G6PD and Malaria
G6PD and Malaria
G6PD and Malaria
87 of which have reached polymorphic (i.e. >1%) fre- methionine substitution [11]. Although the nucleotide
quencies [7, 8]. These variants have been characterised 202 substitution accounts for at least 95% of the G6PD
biochemically based primarily on their differing residual A– molecular variants in Africa, in a minority of individ-
enzyme activities, electrophoretic mobility patterns and uals two other alternative second mutation sites have
also on their physicochemical (thermostability, chro- been identified at nucleotides 680 and 968 [11, 12].
matographic behaviour) and kinetic (Km for glucose-6
phosphate or NADPH, pH dependence and utilisation of
substrate analogues) properties [7]. G6PD deficiency
The G6PD variants are grouped into the following
classes depending on the degree of enzyme deficiency Frequency and distribution
and associated clinical symptoms:
G6PD deficiency is the commonest enzymopathy in man
– Class I: severely deficient associated with chronic non-
affecting over 400 million persons worldwide [13]. This
spherocytic anaemia
disorder, which is caused by a multitude of the different
– Class II: severely deficient, <10% residual enzyme ac-
structural allelic mutants of the G6PD gene referred to
above, is found mainly in the tropical and sub-tropical
– Class III: moderately deficient, 10–60% enzyme activity
regions of the world, with the highest rates, usually
– Class IV: near normal or normal enzyme activity,
5–30%, being found in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the
60–150% enzyme activity
Mediterranean and Papua New Guinea [7]. Worldwide
– Class V: enzyme activity, >150%
the frequency figures range from 62% in Kurdish Jews to
To date, comparison of gene sequences encoding enzyme 0.1% in Japan and northern Europe [14].
variants to that of the normal G6PD B gene has led to the
identification of at least 34 different mutations [7]. These
mutations are widely spread throughout the gene, being Clinical features
found in all exons except exon 3 and exon 13. All but
one of these are point mutations associated with amino Clinical expression of G6PD deficiency is probably de-
acid substitutions [2]. The exception is G6PD Sunder- pendent on an interaction of the molecular properties of
land, which is due to a 3-bp deletion and results in the a given deficiency variant, exogenous factors and, possi-
loss of an isoleucine residue [9]. Interestingly, a substan- bly, additional genetic factors [7]. In unstressed normal
tial number of these variants are associated with variable cells G6PD activity is only 2% of total capacity [14], and
forms of G6PD enzyme deficiency. The absence in the therefore it is hardly surprising that most individuals
G6PD gene of larger deletions, or other mutations such with the more common class II and III G6PD deficiency
as nonsense mutations or frameshift mutations that variants are usually asymptomatic. Although there is no
would completely abolish the function of the protein, direct evidence to support this, it is likely that there is a
suggests that complete absence of the G6PD enzyme is correlation between the degree of enzyme deficiency and
incompatible with life [2]. the propensity to develop clinical symptoms.
In Africa G6PD is essentially a tri-allelic polymor- The most striking clinical syndrome associated with
phism (Table 1). G6PD B, the normal variant associated G6PD deficiency, acute haemolytic anaemia, occurs as a
with normal or 100% enzyme activity, is the commonest manifestation of this disorder on the mature red blood
allele, with frequencies of 60–80%. G6PD A which has cell. On account of its long non-nucleated life-span and
90% of the activity of G6PD B is the next commonest al- hence its impaired ability to generate adequate levels of
lele with frequency between 15–40%. The third allele NADPH and reduced forms of glutathione, the mature
which is the common deficiency allele in Africa is G6PD erythrocyte has a diminished reductive capacity to re-
A–. It is a class III variant with 12% enzyme activity, and spond to oxidant stress. Uncompensated oxidant stress in
it varies in frequency from 0% to 25% [7]. the erythrocyte leads to oxidation of haemoglobin to
G6PD A– is unique in that it contains two mutations. methaemoglobin, heinz body formation and membrane
The first at nucleotide 376, which on its own gives rise to damage [15]. In the extreme this leads to haemolysis
G6PD A [10], is an adenine to guanine substitution that while less severe oxident stress increases the deformabil-
results in an asparagine to aspartate amino acid substitu- ity of the erythrocyte and probably enhances the likeli-
tion while the second mutation, usually a guanine to ade- hood that the stressed cell will be removed from circula-
nine substitution at nucleotide 202, leads to a valine to tion by the reticuloendothelial system [16, 17].
