 93 and 98.
See Labour (Settlements of Disputes) Regulations, SI 217 of 2003
Maru Vivek, Between Law and Society-Paralegals and Provision of Primary justice
Services in Sierra Leone, Open Society Justice Initiative, New York, 2006.
See ibid, 2014 note 11.
UZLJ Rules of Civil Procedure in Magistrates Courts of Zimbabwe 83
Dare means family council of elders.
Nyamusi-Musembi Celestine, The Urban Poor, Problems of Access to Human
Rights: Traditional justice institutions-Can they be more effective? Institute of
Development Studies, University of Sussex, September 2002.
84 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Ibid p152-3 note 11.
UZLJ Rules of Civil Procedure in Magistrates Courts of Zimbabwe 85
Cappelletti M & Garth B, ‘Access to Justice: The Worldwide Movement to Make
Rights Effective, A General Report’ in Access to Justice, vol 1, A World Survey
Book 1, edited by Cappelletti and Garth B, 1-124, Alphen and Rijn Sijthoff and
86 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
already have an upper hand, therefore the self-actors would not have
any advantage over others. In fact, it would be a significant step
towards creating a level playing field. Moreover, the self-actors would
not be assisted to prosecute their case or draft documents specifically.
They will be given general directions on what ought to be done. Such
assistance would definitely not be equivalent to legal representation.
In real terms it reduces the burden on the courts to deal with defective
papers. Hence costs of running the court are naturally reduced. The
costs are lessened even to the self-actors as they would be able to
successfully proceed without legal representation.
See Order 8 of the Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules,1980
UZLJ Rules of Civil Procedure in Magistrates Courts of Zimbabwe 89
Ibid Order 10
ibid Order 11 and 12
ibid Order 18
ibid Order 12, 14, and 16
90 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
as well. Hence no need for the discovery stage. The summons should
have all documents sought to be relied upon attached to it.31 After
this has been done the parties should be given ten days to file any
additional documents of facts they think are essential to their case.
After this stage the clerk then informs the parties to attend the Pre –
Trial Meeting with the Magistrate. It should be the responsibility of
the Clerk of Court to call parties for pre-trial meetings. Once they
are called the parties should appear before the Magistrate for the pre
– trial meeting. This removes the obligation of the parties to apply for
a pre= trial conference and serve time and costs of the proceedings
unlike in the current form where there are many stages in the civil
procedure rules.32
The pre-trial meeting should allow the Magistrate to conciliate or
arbitrate where possible and advise the parties of possible solutions.
The Magistrate should be allowed to record a settlement, in the event
of agreement, that is binding on all parties and capable of
enforcement. In the event that parties do not settle, the presiding
Magistrate should in consultation with parties draft a document called
Trial Summary. (See Appendix 10).
Trial Stage
During the trial stage, the procedures should also be simplified. Parties
should be allowed to ask questions in vernacular and also the
Magistrate’s role should not be limited to umpire-ship but the
magistrate should have an active role of trying to ascertain the truth.
Indulgencies, postponements and introduction of new evidence and
material should be allowable if there is a genuine reason. At the trial
the Magistrate should first explain to the parties what they are
expected to do and the burden of proof on issues and constantly guide
them during trial.
Enforcement Stage
The enforcement stage should be made easier. The Messenger of Court
should be allowed to interview successful parties and inform them of
Ibid Order 18
Ibid Order 19
UZLJ Rules of Civil Procedure in Magistrates Courts of Zimbabwe 91
Application Procedure
The application procedure should be simplified as well. There should
be prescribed forms and affidavits like in the maintenance court. The
forms should be capable of being used by lay people.
A simpler version of a court application should be as in Appendix 11
and 11(b) as supporting affidavit. The current court application
requires to be accompanied by an affidavit that sets out the cause of
action, parties’ particulars and also the relief they are seeking. There
is no form of what the affidavit entails.33 The court should then have
discretion after filing of the opposition to the application by respondent
to refer the matter to trial or decide it on the papers filed.
These forms should be in prescribed form and if litigants wish to write
more than one affidavit they may retype the documents to create
more space or add more affidavits or special blank affidavits. The
notice of opposition should be more simplified than the one in the
rules and should provide for guidance on the key issues to be included
in the defence through opposition.34
It is my view, there is need to start reform in this area immediately.
All key stakeholders should be involved. The Ministry of Justice and
Legal Affairs may do consultative meetings with self-actors to validate
the findings of this research and then proceed to engage a team of
lawyers with interest and expertise in access to justice to start
redrafting simplified rules with all key sets of forms. This initiative
will not require a lot of resources.
ibid Order 22
Ibid Order 22 Rule 2
92 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The Constitution of Zimbabwe guarantees a wide range of
fundamental rights. These are set out in Chapter four-the Declaration
of Rights. However, the Constitution is silent on a number of
fundamental rights which include the right to access adequate
housing, the right to development and the right to the protection of
family. Thus, the Constitution does not expressly provide for these
rights, yet in the preamble it, captures and expresses a vision of a
prosperous and just society that is based on human dignity. There is
a real risk that this vision will remain a pipe dream if individuals do
not enjoy these rights. In this paper, I examine how and the extent to
which the interpretive guidelines set out in section 46 of the
Constitution, can be applied as a tool to infer or read in rights that
are not expressly provided for in the Constitution’s Declaration of
Rights. Inevitably I also examine the theoretical underpinnings of
the rules provided for in section 46 and argue that, the courts need
to engage with those theories in a critical and nuanced fashion in
order to develop a meaningful jurisprudence on how fundamental
rights should be interpreted in Zimbabwe.
Key words: constitution-constitutional court-section 46-constitutional
values-rights-human dignity-constitution of Zimbabwe.
Amongst the progressive attributes of the 2013 Constitution of
Zimbabwe is that it guarantees an expansive Declaration of Rights,
especially when one compares it to the previous Lancaster House
Justice Alfred Mavedzenge holds a PhD in Constitutional Law from the University
of Cape Town. He is a Researcher at the University of Cape Town Law Faculty’s
Democratic Governance and Rights Unit, and is an associate at Maja and
Associates Commercial Law Chambers.
9 4 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Such as the Constitution of Zambia and the Constitution of Botswana
The Constitution expressly provides for the right to shelter for children in section
81 (1) (f).
See art 1 and article 2 of the United Nations General Assembly,XDeclaration on
the Right to Development: Resolution / adopted by the General Assembly, 4
December 1986,XA/RES/41/128. Also see Arjun Sengupta “Right to Development
as a Human Right” in 2001 Vol. 36, No. 27 Economic and Political Weekly
See art 18 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and for a
discussion of what this right entails see United Nations Human Rights Committee
“Report on protection of the family: contribution of the family to the realization
of the right to an adequate standard of living for its members, particularly
through its role in poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development
This may be the view of those who argue in favour of a strict literal interpretation
Iain Currie and Johan De Waal make similar observation in The Bill of Rights
Handbook 6th ed, Juta and Company 2013 at p. 135 and 136
See preamble of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See section 3 (1) (e) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See section 3 (1) (f) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 95
See UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), General
Comment No. 4: The Right to Adequate Housing (Art. 11 (1) of the Covenant),
13 December 1991 at para 7
See Justice Alfred Mavedzenge PhD thesis “An analysis of how Zimbabwe’s
international legal obligation to achieve the realisation of the right of access
to adequate housing, can be enforced in domestic courts as a constitutional
right, notwithstanding the absence of a specific constitutional right of every
person to have access to adequate housing” University of Cape Town, 2018
Supra note 4
Supra note 3
Supra note 11
See Mawere v Registrar General (2015) ZWCC 04 at para 20 and Madzimbamuto
v Registrar General [2014] ZWCC 5 at 5–6
1994 (2) ZLR 54 (S) at 57 F–H
9 6 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
(2) ZLR 54 (S) at 57 F-H the Court held: “This Court has on
several occasions in the past pronounced upon the proper
approach to constitutional construction embodying fundamental
rights and protections. What is to be avoided is the imparting of
a narrow, artificial, rigid and pedantic interpretation; to be
preferred is one which serves the interest of the Constitution
and best carries out its objects and promotes its purpose. All
relevant provisions are to be considered as a whole and where
rights and freedoms are conferred on persons, derogations
therefrom, as far as the language permits, should be narrowly
or strictly construed.18
After citing the above dictum, the learned Ziyambi JA went straight
to conclude and give an order without providing any meaningful
analysis of what this dictum entails, as if the dictum is self-explanatory.
The rest of the bench concurred with this judgment. The Court took a
similar approach in Mawere v Registrar General19 , where Garwe JA
(with concurrence of the entire bench) cited Gubbay’s dictum and a
couple of other remarks by judges from other jurisdictions, but did
not engage with this dictum to provide any nuanced interpretation of
section 46 of the Constitution.
Therefore, beyond Gubbay CJ’s dictum, there is not yet any meaningful
jurisprudence that has been developed on the practical implications
of section 46, especially when interpreting constitutional rights. There
is therefore a gap in the Zimbabwean jurisprudence on this subject.
Through this paper, I hope to make a contribution towards addressing
this gap.
The centre piece of my argument is that section 46 of the Constitution
is an expression of the following doctrinal theories of constitutional
interpretation: rights interdependence and indivisibility; the doctrine
of the ‘living’ constitution, the value based and purposive theory of
interpretation-and these presuppose a broad and or value laden
approach to rights interpretation, which in turn allows the courts to
infer some of these rights that are not expressly provided for in the
Declaration of Rights. First, I consider what section 46 says.
Of the Constitution
Supra note 17 and supra note 18
9 8 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Craig Scott “Interdependence and Permeability of Human Rights Norms: Towards
a Partial Fusion of the International Covenants on Human Rights” in 1989 Osgoode
Hall Law Journal. p. 781. Also see Sandra Liebenberg. Socio-economic Rights:
Adjudication under a Transformative Constitution 2010 p. 51
Supra note 22, Craig Scott at p. 779
Supra note 22, Craig Scott at p. 780
Also see E Wicks. “The Meaning of Life: Dignity and the Right to Life in
International Human Rights Treaties.” in 2012 Human Rights Law Review at p.
206: Also see UN General Assembly “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights:
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 99
which judges should apply their logic. As will be made clearer in the
following sections of this paper, the judge’s logic must be rational in
the sense that it must be guided by the textual context- which
comprises of the prescribed constitutional values, principles,
international law and the words used in framing the right. Yacoob J in
Government of South Africa v Grootboom31 demonstrates how this
approach to constitutional construction can be applied within the
above highlighted limits, for purposes of giving effect to the
constitutional vision.
Scott identifies the second form of organic interdependence as the
‘effectivist or foundational conception’ which asserts, for example
that “the right to an adequate standard of living is part of or is
justified by the right to life because the effectiveness of the latter
right depends on it”.32 Thus, the ‘effectivist conception’ entails that
the enforcement of one right cannot be effective without
simultaneously enforcing the other right.
Both the logical entailment and the effectivist approach (as Craig
Scott’s conception of the rights indivisibility and interdependence
theory) require courts to refrain from interpreting rights as if they
are isolated from the other. As I mentioned earlier, the Constitutional
Court, by citing with approval Gubbay CJ’s dictum, has expressed this
view.33 However, it has not demonstrated in its jurisprudence, the
implications of that rule. In practice, the implications of this rule (as
encapsulated in section 46 (1) (a) of the Constitution) is therefore
that even if a right is not expressly guaranteed in the Declaration of
Rights, the court must infer that right (the derivative) upon another
expressly guaranteed right (the core right) as long as the ‘core right’
is grammatically framed broadly, and as long as it can be proven that
the expressly guaranteed right cannot be implemented effectively
without simultaneously enforcing the implied (derivative right) right.
Thus, section 46 (1) (a) of the Constitution is an expression of the
rights indivisibility and interdependence doctrine, which requires
courts to interpret the expressly guaranteed rights as widely as the
language allows in order to infer other rights which the Constitution
is silent on. In a sense therefore, section 46 (1) (a) requires courts to
refrain from perceiving the Declaration of Rights as an exhaustive list
of constitutional rights. It ought to be perceived as an outline of the
Supra 26, at para 19-25 and 35-40
Supra note 22, Craig Scott at p. 781
Supra note 17 and Supra note 18
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 101
To the extent permitted by the words used to frame the core rights
Of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
Supra note 16, Mawere v Registrar General, para 20
For a discussion on this see See Aileen Kavanagh “The Idea of a Living
Constitution.” in 2003 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Though prior to the enactment of the 2013 Constitution
102 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Supra note 16, Mawere v Registrar General at para. Also see Capital Radio Pvt
Ltd v Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe 2003 (2) ZLR 236 (5), p 247 b-d
In S v Mhlungu 1995 (3) SA 867; 1995 (7) BCLR 793 (CC) at para 8, which he
later applied in Government of the Republic of Namibia v Cultura 2000 1994(1)
S.A. 407 (Nm S) at 418 F-H when he was sitting as Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of Namibia
See supra note 37, Kavanagh, at p. 56
See Hunter v Southam (1984) 11 D.L.R. (4th) 641 at 649 and Attorney-General
(Manitoba) v Metropolitan Stores (MTS) Ltd (1987) 38 D.L.R. (4th) 321, para
Of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 103
See section 12 (1) of the previous Constitution: The Lancaster House Constitution
of Zimbabwe, 1979
See supra note 37, 7 at p. 57
In S V Zuma 1995 (2) SA 642 (CC) at 17
104 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See section 46 (1) (d) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013 and Zimbabwe
Electoral Commission v Commissioner General, ZRP (2014) ZWCC 3 at para 8
In “Interpreting a Living Constitution” 2015 North East Law Review at p.7-13
Ibid, p. 7
See section 81 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
Supra note 11
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 105
Of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
See for example the following sections of the Constitution of Zimbabwe: 48
(1); 51; 57; 56 (6) and 74
Supra note 15, Mawere v Registrar General
Supra note 15, Madzimbamuto v Registrar General
106 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Supra note 15, Mawere case at para 20
For example see President of the Republic of South Africa v Modderklip Boerdery
(Pty) Ltd 2005 (5) SA 3 (CC); 2005 (8) BCLR 786 (CC) where the right to free use
of private property was interpreted narrowly in order to protect the dignity of
the evictees which would be violated if they were to be evicted without being
given alternative housing.
Of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 107
See Statutory Interpretation: An Introduction for Students 4th ed 2005 p. 193
1995 (3) SA 391 (CC), 1995 (6) BCLR 665
Ibid at para 27 for the summary of the arguments by parties
Ibid, see for example paras 131 to 134
And a fundamental right as well
See the judgments of Langa J, Madala J, Mahomed J and Mokgoro J in supra
note 59 at paras 223 - 227; 237 - 243; 263; and 307 - 313 respectively.
108 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Supra note 59 at para 328
Ibid. See for example para 95, and paras 144-145
Supra note 59 at para 327
See Prinsloo v Van der Linde 1997 (6) BCLR 759; 1997 (3) SA 1012 (CC) at 31-33:
President of the Republic of South Africa v Hugo (6) BCLR 708; 1997 (4) SA 1 at
para 41 and Harksen v Lane NO 1997 (11) BCLR 1489; 1998 (1) SA 300 (CC) at
para 93
Supra note 26
National Coalition for Gays and Lesbians Equality v Minister of Justice 1998
(12) BCLR 1517; 1999 (SA) 6 (CC)
Kindler v Canada (1992) 6 CRR (2d) 193 SC at 241
[1977] 45 BVerfGE 187, 228 (Life Imprisonment case)
Supra note 29
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 109
Laurie Ackermann, Human Dignity: Lodestar for Equality in South Africa 2013
at p. 23-24 and 28-29
And sometimes putting different emphasis on different aspects of these values.
For this discussion see Oscar Schachter “Human Dignity as a Normative Concept”
in 1983 Vol 77, no 4 The American Journal of International Law pp 848-854
Of the Constitution
Supra note 73 at p.28-29
1997 (6) BCLR 759; 1997 (3) SA 1012 (CC) at para 31-42 where Ackermann J
engages with Ronald Dworkin’s theory on equality and juxtaposes that theory
against South Africa’s apartheid history
Ronald Dworkin. Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality 2000 p.
110 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
mean the right to receive equal treatment, but it also mean that
previously marginalised groups should receive preferential treatment
so as to achieve the constitutional goal of a substantively equal
society.80 Yacoob J in Government of South Africa v Grootboom 81
takes a similar approach to interpret what the value of human dignity
entails in the interpretation of the right of access to adequate housing.
When the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe adopts this approach, it
will be clear (as it is in comparative jurisdictions) that by requiring
courts to adopt a value laden approach to rights interpretation, the
Constitution obliges courts (where necessary) to infer other rights
upon those that are expressly guaranteed in the Declaration of Rights.
The inference of rights is a consequence of incorporating certain
constitutional values into the expressly guaranteed rights. However,
as Lord Wilberforce said: “a Constitution is a legal instrument, the
language of which must be respected……a Constitution embodying
fundamental principles should as far as its language permits be given
a broad construction.”82 As I pointed earlier, this rule is encapsulated
in section 46 (1) (d). Therefore, the inference of other rights, which
is done by means of incorporating certain values into the expressly
guaranteed rights, can only be done to the extent permitted by the
words used to frame the fundamental right.
Supra note 77
Supra note 26
This was cited by Kentridge AJ inXState v Zuma 1995 (2) SA 642 (CC)
Which requires the court to attach an interpretation that gives full effect to
the right.
G Devenish. Interpretation of Statutes 1992) p. 36. Also see L Du Plessis. Re-
Interpretation of Statutes 2002 p. 96 and Iain Currie supra note 6 at p 136-137.
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 111
See Article 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969)
Supra note 59 at para 17-18
See Brink v Kitshoff 1996 (4) SA 197 (CC) at para 40 for an example of how
historical context was taken into account to ascertain the purpose of equality
as both a constitutional value and a right.
