Oleh:: Critical Book Review English Curriculum and Material Developement
Oleh:: Critical Book Review English Curriculum and Material Developement
Oleh:: Critical Book Review English Curriculum and Material Developement
This assignment is the one of English task that composed of critical journal review
in Engliish Curriculum and Material Development subject . The writers realized this
assignment is not perfect. But The writers hope that it can be useful for us. Critics and
suggestion are needed here to make this assignment be better. Hopefully, The writers as
a student in State University of Medan can work more professional by using English as
the second language . Thank you.
16,October 2020
The Writers
Nur HIdayat. Developing E-Reading Materials for Students of Grade Seven. EDUSCOPE:
Journal of English Educators Society, April 2017 E. ISSN. 2503-3492. Reviewed by Desita Sari
Saragih and Alfina Nurul Khofifah Daulay
This article was study about the Developing E-Reading Materials for Students of Grade Seven
where the aim of this research is the need analysis questionnaires which shows that English reading
skills of students of grade seven Gresik need to be developed. It related to objective by the
government to make teachers have a skill to operate the learning media in listening especially in
Indonesia that using the k13 curriculum which has so many implication in it. This article also
stressed on the text book that using by the student to support the reading skills that appropriate with
the government standards.
The first thing that discussed by the writers in finding and discussion is the results of needs
analysis questionnaires. Where the table is filled by two things. Those are potency and problem of
students. The writers also put the percent of the potency table and then the writers explained step
by step of the research that they did. Some table also presented by the writer to show the results of
this part. After revising the product, the researcher also did a product try out during the test. During
try out of product, the researcher observed the student involvement and situation. The result of
needs analysis problems in English class. There computer, students’ enthusiasm that 81 % students
in the class computer and they also enthuse activities such as: video, games, problems that happens
in the class students’ vocabulary needs, reading lack of reading instructions and that 75 % students
feel difficult in that they need vocabulary list with text and 81 % students usually know the
meaning. The product is evaluated by two experts who have the ability in technology and English
language teaching. And the last, the results in this article shows that the interactive CD is
acceptable for the seventh grade students.
Critical Reflection
In 2013 curriculum, English is one of controversial subject that discussed by the people because
several issues which related to English. In this research, the researchers want to show that teachers
are actually have a big part of this to make learning process become efficient. The first about the
abstract that discussing the development in this study consists of needs analysis, developing
materials, evaluation, and product try-out and revision. The subjects of the needs analysis consist of
33 students from junior high school at the seventh grade who represented three levels of ability
(good, average, poor) and the English teacher. The product is evaluated by two experts who have
the ability in technology and English language teaching. The result shows that the interactive CD is
acceptable for the seventh grade students.
The type of method of this research is qualitative Research because there was an observation, with
analyze consist of 33 students from junior high school at the seventh grade who represented three
levels of ability (good, average, poor) and the English teacher. The researchers did The
instructions in the materials were based on the syllabus and the test items consist of multiple
choices, matching words and other forms based on the learning objectives. Then, the researchers
gave the questionnaires to get their comments and responses about the materials. Their comments
and suggestions became the basis of the materials revision. Finally, the final product or electronic
reading materials were finished.
And in finding and discussion the researchers explained all things in table. For example, the
results of needs analysis questionnaires, the result of evaluation of the product, comments and
suggestions from the experts and English teachers, the aspects that should be revised, the result of
the students’ opinion about the product. Those are arranged in such a way. And the writers agree
that this part of article is good enough.
As the end of this reviewed, the writers thinks that the article is superb, the explanation are clear
and it correlates with the real situation especially about the implementing of using curriculum
2013 in learning process. The writing is good as well, it shows a complete explanation and consists
of many experts opinion. But the article doesn’t show some pictures that actually can support the
theory or explanation of the research, even though all things or the explanation have been
explained has wrote there. The reason why the writers choose this article is because the article is
good and it is very close with the phenomenon in the diverse country as Indonesia where English is
so important so the teacher should put their attention on it.
In this journal, the authors write that in the development of e-reading materials, researchers use
several programs to design materials, such as animation, video, music, test items, and scores into
flash files that can be operated independently via their respective computers. This program has
been revised to suit Experts and Teachers of Suggestions and Comments. From the research results
of students opinion about this program, the majority of students like this program when applied to
learning English, this program makes students happy in learning reading, helps students understand
reading text, remember vocabulary and so on. The writers suggest that the teacher can use the
electronic material in reading.
After reviewing this journal, the writers can draw conclusions from the data presented in this
journal that e-reading material can be an alternative for students to learn English at home. e-reading
material can be a complementary material or support material for English text books, it would be
better if the teacher can collaborate on electronic reading material by reading textbooks on teaching
materials in the teaching and learning process, with electronic media students can practice, learn
independently at home, so that way the ability of students in reading will be trained. And the
writers can know that by using the electronic material in learning, can create a pleasant atmosphere
for students.