Acute haemolytic anaemia is therefore the most fre-
quent clinical manifestation of G6PD deficiency. The
Table 1 G6PD alleles in Africa and their enzyme activities&/tbl.c:&
haemolysis is precipitated most commonly by infections
Alleles Class Enzyme activity Frequency but can also occur after the ingestion of drugs and food-
stuffs that contain oxidant components or in certain met-
G6PD B IV 100% 0.60–0.80 abolic conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis [18].
G6PD A IV 80% 0.15–0.40 Agents with oxidant properties such as primaquine,
G6PD A– III 12% 0.00–0.25
sulphonamides, nitrofurantoin and several anti-inflam-
matory agents are the most common drugs associated graphical correlation between the distribution of these
with haemolysis [18]. Fava beans (Vicia faba) commonly polymorphic deficiency variants with areas with histori-
ingested in the Mediterranean are the most well docu- cal endemicity of P. falciparum malaria suggests that
mented causative dietary agent and are associated with a disorder has risen in frequency through natural selection
well characterised condition, favism. Favism is associat- by malaria. The geographical distribution of G6PD defi-
ed with the severely deficient class II G6PD Mediterra- ciency can not be attributable solely to gene flow. In-
nean form and not the moderately deficient G6PD A– deed, the presence of many diverse G6PD variants that
form that is common in Africa. Although all victims of have arisen independently and reached polymorphic fre-
favism are G6PD deficient, not all (only 25%) G6PD- quencies in geographically disparate areas [7] further
deficient individuals develop favism after consumption supports the occurrence of natural selection of this disor-
of the fava beans [1, 7], suggesting that they may be oth- der. This hypothesis is further supported by the results of
er genetic or environmental factors involved in the patho- micromapping studies within relatively restricted geo-
genesis of this condition. graphical areas such as Kenya [24], Papua New Guinea
For class I G6PD deficiency variants the formed en- [25], Greece [26] and Sardinia [27] that have demon-
zyme is functionally so poor that the red cell life-span is strated a similarly remarkable geographical correlation
shortened even in the absence of stress, and hence class I between altitude and the distribution of G6PD deficiency
variants are associated with a chronic non-spherocytic with the lower altitude (<1000 m) areas, known to have
hemolytic anaemia [7] with affected individuals typically more intense malaria transmission, being clearly associ-
having mild to moderate anaemia and splenomegaly. The ated with higher frequencies for G6PD deficiency.
disadvantage of the chronic anaemia probably outweighs
any survival advantage afforded by these class I muta-
tions, and not surprisingly most of these mutations arise In vitro evidence
sporadically and are not usually propagated in popula-
tions [7]. Interestingly, most of the mutations that give Reports from early field studies that P. falciparum and P.
rise to these class I variants are clustered near the car- vivax parasites preferentially invade younger red blood
boxyl terminus of the G6PD protein [13]. cells that have relatively higher G6PD activity [28, 29],
Another serious clinical effect of G6PD deficiency is as well as the observation that in the presence of normal
icterus neonatorum or neonatal jaundice, which in severe and deficient erythrocytes malaria parasites preferential-
cases can lead to permanent neurological damage or ly develop in the normal cells [30], led investigators to
death. Increased red blood cell destruction accounts for propose that G6PD-deficient erythrocytes confer protec-
some of the hyperbilirubinaemia observed in this syn- tion against malaria by inhibiting erythrocyte invasion or
drome, but it is likely that severe enzyme deficiency in intracellular development of the malaria parasite [31,
the hepatocyte may impair the catabolism of bilirubin 32]. Since then there have been several independent
and thus also contribute to the development of jaundice studies in the literature reporting impaired growth of P.
[7]. falciparum in G6PD-deficient erythrocytes [33, 34], al-
though in some studies this was only observed when cul-
tures were subjected to oxidative stress [32]. Further-
X-chromosome activation and G6PD deficiency more, there are data that indicate that in heterozygous fe-
males, who as a consequence of variable X-chromosome
The G6PD gene is on the X chromosome and hence one inactivation have different proportions of normal and de-
of the two G6PD alleles present in females is subject to ficient cells, the degree of parasite growth inhibition is
inactivation. Variable X-chromosome inactivation means proportional to the percentage of deficient cells present
that expression of G6PD deficiency differs markedly [35].