Supra note 39, S v Mhlungu at para 8
Supra note 7, Iain Currie at p. 143
Ibid at p.136-137
Ibid at 143-144, for a detailed discussion on this
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 113
There are numerous interests to be served, including the constitutional
objectives in Chapter two of the Constitution, but the primary here I suggest
that the primary interests are the constitutional values
For example, reference should also be made to the objectives set out in Chapter
Two of the Constitution as required by section 46 (1)(d)
See section 3 of the Constitution
114 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The rules of constitutional interpretation that are provided for in
section 46 (1) (a) and (b) of the Constitution have their conceptual
roots in certain theories of constitutional construction, namely: the
rights indivisibility and interdependence theory, the doctrine of a living
constitution, the value based and purposive approach. These theories
are underpinned by a common objective-which is to facilitate the
interpretation of rights in a manner that promotes their effective
realization. When applied properly they will inevitably result in certain
rights being inferred upon the Declaration of Rights. Thus, section 46
(1) (a) and (b) is can be an effective pathway for reading in rights
which the Constitution is silent on, yet the enjoyment of those rights
is a precondition for the realization of the rights and the vision that is
expressly guaranteed or expressed in the Constitution. However, for
UZLJ Rights Inference: Section 46 of Zimbabwe Constitution 115
this to happen, the courts must adopt a more robust approach to the
application of the interpretive rules. This demands courts to go beyond
regurgitating what has been said by other courts or judges. The courts
must provide a comprehensive, deeper and nuanced engagement with
the conceptual underpinnings of these rules of constitutional
This article specifically interrogates the extent to which the continued
lack of recognition of cohabitation relationships under Zimbabwean
law has resulted in disproportionate gendered impacts on women
involved in such relationships. Yet in all fairness and to a large extent,
a cohabitation relationship performs the same function as that of a
legally recognised marriage. It argues that the non-recognition is
discriminatory and violates section 56(1) of the Constitution of
Zimbabwe. The article builds a case on the need for law reform of
marriage laws in Zimbabwe that takes into account international
best practice.
Key words: Cohabitation, property, marriage, equality, non-
There is no legal definition of cohabitation in Zimbabwe nor are there
specific laws governing such relationships. A contextual definition of
the term has been adopted for purposes of this article. Cohabitation
is whereby “two adults live together in a relationship resembling a
marriage in some key respects, without being married” either under
civil or customary law4. The family is traditionally created by virtue
This article is largely drawn from a dissertation entitled, “A Critique of the
Law Relating to Cohabitation in Zimbabwe and Proposed Reforms” written by
Beverley Casmila Madzikatire in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the
Bachelor of Laws Honours Degree (LLBs)obtained in 2018 that was supervised
by Dr. Elizabeth Rutsate who has further revised and edited it as at 15 September
Beverley Casmila Madzikatire is a former law student at the University of
Zimbabwe, Faculty of Law who graduated with the LLBs Honours degree in
Dr. Elizabeth Rutsate is a Senior Law Lecturer within the Faculty of Law at the
University of Zimbabwe.
Hubbard et al, A Family Affair :The Status of Cohabitation in Namibia and
Recommendations for Law Reform (2010)Hubbard et al (Legal Assistance Centre)
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 117
Zimbabwe is a democratic society7 which is founded on respect for
values and principles which include the recognition of equality of all
human beings as well as non-discrimination.8 Hence all persons have
a right to equal protection and benefit of the law9 and the right not to
be treated in an unfairly discriminatory manner on the basis of their
social status.10 It is against this background that one notes the need
for legal recognition of cohabitation relationships in Zimbabwe. Whilst
the subject remains contentious especially regarding whether non-
recognition of cohabitation “is fair, reasonable and justifiable in a
democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality
and freedom”11 or whether it is in the interests of public morality12, it
is submitted that an approach taken in Karambakuhwa v Mabaya13 is
more encompassing vis-à-vis the rights and situation of cohabitants in
From an international perspective, there has been in some jurisdictions
acceptance and legal recognition of family forms that are different
Literally translated to “beating of pots” or “eloping”
Chirawu Slyvia, Family Law in Zimbabwe Student Notes (unpublished,2016) pg
section 1 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe,2013
section 3(1)(f) & section 56 (1)
section 56(1)
section 56(3)
section 86(2)
section 86(2)(b)
An unreported Supreme Court case no. 158/89 where a cohabitation relationship
was given legal recognition
118 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
1990 (2) ZLR 143(S)
The South African Law of Husband and Wife 5th edition (1985)
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 119
Johnson v Johnson [1982] 12 Fam Law 116 cited in D Bloy Family Law (1995) pg
Divya Singh “Cohabitation relationships revisited: Is it not time for acceptance?
(1996) Volume 29, Issue 3, Comparative and International Law Journal of
Southern Africa
The Law of Marriage, Vol.1, 1996
120 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
D. Bloy Family Law (1995)
Sinclair supra
Amstrong. A et al, Uncovering Reality: Excavating Women’s Rights in African
Family Law, WLSA
ibid pg 57
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 121
are not formally married24 yet the concept of a family is not cast in
stone but covers a wide range of relationships which include
cohabitation relationships.
Section 192 of Constitution
As long as they are positive cultural norms
S. Chirawu, G.Murungu et al, Challenging the Status Quo-Gender, HIV/AIDS
and the Law in Zimbabwe: A Rights-based Approach, (2007) WLSA
122 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
of law. However the 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution has had the effect
of overriding some customary law choices which perpetuated gender
inequality as they tended to be discriminatory against certain groups
of people particularly women as based on gender.
Section 3 of the Customary Law and Local Courts Act28 provides
guidelines on the law to be applied in a given situation. Unless the
justice of the case otherwise requires, customary law applies in any
civil case where the parties have expressly agreed that it should apply;
or regard being had to the nature of the case and the surrounding
circumstances, it appears that the parties have agreed it should apply;
or regard being had to the nature of the case and the surrounding
circumstances, it appears just and proper that it should apply. In all
other cases, the general law of Zimbabwe is applicable. Surrounding
circumstances in relation to a case include the mode of life of the
parties; the subject matter of the case; the understanding by the
parties of the provisions of customary law or the general law of
Zimbabwe and the relative closeness of the case and the parties to
the customary law or the general law of Zimbabwe.
In Mabaudi v Mhora29 it was stated that customary law cannot be
applied to a cohabitation union. The parties in casu did not have a
customary union, which is the only recognized type of union under
customary law. The court held that general law could not be applied
as there was no cause of action pleaded based on general law and
none seemed to be applicable to the particulars of claim set out. It
follows that the applicable law to a cohabitation relationship is general
law but a party must specifically plead a recognized cause of action
such as mounting an action based on tacit universal partnership or
unjust enrichment.
Despite its growing contribution to the family setup, there is no clear
legal framework governing cohabitation in Zimbabwe. The complete
framework of legislation governing family law is not designed to cater
for cohabitants but “spouses” and to a limited extent unregistered
customary law unions which have always been distinguished by the
payment of lobola or bride-wealth. The distinction between an
unregistered customary law union and cohabitation seems to have
fallen away as the payment of lobola no longer is an essential element
[Chapter 7:05]
(HH) unreported case no 60/11
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 123
such as mounting an action based on tacit universal partnership or unjust
(HH) unreported case no 35/16 of 14 December 2015
124 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Section 3(5) of the Customary Marriages Act [Chapter 5:07]
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 125
The principles of sharing matrimonial property upon divorce namely “his”,
“hers” and “theirs” as put out in Takapfuma v Takapfuma 1994(2)ZLR103 may
not apply to a cohabitation relationship
[Chapter 5:13]
Section 2 of the Act defines “marriage” to include a marriage solemnized in
terms of the Customary Marriages Act [Chapter 5:07]
Matrimonial Causes Act [Chapter 5:13]
126 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
A Latin expression literally translated to mean, “dazzled as they come from
the income of a society for all”
Butters v Mncora 2014(3)All SA 259 (SCA)
1953(1) SA 612
1984(2)SA 451(TPD)
2001(1) ZLR 710 (H)@p176 F-G
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 127
Sinclair44 points out the problems associated with the use of this legal
concept. Proving existence of a tacit universal partnership is difficult
since reliance is on an implied contract. Cohabitants seldom enter
into written agreements, making it difficult to prove the terms and
conditions of the implied partnership. This is more so when one
considers that in these cases oral evidence is largely used. The situation
is different if there is a contract present whose details and contents
are spelt out with clarity in terms of frameworks used for the sharing
of property and regulation of affairs. Unfortunately, most partners
who cohabit seldom enter into written universal partnerships. The
majority of cohabitants find themselves in a predicament when the
relationship ends as they are left without anything of note.
1996(1) ZLR 269(H)
(HH) unreported case no 197/03 of 7 January 2002 & 11 February 2004
128 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
1.1. Maintenance
Maintenance has been defined as payment of money or material
support that a person may be ordered by a court to pay so as to
provide support of his or her dependants48. Whilst partners to a civil
marriage in terms of the Civil Marriages Act49 and Customary Marriages
Act50 can claim maintenance from their spouses by virtue of a fully
recognised legal marriage in which either party is obliged to maintain
the other, this does not apply to cohabitants. There is no reciprocal
duty of support between cohabitants during the relationship or after
its termination by death or otherwise51. The Maintenance Act52 at most
acknowledges maintenance of spouses under customary law that is
those in unregistered customary law unions to the exclusion of
cohabitants. Section 6(3) states that husbands and wives under
customary law are primarily responsible for each other’s maintenance.
Since cohabitation is unknown under customary law, the legal
entitlement is not extended to cohabitants. Cohabitants may only
claim maintenance from their partners for their children but not for
themselves. This is so because maintenance laws do not distinguish in
as far as the maintenance of children is concerned.
It is argued however that if need is the determinant factor in awarding
maintenance then it should not be a challenge to use the same
J.Win & L.O. Venekelasen t al, Family Laws Customs and Practices in Zimbabwe
pg 99
[Chapter 5:11]
[Chapter 5:07]
Sinclair supra
[Chapter 5:09]
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 129
The court in Hosho v Hassisi (HH) unreported judgement no. 491/15 took a
different view stating that lobola remains the most cogent and valued proof
and indication of a customary union.
130 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Bromley supra
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 131
section (6)4
section 247(3)
132 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
1.6. Adultery
Adultery occurs when sexual intercourse is engaged in by two people
whereby one of the parties or both are married to someone else at
the time the act of sexual intercourse took place. Consequently,
adultery damages are intended to compensate an innocent spouse for
the injury inflicted upon him or her by the defendant who has had
sexual relations with his or her spouse and also for the loss of
consortium the plaintiff may have suffered by reason of the withdrawal
of the comfort, society, love, companionship and assistance his or her
spouse was providing58. In Njodzi v Matione59 it was held that adultery
is an injury occasioned to the innocent spouse because of the
adulterous relationship. In that regard, the injured spouse can recover
damages for loss of a spouse’s consortium as well as any patrimonial
loss suffered and also personal injury or contumelia suffered by them,
inclusive of loss of comfort, society and services.
Adultery has been discussed at length in the context of registered
marriages as well as unregistered customary law unions but not in the
context of cohabitation. In Mukono v Gwenzi60, it was held that a
woman married in accordance with custom and whose marriage is
registered under the Customary Marriages Act [Chapter 5:07] cannot
claim damages against a woman who has committed adultery with
her spouse. This is so because the customary marriage under the said
Ncube W, (1989) Family Law in Zimbabwe pg54 para3
(HH) unreported case no.37/16
1991(1) ZLR 119
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 133
[Chapter 5:11]
1994 (2) ZLR 176
Engels in “Origins of the Family, Private Property & the State” Available at: last accessed 08/30/
134 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
It has been the case that in other jurisdictions of the world especially
Scandinavian countries (as discussed later in this article), cohabitation
has been recognized as an emerging form of a marriage relationship
despite its lack of some of the formalities currently viewed as essential
for its validity e.g. registration.
Since Welshman Ncube’s 1997 publication entitled, “Continuity and Change:
The Family in Zimbabwe” under the WILSA flagship, many other publications
on the evolving nature of the family have emerged and flooded the internet.
Ibid; See page 85
L.H. Morgan, Ancient Society, or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress
from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization, 1877 available at: http:// or https://
[last accessed 10 September, 2018]
P.M. Bromley and N.V. Lowe, Bromley’s Family Law 8th edition, 1992, pg 3
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 135
Available at
approach, Accessed 24 April 2018
Available at> Accessed 17 April 2018
S.Chirawu, G.Murungu et al, Challenging the Status Quo-Gender, HIV/AIDS and
the Law in Zimbabwe: A Rights-based Approach, (2007) WLSA
136 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
available at: [last accessed
31 August, 2018]
available at: [last accessed 31
August, 2018]
See Article 16 of the CEDAW available at:
daw/cedaw/text/econvention.htm [last accessed 08/31/2018]
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 137
See A. Hellum and H.S. Aasen in “Women’s Human Rights: CEDAW in
International, Regional and National Law- A Study of Human Rights Convention”
(2000) at page 282
138 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African
Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC)
Both the CRC and the ACRWC recognize the family as the fundamental
basis of society and also the natural environment for the growth and
well-being of all its members particularly children which must be
afforded the protection and assistance necessary for the full
assumption of its responsibilities within the community.76 Reference
is made to “a family environment”77 which must be conducive for the
child to grow up in an atmosphere of happiness, love and
understanding. The term has been defined to mean different family
structures arising from various cultural patterns and emerging familial
relationships78 and this seems to encompass cohabitation relationships.
see Preamble to CRC and Article 18 of the ACRWC
see Article 20 and Preamble to CRC and Article 18 ACRWC
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child,” Fortieth session: Day of General
Discussion, Children without Parental Care”, CRC\C\153, 17 March 2006
2005 (5) BCLR 446 (CC)
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 139
for example duty of support, cohabitation and fidelity
Ally v Dinath supra , Butters v Mncora supra looks at indirect financial
Section 1 (vii)(b) of the Act
common-law-marriage-laws-of-cohabitation-common-law-marriage/ Accessed
23 March 2018
140 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Hahlo supra
Bromley P.M. et al supra
23 March 2018
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 141
equal protection and benefit of the law. Rights of equality and dignity
of the partners in domestic partnerships therefore must be upheld
and family law must be reformed to comply with the applicable
provisions of the Bill of Rights.
clause 4(5)
clause 6
clause 6(6)
142 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
clause 26 of the Bill
clause33 of the Bill
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 143
individuals will have the knowledge and resources to engage with the
courts to seek protection.93 Further to that the Bill has taken too long
prior to becoming operational since it can only enter into operation
when a date is fixed by the president of South Africa through
proclamation in the Gazette.94 This is still to occur.
5.1. anzania
De Vos, P. Still out in the Cold? The Domestic Partnerships Bill and the
(Non)protection of Marginalised Woman, in Sloth-Nielsen J. and Z. Du Toit,(eds)
Trials & Tribulations, Trends and Triumphs: Developments in International,
African and South African Child and Family Law, 2008
Clause 36 of the Bill
[1989] TLR 215
Civil Appeal No.68 of 2003
144 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
section 160(1) of the Act. Thus the appellant’s ground of appeal based
on the fact that the court a quo distributed matrimonial assets before
declaring that the marriage had irretrievably broken down was
misplaced there being no marriage to dissolve. However, since the
parties had cohabited for 10 years without any form of marriage
ceremony, the presumption of being duly married was rebuttable but
the respondent in casu was entitled to the same reliefs as any other
woman upon dissolution of a formal marriage pursuant to what section
160(2) of the Law of Marriage Act Provides.
5.2. Norway
Norway has been described as an interesting example of the
institutionalization of modern cohabitation as the country has gone
full circle with regard to the regulation of cohabitation.97 Although
there is no specific Act which regulates all the affairs of cohabiting
couples in Norway, cohabiting couples enjoy considerable recognition
in many aspects such that it has been said that cohabitation in Norway
has been recognised in law in ways that blur the differences between
cohabitation and marriage. This is discussed in detail below and
particular reference is made to legislation which recognises and
protects the rights of cohabiting couples.
Syltevik, L.V. “Cohabitation from illegal to institutionalized practice: the case
study of Norway 1972-2010” in 2015, Vol. 20, Issue 4, The History of the Family,
Sverdrup, National Report on Informal Relationships: Norway (2015) available
online at
[last accessed 10 Sept, 2018]
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 145
5.2.2. Inheritance
The inheritance laws in Norway are favourable as they recognize the
right of a cohabitant to benefit from an estate under intestate
succession. The Norwegian Inheritance Act, 2009 101 confers to
unmarried cohabitants who have had; had or are expecting to have
children, a right to either inherit approximately 40,000 Euros or to
postpone the settlement and keep part of the deceased’s estate
undivided. By allowing a surviving cohabitant to inherit or retain the
undivided portion of the estate in certain circumstances, the law is
adaptive to change and steps in to protect the economically vulnerable
The Inheritance Act defines cohabitation as two people who live
together in a marriage-like relationship and are above the age of
eighteen years as long as they are not married or registered partners
or cohabiting with others. The yardstick is evidently not registration
but determination of whether a certain relationship is “marriage like”.
This is indeed a progressive piece of legislation. The two persons must
permanently reside together but shorter periods of separation may
not disqualify a person the right to inherit. However, certain persons
are excluded from the definition of cohabitation that is two persons
that are so closely related that they cannot marry.
5.2.3. Adoption
The Norwegian Adoption Act, 2014 provides that married and
cohabiting couples have equal rights in as far as adoption is concerned.
Section 5 of the Act states that a person who is married or is a
cohabitant may only adopt jointly with his or her spouse or cohabitant,
unless the spouse or cohabitant is insane, mentally retarded or is
In accordance with the Norwegian Co-ownership Act
section 28(b) and (c)
146 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
6.1. ntroduction
A brief analysis of the jurisdictions discussed clearly shows that
cohabitation relationships can be legally protected. An analysis of
the progressive South African and Tanzanian legal frameworks has
confirmed that “the African marriage covers a wider range of flexible
relationships, performing various social functions, which reflect their
specific socio-economic conditions.”105 Family law thus cannot be
confined only to registered marriage relationships. The yardstick ought
to be intention and not registration. Stable, intimate, dependence-
producing relationships are worthy of the protection of the law. Lessons
can thus be learnt from the progressive laws of Tanzania and Norway.