Barak, M., Lipson, A., & Lerman, S. (2006). Wireless Laptops as Means For Promoting Active
Learning In Large Lecture Halls. Education, 38(3), 245–263
Fardy, M., Namdar, L., Farhadi, S., Shorabi, H. N., & Saboori, A. (2011). The Effect of Using
Computer- AssistedLanguage Learning (CALL) on the Reading Comprehension of Expository
Texts for the Iranian University Female Senior. Applied Studies, 1(2), 1–7
Afidah, N. Designing E-Reading Material for The First Grade of Senior High School Students
.Eduscope: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran, dan Teknologi, Juli, 2020. Vol. 06 No. 01,pp.59-64.
Reviewed by Dina Vitaloka and Doni Setiawan Sinaga.
In this article, The Author (Afidah. N) analysis about designing E-reading material for the first
grade of senior high student. And research is aimed to find out the researcher wanted to conducted
a research related to the development of electronic reading materials. Then the objective of the
study was formulated as designing electronic-based materials of reading comprehension for the
second semester students at the first grade of senior high school.
English and computer are also essential in education aspect because English is considered as
global language. Therefore, there are many books that written in English. Of course, it influences
students’ style in gathering the knowledge that affect to their achievement. Besides, computer is
extremely needed in the modern system of education. As we know that there are many sources that
can be accessed through computer. Moreover, the use of media is very useful for students in
comprehending the materials, for more abstract the object, and the more difficult to be understood
by the learners. In the contrary, the more concrete the object the easier to be understood.
In this case, the researcher wants to conduct a research relating to the development of electronic
reading materials. Then the objective of the study was formulated as designing electronic-based
materials of reading comprehension for the second semester students at the first grade of senior
high school. The research design of this study is namely Research and Development (R&D).
According to Latief (2009) research and development (R&D) is a process used to develop and
validate educational product. To develop the media, the researcher will use Sadiman model
recommended by Sadiman et al (1986). This development model meets the learners’
characteristics, and it is also considered as a simple and effective model to develop an interactive
learning device.
First about abstract. The abstract served only in English, it would be better if the researcher also
used Indonesian for this abstract. But even so, overall the contents of this abstract are good,
because in it there are already research objectives, research methods, research results, problem
solving by the author, as well as keywords. All of these things are written clearly and concisely, so
that make the reader becomes easier in understanding this journal.
Second about introduction. In this section researcher describes the reasons why researcher
chosen this topic for research. In the writers opinion, the researcher describes the background
clearly and completely. The researcher also outlines the problems that he will examine and relate
them to relevant theories. In addition, the researcher writes the purpose of the research carried
out at the end of the sentence.
Third about review literature. In this section, the researcher connects theories that are relevant
to the research's topic he was done. In the writers opinion, the composition of the paragraphs
contained in this section does not look good, because the number of words between paragraphs
one and the following paragraphs is not balanced. But even so, the theories used are correct and
not excessive. In this section also, the researcher writes some expert opinions, and develop points
contained therein, so this reinforces the theoretical basis of the research.
Fourth about research methodology. In this section the researcher describes the research
method he used. In the writers opinion, the researcher did not give a strong argument why
researcher chosen descriptive qualitative method in the study, researcher only write that matter
researcher chosen that to answer the question in part of research question. The writers think it
would be much better if researcher gave a strong argument about it, so it can provide confidence
that the method is really appropriate to used in the study.
Even though, this section has several strengths, such as; the researcher explains clearly and in
detail, ranging from (1)population, (2)sample, (3)instrument of research, (4)data analysis
procedures with followed some steps, and (5)score categories. So that makes the reader easier to
understand and know the techniques he used in research. In addition, the researcher also gives a
strong reason why he chosen the sample and population, why he chosen the instrument, and he
also gave expert opinions about the definitions in each section. So, the writers think it’s really
Fifth about result & discussion of the research. In this section the researcher describes the
results obtained from the research he has done. The results of the data obtained in this study are
in accordance with the purpose of why the research was conducted. In the writers opinion,
researchers have explained the results of the research clearly and objectively. This is because
researchers describe the results of research using tables, diagrams, presentation of numbers,
relevant pictures and clear descriptions. Not only that, the results displayed do not contain
interpretations from any party.
Last about conclusion of journal. In the conclusion, the researcher explain the important
information generated from the research. In the writers opinion, the author has made conclusion
from the results of research clearly and concisely. This is because the researcher makes
conclusions by answering the goals, not repeating theories. Not only that, the author also, gave
the suggestion to solve the problem in the research.
After the writers finished reviewing this journal, the writers could conclude that overall this
journal was good. This is because the writing of this journal is in accordance with the rules of
writing international journals. not only that, this journal also has many strengths as the writers
have explained in the strengths and weaknesses section. Although this journal still has some
weaknesses, but the writers still recommend this journal to readers to be used as a reference for
knowledge about research of designing e-reading material.