among female heterozygotes as their red blood cell pop- Although there is growth inhibition in G6PD-deficient
ulations are variable mosaics of deficient and normal erythrocytes, it is now clear that after a few growth cy-
cells [19]. This phenomenon affects all somatic cells in cles the parasite can overcome the inhibition [36], and it
the body such that G6PD phenotypes have been success- had been suggested that the parasite achieved this by
fully used in the past to determine the clonal origins of producing its own G6PD enzyme [37, 38]. An ingenious
certain tumours and embryonal tissues in such female mechanism (based on the premise that expression of par-
G6PD heterozygotes [19–22]. asite G6PD enzyme is determined by G6PD genotype of
the host erythrocyte) was put forward [38] as a possible
mechanism to account for the results of a previous study
The G6PD deficiency and malaria hypothesis that had indicated that G6PD deficiency protection
against malaria was the sole prerogative of female het-
Epidemiological evidence erozygotes [39]. Hence in uniformly deficient red blood
cells such as those found in deficient hemizygous males
Although several different hypotheses have been ad- or deficient hemizygous females the parasite’s own in-
vanced to explain why G6PD deficiency has been select- duced G6PD enzyme would compensate for the lack of
ed for in different populations [1, 23]. The striking geo- the host’s enzyme. However, in female heterozygotes,
who necessarily have mixed populations of deficient and The literature on previous G6PD deficiency/malaria
non-deficient erythrocytes, parasite adaptation would be field studies is full of conflicting reports [28–30, 39,
compromised, and thus the parasite growth and multipli- 43–47], summarised in Table 2. The most widely quoted
cation impaired by the parasites need to repeatedly field study was carried out by Luzzatto’s group in Nige-
switch on and off its own enzyme as it moved from defi- ria in the early 1970s [39]. The frequencies of the G6PD
cient to non-deficient host red blood cell. While confirm- A males and G6PD A–/B females were lower in those
ing the phenomenon of adaptation, subsequent studies children with malaria, suggesting that these genotypes
have found that the parasite G6PD levels do not appear are protective against the disease. Their observation that
to be affected by the host red cell genotype [40–42]. the mildly deficient G6PD A males and only G6PD A–/B
heterozygotes and not G6PDA–/A heterozygotes with
comparable G6PD activities, nor the more markedly de-
Field studies ficient hemizygous males and homozygous females, are
protected against malaria appears to indicate that the de-
It has long been recognised that definitive answers on the gree of enzyme deficiency per se is not involved the
malaria/G6PD hypothesis have to come from field stud- mechanism of protection against in G6PD deficiency.
ies. Such studies have needed to answer several impor- Unlike the sickle cell trait, whose protective effect in
tant questions. Firstly, is G6PD deficiency protective malaria has been relatively straightforward to prove in
against malaria, and if so, is it protective against uncom- vitro and field studies, the proposed protective role of
plicated mild malaria, severe malaria or both? Secondly, G6PD deficiency in malaria has proved difficult to veri-
if the disorder is protective, what is the extent of protec- fy. There are several reasons that may explain this. In
tion, and are all the different male and female deficiency contrast to sickle haemoglobin, G6PD follows a sex-
genotypes afforded similar protection? Answers to these linked rather than an autosomal inheritance pattern, and
questions would provide a basis for understanding of the males therefore have distinctly different genotypes from
mechanism of protection of this disorder against malaria females. In addition, there is considerable genetic hetero-
in addition to clarifying the evolutionary mechanisms re- geneity associated with G6PD deficiency, and in some
sponsible for the high prevalence of this genetic disorder populations more than one deficiency variant is present.
in most tropical and sub-tropical populations. More pertinently, it is known that fitness of the deficien-
Fig. 1 Possible protective
mechanisms of G6PD deficien-
cy against severe malaria&ig.c:/f
cy phenotype is decreased significantly only under a lim- frequencies in children with the relatively rare condi-
ited number of specific circumstances and therefore on tion of complicated or severe malaria [49, 50] with those
average very little. Lastly, G6PD deficiency may interact of matched controls seems to offer a more sensitive
with other genetic factors and population specific non- measure of the effect of malaria resistance alleles [51,
malaria environmental factors, such as diet, to modify 52].