Section 5(b) provided they are not of the same sex and the child originates
from a foreign state which disallows such adoption
Section 13
Syltevik supra
Amstrong et al supra pg 55
UZLJ Interrogation of the Law Relating to Cohabitation 147
2. Cohabitation Contracts
Another best practice which Zimbabwe can emulate from South Africa
is the use of cohabitation contracts. The courts can give recognition
Eekelaar, Family Law and Social Policy,2nd ed (1984)
as per Gubbay CJ in Zimnat v Chawanda (supra)
148 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
4. Legislative Intervention
The legislature may intervene by promulgating a law that legally
recognises cohabitation relationships and provides legal entitlements
to the partners during the existence of the relationship and upon its
dissolution. Cohabitants will be able to rely on statute for redress of
their family law based legal concerns. The statute may also provide
for the registration of cohabitation relationships.
Sinclair supra
Global Sports Administrative Bodies are powerful and influential
institutions. Sovereign States in their individual capacities struggle
to deal with some of their rules and decisions. They also have direct
jurisdictional authority over individual athletes. At the centre of
their jurisdictional authority is their power to admit, suspend or
expel both individual nations and athletes from participating in global
sporting competitions. Athletes have to be careful about what and
how to express themselves on and off the field because of restrictive
rules on speech. Freedom of Speech in sports is, therefore, under
serious threat because of multi-million dollar commercial interests
in the form of sports sponsorships benefiting Global Sports
Administrative bodies. Consequently, within the context of global
sports administration some domestic constitutional freedoms such
as freedom of expression rank below international rules set by these
Global Sports Administrative institutions. Such conflict is not easy to
resolve and it requires political rather than legal initiatives to resolve.
Sovereign nations are unable to protect themselves and their athletes
against some unfair decisions of global sports administrative bodies.
Concerted efforts by groupings of nation states at continental or
regional levels are an imperative in dealing with what appears to be
administrative excesses of Global Sports Administrative Bodies.
Key Words: Global Sports Administrative Bodies, The Fédération
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Court of Arbitration
for Sport (CAS), International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF),
Freedom of Expression, Doctrine of Prior Restraint, Commercial
On Saturday 26 June 2010 at 09.00am there was an extensive report
on the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation’s former SFM radio station
150 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Skhumbuzo Moyo, “It shall NOT be well: FIFA bans clothing with religious
messages” The Chronicle, 6 February, 2014
“Vatican Sports Foundation Criticises FIFA for trying to ban religious expression”
16 July 2009, Accessed on 10 August 2010
affederation/federation/81/42/36/lawsofthegameen.pdf. Accessed on 10
August 2010 and the latest version is 2018/2019,
Accessed on 19 July, 2018
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 151
The theoretical justification for supporting protection of free speech
in general has been thoroughly explained in literature and there is no
need to repeat it. However, the general protection of free speech has
been premised mostly on protection of political speech probably
because it lies at the core of the circle of protection5 of free speech
and although one of the fundamental justifications for protection of
free speech is self-fulfilment or self-realisation6 which is inextricably
linked to individual autonomy7 . Self-fulfilment ordinarily underpins
the intrinsic value of free speech more than its instrumental value,
especially in defence of free speech in professional sports which are
inherently associated with the desire for team or individual
achievements. Thomas Emerson makes reference to self-fulfilment
in his identification of four values underpinning the importance of
free speech which are as follows:
1) assuring individual self-fulfilment; 2) advancing knowledge
and discovering truth; 3) provid[ing] for participation in decision
making by all members of society; 4) achieving a more adaptable
and hence a more stable community, …maintaining the precarious
balance between healthy cleavage and necessary consensus.8
Richard Moon The Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression University
of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo London, p 16
Thomas I Emerson “Towards a general theory of the First Amendment” 72 Yale
Law Journal 877 1962-1963 p 878-9
152 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Bollinger Lee C. The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech
in America Oxford: Oxford UP 1986
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 153
The pre-publication ban of undergarment speech that is created by
the provisions of FIFA’s Law 4, Clause 5, is drawn from the doctrine of
prior restraint. This, as explained by Thomas J Emerson “…deals with
official restriction imposed on speech or other forms of expression in
advance of actual publication and its effect is to prevent
communication from occurring at all.”10 Ariel L. Bendor argues that
“in practice, it is possible to restrict a right through the use of criminal
law, civil law, administrative law, or a combination of both. Rights
may be limited by means of physical or normative prior restraint (action
taken to prevent a given act from occurring), by means of subsequent
Thomas J Emerson ‘The Doctrine of Prior Restraint’ Law and Contemporary
Problems, Vol 20 No. 4 (Autumn 1955), p 648
154 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Ariel L Bendor ‘Prior Restraint, incommensurability, and the constitutionalism
of means’ Fordham Law Review Vol 68 1999, p 294
John Calvin Jeffries, Jr ‘Rethinking Prior restraint’ Yale Law Journal Vol 92,
No.3 (Jan. 183), p 409
Cohen v California 403 US 15, 24
Section 36 of the Constitution of South Africa
Dianne Gereluk ‘Why can’t I wear this?! Banning symbolic clothing in schools’
Philosophy of Education 2006 at p 107
article/viewFile/1522/262 Accessed on 13 October 2010
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 155
995 (4) SA 284 (ZC)
Ibid at p 290 G
The Tehran Times ‘FIFA ban Iranian Women from wearing the Hijab in YOG’,
April 4, 2010 Accessed
on 18 October 2010
156 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
and sport, which are essential for the full development of his
personality.” This proposition affirms the nature of human rights as a
complex symbiotic web of social values that modern democratic states
accord to all their citizens. Sport is, therefore, a medium of expression
of talent, skills, intellectual art, ideas and thoughts through which
successful participation brings joy and personal fulfilment to the
individuals concerned. The joy may not be complete unless forms of
expression are performed and any inhibition of such performances
will be prima facie in violation of the individual footballer’s freedom
of expression.
1994 (1) ZLR 49 (S)
Ibid, at p56
Ibid, at p57
CCT 53/01
Ibid, at para 21
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 157
Khumalo & Ors (Supra) at para 21
Thomas Scanlon ‘Theory of Freedom of Expression’ Philosophy and Public Affairs
Vol 1 Number 2, (Winter 1972), p 206
158 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Ray Tarnowiski ‘Shut Up and play: Censorship in major professional sports’
April 24, 2003, Accessed on 16 July
Ibid, page 2
Ibid, page 2
John O Spengler, Paul Anderson, Daniel P Cannaughton and Thomas A Baker,
Introduction to Sports Law, p162
John O Spengler, Paul Anderson, Daniel P. Cannaughton and Thomas A Baker
Introduction to Sports Law p 162
Ibid p 163
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 159
Jonathan Burchell ‘The legal protection of privacy in South Africa: A
transplantable hybrid’ Electronic Journal of Comparative Law Vol. 13.1 (March
2009) Accessed on 6 August 2010, p 4
Louis M Benedict ‘The global politics of sports: The role of global institutions
in sports’ p 1-2.
160 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
power unknown to the aspirants in the field such as… human rights.”36
The resultant effect is the emergence of States that are weaker in
their ability to protect the civil rights of their citizens against such
international sports bodies as FIFA and the IAAF. Attempts by some
countries like Nigeria and Greece to interfere with the authority of
some of these global sports administrations like FIFA have been
vigorously resisted and taken as political interference in sport37 . In
respect of actions by Nigeria and Greece respectively, FIFA threatened
to ban Nigerian football teams from all international tournaments
that are organized by FIFA and suspended the Greek Football
Association’s FIFA membership. As FIFA is an internationally recognized
global football administration body and there is political leverage to
be gained from participating in FIFA organized football events,
particularly because of their popularity with the majority of the
electorate, the threats of FIFA sanctions weakens a State’s ability to
protect the civil liberties of its citizens. The popularity of the World
Cup may be epitomized by an estimated audience of 700 million people
who watched the FIFA World Cup Final in Johannesburg, South Africa
in July 2010.38
Consequently, if the State is weak and athletes are also weak, the
latter become commercial objects with little or no basic freedoms
sacrificed on the altar of commercialisation of sports. These athletes
are huge assets on their clubs’ balance sheets, not free to disengage
themselves from their contracts and gagged from speaking to the
media without authorisation for fear of antagonizing their sponsors
or risking huge financial losses in penalties or loss of personal
sponsorships. Athletes are required to conduct themselves in ways
that do not alienate their leagues from their sponsors. Ethan Yale
Bordman notes that “... in an effort to curb player comments about
the game several years ago Cincinnati Bengals added an addendum to
all contracts, allowing the team to terminate performance bonuses
for players who criticise team mates, team managers, or game
‘World Cup 2010: FIFA threatens Nigeria with ban over team’s suspension’ Accessed 4 October 2010
Graham Dunbar Associated Press, ‘FIFA expects 700 million to watch World
Cup Final’ 11 July 2010,
fifa-expects-700-million-watch-world-cup-final.html. Accessed on 5 October
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 161
Ethan Yale Bordman ‘Freedom of speech and expression in sports’ Michigan
Bar Journal September 2007, p 37
Note 9 (above) p 3
‘AT&T drops sponsorship deal with Tiger Woods’
business/01/01/10/att-drops-sponsorship-deal-tiger-woods Accessed on 10
October 2010
‘Gay slur costs Stephanie Rice Jaguar sponsorship deal’ September 07, 2010
costs-stephanie-rice-jaguar- sponsorship-deal/story-e6frf96x-1225914998070
Accessed on 6 October 2010
162 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Andre J Lang ‘Global administrative law in domestic courts. Holding global
administrative bodies accountable’ p 4
Ibid p 4
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 163
The status of FIFA makes it difficult if not impossible for the individual
rights of football players to be protected or enforced against FIFA
because according to Rule 64 (2) of FIFA Statute 2009, “Recourse to
ordinary courts of law is prohibited unless specifically provided for
in FIFA regulations.”46 FIFA is a voluntary association of football
administrations responsible for organising football in their countries47 .
Membership to FIFA is on a voluntary basis and as such FIFA emphasises
independence from political interferences in football thus steering
away from accountability to any nation. Member Associations including
football players and their agents are barred from suing each other in
domestic courts which are mandated to interpret and enforce
constitutional rights and freedoms derived from national constitutions.
To ensure that this requirement is implemented, Member Associations
are obliged by FIFA Statutes to include
[a] clause in their statutes or regulations stipulating that it is
prohibited to take disputes in their Association or disputes
affecting Leagues, member leagues, clubs, players, officials and
other Association officials to ordinary courts of law…48
Rule 64 (2) FIFA Statutes August 2009
Ibid, Rule 10(1)
Ibid, Rule 64 (3)
164 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Andre J Lang argues that “[i]t should be the role of domestic courts
to establish accountability mechanism towards those sports regimes
whose internal rationality is focused on cleanliness and economic
prosperity of sports.”50 However, the difficulty with Lang’s contention
is one of enforcement of the decisions of the court because most
sports competitions are arranged under the auspices of the global
administrative bodies. FIFA has powers under its statutes to ban, expel
or suspend any member association which violates its statutes or whose
national government interferes with the administration of football in
that country. For instance, FIFA suspended the Greek Football
Association’s membership after the Greek Government refused to pass
a law that guaranteed that football matters could only be decided by
the Greek Football Association.51 Thus, whilst a domestic court may
vindicate an individual footballer’s constitutional rights, that footballer
or the national association of the footballer’s country may either be
banned or expelled from participating in competitions arranged by
FIFA. Therefore, Lang’s argument may not be sustainable as FIFA
statutes render decisions of domestic courts ineffective especially
relating to enforcement against a non-resident international body.
Andre J Lang (ibid at note 43) p 24
Gabriel Marcotti ‘Is football still above the law?’
tol/sport/football/article621061.ece Accessed on 11 August 2010
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 165
Perhaps, the best route is to learn from how the European Union
reacted to the FIFA stance on one occasion. The European Commission
took a unified stance against FIFA when it sought to introduce a rule
that would potentially infringe on the freedom of movement and
protection against discrimination within the European Community. In
this regard, the European Commission in 200852 rejected a proposal
by FIFA relating to the 6 + 5 Rule which entailed that “…that 6 of the
11 football players on the pitch have to be of the nationality of the
country of the football club…” 53 The position of the European
Commission was that professional footballers are workers, and
therefore the right to free movement and the principle of non-
discrimination applies to them. The 6+5 Rule would constitute a direct
discrimination of the grounds of nationality. 54 The European
Commission further stated that European Member States were bound
by the European Treaty and if any of the member states were to allow
the enforcement of this rule in their country then the European
Commission would take the Member States to court. This stance caused
FIFA to stand down on its proposals. The action by the European Union
indicates that if continental bodies such as the African Union are
prepared to stand together and defend the basic rights that they have
all agreed to protect through the African Charter of human Rights,
then FIFA and other related Global Sports Administration bodies will
be forced to revise some of their restrictive rules that infringe on
basic human rights.
The argument from the European Commission was premised on
potential violations of the basic rights to free movement and the right
not to be discriminated against. These basic human rights fall into
the same category as the right to freedom of expression. As has been
argued above, there is no basic human right that assumes greater
value than others and as such the right to free speech must be
protected in equal manner to the right to free movement or the right
against discrimination.
Pre-publication censorship of speech by FIFA should not be permitted.
Sanctions should only be imposed on offending footballers if the speech
is likely to incite violence, terrorism, war, or hatred among different
Commissioner Vladimir Spidal ‘The Commission shows red card to the 6+5 rule
proposed by FIFA’ 28 May 2008,
main.jsp?langid=en&catid Accessed on 11 August 2010
166 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
David Kinley and Sarah Joseph ‘Multinational Corporations and Human Rights’
Alternative Law Journal Vol (27) No.1, February 2002 at p 9
841 F. Supp.1444 (1992)
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 167
where the issue before the court was whether or not the US court
concerned could exercise personal jurisdiction over the IAAF. Using
the Ohio long arm statute in the Ohio Revised Code which sets out the
ground upon which a non-resident defendant may be sued in the Ohio
courts57 the court found that it could exercise personal jurisdiction
over the IAAF. The court noted that in Flight Devices, 466f.2d at224-
25 that the Ohio long arm statute was construed to extend the
jurisdiction of Ohio courts to the constitutional limits.
Individual countries may need to formulate similar legislation in order
to have jurisdiction over bodies such as FIFA in order to enforce
judgments in areas where it has both direct and indirect activities.
Whatever the methods employed to force FIFA and other global sports
administrations to respect basic freedoms, the guiding factor in
ensuring the proper interpretation and application of the scope of
the basic freedom of expression should always be the concept of
proportionality. This principle entails that the decisions of officials
should be judged not just against the criteria of legality and rationality,
but against a benchmark which maintains that limitations on the
fundamental rights must be necessary to meet a legitimate end in a
democratic society, and must not infringe a basic right to a greater
extent than is required to achieve that end.58
The issue here is whether impugning of the fundamental rights such
as the right to freedom of expression in sports is necessary to achieve
a legitimate end? If so, what is the legitimate end? FIFA Statutes do
not seem to set out the mischief aimed at by banning such forms of
expressions and religious practices but one would assume that it may
be to ensure orderliness in the administration of football. If that is
the argument, then how does FIFA justify acceptance of certain forms
of expression and discriminate against others when their objectives
are similar. For instance, the dreadlocks associated with Rastafarianism
are accepted whereas taking off a shirt to show religious expressions
is prohibited. Some football teams gather together to do their war
cries before the start of matches, yet praying together as the Brazilians
national football team did after winning the Confederations cup was
Ibid, p 1449-50
‘Note on the legal doctrine of proportionality’ Children’s Rights Alliance
February 2007
168 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Note 2 above
Salvatore Landolina, ‘World Cup 2010: FIFA ban Brazil players from displaying
religious t-shirts’ June 12, 2010,
religious- Accessed on 22 October 2010
Note 7 above
[1999] 1 AC 69 at p80 also referred to in Regina v Secretary for the Home
Department ex parte. Daly at para 25 per Lord Steyn
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 169
Ibid. Press Release dated 18 July 2006
Alec Van Vaerenburg ‘Regulatory Features and Administrative Law Dimensions
of the Olympic Movement’s Anti-doping Regime’ Global Administrative Law
Series, IILJ Working Paper 2005/11 p 13
170 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Swiss Federal Supreme Court, March 15, 1993.
Timothy Zick ‘Space, Place, and Speech: The Expressive Topography’ (2006).
Faculty Publications Paper 276.
or George Washington Law Review Vol 74, 2006 p441
UZLJ In Defence of Free Speech in Sports 171
bid. It is, therefore, not surprising that the huge contribution of funds
needed to support the preparation for the hosting of the World Cup
tournaments are drawn from the national government treasuries of
the hosting countries.
The importance of free speech in sports cannot be over emphasised.
The administration of professional sports should not place unchecked
prominence over fundamental human rights. What FIFA and other global
sports administrative bodies may be avoiding is being held to account
for their actions by national governments. Now is therefore the time
for continental political bodies to confront FIFA head on and ensure
that mechanisms are put in place to hold them accountable for human
rights violations.
This paper examines the applicability of the long established
contractual doctrines of freedom of contract, sanctity of contract
and privity of contract in modern day Zimbabwean law of contract.
It argues that even though the three doctrines are still applicable,
there are instances where they have not be strictly adhered to and in
some cases redefined.
Key words: freedom of contract, sanctity of contract, privity of
contract, contract.
The doctrines of freedom of contract, sanctity of contract and privity
of contract are foundational principles upon which Roman-Dutch law
of contract was initially established. This article analyses the three
doctrines and reflects on the extent to which these doctrines are still
applicable in the current Zimbabwean law of contract.
