Honors Chemistry Semester 1 Project
Honors Chemistry Semester 1 Project
Honors Chemistry Semester 1 Project
Climate Change
Climate change is a huge problem around the world and especially in polluted
places like Hong Kong, they pose serious dangers including; higher
temperatures, changing landscapes and destroying habitats of animals; this
includes wildlife at risk, a few other problems are; rising sea, increased risk of
drought, fire and floods, and stronger storms with stronger age. Climate is the
average weather, temperature and amount of precipitation fallen in one
certain region or country. So, climate change is the change of climates, this
happens due to higher amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gasses,
including fossil fuels, the climate is rapidly changing throughout the world. The
main places affected are places like the Antarctica, and the other poles, as it
is heating up the nature, which means the ice is depleting and flooding the
poles with water, (picture above).
Water Pollution
Once again, water pollution is a huge problem among many third world
countries, and also Hong Kong because of the amount of pollution in the city.
It poses serious dangers including; death of water animals, disruption of food
chains, because of this destruction of ecosystems, and diseases, that affect
humans. Water pollution is the contamination of water, including lakes, rivers,
oceans, and groundwater, mostly caused by humans. Water pollution occurs
when pollutants, particles, chemicals or substances contaminate the water by
directly or indirectly make their way into the water, without enough treatment
to clean the water and make it healthy enough to use it in our every day lives.
Because of this, 40% Americas Rivers and 46% of Americas lakes are too
polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life. Every year, 250 million cases of
water-based diseases and roughly 5 to 10 million deaths occur.
Toxins in Food & Soil
Toxins in both, food and soil has damaged people in our world tremendously.
Toxins cause; a crazy amounts of diseases including; Cancer, impaired brain
development, Parkinson’s disease, miscarriages nerve damage, birth defects,
heart disease, diabetes and many more. Toxins in food and soil, are caused
by small molecules, or proteins that are capable of causing diseases on
contact to your body, when they are transported into the soil or things you eat,
they will go into your body’s system and can cause diseases quite soon after
contact. As I mentioned earlier it can cause, easily fixed diseases or they
could cause deadly ones that aren’t curable.
Depleting Ozone Layer
Depletion of the ozone layer has been a reoccurring problem for the last
several years. The depletion of the ozone layer causes a larger amount of UV
levels reaching the Earth from the sun, this causes non-melanoma skin
cancer, and plays a major role in malignant melanoma development, and UV
is also linked to cataracts. Ozone is a gas, and its chemical formula is; O 3,
Ozone depletion is simply wearing out the layer of ozone gas in the
stratosphere. Ozone depletion is caused by something called CFC’s, it is what
factories and other plants produce, by making there item of distribution, after
the CFC’s have been released, sunlight breaks CFC’s up, releasing chlorine,
chlorine then reacts with O3, and destroys the ozone layer, more reactions
occur which causes more depletion. Like I mentioned before the main problem
with the depletion, is that there are more UV rays, which causes skin cancer
and other types of diseases.
Air Pollution
Air pollution is a HUGE problem here in Hong Kong. The main effects of air
pollution are as following; Acidification is when chemical reactions take place
involving air pollutants, and they create acidic compounds, which cause harm
to vegetation and buildings. If sulfuric acid is created it can mix with the clouds
which can cause acid rain which destroys, trees and can harm animals, fish
and other wildlife, a few other effects are; ground level ozone, where an
ozone layer is created on the ground, and this can be poisonous to us,
making it harder for us to breathe and can cause harm to wild life. Finally it
can cause respiratory system failures, lung cancer and heart diseases. Air
pollution occurs when gases, dust, fumes or odor are mixed into our
atmosphere, the main pollutants are fossil fuels, carbon monoxide and finally
sulfur dioxide.
Reaction Relating to Issue
1. Climate change:
Combustion of Methane gas:
Reduced: O (g)2
# of e- transferred: 8 e-
Two clear gasses added together form a clear liquid and a clear gas.
2. Water Pollution
(Acid Rain)
Clear liquid and clear, pungent smelling gas added together, forming a clear
3. Soil Pollution
4. Depleting Ozone Layer
Breaking down of the chloroflourocarbon to release the chlorine on its own, which
destroys the ozone layer
Cl CF (g) + UV Light --> ClCF + Cl (g)
2 2 2
The breaking apart of the ozone caused by the chlorine on its own
Cl (g) + O (g) --> ClO (g) + O (g)
3 2
Clear gas added to purple light amounts in two clear gases
5. Air Pollution
Type: Synthesis
Oxidized: N in NO
Reduced: O 2
# e- transferred: 4 e-