the net fitness of the carrier [48]. The largest field study on G6PD deficiency and ma-
In retrospect it would have been surprising if a signif- laria was carried out in two malaria endemic regions in
icant effect of G6PD deficiency had been clearly demon- East and West Africa and measured the frequencies of
strated in some of the major field studies carried out in the G6PD A–, G6PD A and G6PD B genotypes in over
the past. Invariably these clinical studies attempted to de- 2000 DNA samples collected from children under 10
fine the various genotypes from phenotypic measure- years [53]. This was the first and certainly the largest
ments of enzyme levels, electrophoretic mobility and cy- field study to use precise molecular techniques to un-
tochemical staining patterns [39, 43, 46]. This is difficult equivocally define G6PD genotypes in an investigation
because overlapping levels of enzyme activity are seen of the proposed protective effect of a G6PD deficiency
among genotypes, related partly to variable inactivation allele, such as G6PD A–, against malaria. There was no
of X chromosomes in female heterozygotes and partly to significant heterogeneity in odds ratios between the two
altered rates of erythrocyte turnover in acute malaria [7]. populations studied, and the results of both studies dem-
Furthermore, several of these studies were studying para- onstrated that the frequencies of both female heterozy-
site densities in cases of the more common clinical con- gotes and male hemizygotes are lower in the children
dition, mainly mild or uncomplicated malaria [39, 46]. with severe malaria than in controls. While female het-
Recently it has been found that comparison of genotype erozygotes were significantly protected against both se-
vere malaria (46%) and mild malaria (41%), male hemi- malaria resistance afforded to female heterozygotes is
zygotes were only significantly protected against severe little different from that of male hemizygotes, the overall
malaria (58%). Unfortunately, female G6PD A– homo- fitness of female heterozygotes is likely to be greater
zygotes were too rare to allow measurement of the sus- than that of hemizygotes and homozygotes. This situa-
ceptibility of this genotype to severe malaria. A possible tion constitutes a balanced polymorphism [57] and
protective effect of the G6PD A genotype, with 85% of perhaps explains the observed rarity of populations in
normal enzyme activity, was sought by comparing the which frequencies of G6PD deficiency are in excess of
frequencies of this genotype between the clinical groups 50% [7].
in which an effect was perhaps most likely to be detect- Most studies addressing the malaria G6PD question
able, i.e. males with severe malaria to control males. have involved the more common P. falciparum malaria,
This did not demonstrate any significant differences in and hence there is a paucity data on the role of G6PD de-
the frequency of this genotype between these groups. ficiency in non-falciparum malaria. One study in Nigeria
Heterozygosity for haemoglobin S was strongly protec- reported a lower than expected frequency of female het-
tive against both severe and mild malaria in both areas, erozygotes amongst 33 girls with P. malariae associated
but no clear evidence of interaction between G6PD and nephrotic syndrome [1]. Another study by Kar et al. [45]
haemoglobin S genotypes was observed, although the in northern India reported protection in female heterozy-
power of the study to detect this was low. gotes and male hemizygotes against both P. falciparum
The data from this African case-control study strong- and P. vivax malaria.
ly suggest that the G6PD A– allele is associated with There are still several issues that have not been ad-
substantial resistance to severe malaria in hemizygous dressed on the malaria G6PD hypothesis. Data on the
males as well as in heterozygous females. Its results con- role of enzyme-deficient female homozygotes as well as
cur with in vitro studies showing impaired growth of P. that of the numerous other known G6PD deficiency vari-
falciparum in enzyme-deficient erythrocytes [33] and ants on severe malaria are still needed. It will also be in-
suggest that the degree of enzyme deficiency is central to teresting to pursue these current data with in vitro work
the protective mechanism of G6PD deficiency against to assess the possible effects of G6PD deficiency on im-
malaria. There are several mechanisms which might ex- portant host-parasite phenomena such as sequestration,
plain this phenomenon at the molecular level (Fig. 1). rosetting and macrophage release of key cytokines such
The most likely attributes protection to reduced multipli- as tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-4, and interferon-γ
cation in deficient erythrocytes, probably as a result of in response to parasite infection. Furthermore elucidation
the intracellular accumulation of toxic oxidized sub- of the precise biochemical pathways with which oxida-
stances such as disulphide glutathione and haemozoin tive stress in deficient erythrocytes interferes with para-
[17, 34, 54]. However, there is some evidence that infect- site growth may provide additional impetus for efforts to
ed deficient erythrocytes are more susceptible to haemo- modify existing or design novel chemotherapeutic and
lysis as a result of increased methaemoglobin and release possibly immunotherapeutic agents that more effectively
of ferriheme, a known cytolytic agent [55], and that in target essential enzymes and cofactors in the parasite
addition, they are more readily phagocytosed by cells of growth process within the infected erythrocyte.
the reticuloendothelial system as a result of the erythro-
cyte changes (i.e. methaemoglobin and heinz body for-
mation, membrane damage) that are associated with the
oxidant stress imposed by parasite infection [17].
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