The doctrine of freedom of contract provides that one is free to enter
(not to enter) into a contract without interference or restriction.2 A
person has the freedom to choose with whom to contract, whether or
not to contract, and on what terms to contract. In Printing & Numerical
Registering Company v Sampson, the court underscored the doctrine
of freedom of contract when it held as follows:3
If there is one thing more than another that public policy
requires, it is that man of full age and competent understanding
shall have the utmost liberty of contracting and that their
contracts, when entered into freely and voluntarily, shall be
LLBs (Hons), LLM and LLD. Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe.
Maja, I The Law of Contract in Zimbabwe (2016) Maja Foundation, Harare.
Printing and Numerical Registering Co v Sampson (1875) LR 19 Eq 462 465.
UZLJ Freedom, Sanctity and Privity of Contract Law of Contract 173
See also Chanakira v Mapfumo & Anor Limited S-86-06; Tonderai Hamandishe
& Anor v Maffack Properties (Pvt) Ltd HH-160-10; and International Trading
(Pvt) Ltd 1993 (1) ZLR 21 (H).
Munyanyi v Liminary Investments & Anor, HH-38-2010.
See Kessler, Friedrich, ‘Contracts of Adhesion-Some Thoughts About Freedom
of Contract’ (1943). Yale Law School Faculty Scholarship Series. Paper 2731.
Chanakira v Mapfumo & Anor HH-155-10.
8. 8
See Cohen, M ‘The Basis of Contract’ (1933) 46 Harvard Law Review 553, 585;
& Note, E Mutuality in ‘Exclusive Sales Agency Agreements’ (1931) 31 Columbia
Law Review 830.
174 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Seddon, N; Bigwood, R; Ellinghaus, M (2012) Cheshire and Fifoot’s Law of
Contract 351.
See Mangwana v Muparadzi 1989 (1) ZLR 79 (S
UZLJ Freedom, Sanctity and Privity of Contract Law of Contract 175
Sanctity of contract provides that once a contract is entered into
freely and voluntarily, it becomes sacrosanct and courts should enforce
it.11 According to Sir David Hughes Parry:12
When all persons interested in a particular transaction have given
their consent to it and are satisfied, the law may safely step in
with its sanctions to guarantee that right be done by the
fulfillment of reasonable expectations.
In Madoo (Pty) Ltd v Wallace14 the Court held that ‘[o]ur system of
law pays great respect to the sanctity of contact. The Courts would
rather uphold than reject (contracts).’ The Zimbabwean case of Old
Mutual Shared Services (Pvt) Ltd v Shadaya15 established that the
doctrine of sanctity of contract holds in Zimbabwe. Mwayipaida Family
Trust v Madoroba and Others buttresses this point by holding that
‘[i]t is the policy of the law to uphold, within reason, the sanctity of
Beale, Bishop and Furmston17 argue convincingly that sanctity of
contract has a double emphasis. The first emphasis is that if parties
hold to their bargains, they are treated as masters of their own bargains
and the courts should not indulge in ad hoc adjustment of terms that
Maja,I The Law of Contract in Zimbabwe (2016) Maja Foundation, Harare.
Sir David Hughes Parry The Sanctity of Contracts in English Law (1959) The
Hamlyn Trust Series 1-2.
E. Underwood & Sons Ltd v B. Baker 1899 (1) CH 305.
1979 (2) SA 957.
S-22-04; 2004 (1) ZLR 439 (S).
Beale HG; Bishop WD & Furmston MP Contract Cases and Materials (2008) 58.
176 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Mangwana v Muparadzi 1989 (1) ZLR 79 (S)
Book v Davidson 1988 (1) ZLR 365 (S).
See Unilever South East Africa v Viewleen Investments (Pvt) Ltd HH 37-07. See
BP Southern Africa (Pty) Limited v Desden Properties (Pvt) Limited & Anor
1964 RLR 7(G) 11H-I; 1964 (2) SA 21 25 G-H; Fisc Guide Investment v Tazarura
& Ors HH-28-2005.
See also Minister of Public Construction & National Housing v Zesco (Pvt) Ltd
1989 (2) ZLR 311 at 316
UZLJ Freedom, Sanctity and Privity of Contract Law of Contract 177
Total SA (Pty) Ltd v Bekker (1954) 35 ALR 434, at 437.
2007 (2) ZLR 163 (S).
1996 (2) ZLR 691 (S).
n Basson v Chilwans 1993 (3) SA 742, it was held that ‘[t]he contract in restraint
of trade is against public policy if it restricts a party’s freedom of economic
activity in a manner or to an extent that is unreasonably judged against the
broad interests of community and the interests of the contracting parties.’
178 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The doctrine of privity of contract provides that contractual remedies
are enforced only by or against parties to a contract, and not third
parties, since contracts only create personal rights.33 According to
Lilienthal,34 privity of contract is the general proposition that an
In16 above.
2002 (2) ZLR 580 (H) 588.
1994 (2) ZLR 202 (H).
2009 (2) ZLR 171 (H).
In this case, $70 million was the illegal purchase price and $130 million was the
true purchase price.
See Bhana, D; Bonthuys, E & Nortje M Students’ Guide to the Law of Contract
(2009) 18.
Lilienthal JW ‘Privity of Contract’ (1887) 1 (5) Harvard Law Review 226.
UZLJ Freedom, Sanctity and Privity of Contract Law of Contract 179
See Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge & Co (1915) AC 847 853.
37. 37
(1909) 26 SC 271, at 279.
38. 38
See Ncube v Mpofu & Ors HB-69-06.
Terra Graphics (Pty) Ltd t/a Terra Works v MEC: Department of Police, Road
and Transport Free State Provincial Government and Anor (3489/2012) (2013)
ZAFSHC 11 (7 February 2013).
Inn 8 above 404. See also Watson v Gilson Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 1997 (2) ZLR
180 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
It is clear from the above analysis that even though the doctrines of
freedom of contract, sanctity of contract and privity of contract are
still applicable to the current Zimbabwean law of contract, there are
areas where these principles have not been strictly applied.
[Chapter 13:11].
This paper examines the complex issue of sentencing of sexual
offenders against the backdrop of the recent calls for mandatory
minimum sentences in cases of sexual crimes. Some countries have
introduced mandatory minimum sentences but the paper points out
some of the problems in deciding upon appropriate minimum
sentences for the different sexual crimes. It demonstrates
inconsistencies in the sentencing patterns in Zimbabwe for sexual
offences and explores the alternative of setting of sentencing
guidelines to achieve more consistency in sentencing levels.
Key words: Sexual offences, mandatory minimum sentences,
inconsistency in sentences
Sentencing in all criminal cases is a complex process as the penalty
must fit the crime and the offender. Before coming to a conclusion on
the appropriate sentence all the individual circumstances of each
case must be considered. One very important factor which is perhaps
not always given full weight is the impact of the offence on the victim.
Justice demands that serious offences should not be trivialized by
imposing sentences that are too lenient but, on the other hand, harsh
sentence must not be automatically imposed without taking account
of the specific circumstances of each case.1
There are various sexual offences, the most serious of which are rape
and aggravated indecent assault, both of which carry a maximum
sentence of life imprisonment. The offence of so-called “statutory
rape” carries a maximum sentence of imprisonment for ten years.
For a detailed analysis of the sentencing role of judges see S v Mharapara HH-
26-17 p 4 and S v Makucheche HH-10-18 at p 12.
182 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Recently there has been a lot of debate about raising the age of consent
for the purposes of the crime of rape. It is of interest to note that
France is intending to raise the age of sexual consent to 15.
Presently sexual intercourse with a girl who is 12 or below is
automatically rape as the girl is deemed to lack capacity to consent.
A girl who is 13 but under 14 is rebuttably presumed to lack the capacity
to consent until otherwise proved. If the presumption is not rebutted,
the male who has sexual relations with her commits rape.
A girl who is 12 or older but who is not yet 16 can consent to sexual
intercourse but the male who has sexual intercourse with her still
commits the offence under section 70 of the Code of having consensual
relations with a young person. This offence currently requires that
the sexual intercourse be “extra-marital”. This needs to be amended
deleting the word conditional “extra-marital” because in the Mudzuru
case2 the Constitutional Court ruled that marriage to a person under
the age of 18 is prohibited and thus the fact that the accused
purportedly married the girl cannot be a defence.
It is suggested that the minimum age below which the girl will be
deemed to lack capacity to consent should be raised to 14 from the
Mudzuru & Anor v Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs & Ors
UZLJ Sentencing of Sexual Offenders 183
In a lecture in 20174 Edwin Cameron, a judge in the Constitutional Court in
South Africa cogently set outs the reasons why he opposes the imposition of
mandatory minimum prison sentences. See “Imprisoning the Nation: Minimum
Sentences in South Africa” Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Programme delivered
at University of Western Cape on 19 October 2017.
See S v Arab 1990 (1) ZLR 253 (S) and Chichera v A-G 2005 (1) ZLR 307 (S)
UZLJ Sentencing of Sexual Offenders 185
In some jurisdictions the alternative to minimum mandatory sentences
imposed by the legislature has been to establish a Sentencing Council
along the lines of the one in England. This Council is composed of
judicial officers and lawyers and its function is to promote greater
consistency in sentencing, whilst maintaining the independence of
the judiciary. The Council produces guidelines on sentencing for the
judiciary and criminal justice professionals and aims to increase public
understanding of sentencing. The courts must follow these guidelines
unless it is in the interests of justice not to do so.
Rape has been described as involving the ultimate invasion of a female’s
body, her sexual autonomy and her privacy leading to extreme
humiliation and degradation of its victims. This crime grossly violates
many of the most fundamental constitutional rights of women, such
as their rights personal security, bodily and psychological integrity,
freedom from violence7 and inherent dignity8 freedom from cruel
and degrading treatment 9 and the right to equality and non-
discrimination.10 Rape victims are terrorized by rapists. The rapist
may enter the house or room occupied by a female and use physical
force or threats against her life to rape her. He may waylay her in an
open place, drag her into some bushes and forcibly rape her. Not only
is the woman or girl subjected to the appalling ordeal of rape but she
will often fear that her attacker will kill her after the rape. Where
the rapist uses physical force to overcome her resistance, she will
suffer bodily injury including vaginal injury which may result in later
gynaecological complications. The rapist will often further terrify the
S v Dodo 2001 (3) SA 382 (CC)
Centre for Child Law v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development
2009 (2) SACR 477 (CC).
Section 52
Section 51
Section 53
Section 56
186 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
victim after the rape by threatening to come back and kill her if she
reports the rape to the authorities. The rape victim is at risk of
contracting HIV and other STDs. She may also be impregnated and
unless she is able to obtain emergency contraception to prevent
pregnancy or a lawful abortion, she will then have to give birth to a
child who is the product of rape.
But the dreadful effects of rape extend well beyond the act of rape
itself. The long-term psychological effects of rape can last for the
rest of the survivor’s life and can amount to a living hell for some
survivors. These after-effects can include post-traumatic stress,
depression, vivid flashbacks and recollections of the trauma, low self-
esteem, difficulty in forming relationships with others and eating and
sleep disorders. Depression may become so acute that she may become
In S v Phiri HH 195-15 the court had this to say:
The general public has rightly demanded that rapists should be
severely punished. Rape is a crime of violence rather than
passion. It dehumanises and traumatizes the victim. It is even
worse when the victim is potentially exposed to the lethal
infection of the HIV virus and other sexually transmitted
infections. The courts should, in my view, play their role by
punishing such offenders in a manner which acknowledges the
serious nature of the offence and the interests of justice.
The long term damage done to a child who is raped can be even
worse. According to one author:11
…childhood sexual abuse is considered one of the worst forms
of trauma, and its effects, long term signs and symptoms are
now found to span a large range of conditions. Sexual abuse is
considered ‘soul murder’ as it literally robs the child victim of
their innocence, severely disrupts their developing ego structure
and sense of Self, and will later distort the then adult’s ability
to function and form healthy relationships with others.
It has been found that the risk of lasting psychological harm to the
child victim is greater if the perpetrator of the sexual assault on the
child is a close relative such as a father or someone in a position of
Linda Callaghan In rage: Healing Rage of Child Sexual Abuse, Tyrone Hill
Publishers, New Jersey 2007
UZLJ Sentencing of Sexual Offenders 187
“New sex offence guidelines to overhaul sentencing” By Kathleen Hall in The
Law Society Gazette 12 December 2013
188 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
pregnant. The complainants were walking with their 9 year old cousin
in a bushy area. The accused man ordered the women to go behind a
bush and when they resisted he assaulted them with a stick to get
them to comply. Once in the bush, the man slapped the first
complainant twice and forced her to lie down ordering her to remove
her panties. He ordered the second complainant and the 9 year old
boy to sit down nearby as he raped the first complainant once. When
the man finished raping the first complainant the first time, he ordered
the second complainant to suck his penis before raping the first
complainant a second time. When the man finished raping the first
complainant the second time, he demanded that she should thank
him for what he had done which she did. He then ordered the second
complainant to suck his penis the second time before ordering the
first complainant to bend over and raping her for the third time. All
this happened in the full view of the 9 year old boy who had been
ordered to sit down a short distance away.
The court pointed out that this was an extreme case of rape and
aggravated indecent assault where the Appellant exhibited callousness
of the highest order and appeared to derive sadistic pleasure in abusing
heavily pregnant women in the full view of a 9 year old child. He was
sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for the 3 counts of rape and 15
years imprisonment for the 2 counts of aggravated indecent assault.
Of the total 33 years imprisonment, 8 years imprisonment was
conditionally suspended. The overall effective sentence was 25 years
was confirmed by the appeal court.
In S v Zakeyo HH-142-12 a prophet had called a married woman to his
house and had overpowered her and raped her. She was instructed
not to tell anyone about the rape otherwise she would die or the
severity of her illness would increase. Appellant was convicted on a
charge of rape and sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment, 4 years
conditionally suspended, making an effective sentence of 13 years.
The appeal against sentence was withdrawn.
In S v Machingura HH-236-12 a man raped a woman in his car at knife
point. After the rape he threatened her with death and the death of
her husband if she disclosed the rape. The court held that the sentence
of 10 years of which 3 years was conditionally suspended, an effective
sentence 7 years, was not too harsh.
192 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
A recent study into sentencing patterns in regional magistrates’ courts
in Zimbabwe has disclosed that a significant percentage of rapes are
committed by persons under the age of 18. This is a social problem
that needs to be addressed urgently. Many of the offenders come
from poor families and some have themselves been the victims of
sexual abuse and have developed disturbed personalities. However,
rape remains an extremely serious offence even though the offence
has been perpetrated by a person under the age of eighteen. For this
reason the courts are obliged to impose sentences that do not trivialise
the serious crimes committed.
The courts have understandably been most reluctant to incarcerate
children in ordinary prisons. The general policy has been to keep
children out of prison wherever possible. The Constitution in section
81 provides that children accused of crimes should not be detained
except as a measure of last resort and if they are detained, they
should be detained only for the shortest period of time. In South
Africa the Constitutional Court has ruled that mandatory minimum
sentences for juveniles between 14 and 16 are unconstitutional: see
Centre for Child Law v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
The problem here is the limited range of sentencing options available
in such cases. The regional courts have usually adopted the expedient
device of sentencing juvenile offenders to receive corporal
punishment. There are two drawbacks of this approach. First, if the
offender already has a disturbed personality, corporal punishment
administered in the prisons may well make the youth more disturbed
and more likely to commit further crimes. Secondly, this sentencing
alternative may well become unavailable if the Constitutional Court
upholds recent rulings by the High Court13 that this form of punishment
is unconstitutional.
In a serious rape case such as where the victim is a very young child,
a community service order is certainly not appropriate. What would
be far more appropriate would be to order, on the basis of probation
S v Chokuramba HH-718-14 and Pfungwa & Anor v Headmistress of Belvedere
Junior Primary School & Others HH-148-17. These decisions still await
confirmation by the Constitutional Court according to section 175(1) of the
UZLJ Sentencing of Sexual Offenders 193
officers, that the offenders be held in institutions for the training and
rehabilitation of juvenile offenders. However, the places in such
institutions are very limited and there is currently a shortage of
probation officers. This issue must be urgently addressed.
In S v Tsingano HH-279-11 a 17 year old juvenile first offender raped
a 14 year old who had been asleep after throttling her. Disregarding
the probation officer’s recommendation, the trial magistrate
sentenced the juvenile to 9 years imprisonment of which 2 years were
conditionally suspended. Whilst acknowledging that rape is a
disturbingly prevalent serious offence and also that in casu the accused
showed perseverance and determination in the commission of the
offence, in view of accused’s age and personal circumstancesit was a
gross error of judgment to sentence him to an effective term of
imprisonment let alone one of 7 years. The accused was sentenced to
3 years imprisonment the whole of which was conditionally suspended.
In S v Marufu HH-298-11 a 17 year old was convicted by a regional
magistrate on 4 counts of rape. He was sentenced to 12 years
imprisonment of which 4 years were conditionally suspended. The
appeal court substituted a sentence of 4 years imprisonment of which
2 years 8 months was conditionally suspended.
What makes the issue of sentencing for this offence a complex matter
is that there are a wide range of differing circumstances that fall
within its ambit. This has been pointed out in various case such as S v
Mutowo 1997 (1) ZLR 87 (H) at p 88 and S v Tshuma HB-70-13. There
is, for instance, a vast difference between a situation where a 60
year old man entices a naïve 13 year old girl to have sexual relations
with him by giving her money or gifts and a situation where a 17 year
old youth and a 15 year old girl who is nearly 16 years old fall in love
and mutually agree to have sexual relations after the girl tells him
that she wants to have sexual relations with him. The problem is that
between the most blameworthy and the least blameworthy situations
postulated above there are many variations and different factors that
have to be weighed in deciding upon the appropriate sentence.
In S v Virimai 2016 (1) ZLR 533 (H), the review judge decried the
prevalent practice of imposing inappropriately lenient sentences for
this offence. In that case a 28 year old soldier had consensual sexual
relations on a number of occasions with a girl aged 14 years. The
magistrate sentenced him to a fine of $300 or in default of payment
of the fine to 2 months imprisonment and in addition 2 months
imprisonment wholly suspended on conditions of good behaviour. He
also considered imposing community service but found that this would
not fit in with the soldiers’ work schedule. The review judge concluded
that the sentence imposed was both manifestly and shockingly lenient.
