24 September, 2020 Akanksha Maheshwari H20125

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24th September, 2020


Session in Brief:
Today’s session began with a short continuation about MBTI profiles, after which Sir started the discussion
on the case study - "The IT Engineer". We had been divided into groups of five and had been asked to
identify the problems, our solutions to help Abhinav and develop a framework to address behavioural
problems in an organisation. Based on our discussion, he then raised a question, "What kind of employees
do company need today – Vivek or Abhinav?"
What have I learned?
An important suggestion was given to us by Sir regarding the MBTI profession recommendations. We
shouldn’t take it very seriously and we should actually understand who we are and who the people around
us are before making a career choice.
Scapegoating is the identification of a particular person and putting the entire blame on him/her. However,
situations are not always black and white, and they are especially grey when observing the behaviour of a
person. It is imperative that we should stick only to the case facts and not presume anything, however
obvious that might be.
Coming to the question of who is more desirable as an employee, it is Vivek because organisations are
hierarchical and not democratic. Employees like Abhinav end-up separating them from the team and the
people which results in problems as we saw in the case.
Abhinav was seeking validation from his father as he valued his opinions. However, turning a deaf ear to
his son’s professional problems, led to Abhinav’s distancing from his family. No matter how trivial a
problem is, if someone has approached you with it, one should always try to be a good listener and not
ignore the person or their problems.

Due to this, Abhinav developed a cynical behaviour, which is characterized by developing a highly
competitive attitude, motivated by self-interest, loss of empathy towards others, and a superiority

Action Plan:
Learning to be a good listener is an essential skill, especially for a future HR professional. Being the Class
Representative, I try to implement this policy, but on some days I fail. I will practice improving myself in
this arena and also learn to share more so others are motivated to do the same.

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