She said the soldier had taken advantage of a vulnerable young girl. A
substantial custodial term of imprisonment would have been
appropriate with a portion of the custodial sentence suspended. The
option of accused performing community service should never have
entered into the mind of the magistrate for public policy reasons.
In S v Nyirenda 2003 (2) ZLR 102 (H) a 37 year old man had sexual
intercourse with a 15 year old neighbour. The age difference between
the two was regarded as an aggravating factor although the
complainant’s closeness in age to 16 was held to be mitigatory. The
sentence imposed was two years imprisonment of which 16 months
was suspended on condition of good behaviour which meant that the
effective sentence was a paltry 6 months’ imprisonment.
In S v Mbulawa 2006 (2) ZLR 38 (H) the accused was convicted of
committing an immoral or indecent act with or upon a young person.
He was aged 30 and the female complainant was aged 12.14 He had
fondled her breasts, kissed her and fondled her private parts on a
number of occasions over a period of a month. The court held that
sexual abuse of children is viewed by the courts in a serious light and
paedophilia has to be dealt with effectively. The courts have to drive
home the message that such conduct will not be tolerated as it has
grave consequences on the youths. Self-gratification of adults should
not be at expense of debauching young persons. The accused had
offended against morality by not only gratifying his own sensualities,
but by also exciting, encouraging and facilitating the illicit gratification
of the 12 year old complainant. The sentence should not be such that
it gives the impression that the court is condoning sexual abuse of
children. The accused’s moral blameworthiness was so high that an
effective sentence in the region of two years was appropriate.
If the girl was indeed only 12 surely she was below the age of consent and the
196 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The judge advised that an effective sentence of not less than three
years should be imposed in these cases, on an incremental basis for
those accused who are twice the victims’ ages, are married with
children of their own, and impregnate the girls or infect them with
sexually transmitted diseases other than HIV.
All of these cases involved men who were considerably older than the
girls and who were found to have exploited the young girls and who
must or should have known that what they were doing was not only
immoral but also unlawful.
There are thus a whole multiplicity of factors that can come into play
in deciding the appropriate sentence on the specific facts of a case.
These have been set out in a series of cases15 and are detailed in re S
v Tshuma HB-70-13. Some of the stated mitigatory factors must be
considered with caution. For example, the fact that the accused comes
from a community where it is not well known that it is impermissible
to have sexual relations with a girl under the age of 16 and was unaware
that child marriage violates the constitutional rights of girls. In S v
Nyamande HH-719-14 a 54 year old man had sexual relations with a
girl aged 14 years over a period of 6 months resulting in the girl
becoming pregnant. He was sentenced to a wholly suspended term of
imprisonment. The accused said in mitigation that at his church they
are allowed to marry as many wives as they want and he wanted the
complainant to be his third wife. The court said that an effective
custodial sentence was called for in this case. This was required to
protect young girls from sexual abuse and to deter abusers who acted
under the guise of marrying the girls when such marriages are now
For instance, S v Nare 1983 (2) ZLR 135 (H)
198 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The weight to be attached to the fact that the girl is not a virgin and
has had sexual relations previously also needs to be carefully
considered. As is pointed out in the Tshuma case above the fact that
the girl is sexually experienced is certainly not a defence and the
offence is still committed. If a much older man sexually entices a girl
of 14 to have sexual relations with him, the fact that the girl has
previously had sexual relations on one occasion with her boyfriend
should not detract from the seriousness of the offence.
The fact that the offender is married already should be treated as
aggravating as a mature married man who seeks sexual gratification
by enticing a young girl must be seen as irresponsible and he deserves
to receive a severe punishment.
Sexual exploitation of girls under the age of 16 must be condemned
by imposing severe sentences. Fines, wholly suspended prison
sentences and community service orders are inappropriate for men
who sexually prey on young girls. We also need a criminal offence to
punish men who sexually groom young girls through the Internet so
they can sexually exploit them or induce them to supply naked pictures
of themselves. There should also be a sex offenders’ register which
can be used to monitor the activities of paedophiles on their release
from prison to try to prevent them from re-offending.
On the other hand, we should be careful about imposing mandatory
minimum sentences for this offence because of the widely differing
situations which can fall within the ambit of this offence. It would be
better to compose detailed sentencing guidelines for magistrates to
ensure that they impose appropriate sentences for the different types
of this offence.
UZLJ Sentencing of Sexual Offenders 199
Sample of Rape Sentences Imposed in Harare Regional Court 2016-2017 on Rapists at
least 18 Years of Age Raping Children
This sample reveals substantial differences in sentencing for what are apparently similar
rape cases. Of course, to do a full comparison the individual facts of the case and the
circumstances of the accused would have to be factored in. All these cases were listed as
rape but it would need to be checked whether some of those involving children over 12 are
not statutory rape cases.
Age of Age of
offender victim Actual sentence Effective sentence
Sample of Rape Cases 2016-2017 in Regional Court Bulawayo Involving Accused and
Complainants over 18
ANNEXURE 2 (cont)
Sample of Rape Cases 2016-2017 in Regional Court Bulawayo Involving Accused and
Complainants over 18
South Africa
Gang rape;
Where the complainant was raped more than once; Life imprisonment
Complainant was under 16; (25 years)
Complainant was physically disabled or mentally ill;
Where the accused knew that he was HIV positive at the
time of the rape.
ANNEXURE 3 (cont)
ANNEXURE 3 (cont)
Tanzania (cont)
Minimum Minimum
Sexual Penalty Sexual Penalty for
Offences for first Offences second or
Offence Act offence Act subsequent
A fundamental change introduced under s 65 (1) of the new
Constitution of Zimbabwe2 is the enshrinement of the right of
employees to be paid a fair and reasonable wage. It reads:
65 Labour rights
(1) Every person has the right to fair and safe labour practices
and standards and to be paid a fair and reasonable wage.
This provision marks a milestone in the labour law regime of Zimbabwe.
It brings Zimbabwean law in closer conformity with relevant regional
and international instruments.
Although the philosophical basis of the Labour Act3 is pluralist, with
the Act providing that its “purpose is to advance social justice and
democracy in the workplace,”4 the regime covering wages has been
decidedly unitarist. Hitherto neither statutes nor common law had
prescribed the quantum of wages payable to employees. This, despite
perhaps one of the most rallying demands of labour in the last two
decades being the demand for a Poverty Datum Line-linked living
wage. This is understandable, when one considers that by 2011, nearly
93 per cent of formal sector employees were earning wages less than
the Total Consumption Poverty Line (TCPL), the generally accepted
measurement of poverty.5 Thus, for most workers, a living wage
remains a mirage. They are mired in dire and debilitating poverty.
Munyaradzi Gwisai lectures in Labour Law and Labour Relations, Faculty of
Law, University of Zimbabwe, and Briggs Zano Working Peoples College. Rodgers
Matsikidze, LLBS Hons (UZ), MPhil (UZ) is the Chairman of the Department of
Procedural Law, UZ, and a registered legal practitioner. Caleb Mucheche, LLBS
Hons (UZ), LLM (UNISA), LLM (UNILUS), is former Dean, Faculty of Law, ZEGU
and a registered legal practitioner.
Introduced by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 (1/
[Chapter 28:01].
Section 2A (1) of the Act.
ZimStat 2011 Labour Force Survey (Zimstat, Harare, 2012) 53.
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 205
The demand for a living wage, not surprisingly, has found echo in
popular musical hits such as Chinyemu by Leornard Dembo and Mugove
by Leornard Zhakata. Indeed, for a nation largely turned Christian, a
demand with Biblical foundations.6
The conflicts over a living wage, became particularly intense in the
post-dollarisation era after March 2009. On the one hand, labour felt
it deserved a dividend for the immense sacrifices it made in the
preceding period of economic collapse and hyper-inflation running
into billions, which virtually wiped out wages. Employers on the other
hand argue for wage restraints to ensure sustainable economic
recovery. Unreasonable wage increments will kill the goose that lays
the golden eggs, they argue.
This conflict spilled into the courts where differing positions emerged.
One line of cases, starting from the premises of the interests of the
business, took the approach that increments above the prevailing
inflation rate, were grossly unreasonable and against public policy as
in the Tel-One (Pvt) Ltd v Communications & Allied Services Workers
Union of Zimbabwe decision.7 The other line, started off from the
premises of the workers’ right to a living wage, and rejected the
approach that saw such increments as unreasonable per se, as in City
of Harare v Harare Municipal Workers Union.8
The new Constitution radically changed the situation by, for the first
time in Zimbabwean constitutional history, explicitly providing for
the right to “a fair and reasonable wage.” In this essay we dissect the
implications of this new constitutional right on the law of
remuneration, in the context of international human rights and labour
law and contrasting philosophical and jurisprudential worldviews.
“Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that
you also have a Master in Heaven.” “Colossians 4 vs 1” in Holy Bible, King
James version (Christian Art Publishers, 2012). Similar values are stated in
“James 5 vs 4” in Holy Bible King (2012) “Behold, the hire of the labourers
which have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud crieth:
and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord
of Sabbath.”
2007 (2) ZLR 262 (H); and Chamber of Mines v Associated Mineworkers Union
of Zimbabwe LC/H/250/2012.
2006 (1) ZLR 491 (H).
206 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
‘Our law does not recognize the right of a court to release a contracting
party from the consequences of an agreement duly entered into him
merely because that agreement appears to be unreasonable.’
What is paramount is what the parties themselves see as reasonable
as reflected in the terms of their contract of employment. The main
responsibility of the courts is to enforce this contractual will of the
parties and not seek to second-guess adult free persons. 13 The
emphasis is on the market as the principal and most fair manner of
determining a reasonable wage. Hepple B captures it well:
The freedom of the employer and worker from the interference
of the state in the labour market, the freedom of the contracting
National Railways of Zimbabwe v National Railways Contributory Fund 1985
(1) ZLR 16 (S);Gladstone v Thornton’s Garage 1929 TPD 116; A Rycroft and B
Jordaan A Guide to South African Labour Law 2nd ed (Juta, 1992) 67.
Commercial Careers College (1980) (Pvt) Ltd v Jarvis 1989 (1) ZLR 344; Belmore
v Minister of Finance 1948 (2) SA 852 (SR).
Chiremba (duly authorized Chairman of Workers Committee) and Ors v RBZ
2000 (2) ZLR 370 (S); Chubb Union Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd v Chubb Union Workers
Committee S 01/01. Also: Nare v National Foods Ltd LRT/MT/38/02.
R H Christie The Law of Contract in South Africa 5th ed (LexisNexis, 2009) 14.
As put by INNES CJ in Wells v South African Alumenite Company 1927 AD 69 at
73: “No doubt the condition is hard and onerous; but if people sign conditions
they must, in the absence of fraud, be held to them. Public policy so demands.
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 207
‘If there is one thing which more than another public policy requires, it is that
men of full age and competent understanding shall have the utmost liberty of
contracting, and that their contracts when entered into freely and voluntarily
shall be held scared and shall be enforced by courts of justice. Therefore, you
have this paramount public policy to consider – that you are not lightly to
interfere with this freedom of contract.’ (per JESSEL M.R. in Printing and
Numerical Registering Co. v Sampson [1875]LR 19 Eq. 462 at 465).” See also: R
Epstein, “In defence of the contract at will” 51 Chi. L. Rev. (1984) 947; A
Rycroft and B Jordaan op cite 10 – 17.
B Hepple (ed) The making of labour law in Europe (Mansell, 1986).
J S Mill, “On Liberty”in John Stuart Mill: A Selection of His Works J M Robson
(ed) (Macmillan, 1966) 13 – 19.
M Finnemore Introduction to Labour Relations in South Africa 10th (ed)
(LexisNexis) 2009) 6.
Under art 34 (2) (b) (ii) of the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15].
208 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
LC/H/ 250/2012.
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 209
In neither of the above cases did the court seek to balance or place in
context the economic factor of the employer’s business interest with
the other factors that are accepted under appropriate international
labour standards.19 These factors include economic – social factors
such as productivity, standards of living in the country and the average
wages in the country as well as the needs of the worker and their
family and the specified purposes of the Labour Act.
Given that Zimbabwe has ratified some of the important ILO
instruments on wage-fixing, these should have been of high persuasive
authority to the courts in determining what a grossly unreasonable
wage increment was.20 It would have required a contextual and
balanced approach, weighing the factors based on the interests of
the business such as ability to pay and profitability and those in favour
of the needs of the worker and their family such as the bread basket
and PDL. In doing so the courts would have been guided by the fact
that the specified objective of the Labour Act is to advance social
justice in the workplace and that Zimbabwe has ratified regional and
international instruments that provide for the employee’s right to
Zimbabwe has ratified important ILO conventions dealing with wages including:
ILO 026 Convention: Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Manufacturing,
Commerce, Domestic Sectors) (1928); ILO 099 Convention: Minimum Wage Fixing
Machinery (Agriculture) (1951). There are also other relevant ILO instruments,
which Zimbabwe has not ratified such as: ILO 131 Convention: Minimum Wage-
Fixing (1970); ILO 135 Recommendation: Minimum Wage Fixing Recommendation
The Long Title of the Labour Act stipulates that one of the objectives of the
Act is “to give effect to the international obligations of the Republic of
Zimbabwe as a member state of the international Labour OrganisationÉ” The
Labour Court has in other instances, correctly in our view, used relevant ILO
conventions to help interpret provisions of the Labour Act as was done in:
Mavisa v Clan Transport LC/H/199/2009 applying ILO 135 Convention: Workers
Representatives Convention (1971); ILO 087 Convention: Freedom of Association
and Protection of the Right to Organise (1948) to help interpret the provisions
of s 14B( C ) and s 29 (4a) of the Act; and Chamwaita v Charhons (Pvt) Ltd LC/
H/215/2009 applying provisions of the Termination of Employment Convention,
1982 (C 158). Generally on the appropriateness of using principles under relevant
international treaties – see section 15B of the Interpretation Act [Chapter 1:01]
and Kachingwe, Chibebe and ZLHR v Minister of Home Affairs and Commissioner
of Police 2005 (2) ZLR 12 (S) and S v Moyo & Ors 2008 (2) ZLR 338 (H) at 341E-
210 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The regulation of wages under statutes had not gone too far beyond
the common law. In the public sector wages and related benefits were
set by the Public Service Commission with the concurrence of the
minister responsible for finance.24 The Commission was required to
consult the recognized public sector associations and organizations
before setting the terms and conditions including remuneration, but
failure to consult or to reach agreement with the associations did not
invalidate any wage regulations so made.25 The Public Service Act
does not provide for the right of employees to “a fair and reasonable
wage” but only provides public sector employees to an enforceable
Article 23 (3) Universal Declaration of Rights; art. 14 (b) Charter of Fundamental
Social Rights in SADC.
Discussed in detail, infra 7.
Cited in: 25 Labour Relations Information Service 3 (June – August 2012) 2.
The Finance Minister repeated the same sentiments in the November 2011
Budget Statement stating: “Stakeholder submissions by industry as well as the
labour movement acknowledge rising incidences of wage demands divorced
from productivity by workers unions and arbitration awards that fail to take
into account affordability at company levels.”
Section 19 (1) as read with s 8 (1) of the Public Service Act [Chapter 16:01].
See section 20 (1) and (2) of the Public Service Act as read with s 73 (2)
Constitution of Zimbabwe 1979 (SI 1979/1600 of the United Kingdom).
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 211
Section 22, Public Service Act.
Section 20 (2) Public Service Regulation 2000 (SI 1/2000).
212 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Section 17 (3) of the Act.
See the bargaining agenda set in s 74 (3) of the Act which includes: “Érates of
remuneration and minimum wages for different grades and types of
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 213
what they deem fit as a fair or reasonable wage. The parties though,
do not have absolute freedom. Firstly, reflecting the state corporatist
origins of the Act, the Minister of Labour has residual power to direct
the renegotiation of an agreement which the Minister feels has become:
(a) inconsistent with this Act or any other enactment or –
(b) ….
(c) unreasonable or unfair, having regard to the respective
rights of the parties.30
The Act does not define the phrase “unreasonable or unfair.” The
discretion is left with the Minister. It may be argued though that the
Minister may generally be guided by the objects of the Act specified
in section 2A (1). The later though, can only take the argument so far,
because neither s 2A (1) nor the Act in general provides for an explicit
fair labour standard of a right to a fair and reasonable wage.
Secondly, a party aggrieved by an award made under compulsory
arbitration can appeal to the Labour Court on a question of law,31 or
if made through voluntary arbitration, make an application to the
High Court to set it aside as being, inter alia, in contravention of the
public policy of Zimbabwe.32 It has been held that an appropriate
ground on which an award may be held to be in contravention of the
public policy of Zimbabwe, is where the award is deemed grossly
unreasonable.33 But the courts have generally held that the ground
of “unreasonableness” is of very limited use in such applications or
appeals and the party who seeks to establish this bears “a formidable
onus”34 to show that the award made is “so outrageous in defiance of
common sense and logic.”35 This is why the bar set in Chamber of
Mines v Associated Mineworkers Union of Zimbabwe, supra, of using
the inflation rate as the essential basis of judging reasonability or
Section 81 (1).
Section 98 (10). See Chamber of Mines v Associated Mineworkers Union of
Zimbabwe, supra n. 7.
Article 34 (2) (b) (ii), Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15]. Tel-One (Pvt) Ltd v
Communications & Allied Services Workers Union of Zimbabwe 2007 (2) ZLR
262 (H).
Tel-One (Pvt) Ltd v Communications & Allied Services Workers Union of
Zimbabwe ibid; and Chamber of Mines v Associated Mineworkers Union of
Zimbabwe, op cite n 7.
Cargo Carriers (Pvt) Ltd v Zambezi & Ors 1996 (1) ZLR 613 (S).
Chinyange v Jaggers Wholesalers SC 24/03; Beazley NO v Kabel & Anor SC/22/
03; ZESA v Maposa 1999 (2) ZLR 452 (S).
214 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
By reliance on s 2A (2) of the Act providing that the Act “ ... shall be construed
in such manner as best ensures the attainment of its purpose referred to in
subsection (1).”
In United Bottlers v Kaduya 2006 (2) ZLR 150 (S) at 155B-C, CHIDYAUSIKU CJ
observed in relation to s 2A says“The section is not a wholesale amendment of
the common law. The common law can only be ousted by an explicit provision
of the Labour Act.”
Section 28 (1), NCA Draft Constitution (2001), s 28 (1) providing: “Every worker
has the right to fair and safe labour practices and standards and to be paid at
least a living wage consistent with the poverty datum line.”See generally, M
Gwisai The Zimbabwe COPAC Draft Constitution and what it means for Working
People and Democracy (ZLC, 2012) 54.
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 215
but not going as far as the later in providing for a living wage consistent
with the poverty datum line, the enshrinement of the right to a fair
and reasonable is still of profound significance. It has provided what
has so far been the critical missing link in the legal framework, and
which allowed the common law and unitarist based approach to reign
with impunity.
For the first time in Zimbabwean labour history, statute law now
provides for the regulation of wages based on normative values of
fairness and reasonableness, something which is alien to common law
and was omitted in the statutory framework. This is even done at the
highest possible level, namely as an enshrined fundamental right under
the Declaration of Rights. What had been missing as a directly specified
fair labour standard in the purposes of the Labour Act under s 2A (1)
is now provided for, but now as a constitutional right.
Although the Constitution does not directly define the phrase “a fair
and reasonable wage,” it provides clear guidelines to be used in
interpreting the phrase. In the first instance in interpreting the
Declaration of Rights, one is required to give full effect to rights
provided in the Constitution and to promote the values that underlie
a democratic society based on inter alia justice and human dignity.39
This is strengthened by s 46 (2) of the Constitution which requires
that when any court or tribunal is interpreting an enactment and
when developing the common law, it must promote and be guided by
the spirit and objectives of the Declaration of Rights.40
Critically further, the courts and tribunals are required to “take into
account international law and all treaties and conventions to which
Zimbabwe is a party.”41 Of particular further importance are the
provisions of s 327 (6) of the Constitution. This provides:
When interpreting legislation, every court and tribunal must
adopt any reasonable interpretation that is consistent with any
international convention, treaty or agreement which is binding
on Zimbabwe, in preference to an alternative interpretation
inconsistent with that convention, treaty or agreement.
Section 46 (1) (a) (b) of the Constitution.
Which is also reinforced in s 176 of the Constitution.
Section 46 (1) ( c ) of the Constitution.
216 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See for instance: ILO 026 Convention: Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery; ILO
030 Recommendation: Minimum Wage – Fixing Machinery; ILO 099 Convention:
Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) (1951).
ZimStat, “Appendix: Summary of International Labour Organisation (ILO) position
on Poverty Datum Line in relation to wages and salaries” (ZimStat, 2013).
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 217
(a) The needs of workers and their families, taking into account
the general level of wages in the country, the cost of living,
social security benefits, and the relative living standards
of other social groups;
(b) Economic factors, including the requirements of economic
development, levels of productivity and the desirability
of attaining and maintaining a high level of employment.
Therefore under ILO instruments the decided bias in the fixing of
minimum wages is the “human factor”, that is the needs of the worker
and their family to live a poverty-free life but this done within
prevailing “national practice and conditions” including economic and
social considerations.
The influence on the above ILO conventions is a pluralist conception,
at the centre of which is poverty reduction and collective bargaining
as key factors. The instruments provide for two broad considerations
to be made, encompassing both worker friendly and employer friendly
factors, but with the specified fundamental purpose being poverty
reduction and ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of the worker
and their family. This frame-work allows flexibility in the determination
of what is fair and reasonable wage, taking into account the concrete
realities in each given country, with effective collective bargaining
providing the yard-stick of what is appropriate national practice. The
underlying theoretical basis is pluralism, especially the adversarial
version. This has been defined as a theory of labour relations in which
employers accept the inevitability and need for collective regulation
of the employment relationship, in particular through collective
Following on the above international instruments, the concept of a
just or fair remuneration has had major influence in recent
constitutional reform on the continent and globally including, Kenya,45
Malawi46 and Mozambique.47 Perhaps the fullest expression is to be
found in article 91 of the Constitution of Venezuela, which provides:
M Finnemore op cite 144-145.
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 provides in s 41 (2) (a): “(1) Every person has
the right to fair labour practices. (2) Every worker has the right – (a) to fair
See s 31 (1), Constitution of Malawi, providing: “31 (1) Every person shall have
the right to fair and safe labour practices and to fair remuneration.”
Article 89 (1) of the Constitution of Mozambique provides: “Labour shall be
protected and dignified ... the State shall promote the just distribution of
the proceeds of labour.”
218 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The Australian case of Ex Parte H.V. McKay 1907 provides perhaps the
most elaborate statement of the test for a “fair and reasonable wage.”
In that case the court had to determine what was meant by the phrase
“fair and reasonable wages” in an enactment which provided duty
exemption for Australian manufacturers paying such wages. The court
The provision for fair and reasonable remuneration is obviously
designed for the benefit of the employees in the industry; and
it must be meant to secure to them something which they cannot
get by the ordinary system of individual bargaining with
employers. The standard of ‘fair and reasonable’ must,
therefore, be something else; and l cannot think of any other
standard appropriate than the normal needs of the average
employee, regarded as a human being living in a civilized
The court went on to state that whilst there is need to balance the
different factors, the “first and dominant factor” in ascertaining a
“fair and reasonable” wage for an unskilled employee are the “normal
needs of the average employee, regarded as a human being living in a
civilized community.” And that a wage cannot be regarded as fair and
reasonable, “ if it does not carry a wage sufficient to insure the
workman food, shelter, clothing, frugal comfort, provision for evil
days, etc as well as reward for the special skill of an artisan if he is
The Court stated that the standard is an objective one, which is not
dependant on the profitability of the business, but rather the needs
of the employee:
… the remuneration of the employee is not made to depend on
the profits of the employer. If the profits are nil, the fair and
reasonable remuneration must be paid; and if the profits are
100 per cent, it must be paid. There is far more ground for the
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 219
2006 (1) ZLR 491 (H).
222 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
to pay its lowly paid workers a living wage, can such an entity
sincerely cry bankruptcy if ordered to pay its lowly graded
workers a meaningful salary? There was simply nothing to fault
the arbitrator in arriving at the decision he gave on what was
placed before him. At 494D-F
Table 1: Percent Paid Employees Aged 15 Years and Above Paid Cash Only or Both in
Cash and in Kind by Type of Employment and Cash Received in the Month Preceding
the Survey, 2011 LFCLS55
US$100 and below 46.3 64.0 52.5 4.9 6.3 5.3 27.7 41.5 32.2
$101-$200 31.9 20.1 27.8 25.2 19.7 23.6 28.9 19.9 26.0
$201-$300 14.5 10.5 13.1 43.6 50.1 45.5 27.6 25.9 27.1
$301-$400 2.9 2.7 2.8 11.6 7.9 10.5 6.8 4.7 6.1
$401-$500 1.6 0.8 1.3 5.0 4.1 4.8 3.1 2.1 2.8
$501-$1000 1.5 1.0 1.3 5.6 8.9 6.6 3.3 4.1 3.6
$1001-$3000 0.7 0.5 0.6 2.8 2.3 2.6 1.6 1.2 1.5
$3001 and above 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.4
Not Stated 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4
Total Percent 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Total Number 712 815 538 611 100 100 100 1251 426
The estimated TCPL for May 2011 was US$497.84 for a family of five. ZimStat
(2012) 53.
Zimstat (2012) 123.
224 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
IPC Manufac- Hospita- Govern- Tele-
Level turing Banking Insurance lity ment Mining coms
1 $10 842 $6 653 $9 185 $11 800 $8 436 $18 523 $10 586
Table 2:(cont)
For instance at Premier Service Medical Aid Society (PSMAS), in 2012 of the
total wage bill of US$33 413 373 – 00, almost half was paid to the top 14
managers compared to over 700 other employees. Of these the Chief Executive
Officer, Mr C Dube, earned a basic monthly salary of $230 000 – 00, (rising to
$530 000-00 with allowances), followed by the Group Finance Manager at
$200 000 – 00 a month and the Group Operations Executive at $122 000 – 00, a
month. See P Chipunza “PSMAS shock salary schedule” The Herald 23 January
2014 p 1. Other top earners were the 19 top executives of the City of Harare
who “earned” a total of $500 000 every month, led by the Town Clerk, Dr T
Mahachi at $37 642 – 00 a month followed by directors at $36 999 – 00 a month.
See I Ruwende “19 City Council executives gobble US$500 000 every month”
The Herald 28 January 2014. On the other hand the CEO of ZBC Holdings was
reported to earn $40 000-00 a month and the General Manager of NSSSA was at
$20 886.78 a month. “How they spend mega salaries” The Herald 5 April 2014.
Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd (2011).
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 225
IPC Manufac- Hospita- Govern- Tele-
Level turing Banking Insurance lity ment Mining coms
Table 3a: Salaries and Benefits of Executives in Parastatals and Local authorities
Benefits Comments
Fuel 250 litres to 350 litres per month for the CEO; 150 litres to 300
litres per month for Executives below the CEO
Cell phone allowance $250 to $935 per month for the MD, $100 to $250 per month for
the Executives below the MD
Vehicle The type of cars include Mercedes Benz, Jeep for the MD. For
the positions below MD the following cars apply, Isuzu KB, Mazda
School fees per term For the CEO, some companies pay between $1 500 and $2 500
per child per term for two or three children. Some companies
pay 100 per cent fees for Executives including University fees
both locally and abroad. For line managers, some companies pay
a certain percentage of total fees incurred. This percentage
ranges between 50 per cent and 90 per cent of the invoice.
Housing Allowance This ranges between $300 and $2 500 per month
Benefits Comments
See ZimStat (2013) supra; Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (2013).
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 227
forecast (Mar
Indicator /Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 forecast 2014 World
(Dec-2013) Bank)
GDP absolute
(US$bn) 5.220 5.502 5.916 6.517 6.892 5.02
(annual ave.0 -7-7% 4.5% 4.9% 3.9% 3.9% -2.47
earned $100 and below in 2011.61 This means that on average the
contribution of a spouse employed in the informal sector was at most
around 20 percent to the TCPL. In 2011 wages in the formal sector
had to be at least a net of $400.00 to amount to a living wage consistent
with the TCPL as provided by the national authorities. However, that
figure is in fact an understatement given the high levels of
unemployment and cultural factors. The employee in formal
employment in reality not only looks after his or her nuclei family as
provided under the Western-influenced nuclei family of five used to
calculate the TCPL by ZimStat, but has a very large extended family
Therefore into the foreseeable future, the wage of the earner in formal
employment will provide the bulk of the earnings of the family, and
thus minimum wages should be as close as possible to the PDL.
Equally unconvincing are employer arguments of competiveness,
especially the so-called China-factor, the foci must remain Zimbabwe.
Comparative regional and international wage comparatives are varied.
Moreover, nominal wage figures may be misleading in so far as they
do not take into account varied cost of living indexes from country to
country. This is why the ILO instruments place focus on “national
practice and conditions” as well as “the general levels of wages in
the country.”62
In any case, from a public policy perspective, the above employer
arguments are self-defeating in the long-term. Having wages so far
below the PDL, means depressed demand for the products of industry
and the likely continuation of debilitating labour migration.
It is submitted that in the current scenario, section 65 (1) of the
Constitution compels arbitrators and courts to grant increments above
the inflation rate in order to move to “fair and reasonable wages.”
Whilst the actual rates of increment should take into account the
specific circumstances of the given industry including, the economic
and financial condition of the employers, the rate of inflation and
comparative wages in other industries, the primary and dominant
consideration must be the obligation to ensure that the lowest paid
workers earn a wage as close as possible to the PDL, as described
above. Increments for employees earning above this must be sufficient
enough to reward the employees for their extra skills, including by
Ibid 123.
Article 3 ILO 131 Convention: Minimum Wage Fixing.
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 229
The above described new constitutional regime also has significant
implications on labour law reform, in particular in reference to the
Labour Act and Public Service Act. These two principal labour statutes
will need to be amended to bring them into conformity with the new
constitutional standards.
In relation to the public sector, there is need to insert a proviso in the
provisions dealing with salaries subjecting the Civil Service
Commission’s power to set salaries not only to the collective bargaining
process but also the employees’ right to a fair and reasonable wage.64
The same would apply in relation to the Labour Act. A modest start
was made under section 13 of the Labour Amendment Act, 2015,65
Whilst in 2013 the annual inflation rate is less than 2%, several negotiated
wage increments or arbitral awards have been significantly above this, including:
10.5% in the NEC for the Commercial Sector; and 6% for the Collective Bargaining
Agreement for the National Employment Council for the Printing, Packaging
and Newspaper Industry, SI 69/2006 as amended.
Such as in s 22 of the Public Service Act and s 20 (2) of the Public Service
Regulations, 2000.
230 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The recent constitutional reform enshrining the employees’ right to a
fair and reasonable remuneration is an important step forward in the
march towards a fair and just society. However, even if that is achieved,
it can only be the first step forward, for there can never be real social
justice in work relations under a system based on wages and salaries
alone, or ultimately industrial peace and political stability.
More enlightened bourgeois theories of labour relations have come
around to this conclusion, in particular that of consultative pluralism
and radical nationalist theories, whereby employees are entitled not
only to fair wages but also a share of the company profits.66 Examples
of the later include, previously under the Zimbabwean Indigenization
and Economic Empowerment legislation wherein employees may be
entitled up to 28% share-ownership of indigenized foreign firms.67
Act No. 5 of 2015.
M Finnemore op cite 145.
See the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act [Chapter 14:33]; the
Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment (General) Regulations, 2010 (SI 21/
2010) as amended by the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment
(Amendment) Regulations, 2010 (No. 2) (SI 116/2010) and the Indigenisation
and Economic Empowerment (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2011 (No.
3) 2011 (SI 34/2011).
UZLJ Right to be Paid a Fair and Reasonable Wage 231
The Struggle Over State Power in Zimbabwe Law And Politics Since
1950 by G.H. Karekwaivanane (Cambridge University Press 2017)
234 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
One area of law which has been a source of serious conflict particularly
within families is the law of succession. Prior to delving deeper into
the topic it is imperative that as a starting point the term ‘succession’
be defined. In defining the term ‘succession,’ Moses Bello J.P. a
member of the Nigerian judiciary had this to say;
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,2 defines succession
in the context of this topic to mean the act of taking over an
official position or title. According to Kerry R., succession is
concerned with the transfer or devolution of property on death.3
Succession therefore can be loosely defined to mean inheritance,
the right to inherit, the order in which inheritance is bequeathed
and the condition precedent under which one can succeed
another. The law of succession therefore is all about the transfer
or devolution of property on the death of an owner to another,
his heir.4 The law is the rule by which such devolution occurs.5
Subsumed under the law of succession are two principles that have
clearly dominated the manner in which estates have been administered
across the majority of jurisdictions in the region and abroad whether
Elizabeth Rutsate is a Senior Lecturer within the Private Law Dept. of the
Faculty of Law at the University of Zimbabwe. Succession Law is one of the
courses she lectures on at undergraduate level.
8th Edition, 2015
Kerridge R. Parry & Kerry: The Law of Succession, 12th Ed (London, Sweet &
Maxwell 2009) Pg.1
M. Bello JP, Principles and Practice of Succession under Customary Law, 2015,
UZLJ Case Notes 237
under general law, common or customary law. These are per stirpes
and per capita principles of succession. What is most peculiar about
the per stirpes principle is that it is applicable under both testate6
and intestate7 succession whether under general or customary law.
Due to Zimbabwe’s dualist legal system, intestate succession occurs
under both general and customary law. In this case note the focus is
on the implications of the two principles under intestate succession
under general law. Taking particular note of this all encompassing
element of the per stirpes principle, Mwayera J in the In Re Estate
Late Bellinah Mhlanga case made the following comments;
Although the Human and Herold cases supra referred to testate
succession the principle ofXper stirpesXinheritance is equally
applicable in an intestate estate...From the foregoing discussion
it has been established that theXper stirpesXprinciple is part of
the common law of Zimbabwe and is applicable under general
law. It is also applicable under customary law with equal force.8
Testate succession happens where a deceased person (testator) leaves behind
a valid will stipulating how his/her estate will be distributed in strict accordance
with their wishes as contained in their will. A testator can then indicate within
the will whether after their death they wish their estate to be distributed in
accordance with per capita or per stirpes succession.
If a person dies without having written a will or if the will is declared invalid,
the estate will be distributed on the basis of intestacy i.e. a state of having no
valid will. The intestate law of succession refers to theXdistributionXof assets in
a deceased’s estate whereby the deceased would have died without leaving
any valid will. It will be the duty of the executor dative in consultation with
the Master of the High Court to decide on the most suitable type of intestate
succession under the prevailing circumstances.
At page 6 of the unreported High Court judgment (both pdf and word versions)
238 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Time and again a key question has arisen among estates administrators
vis-à-vis what the two principles of per stirpes and per capita succession
entail in intestate succession and the key difference between them.
Another question which has been raised regards which of the two
principles offers a fairer framework under which a deceased’s estate
is distributed to his/her descendants, heirs or beneficiaries? The per
stirpes principle came under spotlight in Zimbabwe in the High Court
case of Estate Late Bellinah Mhlanga,9 a matter placed before Mwayera
J whereby the court’s opinion was sought on the meaning and
application of the per stirpes principle. Two contentious issues were
placed for determination namely (i) whether or not the per stirpes
principle applies under general law in intestate succession in Zimbabwe
and under common law in the absence of a specific legal provision in
statutory law and (ii) the legal interpretation of the per stirpes
principle under general law and as set out under customary law in
Section 68F of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01]. Further
to the two issues determined under the per stirpes principle in the
Estate Late Bellinah Mhlanga case (supra), this case note seeks to
make a brief comparative analysis of per stirpes and per capita
principles prior to making a case justifying the decision taken by the
executor in this case to opt for the per stirpes principle as being more
appropriate under the circumstances; which decision was supported
by the court as presided over by Mwayera J.
HH 816-17
W. Abrie et al, Deceased Estates, 5th ed, ProPlus Publishers: Lynnwood Ridge,
UZLJ Case Notes 239
Take for example a decedent called George who had three children
Mary, Jane and George Junior. Mary predeceased George but left behind
3 children Amy, Sarah and Tom. Jane is also deceased but is survived
by two children Jack and Jill. George Junior is still living and has one
child Joel. The decedent George left behind $630 000 cash. If that
amount would be shared per stirpes, George Junior would get one-
third of the $630 000 which would amount to $210 000. Mary’s $210
000 entitlement would be shared equally among her 3 living children,
each getting $70 000. This is inheritance per stirpes by representation.
George’s son, Joel will not get anything since his father George Junior
is still alive. Jack and Jill who are born of Jane will share their late
mother’s share of $210 000, each getting $105 000 as they are
representing their mother in the inheritance.
The same example will be used with the $630 000 shared using the
per capita principle. Since Mary and Jane are deceased, their shares
are added onto George Junior’s share and he inherits the full amount
of $630 000 as he is the only living beneficiary within that first
generation after George Senior. Mary and Jane’s children do not inherit
anything as there is no representation under the per capita principle
in intestate succession. For argument sake if George Junior and Mary
are both living with Jane predeceasing George Senior, then Jane’s
share of $210 000 will be shared equally between Mary and George
Junior each getting a total share of $315 000. As indicated earlier,
despite a deceased heir having living descendants, they will not inherit
by representation as is the case with per stirpes because the per
capita principle focuses on living beneficiaries within a particular
generation closest in line to the decedent. In some cases however the
per capita principle as used in testate succession has included all
living heirs across several generations who have to equally share the
inheritance despite one heir being the decedent’s child while another
is a grandchild, great grandchild or nephew. In the case on hand, this
would mean all the seven living heirs namely George Junior, his son
Joel, Mary’s three children Amy, Sarah and Tom as well as Jane’s two
children, Jack and Jill would equally share the $630 000, each getting
$90 000 if indicated as such in a will. Most people have tended to
prefer using the per stirpes principle rather than per capita as the
former caters for all beneficiaries, both living and deceased (if only
through their descendants by representation).
UZLJ Case Notes 243
The per stirpes principle is now referred to as the old English approach within
the American legal system.
Succession law is underpinned by the Common Law requirement for collation.
Under collation it is a requirement that all descendants of a decedent inherit
equal portions and where one child has benefitted more through some loan or
other benefit received from the decedent during their lifetime, the child who
unfairly benefitted should pay back the advanced money so as to ensure all the
children benefit equally from the decedent’s estate. These descendants include
children born out of wedlock and adopted children, who have all the rights of
flesh and blood.
244 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Representation is the principle of law by which the children or their
descendants of an heir to an estate, who dies intestate have a
collective interest in the ancestor’s intestate share of the inheritance.
This could either be through representation in per stirpes succession
or per capita succession by representation. Taking for example a
decedent Sam who was a widower at the time of death but who during
his lifetime was married under general law and had two daughters
Ann and Alice. He dies intestate leaving an estate worth $400 000
after the deduction of all duties, debts and other charges. Ann was
never married and has no children. Alice who predeceased her father
Sam left behind two sons Hillary and David whereby David also died a
few days before the death of Sam, his grandfather. David leaves behind
two children Peter and Pam. In sharing the $400 000, Ann and the late
Alice are entitled to $200 000 each because the degree of their blood
relationship to the deceased Sam is equal and so they share per capita
or in equal parts what Sam their late father has left behind. However
since Alice is no longer there to take up her share, her children Hillary
and David are expected to succeed per stirpes to their late mother’s
$200 000 share in equal shares of $100 000 each. While Hillary takes
his per capita share of $100 000, David being deceased cannot take
up his own per capita share. Being survived by Peter and Pam David’s
per capita share is inherited by the two in equal shares of $50 000
In the ultimate, Ann’s per capita share of $200 000 from her late
father Sam’s estate remains unaffected; Hillary and David having an
equal degree of relationship to Ann’s sister, the late Alice, were
entitled to $100 000 per capita of Alice’s share but jointly inherited
$200 000 per stirpes from Sam their grandfather. Peter and Pam also
took per capita shares of what their late father David was entitled to
per stirpes, hence the two inherited a share of their great grandfather
Sam’s estate per stirpes. The degrees of consanguinity among Ann,
Hillary, Peter and Pam are unequal since Ann is the late Sam’s child
while Hillary is his grandchild and Peter and Pam are his great
grandchildren hence they cannot have per capita shares. From Sam’s
estate, Ann gets 50%, Hillary, 25% while Peter and Pam share the
remaining 25% i.e. 12.5% each. Although they all inherit per stirpes
from the late Alice’s share Hillary, Peter and Pam have unequal degrees
of relationship to her whereby Hillary is one generation removed from
Alice while Peter and Pam are two generations removed. Inheriting
UZLJ Case Notes 245
per stirpes, they cannot have equal or per capita shares across different
generations. However strictly speaking all living descendants inheriting
per capita should have equal shares despite having unequal degrees
of relationship to the deceased ancestor. To cure the injustice of having
all beneficiaries sharing an inheritance equally despite different
degrees of consanguinity towards the decedent, the practice has been
to allow per capita sharing among beneficiaries within the same
generation or who are equally removed from the benefactor, for
example grandchildren born of the decedent’s several children.14
However this also depends on the number of surviving children in each family
whose parent would have predeceased the grandparent with the estate being
shared among descendants because if one deceased son had 2 children while
another had 4 children, those grandchildren from the two families will have
different allocations since in one family more children share the same pie e.g.
each family shares $60 000 each from the $120 000 estate. Despite belonging
to the same generation, in one family a grandchild will get $30 000 while in the
other each will get $15 000.
246 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
She is now a judge of the High Court of Zimbabwe
UZLJ Case Notes 247
HH 151-16
248 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
It was also pointed out that despite the per stirpes principle applying
to both testate and intestate estates under both customary and general
law, this did not distort its general meaning since the common law of
Zimbabwe was the one giving it meaning. The court proceeded to
find the principle’s definition as outlined within theXAdvanced Oxford
Learners Dictionary17 Xand that proffered by the court in Rotmanskey
and AnotherXvXHeiss.18 XIn that case, the court of appeal 1898 at p 634
described the terms stirpes and per stirpes as follows;
Stirpes is root of inheritance, it designates the ancestor from
whom the heir derives title and it necessarily presupposes the
death of the ancestor. When issue are said to take per stirpes, it
is meant that the descendants of a deceased person take the
property to which he was entitled or would have been entitled
if living.
In the matter on hand, the court stated that the per stirpesXprinciple
encapsulated inheritance by representation by the deceased person’s
descendants. As such it became crucial to conceptualize what
descendants were so as to fully appreciate the inheritance by
representation principle of per stirpes. The court cited M.J. De Waal
and M.C. Schoeman-Malan19 who state that, “a person’s blood relations
can be divided into three categories - a person’s descendants are
those who descend directly from him for example, his children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren.” Further to that the court in
identifying a deceased person’s heirs made reference to the case of
DeraXvXChimari20 where it was stated clearly that in dealing with the
principle of vesting, heirs are determined once and for all at the time
of death. Hence in inheritanceXper stirpesXthe right of representation
is determined by what was prevailing at the date of death of the
deceased. The principle of vesting was deemed relevant in so far as it
determined who predeceased the deceased and whether they left
any descendants who could inherit by representation. It became
common cause therefore that Tapuwa Caroline’s children should also
inherit per stirpes because the fact that Tapuwa Caroline had
predeceased her mother did not alienate her children’s rights as
The dictionary defines the per stirpes principle as referring to the acquisition
of inheritance by a deceased person’s descendants in equal share.
89 Md 633 MD
M.J. De Waal and M.C. Schoeman-Malan, TheXLaw of Succession, (Juta and
Company Limited), 2013 (reprinted edition) at p. 16
HH 177-13
UZLJ Case Notes 249
J. Jamneck and C. Rautenbach (eds), M. Paleker, A. van der Linde and M.
Wood-Bodley The Law of Succession in South Africa (2nd edition), (Oxford Press-
Southern Africa) 2012 at p. 13
252 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
At page 7 of the unreported High Court judgment (word and pdf versions)
UZLJ Case Notes 253
The surviving siblings of Tapuwa Caroline Mhlanga would have ended up having
a one-fifth share each leaving Tapuwa’s three minor children with nothing, a
great injustice indeed.
UZLJ Book Reviews 255
Indeed in South Africa, under South African common law, the press
was strictly liable for defamation. However, in a series of constitutional
decisions the South African courts have decided that there was a need
to balance the right to untarnished reputation against the right to
freedom of expression and the duty of the press to inform the public
about matters of public interest. This has led the South African courts
to modify the strict liability approach by providing that a newspaper
is entitled to a defence where it publishes a story in the public interest
believing it to be true after taking all reasonable steps to check the
facts even if the story turns out to be false. In effect a newspaper will
not be liable if it was not negligent. The courts have said that some
latitude must be allowed to the press in order to allow robust and
frank comment in the interests of keeping members of society informed
about what Government is doing or has done and revealing abuses of
power in the public and private sectors. Errors of fact should thus be
tolerated, provided that statements are published justifiably and
reasonably: that is, with the reasonable belief that the statements
made are true.
This did not mean that there should be a licence to publish untrue
statements about politicians. They too have the right to protect their
reputations and publication of false statements in mass circulation
newspapers can do enormous damage. See National Media Ltd & Ors
v Bogoshi 1998 (4) SA 1196 (SCA); Khumalo & Ors v Homilisa 2002 (5)
SA 401 (CC); 2002 (8) BCLR 771 (CC); and Thembi-Mahanyele v Mail
and Guardian & Anor 2004 (6) SA 329 (SCA). There is considerable
merit in this approach and it is strongly arguable that, under section
61 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which guarantees the freedom of
the media, the press should be entitled to similar protection to that
which obtains in South Africa where a print or electronic media outlet
publishes a story in the public interest reasonably believing its facts
to be true. Section 61(5)(c) makes it clear that freedom of the media
excludes maliciously injuring a person’s reputation. There is no clear
ruling in Zimbabwe as to whether we will follow the constitutional
rulings in South Africa that the press is entitled to raise the defence
that it published facts in the public interest reasonably believing the
facts to be true but which facts turned out to be false.1
In the Garwe v Zimind Publishers (Pvt) Ltd 2007 (2) ZLR 207 (H) at 231 the
defendants contended that they genuinely believed in the truth of the statement
they published. The court found that published facts were false and rejected
the defence of justification.
UZLJ Book Reviews 257
The articles complained of and published in The Herald and H-Metro
had headlines which portrayed as hard facts, rather than as allegations,
that the model had injected her lover’s son with her HIV infected
blood and had forced the boy to drink her urine. For example, one of
these headlines read: “MODEL INJECTS HIV BLOOD IN CHILD…..Forces
boyfriend’s son to drink urine.”
The stories following these headlines did, however, refer to allegations
against the plaintiff made in court proceedings. The judge found that
taken alone these headlines were clearly defamatory. However, the
judge went on to state that reasonable readers do not go by the
headline alone but will read the content of the story to obtain the
true gist of the story. This, she said, is “more so when one is a ‘famous’
person where the headline is an effective bait to catch the eye of
more readers.”
The judge agreed with the defendant that the headlines complained
of are mere captions which indicate the nature of the story to follow
so as to catch the readers’ attention to entice them to buy the paper
and read the article. She said that if actions for defamation were to
be based merely on newspaper headlines, then “there would be an
onerous plethora of litigation.” She went on as follows: “In my view a
headline is akin to the heading on any legal document, which does
not create any substantive rights for the parties concerned but merely
indicates what the legal document is all about. In the same way that
one cannot sue for breach of a heading on a legal document, one
ought not to be able to claim infringement or damage to reputation
merely from a newspaper headline which is not supported by the
substance of the article.”
It is submitted that the heading in a legal document is entirely different
from a headline in a newspaper. A legal document is likely to be read
carefully by the persons that it will bind or affect. On the other hand,
the courts have accepted that the ordinary reader of a newspaper is
not supercritical and does not read every item with meticulous care.
Rather than engaging in a process of careful intellectual analysis,
because of the mass of material the reader is likely only to form an
overall impression of the material. See Mugwadi v Dube & Ors 2014
(1) ZLR 753 (H). Because this reality is recognised by the courts, it is
important that the headline does not create a misleading impression.
A headline should accurately sum up the contents of story that follows.
UZLJ Book Reviews 259
The requirements of the defence of qualified privilege is set out clearly in the
Garwe case at 230 and in Chinamasa v Jongwe P& P Co (Pvt) Ltd 1994 (1) ZLR
133 (H) 163-165 and Musakwa v Ruzario 1997 (2) ZLR 533 (H).
See J Burchell The Law of Defamation in South Africa pp 212-214.
260 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The court made rather heavy weather in dealing with what should
have been a relatively straightforward matter of whether the
newspaper reports were defamatory and, if they were, whether they
fell within the protection of the defence of qualified privilege. Once
the court found that the newspapers had not based their reports on
UZLJ Book Reviews 261
the malicious and false report on the social website, the sole issue
was whether its reports of the court proceedings fell within the ambit
of the defence of qualified privilege. The newspapers were entitled
to report the criminal court proceedings against the plaintiff provided
they did so fairly and accurately and in a balanced fashion, and
provided that they did not report in a manner that showed that they
were actuated by malice in relation to the plaintiff.
In the present case, although the somewhat sensational headlines
used did not make it clear that these were mere allegations, the
content of the stories made it clear that criminal allegations had
been made. The fact that the plaintiff was a public figure was only
relevant to establishing the public interest that the public would have
on receiving information about this matter. But even if the plaintiff
was not a public figure the public would have still had a right to know
that she was being prosecuted on serious allegations of child abuse.
The outcome in this case, of course, would have been different if the
defendant had simply reproduced the totally false and highly damaging
story contained in the social media. By carrying this false story in its
newspaper, it would have been guilty of spreading further this scurrilous
story and the defence of qualified privilege would not have applied.
The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Misheck Ugaro vs
African Banking Corporation SC–298 17 concerning employers’ liability
for arrears accrued viz pension contributions for their ex-employees
is an important decision for the benefit of one of the most vulnerable
sections of workers: pensioners. The court affirmed in an order by
consent the liability of employers under s 13 (1) of the Labour Act to
pay arrears for pension contributions accrued during a former
employee’s employment.
In doing so, the court also provided a timely clarification on a matter
that has caused much suffering for former employees, as lower
tribunals like National Employment Council Designated Agents and
labour officers have been declining to hear disputes concerning pension
arrears by employees. They declared that they lacked jurisdiction
and argued that such disputes did not qualify as unfair labour practices
under s 13 of the Labour Act and that the former employees had to
sue the pension fund and not their former employers.
Consequently former employees were restricted to initiating action
against pension funds in the civil courts. Court action is not only costly
but involves cumbersome and sophisticated procedures requiring legal
representation which is beyond the reach of most workers and
pensioners. Even then, the obstacle that confronted litigants was that
the Pension Fund would plead that it could not grant a full pension
benefit because the employer had not remitted the necessary
Munyaradzi Gwisai is a registered legal practitioner and lectures in Labour Law
and Labour Relations, Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe, and Briggs Zano
Working Peoples College.
UZLJ Case Notes 263
The second reason was that a former employer was not liable under s
13 of the Labour Act because the section deals with the liability of
the former employer concerning wages and benefits upon termination
of the employment contract, but does not deal with the liability of a
pension fund. He rejected the submission that a former employee
had option to sue both the former employer and the Pension Fund. He
I pressed the respondent’s attorney to explain why they did not
deal with the Fund. He sought to argue that the employer and
the Fund have joint liability. In such scenario the employee can
opt to claim from either of the two. He referred to section 13 of
the Labour Act ... However, none of the six subsections was
cited. My reading of all of them indicates that they deal with
the employer’s liability concerning wages and benefits upon
termination of the employment contract. None deal with the
liability of a pension fund.” [page 2, Unreported Judgment].
The Ugaro decision has reaffirmed the above line of cases by the
Superior Courts.
The second significance of the Ugaro case lies in that the Supreme
Court has effectively affirmed that the terminal benefits protected
under s 13 (1) of the Act are not confined to “wages and benefits” as
had been held by the Labour Court. The ambit of terminal benefits
covered under s 13 (1) of the Act is broader than wage arrears or
benefits which should be paid directly to the former employee as
part of her/his terminal benefits. But the section is broader and
encompasses other terminal benefits which may not necessarily be
paid directly to the former employee but to contributions which the
former employee/employer should have paid to relevant third party
service providers in terms of the contract of employment. The section
specifically mentions “medical aid, social security and any pension.”
Thus where an ex-employer has failed to remit necessary contributions,
the employer commits an unfair labour practise under s 13 (1) of the
Act, entitling the ex-employee to initiate proceedings in terms of s 93
(1) of the Labour Act seeking an order compelling the former employer
to pay the arrear contributions.
The Labour Court had adopted an unnecessarily restrictive approach
to s 13 (1) which subverted the purpose of the section and that of the
Labour Act under s 2A (1) and (2). The Supreme Court endorsed the
broader purposive approach required under s 2A (2) of the Act. This
provides that
HH–63–15. See also, PTC V Zimbabwe Posts Telecommunications Workers Union
& Ors 2002 (2) ZLR 732 (S) AT 727 D-E; and African Banking Corporation
Zimbabwe Ltd v Karimazondo & Ors SC-368-15.
UZLJ Case Notes 267
has failed to meet their obligations, such as failure to pay the necessary
contributions, a member has no right to sue the third service provider
for the benefit. He or she has to clean their “dirty hands” by making
up to date payments of contributions to the third party service provider.
The above is what the former employee in the Ugaro case sought to
do by forcing the ex-employer to effect the payments to which it was
contractually obliged. The interpretation to s 13 (1) of the Act that
had been adopted by the Labour Court of denying such ex-employees
locus standi, led to absurd and unjust results which were contrary to
the clear legislative objective underlying s 13 (1) of the Act. It would
allow employers not to pay deducted contributions for pensions, NSSA,
medical aid, funeral policies, which duties they have directly under
the contract of employment, but the former employee would have no
cause of action under the Labour Act to challenge such unlawful
conduct by the former employer.
Yet in the case of contributory schemes like pensions, medical aid,
funeral schemes and so forth, the deductions made by the employer
would be actual deductions on the salary of the employee, which
salary is guaranteed under s 6(1) (a) of the Act. But the restrictive
position adopted by the Labour Court would not allow the former
employee to claim for this as an unfair labour practice under s 13 (1)
of the Act. Nothing could be further from the clear intention of s 13
(1) and the Labour Act, in general. Such an interpretation and approach
does violence to the established cannons of interpretation of statutes
and to the Labour Act in particular.
The cardinal rule of interpretation of statutes is that words must be
given their ordinary grammatical meaning except where that meaning
leads to an “absurdity so glaring that it could never have been
contemplated by the legislature.” 3
Interpreting the word “entitlements” in s 13 (1) as excluding pension
contributions deducted from the employee’s salary, would clearly lead
to absurd and unjust results to former employees. Even if it was
assumed that the term “entitlements” is capable of more than one
meaning, the same result would apply by operation of appropriate
maxims of interpretation of statutes. In particular, the presumption
Venter v R 1907 TS 910 at 915. Also, NEC Catering Industry v Catering and
Hospitality Industry Workers Union 2008 (1) ZLR 311 (S) at 316B-D; and G E
Devenish Interpretation of Statutes JUTA 1992 at 177
UZLJ Case Notes 269
that the legislature does not intend that which is harsh, unjust or
unreasonable. Where there is ambiguity, or doubt or where more than
one interpretation is possible, “it is obvious that the intention which
appears to be the most in accordance with convenience, reason, justice
and legal principles, should … be presumed to be the true one.”4
The above presumption is consistent and has been codified under s 2A
(2) of the Act. One of the specified purposes of the Labour Act is the
promotion of fair labour standards. Section 6 provides specified labour
standards, which include the right to be paid a wage or in terms of an
agreement under the law or an Act.
In casu, the employee’s contract of employment provided him with a
right to participation in a pension scheme and for the employer to
make deductions to be remitted to the appropriate pension fund. The
employer breached such duty, not as an agent but a party to the
contract and an employer under the Labour Act. It was therefore
correctly held liable.
It is only right that the Supreme Court in the Ugaro case put right a
major injustice done against some of the most vulnerable members
of society _ pensioners _ especially considering the historic injustice
that this group suffered at the dawn of dollarization in February 2009,
when pension funds and employers made arbitrary and unfair
conversions of Zimbabwe Dollar pensions into paltry US Dollar pensions.
One hopes that the case marks the beginning of justice for these
marginalized members of society.
P St Langan Maxwell’s Interpretation of Statutes 1969 at 199. See also, Borcheds
NO v Rhodesia Chrome and Asbestos Ltd 1930 AD 112 at 121; Dadoo Ltd & Ors
v Krugersdorp Municipal Council 1920 AD 530 at 552.
Case Note on Nyika & Ors v Minister of Home Affairs &
Ors HH-181-16 (“The Nyika Case”)
The police force plays an important role in our society. Under section
219 of the Constitution the Police Service’s functions include—
detecting, investigating and preventing crime;
preserving the internal security of Zimbabwe;
protecting and securing the lives and property of the people;
maintaining law and order; and
upholding this Constitution and enforcing the law without fear or
All these functions should be executed within the framework of
relevant legislation governing the exercise of these functions and in
accordance with the constitutional rights of citizens.
The police are given extensive legislative powers to carry out its
legitimate functions. The problem is that their far-reaching powers
are open to abuse or misuse and, not infrequently, police officers
have abused or misused their powers resulting in serious violation of
the rights of citizens.
As pointed out in the Nyika case, the police interact with the public
on a daily basis and it is typically ordinary citizens who are the victims
of violations of their rights arising out of abuse or misuse of police
powers. Victims of police abuse will often be seeking redress for
violations of some of their most fundamental human rights, such the
right to life, liberty, bodily integrity, dignity and protection of their
property. The claims may include actions for unlawful arrest and
detention, malicious prosecution, unlawful assault, unlawful causing
of injury or death, unlawful deprivation or destruction of their property
and other human rights violations.1 Given the serious nature of these
The shortened prescription period also applies to other legal actions against
the police (such as delictual actions for injury caused by negligent driving) and
actions for breach of contract.
UZLJ Case Notes 271
claims, it is vitally important that these matters are dealt with by the
courts, the police are held accountable for such abuses and appropriate
redress is given to victims.
The aggrieved parties have a legal right to bring delictual claims against
the offending police officers and, where the police officers commit
the delicts in the course of their employment as police officers, they
can also claim against the Ministry in charge of the police on the basis
of vicarious liability.2 Suing the individual police officers responsible
and making them pay damages acts as a deterrent against such
misconduct on the part of police officers. These cases serve to alert
the police to the legal consequences of abuse or misuse of their powers
and show the public that such misconduct will not be tolerated by the
Although the legal right to obtain redress exists on paper, many victims
may not be aware of their right to sue the police and even if they are
aware, they may lack the financial resources to engage lawyers to
bring actions and may not be able to obtain state legal aid which is
limited in its scope. The civic organisations offering legal assistance
to victims of police abuse do not have the capacity to offer such
assistance to victims all around the country. Victims may try to bring
their cases to court without legal assistance but they face often
insurmountable obstacles because of ignorance of the complex
procedural and technical requirements for such claims.
What the Nyika case clearly establishes is that no unreasonable further
obstacles should be placed in the paths of litigants seeking remedies
for these wrongs. It deals with whether the special legislative provisions
stipulating a shorter period of prescription for actions against the
police create unfair barriers for persons seeking redress and whether
these provisions violate fundamental constitutional rights of litigants.
The Nyika case revolves around an aspect of extinctive prescription.
Tsanga J points out that if a debtor successfully raises the defence of
Recent cases in South Africa have expanded the scope of liability of the State
for actions on the part of police officers. For instance, in the case of K v
Minister of Safety and Security 2005 (6) SA 419 (CC) a woman was brutally
raped by three uniformed policemen who had given her a lift. With reference
to constitutional provisions relating to the functions of the police the
Constitutional Court found the State delictually liable for the crime committed
by the police officers.
272 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
See, for instance, Erasmus Ferreira & Ackermann & Ors v Francis 2010 (2) SA
228 (SCA); Manase v Minister of Safety and Security & Anor 2003 (1) SA 567
(Ck); Moatshe v Commercial Union 1991 (4) SA 372 (W) Slomowitz v Kok 1983
(1) SA 130 (A); Manyeka v Marine & Trade Insurance Co Ltd 1979 (1) SA 844 (SE)
UZLJ Case Notes 273
The lawyers for the applicant had originally incorrectly cited the Ministry instead
of the Minister. Counsel for the respondents raised the issue of the mis-citation
at the outset of the application seeking a ruling on the constitutionality of the
shortened period of prescription for actions against the police. The High Court
took cognizance of the error in citation and altered the citation to read the
Minister. This was done without applicant’s counsel making a formal application
for correction of this mis-citation.
274 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Hatting v Hlabaki 1927 CPD 220 at 223E
276 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
The learned judge pointed out that other legal systems have dispensed
with restrictive protections for the police and other State institutions
by way of shortened periods of prescription. For instance, following
the ruling in the Mohlomi case in South Africa the period of prescription
for actions against the police was changed to three years by legislation.
The judge therefore decided that there was no reason why the general
prescription period for ordinary debts as contained in s 15(d) of the
Prescription Act should not govern claims against the police. The 60
notice period, however, allowed the police enough time to respond to
the claim and decide whether or not to settle the claim and the
provision allows for condonation of the non-compliance with the time
period and extension thereof for good cause shown.
Tsanga J found that it is “precisely in the everyday role of police as
public servants that ordinary citizens generally encounter challenges
with members of the police force which they expect the police to be
held accountable for. Moreover, human rights standards have
influenced the outlook on time limits as stipulated in the guiding
recommendations to the implementation of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights to which Zimbabwe itself is a party.”
In more general terms, she pointed out that the arena of constitutional
challenges to legislative provisions has tended to be dominated in the
past by cases brought by political elites relating to high-level abuses,
such as those arising from electoral provisions, public order and
security laws and media laws. Those bringing such actions obviously
have the capacity to pursue these matters. She says that it the court’s
vigilant scrutiny of constitutionally deficient legislation should not be
confined to such cases but must encompass cases such as the present
one where abuses are suffered at the everyday level by ordinary
The judge referred this matter to the Constitutional Court in terms of
s 175(1) of the Constitution for its confirmation or otherwise of this
constitutional ruling. When the matter came before the Constitutional
Court for confirmation, the court struck the matter off the roll on the
UZLJ Case Notes 277
basis that the High Court had erred in correcting the erroneous citation
of the Ministry instead of the Minister without a proper application
being made for the amendment by the applicant’s counsel. The
applicant’s counsel then made a successful chamber application before
the High Court to correct the mis-citation. The matter has now been
referred back to the Constitutional Court and is awaiting a hearing of
the matter and a decision.
It is respectfully submitted that the Constitutional Court had also the
opportunity to allow for filing of the application for the correction of
erroneous citation. The constitutional jurisprudence should always
lean towards disposing a matter on merits as opposed to technical
aspects. This is precisely the purpose of the provisions of rule 5 of the
Constitutional Court Rules which allow departure from the rules in
the interests of justice. In this case, clearly the case in question had
public benefit and interest. There was no prejudice that would be
suffered if the Constitutional Court had allowed the matter to be
postponed sine die to allow the amendment. The amendment at this
point would not prejudice any of the litigants as the Minister had
always been represented since the commencement of proceedings.
Thirdly, even if there was a prejudice, the importance of the case far
outweighed the importance of the case to the litigants and the public.6
The judgment in the Nyika case is significant for taking full account
of the socio-economic conditions that inhibit ordinary persons from
successfully obtaining redress for abuses suffered at the hands of the
The unjustifiably shortened period of prescription for actions against
the police (whether for abuses or for any other reason) is just one of
many barriers faced by ordinary litigants. It must be removed but a
lot more needs to be done to ensure that persons who suffer abuse or
loss at the hands of the police obtain redress.
A suitable starting point, with regard to abuses, is to ensure that
police officers are fully trained on the proper exercise of their powers
For criticism of the tendency to disallowing cases from going forward because
of minor technical irregularities see Musa Kika’s article entitled ÒThe role and
attitudes of the Zimbabwean Constitutional Court in operationalizing the 2013
constitution, 2013-2017Ó in the Rule of Law Journal at pages 10-14
278 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
in a manner which does not lead to abuses of the basic rights of persons
with whom they interact. The police service must display zero
tolerance to such misbehaviour and take firm disciplinary action against
all abusers. It should make widely available a far stronger version of
the Police Service Charter. The Government should use its country-
wide information dissemination capacity to inform aggrieved parties
remedies available to them and should prioritise such cases when
granting state legal aid. Government must not leave it entirely to
civic organisations, such as the Legal Resources Foundation and
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, to provide the necessary
assistance. Finally a proper mechanism must be established for fair
and expeditious processing of complaints against the police. This must
be done in accordance with section 210 of the Constitution which
An Act of Parliament must provide an effective and independent
mechanism for receiving and investigating complaints from
members of the public about misconduct on the part of members
of the security services, and for remedying any harm caused by
such misconduct.7
Section 207 of the Constitution includes the police service as one of the security
Section 119 (3) lays down that the Police Service must be non-partisan, national
in character, patriotic, professional and subordinate to the civilian authority
as established by this Constitution. Section 208 provides that police officers as
members of security services must not —
(a) act in a partisan manner;
(b) further the interests of any political party or cause;
(c) prejudice the lawful interests of any political party or cause; or
(d) violate the fundamental rights or freedoms of any person.
The Statutes of Zimbabwe are available on the Law Development Web
For up to date information and commentary on Acts and Bills see the
Veritas Zimbabwe Web site
For up to date information and commentary on important case law
developments see the Veritas Zimbabwe Web site http://
280 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Law Society of Zimbabwe
The primary duties of the Law Society are to:
Promote the study of the law
Contribute, undertake or make recommendations on legal training
Control of admission of new members to the profession
Maintain a register of members
Regulate the profession in respect of continuing training, discipline
and trust accounts
Represent the profession and articulate its views on various issues
Promote justice, defend human rights, rule of law and the
independence of judiciary
And generally control and manage the legal profession
The membership of the Law Society is drawn from all registered legal
practitioners residing in Zimbabwe whether in private practice, in
commerce or in civil service.X
Directory of Law Firms and Legal Practitioners http://
UZLJ University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 281
Company Law
Caleb Mucheche Company Law in Zimbabwe Commentary and Legal
Solutions for Insolvent Companies in South Africa
Caleb Mucheche Company Law Shareholder Rights in Zimbabwe
Caleb Mucheche Corporate Governance Law in South Africa and
Competition Law
Caleb Mucheche Competition Law in Zimbabwe
Constitutional Law
Greg Linington Constitutional Law in Zimbabwe (LRF 2001)
Justice Mavedzenge and Douglas Coltart A Constitutional Law Guide
Towards Understanding Zimbabwe’s Fundamental Socio-economic
and Cultural Human Rights (ICJ and Zimrights 2014)
Caleb Mucheche Commentary on the Constitutional Court Rules of
Consumer Law
Caleb Mucheche Consumer Law in Zimbabwe
Contract Law
Innocent Maja The Law of Contract in Zimbabwe (The Maja Foundation
Harare 2015)
Lloyd Mhishi A Guide to the Law and Practice of Conveyancing in
Zimbabwe (LRF 2004)
Criminal Procedure
John Reid-Rowland Criminal Procedure in Zimbabwe (LRF 1997)
Energy Law
Caleb Mucheche Energy, Electricity, Oil and Gas Law in Zimbabwe
Ethics and Practice
Brian Crozier Legal Ethics: A Handbook for Zimbabwean Lawyers (LRF
Theo Gambe The Legal Profession and Practice Management: a
Practical Approach (2013)
Mary Welsh Civil Practice Handbook (LRF 1996)
284 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019
Family Law
Welshman Ncube Family Law in Zimbabwe (LRF 1989)
Immigration and Human Trafficking
Caleb Mucheche Immigration and Human Trafficking Law in Zimbabwe
Insolvency Law
Caleb Mucheche Insolvency Law in Zimbabwe
Insurance Law
Caleb Mucheche Insurance and Pensions Law in Zimbabwe
Investment Law
Caleb Mucheche Investment and Indigenisation Law in Zimbabwe
Labour Law
Lovemore Madhuku Labour Law in Zimbabwe (Weaver Press and
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 2015)
Munyaradzi Gwisai Labour & Employment Law in Zimbabwe: Relations
of Work Under Neo-Colonial Capitalism (Labour Centre and
Institute of Commercial Law)
Caleb Mucheche Law and Practice at the Labour Court, 4th Edition
Caleb Mucheche Constitutionalism and Contemporary Labour Law
Developments in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia: Labour
Broking, Termination on Notice and Sexual Harassment
Caleb Mucheche Labour Law Rights Under the Constitution of
Caleb Mucheche A Practical Guide to Labour Law, Conciliation,
Mediation and Arbitration in Zimbabwe
Caleb Mucheche A Guide to Collective Bargaining Law and Wage
Negotiations in Zimbabwe
Caleb Mucheche Law and Practice at the Labour Court of Zimbabwe
Caleb Mucheche Commentary on the Labour Court Rules of Zimbabwe
Caleb Mucheche Law and Practice at the Labour Court Dismissal
Remedies in Zimbabwe: Reinstatement and Damages
Caleb Mucheche Justiciability of Labour Right to Strike Under the
Constitutions of Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa
Caleb Mucheche Constitutionality of Temporary Employment Services/
Labour Broking in South Africa.
UZLJ University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 285
Land Law
Caleb Mucheche Land Law in Zimbabwe
Mining Law
Caleb Mucheche Mining and Exploration Law in Zimbabwe
Local Government
Tinashe Chigwata Provincial and Local Government Reform in
Zimbabwe An analysis of the Law, Policy and Practice (Juta 2018)
Media Law
Geoff Feltoe A Guide to Media Law in Zimbabwe (LRF 2003)
Caleb Mucheche Media and Journalism Law in Zimbabwe
Medical Law
Geoff Feltoe and Tim Nyapadi Law and Medicine in Zimbabwe (Baobab
Books & LRF 1989)
Caleb Mucheche Medical and Health Law in Zimbabwe
Geoff Feltoe A Guide to Sentencing (LRF 1990)
Slyvia Chirawu Principles of the Law of Succession in Zimbabwe
incorporating the Women’s Rights Perspective (Women and Law
in Southern Africa Research and Education Trust Harare 2015
George Karekwaivanane The Struggle over State Power in Zimbabwe
Law and Politics since 1950 (Cambridge University Press 2017)
The following are books produced by or with involvement from staff
in the Southern and Eastern African Regional Centre for Women’s Law
which is housed in the Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe https:/
The website allows open access to textbooks and to dissertations under
Stewart, J.E. and Armstrong A., (eds) The Legal Situation of Women
in Southern Africa, (UZ Publications, Harare, 1990)
Stewart, J.E. and W. Ncube (eds) Widowhood, Inheritance Laws,
Customs and Practices in Southern Africa; Women and Law in
Southern Africa Project, (Harare 1995).
Stewart, J.E with Dengu-Zvobgo, K., Donzwa, W, Gwaunza, E.
Kazembe, J., Ncube, W., Inheritance in Zimbabwe: Law, Customs
and Practice, (WLSA, Harare 1994)
286 University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 2019